HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-12-27, Page 5i4 Thar'sduy, Dee, 27th 1917 i r 1111=111.11.1111114".146111.111"4"...1"1.11.11161181.1, 'We with to extent) to all our patrons Et app2 ana Prosperous 1Revo i2ear • The House of Quality. Phone 89 1 He used a pebble to keep his :mouth molist— r MADE IN CANADA WRI gives us a wholesome, anti. septic, refreshing coinfection to take the place of the cave man's pebble. We help teeth, breath, appetite, digestion and deliciously soothe mouth and throat with this wel- come sweetmeat. Chew if gnat. every meal The Flawour Lasts r,} thing on the programme. Iu ley school dayn I romombor reading many stories and tales of this old place and as I write the linea of two versea came to mind as they did when I first saw the place. I cannot vouch for their absolute eorrectueus but I think that enough of the original is.contained in the lines to give the irglpression of the Castro which I wish to convey: There, watching high the least alarms The rough, rude fortress gleams afar, 'L,ilce some bold. veteran, gray In arms, And marked with malty many tf t;eatlry scar. The poncl'r'ous wall and massy bar, Griur-rising o'er the rugged rock, Have oft withstood assailing war, .And oft repelled the invader's shock, The groat rock on which 'the'Cast10 stands has been fortified since the 'dawn of history and long before 'the Roman conquerors came many a fierce battle was fought for, its pos- session. In the year 452 the Saxons took it from the Picts but I believe 'that long before that early date it had come in to prominence au •a great fortress.' '.Che old fortress its self is 'entered by crossing a draw-brdge a- bout 50 feet in length over the deep moat which is now (fry. What was once the armoury is now a military hospital an(1 a great deal iuore of the building space 18 used as a Military barracks. In the old Citadel or what !Was once the main defensive Strength of the place is to be found the 'Bomb Battery'. Certainly a quant looking collection of guns when compared with the ones of modern times. Then too there is old `Mous Meg' a cannon ,of considerable size which according to tradition did some very fine work iu some of the wars of the fifteenth century, particularly at the siege of !Dumbarton in 1489. At ono time the old monster was kept at the toyer • of London and was on exhibition there but through the efforts of Sir 1 Walter Scott it was returned to the • people of Scotalud. The estplanade is now used as a parade ground for troops quartered in the Castle, 'f'lio • old Parliament Hall and adjoining rooms contain many interesting relics of by-gono days such as regalia etc., once the property of different Scot- tish Kings. Our stay in the Castle ,was all too short and we really saw only a very small part of the interior I should like to spend a week at least studying the old place and I ani sure that many interesting things could be learned there.. Now to turn to the more modern, for, while I am going to write of the 'Edinburgh Museum, it was the new and up-to-date things there that real- ly. caught my attention. Tho build- ing, like all public buildings in the City, is built of white stone and Is a very fine one. Upon entering the first thing to be noticed is a largo collection of plaster casts exact re- productons of all the famous sculp- ture work to bo found in the world. So faithfully has the work been done that the ordinary layman would never imagine for a minute that he was not looking at the genuine artele. Ad- joining this room was another con- taining hundred of working models of the most scientific machinery known to manvicind. There aro weav- ing machine; looms; paper niaklug machines; the last word in printing presses; derricks; engines and motors of all kinds and dozens of others of which 1 cannot think at present. Each machine was in a large glass case and by pressing an electric but- ton the machine is put in operation. The workmanship is wonderful and each piece of machinery is complete in every detail and will do its work just as faithfully as its much larger brothers. Then again there aro mod els of ships of all shapes and sizes; sailing ships; liners; and battle ships all reproduced and in working order with the excepton of the guns en the Battle ships. _The boats varied in length from three to eight feet. Then• came saw mills; brick yards; coal; iron; tin; silver; and copper mine It is an education n its self to go tllro' that place and it is little wonder that we spent about three time as much time there as wo intended to do. The other exhibits were about on a par with those in the average museum in this country. Many of them very good of course. One evening we went to a theatre to