HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Advocate, 1888-1-12, Page 4ELLIOT th ELLIOT, BARRISTERS,, Solicitors, Conveyancers, d:c. Money to Loa. at 6% 11.. V. ''LLI07.`, xX. Er' enie The Exeter Advocate. THOMAS PASMORE, editor AND Proprietor. CF210E: Afai a Street, Exeter. THU SDAY, JANUARY 12, I888. PPOPIgtooP PRP; To. (flay Readers. We have entered upon the legianing Q£ meaner year, seed aizzcerely ]zaps oar friends will lend us a helping hand; Many and great have been the obsti- eles we have had to encounter, but the force of stern necessity bearing upon. gas we have overcome thein :ill. We have a lug() number of accorants ort our becks for Job, work which must be: settled ar our- Also a large number of unpaid subscriptions, which o£ ue- cessity we must demand Inuurpwes settlement. Trusting this rote frill be sufficient and command a hearty s e- eponse from all who are indebted to its Wishing all a Prosperous and Happy New Year,. we remain, yours to., THOS, PASMORE, Publisher. TnEnRare now seven pititioue for the repealof the Scott Act before they Minister of Justice. The Government has decided that excepting in the crisis of Westmoreland County, N. B., anal Stanstead, gue., no elections: for repeal of the Scott .Act will be held until after the 15th of .April next as in moat cases the Act will not have been in Peres for three years until the 1st of Iday. Whether or not this dcision will affect the petition for the repeal of the Act in Halton County will depend upon the view which the Government may teke of the objections taken. by the fr e ends of the.ureesure to the doeuinent, filedby its opponents. It has ' been alleged drat the petition is zadiGally d - fective, and that the Government has been favorable to amending it, but can- not get the consent of those xn favor of the continuance of prohibitioe, `° When this contest in Helton comet, it will be a. tough one, and will he looked upon by other conr>tituences in the light of a test case. Thiscounty was the fret in. Ontario to adopt the Scott .Act, and two and a half years ago reaffirmed its decision. A Caw. or &le n ]+amort es may be looked for as a result of the downfall of biesers, S. W. MaeMaater k Co., as. it is stated that the cam vz that 6roe'e failure was its attempt to carry too many retail Arms, Wholesale houses are tempted to "carry" retail lenses, bexauae the latter in such cases become almost stere agents ,for the sale of the IT re ONLY in a"very general way forlrwer's goads: The wholesale leiter. that the common Ise, makes it a Jar chants' teemeees # nd it easy to force ceny to take A newspaper and refuse to 'large araoui is of. eron undesirable pay for it. Just how the law is en- goods upon them, Ther end in suet, a forced is sozaethingwith which people ease soon come& generally* are not very well acquainted. -According to one of our exchanges, the publisher o£ a newspaper in Huron +County; a short time ago, brought suit :againsta man because he refused to ,pay for the paper, on the•ground that he had ordered a former proprietor of tholes -per to discontinue it. The Judge .held, that, this was nota valid defence,, wad defendant was bound- to. pay for• the time he had received the paper and• until he had paid all arrears due for subscription. The publisher of a pap- er an. the state of Illinois, a short time since, brought suit against forty. -three men who would not pay for their sub- scription, with the result that it obtain- ed judgment in every case for the- a- mount of claim, if these judgment debtors, twenty-eight made affidavit that they owned no more than the law• allowed, and accordingly, attachments - were avoided. But this did not end the case. Under a decision of the Supreme Court, they were arrested for petty larceny, and bound over in the sum of three hundred dollars each. In Canada the law provides that any. - •one taking a newspaper or other peri- odical from the post office three times in succession is held liable to subscript ion to the same whither he has sub- scribed or not We regret to say that quite a number have been taking the • Exeter ADVOCATE since its first issue, (June 9th, 1887.) and are now ordering •: ' it discontieued and refusing to pay for it, and trying every way to evade' pity- -znent. We have no