HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1888-1-19, Page 1VOL la. atdvoratg. ublishtd:bvery Thursday morning, sett tis opiate, ilt ta Frxeter, Ont. MAW OF &iitiaCRIPTIoX: Ott+t tlaltar 4 'fear paid la advance; 61.E 1f not Fe Adrei'l:Iaring Rates an Applioatlpn. 6o,:4perdisuon3inueduntniallarrearages *re pa 4. 'adlegose:rteait4 witkent specific direr ions will' he irub/1st:el t;ai forbid and elra ed aceurdicgi y, Liberal t' 1isetrant mete Ferrara as tent atlrert:b ent4Inserted 'far ian„ Feriode. Seers d.sertp:iag of J.)r. , err.. ioN9 trartteat opt ica the tersest ateie at thea-t.end 4 eoderito rtte,t. Gke e WOHeW vn'a:r'e, Re f?r advert ,i5n4"` x bsenriaons. et_'?, te, D* 1Elaaaler?aT►!x1a t*: THOS. PASMORE, reecranl Prelisrtes Off UR 00 i)I.uaoRr liras ;tk e4 'Mt7t, ^il , S. F. F,ot tra4on, luau b t4. tiaarla e Weirs*, b tt a. PV, and 7 p. as; Eaab. silt Salreol. mS•} pdxn. 1Saavarep dttatt rauyynerdeos. 7.4; te.,8p.1a. p. aaa., rierereen e'tory a&ba.I Burin; the week, a rt'ola':1r• l4eaatte44 wenn: tri It :a, iia. sin Saaadey. glriFinlaT CM:14714,411441.a4., .tree J'Gaaham, Pager. Haraday eerviees, 19,41 s, tn.atnta.Sep, W. Fntbetir *chiral, tf+ Prayer mea`h day VIvnrnl Eq Rt 7.3% *Vs ;imaer Rev. W. D. Pimp, pratte+r, Sun. d ay ir:rras s. le.;.taar. •q .. iace t1.4,p. tn. tbrbbst4 *drool. r du p. to. marks meting, ThripeA . ren 44; at 7 ,e Yearq Yearpeeplee Barer mien:nit7 anadu vonir;. n4 749. raireare iitt&tt 4liFsA3.,..-Rev. W. M. Marta, i'aater. $an1ny a,nicee, 11 e, ro. ac,d C: p. tp. aa,baaatta aai"sol, '4tA 4a. Yearn; evnales puler eecetiatri', 44 444, 'Tr.rutsdatycr er fax. jr'aN err meows 4 C o'v,oelc. auk prWIleo arataae.iia cic atter. licueus sad ether Cards, l.t owNfNG 11. P., 11 ',oG, tlx:oirla,iGete:slmg, saaand roideuc err . $xtt€r eat, done, s=87. COUNTY DE HURON. News From Names and Fe of Huron County Farmers. UR TIRINO OOEBE8:..' , r.R'►.7 tem of btorest Dom b$e SDAY JANUARY 'erre AR A • foster pelitzcs, in hopes o securing! R. 9xmstroeg 'work on 21,. . '3 16 her heed in nzsrrnage. Wonder what; ti ; flicks, work on 2nd..,... 2 00 next, Sherritt, work on 21...... 50 Oreo way 13Ltdget 'Qood llleigbiug Business i$ soa ew# t lively The Fearmern are barmy dra av logs, ertn, :Quite a rat tdher brig ruction. The aid Orange ltaecll which peeeed to the Intrela o€ bis ". Nit fire ee recently, has tem tureecdeleto * dwell, Acord ter fail l wenetn eDestttxs, 1114 Kosice, flute Itataka, wall. lttsrreovaye, Salo% ',tend eknoidonte- ng wood still visiting be mud Boud, Liar /fercleae be per Ib for matter dos for ESge. ere peyneg... ud 17eer to .per; Ur. mantes Moiled haft Id the coin treck of building a new bric[a'housa the spring to Hr I?taicherd iBekea. We ere surly b learn that Mr. l . Balton Kae resigned hie school be for three mouth; owing to ill be/111th. His Rlttee•itt being "filled by Mr, - Alberta . wise A. a:faflO i f til fa _ ; `r r+rthea t aarrsblpe et MT a'ir,urrn e, 11P, vrwrapatPy Arica led t Sart rrp?,as. n hath Roiaort Sit lited xt valuer olt jured lira beoomiug entaien led wit halter in the stable. It eoei rougbt at first site'would not live, b,.. aWoe the treatment of ouz V. S. W1as Lewis, ate is getting It right+again, Missionary aerrnure -will (D. V.) be preached On tree Crediton: circuit of the 3ietlitedistefitirreh next Sabbath, by Rovds. lf. tsar. %'allis and P. M. Jones, Platform u issionatry melting* wit iaas h41 in the va>irioua olettrches every oveureg during the following mak; 11,Li&A4 BOLT A CFYSEI► AL't:`T„ tha t:v*414nel of Heider -at and fonl; a, ss the Ten-rip:S ,et Segp!