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Lesson XI. Deeentber, 10, 1917.
Nehetnia.1 Enforces the Law of the
' Sebbatina-Neltemlah. 13: 16-22,
Cornneentary.-L The Sebbath de-
eeerated (vs. 15, 16). le. tu those
daps -Thin was during Nehetelahee
eneond iesi4ee lu deratialent. It
can not be determined exactly when It
was. His first journey from Shushan
to Jergsalem wart la the tWanatieth yeen
Of his reign Neh, 13;6), to come win
to Jtalah, but it le not known aow
tong atter arrivtngatjeresalent be
Undertook the reformation ta the mat-
ter ot the desecration of the Sanbatb.
Saw 1 in Judah-Thie was oitteitio the
city of Jerusalem in the agrieultural •
dietricts. Nehemiah himself saw the
Sabbeth desecrated, Ineadiag wine
pressett-TIte wine -press coneisted or
two vats, one higher and latter than
the other, sometimes hewn rrom the
rock. Into the upper vat the grapes
were placed, and men crashed them
with their bare feet to press out tbe
etace, which flowed into the lower
vat, on the Sabbath -The fourth corn.
mandtment strictly forbids :secular
worle on the Sabbath, and Goal eare-
fully provided that it should be kept
saarrea to him. This commanement is
az much in force now as when it was
originallY premolgatel. briuging in
stteaves-Grain was bronght into the
city for thrashing, and lading assert
therewith (R. V.) - Tbese various
Itianteeof labor were carried on in vio-
lation of the law of the Sabbath.
Sieaves of grain are still loaded 311.
the backs of donkeys and carnele,
brought into Jerusalem -The people
carried on ordinary farm work on the
Sabbath and they made a practice of
taking their produce into the eity, even
into the sacred city of Joruatalem, cu
tbat day, the day whoring he Lola
victuals -From the language here
treed it appears that the Jews brought
their goods into Jerusalem on the Salt-
' bath, but 'did not Reit them on that
day, When they were selling them on
that day. When they were 'selling
them on the next day or the following
days, Nehemiah rebuked them for ban -
Ing broken the Sabath by bringing
their produce an that day. 16. there
dwelt men of Tyre -It is probable that
some from the region of Tyre, a city
northwest of Jerusalem an the coast
of the Mediterranean, formed. a small
colony in the eity, and were engaged
In trading in the productsof Tyro.
I. Sabbata-breakere rebuked (vs.
17, 18). 17. contended -The word
indicates that Nehemiah was in earn-
est to put an end to the practice of
Sabbathebreakinga. nobles of Judah -
There were persons of prominence
whose influence would be great upon
the asommon people. They had no
occaeion-to violatethe law of the Sate -
bath, even from s, material point of
tam, for they had wealth and full
cootrol of their time. For their own
stem and for the sake of their infla-
me -ea they should have refrained front
enaecratiu.g the Sabbath. *hat evil
thing is this -To break the Sabbath is
to commit a long train of sins. ' it
tweaks a plain command of God. It
fosters selfishness and greed., It
brings one into an atmosphere of
worldliness. It destroys piety ane
robs the out of a disposition to won.
ship God in sincerity. While it is
robbing God of the time that justly
and reasonably belongs to him, it is
also robbing the Sabbath -breaker ot
lit physical, intellectual, moral and
bpiritual powers. profane the.sabbath
day -God consideree the observance
oe thts day as of sufficient importance
to• Parmulate a, commit -I regarding it,
bat the Jews in Nehemiah's time and
Many of their stuitessors have looked
upon it as a day in which to get gain
or seek pleaa3ure. There ie no gain,
but rather loss, in desecrating the
Sabbath. 18. did • not your fathers
thus -The Lord said, "But if ye will
not hearken unto me to hallow the
-stettbath day, and not to bear a burden,
even entering in at the gates of Je-
rusalem on the •Sa,bbath day; then
will I kindle a fire in the gates there-
of, and it shall devour the palaces ot
Jerusalem, and it shall not be quench -
et" (Jen 17:27). The people of
Judah had been faithfully warned ba
the Lord's prophet, they had gone for-.
'ward in their evil ways and the
threatened desteuction came upon
their city. Nehemiah called the at-
tention ot the aabbath-breakers to
salute their ancestors hail suffered
through disobedience tto God's law.
ye bring more wratie-The Lord was
taking note Of the departure of hie
people from him and their sin would
not go unpunished. Nehemiah was
faithful and fearless in rebuking
transgressors ot God's law.
III. A thorough rerormation (vs.
a9-22). 10. gates .... began to be
dark before the Sabbath. The twi-
light 18 ehort in the latitude of jeru-
saint, and darkness comes on soon
after sunset The Jewish Sebbath be-
gan withthe going down of the sun.
