HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-12-27, Page 8We wish one and X11 OVAP gstV it �iT�►Ti:.. Plio * .Ts►T�►T:►T.,:.: �i1**1 4101** A ,00ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH YOUR PAY ?4.` a 414.4 Perhaps it is all that the kind of service you can render demands` is We train our students to•give the most efficient, and therefore the best paid service We can train YOU and r ace you in a good position. 114 .4 igtt Winter Term opens Jan. 2nd., 1918 Day and Evening .Classes. Oft* T McDONALD BLACK, h TELEPHONES: Office 160 ,tai WINGHAM, ONT. House 233; ;r. A. A. McLachlan, Pres. �Tp ►►, T �f� ♦b ��►f lid ♦_♦,� ♦T� d0 1' !41 "••'-e° va, .jam IA IA :A . A. Haviland, Prin. s, ►ran.►ii►Nr►Ti► l ii�► 4i*►i Westfield • A very pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs James Tun- liey at high noon on Saturday, December Sth, when their youngest .daughter, Char - tette Eleanor Irene, became the bride of Cook, . 'M rWalterof Westfield. The bride looked charming inan attire of saxe blue silk and carried a bouquet of white end isohn s W • chrysanthemums. Me ding March was splendidly 'rendered by Mrs. Wm. Walden. The bridal party which Were unattended, stood under an :'arch of evergreens and ribbon and a white bell, during the ceremony, which was per- formed by Rev. O'Kell. After congratu- lations, the bridal party and guests sat down t6 a sumptuous- wedding dinner. The bride was the recipient of many "'handsome presents. The happy 'couple Will reside on the groom's farm East Wawanosh. The best wishes of the com- •triunity go with them. WEDDING BELLS. MANN—SCUNOCI1' -A quiet wedding was solemnized at Woodward Ave, Christian Church, De- troit, Mich., by Rev. Lloyd H. Miller, on Dec. lst, when Miss Grace Adeline Schrock of Flint, Mich , daughter of W. F, Schnock, formerly. of Moncrieff, Ont., wasit un ed inr ' g George ma ria a to Mann, Lundar, a , iwLan., and formerly of Moncrieff, son of William Mann. The young couple spent .a couple of days with the bride's sister, Mrs, Leonard Eighmey of Detroit, Mich , also with her other sister, E. N Phillipsgf Flinch, Mich After which they -visited their parents at Moncrieff. The bride's sister, Mrs M. Abram •of Ethel, gave a dainty reception to which about 80 were invited. The bride received many beautiful and useful gifts. The groom's gift to the bride was a cabinet of Community silver. A very pleasant evening was spent, as Mr, and Mrs. Abram make an excellent host and hostess. The young couple left Monday for Lun- dar, Man., travelling ,via Chicago, St. Paul and Winnipeg, spending a few days at each of those points returning to their home at Lundar, Man., where groom has been C. N. R, agent for the past three years. We join in wishing thein many years of prosperity and happiness in their new home WEDDING BELLS KinacwQOD—CasEiitORE A very happy, event took place on Mon- day, Dec. 24th, when Ethel Winnifred youngest daughter of Mrs. Casemore, Minnie St, became the bride of Mr Lis- ton Kirkwood of Owen Sound. The cere- lmony was .performed by Rev. E. F. Arm- strong,,after which the happy co14p1e re- turned to the bride's home where a dainty tea was served; with only the immediate friends of the bride and groom present. The bride losked charming in a gown of .pearl gray silk poplin trimmed witli pearls and georgette crepe and was assist- ed by Miss Mae Cantelon of Wingham, .ivhile Mr Will Casemore brother of the bride acted as best man. Among the many valuable and useful gifts which the bride received was a hand- some cabinet of silver presented on behalf of W, H. Gurney and employees. The gift was forwarded to the bride by Miss Evelyn Garrett while Miss Luella Camp- bell read the following address, "Dear Ethel" • We, your friends, wish to show you our tlppreciation on the occasion of your mar - triage by asking you to accept this small gift as a token of our esteeni and good goodwill towards you. You will be miss - ad by your fellow workers, but there is riot one of us selfish enough to wish you free from your present lot, We hope to see you ocasionally and hear from •you often' We will add no mare but wish you in all sincerity "Long Life," and "Happiness" in your new hone. Signed