The Advocate, 1888-1-19, Page 7THE WEEK'S NEWS.
On Thursday John Tilleriegton, le St.
Catharines fruit dealer, shipped 50,000
pounds of dried apples to the North-west,
The Minister of Customs has decided that
duty must be paid on Canadian teams re-
turning from work in American lumber
It is claimed that a majority of the canal.
dates ,for aldermanio honours in.Qttawa have
Minified to support the license reduction
etnent in
mov that c'
A number of the employee in the Toronto
Custom house have been granted increases
of aalarioe, and two have retired on account
of ill -health, receiving the usual gratuities.
Our English correspondent pointe out
that owing to the scarcity of horses in the
British, army, a chance offers itself of which
Canadian breeders ehonld not be slow to
avail themselves.
The Government has commissioned Mr,
Suneen Jonea, ex-M.P., of St, John, N.B.,
to visit, South America and the West Indies
with a view to working up closer trade rela-
tions with Canada.
Ti?e disputebetween the Canadian l'areifio
and Grand Trunk zeilwayeover the formel's
eastern entrance to Toronto has been deeid.
ed by the Railway Committee ot the Privy
Council fn favour of the Canadian Pacific,
Tie Cora(lion geoefte wente il:jae Dominion
G,ovesnment to be 'tweeted with pewee to
prohibit reit euterprisee like that whir la re-
ceutly proved so coasplcuons a failure, an
the ground of the danger to ocean uaalga.
tioti thee involved.
5 he fort Ifope Times remarks ;—Young
teen Fulls were bothered trying to think of
something to give particular youpg ladies,
ahanld have remembered that marriage li-
ceekee are easily and. promptly procured,
and that the coet is not exceaiive,
Certain 8tatemente seriously reflecting
upon the Toronto City Auditors, regarding
grave irregularities in the Water 'Works des
partment, were made by the Chairman of
;be Executive Committee, and a epecial
committee is investigating the matter.
Montreal has fifteen hundred licensed
and unlicensed grvggedes, while Toronto
lase but one hundred and fifty hotels and
Weems, It seems that is Quebec a saloon
keeper ;nay become a Falltical office holder,
or an owt of a scot fan any of the repre-
eerntative baffles, This acmuutas for the ix, -
theme of the saloon interest in the Nast.
Wei do this a better in #peptone.
A Fredericten seboelbey, Will O'Mara,
!eyed truant and w& afraid to Wore.
oaue, He remained out ail night, lying
under a hedge, with no covering except a
thin shirt:. In the morning he was =COW
whom anal would have died there had not a
neighbor eeen hint annd told his pereznta, who,
almost wild with grief, were overjoyed at
finding any life in their bay. .dicer long
insenufbility he recovered.
Last October ern expedition was ecnt to
Montana from the American Aivaenm of
Natural /finery, ,, Nnw York. to aoeu:re a
number of butialoee for a her group. The
pparty has just returned unsuceesefui, bav-
g faxen unable to find a single buffalo al-
though: diligent starch was ,made aver the
most likely territory. So many valuable
specimens of remains of ether animals were
found, however, that the expedition wee
not altogether u failure.
The Montreal detective eeendal brans en•
gaged the attention of both linglieh and
American journals. The 'latest comment
upon it cornea from across the ocean and is
in the nature of a sug cotton. It is stated
that the scandal. would make a good balls
for a sensational novel. A robbery ie com-
mitted and trusted doteetivee are employed
to bring the thieves to Justice, As the de-
tectives are tho culprits they, of *aurae, fail
to find anything but clues. Were Gilbert
to handle the subject ho would triune the
detectives to arrest themselves. How he
would ultimately extricate them and marry
thein to the various horoinee, deponent salol
The loft Joggles raft has given oCanadian
maritime interests an unenviable notoriety.
The raft was built in New Brunswick as an
experiment in the shipment of timber, the
idea of the builder being thatloga braced to-
gether could be towed to Nev York leas ex-
pensively than they could be carried by ship.