.gates should be shut -The getes of the
city were closed as darknees came on,
uot be opened till after the Sabbath -
Nehemiah not only gave orders ae•
gerding the observance of the Sabbath.
tint also took measures to enforce his
eotinnands. The gates were not to be
opened for the passing in and out of
merchandise on the Sa,bbeth. They
were guarded by trusted servants wbo
Would not allow any Sabbath -break-
ing use of the gates . There wa's free
kpassage for lawful travel, 20, lodged
elwithout Jerusalem once or twice -
"The merchants and sellers of all kind
of ware" came on the Sabath as usual
with their Merchandise, but being res.
fused admission for theft burdens into
the eity, they were tinder the neces-
SAY or remaining outaide to watch
their wares. They came the seeond
UM° thinking that the new order
**Odd not be, strictly enforced. It is
likely that, as atiother reason for their
tomitig the eecond time, the people of
the thy went out to them and bought
Wares on the Sabbath, a marleet-place
being temporarily establielted outside
the walls. 21. then 1 testified against
them. Nehemiah was detertnined in
the neater. I \Ali lay hands on you -
The desire for gain made the Sttb-
tieth-breakere bald and led them to
reaort to Measurer; to Make void Nolte
Mahe; ecentnande; but they fOnlid
that thee, were fnee 10 fare 'with a ntan
of resobetin ita Wall as piety, Webe-
r:Mil even not the Man -to zee ,God's
law traeripleti under foot while be boat
authority to have it. ettfOreed The
greedy Sabbath-breakera believed he
Would have thent wrested if they
MOM defied the late anal "from thief
time forth one they no mettle on the
aabbath," 22. Tosites----alenthere of
the tribe of Levi. They had cliarge
of the eettliar melee pertalaing to the
house Of the Lord, ehOtild temente
theintieleett-They were to Malas
seites cererriontally clean end thee be
prePtrea td Orange itt the direet ser.
vita df the Lord. elsOuld eome and
keep Om grate 10 eanetify the teal-
bath day The languaae would
cate that Um charge of the gatee On
the nabbeth was eatntaittea tO the Les
rite. Inasmuch an •the Integiriti ot
the law of the Sabbath alte ineeleeda
it seemed fitting that this sacred duty
ehollid be plaeett upon them. They
would be serving the lwird as directlY
there an they woutel in the Secular af-
fairs of the temple. remember me -
Nehemiah wag desireus that las ef-
forts &mulct be crowned by the Lord
with sums.% He wished for hie eons
aimed Ilene
Queetioets.-Wbo.is Nehemiah? TO
what warn Was he cellea? Whet re-
sults ead already been achieved
through Ms efforts? In what particu-
lars did Ile tiud thet the lase a the
S.abba.th was being. broken? What was
his first eteP ta Innen the desecration
stopped? What further measure
were adopted, With What success did
be meet?
Topin-Law enforcement.
I. A means of religious reform,
II. A, measure against intreders,
1. A means of religious reform. This
chapter briugs into pointed contraet
the promisee of the Jewish people, re-
corded in ebapter ton; and noir subs
eeq.uent practises. In nearly every
particular their covenena so soleranly
entered into, was broken. In Nehe-
&Mules absence the affairs of his
people fell rapidly into disorder. A
promise to observe the Sabbath was
otie of the articles of the covenant
governing the conduct ot the Datiole
Among other deplorable departures
from the law of God, Nehemiah found
that ins countrymen had fallen into
flagrant disregard of their votes aPon
that most vital issue, The observance
of the ,Sabbath was to 'the Jewish
people a typical commandment. It
was a specific law and stria obser-
vance of it was meet insisted upon. It
.was ft great grief to Nehemiah, this
great profanation of that holy day in
the holy city so recently reconstructed
and dedicated to God. The law of
the Sabbath was openly defied. The
sacred character of the day Was set at
normal and was fast disappearing.
'Neighboring customs had crept in and
:prevailed over Jewish principles, The
occupations of the people ware allow-
ed to go on as if there was no Sabbath
day. It was decidedly a swift and
terrible reaction which had followed
the fervor of the great revival when
Nehemiah had gathered the people. to-.
gether and engaged them in a very
solemn covenant, followed their 'en-
lightenment in the law and their pro-
found repentance. There followed
general decay in niatters of religion
when the people. forsook the sanctuary
and profaned the Sabbath. It was a
very serious deduction, demanding a
most vigorous reform To promote
the dee observance of the Sabbath
was a work of piety, benevolence and
Patriotism. • The Sabbath was insti-
tuted with the beginning of the race.
It was included in the religious and
moral steatites given by God to Moses,
signifying its permanence. Its obser-
vance was insisted upon by the pro-
phets and declared to be decisive of
national prosperity or decline. Nehe-
miah showed the people the testimony
of God's word against Sabbath dese-
cration betore he enforced the law or
took measures to perpetuate the re-
form. Nehemiah set about to change
the whole aspect of affairs, to re-es-
tablish the true order of religious life.
Tb.o conscience of the people was with
Nehemiah. They felt that it was use -
lose to resist his resoluteness, backed
by such authority as he possessed. His
fundamental work wheu ie first went
to Jerusalem was to reconstruct the
nation on the basis of the divine law.
He turned Jerusalem into a strong
fortress and made it possible for the
people to develop into a nation of ea -
prior order. His sagaciy, forethought,
power of organization and manage-
ment, depth of feeling, power to in-
spire and rule others, calm onsidera-
tion in laying his plans, vigor and de-
termination in executing them, en-
abled him to couduct the various re-
forms of the nation.
II. A measure against intruders. Ne-
hemiah made a palate protest and pro-
moted active measures for the sup-
• pressing of Sabbath desecration, He
acted in harmony with the powers of
his commission and tbe law of God.