*:a and Ens. Ain Its pre" ' ly wended to. :Stil kwr ell eotr anctaateatt:tasntr ttr not; Jit^lara p,xaual;txti',aaatlarl•+. uai4rel for t itr the M the attuned meeting of Iveyall ego ,bodge, No. 240, the following ere were elected a stet duly ipatsiled the current year, viz:..•,.W.1,,. R Hutebinson, l°a: 3i,, Bro. R. L tion, D. R„ Bro. Robert Taylor, Chap. Bro. a Ranters, Ree•rS'en, Bre; Thomas Gilbert; ,f+'iteSee,, Bre. Wm, Melba, Tress. Bre. Richard Ilodgf:iut. . of 4., Bro Johnecro vitt,, Itecturer, Bro. W. Delancey; 1st Qom., Bre. Mohan; 2z1d Cone, Bro. 3. Bmphey. 3rd Coil., Brae, A. Adtkees, 4th Come Hottteina, 5th Cant,, Bro. Sheuow. The ledge et the preilent :. in a very flourishing cezflditien, heviu e nuetuiaersbip of ttreaatyaaine. Tit ll ve during the yeapastinitiated. five etleothers, awl have: erected a beautiful brick hull for their rohveuienee. 'We beepeek fortbie lodge os. vcrytauccessfeal ear W couple, under the ffaa'tiegenitent 'Lite a1►Qvta abla send feilleient-bal*rd of ra, Mr. Granger, wsrd on 21, .. , 5 00 Snell, gravel , . , ... , : 4 06 quire fa-'' repeating aid building eel- ''. Rebeets, use of roadway... 12 00 verb and bridges for 1883, stating Um. Ransom.., fi 00 hriee per thonsae.d attire mill, for sawn Mr. Woods, gravel, „.... lig da ceedmeesint dud red beech. Tenders The council adpoureaed to meet on to be received by the reeve tap to the she first Metuley ire Februery. 4th Feb,, a 2 p. tsar- . Carried. a .Pnovev, Clerk. i Moved by .A. M'oRweu, seeona:ea by Toee If the iron and other b;?edges 1 .Hee; that White Sr, Son of the veere hoarded ep three or four feet.Etreter Fame,, do the township printing tlloltg the tressed the aleighieg woaeld for the current year at lastyeare prae+:'r ee good there as guy where tau the 04.... -.Carried, lrQ>It& ;shavers by Xt. McEwen, seed. by lir, Ifeyroek, that the Tre rsuz,i' dive two Sureties to the amount of 4,000 each, for the proper execution of his once. The followan ; nee. were I,asseds--Care ti ter of Hall $11, election expenses $63 R. Cook, lumber ,$0,54, Ii, RPIt' balances on gre el stet; $33" F.Rutl IA malting flitch $$,S5, S. Remite„ 4 White & Son, balance for prhttiog 43, Foster, regal;tt'riug l,irth , aths end marriages 15,40, G. Nicho1- are, gravel $203$0, 0. Wolper, do,' $14, 14. The council then adjourned to 'again rot, Saturday, March 10th ae. m. 4, Foster, Cierk, their neµf meeting;,.:,. -Carried. Roved .by G. M eEtven, seeor►,3ed lay F. Hess, than 'tenders be received 'for whatever hunter this council may re - oil pursuaaut 11tr. ,lot Mesta Bailey, Czar► r k Councillor claretiazns of Ace tt. a'Werte subscribed to ezeect£ully, after "whit' aa of the previous meeting sail biped. by W. JL Woetle, emetic i1ey, that IL W. Erwin ed Clerk .fear the year 1$$$--- y AN W. Connor, accoride eyes Wild, Haat P. Higgins iggins ilaalt>d Assessor fon the presen tied. coved i ty W. '1'F. 0 m*ear, teccand -4 Bailey, that Cbarl =a. Tippett. ' be or for the preee nt year, gild T. Jr. 341:trks be continued Treasurer fear the Dement yore—curled, Moved by 1t. Bailey, seconder( ly 1 , H. Were] , t!- : the tt&Vir orders for the following =cants, viz: Ale-. Graaf suer, grading tkr<rd planting 2 doe trees, ; 3 T. ;ltarl.as, account, ;,,'419.:12; Chas. Tippett, Coleetur salary, i2Qr1" J. Marks, Treasurer, salary, xfa. .arried. Moved by W. W. Connor, seconded by W. H. Woods, that Ellwar.1 Rut ledge be Atelier for the Municipal {tor potation for the year of 1537. The Reeve icp,ointed iaeorgc Woods GS laic colleague for Auditor.