The Advocate, 1888-1-12, Page 1Y' O. EXETER T. Ono T; ptiblis1i i1 every Thursday morning, at the office, trliial.-st, Exeter, Ont. 'ITEMS fair GilliSCirlfi'n•,t .: News From Homes and . Fields ' . dcUar a ter if, vid. ;Aveiro; $1.50 *list; es of 1-Iurvn County Farmers Atrrerflstod /Into on App!'ca#Ian. `voraterdasttontin? ed ttntilred =caw= are FOG. Advrttisementu without srmifec dill ^:c,ss rI 9 be i,ab:tslrt'4 tilt at aJi+A andehano Mxcniu 'p phot ,1' dasaonn%made^fortraria rent• 441ern..,n,pFt3sac rtes for t,On„ f„a494s. I:`very olcsalletta a of JOU11111,-, IhGi tamed out tat Ela* Ian4S•t etylc of the ma sial at Ad erste rates,. Chcoptes. r -.ones onde% ,,to, for advertheng, sal trip+lies):, enc,, to to a tadep ;,•ably to THOS. PASHOIE, Zdtter•ga1i CODHTY OF JA' JANUARY 12, Cif CU PII F,•nft'vrat, Cocrci3.—Iter. S r, Hutto t Sur SLY t•tuv-iecs, I1 a. m,, and ? Word. tad p.ter. o\ Amor *-.uat:cag services, 7. u.'tp: $ p. 1a , ecrrays coon' nicht ttwing rat if odor::• folincss!:-•-e:tia4C at dt a.m. Qn . urda; MgrzQpr3T etiCr('!.f-3sattrs . at.„ Ver..J. 4r,'1 tinter, Sunday dry verb Ss, 19.3ft a. r•_ end G. p. u. al :ttbath echos), t to. in. .Freer rewiring `d'ttucel, ,sren)ng aF 7•4t. HMG firnears—Rfiv. W. H. Feaar*,' Oster. Sat', )3,' Vervi,^rs. 19.:0 a, I. slid £ St+ r, m Sabl'Xcr4 p+hsurl, ,SU h• tit. t'rl-ermeeting, Ti>urrsia' oxen• log at 7.39, Kopko, prates ate» ;, 'harsdal• wooing at LSO. Pr:motorman f'itarcliti . to w iE, i'i>3iRI;:tarter. itancley aertis:cs. 11 a, rn and Cat) it. fit Ssbba'th as;sa„),4;44 n, apt. Yount peoples lazriier metticg, ': _4t 4i. T+rursdaverelon•, praserawningOStse;lock. Choir i - coluecsediaStly after, Court Woodham I. 0,. F., held at g arta. ther ;Qiz1 ton, is in a flourishing condition, mena13*?ra, being added..at every Ineeting, Mr. Bonne, proprietor of the Kirk - ton Creamery is t t present waving his )which is ea Nts: eft 11 t tit ,,fit SOme distauc Upen erne(Mtdtart's but he found :he dooreceurely fa xn- ed but succeei•.:d in foreleg tenze etronce. into the Loi and was about. to Shield the woman from her terrible F.r•=ii:ion, butter from Mr. Deleeuw's cellar, when Mi ter•t tee At Lim, c.:1,} wit!; (where-it has been stored since the axe dealt limn two Heavy b t<we twitting closing o the factory) to Seatforth. the forepart t. hie hoc+I open gas far Mr. Cyrus. Callander has, returned dotvan 33 the e; ebrarrre, as e.ell es othes- to h ntislasllen to resume teaelsneg and wi6c Ctlttilag salad brig il-n. Y.tr. irit n ' r has one to. Tor- lards, c..e wended. m^Ili i cg:;:d aanlr f $ ra onto ltofux her his a ' rb g e :a iced to further his studies iron the Vet.• loco a da>, eta ')Mopes ere t erinaxg college, for his recovery. et1l4 ,g i yet )'len dorso to Mutart, Ler 'Ani of pneestemeat, Mr. Jure Bryeete ie the p+see r of: due a two veer old entire colt Re= of Interest Brom Important eentres all Paves:ts••lleatiti nee, Fires, Sales, f a+lYok a,mdexue Dramas and of ,s aft Till©VGli1\c., i ln•. Al teot'L'iettfita rr.