He prepared for a time when he would
not be there to act the part of a pious
patriot and governor. He confronted
and reproached tlae nobles and rulers
as well as the traders and salesmen.
The vigorous remedies which he .ap-
plied were administered first to the
rulers. He laid first blame upon- them.
In the ease of an Temente piety and
patriotism could unite itt a degree
difficult to maintain at others, the na-
tion being God's eb.osen people, owing
to him its existence and its laws, and
set apart by him as his special treas.
use and for his special praise, Ne-
hemiah folloWed his rebukes to the of-
fenders with practical measureet He
had the gates kept closed. (luring the
Sabbath. He appointed Levitee as
Permanent gaarda, bidding them pur-
ify hhemselves, as for a holy service
before taking their posts. He threat-
ened to punisla dealers who lodged
near the wall duriog the Sabbath. His
.energetle measuees sueceeded perma-
nently. T. R. A. •
• •
Gerinan Agent in Detroit
Was Well Paid.
'Detroit report; 'Letters and cheques
to show that Albert • Kaltsetnidt was
paid at least $28,000 by German spy
leaders Were introduced hi the trial
of Kaltschneldt and five'others to -day.
One ot the prineipal bite of evidence
Was a letter signed by Dr. IL A.
bert, the Kaiser's financial agent, au-
thorizing the transfer of $25,000 to
naltscandas aceouut-the amottnt to
be charged to the joint aeeouut of Drt
Mort and von Bernetorff, German
Albert was One of the leaders of the
nernian plotter's sent to this country.
Cheques frena Cent von Palms,
Wintery Attaehri Of the Germatt
basy, and Wolf von lgoi of the Ger-
roan Military Information Bureau tri
new York, Were aIso introduced. They
were teized itt a raid On the Hamburg.
enterican Line officers in NeW York
Arbon war broke out.
The day was devoted to establish -
ng the fact that certain moneye paid
tealtecbinidt had been disbursed in
stilita to his tools and in pew
chasing explosiven
A earwig militaty Mattel WaS main -
tabled all day at tho Federal Court
Wieling owing' tet the preeehee of
tuirther Of atlapielOuS acting individ•
gals in the vicitity Of the banding.
"1 ttlIderstahd the Man yOtt (Weak
tI Uve itt irairbid trepidlty, &Wenn
he?" "No, eir; he livee III the
eliburbeeaalitiltimere Arneeteen,
Was On Train Just Nearing
Doomed City When
Explosion Oame.
Their Eyes Destroyed by
Splinters of Glass,
• ever Cried.
New York report; A despatth from
Boston to the Associated Press says;
J. Goldberg, of New York who woe
in the first party of refugees to reach
Boston from the shattered city, gave
a graphic description of the scene in
natifax when he arrived there on a
treat bound from St. John, in cum -
yam' with Charles J. Clark, Montreal.
"We were eight miles Worn Halieax
and twenty minutelate," said Mr.
aolctherg, "when there wile a slight
explosion, and thee, a terrible one.
The train came to a eueldert stop. Al-
most inimediately the Pullman car
began to rock and the glass began to
break. It was a clear morning, nil
We had gat but of the car, and could
.iee a great doled of smoke hanging
low over Halifax in the distance.
When we got to Africville the train
came to astop. We got out, and were
horrifted at the sight we saw,
"The platform of the railroad sta-
tion was crowded with Wounded pea -
pie, most at them children, Many of
the children were groping about. They
could not see. Their eyes were filled
veldt small bits of glass. I noticed,
too, that most of the children were cut
about the neck. It seemed just ite if
a keen -edged knife bad slashed eah
little throat,
"We took -about 250- of the injured
aboard the traiu, and gave them what
medical aid Ise could. All the passen•
'Mrs turned doctor. The firet one I
treated was a little girl. She could
not see. Her eyes were filled with
glass. I got the glass out, but she
tested not see. Sho was blind. The
glen had cut into her eyeballs. She
was a brave little mite. She didn't
"Clark deserves great credit. He
knows a little about medicine, and.
with coat off and sleeves roiled up, he
pitched right in. He must have
treated fifty of the wounded. Ho had
a bottle of brandy in is grip, and
that helped.
"There was one mother with two
babies en her arms. Her face was
covered with blood, but she kopt•wip.
ing the Wood from her eyes, hugging
the babies to her breast all the while.
We took the babies from her, in
order that we raight dress her worlds'
with bandages that we made from the
Pullman bed linen. The two babies
were dead.. We didn't tell the mother.
but put the little ones away In a
"After a while the train was started
lack to Truro with the wounded. Four
Waldron' died on •the way.
"Two sailors on the train said 'they
had. been blown off a tug in tna
harbor. They were soaked to the
skin, and were shivering from cold
"On the way back to Truro we got
a view of the harbor. I saw three
Belgian relief ships, and apparently
they had not been damaged."
On Board Massachusetts Relief Train,
via Amherst, N. B., rep.ort: A Pull-
man car with its sides covered with
heads bandaged and their little arms
bearing half a hundred children, their
'leads bandager and their little arms
in slings. They were orphans wno
escaped when their asylum at Hali-
fax was wrecked. A shower ot stone:.
and glass had maimed some of them
for life.