on behalf of Mr, Gurney and 1CmploYees. The happy couple left on the early train 'Tuesday morning to visit friends in Palmerston, Chesley and other points, after which they will reside on the groom%. farm near Owen Sound. Their many friends join in wishing them a long and happy wedded life, MARRNED Wawtan+h, IN DLt) ENQLAND (Continued from mage;;.) p.tu, and were whirled South by the �k"ly nr Scoteltluaiz' until W6 get tai Darlington in southern Yorkshire. We stopped there for the, night and spent the evening by going to the theatre. The town le typically Eng- lish; very pretty but quiet, Sunday tool we lett ,for London. The fln t thing that greeted us u -- on our arrival at Kings Cross Station was the information that an air raid was expected, We teoli; the, Tabe, (underground railway), to Vietora and there we found conditions really laughable. There were Jews and Glen tiles and all kinds of *foreigners on the undergrournd platform with box- es and chairs to sit on and ono old Jew had a mattress along with. hurt and evidentaily intended to stay for, the night. They all 'had the wind up as, {tfo say in the army but thank good ness''•that very few, if any, English people*lrere in that rabble, In 'Vic- toriatibtyay Staten Proper we found dense ort reds taking shelter iron fall ing shrapuelas the raid was now in, full progress, Not being resigued tQ Stand around inside we pushed our way through the crowd and were soon out oil the street where for once in' London we were not ever -lastingly crowded as we had the whole thing to ourselves. •egur guns were work- ing in fine shape by this time and were making quite a respectable noise. • The raiders did not seem to get over our part of. the city at all, end aside from falling shrapnel from ourown shells there was no particul-, ar excitement at all in our immediate vicinity. We- could hear several bombs burst though by the sound of. them 1 judge that. Fritz was dropping some heavy stuff, The London de- fences are good and do 1: not .think, that the German will ever get a chance again to do very extensive - damage there although he is bound to • got a machine through once in awhile The German tales of leaving blown;up. rondon and so on are all rot and for the main part our newspapers account aro very nearly correct. I think that long before this letter reaches you the Buns will have receiv ed a real good dose of their own med- icine . Favorable weather is all that is needed now and the British airmen will attend to the rest. The Germans have stirred up a hornets nest. as they will very soon find out. Monday morning Bob and I parted company and I started • back to camp Poor old'"Boob I wish I could have stayed longer with him as his pass had not expired when I loft and the in-. tended to stay In London another day at -least, • v Dr, Pd'YyNE - ANDEIttSON—def 'Wetdneidotr`, Dec. 10t11, at Carlyle, b:; the Rev. ' Borrow M. A., Clarence Payne, Soft of Mrs. William Mayne of Carlisle, VD Margaret A, Anderson daughter of tbe late R. If. Anderson of West Belgrave Miss Carrie Stonehouse is visiting her aunt, Miss Damson of March Mr and Mrs. Richard Whitman, sots and daughter tit Michigan, are visiting at Mrs Whitman's brother's, Henry John- ston, and other friends, Sorry to report that while in Wingham on Saturday, Manual Stapleton from near bfarnoch, wos kicked by a horse in Lep- ard's shed and bad his leg broken between the knee and ankle he was too --d to t e hospital where it was attended to. Mr. and Mrs. Duna -McCallum are spending their holidays in Woodstock. A bright young life was cut short in'the person of William Jordan who died on ay d Thur 1. the had been teou led with Thursday last, a b throat trouble for the past but was only Sick for a few days at the last, t en Sunday to the Brandon cemetery was largely attended. Will will be greatly Mis- sed byhome the circle. Miss Susie Aliston has returned to her home after spending the summer with her sister in the West. Miss G. Clark who has been visiting g her friend, Miss I3dna Seandrett has gone to visit her slalom. in Tcrontu. ' ()feat Prehibiiiod Move The congregatioli of the Wingham Methodist Church on motion of Messrs F. Buchanan and T T. Fields by a un