§its 6es•, o Mau i bexattb i' tNetcr Gut. tY1441;N, oa FJCIN STREET, Engler, upartsara opposite Central HaR46 tut - 2 tract rostca tect unroof• locdtn; to the IfeAL ud ax t°L arch. Grand Bend Tidings« *lob ice on the Lake, but no fishing i vet. Mr, Philip Baker, is the recipient of a grand New Year's gift, to the 'value of a fine boy. ba emu anywhere, sic eeke a :ergo: tiro for Kinn, Nr. D. W. Delmar has been awe tisig his brother in opening oat A in the village of Weevale rga quamtitice of ;trick pass igle the village daily, for the ern en et :Huddle e en the eurrolMdian 'roepecte are goad for tb ScTila next Seezon eeting of the members of fist Church was held on Tuesday este for the purpose of dimming umt tern prier to building i new church, X11 seews iu favor of it; contellaently ice exited to MO A ti ti,QOO church erect- ed next summer. A. building CQM1111 Wtes euapenelled, Mr. Vidgett, from Michigan, took ones of our fait elle„ htors for his brio ui the pereoueof Maud Elliott, 11a wish thesa a happy uew year. A t313II01',d.1L`.FSSEG AV t'IWNEE,11, rar the T. wacities of Ilan and reform. AO orletil ,n aupatf mantes to Motor p,u.,t?.t. the 4atf.fdAM F:t)L1, LiCEASF0 A4v)CTII)' ' rhe The Farmers' rB' Iliatate will g,vn ate S erica; of 11i idtvsrx mad Lanthaala, Rea el itertainntent in Ooxo-orth'a Mill, (,1 "the To nah: rt of h"tol eta and flay. A@ taloa firma- T,tlg attended *a A17dtcta alt const r,Naacivsaa w 1 «1fr, 1i. Brass n, o t a' 1n oftday eveniln , I6th inst. •HJLT, AhfvL, ttladtoc, Ontrrio. X "pill f M f J grog. Rev, B. 11. Biertehy, of Rock,ti oed, U. GO a1N , S Illi S a formerly of this place, occupied the 9tiiteterof seframealert,of(intakecal. i'eloner, : Tho annirersiry service and tea' pulpit in •the Methetlssb church On Sun olivevaiWor,etc,,0:11.,.` jeatdeal ')tiamwdi&1'Iek- meeting, lu connemien with Elitnville dey eeeneng last, area, vet .r OM, idouoytaloaanft'rut lowest rates. Methodist church, will be held on Sten- Mn Ge)I,(I n, X210 for file )last )::rase xII. Court, to 1 thIxttra sollcttor or fir„ cora da . and Monday, January 22nd 23rd. to+o months has been 'ienrnsng the 'tin. Capt. 1. j, Court, hoV ' Mlle, Ceatcyvticer, cote mid tete , las ie mala Exit. Rev. 1)r. Pascoe, of Exeter, N111 preach sit -tithing in Woodsteek, is. here. The Citrtutnin.s, ttaltcn iir saage fix 3 ... ,. 't'lt ju6t Gtncc--Eanatata`a mule xrLr utornli) and evenspg, and will Erni basin ass) nod, on a lioulsiaing bestir a fir. +e a *ea :raft e, • ' ; Sundayiv i address 3Ionda even- i a are Ila to ::late that itzsv.:" , still it avanr) ,dot s i oa h4lllt fc:r Pett nftt?.=. > : il:g t es t fnlstalcl: 5i: itnn .> }i., extr KINSMAN', 1?Lallow, San also deliver ea y w , + F~ l 11e fel a«ti, one at tli1 c:l. .nd fait, lel; , inn, vhesa :,reit. ;lir: Moir, of 'Wood' R, I1lustmrt, who bas been.: s).+lisp4xtd lfopl« Aitfi i1GC .nl.1 x ort I3c ,e iso s , irgv 41.„, 1n, 5,. rt or singU tvdtew, pale, i so deliver fru address.recovering avray front town, tonne t,r” very°, peas. 1F`"3lfr lees el' diff wilt':1'3 'Dile liinl) „eel yip AteingYtgct+iblo t'+rppOUr• odtnpuew 1„ Sw1iZ +tlAip t r will also for seam time past) I! tow Ma*QUa and to eretlib t4 hie native ti ti+,t.. • a` , one were tee bs. A possible. (lotFillings,st We here love to Gee his genial Colinton- i + einehlet.ly' :peer d end the nufortunate• dental were tiro bat pawlblu flees tetZurlC63ati Lurioh ance On our StrQet•ar^,ain. ,., •t,' men otll°!r4 s' f■7;''+afWalTyin'urC'd. Iterate in cath FJIA g: --It is said the lair., puree ; sola rise J );At,"rBlbS fiR 3I.41h STREET, ESETE>i A. teameeting in connection witlE ladies now, c:srry sn their h °' r711 died. iii; :t1 tti1 7° Gt14 '?