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The Advocate, 1888-1-5, Page 4
Q`f d L rLI4T, B4nnts'rEus. Solicitors, CotlF4ryeneers, Money to i)au, 1� V. ELLIO J Amin:11t41ml Society be crto to (t the use rt �• i $ i rS V C'li" Ci kPl'CI of the Towns, Hall for betidingtheir ai test annual meeting for the sant of,, LAVERY. 400. Curried. D. 13reund's aceonitlla was referred bad; for torreetiou. ThP tit pY S7A6LE e4T, Ceauneil adjurned sine die. Al. Laereft ("ie rlc, Th Exeter' Advocate, QMAS PASO 33474 AND t"aeorntarewr.: 1LF'w'fn' XV; a :0144 Stree4l TI•,l RSD AYi'. JANUARY 5, 1$88. Tau EAT «•"i urtl4aiaberlarld Election gas 1 iu gee after all, the majority ority wr "Cochrane and the fattest memoir of nt?;*y" I►eiaa , stso stat oil, i4a > lnt� naei41ltFsl+n lnoo a a ttslatKr cotes. Ait cru h t1:e eli•fatt14' a t to or.tt-mond-oast cdaattnertiat ,tea,a.n candidate cannot bat fl I alisapro-4tte.t lar those who sire' iIn ff axone cf Inuw a 4:4111;3sl a> d `l'iaa 4 Alai:,hiso ige%01-2/ e:a•t',i i:4 alive majorities averaging over "htltaelre.1'it is l:1,4t uot,derftti> t1 Q, fore, emelt: lt: a 1.4 election ala Cousea' a#ive'Qoverraw tat :viii It has come Gan from to ,g1•r.4'a:al 4' vrtit.xt ttiairphatlt, h, bid n',3", tam uht lite* twat by tk tr cn :tfai r. 4F ,Fl pati" c oaneitiating those t"a)u='ervatir. wtad are it/ f`ea•(ar of red prycifr Li5.i.ral lore. etti4*t that the f a.l s"r :.r,`fra w tt.r' litkf nt*Ila 0.'e:tt'a, wasl� ,t;tveall ft./ Peeta.r Xal;ter , isle. evito- t:trt•`ci%1 tr,,i44m cae..a;ullzkte, ca -N1 Cult:' istrieted trade Ir:t;weeaa tate, ."ennta4 Staten, ye lfiAk'. it or dasa:lmora,' to four 9 '4`.14,44 OATD 0. TIANES The Couunittee of the Centralia 3letlnn- list Sunday ,S'a 1paz rl in 4 aaia l:eeticati with lie lite annual EutertaLinutent. desire to excess iln%'ir siaat't•re thanks to the 4 Esx- e:r Month Organ pond," aqui, caller=, W1ta) 1:iaa Uy'.lent their assi6tanee , on that oc� S DAVIS, 81:cr4;t: ry. elft a ia, Jax1. y21a1, tsf.S• CAME ESTRAY. Came !tato tate remise, of the saaGrib- Tart tilt, L. ft- :, a het'-er 2 year=n aldl. The owner will prove poverty, tray eX- renses and take her away WILL? An Dec2.ah 'dA Ettiw,tet P t9 V• diet-etore„ ; a..1 " I or t lassoiatl, ,840 rae-t,y tri ta�� • T k e�:aaart m s. i,a8 ge4t 444 lis a F" 14aa. i ll'tTivSt=}�`l �7t` t1 F all`:E1'1Ni1 OT" T (Thin( relatarne At ieiditerat San. witi he livid in the Town Hall, E.o.. M)•, i►tl [1')1117 3sBAT, JAN '4RIv 12th, Dat$ *r :atai� Two evinelt J. rat„ t•r tide election tot idiry •tt1 anti* receiving the Mecums' repot MI polies inteie te+i in the arelferen l4f the sue:le.v 1trn ilryitrtt to attend. y color of the t siiiont, JAN Herat :hila. .4.LEX. t , DYER, , Secretary . A4 meeting of the Directors of the chore rattcieay.lrill 1,11 halal alt at;x t)°cio.k a to. on atom slay at the Tuwa. 11411, n 0 }TORS' ; OTIC E— ,itli the, 1,,i;....�, It .4*d ua�. 71t t7,2�p ,11-4 ton .,:nt a`.e I .rte tease+ gni" u,,t k 4t`Qla '"?an,la4 n, Chtflt tffillo, r➢14'la*1 ➢, aala'A den! w ••na « rsltata,ttt Q➢4a, ,w�48i4➢aav of November, 4.ev .; at0.t' t, +linos.,::i tt 41or Q4nr 0!,'e. -Ir- ' 1� l,:•'s'm clL t➢ta ,list tn•asaar9sila all 8aa,palae4l, "- ;la frail" L „r q ;a1 tl a'''t 1st 4dW Qiat q ,sir t•Ol tar Ilel urea) tile 1*t class ltl rt'ial44=ta NS.t1111'"1",',".."1451; f. 1 + t oA. 11 • t8il . t+1 mull tat iongt,-1,tef 4L tit (,ldtl :• Q.