HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1888-1-19, Page 8Our Washington Letter, (From our own Correspondent.) Asn rule the prayer of the Sena es lapi:tin is daily delivered to an elm empty. chef nber It is a. very r. thin;; for the preeiding officer to call n;utit•iltn to order frequently not mo than half a dozen Senators -.&r preset l i'tAStars genetaliy admit that it is reproach to the body to thus ignore nilly velig )a►s:eeervice in connecton evi the pro ee, iia es, and numerous quie etfurte have ben made to affect a ,r form. In the laet °Negress Servat honer teffred a. resolutioi's to requi the presence of a quorum at the praye tut the seionci day after he failed vet in au appearance iia time Whe .the ,Prayer hal been delivered M Roam entered the chamber wearin eeteewitat in ale` of t'ltibari'asmer Il is desligaency was ol►senved, and th le„iralufiotr became a deadietter. Thi i„ne i; l; of the. prayer has grown to h to I bili of the Senate. When Judg Davi; of Hinters, was .;president pr of names: "Date, 1841, August; name t L, Q. C, Lamar. Father, 'L. r Q, C' o I subLicovHE '. Lamar. When born, year 18.5 month to September; date 17th, etc, Ile be- } orsti e came at once a tnenlber of one of the P1ox-ch Wailer, are literary societies, the .~;Iii-Gan)ma. The e records of that society report identically the same as to the time of his bird:, W mb S1(le of Ntbill-"^ tre6t, t Sept. 17, 1825, with other particulars, Q place of birth. . etc." the th to e - OT re t n e Thi e e o - tempore I e.ene'nrd Mei chamber Twit �i , . tip clitt mei ►+> one els - and tl p t the ori Sec,:s»alr v rsible was Mr. Butler, Sent:r Carolina. Judge Davis did no panise : ninstant, but with all the so' nitro and gravity usually observe 3,y him vee such oecasioaia, he gave stroke with his gavel and "saes: "Th Sea;aater from South !Carolina will coin to rarer." The summons was treated ¢.e s jest ley the.gaileries and the page free this 1,00r, it was not so intended I'tJe tireeitaing .officer took that Teethe oe *thing the Senate and of havin his teinik,e go into Record. There is a (1,01 ;+ Meng, rola of the Senators t crime prompt .attondauce, and th sal:led has been canvassed to eons Nitwit. There are Senators who hold that it would he better to do away with the prayer altogether than to trea this religioes formula with seely Apparent disrespect. But of. coarse, no propo- siti1tt to dispense With the chaplain s°a+ul<l he aceriousQy orasidered,'end the -.Von is how to erevalit upon the Mors to be en band in the time for Itrayer. The pre meat opinion is 8.ila. it must lie a moral reformation, as l tl t attempts to make prompt attend - nn e t rad ng ley resolution have failed. Aleeander liz du n.Anil isa very rich lege, olid so are all his relatives. While lie owlet ht, deprived of hie A rc e.'lrf debt:, -et, his future ineoane is wry mu,•It in (17)&4. Should the de - .i lien of the United States Supremo Core. fie, adverse to Bell the people of the ectentry will get cheaper telephone erc-ieee and the cptlbrs of a great mo- 1toply wall no. longer he stiffed full to over aweiang: Mall is a handsome Can- adian, t uti enjoyes the luxury of the leurdsomest,hnuse in Washington for ;which he paid $110,000. He is vweil•built than, with black hair and !eeaid just beginning to turn gray, and has' a young looking face. The interior of hie home L. superb. Water eolors, s'Ave painting, andl soft etchings -sur- rzernd ,vou un eyerg side. The furni- ture of the house is .a, marvel of taste marl richness. The ibrary, which ad- joi�is tilts train entrance, is'a model item of its hinge, end contains thou. ~aids or rare literary peoductians. The lriteli:lr of the books is of the highest j.oi ft:vti o, and yon alieost fear to touch the covers. Many of the