A woman came through to elonatoe
with the form of an infant, appar-
ently asleep, clasped to her breast.
The mother, temporarily insane, had
made the long journey with only the
tiny of her child. The ghastly dis-
covery that the head was gone was
made by citizens.
British Forces Continue to
Improve Positions
While Foes Try to Make
, Theirs Fit.
London eable: Notwithstanding
their withdra•al from the Bourlon
Wood salient in the Cantbrai area,
General Bynget l'orces cotttnUe tak-
ing bites out of the German position
to improve the British line.
His cotnintinication issued this ev-
ening says; "A auccessful local Ora
Maim Was carrled out to -day tiorth
of La Vaemierie (Cambral sector).
Treachee constituting our objective
were raptured by the Ulster troops,
making a. considerable improvement
in our lint at this point.
"Sotabeast of /pees Our patrols
last night successt ally attacked hos-
tile svorkihg parties, Northeast of
Ypres a hOstlie raid was repulsed and
a nunlber ot casualties were inflicted
on the enemy. In these enceettere
Mignon; were taken,'
The afternoon report said:
"The infantry actin on the Cam: -
brat trout during the night was con-
fined to petrel encoenters, in Which
we eeettred primers, The enemy's
artillery line shown inereased netivity
on both elder) or the Searpe."
Telegraphing front British head -
quartets; In Prance dt. T. Small writes:
The GerMatre to -day cot altered
their Work of reoccupying the decreetated area bequeathed to thent by the
Pritielt when General leyrig made his
Witbdrental fiesta the CaMbrai eallent.
It was an litiettvory task that faced
the enemy. The.Boution WOod rant
was reeking with DOitiOli011s gas, in
Graineetirt, athaeteet eailetatnn, NOS'.
elt:kfarCtSillif end afttenteeeil Were
n Wainer of thine, end the low-lying
MUNI 011 Whieh the GOMM aPPare
ently had planaea to dig tie* arm
troneltea was oaerloelted by the Wet -
1011 positiOile.
Into thle (Wert the big genie Wele
• hurling tons of explostves and Inas
chine gunners were whipping a con-
stant Stream Of bullets) into the ranks
Of the enemy sent torward PrOePeete
ing for the desirable points available
for defence. Meanwhile the major
portion of the liritish army Was Ma-
ting comfortably in their home, their
eoneolalation virtitally haviag been
completed before thee' started to re-
tire at midnight Tuesday,
As a Matter a fact, part of their
Work was done for them bY tee Ger-
rune in the famous Hiudenbilrg
trenches, The wonderful Geeman
dugouts and network of front line
erld communication trochee were all
•at the disposal of the Tomlnlea, wno
look out with unconcerned satisfac-
tion at the former occepants, now ie.
boring miserably to builtt wenn-
ground. babitations.
Fighting continued to -clay at MeV
point; between advanced patrors et
the British and the Germans.
Paris cable: The following offic-
ial communication was 'sailed Fra
day evening:
"Considerable artillery activity by
both sides lias prevailed in the region
oe Metssons de Champagae mut on
tho right bank of the Meuse. TNT°
have been no infautre action.
"Deering the night of December 5.6
our aeroplanes bombed the stations
at Fribourg and Thionville, autl &so
various depots and canton:note l'e.
hind the enemy's lines. `
"On the Belgian front on the 6th
and 7th instants there were the ems"
Winery artillery enga,geneenee, wlech
were especially in the regions of
Prevyse and Zmeickein. A long-.
range aun fired eome shells in the
environs of Aderiltirke."
Resolution in U. S. Congress
to Grant $5,000,000.
Supplies en Route -Many
Places Helping.
Washington repeal A. joint resolu-
tion to appropriate $5,00e,000 for the
relief of the stricken people of I•lalifax
was introduced to -day ba Rep. Tague,
of ,Massachusetts.
New York report; Several special
trains furnished by the New -York
Central Railroad were speeding from.
-nere for Halifax to -night with every
facility for supplying aid to the
stricken city. They carried 600 men,
together with $15,000 worth of tools,
$150,000 worth of lumber. 1.000 port-
able houses and 25- motor trucks. The
party includes a special salvage Corps
under 20 expert engineers, Who will
restore whatever houses can be waved
and direct the construction of tempor-
ary shelter as rapidly as possible. •
The following articles, valued at
more than $200,000, were carried by
the train; 4,930 pairs ot socks and
3,043 pairs of bed. socks, 10,080 sweet-
ens, 15,152 pieces of men's, women's
aild children's clothing, 10,000 blank-
ets, 20 cases containing 100 gallons
of disinfectinf fluid, 30,000 pounds
of bandages, 496 cots and a carload of
Landon, Ont., Board of Control vot-
ed $2,000,
The Canadian Club, of New York,
aapropriated $3,000 and will also sehd
• More than $100,000 was raised itt
Boston yesterday,
The Council of Kitchener telegraph-
ed $10,000, with the message that the
pocketbooks of -citizens aro at the dis-
posal of sufferera.
Mayor Martin, of Montreal, after
a conference with the leading mem-
bers of the Victory Lon Committee,
asked the Royal Bank of Canada to
plaee $100,000 immediately at the
disposal of the sufferers in Halifax,
the Victory Loan Committee having
undertaken the work of raising the
funde, His worship wrote to Lord
Shaughnessy, presitieht of the 'Cana-
dian Pacific Railway Company, who
headed the Victory Loan campaign,
requesting him to act in a similar ea-
Daelty in connection with the raising
here of this $100,000.