�i4t YAe a,taate ,t -� PROVISION'S of til> I:,:t,a•+ 1 alaatte„s of t)aat,4tio, t *t -re, tor, tr4 eltt(014 (111 h ' 4; \lona+ria, 1,41 ter t Thu tn'lr;•Il'At+4R`s anf ..latitti+ 31-Att. donne y, late ot't"al7 Qa14.aos8diga 1:# titeletiou, are dal onta¢+, of l intoe, awl gatado ittro e' f and ::Horses Airst-class, jOnde•s test at the Ilawkchaw [louse„ or tet u14l be prompth, attca-.tle4 ta, tt• i itt$ $4.11;11).\'AB-1 Mit i, THEBE! ! T~. & A. »REW'$ k• a l 1 t til ""r-1ae :1'14"1111144[107* oat clot! [rile t„S1 ti*tat,lr 4. ; %• 'vq:•.r.v � G•tot .4r� tdw t:t•' '4'11' .1� \tt'lltli las I,.irlln% Vevi14ten locr,t (At1447t'• :1a• i1 .... '1. e't I,dwS3, g,.ti l'r'; two,ltd•it", to►a• re. -t• *•Xt 01,114.1` of the Lost Will and Tr -t '1,=Q:ii441oil t ,.r+` llt4t'r1l til/saps. if it int a4lle,a.t4,1tin- sant 'korieeit, ti4eireht'i-ttlll .tall 44V woo, dubtro.cs, and ,.ae-vriptions Alit,.* 1,t Dott)%i !Ant"— whati'Ver q44. dint t.4 t 4111 ts;l 11 t141^Iii' et.1114,A 141141 titilit• '1140. 10 lli4.krla 1 : ,pl.im [tau+ 141 tide+ 'iiia ,,11• tot •.t tl4t dr Alie4)Ilitel Mai the' n Milli• 14Etaif4g 44d,et a h!+a► l tt4si# )ar►iedt,d16} belt 111 11+1,. ;:•..•t'4 !--•s . •u .iet.1 c:i i4ttt•r holding 'May E`d+1I, t t'att1.F", ei4ti.'tblu:.u,. bl°•,~.j. 74, " vdtrlti ti to rIti'lt14:11 the retia' l4fo • i tw,. r441:1 lietego SI.arati ons:', at too no,vii- t•erltr.t t' la i 447.; )t • . t+ 111'itl lllti' ato4 sl'1 I ..hop •If So—titan alli• n 'tut, 4111 ur In IUI1 the 1t,ly c.+11It i+. X14.:• -- -:.i - 0441{y L.:itlt ' •i;tld Int •:it�Y' of i4•Iuii.iry, A. I)., 1CS:1, 104,eseimt•c3 tistltt, r`lat' It Tie+l l•• t4.el ata 'Lair.[ ultten slate the atoll i'C4>Cllil,r v.11 tee t>cstttr tt.elb:.ite, 411 eo 7.itt;; 1.4- ilii, uutl ►si11"l,t GaAs c �luaili�r ttl�tl atct- air g,r.-•t,•, rat 41f testi +ear if they Slit! +0v -tribunal, or Ma). 1.1rt tiltr4,11; ale 44111 lr: theirt•' ' , a v14'�• Tole. tiultllt• 11 rt•,alm tittle Se e;l;uau 114 :Lail ut)t.14Iyo bad • hullo:[ ms tl'+i4111a e. chitdreal Cdllbjet+ ti►1+4• ;aught, at !r.''e.•,t, tel 3. H. ttt)1.L1NS, .5`nliatittlr for the Luow tsar /lam is aid inti llttt;i Mars. Ex, caviar, ti, ori.tu i'lirltin4:l'V. n.ttrti tilt, .e1. it day of Qe.c.ut al.r, A. 13. 1.867. • . ,ditienai Lodi . The. Council meet at the 'Town 7iall, Lae•tet, :3bth Dee lu i. AH the 7,14•i:eileltl present. The initlute3 of the previous meeting were mad and von Hewed, Moved i1v 'Ie, R. Carling, seconded t•, S4". G. I issett, that orders LFAULT IB_A.VING EVEN MADE MMIORTOAGE SALE ._uJ• -_ FARM PR�PERTY }rc wanted for the fesir',ovviing %unis. rix; A. 3,1eiloltt'l`, 4 .ii.0L', for horse hire tt fire; Wm. `4 c l'lt, 02.17), for car- t :4t -tin at Town flail. C1:lre Bros, atl,10, for furnace; Get. Cticrctt, 4„:371.00„ salary pr• - ig;4•& throes Cr'e*b, C t.•4J wood for Town Hall; Jas, 'Willis, 06%00, for lumber; E. E. Dizisett,$105. t tt, Liam; Bissett Eros, $3 30, certified a.