It would appear that the probability that
the huge structure might become unmanage-
able at sea never entered the mind of the
designer; or, if it did, it was perhaps set
aside with the reflection that the risks of
aocidenta ` were loos numerous than the
chances that the raft would pull through in
safety. The disaster has now happened,
and the raft has been afloat on the ocean, a
terror to mariners and a discredit to Can-
ada.: Even the breaking up of the raft will
not relieve the feeling of fear with regard to
it, for it is istated that one of those huge
logs striking an ,iron., vessel with the fall
force of the waves would probably sink her.
No doubt we have seen the laab of the big
raft business. The shipping interest, which
has watched' the experiment with a jealous
eye, will hope so, at all events, for the one
raft contained'as much timber as seventy
timber vessels•could carry.
A Halifax special to the N. Y. World,
Dec. 27,:eays :—A state of semi -mutiny pre-
vails ; among• the soldiers of the York and
Lancaster regiments quartered in the Wel-
lington Barracks. Bad feeling has been
brewing among certain -companies for some
time. Two thirds of the :regiment and its
cfficers prepared to celebrate Christmas in
old English style. They handsomely deco-
rated the barracks and issuedinvitations for
'a ball. During yesterday there was a great
deal of drinking among the men. In fact,
most of them were drunk, when orders were
issued that no more liquor should be suppli-
ed to the men of. Company G. The men of
that ' company had had enough to be very
eigly, and from that moment trouble was
assured. At 6 o'clock the festivities and all
preparations for the ball were brought to a
sudden stop by the discovery that the bar-
racks had been set on fire. The fire was
soon located in Company G's apartment, and
was quickly extinguished. It was clearly
the work of an incendiary. Three" of the
soldiers were in the place at the time. They
were put under 'guard, the whole battalion.
was called out into the exercising grounds,
formed in companies, extra sentries and
guards were put on duty and orders given
that no man should leave the barracks that
night; that all festivities were at an end
And the ball was indefinitely postponed.
tFhe men were terribly enraged at the sever-
ity of the orders issued by,Col..Luck, and
that OM/Molding officer, 91adin fulluniform,
was hooted and jeered at by the frenzied
soldiers.. A mob of them is reported to have
surrounded and badly jostled him. A court
of inquiry will sit to -morrow. The, sellae.
barraoks were burned twenty peril ago.
t1t1TED SUM.
The Chicago and North-western Company
has juat placed an order for 4,100 freight
L D. Babcock, inventgr of the L abeeelr
fire extinguisher, haat died in a San Francis-
o aleoehonse.
The United Statee consumes every day
25,000 acres, of timber, Each night we Os
tire with less of forest than the
inn gilded with its Morning Bold,
Daring the fare which destroyed a portion,
of Wakefield, Mich., the town was entirely
in the barRds of roughs, who plundered the
stores with impunity,
A. number of frightful colliaions are re•
ported on United States railways on Sitar -
day, involving terrible lees of :life and injury
to peeeengere and railway meta, and causing
great destruction of railway property,
1Jrncie. Isaao Wallace, of Clarksville, Tex,,
is one of the meet remsrlaable ptodncts of
that remarkable State, He is said to bar 102
years old, walks with crutches, is still able
to earn *living by chopping cordwoes, and
waike a Haile or two dally going and coming
from work. That is if yon can believe what
yetis read,
A miner in Strawberry Valley, California,.
sa a be bas led the life of a berrelt ohm.
• boyhood, 14 only eontpany being Rewe -
pipers. Yet this!, man le able to discuss
social, patted and other problems in a
raaaarner creditable to a znaa of high social
position, Surely the newspaper is a society
in itself.
The great organ of St, Agnea' church,
Erooltlya, which ie to rank among the moat
massive initrntneuta In the world, Was forrrr•
ally o cried Sunday morning. It has. -a,.
four banks of keys,. three octaves
of pals ;annd a full elan of belle. - The
reach lnoluda a four, eight and einrteen foot
trumpet, The power far the bellows Le
furnished by an hydraulic engine,
Americans, in TAM rsurry and worry,
become wofnlly careleea, The dead Totter
of ce at Washington denim the past fiaeel
year handled over 0,30O,0UQ pieoea of 04 0.