At a special aneeting or the St.
Thomas City •Council a grata of $500
graphed. It was also decided that a
was voted and immediately tele.
further grant will be forivarded in
the near funtre, if required, when
the work of restoration begins.
Mayor Bowlby, of 13rantford, has
telegraphed the Mayor ot Halifax to
draw upon the Ontario city for $600
as• aid to the surferers.
British Take Over IVIore of
French Line.
London cable: The •Chrotticiee;
Parliamentary torrespondebt says:
,"The debates next week on the vote
of credit provide au opportunity for
a wide ranging discussion.. Advan-
tage of it may be taken for some
plaih speaking on the Military situa-
"The factor that contributed to our
aucceseetti advancein the region ot
Cambrai is the despatch of troops to
Italy. The necessity of sending mill.
tary help to Italy Was urgent, but
that policy, ples the taking over of
more of the French nue, carried with
It inescapable consecnteetees.
"Not a few etree felt that the time
has eome to give some attention to
British interesta in the war. We on -
not go on indefinitely supplying firma
dal power, sea Dower and most of
Lite munition potterer of the alliance,
and in addition undertaking unlimited
military COMMitinents on the eentin.
era, Themi views will probably find
eepression next week,"
Halifax, Dee. 0. -The Halifattc Herald
ia Informee by cemadiart eleverentot
rateway officials that a reetssage eame
over the wins a minute Maori the ex -
Plosion (1111It vas from Vincent
P, ceeemen, the operator at Richmond
!t it ticie directly lonaber wit upon tho.
ticeneef the collision, and read: "14.
munition ship fa on tira and le meking
for pier No, 8; eloodine"
etelemen'a badly charred tee:mins Were
found tees overierg. Irad tut ehosen te
desert his poet Ito might bove
eased hie own Mo.
Atteleet (test= le •alwaya held Or re.
genteel as .law. -Law elaeint
Real Country is Steadily
Working for Return to
Common Sense.
Refuses Trotsky's Demand
-Bolshevik' to Repudi,
ate Loans.
London cable: In reiterating his
former statement that regenerative
Processes are going on in Russia, the
Petrograd correspondent of the Morn-
ing Post says:
'The real Russia is silently aud
steadily working for reconstruction,
and the inevitable ram% to common
sense, which we inay noire Is near at
Heads that the Bolshevik'. now are
being challenged by an organization
cdaicitnigitself the Union Anarchist SYn-
London -cable:- A note from the
British Government reusing to re-
lease Tchitcherin and Petroft. Rus -
elan citizens under arrest in England.
the Petrograd correspondezet of the
Times says be understands was deliv-
ered at the Stnolny Institute. the
Bolshevik' headquarters, on Thurs-
The correspondent adds that the an.
easiness of British citizena in Russia
is increasing daily and that the Cons
sulate in Petrograd is crowded with
persons asking protection and advice.
Official protection,however. he says,
comets for nothing, as an attempt to
exercise it probably will inerease the
London cable: The 13olshesiki
Goverament, according to a Reuter
despatch from Petrograd, th preparing
a decree repudiating all Russian for-
eign loans and ions concluded :by
land banks and railways on Govern-
ment guarantees. Shares of internal
loans held abroad also will be repudt.
London cable: The members of
the all-hussian Commission to deal
with the elections to the Constituent
Assembly have been arrested by the
Ecasheviki. a Reuter dispatch from
retrograd says. Lenine. Trotzky and
the other hiaximalist leaders have ap-
pointed Moses Uritzky Commissiteeno
tor Elections to tb:e Constituent Awe'
sembly, with virtually autocratic pow-
London, Dec. 8.-A Russian Govern-
ment dispatch, dated Thursday, and
received hero by, wireless. announces
that Leon Trotziry, the Bolehealiti
Foreign Minister. has sent to all the
allied embassies and legations itt
Petrograd a note intimating that the
armistice negotiations with the cen-
tral powers have been suspended for
a week at the initiative of the Rue.
Man delegation. for the purpose or
providing opportunity. of informiug
the peoplee and the governments of
the Allied countries of the existence
of such uegotiatious and the ten-
dency. The note adds that the armies
tice will be signed only on condition
that troops will not be transferred
from one' front to another. and that
German troops are cleared front the
islands around Moon Sound. It gen-
erally indicates the points 01 the
negotiations in accordance with the
wireless statement received from Pet-
rograd Thursday.
London table: The guards sur-
rounding Nieholas Romanoer. the ta-
mer Russian Emperor, near Toboleic.
Siberia, have been disarmed by Bon
shewilti soldiers and sailors, accord-
ing to. advices received in Petrograd
and forwarded by the Exchange Tele-
graph "airanpaey. The Bolshevik'
leaders intend to remove Nicliciae to
some other place, fearing he might
be lynched.
li• 410
Germans For a Long Time
Shelled Empty British
As Result of Giving "Iip
Bourlon Wood -Poe
Cannot Use It.