• c; 1). L. Stela l;e use 41 31.1;0, for I.:hnis for Towli I3a11; C. Lutz, $5.00, t ed attt°ItflttaoCP;S:C. to J. Johnston, all it.!vali,i; M. l;:tcrott, $121.05, salary+ l 4;.tugr, &a 1. Bit -sett, d3 00, !abut; I i. I:lt autiet, $1.00, plank; 11 Spicer, e11,CCU, painting veiling Town Hall;' I4 4.. ,t 141V1or, $1,511.35, balance: of c„ n:trriet with axtrasin full for building rI"t,a�u }tall; Ross&'i'fvito., $22.48, turn 11.•r; J. Pi,:l;ard, $23.00, ramps for Town Haile' '.`p. of Stephen, $97. 03, for i4lteree:t of iur:el)t:tetlrles.,; Tp. 0s - 'borne, "5110.00, ilaterest and pt pr•iriei- pie ii,clebetedness; Win. Welsh, e8.0t), 1 u:lt.nce i' full for it,s}•eltir4a Town 3 lull; and the collector; k5.60error in 1,,8e'ta Of J. 'Ryan and :John Welsh. •C:4rried. Moved by W. G. L'iss':tt, feeondcld by 1X, johns, that the usual unount $60.00, be granted the: Band. vaVl14 d. One al placation of Mr. Lerotde- xies-, the bow d path along side his buildilt:; oil the of way at rrirvn Hull bite W114 alio +.eci to remain until. furtul' action of the Council, on mot- ion of Vi'. G. E.-.ao1,., seitoli+leil lay J. 1'icluiecl.1V.vve.1 by T. L. Carlini[, sve,,t.0 . 1 '11v J. Pteltaal d,rho nae o'f. then Library R,uom in the 1vwn Hall be 0,111ru r.o 111 Y euht4uics'Iumtitutec free --Carl P;oved by D. Johns, se- onded by W. Gl, 13iss4tty }[hilt $ao, in payment of a certtlin 3wgi,tere11 Mortgage claxte14 18;b De1:Luther, 1885, rustle b,1 Olay .1, 1224 England, to the Ven- dors there will be sold by PUBLIC AUCTION, by Henry Eilber, auctioneer, under power of sale in said Mortgage, at fl od; in'o> IL) tet, tit TIM VILLAGE of CENTRA LIA, in the County of Huron, on Thursday, the 19th day of January, 11;88, at ONE n'r:ll,ck in the afternoon, the the iullowing lands, viz: the south half of For B nice of '1887. )*?e.enibe'. lump in the ntloeo, soli no re weather. ea-:rr St,r) a•f l ale a l rtfi-Ts, Bel ar. : Iiiimr..1`n B aro ter,exac4ec.) Nefarq 4 C.a,4ara vl,a.N. a • I1n•gn C.°.A t 4'ygEs. .G r4$0 auIl 44 tlaa- Our t z„sa siegev+rda 4a�t;xa119. 4,3,0 0,c0,41 tea, •^e ,ia4t et ey -aro IOW rAteierate a t,v, Itrah rsta. r1 seal ran 41t 4 ipYK.Att$ tie” teas i?rt. 1,1 taw tt;.•faree,�,s. circa a e w^ti ecu t(414ro yon• buy, slier) +:;ay Eli u0�;i4. It .IVIE!M lF..'Ttt t11P PLACE Drew's old stcaztll,-'cele door atl�rtlt t?l4]ltit)]a' Bank. Rowe Andrews THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AHD THE LEADING NEWSPAPER.OF CANADA. DAILY 0l. 13 , dl1ornhng Edition, ■- $5,c0 per atm stn . ,1 „ 12 o'otook' '+ ,- 3, .00 4." .� 44 A4 3 44 a,q dp WEEKLY 1Gt•.t t3r', a . o• M 1.00 •di �r SATURDAY C1AU.V °LOME, „• 1.0O 0- 4* °174e di 'eren't editions of The Gybe can be procured frotit sa it 11Tews Peatelrlt' throu4bout Canada, .,r., TOE C1R9i PLC AL FAT TRAIN a..