animous standing vote and al the singing of the doxology to !nothing e 5u iiae p eked its hearty p Sunday expressed i a YL Y 1 royal of the war -time prohibition mca3ut hich was proclaimed btr the Dorman Government on Saturday. Rev, Mr Arrnstrang announced from the pulpi that the new ,inion Government had de eided to bar the manufacture and sale o intoxicating ligttors in Canada. • so 1 • e t f When coating down here I was lucky enouglr to see two American warships lying off the South coast, They looked as if they might be nasty customers if they wished to,be. So here I ata back in Seaford again; working overtime. trying to catch up with my work but very' glad. that' I took advantage of the opportunity- of taking a trip which I have described. It was one that I ani not likely to for- get in a hurry and was really a great deal better than this rambling epistle would lead you to believe. Russ too .had some interesting ex- periences while he 'was away but I suppose he will write and tell you of them himself. Ile has not been feel- ing very well of late aiid even the rest Which he had }while away did not seen; to have the desired effect. However yesterday he said he was feeling it: little better' and hoped to soon be in his old form again. Bob. Longuell slaves for Canada very soon I believe. Ile is taking a few things home for inc which I trust you will receive it. due course, As soon as I can get around to it 1 will send my badges along also a few ot- her nienaks which I have, lying a- round. I want to register them and it will be some days before I get down as far as the Post. Office to do so. I received two letters from Lome today and was very much pleased to learn that you aro both *ell. Do not worry about business being slack Also got a letter front Edythe Irving with a lot of Lucknow clews, We are all very well pleased with the way the War is going lust now and there is little doubt but that the Germans have just received one of the greatest reverses of the War-, There 11 more to follow too. How long the Huns c:' : fang nn is a mys- tery but there is a decided wave of ' 'ism spreading over this country at the pre.:ont time. We are hoping or great things though before Winter. finally sets lit.. On casting my 'eye over the written paves beside rue I have come to the conclusion that I have written a book and not a nice friendly letter as 1 originally intended'. Please lease remember me to liunt,Mal ion when,you write, Mother, I would like to write to her myself but 1 have not got her address, 1 lt:tiow that I have had itseveral tithes but it is hat d indeed to keep trial;, of theist when in the army, Alain should soon lb getting leavo from l,Y l anShould e not? If he does con h to over hope X that Ruse and 1: will have u Chance to tee him. 1 call ecareely believe that It have been back in England a year all but n, few days, How the time has flown, 1 have taken 'eat tll eopyOf this letter and in 0, week or so will for- ward it to you in ease the original does not reach Its destination.' If you receive both copies OX you t ii hand 0110 on to anyene whom you Mak it alight interest. Will close .row Ithall good Wish- es n. all /opal cis to you both g t old Warman ''feud. . to of love from,. Y' " Sour affeetiozfa Carrtero Thursday Doc 27th 1017 MILITARY FUNERAL Th. folie W Gordon Adair Buried with. a, Military Homoral Saar: arid Mrs, Ilinscliffe received a letter from their son, Willie, in which he des. 2rfbes the funeral of the late Pte. Adair le says; "The brass and bugle bands and A Coy came, •tip from Witley Campto bury him, At K.QQ they lined upat the liosp tal anti titers started with procession, the brass band leading, playing the dead. Then carne ariY from B. their guns. nd then came march with, the bug. 