HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-12-20, Page 5Thursday, Dec. 20t11 1917 a � 'CHRISTMAS y. I tE r Let us help you choose your Xmas Gifts. We have a large display suitable for Ladies, Children and Men. We advise shopping early while the -selections are good. animer Suggestions for the Ladies 25c and 35c Fancy 1 Iandkerchlefs with colored edges, Collars Gloves, Mitts, Tea Aprons, Braid, Hosiery, Cam- asole lace, Ribbon, etc, At 50c anti 75c Stock Collars, Jabots, Fancy and linen Hand- kerchiefs, Woolen and Cashmere Gloves, Tobog- gan Mitts; Scarfs and Caps, Mufflers, Cashmere Hose, Brassieres, etc. We have a large assortment of Waists, Sweater 1 Coats, Underskirts, Silks, Blanket Comforters, Guest Towelling Table Linen and Napkins, Rugs Mats, etc ••••1111M11/1010* F,. r Men and Boys Silk Scarfs, Mufli.nrs and 1'ie5, Collars, Shirts, - Woolen and Leather Gloves and Mills, Fancy boxes of Braces, Arm Bands, Handkerchiefs, etc. Also a full range of Men and Boys' Suits, Overcoats, Fur Coats, Shoes, Rubbers, etc. Produce Wanted Mills The House of Quality. Phone 89 IIIIMMUNIvranimausenemosmccarrcwormessezzembagsmsatismaisioratenalacasegasalma coff Packages of this farnov.t2 War -time Sweetmeat are sent to the sO16ier lloro and aviators at the front. If you have a friend there, see that every parcel or Letter contains a few bars or a package of KILMITIEEnTp the great chew- ing confection that is used around the world. Keep it always en hand. It helps teeth, appetite, digestion. SaaIesa figalt Kept neat ""Rosi erferiif 6EAG"e'��s9 MADE IN CANADA rho Ela afocusi las is 19 Whitechtirch Mr. end MVlrs. James Craig of Britian Columbia, are with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs John Craig for a visit. Mrd. I. W. Leggatt visited with friends in Ix/Ingham for at few dayo. Me*sr,. Charles Taylor told Wm Mil- ler have returned from the We*t, 'Where they aapelitt the autumn months, At the rig1dar reetlog of the WAS. held last Wednesday, the following office ars were appointed for 1918: Pres, Ms C Laidlaw; lat. Vice Pres., Mrs, Lott; 2nd Vice Pres. Mrs, Henry; Secy. Mrs, ri,,mer on; 'treat; Miss L. Paterson Rev. 3 12. Graham was in l<inlough and I:iveradele on Friday conducting preparatory services for Rev. C. N, Me - Retitle. The Guild leader for Christina* Sen. day is tits lif, Peddle, when the topic le 11 THE ViTINGI•.t.,1_AM ADVANCE THE PIOPL 1 401.3 IBM A MAJORITY OF 1,429 JAMES BOWMAN, M, P. Unionist Member for North Huron "Christmas Giving." Mr. Wilfrid Jacques is home from Alberta to spend,the winter with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Jacques, On Friday night, Dec. 21, a charity Xmas Tree, will be held in the Methodist church A good program will be given by local talent. Toys and other gifts gratefully received, Admission, I0c and ISc. All on the tree as well as the pro- ceeds to go to the Deaconess Home in Toronto. Remember the Xmas tree in the Pres• byterian church on Monday, Dec. 24 Splendid program is being prepared. Ad- mission 10c and 15c Parents are invited to put gifts for there children on the tree. The new officers for the Guild for 1918: Pres., L. Paterson; Vice Pres.. Johnston Conn; Rec. Sec , Agnes Kennedy; Corr. Sec., Carl Lott; Treas., Cecil Falconer. GIRLS! WHITEN SKIN WITH LEMON JUICE Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to remove tan, freckles, sallowness Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply you with three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Squeeze the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle, then put in the orchard white and ,shake well. This makes a quarter pinof the very best lemon skin whitener and complexion deautifier known. Massage this fragrant. ereamy lotion dailp into the Lace. neck arms and hands and just see how freckle - tan, sallowness, redness and roughness disappear and how smooth. soft and clear the skin becomes. Yes! It is harmless, and the beautiful results will surprise you• Fordyce Voting is the order of the day. Mr, and Mrs. Stewart McBurney of Wingham, spent Sunday with their son, Stewart McBurney. Mayme McGlynn has returned 'home after visiting with friends in .Seaforth. A few fr5m around here attended the Stock Show at Guelph last week. 111i is Lillian Longman spent the week- end at her home in Whitechurch, There is going to be a charity Christ, mas tree at Whitechurch on Friday, Dec, 2Ist Admission 10 cents and 15 cents. Everybody come and enjoy the program, INSTANT URN SURPRIS ES MANY IIERE This grocer's story surprises local people: "I had bad stomach trouble. All food see:ned' 10 sour and form gas. Was always constipated, Nothing helped until I tried buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i•ka. ONE SPOONFUL astonished me with its 1N. STANT action.” Because Adler -i -lea flushes the ENTIRE alimentary tract it relieves ANY CASE constipation, sour stomach or gas and prevents appendicitis. It has QUICKEST action