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The Advocate, 1888-1-12, Page 8
The year's Failures, Returns to a commercial agency of failures in the Dominion of Canada dux, Mg the year show 1,382L faileres, with 11,311,7451nat ilities; aaverege $11,803 The failures in the; Dominion were one in c very 54 time in business; 111 the United States they average on in every 111 Brine. Oar Washingta Letter, A Murderouo Attack. C. Sliger enterethe house o L. 0044% on Trammed street early Thugs- day'ruorning, and attempted to murder Cobert and his wife. Coleete got up at six o'clock and went down stars to make a ere.. Slinger, atlas. hid entered by the back door and secreted himself in the hell -way upstaire, then ettaeted yrs. Corbet, who weal in bed, with an iron bar, She screamed .and called for. her husband, but Slinger strteclr, her several times and inflicted iojurien which will probably cause het death, As Cohen entered the roo111 Slier struck.. hint oe the head with the bar,. eating thee be would kin him, so that he could not tell the story. Sliger ruined blow after blow upon Coiiert's'' dead untill he fell senseless to the door: Silbse needy he revivers and gave in - a, oar owncerresecnieet) It is probably as certain as anything in the tutnre can be eat a tariff bill willp ees the}Louse this sossion. Tfit. a will late a fight. It will ba0na at - omit as soon .as the holiday recess is over. The "elan of', campaign' adopted, 1 tez'tsll stilt TOsll or*, West Bids of ).lain TE1. 311ALLICOIIBG, A Positive Cure. A ln!cms.2ufet 701 Opposite, the : new •Eogli A GOOD FIT at Cate View will. bo carried O. It 4 . who Qrrasteai ccinsists of a series: of sharp battles and fora mtiou to the police, nesnnfi l- ham' retreats. The uaajornty. of the clen,o- Slliger While he was Brats will start oat to . get as tench blondy clothes in its owe house. ha p eduetiou and as little pruteetion Col,ea t had on several c e CQ- t,lrilk r ed re they coal. Put are pro; a ed to defeat bertSewere Sliger money his wife Co - retreat sconce titan tette at '� Shane: ;T they lied they on not get alancVeairned for thein and he was sorry S it. what they would like they wcomprise, 9 rise, ; he had tilled thein outright. t,1kieg the best they eon get, They - %+ill follow plan throughout, coa,:;lrotnia County �TottllAgll� it:g a s to every detail until they hare' bath dhill that ash gags the l Ioltsea, "'nw Zion S4bblab SiKbeet tgaa,ran :t; ,a In seas• Ing „ rection f45 a principle`' i cads amounted to 0, ai�t ort• a Wl '1 t t' out wit'i file iwtliv it of ins was fi decided sneeose, The pro- antagonism to protection 8tyleA of Goods kept h QALSOLIQ:TID allies PACS AORA' 3326dezm or ,,a;o. ' rpm GFE.47 rs74%11E<TTx rt,Rd 'it�,13* &'�, Kam; of Heslin:l,rndho:Illaart FtleGr reA thet r?16'1c>< camas -c�•LGatcee sa, µ' -;f ricse:n ie , ' ;i2c4..wso ti * a .•v_=:. " f Q,i'7 ZeeS1.2 � .sC ) "Zi \•C"='" dere ziskive will.tirod3s *aa, `al care a ow newt baitefern 7NTc,suala. Y trams.4 r 9, _ - S rrnbet dlumei Et 610 4, event/au t.1@ 6 c nsde es, av0.1,n-a C S � iOn. sake tor elistlessness sled' ulteea•y cRae.txrs9letspiuadi, Is et •r'tneer, eeobn 9 t ' cowardice, spirits, fluid—thereenk a! r ;F-. -''-.r raa3zs 1e-,e.,as--ragas- fmale seina, iol- t Sasea fuelingi• in eQ,tcembl moisoci,Perri o t in emage •_ail sgtarttrisi of /bid f itt beitit. etinesmno s tr eti,f f5?e s t ) f -fo forms halo,; Walks tenon, every fmcimt views* tttt&Qi2,mo_•greate conrieuts gt; e.es s untie 9 *vatting; Rea telt-Wise rite ;c fi! of wasted 'Wes which, crna under tfe:h na:4r% i5 yon aro :.