HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1888-1-19, Page 5Loudon Hu. ion tST Bru a Railway Northern Division -Goma Nott er—Tiers TABLg,._Pass'n'r. London, depart., .8.10 d.bri. 4,25 P.11, Lucan Crossing9.35 5.45 Clandebeye, ... ,9,10 5.15 Centralia,..,9.28 5.33 EXETER.: , , , 9.35 6.46 Hensel' , , ,. , . 9.46 5.53 9,51. 6,06 9.55 6:15 moton,,.,..,,10.10 6.35 I,ondesboro` . , . 10.37 6.55 .Elyth, .. 20.46 7,05. 7a3elgrave . ,.,11.00 i20 Winyharu,arrive, 11.20 f.30 Goi o SouTaPassenger, 'tl[ringham,depart.. 7.00 .ii. 3205 r,x Bolgrave ,- 7.17 1.28 Blyth : , . 2.31 6142 Leudesboro'.... , 7,40 3151 Clinton . 8,00 4,151 Braeefield, , ..,. -< 5.19 4.26 Kippen .. .. ... 8.27 4,57 Hensaall .. , , , . 8.33 4.43 Exeter, , , , 8,47 447 Centralis,, ... 8,57 547 Clandeboye .1... 9.10 5.20 Lucan-crossg ... 9.20 5,96 Loudan,arrive, , .10,10 6.00 cut e -Mr. Westlake is at present visite ing friends in Town. —On Monday last the council elect for this village were duly installed. —Do not forget to renew your sub- scription to the AXlVOCATE. Only $1 per year in advance. —Don't ge and become; a glbltton: now, simply because this year is at -sen hundred and ate he ate. —W would simply rise to sta. that this year is'8b;,but 4 a while 14 out of 11 folks will' write it '87, —This ii Leap.year, girls, and those of you whokhavy bashful lovers who have not yet proposed should make thein come to-tilne now. —*person, Who as done the fignr- hag saps that the 1st day of January, 1888, was the 2,410,638th day siazce the beginning of the Allan period. —Insure your dwellings with W. . Sanders, Agent for the Lancash ire insurance Co, of Manchester . England. ,•.-Samwell & Pickard have just re —Some of our local .sports any there is good skating ova Pickard'a pond. New boots and shoes, in endless variety, at Saaaaavrell tb Pickardta,. of —Oranges andliemons are eelting'ith Montreal, retail, au 12: cents per doz. —Ordered clotting a a zpeciaaalty, u. liY st craw dt guaranteed, 8auawell Pickard. ---Scotch, English and Cmnaiwdaatn tweeds; large variety at Sam reel and Pickard'a, a' --The sleighing still continues good, and the fanners haves chance of mark 4ting their produce. —A large quantity of wood is being brought to the village by the farm ors and good prices are realized. —1•r. Thowras ila1lentyue, of Watford, is on his way home from England and will arrive this week. —There aro $1,000,000,000 worth of diamonds in this world, atnd yet thous- ands of us Iiia eompelletl•to go without. —The eity of Toronto' ries great di- xhensions. it contains the Wok, the World, the .fmp£re, aud' the greatest Mail in the universe. —Mr Charles Harvey, cf Usborne, drew over four tons of leafy at one loud, front his farm to Exeter with one team. We consider'this a goog load. Lancashire Fire Insurance 0o., of Manchester, Eng;, is the most reliable to,insare with W. Sanders Agent, Advocate Office, .Exeter, -Talking of blowing; hot and cold, this is the weather which does it, To- day we have the thaw; to -morrow, or Soon thereafter, will earns: the blizzard. ----Tele days arelengtlining very per- ceptibly. • -Mr, Wm. Sortthcott, merchant. tailor of this village, spent a few days in $lytic on business this week, —A eommunicatiou was received at' this efdcd last week but was to late for that issue," and was intended for this weeks issue, blot has laeen Mislaid, We call the attention of our corres- pondente to write on; one side of the paper only, and all correspondence must:reaeh this office not Later than Tuesday, night. --T"$noose meeting of'the South: Huron. County Ztoyal Grange Lodge will beheld in the Orange Hall (Odds fellows new Hall) Exeter, on Tuesday February 7th, 1888, at the hour off 10 a. m, A full representation from every lodge in the county is requested, --Olothing auction sales of Ban- tons' stook on Friday and Saturday,. next, 20th and 21st 'January, at 2 and 7 o'clock p. m-, ill Bell's OM carred