sse the very popular play 'The Bing Boys aro here' While I think of it I will tell you that for a long time the Canadian Soldiers were called the 'Byng Boys' in the country the title of the play 1 mentioned having :sug- gested the name as we were tinder tho command of General Byng at the time the play was first produced. I might also add that General Byng is one of the finest Generals in the Bri- tish Arniy. He won the respect of the Canadian soldiers and they in turn won his. At another time we visited the Scott Memorial which is shown in several of the pictures en- closed. It is said to be one of the finest pieces of work of its • kind in the world. It is 200 feet 6 inches high and the foundations reach a. depth of 54 foot. There aro four winding stair: cases, Ono abovb the oth or, leadng almost to tho top of tho monurllont and a spleridld view of the city can be obtained from the top- most platform. Now 1 have told you nearly every- hing 111ioW about Edinburgh bait be - ore closing my rambling remarks bout the elty and Scotland I must peak of the people as we mond them A healthier :sturdier lot of folk 11gnve never seen. Of course the best of he men are gone but the woruorr have very appearance of being very cap- bre and seem quite able to run thing bowselw, lluglinll complexion re sopa but the colulaziou .et the This simple stone directs pale in the very fine edifaco which now t Scotia's way !stands there, At ono time Joint Knox f To pour her sorrows o'er her used to expound the gospel to his fol- a poet's dust.' lowers in one part of the Church. When came St. Clues Cathedral 'Unfortunately we were unable to gain Which 1 wag told was the oldest parish admittance to the Cathedral at that church tt4 Edinburgh. The original particular time of the day we visited t church bearing the name was built it and, our time being very short, we ill the tenth century and in the twelth did not have an Opportunity to re- a wputiry it was replaced by alarger turn. it 4),4u >xtuch of which-irf.us'W iucrudt di ' Ldirlbttl l} pafatle Wit the tiext.a THE WUN(1IAM ADVANCE dicta vernacular, r , hail ttzoa beaten Scotch lassie, to retaru to the Cana - Everyone we met there was very kind In Qhort I like the lacotchnlan and I like his eonntry. As for Edinburgh it is the finest, cleanest and most wholesome city 1 have eon this side of the Atlantic. Vv" left Etituburgh en Saturday (Continued on page 8) The boys of S. S No. 5, Turnberry, have collected the sum of $25 for the Hali- fax Relief Fund, Well done, boys The Christmas Peal BY HARRIET PRESCOTT SPOFFORD "' WINGING across the belfry tower t bells rang backward all the hour. ,fey rang, they reeled, they rushed, they roared; heir tongues:. tumultuous musio poured. .`he old walls rocked; the peals out - swept; ar up the steep their echoes leaped, Joaring and sparkling tills' they burst Like bubbles round the topmost horn shat reddens to the hint of morn, That halts some trembling star the first, And all the realms of ice and frost l?rom field to field those joy bells tossed, They answered from their airy height; They thrilled; they loosed their bands for flight; They knew that it was Christmas night. Where • awful ahaences of sound The gorge in death's dumb rigor bound, Below and deep within the wood, Windless and weird the black pines stood. The iron boughs slow swaying rose And fell and shook their sifted snows .And stirred in every stem and - branch To the wild music in the air From far lone upper regions where Loose plunged the silver avalanche. All up and down ,the valley side These iron boughs swayed far and wide, They heard the cry along the height; • , They poised in time with that glad flight; They knew that it was Christmas night, You who with quickening throbs shall mark Such swells and falls swim on the dark As crisp as if the clustered rout In starry depths sprang chiming out, As if the Pleiades should sing, Lyra should touch her tenderest. string, Aldebaran his spear heads clang, Cireat Betelgeuse and Sirius blow Their mighty horns find Fomalhaut With wild sweet breath suspendtd hang, Know 'tis your heartbeats with those bells, Loosen the snow clouds' vibrant cells. ' Stir the vast forest on the height, Your heartbeats answering to the light Flashed earthward the first Christ• mas night. Some Christmas Beliefs Holly berries possess and give wou derful power when worn in the shape of a wreath, which must be made In Imitation of the sacred crown or thorns and of berries us red- as blood, and the wearer must go alone at midnight on Christmas and sit in n church In the dark, according to an ancient belief' Second sight will then coma to him, and into tho church will tile those of his friends who will die during