—Carried. Moved by W. I1. Woods, eeconded lay W. W. Connor, that the stun of ;13 leo granted to Charles.Tippstt, collta t- or, to apply as Anthony Bell's taxes for the year 1587, and that the Reeve grant order for saute, --Carried. Moved by W. ti. Connor, seconded by W. It Woods, that this, council do now adjourn to meet en the second :lioncay in February, atthe hour of 7 o'd.ock p, nzs—Carried. H. NV, Einem, Clerk. Ii. COLLIl1"t, BARRISTER, !Ornate Dont et tantatie. t'e,;tfmiga'tuncrc nnxorat,reaA :,aitlaoe* Nestdotage Sanaae IfiP1ek• .a -+t a<ctar,Qat, Monty to lean at tier1 iorstti;rat,^a, . .r.. Gantt, :int tctaucot nr, &r' A1.r14337 I _ ,m• urate Ilrreatt`arlileek,F.xater. llelttar nt Sneucate II KINSMAN, »lTIST, ► s., "watts *tem withOnt pale, tr girtngltTeatbile va prrr.erwing the new Aaeet. etc dr lit. et f=dlt *Dotter title Or itpoevl leGees o Zurich last ihnrwda) in each 'winch. EAtIT SIDE US SIAM sTIIE r, EXETER. L. O. L.,NO. ,924, EXETER-, Ii., Lis :t'I'eis Fl EST every 1!unnth in the new Old Fellows Hall, at 7.30 o'clock p. ut, Visiting Brethren always welcome . J. WiIlis, W. M. W. SANDERS, Sec. F., tio. 47, EXETER. tl'ta 1a ercry'1'ttesday evening In ./eon's black. A eat, • •liar welcome extended to rabbis; brethren. C.iltftr Fprnt, N:'U J. 1: WzStcofr, 1'45ee1 ta. e. no. 123. :acct' the second and fourth Friday of es -h month, iu karttsan'e Dail, at Seel,ck p. an, Visiting, Breth. rca tor. sally invited. Ennomr, C. n. J. MusD, See. L. Ename>As, 'Office over O'Nails'?3ank, Exeter, Ont. Nitrous Oxide Gas ler painless extraction. W. R CARTW1tIGIIfi, LDS, Stergeorn Dentist, Den- tal Surgeons of Ontario. Rte aving furnl hed fine n- im rum as, next door to Treblo's Ilarnessehop,. Main street Exeter, Ont., wbere,i am prepared to perform all branches of the profession with ease and skill. Cli tRGES, dtoDEItA.Tn TEahis, GASH. 30101 4 T. WLS'TCOTT, IISSE tAX0E, LOAN, /teal Estate and Steamboat, Agent. Wealthy and re- liable Fire and Life Insuraia a Companies Represent - .td. Any amount of money la !canon firsiaelusswort ages at lowest rates of ittterst. General Agents for baron Co. for A. E, Williams & Co,, real estate ages, .London. Leaver Line of Steamers represented. Office --Tames St,. Exeter, Ont, jn9-87 Issuer of ARRIAGIOILICENSES • L`fe, Accident, and fire Insurance agent. *OFFICE: West Side of Vain -street Exeter. Hay Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company. • PARTIES DESIRINQ TO INS1lRE IIQ THE BEST .and cheapest Insurance Company in the Dominion, cin do so by applying personally, or by mail to the undersigned. All applications plications promptly attended to. Also agent for the Wellington Company of Guelph, Also AUCrioen la for the County of Huron. E. BOSSEN'BLakY, Aatcxm Oxana; 9-9ea •, ;e urkh, Ont. Kir on Siftings, namnel Deuplr purposes ca aotang w Krick house next summer. 'lwYo. k for salnethiugetioo. :lyfr. Noble,J'ounstan is moving on t* he farm which he recently purohttsad frotu Mr. Adm Sperling. Mr. William Stacey is nit. present confined to his bed from the esthete of a1 severe old wbion settled on tete lungs. A string bane] has been organized is the village, containing six instruments. The boys practice once •a week, and Will soon be open for engagements. Mr. David Mahon received by ez press a suberb trio o£•fowl, a*hich when laid down at his place. coat a trifle over $3 for duty and express ,carriage. The fowl being Heade a present to him by a brother in the States. . 