' 1 roan matter, inducting over 19.QQQQ let-
: without any address at All, Over I0,-
000 pieces of dead mail matter were hand,
lstcl a"reryda►,y-�w eurpriain,gly large number,
• A young girl has cleverly tie ladled sense
of the good Calks of Maine with *bird pros
ttction scheme. Serie of • the richest and
moat infiuentialeitizens of 'Lewiston. Pah only
a'igoed her papers remising to use ;heir in-
fluence to protect sang birds, but also enters
tallied her at their Thema, and gave her
tnoaey to help carry an the work. •Sudden•
ly the pretty widow—she was a widow there
was called away by a telegrti n enuounc,
fug the death of berbrother, and a few dura
afterward a man appeared wtth d1,13.110
worth of promissory note,, which it appear•
ed these citixeus h eigued when they
thought they were pledging themselves oat
to kilt the pretty binds,
• Ca halieli and Orangemen hada deaperA`,a
fight at Killybeam, County Tyrone.
The enminisalon hes ardered.reduotioue in
jndiotal route In Ireland aggregating £2,000,•
A Hungarian authority says the German
army' is eager for war with Russia, but Els-
unlock is in favour of peace,
Mr. Gladstone, in an interview is Pavia,
acid that :in the event of war it would bo
England's role to remain ra'pasaive apeota-
tor of the terrible struggle,
It is reported that in consequence of the
news from Masaoweh the Italian Govern-
ment have deoided to despatch a reinforce-
ment of 6,000 early in January,
Cardinal Manning has astonished his
friends' by announcing himself a convert to
the 'teachings of Anarohy. "Every man,"
ho nays, e1 has a right to life and a right to
the food necessary to sustain life. Necea' .
ity has no law and a etarviug man has a na-
tural right to bis neighbour's bread."
Papers of all shades of opinion reviewing
events of the year, express a hope that the
Fleheries Commission will find a way to the
settlement of Anglo-Amorican disputes.
The Times .says ; " The Washington Gov-
ernment has ahowa moderation and court-
esy, and there is reason to hope that the
Commision will be able to suggest terms
for an exceptable compromise." It declares
that the selection of Mr. Chamberlain is a
pledge that the British policy will not be
governed by mere diplomatic. traditions,
but by a husineaa-like view of the, whole
It was a bold act of Count Shermetreff to
make a personal protest to the Czar against
the Imperial mandate for the closing of the
six great universities of BUS sift at the very
time the Nihilists were scattering seditious
handbills over St. Petersburg in the interest
of the rebellious students. But the Czar
listened to the protest, and even ordered the,
inquiry which the count desired. There has
been no danger of the banishment of the.
University rebels to Siberia. The Czar him-
self would not dare to oonsign to such a doom
ten thousand young students belonging to
the families of the highest social rank, in
Carter Harrison, who is writing mawapa-
per letters from Japan to the Chicago Mail,
says :-" When one reflects that there is
never a fire which would fill a half -bushel
measure ; that the Japanese wear no woolen
garments, and only sandals or clogs on their
feet that the winters are cold enough to
make ice two or three inches thick, and that
the ground is often white with snow, one
wonders how they live. There seems to be
something peculiar in the physical make-up
of the Japanese, as well as in their plants,
which enables them to endure safely great
cold. I am told that planta which in 'Am-
erica are killed by autumn (frosts here live
and bloom in the midst of snow and when
the thermbmeter has gone much below the
freezing point. Certainly the people have
wonderful - powers and endurance if their
sensations aro as ours are. 'Every Japanese,
high or low, takes his hot bath every night.
He jumps into a bath of water heated from
100 to 115degrees and enjoys the boil, and
stands for hours up to his waist in cold,
mountain torrents, and it is said will break
the ice in winter and work up to his neck in
immersion, and seems to feel' no ill effects
from it. He is certainly a wonderful ani-
mal, and ethnological data must yet be fur-
nished to convince me that he is not indig-
enous to the soil he lives on."
MRS. BowsRR.