the 'coming year. Worn on Christmas eve the holly wreath ,will evoke visions of spirit forms cooling 1n the nir to sing`' their Noel songs, and all the beasts will be seen to kneel (limn in worship. If preserved for a year the crown will give the owner safety from violence. In some parts of England it is believed that unless every bit of holly be re- moved from the house by Twelfth Night some 111 luck will come. SI Wee pies can also bring luck, but only one must be offered and eaten in the house. The one accepted and eaten will in sure to the ,eater a portion of good luck on a clay to come in the ensuing year. To eat two would s1)oil the luck, as if three be eaten on Christmas to me house ill foal; will follow. If the pie's crust be in the shape 0f i1 manger (the first mince pies ever tendo had crusts of this shale), then the' luck Is better, 'Co represent the manger strips of pastry used to be laid crosswise over the 1)1e. The sante power ns the bride cake Is aossessed by the rule cake on Christ Inns night, and if n maiden place a niece of It under her pillow on Christ. num night she Will (lrentu of her future husband, A portion of the mike should be kept for the next year, as it brings hick to the 110)1se. It 080 would Itnve a :successful y011r he or s110 must again partake of the �ltl putivding yu New Year's day. IMMMIN %Ap Page Fives 111111(Ililllllllllllllllllllllnlllllllllllllllllll(IIIIIiIIIIII11111111111uuniIIiIIIII111IIIIiIII(I IIIIUIIIIIIIfilllll(11111111111111111111111(IIIIJIgltlllllllUlllllllm.I1111111111llllll lomovilloossloseseiesui . �„,^::: • _•E1lR�' +ASM+... ..+ :.. 110111461111111 ._.- t . ,..6 '�..'�`.. .•.serMOMOMMUM tr. Sale con- tinues until Friday, Jan. 4th. Watch this Space N�xt Week ICTORY SALE McDonald Block, Wingham. Womm 110.1.1 IIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIII 111111 IIIIIlII1111111111i1111llllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllll IIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiIl�11((ii(I((I(I(fl(lilll(llllllu�tl� FAngus .. . .. .. • E Chettleburgh F Bell F Page . H Wilde . . I Hunter , M Swanson , . . E Williams I Ellacott C Dickson II Sutton E McLean. . . .....276 J Vanstone, .. . ...201 .... . 276 F Ford 288 • . • ..258 257 ...256 254 254 253 .251 . 250 242 . 227 MVan§ickle . . .. , ... .. .. 227 W Cfark • 212 WLevis . . . . . , ...213 G Angus .... 203 G Arde . • 190 B Coutts 174 B Browne 147 N Edwards W Scott E Carr....... , . . G Carter G Lediett itiO L Pearen ..,,144 137 122 Total 235 D Scott 287 W Tennant R Holmes , , , . , 285 M Simpson 274 M Carr... . .... , .. 265 S Bennett 262 B Robinson 255 J McAllister .218 G Spotton 246 J Lavis... '220 J Darnell 215 IVI Hill 190 N Carr 174 M Coutts ....167 W Darnell . 156 R Wagner . . , , 86 D Haney ' 55 E Bolt 52 Junior class 286 DEPT. V Examined in Arith., Spell , ory work. Total 175. M Schaefer.... ......... M Christie . . . R Lockman C Hingston J Young G Rintoul M Snell C Tennant E Hartnell J Field V Naylor. W McKibbon F Allan N Williamson L Johnston M Pennington C Munro T Robertson N Beattie W Hunter W Darnell A McLean B Huntley..... . A Laundy M Tennant J Adair .,.. J Hamilton . ' .219 21 58 L Groves: ..... • 3 4671 A Hutton 207 J Clark•201 R Binkley..... 193 D Lunn 170 A Hartnell... 168 G Varey 163 108 A Coutts 153 163 G McDonald . .152 162 Lily Groves . . . . . . . 125 162 1' Carter . . 161 157 152 152 152 152 151 1.19 ..........149 and Mem- 149 148 147 147 14.1 142 142 111 ,127 127 127 126 C Fry 125 A Irwin. 123 F Bowden •121 M Thurlow . . 117 F Field .......112 M Sanderson 110 P Stokes 104 B Shropshall ... 102 E McLeod 94 S Blatchford 7'1 M Saint 68 H Groves 67 J Brooks ... 67 V Campbell, . , 67 P Gibson 66 M Cloakey 52 B Swanson . 42 I Aidington . i.* T Saint 35 Total 325 M Isard Y McPherson DEPT VI Senior Class G Fry J Leggatt ,. G Robertson..-.... M llaviland J Scott C lvrcI ibbon iv Boardman A Swahson ...........320 • 317 3111 309 308 306 i Because Alder -i ka empties BoTIi large and shall intestine it relieves ANY CASE constipation, sour stomach or gas and appendicitis It has QUICKEST ar- ti0n of anything w0 over sold, J. W. McKibben, drugbist, Total G00 V Fox DEPT. V1I. Class III. L Thompson Bluevale The Woman's Institute met at the Orange Hall on Thursday, December 13th. The following donations acknow- ledged with thanks:—Morris Council $100.00; Turnberry Council. $75 00; One who works $7.00; 11Irs. Milt Smith $5.00. Miss L Ruttau. $I 00; Also to the Canad- ian Rep 204 suits pyjamas- To our own boys overseas, 00 prs, sox and 28 trench caps. The following letter has been received by Mrs Tate, Secretary of the Woman's Institute— The Matron of the Hospital Elizabeth Poperinghe, Belgium w'shes to acknow- ledge with many thanks your welcome useful gifts. She is still in need of Womans stockings, washing gloves for clothing the children patients, and any in- expensive toys, to amuse the children would be much appreciated if you are still kind enough to wish to assist her. Miss Belle Robb is visiting friends in Stratford this .week. Mrs. George Johnston is on the sick li.