chairs art: of ervei Wiu1al wood, Mrs. Pell a fit of mute, although she can con- tirc•i�t• with her husband teiulily who ;uCi itrst:tx,ds every movement of her Dips. She was rieh before she married. tee telephone magnate, but as largely inf'reastel her income froio ti is trincely gifts to her of large blocke of telephone meek. The statement has been made tai the authority of an old copy of Lan- mLamar Congressional Directory that :Sea:retery is sixty-eight years of age. Ili: conversation with your corre- spouda n t, o. prominent Southern gentle- man said that he remembered some years ago the Secretary, laughinerr about this biographionl sketch. Mr. Lamer said that be bad, not furnished the ma- terittl, as he, in common with othe members of Congress, had been re- quested to do, by Mr. Lanwan, and the sketch for this reason was written by some one who was not acquainted with the facts. This gentleman also showed ,mei a letter from Prof. Geb. W. Strong, of Oxford, Ga., in which Jae says: "Yes, I remember Lticizis Lamar well ;<vhen he was auurchin of about twelve years: old, in tie Manual Labor school near Pillory College in 1837. He was cinder my supervision ;as one ,of a numleer of small boys known as the 'rap Shot ,Gang,' I being put over then as an molder boy. liut there is better evidence than my personal recollection. I have reference to matriculation' . book of Ls',mery .College, a public record in which each stadent on entering the college has to have his name recorded, that of his father, time of mirth, res, dence, etc. It is now before:me, and copy the following from a long list f A Burning ]dine. Another ,disastrous explosion is tool from the coal mines at Stellarton, the scene of the great wreck of 1880 when forty lives were lost, The "Cage pit" has been en fire for some years,ond au enormous quantity of coal bar 'Well destroye&I. The fare from this pit is sup- posed to have made its way to the Halifax pit, for it was discovered to be on .fire at aline o'clock last night, since which time three disastrous 0..'910010115have occurred. Fifteen.inen were at work in the mine building .a brick wall when the fire .was discovered, They h made a rush for the surface and they ' 'e s CiledIt an explosion occurred which .reeked the nnue. Four of the meta t were badly injured. At half -past one 1- o clock to -day another territiic explosion d oecurred, which burned the engine- • house, destroyed the fan and wrecked e every thing within reach, The force e of the explosion was treliaQm,dous ;and'' was heard in Pietou, tell miles distant, s as distinct as an earthquake shook, while the huge volume of amok° ,ere d visible Eur a great many miles around. g litany miners will be thrown out of work. The urine is owned by 7V'ew o jYork and English capitalists. e 0 County and General News Notes. Thos. Gibson,for some veers an offi- cer in the Salvation .Army at liVingliar and other places, and known in the Army circles as "The happy farmer," diet] rho other day at his father's resi- dence, near W'ingbalu, aftor two days' ualll meating of Hulled 'Dis- :t ti. lw,,, was held in the Orange ;tail Seafortii, on Tuesday last Al- though the day was stormy, there was a good attendance. The reports from the different lodges showed that the Order 'lad made marked progress in the district during the year. After other important business was transact ed the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:. ---JL D. M., It. Searletty Winthrop, D. D. 1L, A. M ",Todd, Olinton, 1), Chap., Thos. Kearns, Clintqu, nee. Secy„ P. Canton, Clin- ton, Fin. Secy., N. Strong, Seafarer, TReas.,1). Caption, Clinton, Dir. of Coe, Wm. Ross, Clinton, Leets. J. fi.. Welsh, Seafarer; John Scarlett, Lead - bury, P. D. 11„ E. Moody, Clinton. The officers elected were installed by E. Moody, W. C. M. 