'Coy. The cha the gun ilii -+ e, bearing, the cof- fin, draped with Union Jack and garland of flowers, The gun .carriage was drawn by three team of white horses and was precded by.a mounted officer. Last of all came good old "A" Coy with officers A volley was fired over the grave and the bugles sounded "last call". Gordon was a good fellow and respectedby all his friends." , Mrs Adair has received the following letter of sympathy from the chaplain who officiated' at the'funeral services Witley Camp, Dec, 3rd, 1917 Dear Mr, Adair and family: your will have received the sad. news of your son's death, owing to the absence of Capt.. McKinnon, the chaplain of the 161st Batt. I was called to take the burial service. He died in larantshott l-Iospital as the result of an accident with his rifle and I know how greatly ,shocked you will be at the sudden death of your dear soldier boy. I am sorry that Capt. McKinnon is still in France on a special mission, as he would have known your :son "and could have written you Inucli better than I Your boy was buried on Nov. 27th in the churchyard at Bram- shott, where he rests with many others of Can. comrades 13e was held in high es- teem by his officers and fellow soldiers, about 300 of whom marched .to his funeral, a distance of 16 miles there and return to show their regard for their comrade, and bury him with full military honors. He lies in a beautiful spot, and the number of his grave is 1303. May God richly bless you all in your deep sorrow for you loved one; It was not given him to lay down his life for his bome and country on the ,field of battle, but every lad who has came across the seas to fight is a hero in the very act of his enlisting to fight for the great and sacred cause in which we are engaged. I am Your sincere friend; t Capt Norman A, McEachern, Chaplain 134th Battalion, £i'resbyterian Minister,: Brampton, before coming overseas, Property Sold' - 011,- J• G Stewart reports thesale of Mr. Wm. Dore's house on Shuter street, to Mr. Andrew Taylor; formerly of Belgrave Week Of Prayer Dec. 31st to Jan 4th Union services at 8 p. m.— Monday -Presbyterian church: Tuesday—Baptist church, Wednesd ay — S lv t o Army Barracks Thursday Methodist church. Friday—Anglican St. Paul's church. The subjects will be an= nounced later. It is hoped that the differ- ent congregations will do all they can to make these prayer services a real inspira- tion and uplift to our churches. , NOTICE TO CREDITORS !uuwea's 10411tuie The regales monthly erecting of the 'Woman's Institute will be held in the: Cou.ricil. Chamber on Thursday, Dec. 27th, et' p.m. AU ladies iutereeted in the Institute work are welcome. It i;, grati- fying' to note the increase in knitting .' More knitters. are always wanted. Yarn can be procured at Miss Struthers. Do not forget the soldiers are always ivorkin; for us. Afdoptiag" (.tail Business. . Having completed thirty-eight years in rz 'business 'in Wingbarn, I host heartily thank MY numerous customers for • their hol thesepatronage years weduring leavetat donelimo businessDcining both a cash and credit basis and And that a strictly'cash systettt must be adopted. on and after January lst next. Deliver- ing coal in such small quantities Intakes it absolutely necessary that casli mail a': - company the order or ,payment made on delivery.. Our business in lumber, shingles, wood, etc will also be en a strictly cash basis, Again thanking you and wishing yott a Happy and Pp Yorosurs sierousncere1018ly, J.eunioA. McLean. Huron pfd ,Bob's Rn The annual reunion of the Iluron Old Boys' Association of Toronto, brought to- gether a large turnout of members and their wives whb were treated to a delight- C ful talk on the - early history of Huron a7. county delivered any Rev. Dr. W. R. Ypung of Dunp Ave, A'Ietltodist church.:`.. Short addresses were also delivered by `" Rev. Dr. Powell and A. ' Grigg, Deputy : 1Vfinister of forests and land% Roger Crocker the President presided. • The *followingtflicers were elected for the en- suingyear: —I4onary President, Sir John Wilson, Col. W. K McNaught and Roger S. Crocker President N 13. Cobbledick; Vice President, Alfred Sheppard; Secre- tary Ed Floody; Fin-SecW. J.- Moorish, Treasurer, W. T. Pridham: Executive Committee, J. S. McKinnon, John Rab- • ertson, Robert, Holmes, E. Rothwell, James Timmins, G. A, Newton, T. H. ' Rothwell sr., Major Beck, L. S. Scott, W. 1 Sellers, , Mrs. Beck, Mrs. Crocker, Mrs f. Morish and Mrs, Cobbledick. Miraculous Escape Mr. and Mrs John Bowyer, of Guelph, formerly of Gorrie, have received a letter from their son, Pte. Chas, F Bowyer, better known as Frank, of the 8th 'Can- adian Battalion who was wounded in, the back of the neck by shrapnel arid- was in the hospital at Sussex, England for many months but who has since returned to the trenches in France. 