a large consignment of goods di" Stand, Exeter. All winter dry sect from England etad whish they ar goods, crockery, and glassware must oti'ering at Rook Bottom Prices, * go; no reserve. Banton t .Oo. The drug; stock of ler. E. Scarlett We understand that Mr, Gregory of this village, has been removed to H. Tom, of this viilsge,who has tang;ht, Hensall.by the purchaser, ler, ll. A achene Flo. 5, Usborna, ao suecess£ully Wilton,. o. f Walkerton, who intends for the past few year, Inas giver; up opening out ati 11vst crass drug stye in the profession' and retired %roma tilt) that village, We wish him success, Messrs, Oo1rluhoun a114 Dow, Of' into medical studies, His place in S. pedagogue field, and ie about to enter this village,have sold their imported 1,1C, 5, is lasing fabric; by Miss Cliydesda'+a stallion "Rover;" to Messrs, ' 4alse, We wish Mr. Tom every sue. O'1)yer an PorthgSraves, of Moores- oess and prosperity in his new venture. ville, for the sum $2,200. "Rover" is considered one of the best draught —On Wednesday of last week an- hsorse's in this section. —The westerly ter o£ Mr. Wan, Snell, led a ' (altar and tied with s n•everlasting knot The are now sbowill a g Seleet to Mr. Edward Bissett( fur popular "Assortment of BUILDING , W , ip livery man, We join wale their' many at praxes that have never been equalled) in Exeter. frienda in wcishing%them every pleasure and success m their journey through Just received a large con meat of Messrs RoasakTaylorhavingrems. .oved 's Gro -Out 'Y;r to their new premises have put' in AU eXrellert plainer and matcher, having- Call and examine their steel; get prices, and you T.111 1;e 3°.'r b a c l rales, all latest improvement. Their plainirsb A.gent q 1 t mill, sash, door and blind factory, as : now in running ortler, and as they have other of Exeter's fair, ming; ladies, F art of Ontario is in the person ol'Mias Maggie daunh- , the now being flooded with five dollar bills of the Dank, oat` l ontre+r~I, Bank of Ceuu nereo and 1%lerehanthenfink,w hicb have been rsliaced to tens. The rising is so cleverly done thatas ageneraal thing the mordants do not discover the differ- * ice until they present their deposits at the bank, —The members of Etimsille 11ieath- adist church intend holding their 13th anniversary on Sunday and Monday, January 22nd end 23rd, 1888. A. number of resident and ether ministers will be' present on the occasion and will deliver addresses. We predict a very successful anruiversary, Every- body should'•attond. rndt enjoy a :good time, —At the atintttal sheeting' cif the atephend:.UsborneAgricultural Society, held in Town Hall, Exeter, on Thurs day last, the following officers were elected for the current year:—Presi- dent, Jean% Delft -typo (re-elected); Vice -do, John Willis (re-elected); Di- rectors, R, Davfs,,H. Sameaelle% Sand- ers, John Bunter•ji,, H. Either, E. Christie, John Detbrid gay; ,Tames West• cott'and'James Oke. --BIG OMIT OFFER: We will furnish that exasellent religious paper, The Methodist Observer, and thisjournal for 1888, both papers for only $L50. The Observer is an 8 -page 40-co}um, weekly paper and is cheap et 1.00'a year. Each issue contains a 5 to v;column summary of )Methodist Church news, and a great variety of choice reading matter. Send your address to JAMES Pi/SLIMING House, BowmanviIle, Ont fir a free sample copy, or call, at this office and see one. —On Monday evening last, as an - pounced, an open meeting of Advance 'Council, No. 207; R. T.' of T., was held in Main street Methodist church. A large crowd wus in attendance to hear the different parts ,of the announced programme earried out. The lecture delivered on temperance by Mr. R. H. Collins -was pronounced by all to be one of the best they ever heard, and good advice was git'en by the, speaker to his hearers. The rest of the pro- gramme was well rendered by all who were'connected:witli' 3t. The whole affair throughout