For some weeks past I have been nervous
about burglars, but every time 1n have ting.
g g burglar alarm
ested that we ought to have a
he has sh repliedBur para know what
'" Bt+ ' g . houses to
"lint we have something to eteal,"
rr Certainly we. have ; but no burglar is
going to enter a house when be knows that
the owner stands ready tea shoot the to of
Mahood oil Don't yon worry about burg^
lar., They all know me, and know enough
to keep away frown, rue."
A week age the house next he us was en.
tercel and despoiled, and next day i begged
Mr. Bowser for Heaven'ss sake to get an
alarm conneoted with our doors and win-
" To acare burglars awayl" he exclaimed,
M the :key of G. Net much " Let 'em
come in, I want 'em letekle.,"
4' Alien you --you would capture them 1"
Never a eaptalr'e 1 The burglar who gete
into my bonne dies there 1 The coroner may
comae anal sit on that body, but it will be a
lump of lifeless clay."'
" And yon won't get an alarm 1"
" No, ma'am, I'll bring home a ehotgun
enol a base then ,bat, just to comfort yen.
Nature has given me all the weapon$f want
against burglars."
The lir. Bowser crossed his hands under
hie coattails and walked np and down la
404 s, tteli•eatls led way that I took tours
age, Next day he brought home the gust
and the club, and as he deposited them et
the head of the bed be explatued ;
It's simply to giro you more confidence ;
understand ? For my part I'd give WA to
Gid a burglar in my taouse,"
That in ht, seer; after midnight, I heard
solnetbing all in ttae house, and I Hud
BssHr Date Wakefulness and told hi
"Ira that infernal old cat 1" he growled
in reply. "Yonvo lot burglars en the
brain, and I hope ane will cora 1"
Ten minutes passed and I was euro I
heard some One creeping up ataire, I nudg-
d Mr. Bowater agent and told hiss so, but
he replied;
Mrs. Booster, if you wake me up again.
I'll go down town to sleep the remota: der of
the night 117on Can be a lutuatia ell shorter
notice than anybody I ever heard of l Now,
go to sleeps and,'
The reason be stopped there wase Women
as dark-latntern was unshed in our faces and
a stern voien elsClaiuied :
" If either one of yen usakae a move tof e
up I'll blow your brows out 1"
Tines bnrglrir had conte., The victim,
whose blood Mr. Boweer Was hungering
for, etoud aver as. The niidnil ht marauder
on whose lifeless clay the Coroner was to
sit, was ready to be "sot" on. T Confess I
was badly irbt'htened, but I did not lose my
es, I knew be was there to rob, and
It had all the ativtntagge, and 1 did not
a .eager.
'Come, old chap," continued the burgles
fter an moment, "I went your aerviera.
Get out of that 1"
"Take all wo have, but spare our lives 1"
pleaded Mr. Bowser.
"That`s what I'm going to do, old duffer!
Climb out o' that and hunt me up your
wealth 1"
-With that he lighted the gas, sat down an
the edge of the bed, and Mr. Boweerbrought
him both our watches, all our jewelry, and
the V.I0d hidden in the dresser. I never saw
Mr. Bowser so obliging and thoughtful. Ile
even rummaged the dreaaer to ,findmy hurt
rhineatone pec, and be said "yes, sir," and',
"no, air" to that burglar with the greatest!
respect. When everything of value upstairs'.
!rad been collected, the man said :
"Now, old double•elrina, wrap that swag;
in a towel and bring it down stairs for mo 1"+
"You won't kill him 1" I gasped.
No, marni ; I haven't the time to spare 1
for that. What's that gun and club for?"
" To defend onreelvea from burglars. I
wish I know how to shoot."
" Exactly, ma'am ; and I admire your
spunk. Hero's your watch and jewelry'
back, and I hope you'll pardon this intru-
sion. Sorry you've got such an old funk
for q_,husband, but divorces cost money.
Come along, old ahingles 1"
Mr. Bowser meekly followed him down
ataira got out all our choice ailver from the
safe, found him a basket to carry off his
plunder, and was then driven up ataira
while the burglar made off. Mr. Bowser
got into bed without a word, and eat np
and listened until I heard the rascal go.
Then I acid
" Well, Mr. Bowser, you wanted burglars..
