The Advocate, 1888-1-12, Page 5Local Nuns, —Frew boons., and, shoes, in endless Variety, at ,Sandwell L Pickard's. Ordered clothing a specialty, a~irst-elaattt .gtrareeteed $atnwell 4 Pickard. ' * ,r --�Sca'tebw . Ee fish mid Caltadime bards; `Jorge variety at Saittwell said Pickard .. GilntQn.,sera , ra: 'Mrs, H. An,: Arews is visiting friends in Exeterfor two or three wweeksa ,.. . ---Sleighing is:good aid farmers MA -others are tekieg advantage .al° it by 'doing their ,rintier''S work. --Di;; J P. Aiken, of Port Euro», formal, of Exeter, visited . friends in Mrs 'O'Brien, ie visiting her dal ter, Mre. Henry Huston, Exeter publie school re=opened Qm Monday with a large attendance of Mug, es -Mr, Smith,. of Parkhill; spent Sunday -With ; fit:,. Levette, our' new grain buyerr, sal essr ;,O. 4 S. Gidley, furniture dealers, now occupy their new stand, Oddfellows, Block Exeter; —Mr, Jos. Smith, now of Strathroy, has been calling on his old friends here: He speak well of is new home. Mr. & Mrs. Fountain after visit. ing #itlf_friends here for a week left for Port Rope Fr `!day morning, •—Sarnwell 4 -Pickard hese;,just re ceived a large consignment of goods di. • town last, Thursday a ee Friday' rest from P gland and which they are Offering At heck Vettorst Prices, �* me Belmont ;I'fritpa, a new mph,.; Air. H. F,alli;ek � Mt r W.M4un- at for public patronage, has to i ed, Arad pres€ota a neat appearance; ing lett one Monday morenint the form- -Them is iio "widen eat Biu the S;tatrr., er for London and the latter for cit iakieg it; a pun; aide offence to Haaiai.ton. AI"' a Oundl! of Studentn. gersoalate 4 voter is a munteipal sleet, went to Cliratera. Why not Exeter have a high wheel,. - +wle to the elippe'ry stag of the ! , _-Mr, Samuel , feCleeghlin, et orae s, and the ;necessity of having unit! it resicleiat of this village; but moll( fug hence kept well cite, Week- e Maltitoil :: at .present visiting are busy le eenecqueuee. 1r lrs3e in tiieF4lr, Sane looks hale and. ,..g *era who ere lathering Meir'. �lry after nu 'eg, to think ef something to nertheraa re:hi�lns. give particulate oun ,'tidies, are, adeitted i : The #stile.. that marriage iieenn aro very divas). We ere plesed to etate,, that afro and illness, Mrs, E, Seell has so fax recovered as ale to gar snit of steers oceasiortelly •ou, riling aye years i ng item Appeared i ridoa Yee Frerax of Saturday, on inquiry find that iso eticli sr aver lived ,hem. "Miss ately'Au assistant teacher i ricer's school, Exeter, Inman G in Japan. at $2,40+0 a,'oar." ails, Peugaall, who has been arcing en the mail train hetweert lieedon and Wi nelsam, 1ms been trasse (erred to the British C*ulumbie eervieeA, Herbert L Elliott, formerly of ter, it rlwcay ansa;; c;erl�, ea the 4111 Truett raid, will areeunve from Viaitleer, ising;aces!=signed the ruin Dou r t V Perrin, eif Clinton, leas chid tills the position ef ieehfi, oe baggage nem. lust, Tuesday, for Li rlaiFn, where lie will joint er friends. As eats, alien g arable employe the travelling nubile as well a+rtheaailwFay company looser e- ceinpetrnt man, in the pexaou of Cllr F. Ku iglee 13rsa Ct ru DEEM. We will furnish eateelleut religious paper, The t>f flIora'ar, and Wayward for cit papers for only $1.50, The t'r er is an 8•page 4t.colum, werltly paper and is cheap at 1.00 a year. Each issue cFlntains a 5 to 6.colutmxt sumluary sof. Methodist Church uews, and a great variety of choice reading matter. Sfn1 r address' to Jeeps PUBLISHING louse Ont for za free aple copy, or call at this office and 0. —We direct the attention of the ltrale postcon of our readers to the au- nouneementa elsewhere in dais issue, calling the attention of Farmers and others interested to attend a meeting slf the Farmers Institute of South Huron to be held at Hodgin's Hall, 'lensall, on Monday and Tuesday,lOth a and 17th inst., commencing at ono o"clock p. m. Among other