40, 4 . Corbett Gatherings. - Mr. M. O. Sullivan, of London, is visiting friends here. ;iir.,3'smes Young is prepaaring e build a new Store herein the springs,. We wish him success. Preparations is being made for the erection -of a new Cheese Factory here,. which is to be ready for the coining season. - Mr. John Birney drew a load of logs, from his woods the other day, which, when landed in the mill yard, scaled 2015 feet. This is the largest record of the season. The new Presbyterian Church tt to - be opened en Sunday the 22nd aE this month, and ea the hollowing Monday evening, a tea meeting is to be held in. aid of the church'tund. We have iheard of 'rather a singular affair, which happened here a ` short time age. A. taller oldish man, who lives not over 1100 miles from here, pro- posed tto one of our widows, but his tate was rejected on account of his politics. He has since, we believe, changed, and is at; present engaged in canvassing for a paper .opposite to his Zurich Jeal ga Bus ilesc booming. L**t.'lIouday and TaCadty wso li ilighntiall of allow. A. largo quantity of w iug brought to town. Last Wednesday evening a concert to held in the town hull, particulars of rvhiclt willappeer next week. Last Friday evening a number of our young folk gathered at the rest (knee of Mr. Bossenba'rry, to celebrate the 15th year of Mei: married life. They had a jolly evening, A. hand- some Library lamp in token of the re- spect of the young people. The ed- dress d dress was as follows— MR. rC Mns. Bosse:rAl ine Whis being the eve of your IMth Wed- ding anniversary, better known in "ire Olde Times" an eras a Crystal Wedding,' Tour young friends of Zurich have assom- bledhere this evening to congratulate you on reaching this, your leth veerof happy married life. and it is the hearty wish. of all'hero to -tight, that you many live.to en- joy fifteen more, even to the Golden Wedding35 yearn from ache*. Kindly accept te Library Lamp as a token of our sincere respects and good wishes, ead. while yogi are nursing your tees and `Top- Fy, and Mr. Bosssnberry readingthe nice by the lightof your lamp, may you then appppreciate "This Luxury" of your Crystal. Weddin . Signed on behalf of the party. LISETTE ZIILLEB, KATE DEW -GEST. Stephen Council, The newly elected council having signed the necessary papers took their seats. The clerk, assessor, treasurer, and caretaker were re-elected; auditors C. Brown and J. W. Hogarth. Mr. Sherritt was truthorized to see to the. necessary draining as per J. McCell- eslen's letter. MVIora'ed by D. French, seconded by J. Sherritt, That the -council receive .42 per •day when engaged, but allowed lee mileage. Carried. . On motion of H. Eilber, seconded by D. French, That the trasurer de- posit in the Post office savings bank $3,000 of the funds of the township to; the credit of the Sinking fund acct. The following accounts were ordered to be paid, viz:— J. Hawker, lumber G' R. Interest Election expenses Errors in statute labor... ..,. C. Winner, contract E.C.R... . W. Rhode, logging Exeter SR Goderich Star, printing $ "3 04 300 75 6'675 9 50 12 70 8 00 7 05` County Jett3n . f the maehieetry raf #l.c& CRetort fill has been staid to ' it T. of .ka tuerston. i'unn, lamely of Breeedeld,hae stere ire Clinton, ;toad talaetl up his re a lencte in the house Tate' oe aulrie i Icy Mr, James Seaitta. sIr. Wm, Uhler;' of Colborne, has d tall his land 'SIaaiJand eoncese 1, and as .bav l:t SIr Ponssrai .; It• (hie s now, on the mainroad lead - g to the best znarl:et in the country. The annual meeting and exhi'dtit n. of than Stratford and Seaforth Poaltry Assecintions opened on the 17th and extends over the three follas:ing clays, The secretary, Mr. Davis, says it is a very select show of the feathered creat• Ines, The other flay while Mr.. W. Brown. lee, of linnet carets choppiug in the woods