I a...*.k•
British Headquarters in France,
Lorain cable: A: conference of
from the salient about Bourlon Wood
to a prepared line which should Make
their position mtieh stroiager and More
deeirable In many ways. 'Mae retire -
Meat was carried out successfully
mainly between the hours of la and
4 o'clock Weditesdey morning, and
under Water 'of darkness. Not ttutil
many linter later did the enemy dim
cover that he wee facing evacttated
The Germane to -day had swarmed
over Much of the evanated zone and
Were digglog themselves itt along the
advanced line, but art late 45 1.50 Oa
cloak yesterday afternoon they were
Still shelling Bourton wood, and be-
tween noen and I &chick they lattne1i.
ed a limey attack against the empty
treitches near etoeUvres, showing the
were uncertain of the situation even
Theeusslui Manlier Of the With..
draWal pliteas hi the tategOry ot a
reMarkable Military itehlereenteat, for;
had the GerritallS bee0Me aware that
it was inepeeditig, grave !ogees Might
haste reettiteri to the tenth -1g treerne
The quest:We Of aberstotang the sal-
nt must hawe been Under Verona
consideration for eante timer.
WeetieedaY's retirettlent cannot be
deeignitted as a retreat, for there 15
no reatem to believe time the British
could not have parantained thentionnee
there. However the position was not
tleeirable, anti it would have cOst the
lives of too Intent/ MA to nave held
onto the sharp salient which could, be
ysm ti
enemy guotire froeVeral
The groune abandottee was cleared
thoroughly, and not a gun or any Oth-
er material appeared to have been left
behind. • Moreover, the wicated parti-
tions were renaeree tenmorarilY tna
tenable, so that the ;MOW WOuld be
forced to construct uew defences an
dilgOnts. The British prepared the new
line while they still held Bourlon
A. sere ot teMporary rear guard was
established until the main beds' reach-
ed the oew quarters. About midnight
Tueeda,y the Brinell silently began to
pull back from the northern edge of
the Bourlon wecel. Tee British rifles
and Machine gtlas began to spit fire
along the line, and the artillery main-
tained ite customary Itaeamerina of
German position.
The unsuspecting Germane elung to
their trenches, and fired Methodically
at what they supposed was the British
fr°Bult• lainotl'clock itt tho morning the
main Brinell body passed into the
new posit:ores, and the Bottrion wood
was virtually stripped or soldiers,. with
thete, eixictrile3titrateareavetnewthreearregauragrdus.
had followed, and the greet forest war.
lett silent, save for the bursting of
throughoat Weeneeday forenooh
the Germane continued to hammer
away at the wood, and a little aftet
noon they launched a ;wavy attack
westward of the woad, in the direction
of itioeuvres. This meve was made
under a heavy bariage, whicb broke
harmlessly on the vacated territory,
The British troops from their d15 -
taut position watched tbe German
manoeuvres with delight. These cue
minated in a tire charge in mass
formation against the former -British
line. An the Germans reached the
trenches they paused in evident sur-
prise, and a halt was called for a
consideration of the situation.
About 2 o'clock in the afteenoon the
Germans were seen coming over, the
ridge on both sides of the Bourlon
wood In large "numbers, and proceed-
ing toward the Bapaume-Carabrai
road. A considerable force of the Ger.
mans was caught in, the artillery fire
to the west of the wood, and suffered
hovy coualties,
Throughout the afternoon the Ger-
mans in considerable numbers kept
moving eautiously forward across tale
Ca.mbrai road, and towards evening
they started digging in front of the
new British tine. A fairly large Ger-
main foreetentered Annette last night.
A. heavy German attack which de-
veloped north of Anneux yesterday
afternoon was smashed by artillery
This morning the British operation
was completed successfully, and the
Germans had reoccupied most of the
evacuated territory and were digging
themselves in. It was naturally a
sad body of British troops which made
their way from Bohrlon wood. They
had fought through many bitter days
to capture and hold the place. They
knew it was best fox' them to go; still
they hated to relingaish what they
won. Probably the hardest part was
the farewell said at the graves of
comrades . seattered through the
woods. - They Marked each mound
with its little • wooden erase before
they left. .
Illourlon wood has been a nasty
place for the British to hold, and it
will be as bad for the Germans.
Throughout this forest are pools of
poisonous water over which poisonous
gases hang for twenty-four hours af-
ter discharge from the shells. From
their new positions the artillery will
bo able to pour a steady stream of
explosives into the wood, The zone
from which the British retired south
of Bourlon will also be a hard 'place
Lor the enemy to build his defences,
for it is low-iying ground dominated
by the new British lines.
It is impossible. to give the new
British line at this time; but it 'cer-
tainly is much stronger tu every way
than the previous one. The British
still rotate their hold, on the famous
Hindenburg lines, which firnisla Field
Marsbal Haig with a .very desirable
reserve of defences.
Is Member of Government of
New Republic.
Maximalists Fear Ex -Czar
May Escape.
Petrograd cable: That newspaper
Peavcia, organ of the Bolsheviki Gov
ernrnent, antiourice that several de
taehments of salient and the Rea
Guard Mee been sent to Toblosk,
1,500 miles east of Moscow, to guara
Nicholas Itomanoff, the former Bus•
eian Emperor.
The independent Goverratent which
has beeh organized in Siberia, hae
elected Alexander I'. Xeronsky Min
ister Of Justine, enti Is deterinined to
cemplete a coalition Cabinet.