prominent speakers who are to address the meet- ing, we notice the name of Mr. John McMillan appears on the list. —A peculiar infectious throat dis- ease bas broken out among the horses, in the township of Hay, by which a number of farmers heave lost several valuable horses. Last week Messrs. Alex Ingraham and. P a`'eo. Tgdd losit two yery valuable horses, from this loathsome disease, which cduses the throat to so swell that the animal "he Rev. Me. Brick, of the Dien elle of Algoma, will preach in Christ 'church, Exeter, tide (Thuteday) even. ilne, et 7 se'eleek ,p. ere Crulleetiens in elid'x t the Mission Penh. After six CRIZ .::5? dAthe' ,wars, w stedx.r*tsuel that Mr. Thomas T,yudrall taaR tendered hies reeipraaatiers es heed laced Butter inthe ordered clothing 'department of Mr .►annex Pickard. Mr Je h. teatnmtdere, of Watford, I aecniev did setae;;rely hone eimeing the other; 33r Tk'rrannl day. In legis than seven hours he re•. Mr ATV'n "moved 43 +shoe$ axed put on 4te It Angiesr Call will snake eon* of the fast shoes hustle Isis a aft* and lower this record. On the whole buSines3 asgood and Exeter merehantai are doing a good trade.': Prices for term produce is moderately high while the nnereh aut.a wares arse exeeptioually low, wpm. spindly the farmers have the advent. a —Tie materiel for the erection of a llandsome'hriek bled; to be built next piing en the toreer of John and Main streets, by MrWm. Sonthcottisbeing arovidrsd. One hundred thousand bricks and aevt•ral cords of stone will be required to cocnpletr it.. Inas bean received by friends Isere that Messrs F and J. ttodhelt who recently left I liwville for Bute City, California, to take up land, have arrived all. right and hiving made au inspection of their property are highly pleased with it; the weather is delight• fu1. --The pulpit of James—street Meth- odist church last Sunday, in the ale sence of the pastor, Rev. James Gra- ham, was'occupied in the morning by Mr. Thos. Clarke, of Colborne, and in evening by Rev. John Greenway, who is here on a visit among friends, of Manitoba, when plain practical sermon were ably delivered. —The Scottish Concert Company will appear again at Drew's Opera House, under the auspices of the Roy- al Arch Masons, on Tuesday, January -31st, when a complete change of pro- gramme will be presented. As this ,company appeared here a short time e • Ago and were so highly appreciated and ainable.to oat or drink f8r ceeer this s, heartly applauded on that occasion, alter which an abaudane of thiole ,comment from us is unnecessary, tnocus matter is discharged from the' mouth and nose. Sometimes the swe- inn breaks ,oat; on the inside of Ate Week, but generally on the inside of the throat. -One of the most important things for the new counoil to consider is the formation of afire company to take the place of Defiance Company, No. 2, which has disbanded, owing to the proposed reduction in the cumber of men. A number of firemen say: - sesta OF TRC !SNOW A little boy, a pair of skates A hole in theice, and golden gates. _ilius Lizzie Verity, has accepted i the position of organist d Main street Churcli in placeeef .Miss S. A. Eacrett, resigned, -� eSara. Ross 4 Taylor have re- moved their plant.and snaehinery into their new premises recently purchased front C. 4 S. Gilley, Messrs W. II, Verity le Son are busy manufacturing an order of eight hundred of their celebrated ploughs for sllipnieet to Manitoba. --Unmarried ladies should reinem her that thia is leap year and that they are allowed.tQ make propositions to the gentlemen, consequently sndrria; es may be not a*few. Officers of Main- street Baud of Hope were elected meetly; Presidia;, Mr. R. Selden; Vfee Preeideet, Mr. 0. Verity; SeetaY .. Organist,, ].'M i s Ida Eacrett. ,Ir E, Sesrlet, our popular drug< [gist, Iiia weld his eetire stock to Mr Wilson, of Watford, who is ,taking it to Eensall where he is