► ` thine suttee- - U `: O, L. iO, 0°4, EXETER. Din E. Ilossenbery, Bailiff aI this Hensall Methodist church, will be held ml;ah a prr cttl II' tllievcy.Tit'":"are fir. lace has. been offered the handsome on Friday owning, 20th i est. Tea SO cumbrous that rite:; rust lie laid ver month' suer of three hundred dollars for his 'will ba served itt Comore:: s tau, and Iso>;n wl',iie gaGds I. e; wrest u, 1o1ne- 3)lf I11„ Me• ets Fllt ,T r i in y 1n e y trotting mare Island B, bat declines a musical sand litermry entertainment time:: wlicn tune conic' to rice: +,Malin .JO UNs---,f . CLRtr ; , C InterniLai:, flat lie ve1at \):Riga hanother coeur hense ell' expensive ono. [r, ` seams Veal ha* moved a' he house 'recently wrested by- Mr. (Ault. The V'sberne Scott A,kt eteeocination will shortly be called together for the purpose of `a e.organlzation. f Wincllelse W ostnna:, r o n11 village, xee o r Janice -Jones. Riad f opal lateof Oia+± e: i Q. 32 Ja19fii 11 r sisal .. ie on 1Torn- day morals, ; pu) _ 7e 3ud;e oil tl o 'yids rt at i7y'.'' fs k+ ` '.n} iilrlat3x•'a} Ln the pro .en ee of ; large reimle, of lad -- . ad- lea aad Metebere of the Bar. IIs, ap- iFoietment is eery point . r Thela.as '0 3, ell; ear e.. ani gett eg : tiro tA; : oeiet of corn-' CClll r, beeig vitreal orae ate. lnnree ie lower than th eldest .'gate es e;. taw it. The water is feet helot.. the Folr._"' poet of a- h3TI r. 41: ry Ari 1 Lee peva'. rel rite ete.le of Geo. 'ii tee, eti ss tare Bele ing flail eb,ee1C a gm:4 min tion fir. prier The aur.- of illi ty sirs sillless e eti« ali;<°(l At e mai inn. l i l a itPre;tnll writ+ .ear fI dear tilt fit. f eeled 4f tn;i Heti)@ ° 1=p'.;, Ci'a(rl, IeuStlll, Tien Ye;„ -Lea liar M bally, ifs ul» 4n}psi a nt; le EP...0 through testing l' . a l at:laet+at reeve ter :I outer ik werie wee ;lee. lean ct lady i1a (-lute% The iiltah ~;ect)n„ 4. the Die*r Ledge of I+:a1dele lx wa- held ie vide,* of Luca., ea `l,'e .d < L . ee ilttenitianctl nee lege, te71`'1`i11 elenrlency of the are; ° er. wing Officers wet- elected f: I1t ever:- -W. M.), Pete JcLr itraliee W. D.T % ., Bft'1. er'+h ' 1t ll aaK lLliltgsc ! `` Wwilit; IStareers,Ee :tivt ;Tie ,e„' a. faieeves, Merle • Chair Bee. wee., Rreels?':.. cos, ;1). of C. Bre Williee Tame; ; 1 euro), Bre.. Y. Dade, .)kill ed P1e. ?artui' N an Ilensau Picking% dent Sleighing. ei robing ne snniling. n1 patsll atilpeartaeees, buildilag uperatiolls will be li.vdy next settee% reP'" 1a p$t5 §is of Haacon :Nutley pit b • elf _of t r eiget iii t5 'one melee rte Ave. K. crap€.rtes,. +vL1'elt a e, , ifs 177.`,V! sc s .ery large, ++Dt-i Jou." ;1lli wier 1i end IR will Of the late George A;rrtti, 1.^ menthe all the estxite to 'widen., of the Township The ''value of tie tettete Ili-31,(tetk, pzechea an 1 Au ottfuKht i tae meat to form ti a^« the. esee it; eteeeeae Institute Y1a tt,1e r ralatl ark, veal w° tits court hoin.