It is repotted that a.m. Korulloff,
who recently escaped from 13taltort,
where lie had been imprisoned by the
Boisheviki authorities, has joined
Gen. Kaledines, Haman of the Dee
Gen. Korniloff formerly was come
mender -in -chief ef the Russian arrates,
Arnied sailors have arrested 40 em.
ploYees of the State Bata: who had
refused to work tinder the tolshevild
Jiteeee atotnileela, 'mate: The Oita
cinl entouneentent concerning the
agreelnent by the ROttinantati array
to an arthistice reaale:
"The Rusin cOmtnand baying
ptoposed an atmintieo to the enemy
and to the Itournanian tramps, form-
ing part ef title front, it was decideo
that the Rotarian:fan treeips shoula as-
eoetate themselves wtth thie proposal.
As a ensotterice hostilities %vete
mispended at S Weigel{ en the whole
Of the trent.
"The etlentel'a troops lonely !Mail
tested their benefaction aad endeavor
ed tO apierdaell the Tteumatiot tiet
work System, The Itenuartiat treops
Melatained tt reserved and dignified
attitude lind rejected e eery attempt
at frattrrazattema
Datry Produce -
Better, choice dairy .. $0 45 to let) 47
(Meese lb.
Tggs, new -laid, die. , 0, 7,0 01) 35
Teraeys, lb. 0.: 2. 8: Q0 3350°
Fowl, lb.
0 a
eres'41 jet 0 26 0 28
0 18 0 20
0 2e 0 26
.401)urellutif, S4.‘phrielekrib
Apples, blt t. 0 el) 0 70
eDVD:Oet pt4b aeal „ 4 00 7 00
(n, ar uttsusiel 01 swsepr,r sprouts, sin. m (7!. ? 601 21°56Ci
Carrots, peck 10 0 20
.• 0
01)1:r"y,bparfr head 0 20
Cabbages, each 01 0 07
• 0 '75
0 05 0 10
Vegetable marrow. each 0 05 0 30
Onions, 75-1b, bag
Do„ large bkt. 2 60 3 00
)o., pickthig ..-• 00 6650 00 7655
Potethea, bag
3 110 3 205
Parsley, bunch
0 10
Peppers, red, dos..
bunch 0 20
Do., green, do 0
apinaoh, peck , 0 0,1 0 10
0 30 0 35
Squash, each
0 10 0 25
Savory, bunch
0 05 0 10
.Do., bag 0 05 • 0 70
0 15
Turnip's, peck
Beef, forequarters, cw
t.esHGIGt 8
16 00
Do., landquarters ... 17 00 19 00
Carcases, choice la 00 17 50
Do., common • 13 00 14 50
Veal, common, cwt9 50 11.50
Do., medium 12 00 1450
Do., prime 20 00 23 00
Heavy hogs 17 50 19 50
Shop hogs
22 50 23 60
Abattoir hogs
lelutton, heavy 23 50 24 50
,. 12 00 16 00'
Do. light 18 pa . 21 00
Lambs, Spring, 'fb ' 24 0 26
Wholesale quotations to the retail
trade on Canadian refined sugar, Too
onto delivery, in effect October 30:
Arndia granulated ..... 1.06lbs...89a
neralpath granuened ..9.14
et Lawrence tot ulated . 9.14
hatteic granulat 9.01
No. 1 ellow . . 8.64
No, 2 yellow ... 8,64
*No. 3 yellow e ..„ 8.44
Granulated in 20 -lb. bags, 15 cents
over cwt. prices; 10 -lb. bags, 20 cents
over; 5-1b. cartons, 25 cents over, and
2-1b, cartons, '30 cents over.
"Atlantic quoted 100 over.
Fluctuations on the Wennipeg Grain
Exchange yesterday were as follows:
Open. High. Low. Close.
Oats (new) -
Dec. „ 0 80ee 081 0 79%0 80
May ... 0. 81 0 811,4 0 79X0 80e4
Flax -2,95>e
Jan. ..., 2 89
May ... 2 05 2 05ee te 95 2 etite
Calgary -Oats -No, 2 C.W., 87 7-80;
No. 3 C.W.'70 7-8c; extra No. 1 feed,
76 7-80; No. 1 feed, 72 3-8c; No. 2
feed, 69 3-8e.
Minneapolis -Corn, No. 3 yellow, $2
to $2.05. Oats, No. 3 white, 71 1-4 to
72 3-4c; Flour unchanged. Bran, $40
to $41.
Duluth -Linseed on track, $3.21 3-4
to 3.31 3-4; arive $3.21 3-4; December,
$3.21 3-4 bid. May, $3.20 1-2 asked,
July, $3.18 14 nominal,
Furious Struggle, With Aw-
ful Losses, Raging,
But Teutons Cannot Reach
Italian Plains.
Italy report,' The importance of the
fighting arouud Asiago Is not under-
estimated, but it is believed the line
of resistance on which the Italians
owe retired is capable of holding the
Franzella, and Gadeua pesos leading
into the Brenta Valley and the open
plains miles below. The fighting has
been of the most desperate character,
and while the enemy has paid dearly
Zor his stiecess, the Italian losses also
have been very heavy.