was' eegrand success. —We regret•to announce this week the death of another of our much re- spected residents in the person of Mr, Richard Luxton which took place on Friday last. Deceased has been ailing for some time past with that dread di- sease, consumption, and has finally suc cumbed:to-pits fatal effects. Deceased was 'AT/els a hard-working and indus- trious roan, and a good resident. His funeral took place from his late resi- clenee, Main -street, on Monday, and was conducted to the Exeter cemetery by the Comedian Oraea of Foresters, of which society deceased has been a con- sistent member for some time, and his remain" were followed to their last resting place by a large cortege of sor-. rowing relatives and friends, and bout forty brethren of the above Order from Exeter and !Jencall Courts. Deceased leaves a family of srnall children who hale the sympathy of the whole cone The January meeting of the -t oun- ty Council will commence on the 24th inst. The most important business t7ransactecl at this meeting is the elec- tion of Warden. —On Saturday last, we had a pleas- ant call from Mr. Thomas Gilbert, of Alsa Craig. Mr. Gilbert is at present engaged in teaching school, at West's School house, some three miles frons Alsa Craig. —We are exceedingly' obliged to those of our patrons who have paid up and renewed their subscriptions to the ADvocATn for another year; still there are a good many more we would- like ib hear from.• -A meeting of the Directors and Officers of the Stephen Ss Usberne Agricultural Society wilLi be held • on Saturday, January 28th,. 1888. The election of: Secretary and that of, treasurer will take place. —The parents of 'our small boys in this village should warn them not to catch on tl.e sleighs while passing through the streets, as it is dangerous. How easy it is for an arm or a limb to lie fractured, or perhaps a little one 1ii11ed. —The Clerk's' office, Olinton, , was found to contain the following articles, which make it a rare old curiosity.shop: Two old tiu trunks, 8 ballot boxes, one cross -cut saw,,1'ash pail a bush. ashes) 1 mitre box, 1 broom, 2 squares, three stonehammers,: stone sledge hammer, 2 hand saws, 3 pails, 3 oil cans, two lengths of stove pipe, level, flag, dozen ramp shade, 4 broken chimneys, biscuit box screw driver, chiS1.1, 2 old window rollers, lot of stove pipe wiry, ; Chinese lantern, 2 yards Iawp wick, lantern, old hand satchel], 6 bricks, used to lengthen „he lees of the stove, 6 lamp • brackets, besides a wheelbarrow -load oL.oid:irooks e;ndi?ayes. • SAYS SIE ONE Lb Melalry's ODEI. R9 ye)n The large 1.1 tLW!L1 0t11 itR• atwt,- Celebrated E AT BISSETT BROS'. d eit their store ISiy‘best stook of eesesteeX ---Of all kinder—in town,—and 1 tell you they Sell Cheap. a large stock oD 1iand they are prepay ed to do plaining,,matching, and man- mifacture shortest notice. it would be to the interest of purchasers to give then; a IS ETT call before buying else -where. RAYMOND AY OND S 1VI Y I G Mach1ne wIiAT SIDlrIGF SMI'U VAXD.• Sidney Smith, once said: -.-"My plan 'of life is to make myself, if not as rieh+aas others, at least as rich as an honest man can be" Ana 'Sidney Smith was right. He struck at one blow the real, fetus, honest sentiment that should em- enate from the heart of every business man. Cartwriglat,,the dentist, follows' Sidney Smith'sclirlfieiples. Good value to all his patron's money. Best sets of mineral teeth, perfect in eating and speaking. Fine gold and other fillings at moderate fees. Vegetable yapor for painless extraction: W. E. CARm• wRIGHT, Dentist, next door to Treble's harness •shop, Exeter,_ -The council•for 1888 (net at the Town hall onMonday, 16th inst, at 11 o'clock as an. The following gentlemen made and subscribed the declarations' of qualificetion of omce• in presence of the Clerk, viz Dr. Rolfils, reeve; W. G. Bissett, deputy -reeve; James Pick- ard, T. B. Carling, and Thos. IL