Ong to open up a drug bnsinei s.. —Maas W . Saunders, J. Willis ml J. Fergualon, of Exeter, attended mooting of the District L O. Led held at Luean Tuesday, ns deiej e frees Exeter, 14 0. let No. 924. On 3tonday iiat, the friends Stnitb, tnot.t r of Mrs, JQhn Spackrpen, Exeter, gave her re happy surprise by coming from SGrhemaeand other parts to celebrate her —birth- day. The tvatribution from the Cathie ics of Ontario to the jubilee preeerbt- atiou to the Pope ie iu the nrighl4r. hoed oft 25,0-99. .Eialaop Va+alelt, of Lenders and I3zeliop Cleary, sof '7dais. tons, who are et presert#, ala, Rome, have psess:rateti the gift —At the annual District rneetirng, tad at Loma en Tuesday last, Mr. Wiiitiaitst Sullen, of Exeter, was a lzoitlted Secretary for the Orange Die x'izt Dilclge, sof Riddailph. Mr, under' alio ltailde the secretary .tip .o£ Exeter Primary Lalge and theao.nty Oran; e Lodge, of South Huron, and is in every respect well qualified to fill these po- tione of trust.. Tineria will be tin open !meeting of anew Council, llo X07, R. T. of T., e lecture .room of Mein 0. Meth. You 1. their store The largest & best stock of nay are now show'1] at prices f B DW HARDWARE equalled. iu , zeter Itxrge conasngrnun:aeut sof —In tlfeyear 1888 there will be five eclipses—three of the sun and two of the moon, January 28th --visible gen- erally throughout ,America; t partial *eclipse of the sun Febuary 11th, invis- ible in Canada, a partial «clips of the sun July 9th, invisible in Canada; a 'total eclips of the moon July 22nd and '23rd, visible in Canada; a partial e- clipse of the sun August `r th, invisible in Canada. ' .«pkiat is .impossible for any number -The record of fires in Canada and less than fifty men tosuccnssfuliy man 'the United States for December last age and opt .rate 'two engines and a like shows that the total loss of property' by number of hose reels, »ncl more especi- ' this agency footed up to the startling ally in extreme cases' of ergent t eeess- 'amount of $11,200,000, or $3,000,000 ity." Ovine ' to the state of Mee streets .above the average: During 1887, the during the winter sea.on the fire brie - value of property destroyed by fire in axle should be au ,umented in placer of the two countries"was $129,264,400, be reduced." Conflagrations in ug twist $116,600,000 in 1886, while Exeter have been few and far between, the loss for the past five years exhibits but still no bne can tell just when a the appalling total of over half a billi- on dollars.? 1A.t ;enormous prrtion of this•kiss -could havelecn avoided' but for the carelessness' of the public, but there is reason to fearthatrsn. not a few •communities the facaltia s'f~or obtaining high insurance on a poor class of prop rtf ha; e,prvino(cul'iiiee riraairs.nt,.� ;•�C clttrreh, on ltlanday etenring rie,eta Jan. ;lith, coanutencing at €l-o'clopk. Fro - gun io„ consist of lecture by the Select Councillor, R. IL Collins, Songs, read* ing, and music by best local talent. All are invited to be present, a collect- ion at the close. -w-On Monday evening last, the foil. owing officers lrtcowiest:on with this Royal Tetnplars of Temperance were selected and duly installed: S. O., R. H. Collins; V. O. W. J. 13isscst; P. 0., T. H. Tyndall; R. S,, E. Verity; Asst,. R. S., ItOht, B. Pickard; Treas., 3. aoutheota Financial Secy., R, Gidley; Chaplain, Geo. Hind; Herald, Jas, Shapton, Guard, R. Crocker; Sentinel, Sid ;avis. -Ono of the best preserved old gentlemen for his age to be seen on our streets nowadays is Raineses of Egypt. He looks fresh as a daisy after n nap of a few thousand years. His teeth aro slightly .clisfi uered, which greately spoils Isis beauty. What a dicey old swell he would be with a new set mads by 0ARTwnIGnT, the dentist. 