Enemy reserves were poured in un-
til the Italians were far outnumber -
ad. They continued to struggle des-
perately, however, and in each ease
a small detaehment of Bersaglieri
met the shock of the entire Austrian
realment Austrian Kaiserjaegers dis-
played „unprecedented ferocity, using
stilettos as well as bayonets in fierce
head -to -heed fighting.
But the greatest single instance of
herotsni and loss was in the case of
aeveral detaehments of Alpha, which
held elobte Castelgoniberto against
overwhelming odds mail surrounded
completely. Thus eneircled, the made
repeated charges, but the heavy sur-
rounding lines held, and the entire
party was still olt the monutain when
the remainder of the line fell back.
The extent et the enemy reserved
is ellown by their cencentration in the
anerage amount of a divisida for
every kilometre. The artillery fire also
has been the heavieet of any since the
new Italian line was formed.
'rhe latest reports at this hour (7
p.m.) show that detaelvimate ti Ai.
phi!, surrounded Ort atellte easna-
tetritnertre, preferred dealt rather thaa
surrender, tutd were cut te aieees IIt
the fieree tassaulta by the enemy telw
Milne Which had eosapintely tit1-
rOund6d them.
It is estimated that the forma cm.
PloYed by the enmity were i. bout
teVice as large as the Italian forcer;
before the Italian 1100 was attired to -
Its present militant.
The splendid shoenbee the ita, eats
Made single-handed on the Attego
plateau is leading to the fremtein ree.
Meek that the Aslago plateau will be
the Hallett Verdufte WItho the Itals
lane had fallen, back se eid tbe
heroic defenders Of Venni% yet a ear
Mahe linen are Iritfott, nd lneeire
ectfidenee thee, the italleaa will le
able to hold the intetalre treel Mae
tug the Italin plaitte.
Wellington %KW
1/04 Ms" Kna" ottf4
AlsOi toga 04 Au *Oil. of Wm*
1.10 initp.rty a th• *sok of mot**
opts grown,
cogo. ammo; MN rkeardwal
Preaidee4 1111411114srf
REP08111 0
Dudley Holmes
•Aniu•Tovi, 404101Telis 111
Offillel **re swirl volovim.
R. Vanstone
SARAISTER Atio wasorrams
Mow to $0111 ad *IMO gad*
Arthur J. Irwin
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Penn..
sylvania College and 141oenttate of Den -
tui Surgery Pf Ontario,
Closed evely Wednesday enternoon,
Office in Macdonald Block.
. D.D.S., L.O.S.
Honor oraduato of the Royal College of
Iterate Surgeons ot Ontario, Honor
Craduate of University of Toronto.
esclay Afternoon.
Office Over H. E, !card Lk Co.'s; Store
in the Hemel Parlors, formerly (mu..
Wed by Lr. 0, H. Ross.
W. R.iiarnbky
taken postgraduate work in Sur*
017. Bactermioeldolgyanasn. d Scientific
Office in the Kerr residence, be.
twee* the Queen's Hotel end the
Baptist Ohuroh,
MI business given careful attention.
P. 0. Bog 1111
• ma.c.s. (Eng.)
(Ds. Chioholm's old stand).
Graduate of University of Toronte.
Faculty of Medicine; Licentlate of the
Ontario College of Physicians and
D. P. A. PARK -71R.
Osteopathy builds • 'Vitality in
irtriligth. Adjustment of the seine an4
ether tbsoues is gently secured, there -
removing the predisposing causes
of diftease.
Blood pressure and other extraina•
Mons made. Trusses scientifically tit+
bit -
lionri-Tuesdays and Fridays, II .an,
01 1 pan.; Wednesdays, to 21 a.ni.
Other days by appoLutmenk
-General "Hospital
(Under Government Inspection).
Pleasantly situated, beautifully furA
nlshed. Open to all regularly licensed
physicians. Rates for patients (which
include board and nursing) -$4.90 tor
212.00 per week, according to location
of room. For further. Information-,
Sex 223, WIngham, One.
Town and Pam properties. Call and
see my Het and get my price* I have
some excellent values.
INIcas 124, Office In Town Han'
(Successor to .1. G. STEWART)
P. 0. Box 366, Phone 198
John F. Grow
Immix of
Plumee--Offiee 24; Residence 161.
i,treestwrritcetler."81for citi.441.6xntilkIt 4Phy41
irhilitni°yuorucroserireaoewlaii liasit)grilteortancenrittm
near home. and in *ending your mime
toi us will hells 4 home induitry. We
furnish two Cana to oaoh ehippar and
pay all *spree* charges atid seeur•
lac an honest business. cheese far
tery patrons having Crum during the -
*Inter Would do well to Milo to VA
Writs for rurther particulars te
sw.poirat ONTAA10
Madrid, nee, 0.- telegram re.
navel here nem Oporto sales that the
te vcartion in Portugal has ended with
tee ell:Ines or the revolutionaries, and
that the Gevernment has resigned.
Dr. .Alfatte0 Costa, former Premier
and Minister et' Initanee, has forlued
ProvIeneeen tloverninent, lecluding Dr.
Monier Pees,. formeth" 1'001100N
Sliilloter to (lerinany, i. I reported
that nil if{ quiet lit Lisbon aria Oporto;