^t. We hope to hear of ber speedy re- eovery. Turnberry Council Minutes of Council meeting held in Bluevale on Saturday. Dec. 15, 1917. All the members were present. Minutes of the last regular meetinfi were read and 515 approved on motion of Wheeler and Adair. 45,5 Then hreasurer then read his annual statement which was adopted on motion of Moffatt and Adair. Moved by Wheeler and Moffatt that a by-law be passed appointing E. D. Bal- ton, Listowel Tp Engineer under the ditches and watercourse Act, on accoun of ill health Mr Morris Smeltzer was re- funded his taxes. The following accounts were ordered to 150 be paid: 125 R, Vanstone, legal advice $2 56; J. Mc - 100 Lean, plank, $4.02; A. McDoug al; gravel $6.50; Mun. World, supplies $6 87; D. Holmes, culvert $4; Miss B. A. Fortune, Red Cross $75; Thos. Appleby, rep, to culvert $5; J. W. King, gravel $7; F. Gutteridge, tile I917, 8162.40; R. Hupfer, .. . 460 L Smith , A Schaefer....... M Robertson .. . L Peterman . . . KPilon. , .. • . • • . •.. • ....3.10 • 275 ..255 H Munro ... ...... 230 H Brown . . . . .. • . 225 R Sutton .. , . . . 205 195 180 W Latronica .. • .. J Balfour C Carr . K Reid , . ''' • . . . Class II Total 373 A Vint ... ..."...333 R Rae 335 175 155 R ..► 215 J AngusBalfour . . . . . . . . ... 230 K Williams . . 325 M Mitchell , .. J Beattie GAllen.,. .. •..130 J Sturdy ...... 115 D Halloway • i . • . 100 H Field ... , 100 Class 1 NI Palmer, C Blatchford, K Somers, RI Drummond, M Hartnell, H Groves, M Mason, A Casernore, F. Saint, IVI Camp- bell, N. Hales, I Sutton, V Miller, H Templeman, C Doubledee, W Ledeitt, N I,edeitt. SICK WIFE'S EOM SUR- PRISES WINGHAII 1 he following has hu, pI ised \V ill haul: A business man's wife sullered trout dys- pepsia acid constipation for years, Al. though she di:ted she was so bloated her clothes would not fit ONE SPOONFUL buckthorn bark glycerine, etc., as mixed in Alder-i-ka relieved her INSTANTLY, 305' 291 i? brushing 830; T. K. Powell, Road 'Coni. statements and telephone, $69; A. Wheel. er, Road Com. $55; W. J. Adair, Road Corn and insp cheep 856.50; J. 3. Moffatt, Road Com $55; J. I. Scott. Road Com. and insp work. 157.25; P. Mei.arert, Pt. salary; postage and statement $79; P. Powell, Pt salary, postage and posting births $132. H. Henning, salary and refund taxes 179.46; Miss B. Burgess, rent of hall, $15. Meeting adjourned. P. Powell, Clerk, The Sting in The Tail It is interesting to observe how often people will approve of a preacher's message so long as he does not contradict theft' own personal opinions. A striking illus. taation of this has often been given its connection with John Wesley's great set'. mon on Giving. When thepreacher made • his first point thus, ''Get all you can," a • farmer in the audience said to himself, "That is capital," When Wesley made his second point—"Save all you can"—the farmer remarked, ''That is better yet," but when he said in the third place, "give all you can," the stingy farmer said, "Now he has spoilt it alI." LEMONS MAKE SKIN WHITE, SOFT, CLEAR Make this beauty lotion for a few cent* and see for yourself What girl For woman hasn't heard of lemon juice to remove complexion blemish. es, to whiten the skin and to bring out the roses the freshness and 'the hidden beauty? But lemon juice alone is acid: therefore irritating, and should be mixed with orchard • white this way. Strain through a fine cloth the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle containing about three ounces of orchard white. then shake well and you have a whole quarter pint of skin and complexion lotion at about the cost one generally pays for a small jar of ordinarily cold cream. Be sure to strain the lemon juice so no pulp gets into the bottle',then this lotion will remain pure and fresh for months. When applied daily to the face, neck arms and hands it should help to bleach, clear, smoothen and beau. tily the skin, 4ny druggist will supply three ounces of orchard white at very little cost andtho grocer has the lemons. wvtt<f1•i WwwWW t w MAIMIWtisitttlWW DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE To buy a suit of Clothes of the old stock and old dyes made to your = ;"measure, made in the latest style �..with first class trimming at $20,00 and upwards. i lie Iatgest c,to. k of tVI)OlenS to the county to choose from. S. H. CIDLEY Phone 7 Myth, Ont,