[ between Toronto- and I -widen, which has been conning.ndaily since 3rd Marcia last, will be continued throughout n8.S This train aruves at London at 1140 a.m., making connection with all the early tratats tient that p Int, 8ecurrng for T tie Glebe a deliirely t:hcoa;taout Westerly Qatari° boars ut adv&uce Of alt Tara kt ' papers;. T� O ADVERTISERS 1!s atm aelveresi4a�1 tueliarn, The Globe has no equal in Cataria. It* tircaIIatiom, veL4ic i appears at bad of les editorial columns daily, is far hi advance of all Other Oaaadian rapers, and it is the tntecstiOn Of the man- agement to always keep The Globe d1l t;s proal pas4ti53P as the LEADi:IC 1.441NRAPZR OF C AtIfi boar m plat of circleatina 4444 in«uettc4;, 03E PRINTING 00 1• I - New Premises tiireminds Itis unnay caner, iniad the rub*, qt he has m- iniQl:ed to Lot number three, in the third canreesion, l and lot number thirteenin the will c•au- cesTownship of the of Stephen, ill.� sill county, containing One huiidrt:d and tiiiy tunes 'owe ur leas. The south ilalf of lot three contains fifty acres and has erected thereon a log hoose. frame b;trn,. frame stable, And sheds, and is (istulit front Centralia about 2 miles. Lot number thirteen atiart:•uud contains ltd) atm is gbout 1:1441• inilesfron. Exeter and has thereon a. wind log house, frame barn, awl stable and shells, also a good. or- chard. The soil of both it:.rcels is good clay loam Both parcels are cleared and lona a valuable atld fleesir,lhie property. rl'ritltas: Ten per cent. of the pinch:Ise money will be required to 1)e paid iat• tune of :ale and 4the balance within fourteen dart thereafter. Arrdllg.'melts limy he 'nude by va hioh a lalge.11 rtiuli of t.1iu par- -444:.: money may he allowed to rt:'i.u1 on in t) !1 1 tl e property ert}' i u l a:; 41 1 a �.. 1°• Putney 1,altiollla1s 0.a' be learned b lreferene:t: t1) tile.otatiuneer or to { •T > ilAtn>1:, .1L.1+El rES te, SICU,0.S, VeLldors' Solicitors. E.L3..r., Auctioneer, Cred-item pp;t•otfie T.oudon., December 27.h, 1.2F...1. o, Voowt Thain cztreet, EXETER. "hero loo lulls j.4cst reevivEd A&SOR4'T ED TOCK t U it aa6t NJE • +, BOOTS & SHOES. ,:Llan Bawls--nlad.e work of the highest f iWass- .4 iStdieitet1, and a#i. iiu dills tunrnntet d CEO. MANSON, E xe le r•. TV 14 r^,J�1"tla7M.u.y qw.y - 9^Yi`-f', . - . jt}+ 01...4 °iij Best Family Newspaper in Canada, ESTABLISHED 43 Vied:. 1 NIG OF WEEKLIES! Free Pre SS, LONDON, ONT, The Handsomest Printed Paper in —Canada -- Tho ;.gricu'turalDepnt1tnieut is a noted &•ature of tho'•i'reo Press." bean, always up to the timate and conducted to persons practically skilled in i••1rllr Work. Illustrations, Practical and Useful given each week All the brews 8n Full. By Telegraph, Telephone, Mail mut Corre911011• donee up to Lite hour of putdicatiorn. Special Make. Department. a_rio•tltural Deport- ment. c.apit-a1 Story always- ltrnnlinpr.. ingen- ious I'uzzlo t:elutnu. Iiutnermis Reading.. JUST THE THING FOR THE FAMILY I Every member of the household erietly looks ler it each week. In Climbs of 4 and upwards, 75o each.. 313/11 `i 11 fee S4"7 fry >, 812,000 IN PREMIUMS Given Away Free to Agents. Most liberal inducameits ever effo ed in Cnn'.ds. Everything usefal, ualu :bee and cenantenta,, A GENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. 