desire to follow elle course adopted by our . cont repor aries, but must gently hint to those Whom this matter applies thatit tabes money to run a newspaper, and the ;amount due us must be. forthcoming, .otherwise we may have to adopt stria - gent measures to secure .our tights. Bow many will take the hint 1 We have no objections to any person stop- iping their paper providing they have paid for it, but when a paper has been -taken seven months or a year from the postoffiee by parties to whom addressed ;and then refusing to pay for it on the ,ground that they never ordered it, the. law of Canada mattes it an honest debt '•' ,and can be collected according to the Statutes. Tna Manitoba- members of 'Parlia- ment are said to be dissatisfied at the postponement of the opening of the House; They had the remedy in their own hands, in' a' measure. If they could have prevailed upon their breth- ern in the Local Legislatureto tell Sir Charles Tupper to go about his busi- ness when he announced his intention to go to Winnipeg stud wirepult for the Ottawa centralizers, they would' hale materially aided in hurrying forward the meeting of Parliament. The Canadian Pacific Railwayis evi- • densly up to the necessities of the times, ' }aving ordered five hundred additional re'td bo1,utit imeed.k,tely. GAME ESTRAY. Come nto the premises nr'the zubscrib- fit L. It•'E., %.heifer. 2 years old. The miter will prove .property, pay ex-. pensee and iialce iter away. Weeneeu t Tueseuz ,, • Deo. Beth, to •• Brewster P. O. WOTIO gE ANNI At, ETIiNC PF THE Stepherf & T aborne Agricultural So- ciety will be held in the Town Hall, Exe- ter, on Tievaimer, jammer 12th, 1583, at TWO.o'eleck p,nt„ for the election of officers and receiving the Directors1report All parties interested in the welfare of the society are invitee to attend, Per order of the president, J.4e.11,04x4crixf S. ALEX. G. DYER, Secretary. A meeting of the 1)ireetors of the%hors society will be held et r. 0'0/0oa, M. sharp, on same day at the TOMO Mall, Ezcetetr. BeTIDE Mum STATES the letter postage, ate is two cents an ounce, in Greet Britain it is a penny (two cents) an ounce, and parcels can be sent for three cents per pound, and in Canada the letter rate es three cents for half an ounce. Therefore the Americans or the Englishman can send for two cents letters which which it costs the Caned- ian•six cents to mail. If the three cent rate cannot be done away with,. surely the vexatious and useless half ounce limit cam MORTGAGE. SALE FARMPROPERTY. EFA.IILTHAVING BEEN UAWFill payment of a certain registered hiertgilect datadated 18th December, 1865, made by one Jam Bngland, to the Ven- dors there will he sold by PUBLIC AUOTION, by Henry Buser, auctioneer, under power of sale in said Mortgage, at 1-X•st dginn'se 1EXcrtele Li las - L II,A E Qt'C TTKAX Lar is the County of Huron, on Thu achy, the 19th day of Sammy, 7l??88, rt omi o'cleek in the afternoon,•tke tlzr following bagels, vie, the await half of Lot number Three, in the third wucosion,: and lot number tliirte,n-, in theiifth eon- ' n, on-ion, or the Township of Stephen, in sold cough, containing One hundred and #ltirg acrei mote e'.r keg. The south halt' of het tit ,u contains fifty acres ane; has erected thereon a log,housc, frame barn, frau stable, and shells, and is distant Irene Centralia about tl,niles. Let nunilier thirteen aforesaid, contains 190 acres, is`shout four miles from Exeter and lues thereon a good log house,' frame bare,: endetabler and e!laeda, also a semi or chain, The soil of both parcels Is good clay loans. Bulb parcel* are cleared and forts a -valuable and cleeuablo property.. T1.iteis:'TOn per cant., or the -purchase money will be required to be paid a time of sale ;laid the balance within fourteen a''ayea thereafter. Arrangements may be made by which a large Tendon of the pin - Abase money may be allowed to remain on naontgage entie property. ` Farther particulars can be learned by reference to the auctioneer or to Mans, ORBE,rz a:i•:s & Tuoares, Vendors' Solicitors, IInear EILBEA,.Auctioneer, Crediten post -office., London, December 27th, 189r. (BARGAINS! BARGAINS! H alai made a settlement with his. —Creditors -- -17„ -. EAG 'Will sell his ent remammoth *tock of 1eady-Made ? , Dry -Goods Blots an $4es:. OroseriesiOrockery,.elassware are, At less Vicar .Aottal Post is#tcatlnd to reduce his stook offer-- ARGAI NS Best FaDIBTITewspaper in Canada, EsrAntasnto 43 YEaies. S f 0 WRkihNES E ......" rem Pres,: LONDON, fJ1l, The Haatst ftt'oi ilarT Tho AgrroatntitIlep rtmentt%ia tioted t'eattfro A>!