-oo;r+p4senc^E 'tea 4�coae tialk thea of bo inel1y viice, ittyotA e e R+dvc cCi eerns Na. pati .l1 give yn a> !est, z seri theefi'e to 4ca 1y down Icalar An rnQ,axi From e , *zi "rn#•op•tea intent t 4t ra2pra broken A Pti�F� Truest $$$ *eke)! io f, ieecYsana Ot men. edea"ed ia;t ,icc&.-r'afr apes Ad is all cuhnffinanic4rdn”to rt.'v., lei seam 47 Weattsaffe4 Pa 11.. iters etee A it teeteeetigeo R tete to a Rear Panels. C*P1S Poona tic.Af.11aF OM pro -and maintaining that pose hien to the private sehnot has bueai opened last, they will go so far in their van - cessions probably as to accept a bill for which .tr. Randall and his follow- tre can vete without doing violence to their protection theories. Yet it is en- pected to ;et et hill that will make a considerable seduction in the revenue. The prof ositton gain; into the vein- mittee wilt be for pretty stifi•baeleed teeriff reform without any recognition'. of protection principles Its remits ;G meet, ib is understood, willl be directed by Mir. Carlisle *3 iuui;h al if he were tho eheiruxaa cif the ways and wane committee, The caasllniktve fro into their work with their course already snacked out for them. Mr. Oey will tea en the committee to represent changes Mr, Randall, unless the Speaker hip rebid, and the two factions of the party will probably acne to an under• stafling of what is to be done Before the;et into the Rose. The hill will ken up item by item and an agree- ment or coillpronist revolted at each step. Probably no one reduction will be amide just as at first proposed, but mit item will probably renlnin in the dill in a Modified form. A.great effort will be iambi to consider tlta matter impassionately and not to insist upon eluything that would cause a serious disagreement, The Blair educational dill is almost certain to pass through hath branches of Cogress and be sent to the Preident. It was detected in in the last Congress through being ...smothered in the committal and buried in the ealenclar. This 'plan will hardly succeeded as iu. It almost sure to pais. It is about as certain of baying '. voted by the President. The President has intimated as ulueh quite broadly, and; some who ought to know his views Olt the subject declare that the bill can- not get his signature. In the present Cougrecs New York takes the lead in the greatest number of native states- men. In New'tork were born tifty- clne of the men now serving in Con- gress. The great stats of Texas has a native Texan at the Capitol. Thirty- nine of the members were born in the 'State of Pennsylvania, and have nursed the principles of protection from her bresst, Thirty-eight, only one less, first saw the light in the 13uckeye state, and twenty-three first opened their ayes to the blue grass of Kentucky. Virginia comes next with twenty-one of the sons of her soil sitting ars - la s- inalcers 'at the Capitol. There are nineteen natives of North Carolina in Congress, while the old common wealth of hf:assachusette claims maternity over sixteen. The District of Columbia has lies one man in the House, Arlansns has. two; Iowa and Florida, one each; Maine nine;; New- Hampshire six; and Vermont nine. , Little Rhode Island has five sons who can talk into the Congressmen who sing "My Mary- land"; and fourteen