«, -tea ' ,y, but ee few is xcft..a t s2on the r ,)tenons (pretably t:eco*Ise 1,lattraias i^ar3)t1:olInadjela- s l;ta4lraal nt a•.Nary until a yt' i arltll7 w ere ttpprnxa tar Lave tete. less 1'l at the late Llltr,. are a; • .4I of !itetiell„ has "i a all into the halide h,.tally1cn 1' tied. til© b tory parte k:)n g - d all that is left is tree 'sirs • of aitoek the olid' one tired, St ntrd tet 1154e, clscit eel hon yet old goods nil he disposed; oil ally great Teeth% a►R dti • i •Iientu c: " eg Ely the eheiilt for thw 3te1<edt of. the 11oee •t, ilRfst ttN'e ' eiFixtare, Mr. Geo. Mae" re Vt1 nfc1 Patti t ,iA.•stala', of Ile:, ..1L , in t•' '- t,l nr:14-p,hbag iamrwnan Y at'le, of ,L.. Cl , ::Idlers i. eerr4 Deo f e/onduirorar Wadi°, of the i busifless et Ma*, ff. ; Reeler, na thew as it ' i.asf tl: ended;:. Mr. Ecl•1.r aeel airs eh, ' titer oa the pati( 2lc h» f„ralel lies kir fall the l unttd tato:, bluer of '1 %t And •B.., bed in the new Odd Fellows Hall, at 7.N) -o'clock p. m. Visiting Bret'hrenaivesys' welcome. •J. Wilms, W. M. W. SANDDlla,'Sea I O. 0. 1., No. 67, E; Meets every Tuesday evening to john's block. A cor- •dfal welocatt extended'to'vis ing brethren. r thy. R.seaq. Aa nstvx PORE, li, G rV , , to accept. given in the church., u filo: u• not ):!ilii, and :, •' "aea ihs3 Sist fit :., docne;ius Il. J There is a law upon our statue Our Sehobls hltve re•opencd' after fl y arc quite f: runt ln,"''' e'acnturlly ):lethal o£ D. Jo',1r Exeter, T p :looks which prohibits sleighs frons be- the Christmas vacations ced, },lo w overs land in'the wend; of p to cruor have 't►ftei a Sin;ab it ;lines:, aged 4i year;. ing delving upon public highways with- lea against thesses have ir n will, put awe.) uQ t i>'ht tll sst. ........170•1•••.1.01.11_. the i11 of dells, anti as l; —Zito follow=a a113ccrs were install.. +?. AxIEI3 g 1 b lr ed by Companion •1. l'r:et., pest 7 ' on Tuestbe coning, lar: -ry Ude : 1ltt -r . --Far eraoe -•--On the 4th £ the bride's I, 0. F: NO. M. affects the second and fourth Friday of each month, in banson'h X(ala, at $o'ctwlc p. m. Visiting ilretit- sen eordiaUy°invited. E: llamas, C. It. .. Program, Sec. T. L. BILLINGS, ♦ » 1NiN rl.'YST. - 'Office over O'Nei1s Bank, Exeter, 0tl't. Nitrous Oxide Gas for painless extraction. o 1 a wear law is 'being broken marry times a clay skates, sleds, eta. Shoulder tie oo our town Constable, Mr. E. Bassen- bags and trudge off to school there to berry, says that he is going to enforce begin another year of study.- The it, and all parties. guilty of a breach` of stair of teachers for the ensuing year this law had better%ake warning and will consist of Mr. J. T. Wren, and 111 future govern themselves according- Misses Dent and Murray. Judging ly. 'from the past, record of these, the edu- 2 s , result of the shooting 'episode cation -al interests of our village will. be by tt nitmber of young fellows in this well eared for llage on New 'Year's night, John 14_ ----- Brenuer, Charles Weber, Albert andr ATTACK. Zettel, and a tidier, 'by the me of 'I IttUDER,OVS •TT CK. in Exeter, :Royal Arch Cn pter, n. gust.. rt the reslirnce 'o 88: Companion Il'. ',pacheart ., Z; Con. flit+,t r, L radon, by the Rev. Dr. Lauig. 