•r tie"'Eroc Pre,t,orlefusaIways•AP,P xa MA tiw. a4d• 4ondttrt«I,'by persons pi,crttcrlij . wee' 'sa Porn Work. Never bef o offored f Cools well assorted and everytfting fresh. No shelf went goods in stock. Bargains for Yoz Barg18 for Faun' Neighbor; 414.00414t0 OM AU THERE is- hardly a country jail in the province where there are not insane people confined. This is not• treating. the most unfortunate class in the com- munity fair, and the truly good deacon should ask his premier to .provide more asylums. In Goderich Jail at present there are four insane females .and one ,gale confined. EDITORIAL NOTES.- Four persons guilty. of bribery ` in the recent Whitney -Chamberlain elect ion, were yesterday $200 eech by. Mr. Justice Ferguson in Montereal! •ice. After January 4th the direct mail Service to Newfoundland will cease for the winter, and will be forwarded to: Halifax by the Canadian packet from Londonderry. An English bride descerted her hus- band on the wedding trip because he settled down in one corner gf the.oarrt age and went to,sleep as, soon as they started. She slipped out of the carr,,• age at the'first station, leaving behind only a slip .of paper attached to Mi. Brown's coat tail and bearing` ,these words: "Tired of. matrimony. ` Hall enough of it, and gone hem; to my ins, ''CHRISTIE''S COMMERCIAL RC1AL LIVELY 1i! R ar'AeLr Remember and Call Early and bring the CASH. along, for which you will receive more than fug value. Christmas Groceries just in. The house with will find it ptoftableto eeR, Poultry awl Produce of all kinds IWTakeu as Cali. 17.. EA.RING3- ON'S BLOOE. METE- latiogs, Practical and Us ul` given each week Au the News In Full 81r TeFe; r+pta. Teere Done, gall sae Den deco tap to e" Aosr of I; rtr?Nqu SSeof4:4446 PepartooePt., .,gd#ec,iavrs! I»'irt.- eRt,. Stor,Y OW*.R,r4ruttn,;,. lc eu- JUST Every 7tt 1N4i f7 NAR` T4IE FAMILY I ltousebolt#i c+terly Awl, week.. 1 ls, 7tc each.. 7 Rye' 2,000 IN PRBlifitiM Given Away Free to Aeons. ext izoor I trdam entg ever uScrcd' tomole. Evcrr)3bio4 toefo)„ uablo oarl a:n LeaW. 'TS WANTED EVER' Q ar' more3. vow ,1. S OPENED AND NOW 000UPIES 10$ NEW SVIhNU Where be is prepared to futniele the Public with IBST LASSI&rJ cAs Buns and Confectionery as be uses only First-class Roller Flour N•ow is the time to Teas your orders for nicety Ornamented Clerietznzts Calcis,, Wedding Oakes, and' Party Cakes,. at reesonehle prices. ORDEES PPeOMPTL'2' ATTENDBD TO ---- One door north of 33ellcs old st ncL HAIN•STREET, EXETER. S/ Having thfs season purchased most of our stock direct from sharnifacturer& in England and Germany, to do so we had to give our orders eery early in the season, and as the prospects looked well we bought largeiy, the goods have. now arrived and we find that hard times are causing a great depression i trade,we have therefore decided to meet the times by marking all goods at ;Rigs and Horses First -Class. H D -wt PANPRICES• WOrdera•lgft at the Hativkshaw House or at the gable will be promptly attended to. Tssaes: REASONADDE. as to insure te speedy clearance,, therefore we would invite all iieteudiiag per 18881 "-GlgA.T— 1888. ,chasers Rebellion against High Prices CEOROEMANON'S Ofie'door south of the Postoffice, Main:-st. Exeter. A erel1-assorted stock - of ;BEADY.= I/OE BOOTS &,SHOES Front the best CV,nnadian.manuf`acturies in the Dominion. .la / ALSG D MARE of the highest AA' :trial solicited and WORK. crass, satisfaction; guaranteed. Custom work ,a. Specialty.- STAND -- Ousdoor south:, of ; tho Postollicer ,-14n nestreet;e-Exe'tetTk'• To Call and Inspect our Stock. and note Prices of all New Goods, • including Ladies' Dolmans, Jackets, Ulsters, Misses' and Maids' Ulsters, all sizes. 1 lore SATIN Dress good's in all the newest colors and styles. },?lain and' Fancy Plushes, Scarlets, and Plain and Fancy. Hosiery acid Gloves. AIM .s full line of MEN'S, YOUTHS' and.BOYTS' EnIt - r4a0E' R e, HATS and CAPS - A11 cL wflich will:.bo,.sold at the,• LOWEST,POSSIBL i C