of Mr. D. Shanahan, a limb fell and struck hies on the hence, ix/diet:zt;; a painful scalp wound, but riot ..crious- ly injuring hues, The wife of the late Alexander Rob- ertson, of Belgrave, diet], on elm clay last, after suffering for several pare. with weak lungs, Which terminated in consumption. Much syrapatuy is felt for the family, as it not ten neer:tl,s since their father's remains were interr- ed in the Winghani cetnatery. Considerable excitnurnt was occasion- ed in Bayfield on Wednesday last, by the appearance in that village of a re- cently -appointed Scott Act constabLe o (Smith, of Varna) and a codtpaniion. 'When first teen theywere within a few feet of the door of te Albion Hotel. Those inside jumped up as the leenh was being raised and fastened the door. The pair were equally unsuceessfull at other hotels, and departed, followed by men with guns, without serv'g a paper. It is reported that Hon. John Rob- son, Provincial Secretary of .British Columbia, who visited Ottawa a. few weeks ago, has been called to the Sen- ate to fill the vacancy caused by the appointment of Mr. Nelson to the Lieu- eenant-G.overnship. 1 ti Robson is a native of Perth, but has resided in:Brit- ish Columbia for many years, He is a.journalist, and is not unknown to rsome of the old Huronites, he having kept store at Bayfield about twenty- five years ago; and being a brother in- lav of Mrs. T. erowett, of Goderich township, by her first zuarriage, The other day Mr. H. B. Ker, of the Organ Factory Clinton, was very great- ly surprised when a broler whom he had not seen for twenty-four years, walked in and made himself known. The brother has been a resident of Michigan, and thought he would. run over and see' how things were progressing in Canada, ancl .he expressed himself as .much surprised to find that we had such a magnificent country here. He says there is noth- ing on the Americas side: to equal it, and: he thought the farmers here showr, eel much better thrift and prosperity than over the borders. fill Cau coil Meeting, The new Council became organized according to statute on Monday, Jan. l6th. With Hartman Happle, Esq. as Reeve, George ilicEwen, Deputy reeve. Messrs. A. McEwen, Henry i Ttyrook, and Frederick E.ess, Councillors. After reading the minutes of previous meeting, The following appointments were made, viz:—S. Foster, Clerk, sal- ary, $125; Lt. S. Faust and R. It. John stop, Auditors, salary, $6 each; M. Zeller, Treasurer, salary, $80; J. Bon - thrall, Assessor, salary, $75; H. Lipp- hardt5 Collector, salary, $55;; Mrs. Reinhardt, Caretaker, salary, $10. Moved by Geo. McEwen, seconded by Me. Hess, that Dr. Mel ermid, D Steinbach and J. Hall, together - with the Reeve and Clerk, -cio - .constitute the board of health for the current. year, and that Dr. Buchanan be the Medical Health Officer, and H, Greb the Sanitary Inspector. Carried. Moved by H. Heyrock, seconded by A. McEwen, that the clerk be instruct ed to drafter By-law confirming the appointmezits of the several township officers for the year 1888.—Carriecl. Moved by H. Heyrock, seconded by fl'. Hess, that no member of the coun- cil shall grant an order on the treasur- er to any person for any account un- til such account has been first submitt- ed to this council, in session, for ap- proval,—Curried. Moved by G. McEwen, seconded by F. Hess, that the auditors prepare an abstract of the Receipts, expenditures assets and liabilities together with a detailed statement of the' same ie dup- licate, and hay it before this council at W. Holt,work Crediton R.... 3 00 Blank forms.... , . , .'. .. 6 14'