'The next annual meeting will be held in Clinton. Furniture and Undertaking. —GO TO_ Howe and D !C W' FOR Bed -room and . Parlor Suites, Sideboards and Entension.Tables, JLou.ngefs and E a' y chairs. Largest warerooms in town. • UNDERTAKING, catsids of the ander- takers' rung, in all its branch es. Open day and night. STAND: one door north of poison's hank Main -street, - Exeter. NO CURE NO PAY! A Fair and Square Offer to Invalids to try The New Method Treatment Bywhich oursuecessin curing chronic disea- ses and defo tnitieshasbeenso uniform, that we will now guarantee to treat bad or reputed incurable cases, for a stipulated price until cured, and In case of failure to refund all the money paid us under such written guarantee. It will cost y on nothingto I nvestigate this off- er, as consultation at the offices or by letter is free. Take no chance—pay no money to a doc- tor. unless he has confidence enough in his skill to guarantee acure. Namatterwhatthe name or nature of your diseasemay becall on or write to us givingage, sex, complexion and symptoms. us, stamps to prepay postage on the NEW METRO') CURE books. Parti, contains 228 pages, over 200illustrations, symptoms of diseases and reports of over 10,000 cures; Prescriptions for the cure of acute diseases by Allopathic, H.otnceopatbic and 1•;olectla remo- ,dies; hygienic instructionsforevery lady gentle- men and family, Will be mailed on receipt of 20 two -cent stamps, or40 cents in silver. Part II, private information for men and boys, young or old maned sealed in plain envelope on receipt of Savo -cent stamps pr 10 cents inailver. Part III information and instructions for la- dies, married Or single, 14 colored illustrations, symptoms, advice and reports of cures; retailed to gates only, sealed lu plain eu velope on receipt of 5 two -cent stamps or 10 cents in sliver.. The three books will be mailed for 25 two -cent stamps,pr 50 cents in silver, or will be given free at The Offices of The Drs. K & K Serpens, either at 159 Griswold St Detroit, Mich, or ati88 Elm Cinelnanti b. All letters mast beaddres- sed to gr. J. C. Kennedy Nall's Block; Detroit, .Mich. Webu ve cared Inve Kennedy,n all parts of the world through correspondence; remedies and insstrtio- AfOq¢Aeing amp by 4t4l Or ,F,•Apress, FJ 'EXETER, Opposite the new English i3hurah.. A GOOD FIT GUA.RA,NT'D Latest Myles of Goads kept in STOCK. A CALL SOLICi'11.13D. J G. Smallicoxxibe. BUTTI1 AND EGGS Je Mathcso TRR I QRT. Qat' Sciicl: Jt xe11 assorted :for rife ee'ai ow prices 4111 ifi►ilutaap G S : 7.5 bs.'suger for S A ; 18 lbs. 'white sugar for S1.00. n e met 1,. ..,1..04 ui TOM train Vie ui Us yet lb, Boots cl Shoes COLI Styles) at rosy p,rlcds. a etas?r asserts( Stoatt .3)'°'3 lk CORKS, SCYTHES and G -LASS 7s11 itze* (vbtan) Dot Machine 0U, We. iter q ail, Dual ea** law as 4AI:o tit, a nice Tea Sett at' 44 pieces, e2.75. t o2 Read; Sasso ,C etblsg !sr ip Qsxlerraal k1kilts get tip la getwt eryle. Otis Dress Goods are mark.. ed down to the lowest notch. COTTON -2O yds /or $1.00. A hewn and let, ,site a farm female. Apply JOHN MATHESON, Fay poittoiliec. Pure DRUGS; sP ATE N•T MEDICINES Of rLil lands at the DOMINION LABORATORY Main -Street, Exeter. Prescriptions promptly Filled, j WNINC Pl2OPFXE+ TOB. PHOTOCCAPHS: , MR. TOSEPH SENIOR having purchased the business of Chas. Senior, wishes to in- form the the public that he can be found At the Old stand. Main Street, Exeter. The Finest Cabinets in the (man ty, Elegant Finish. • Oopying and Enlarging done on shortest notice. JOS. S E R1101. A Po s ' IVO Otifew PACT~ r .tOF ALL A9ZS, DritnAa.gmgt ..or next. TOLE 61141' 'b •471E4T t .R10.111S tow ot PHOai'w', and gaJilnporee tledarins , ±s2' .. ' IMO ear;it: , costar re'tanee>s of 1roffeteretiu,a, f' F,xf,+'r.asatif "1"werk. WboF,rre broken dot n from The effects of,abnee':In And in Net, ft a mural caroler nerrna4 debility, orgaolo wcakn€x, in,c 0ptery opal 1on*cs, dtc, Warr -roars volt wrcxcu.:.o. B iS'iout.o ng UJ'xo.