'Ile writes that during the big drive of last week he met ' '{ with an experience which might have proved fatal to hint, along with his best r' . comrades, who were killed and buried by a big shell explosion, Frank after being ; buried a couple of hours, dug his way !, out but the rest remained .in their death !t tomb. He was the only one who survived. t ••: unhurt. His brother' Sergt. George E. Bowyer, of the 54th Battalion is well, and both boys wish to be rernernbered to all. their friends ` eusib!e ew Vear Presents C1 Queen Quality Shoes for Women. W'otide is hereby given pursuant to -Seat ion 56, Chapter 21 • f therevised statutes of Ont- ario. that all persons having claims against' the estate of William Markley, deceased, who dit;,d onorabout.the 28th day of November. A. 1), 1917, at the Town of Wingham, in the. County of Huron, are required to send t0 the undersigned, the Solicitor for the Executor,. .,n'or before the fifth day of January. n. D. 1918 their names and addressee, with full par- ticuiars of their.oleims, is <.writirsa' and the nature of the securities, (if any) held by them. And further take notice that after the said fifth day of January, A. D,9 8, the assets of the said estate will bo distributed by the ex- ecutor atnong the parties thereto, . having rot Bard only to the claims of which he shall 'then have notice, and the estate will nut be. liable for any claims( not Alen at the time of thS+said iistributton Dated at Wingham this third. day of December. A. D. 1917. Dudley Holmes, Solicitor for the Executor, Martin Morkley NEW WINNIPEG TRAINS 2ravetbetween Eastern and Western Cana- da is always heavy in the winter montns, par-. ticularly during Decet�her with its holiday Season. To moot the re'tiuirements ot•the pub. tic, therefore, a t.ecialDaily Service between Toronto and Winnipeg is announced by the Canadian Northern Railway; Westbound, Deo, 3rd to Jan. 2nd. 1918 only; Illastbound, Deo. let to Jan. 5th,` 1918 only, Thereafter regular tri- weekly service will be resumed. A through Tourist Sleeping Car will also be oparatod daily '+otween Toronto and Calgary asart of the above .peciai service, and connection will be Made with regular daily trains between Win. nipeg and Tdmonten. Services between Tor- Onto Tor= iodIdayresnryng TrtoVbon,WedndaydFidas as at present. Forfevi:hor particulars see Usual Time Table Folders, or apply to Town Agouti), RITCHIE & COssivs. ELECTION CARDS 'othe electors of the Town of Wing - Ilam. Ladies and asntlement-- As old father time is .no respector of persons 1 come before you again for a second term for the office of Reeve of our town for the year 1018. Believing that I have done my duty in the past in looking after the best interests of our townboth in the county' and in the town, 1 ask the indulgence•of electors for another year. Thanking you sincerely for past favours in will be able giveyouan and trusting to account of fry stewardship at the nodi- natiotlaneeting. Wishing you one and e season,I re Il the co lhile tts of the a mp main • ."ours sincerely Wm. Isbister. 'Your vote and influence is .respectfully solicited to elect L. F. Hinkley fVMtooth foe 1918, Economy, Progress and a Square Deal to Ails • ',KILLED IN O ACTIN PTE. GEORGE CARTED, ' Ile., George Carter a brother of Mr. Fred Carter, died from wounds received on November 1st He enlisted with the 141st Batt of Rainy River and after spending twenty days in England was drafted to the 52nd Batt. Machine Gun Section •Mr: Carter was born in East Wawanosh 37 years ago, and is survived by a widow and four small children the infant of.which he never seen. Ile not only left his wife and family, but sacrificed a farm and good government position to fight for his country, b'iud Ninth Century ArinS.. In the course of some eschhvations at Horncastle, Lineolllsbiiue, some workmen unearthed a well-preserved human. skeleton and weapons, .of the Anglo-Saxon .period, or the ninth century A.D. There is a long sword, alargespear, andasnaller one, ail of iron.. The sword Is remarkable for its length and ;'• double-edged. Its total length is 33 inches, and it is I% in,, wide and tapers at the top to accommodate the handle. Tn4• spears are both socketed, and the large one, Still containing the 1iv t 's. which hold the shaft, i i 10 . then long, somewhat lozenge shat+. 