We've had a real, live one, and the house is
cleaned out."
"And who's to blame for it ? Aire. Bow-
ser, I didn't believe you would ever dare
speak tome again 1"
" Who's to blame? Am I?"
" Who else can bo? Here for forty suc-
cessive nights you've kicked me awake from
two to ten times to whisper Burglars 1' into
my ear 1 You got me off my guard 1"
"Blit,! told you I heard a burglar in the
".But,kniew bettor ! It was your busi-
ness to have been awake sooner and to have
given me a ohance to get the gun. Ah ! if
I could have got that gun 1"
`• But you never even protested,"
" Protested 1 Protested 1 Do you think
a roan Of my standing is going to bandy
words with a burglar ? My action was tak-
en with a view to save your life."
"Well, legs go down and see what's left.'
Not an inch would he move until day-
light, and 1 efore we got up he promised me
a silk dress not to mention the affair: No
sooner had he swallowed his breakfast, how-
ever, than he posted off to police headquar-
ters and the newspapers, and the result was
that a column article with the heads :
"Terrific Fight for Lifc—A Burglar
Catches a Tartar—A Midnight Visitor Flung
Through the Window—A Fainting Wife and
a Cool Husband."
`Mr. Bowser,did you tell 'em any such
yarn as this?" I asked him, after reading
the account.
" Yarn ! Mrs. Bowser, do you know who
you are talking to ?"
es But yeti neveer offered th least . resis-
tance, and you even suffered him to call you
names 1"
` I did, eh ?" You, lying there in a dead
faint, knew all that went on, eh ? Very
well, Mrs: Bowser ; I'll send the doctor up
to examine into your mental condition. The
strain has probably been too 'much on you
Poor woman ! Poor woman 1'
TAIREVriosssr for g nringfWCr, - f
and 1;
1.l Ciil>i�ri fox manutitctnriu8t7urd�erent pow.
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O i,$1AMEU neer and intereatUng, send a
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37 Scott St., Teronto.
4 Ta
York repeal Fiyek011. $V TIOP1& WOO
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Rerrrt oto 6tendasel T`e e'
tierr:sraap tai
n gent, SOlilog*, b«,T<nreetsn.
PATENTS aboge— C
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eB BV WDt rasLISATRR9 u,dt Tauezv book, Liberal
terms, ADARna, A, G- WATSDN, Tozos,zo Wro asa
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L#PORTZOBN*ISHSI3EBt'$, a aokeaau
Azuerfcan Uogs 0asi4ga QAlity
a 5o trent purcheoers. Write fcr P
Park & Son.
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Ttolasandot?aervaraniupatat, welt
ta ow:nestingail aiTst00140f the
ate st1ch eopsremltset, asid
aria -St. A feta Zs
Ii17014 UAL= la Co.,
R. PARKER 84 00.
Work* and fcatri a cee R
759 TO 763 YONGE ST.
vrtvot 7eet. OCCAS1NSs
Plroonota to tithe and Dealers. Send ter Gstalogaa.,
99 'ganglia 6tre.t,
ity =c ski eaten St. R tee, TStaP,QSTcI!.
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an JCho Stoat Nor1b. ..... ,.,.11arutllaaz, Out.
Ce,elar real Hsu
e Autcontto
e• Injector.
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7 Adeilaede Sli. Y ,'
Cooks' Gem
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ELVIS 85 ,LIG LEYI - Toronto.
Loan and Savings Co.
IxeoxraRaraa 18.55.
Subscribes. Capital ..,.,f'ti3.S40,OC8 (apical. 2,340,000
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MONEY ADVANCED oh Real estate security at
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pMomrt a
agee-aa. HERBERT MASON, eMa aging Director.
We are the only manufeotnrereof Small.Amor:ean Bo,
In Canada. These Outage TARE TEM LEAD et an
English Sheep Casing e,as to size, strength and length.
Pace Lias American Hog Casings
Per keg of 1001bs..430 00 Per keg of SO lba..$15 Ot
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Per keg of 50 bundles 830 OC
Smaller quantities. per bundle--......_ 0 6e
Patronize Homs Trade. 11 any other dealers are
offering Casings at leas than the above, we will sell at
their figures if shown the prices.