Were born under the shade of the Palmetto tree. Miss- issippi points with pride to six sons in Congress and West Virginia goes her one better. There are 'den Michigan - tiers and sixteen Georgia crackers. The.natives of Plissouri number ten. Those born in Louisiana are half that umber. There are six men. in Con- gress born in the state of Illinois, while Wisconsin's pride spreads over two. I' h the unlucky number o€ Both her Senators in Landesborouf h by Mr, detueT Tent. who will superintend, it. It is reported that a young bachelor of the Huron r� r ' ed a beautiful present front his aoon•will•be meth in-law, oil New Year's day, in tl cape of a tin whistle. 'fila pupils of school section, No rt•shfield, presented their teacher, 1 F,. Brown, with an address and beautiful sofa chair as a token of thea esteem and appreciation et bis services. Mr. Geo, Huth% pt flanllerich - town- stip, is getting natters arranged ::to move into hie new house ilt floe ,°l hires, and notwithstanding the Scott Act, will likely take porter with hien. 1r. Veal 1 iiinlouyf et ± tamley, Wit has lately teen teaching nazi E*e,. leaves its a few days for haunt .r'T. W.. TI., at which place he has been engaged for this year,: at a salary oft GPO, with. the assurance that if he gives satiFfaetr ion, it will next yew be increased to x it wc11 fcr *. it re* ecce,. len likes tk0 la —16lba,'sugar f r $J 00 ; 18 lbs. white sugar foto .00., lt,t cies„ 1M g; ot-A•d is 'i p►# (tete to rtal'arLb. . ; -8faCitfliPaestall£ tytesl sit lore pkg. ssrely ismte ti,a k of niphstvliAelf FORKS, SQ't`T HES and GI,A'S3 bear X fs P restofoz CAI Oil *a tow iias ilssa Ail* s ttetl v 1, 11100 Tel $2.15. 44 pi aFP iv44 ci it .all ,3,a r e:atlale; to Iis r, l d'aiss gel sip U lw wi hili, -r Dress GQatlt Bre mark - act down to the :lowest. tett. OI TfN ..:1tI yds. for $1,.Qa Mr Batman, of Godcrich tow last weak Nought f► tease of three rye. old fillies from Mr. ,Ionics Miller„ tris 3rd con. of Rollet, paaj'ing ht $3E5 therefor. Mr. Robt.° Martin, the London road, recently sold a� Sn to lir. IL. AleLeui hlia,. of 1Iibbert;= o the aunt of sero, and a n'erking wain, to Mre. htol swen, $sacs eon. of f reeerleya for $145, ilir. E. Bell, of Loudesboro, has sola the well known stallion, Lucky' 411, for a good figure COSI A Mesta *ad JOHN soya a tares t»s" salt+. £fir MATHESON Pay peetelliee. 'Furniture and Undertaking Rowe aril nl rew3 « Bed -roam and Parlor Suites, Sideboards and. Entension. Tat les, Lounges an& l :itts.ty. ieinsiikf`llt!ias. Largest vvarerooms in town. UNDERTAKING, outside of the under- takers' ring, in all its branches. Open day and night. STAND: one door north of �ltolson's bank Mairi•street, - Exeter. NO CURE NO PAY! ,ft. g, and Square Offer to Invalids to tzar - The Nett Method Treatment PATENT i earthen be tollowin Mrs B io s 1aa rain pod It Fal? Alt stook Furs p'pRSIAN LAMAS, BEAVER AND MM;fli , FOR Weft tt'"t 1 IN- VITES TUE CAREFUL t. ,Si''LC1IOV OF HIS f11A11 r`i TCS AND ALL OV Et.'