1, t .. 131 inchett won -at the i,Ic +al :. part. The smaller one i„ nt',: knife -shaped, and is 72,3 fi;rit ,, i. :t r 11 a lett th byii e i in width. , g ,u It very unusual for the, Ahi;;;1 -.-.:: to be buried with their (mol'si . httitst Ifulfitl li'i'orma.e:a. the I3ritlsh National Ainnl 3.1111,14 ed union of Shop Assistant,; hay:, t; eared a Settlement in hn lin iti case. A. firm promrir cd eertair tt, x,, Monts to their tart who <af.t:.,ai• a1 t,.. 0. 1 the colors, butt ,red c co o ft -Wien j•t c 1 th::• payments were elaiiucd by an, the employ OS they -m.t 1tl. d tl. word "staff" Meait't only the o,;1,1111 end not the t; neral body of e.,; The 3 1 '' lhltlyra, tl t ir,lh s ro.,txr.• a°.st, , Y ' 4 £3 i frill' st,ttl tt i U t, hut tuna,• - refused, and eVClthl +.lay t te.th was arrived at for !.U7 10a. 'I'lle f:i'st r'oaihl1.-1' t ; . ,. United Kingdom Ssu,' Beautiful"Pumps for Women In. fine kid, patent and in satin. Rubbers of all kinds .fol` men, women, boys •and girls. Romeo Slippers for ;nen in two colors, tan and black. Low Cut Overshoes with fast black cloth tops. for men or ladies. Many other lines of Sloes, such as I-Iockeys, Moccassins, etc: etc. snake excellent presents both sensible and suitable. . W. H. t ILLIS Sole Agent For The f GAi iz ni • ; a 'linin tswb And a laughing group tt ^q,..:. The winds May bellow with ;night. and plain, And the storms may clash and din, Rut it's Christmas, Father Christmas, }lath the keeping of his kin. Outside, a traveler in the snow, And a giad "IIalto!" once more; a hearth fire all aglow' .Anal a dear face at tile door, '.n,1 it's Christmas, Father Christman c;,iveth greetings o'er and o'er. ",c= circles. wonderful circles, where !`hes aro gathered today; kindness,. beautiful kindness, thee), • :rd tl•+, welcome words they say, • It's Chrictntai, Father Christman, '15 n') *11"Jdlral anaY. 'ft- alcott Hutt In Now Orleans Lic rnocrrif GRAY HAIR Dr. Tremain', Natural' Hair Restorative, Used tlt••ooted, is guaranteed to restore gray hair traits natural color or mon'w refund d Posi- ively not a dye and non•in;jurions. Priem $1.00, rost•paid, Write Tr5maiat •+apply Co., Toron- to, '111. One sale in Wingham at J. Walton I ei ribbon's Drug StOro. 17.trig FOR LADIES • Broke His Leg Whitechurch A•I • r. Manuel N ue i St a l etolof East Wawa- Mr.andMrs. Cal in Cl bb of London nosh, had the misfortune to break his leg while taking his horse out of the shed at the Farmers I•Iome on Saturday night The big shed was evidently pretty well filled and as he was Leading his horse out another one reared back and fell on his leg breaking both bones. Ile was taken to the Wingham General Hospital Spent the week-ead'at the former's home here, Miss Coiling of Stratford Normal was a visitor at the parsonage with Mr. and Mrs. D McTavish last week, Miss Estelle Kirke has gone to her home at Dungannon for the holidays Mrs W. J. McClenaghan of Bayfield, is SCHOOL REPORT visiting her siste , Miss Sarah Garbutt. Miss McPherson of Teterboro is wit, The following is the report of S.S No. her sister Airs. Kennedy fora visit." ` 11, East Wawanosh for the months oft b1r. and sirs. John Falconer event to November and December � Orangeville to spend Christmas with Sr. IV. Doris Walker, Donald Young their daughter. Mrs. J. E. Wellwood, Sr. III.—Lizzie Young, Bessie Deacon, Mrs McClenaghan and Miss Ona came Jr III.—Alberta Walker, Janet Robert- ' from Belgrave for over Sunday, soli, Miss Edith Kew and Master Will Kew, Jr. II Gordon McBurney, Hazel Ir= of Wingllant were with their grandparent, win, Verna Irwin, Fred Deacon, Jim Dea- Mr. and Mrs Cottle for Christmas. con. Mrs. Ilemmingof Manitoba is the ueyt I.—Roberta Young, Alex, Robertson. i g I Primer—Agnes Robertson, Willie Irwin ' of her sister, Mrs. Gavin Middleton, for .a Margaret Aitken, Teacher I few weeks, 1 aP1) ano 1,40ePCr4118 cm) Vear '0. 11, ArA --KING BROS. Produce Wanted Phone 71