Mc- Callum, councillors.. The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed, the council adjourned until 7:30 p. in. The council met a i 30 p..m. All members presentymin- utes of previous meeting were read and confirmed. Moved by T. B. Carling, seconded by J. Pickard, that orders be granted:* for the following. sums, viz: Returning officer, $29, election expen- ses; W: B. Parsons, 87:35, iron gate at Town hall; Wm. Welsh, al, car- pentering at Town hall, and Mrs. Fan - son, $3, for hall rent for Division court. Carried. The following ap- pointments were made; Jaynes Beer, assessor, salary $50 per annum; Geo, Renton and W. D. Weeks, auditors, salary $,8 per annual; John P. Ross, WilIiarn Hoskins, John Essery, Reeve Rollins and the Clerk, a board of health; : D. John Hyndman, medical, health officer; ` Wm. Treble; chief en,. „ineer; t James Creech; 'constable; • sal- ary and duties same as last year, $325. iliovhdlby J. Pickard's. seconded by W. G. Hassett, that Agricultural society be l&fli.nded $2 paid for use of hall, and WO the society be granted the use of theiiall in future, free. Carried. 1). Breland's account was laid over un -1 til next meeting. The' clerk' to write to the -authorities of Stephen concern-, ing Samuel Ford, Mr. Sutton agreeclti to key=p Lir. Forel for $2.50 per week until further or.his., The council ad- MAI.1,1t -ST.e. W. SOLTT110O17, IIFICHANT - 1111 ; A h: 'h'''t': ;LI> Dealer in alt'kinds of -1 PRI P rPfT hsJJJ'PP„:-- MY GOODS ARE FIRST-CLASS, AND .A. GOOD FIT GUIRANTEEL. A CALL SOLICITED NONE BUT FIRST-CLASS WORK- MEN EMPLOYED. Now is -the time tri• leave your order for a first-slass overcoat CHEAP, . !o43t1I1cotld, Corner Main & John sts, EXETER - ONT. WELLIA SMIE ERS --AGl;NT FOR THE CommercialUnion Assurance co raipany 0± GREAT' BRI'rIAIN: Capita1 and Asset§, $21,0110,000. Alit) TH.L' LancaBhire Fire Insurance Co. MANCHESTER, ENG. CAPIT 1L $14,600:000.00: The best aucl most reliable ;'dire Inz.i'r- ' ince Companies in the world. triunity in tide:their• sate hours of af- iournead until 1.V,.1eesday, the 18th in-' r diction. 1lis..•vifc clied• spmc tirr;e:t;a. stunt P ta... 1`'4 F.ictti:rrClerl;:. i DYOO.A TE OF)C IG? : ar r . • onmany Da&Ln;lt IN ATOMS, CLOCKS, JEWELi:1IX Silver-plated ware, Musleal Instru- ments, and S£'EOTACLES oft all make.: and to emit clI ages. Repairing a specie -les. Satisfaction guaranteed every time. J. 0, STeelnara.r, Hensalle,Ont, PENNYROYAL WAF`.tx C. Prescription of n physician E.14 has hada ilfo long experience .3 treatingfemale daseaces. Is aced monthly -with perfect success by over 10,000Valles! rleatant, sate, effectual. Ladies askourCruz. grst for Pennyroyal 'Wafers an. take no'lubatitute, er nobs(' crest - age for saled particulars. Sold br- andru sts,$I'oar bor. A.clrlreaa MESA IQAL C6,, Da-znorr, Seed in Exeter by• Dr. Vote, end • druggists everywhere: Oct 1 7 PATENTS, Ciiseats, Re -agues and Trade -blares seamed and all other patent causes in the Puientv Office and before the Courts pronrptl , anat carefully attended Upon receipt of .boiled or ,S1 cta of l i • • vention, I make careful examination, nude advise as to patentability Free of charge. FEES MODERATE, and I make N`charge unless patent is secured. Infermatien,, advice and special refrences sent oat aped - cation: S. R, LITTELL, Washington, D. 0, Opposite U. S, Patent Ofllce, The Great English Preset purser. A successful 1aedieine used train. ' y ' 80 years in thousands of eases. Cures Sperrftatorrhea Nervous Wealsfaess, Eiraissions, Impotency ' }a • and all tllsea,„a es caused by `abuse. SBosoltu) indiscretion; or over-exertion, rfs-rrr,l•" ix packages Guaranteed to Our••S^witen alt oth Pail. Ask •your;l)ruggist for The Great din, -r, r. Prescription; take Mr subsiitntir. one -:packs a ., SI. Six St, by mail. Write torPantpbr let. Ss ralsa•Qlnerniertl Co., l'lfe6io'itt, Sold in Eseter by Dr. Lutz, anti EXETER. d_+e.ggists everywhere. Oct 1