'Me roost popular paper to wort: for Moro money t mw nn• be lzurltiing for the '•no Prue i os ttiraa at any utiter employment. Address -21485 Pili! L.osoo\ O1TA,11O, faxing this season purellasctI tllost of our stock. i3irectfv.. a1 Euglaud'tall (el I1lalar, to do so we had to give our :44114.1; =4>ason, mud as the 1,1•u1'pcc•ts lool;r1F well ',vel Iu►ugltt largely, l�lv 4trtitieai and 'ase tint) that bard threes ore causing 4A de, we have therefore decided to uic et the tithes 1y rum t>i1 tlrt4t.tif4la`tt1r4'1'at ry 4114417 rl+ told the goods have )41t si41'tesi:irlt to all 14oQcla At HARO - PAN - P R!CE.S tel insure a speedy eleara+nee, therefore we wcl.dtI invite all teasers ling I u r To Can. and Inspect our Stod nil dote Piaci): at all New Goods, int.:Wing Ladies' Dolmans,Ja e h,'(Sr Ulster: Misses' and Maid ' all sizes. &€kxlorad Co. SATIN' Dress goods in all the newest colors and sty=les. Plain and Fancy Piusbes, &at'ivts, and Plain and Fancy Hosiery and (J- ones. .Alsop full lino' of MEN'S, TOi3TW32 and DOSS' aVADY - Mao LOTflNG H ATS and OA PS - A11 of wbieh will be sold, at thea LOWEST POSSi33LE rr.ICE. --,t,., J .Tant••s, c A Paiffless Cure. 'ACTS FOR KEN or t, ALL AGES. 271sE.ASES C' P MAN.�.r+ � t. "�%:. �a`t...y5•y�j�- • ,�1�"-dl;ar.... •ICi T©. B, ry'I' 1i i.7 la 'a 7 IiaAso I Til 1r' fi ii'rE � Marvel of Noonan, and f(-thineer of Madiein'4, Cinse.c..'s Sire aerribe,ncoe.,'4itarr)tesr>7ifm4ih4creti,)a; r-„ 411 . ,��,,r,, r.- o A o -are anti c.Vver .ut14. �''OTTT�TC 1�/L Ti � �_-•-A c : o 1 ^ter CI..$D Who aro brokou downs from tn.( eiTe, to of elms() aili 111411 iii N +. 8 a radical cure for nervous debility,e,rf;a lie weahneea, invo. untary vital lossz:. etc. SYMPTOM: Fon wnicrt No, S biloin,n 4114 Ilsr:u.—'Vent of energy, vortigo, want of purpose, dimnuse of s stn, aversion to society, went of c„ntl•loure, evoillranoo of conver+arion. desire.for 4011011,1, 14;tlessneaa an 1 inability t0 fi' tt:o ntteut,on em a particular subject, cowarAire, tlotn.r:sinn of eniritse,giddinns,, les4 of mom •ry, excitll,iliry of temper, epos• znlat:,'rrinna,r,rloss of the s"lu[aal lintel—tiro r.alu's of s',10-ab*lse er marital. excess -impo- tency, itrnutr[tion, ow1(11(tiott, barrenness, of tee hear., h) 44'lin feeling- in females, treadli g, me1.1.l.ch,,ly, dietltr„in� dreams, etc., aro r 11 syruplotu, or 111;13 terrible habit, oft ntilnesin ioeenrly acquired. in short, the strriig r f vit11 force lin vino lost its tension,. verytunctiort wanes in cons, gnome. Scientific writers and the.1il'orintm,deuts cf Theme aaryln,.tx unit•1 in',scribinfl to tko etfeets self.abns,; th,i great majority of wasted iive0 which cone ander t'letr notit:o. If you n,r, incompetent for the arduous duties of busbn{ss, incapacitated for the enjoyment. of life, Igo. 8 ofl'ora an e cape from the effects of early vies. If you aro advance l in years, Flo. 8 will give yon f nil via or and strength. If con aro broken down, l'hyeioally and tt,orsdly from early indiscretion, rile r•,snit of ignor moo and folly, sen„ your'addr'ss and 10 re urs in st.ampa for SI. V. Luros's Troetisa i`t Ironic Irorin on Di:ionses of Man.- crn1nli • nd securo from rbservation. Arltirexv alt r,n» ntnnlcationato N. V. B. i1311541111, t7 h,+.. Z.> Reroute[, A Man wilhoui w.sdem I•rvcs in o loci's paradise. Gums cow,^ea;. J. DEAL IDE SICK. _1 .2! liii i y.Ir itB'14-1” 1,ii :�r.. . hit; 1 1 D 41 1—,4 ', , •„� `,a'�\�"t 1„1Ld l4l � .11`�.`�'aUr•31•tT Z m a11 � 'ss 11alr ',•`�is. i.t1 ""-id_ al1 A Po'rrdaanerst GuLre. 44 A Vtl a s4ca6'3t Cure.