.: SVUQ ARL PLEASED TO C `a.t.y A 'irst*c ass stook of Boots & SHOES, PAWED, Q'f ERSIi4 ES, In. Ladies, Gents end Cltildreusl comprising the sit different ni • -,—ALSO A' ' EXCELLENT ASSORTMENTOF- JRO K R ,. CHINA GL MEDICINPS of ail Itindrs at the IiON�INION LABORATORY Madiain-Street, Exeter. Prescriptions promptly Filled. {fir BROWNING. PROPRIETOR. • By Which our success in During ehronio dfse4p•. ` ses.and defcfmities has been so uni(orm,tit at wefwilinow guarantee totreatbad or reputed incurable cases, for a stipulated price until. oared, and in case of failure to refund alt the money plaidus uoder such written guarantee. Itwillcost you nothing to investigate this off- er, ifs consultation at th.e °Messer by letter is free. Take no stance—ppaay nomoney to a4ae- for ti.nlese he has confidence enough in his skill to guarantee acure. Noaiatterwhattba name or nature of/our disease maybe Ballon orwrtte to us,giv.ingage, sex, complexion and symptoms. send stamps to pfepay postage on the NEW METHODCURE 200 book illustrations, Part I, contains 228 pages, sytnptoms of diseases and reports of over lo,000 cures• Presorlptiong,for the core of acute diseases byAllopathic, Homoeoppa'thicand Eclectic reme- dies; Hygienic instructions for ever:lady gentle• mea said family. Will be Mailed on receipt gt 2[t tweaf'•Cent stamps;=or 40 cents in silver. Pact II; private information for menendpboyp, receipt or old, 5 two Bent stamps ord in p10 centsn rain silver as Pert III information and Instructions for la- dies, married -or single, 14 ',Colored illustrations. thirteen I3 h were born symptoms. advice and reports of nares: mailed to bailee sealed in lainenveltlpa6nrcooiptof6 only; s or i Dania in alive r. Thetins nt aLgrnP g or 64 • , Congress were in England, eight fn c'heeoffieesoihtsgr tits9�,ettherat Ireland, seven in Scotland, two ten•: ieatr eette%dbt: iletrpiti, Nicole p'ra Elm Grerman3e two . in. Bavaria, ope ill t, pl1 le 6Ae ineilsrsraIlstbetedd ea •.. Sweden, two in Not way', and tlii ee in; ,aWl 1 Oanade, in Ohio, Five hhelnl)erf of the p•resent ttvo-°e books will beinailad for `".u` two cent ptamp , • C. g g • •' • h. se r:. e have cared inva lda in all parts` of the world, through corrnspoeidenee; remeddfes and tnstrair Wino b©ina seat brZldil or Exnress.. 4 ALSO A'tIOOD SELECTION" OF Fia ei an - inc y PHOTOGRAPHS: MR. IOSEPH. SENIOR having purchased the business of Chas, Senior, wishes to in- form. the the public that he can be found At the Old stare - Main Street, Exeter. The Finest. Cabinets in the warn- fry- Elegant Finish. and uh©ckI 7 inch weal sheeting, Jacket); An excellent assortment of /[sorry. - ALSO RHEIMS AS ,� Dr OR 0)? ALL STAPLES, AS BPQTUBBD j ERY HOME.-VO4. Heavy all wool B1t nk t White and Grey Hoods Tainil,,zi,�lu' ere, "4 sal. Oopying ,and. Enlarging done on 'shortest notice. JOS. SE1410-.R • A GOOD SUPPLY RE THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED ,.. AND THE LEADING NEWSPAPER OF CANADA 4 DAILY IGLOOS, Morning Edition, - 105.00 per ar3nuasi DATUDDAY, DAILY 010814 . . 1.00 se at ifin!:Milacent'nditions of Th. ett?othgehoetai f be %red, front all News De -Alessi `between Toronto and London, which has Imo minting daily since 3ed March fast; will be continued thronghout r888. This train arrives a London at 6.4o 'sutra, tasking conneetIon-with all the early bukts front that point, securing for ,: TheurautoGlobet'avatedelbrery,, throng. heat Western. ()aerie hours in Advance 9f all . _. oke an advertisiug maim* The Glo'be has Ito equal in Canada. Itst acitation, which appease , at head of . its editorlal column., daily, Is far in advance of all other Cariniliair PaPeS4). and • it is the intention of tIA.,rnan- est to always keep The Globe in its proud position as the LEADIIIC • .. a oF umiak both in,point of circulation and' influence. TUE GLOBE 1311. INTINC N.