'The world renowned Vegetable Vapor, for the painless ex- traction of teeth, administered by. O irTwnliOnT, the dentist. fire of a most s n•ious nature may break out a'lid with the absence of ''a firs brig{1e nothing remains telt to.submit to the mercy of the fiery e'ements .which has very little o'Impassion and is no respector of persons, and the soon- er a fire Ycouipany be orga:niz:,cl ' the lietteie fee tl"re avclfarls' of the y�il!a , —We had a pleasant call from Dr. ohPP. Aiken, of Port Huron, on Friday We are pleased to see the doctor in so hale and heart and wearing a Pleasing elope. The Doctor notices that a great-Melly"changes have taken place here during his absence of five years. By indefatigable industry Mr Aiken has succeeded in accomplishing bis aim very successfully and is now enjoying the, fruits of persistent energy and iron pluck by having assumed the practice of an old and experience doc- tor. During his practice of some five or six months Dr. Aiken has been very sucoessfull with his patients and has succeeded in establishing for himself a prof table busmess. While here Mr. Aiken spent a jolly time at the marri- ere of his brother, J. 11. Aiken, which took. place at London on. the 4th inst, EXETER MARKETS. Red Winter, per bus'l $ 75 to'82 White 75 .to 82 Spring to 75 to 83 65 to 68 32 to. 33 20 to 23. • 25 to 2s,. 23to. 25 Potatoes per bag 0.�0 to 1,00 p 3 hexed lin++s "e 104' ti FiO.te x,0o ^ ,^ ie. •:ri •�6Q' rl,2 60 ADVV O(114:i.V F 1�4gfe - .�lltl:� Bairley Oats Eggs Butter; Rolls Butter, 'Crooks • 041, and err rniae their stock, get brief; AYMOD cut Saws Al you will be well t•+rpnid. the NG Machine. SOIITIICOTT, MERCHANT 1111,011, IT GOODS ARE FIRST -GLASS, AND A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED. A CALL SOLICITED. NONE BUT FIRST-CLASS WORK- MEN EMPLOYED. Now is the time to leave your order for a first-slass over.:oat Cti,AAP. P•. Koval'cOtt, Corner Main Sc John sts, EXETER - - Oji T. WILUA SAb'IERS - AGENT FOE THE Commercial Union Assurance Company of GREAT BRITAIN. Capital and Assets,' $21,000,000. ANA T$T, Lancashire Fir& Insurance Co. M 4 NCHEST.F R, ENG." CAPITAL, ' - $14 600.000.00. GAP , DWI= IN ATCII S, CLOCKS, JElt'ELER1', Silver-plated ware, Musical l4ntru- ments, and SPECTACLES of all niakes and to suit all ages. Repairingagmcialty. Satisfaction guaranteed every time. - J. C. STONEMAN', Henealle;dirt. The: best and Most reliable Fire insur- ance't amps, atiies in -the world. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. Prescription of a plsysta u vita has had a life long esperreneet in treatingfemale diseases. levan nionthiytalth perfect sueet's.i by over 10.0001adies. Plesasant, safe, effectual. Ladies ask your drug- gist for Pennyroyal''Waterat ands taken° substitute, or Inclose st- age for sealed particulars. *SO d by - all y all d sts $1 box. Ad testi EUBEIM CHEMICAL CO., Di rnorr+t Sold in Exeter by Dr. 'Lutz,:- and druggists everywhere Qct 1 7 RA .i. E. N.' .L. ; �:• , Caveats, Re -issues and Trade-11garksSig ;red and all other patent causes in the Pitt•, t Mee and before the Courts prolnp#;ly; and . carefully atts`rnded to, ... Upon receipt of Model or Sketch. of In- vention, I make careful examination; a, el advise as to patentability Pree,of clam ge. FEES Moab a cTs, acid I make No char. unless patel,t is secured. Iiifurtyatit.u, advice and special refreneos sent on tipla.i Cation. - • . ' J. It LITTELL, Washington,.J7. C, Opposttc U. B. Patent Office. Rhe Great English Preseript_lon,. A successful Medicine used Avera 30 years in . thousands of 'cases.' Cures Sperntatorrhece, Net -;ora' lVca1eiess, J0nai8s021s, Itnpui'etofj and all diseases caused by abuse. [naronul indiscretion, or over-exeNtio.F' s'srlt six packages Guaranteed to (.Zee when another* Fail. Ask your Druggist' for The Ortotx,ij ri ty Prescription, take no � substitute. ..One package, Six $6, by mail. Write for Pamphlett.;;Addr. ,g Eureka Chemical Co., Lietrolt' iijlek ,Sold, in Elceter by Dr.,.(� drUmnists everywhere: r ut• it,4 ttwt