1.1. Eftcrett, J; Gam. B. G. O'Neil, II;11r solo , of the ltri:tle, assisted by the, Com. S. a'."itobinson, i3. E;Cram. r, To•' •:ride's :"arbor, Ureic Isa1,e h1, ,second Barnwell, . It:, tom. Geo.. 41.? -4.1,. j, . el • Arena for S Clone. Ii. SsmselI, 6, , S; Cow."r Gillespie, P. S; Com. W. Brooke inn- )tor. s a result of iudefa+'.Ag bre ini dusty and lreensne_s of p' drpcse, Mr• daughter of 1ttev. James k'erguson, to J. 11 Ail cns,(son of. t . • -ens, for- merly merchant of this village.)off Guelph, fennel), of Cape Town, South ,A'frita. e na =i Weaver, vere arrested by. Constable Thos, Gregory, princip" el of Exetee Toronto's ice supply is drawn 'front W. E. CAETtiV1iIG1T, LDS, y Shocking ZY • Public Sallo'o'a, suceeed d iii taaa'alish- the:lay, which is tailed wird) the' city Bossenberr and taken. Ilensttll and m DOOd aha - Surgeon rj . tried before Messrs Thos.Buchanan p _ lig h ice' . lids never been se'wage.. We should not be greatly sur_ eY 6 Ut` U: " S'9P&1riD. a record wh and J. Smilie, J. As., who fined them Shooed in the r ,rnals' of v. Prblic ... from five dollars to eleven dollars each markable escape of a rrian School teaeyez7 by passing fomee:en. pszse to find Toronto the scene et axe including'costs. > C;ansidering the dam Remarkable tidal:•—Brutal out pupils for entr.an:es high, school and one epidemic next bummer. e u on a Womane nest. age dove to 'windows by shooting, and rag peDein rec4ln• y tboard. remarkable .egos e'of Mrs. C1. Li : ieatton s1l poseda affaizt a orae finers, `t zecen i trace, Loam DIl rmer15° nS l a t3 the p p eau"se of the who: } at recent .. n ' " • South li partly who was sitting inside thewindow nation hr,ld .Exeter.. As a teacher her private residence when a rife One day recently came :a story from 141r Gr ao. has.many^ ekeellent quail - 'at meetin :of this Tnstitu£e,ivyil beheli: of ball whizzed close by her and lodged ti Township of Hay of one of thtimet is guniiable ' and warm-hearted) 1r }oclgins' 33al1,. Henson, en Monday Ss i 'elf in the' wooden .partition, -1t "1s worst. and most brutal assaults ever yet fir and resolute deeipl ne and .Tuesday, thq reit and 17th' of January, try, itis ixisedll expressed -that t the penalaty perpetrated. in the Chanty of ue, ti gee h; n men are universally p , . rend, 4 f£m, .s . viol: -merited success will be high- etilnnyenoyng at 1 o'clock, p. m. on hlun- i n x$sed:ii , haw. igands was far to small, The . plies whera this" sere Y, l reeted by his many friends. day, when the 'following wing gentle p p expected to react livers' and `deliver a,l- and should have'l eeri,' at least three happened was in abut in Hay swamp., jj y: ° °Cicket" said the coiiduotor,hold- inonths.in•Eingaton Penitentiary. with a few miles west of Exeter. It app none,?' expected of the Agri: abor:, .Ohief Gill, of, Exeter, as- thea Mr. Geo: Mutant is engae.ed cut- frig oily:lis hand. ""ain't got none, expected College, ' Mr. Sind 'de er Bennie, hard 1 f}gow;'far:.are,-,you, sweepstake Ge, Medalist,` la the., siisted in the+arresting,of the Hartle:, thug wood for James wife id, .nd flycr,r said the trap.managed farm in bt Agri - comfort he moved his wife and fag ply goings" " 1'.0 .Cklicago.