We aleo manufacture PURE ANIMA 1,
MFeEt.RPTrIceL, IpZerEteRa , cotimo p0FofnBe lodco, aBrseoeBonan
Meal, 435 per ton. An Goods Warranted, or moue"
refunded. Goode P. O. B. at Hamilton.
F. ItOWLIN at CO., ILsanarott, Of, -r.
A Beautiful Imported Birthdsy Card rev
Lo:aar baby whose mother will lead ca e:0
names of two or more other babies, and tl a•.•.
parents' addresses Also a handsome B5.
mond Sample Card to the matins cas
much variable information,
Wells. Miloieardsos F^ Cc. Mousseas&
F,idA'i" 13 dela teea used faih
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Debility, arid all dtseeees arialsgt
' trout ex, •
ver -worked brain, lona vitality steelo to
e earn, paleitetten, e:tc. For aero, by sli. daustgisti
ige ;il per 54x. or tS Wart for SS. or .ziRi be ern* by
eat an receipt el price. Pamphlet on appllcattoe„
TbtB GRAY ¥ PICINB CO., Toronto.
4.4 ONES
ba wolf Gntl it to
haritagea ter oall nponn ear writer to W.
Ifa2S Mhain Sara et, Winniper, WIMP
tnpravetl tarltne for sale.
formation cheerfully furnished without
cban+go, Money advanced to boas Wesel
tiers at low rates of interest upon pet'tena
property to assist thein in starting.
.Alan Lino Rooal fait Ste p1
1ia11!a;,; dudes: wnm r trout Portland searT Dram
dap and uaaltax ovary Saturday 4o LiYirpoo, and fa
lsnaimtr bona qualm* uvea ilatusday to Liverpslrl,
calling at Londonderry to bad rustle and petttaca*r.
• ala (row ilaltlzeo ,ir
IIslifax and Bt,. John's N.*. to Idvarpaol lark tl[tO� Sty
for Scotland And Intasnd
doting summer ROOAtk 'ties enamors et the Olss
Kea :lima tall dialer Mister to and taxa ROW,.
Portland, Baton and Ph1la.delpbla • and dein
mer between G w and Montreal weaklytl
and Baton weakly, sad GlaeCow ane rls�laztalpkla
1!orfreight, plow, or other Infonet
A. 8chumzacher it CoBaltimore; 8.:,
Mollie* Shea *Co., ht. John's N,1 ;W m.
sera le Co., 84 Jona, N.B.; ,t
novo k Alden, Now York; E. Bourfler, To
Altana, Rat & Co., Qualm; Wm. Brook's, 1hiLWSl
phis; )11, A. Allen Portiand Boston Montreal.
HS greatest da.
oovery Wino pn
ago for Rogan'
bog the bovrele, and
ring alt Blood Lh
r and Edney Com
iainte. A perfect
ood.Purifer. A ow
in Hamilton whohatt
sen bonUlted by '11.
se ; airs. M. Heenan
02 Robert 8t. cured
5 Ervalpelae cf 4 yre,
tending; Gobi. 000.
ell, 24 south street,
aughter cared of
Epileptic flee after
earn sufferingJen.
le Birrel, 55 'Walnut
Street, oared of
Weaknese and Lung Trouble: John 'Woo 1, 96 CaW.
cart 8t., cured of Idver Complaint and Billionsnen,
used only 3Efty-cent bottles; Mrs. J. Beal, 6 Augusta
St., troubled for years with bottles;
ousProstration, two
small bottles gave her great relleL Sold at 50o. & 11.
F. E. ALLEY & CO.. Proprlelom.
LAST A..06:01,42‘
n • EN.0°-BRANTFORD. cAN1oa.
We are now offering the Best
Iron Fences ever sold in Canada,
at Remarkably Low Prices.
Stable Fixtures, Sand Screens,
Weather Vanes, Iron Stairs and
Shutters, Fire Escapes, Office
Railings, Flower Stands, Wire
Signs: and all kilns of Wire, Iron
and, Brass Work.