---,Wj w of antese. Tart~, o. Want Pi tarposi teat:u es, o1 *ht. ouusels's to ea_lO:Y, "Mat of evttlitienr .. r.vo w3ura et conversation, tteaarefor spaiinde,ltsaleauteatis and inability to ds t.ho atta;ii '. on aperttcnl:,rstiklect, oc'Wardioe, depreatsion of afytlrlte, giddiness, loei of menl,rr, para:bsbilitY of temper, Ver., iwatorrhwa, orloes of the eeinioal dnid tris rettula .of 6eif s qwe i r r':•:il.. excess. i;tip�o,. 'Amoy, tOnutrttlon, eaaaeiatton, barrenness, pa Pit.ition At #be bears, 71vsiFjc f ii3,9^fl1 fornale9 trombling. Rielancttoty, distarble dreatee. eta, tiro all armpit -4m of ,itis ternblt. habit, on, aetc.•y ee roam inep iu c t}, San ,*1Aort, the spring b • mita: Mare liming lost eta of•rn.8an° asylnaua units in rscrib! i; too the al ctt, o1 at �Aole � avtendyrttfY f pnCsD th dedn n, Asarco lives widish come ander their notice, of .crit csr, 3rscoAnpeGerit far the crsiao s .duties of business, incepacnated for the emoymen,..of life, Vo 8o•hrsn escape fri,ni .She effects of early Tice. tt yoit are advert a JO yams, So. �8 ill give yon fain rlcOt sad • -Strength, xt you aro broken down, phyi.ically' Ana morally. trout early lndtricr., itln„ the reaiw1 i of ignorance and 001151, Send your Address anal 10 cents in nt.> pa. for 4;. Q. A s'a E , 4 Tr L:se in ]3 oats Ferns. 9rr Diseases of Alert, ilgaltd and. waica0 from i oberirrtdaoa.; Address all cuanrtionicatlou'A MON, to irt, V. ON, 47 WeStlisarsrn 84 X, Toyota" A klanwathostwiaadoaa lima Ina Ev O paeradba. {Men 11314RARTECA HEAL THE, oris 1 Would take 41so invites the at s 4 on ge Steek.cumpxising the tollerring: Afirsaso Mock Itttrniug tba?lka fad public to hila nerve XeRt Owl n Winflay Ts •••••••••••-.0.-......CrOZYSIVIVG ,ASIAN LAMBS, BEAVER .4.TiD MINK„ FOR WMIG'IJ Rit Il.. T q #Ila CAREFUL INSPECTION OP .Ideal OLD CUSTOM 'i S AND ALL 0T.HEitS WIIO ARE PLEASED TO CALL. A Fir tclass stock of Boot S$0ES, RUBBER QVE'►SnOi , Ladies, Geula and Chilclreue; nereprieing the all (liftmen t ked:. --®ALSO AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT OF CROCKERY, CHINA & ctassWer • ALSO A GOOD SELECTION Off' Flannels and mores, plain and c,eck; 72 inch wool, sheetimpr, Heavy 0. wool Blankets, White and Gray Hoods, Tamo8hauters, lVool Jaokots; .M excellent assortment of Hosiery. ALSO GROCERIES AS .ice o A GOOD SUPPLY OF ALL STAPLES, AS REQUIRED IN IWEYERY HOME. 470 0.31.aXal+Et .3LVDEX ru. B 3 THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND THE LEADING NEWSPAPER OF CANADA DAILY GLOBE, Venting Edition, - $U.C'O per uttisue$x AI " 12 o'oloek '° - - 3.00 sa n 3 AS .a •3.00 a. WEEKLY owes, . - - . - 1.00 a' SATURDAY DAILY GLO&IE, - - 1.00 =a ea as a Th different editions of The Globe can be procured from ell News Dealers throughout Canada. - - - THE CLOSE SPECIAL FPtST T6 - - - becween Toronto and London, which has been runningdaily since 3rd March last, will be continued throughout a888. Thio train arrives at London at 6.40 a,m., making connection with all the early trains from that point, securing: for The Globe a delivery throughout Western Ontario hours in advance of all Toronto papers. - - w Te ADVERTISERS ISERS - - - As an advertising medium, The Globe has no equal in Canada. Its d�cviation, which appears at head of its editorial columns daily, is far in advance of all other Canadian pgampers, and it Nthe intention of an - .inept to always keep The Globe iso its proud pos'ihhon as the DING itugpApEa OF CAPIAI}A, both in point of circulation and influence. THE GLOBE PRINTING 00. „u,, TORONTO