>'.i]1 bolding tout M. P..; George E. Jackson;M•M celillee Quad e, feel n s "dry zouse a the swamp,,aleand said the conductor, still no 60 ents." "3 es lays= John Iketehen, ' W mouei- feeling "dry,' he. started for, a nei.glabor- his )land. , l putt , sten, o£ B anshanl, and others. "Then X shall put you off," _and the'j cal entertainment will be given. on Mon- day evening, for which the haat local talent has •been_ secured, interspersed by speeches from the above mentioned gentle men., , The Directors hope these meetings will be profitable and' interesting to' the public,` a large attendance of Farmers ;tad others is. expected'. ' a dirrissidu Flee 8A3IUEL ,S`MIlaffE, A ,N'pACtIE, •,, ;President,.'. .i .. BeCletai'yr,. De tist Graouato of the Royal College of Den- ntai Surgeons of Ontario. Havhtg1firnished fine Mu - tat rooms, next our to Treble's -Harness shop, Matt- streeb Exeter, Ont., where ram ptepared •to perform. -all branches of the professit,n with. ease and skill. c1LuIQES, 11ODERATE TEaMfS,CASH. -rens T. WESTCOTr, INSURANCE, LOAN, • r . B eal'Estate and Sf'eambnat' Agetrt.' wealthy and re- liable 11ire anatifo Insurance Companies Represent- ed. Any amoont of money to loan on first classlnort- gages, at Iottbstrafes'of interest: General -Agents for Huron Co., for A. E .Wiithams.ds Co;, reel estate agte, Loado„. Leaver ,Linc of Steamers represented Ofi ei James St,. Exeter, Oiit. liss$ ' Issuer of 7 Lae, Aedident, and rare Insuntnce agent. , . ; tomes: West .Side of Main .,)root . Exeter, ''Hay Farmers', Mutual Fire Insurance Company. ; -. ARTIES 'DESIRING TO' 'trauma tN'J 111 REST `a. sad 'cheapest romance; Company in, the Dominion, can do *to by,applying personally, or by mail to tho pndersigued. ',All applications promptly attended to. oagent for the Wellington Company, ofGuelph, o pTfONIjER for the CountSt Of'Huron. • •,.., ,. • - E. 13C0SSENII1Sti Y,' Aaa rr. Ztndch, Ott. Xirkton SiftiLgs. ' %s the 'village for the "epos Y, of ...getting Miss. Frank;of. Strathroy, . l thine to relieve his , the -At, which he aid and soon berme:leaintoxicated: On his arrival home his 14egan .abusing an. infant child in a 'sb,ameful'.manner, whereupon his wife interfered when she too became a subject of his brut passion, Her cries for mercy and help soon attracted t11e' attention. of a m`ax} wetted Edward Harris;• whe,eeoupiee guest of .Ma's ,Stacey at present Mr.,J. G. fehoebattota was in town! last week; he looks hale and hearty. • TheVicker Bros. are.doing. a, large business -with their grain. crusher. The late firm of Radhoufrre .d Son, carriage`' Enakers,has • beet, changed to Roadhouse -tot Brown, conductor reached for the„ hell .cord "Hold on,'conductor, deetyou believe in old sagest''"What have old ages to do with itM1"-"Why, don't one of them say you should never put ,off till to- morrow-.--" But at this, interesting juncture the tramp's coat collar -began to hurry ;toward, the. door,• and the tramp went with it '„