of any hing we ever sod. J. W. McKibbon, druggist. Bluevale Miss Jessie Holmes is at present visit- ing relatives in Toronto. Mr, Wm. McMichael Sr, of Guelph was home over Sunday. Pte, Whitney Stewart who has been training at London, has been hpnorably discharged as medically unfit, 1Mr, Wni. Duff underwent a serious operation at St. Thomas and is doing as well as can be expected, Mr, floward:Stewart has returned home from Bowling Green Mr, Alex McGee of Guelph spent the week -end here lie has a good position in the Convalescent Moate for returned soldiers, Mn and Mrs Pred N Raney and ram- ily of Calgary are visiting with the form er's father. Mr, Albert Jadl soa has wowed his f+ttn. With Dickens At -Christmas He Made Yuletide Real Again BEFORE the Christmas hearth .1 muse alone, And visions of the past, both grave and gay, Rise from the ruddy coals; outside the moan Of homeless winds is chid- den by the lay Sweet sung by children who keep holiday, Making the season's mood their very own. And slowly, while 1 gaze and dream and grow Less lonesome, do the sights and sounds of earth Fade, and my fancy wanders to and fro With a great master of la- ment and mirth, Who waved his hand to gild the long ago. A Wondrous company! Micaw- ber smiles In spite of poverty, and Lit- tle Nell, Too frail a flower, travels her weary miles, Then falls on sleep, and Da- vid tries to tell The trials of the young; now Pickwick's spell Makes laughter easy; on a pinnacle Of sacrifice sits Carton midst war's wiles. 4 Drolls, villains, gentlefolk of all degrees Make populous the air, a Ihundred strong. Last comes, as fits the season, Scrooge, kis knees '" A. -tremble, till he harks the Christmas song Of love and knows that spite and greed are wrong And how that charity is more than these. 1 Master of human hearts! ATo Christmastide Whose chants are not the sweeter and whose cheer Is not more blest since Dick- ens lived and died! The savor bf his teachings makes each year Richer in homely virtues, i • doth endear Man unto ratan; hence shall he long abide. —Richard yBurton. �n FOOMI'> °alt �191'�Rit' X71"axt ��G�Yl �.'�i �i6 1111111111111111111111M111111111111111111111111IIIIII1 IIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'lllllllllllllillgll 1 CHRISTMAS Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, c, &c. 01.11.2 .00.111 isnowes IMOIBINa ma Page Five 411, ON We must close this = stock outbefore Jan. 1:, 1918, as the lease expires then, and the store mustbe vacant VICTORY SALE P. We are going to rip the prices to pieces 3. and sell out everything regardless of cost. Look over the foliowing Extra specials for Xt ily onto the farm which he recently pur- chased from Wm. Thornton. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Hamilton and fam- ily are home from the West and visiting at Mr. Robert Hamilton's, Remember the Christmas tree entertain- ment in Methodist Church Xmas night, Miss Bella Robb Is visiting relatives at Stratford, Mr, Bennett Ruttan of Lakclet visited relatives hero last week. Mr. Art. Shaw of Toronto is home for over the holidays, Morris The young people of S. S No 8 Morris (known as Browntown School) intend holding a Xmas Tree and entertaitunen t on Friday evening 21st inst. Proceeds for Red Cross purposes. Good program is being prepared, 01.00 Wasriall Paean Saturday, Dec. 22nd. and following week. Boys' Suits Regular $5.00 and $6.00, now $3.98 Youths' Suits Regular $12 to $15, now $7.98 Men's Suits E. Regular $15 to $18, now $8.75 boner mar ars Men's Overcoats Regular $15 to 20, now $8.75 _ Winter Caps E. Regular $1.50 to 2.00, now 8c cram brsoren Wool Socks Regular $1,00, now........ .... ....59c Fine Shirts Reg $1.25 to 2.50, now 98c to $1.49 lantana Work Shirts Reg $1 to 1.50 now) .59 .98, $1.19 atnews 01.11.11 111,0,1 MINIM Boys' Blouses Regular 75c, now.... ,,,. 4 7c .® v® INIIIPEIMIMI aferevenemrseeissi $oecials 5 cent Table Collars, Hats, Caps Ties, Collar But- tons, Suit Hangers Railroad Tickets Persons coming a distance of 25 mi. or less and buying $25. worth goods will have fare paid both ways upon presenting ticket. Free Dinner To early shoppers purchasing $10.00 worth of goods on Saturday morning we will give free dinner at Queens. Special Bargains Havt✓ been put in stock for Girls and Womekl in Coats and Furs. 20 Ladles' Suits to clear at $4:89 40 Ladies' Winter Coats to clear at $4.89 to $6.98 25 Girls' Heavy Coats to cleat' $3.75 25 Ladies' Ful' Stoles and Muffs 'to clear at ve="0 to clear at $8.75 12 Gi'rls' Fur Stoles and Muffs to c1'ear at $8.93 Fain Coats Reg $10 t,'o 20 now, $4.95 to 9,90 Wool Coat Sweaters Regulatt $l td 10, now, 59c, to 64c Fine Fur Hats Reg $Z o 3.50, clow, 50c to $1.98 29c Spt tisk Hats, Caps, Shirts, B;aa: "%Cosi Ties, Socks, Cashmere hose, anus numer- ous Otho!' articles, WE have numerous other bargains in Underwear, Combinations, Pyjamas, Heavy Socks, Overalls, Smocks, Handke4:'chic3fs in white and khaki, g Suspenders, Boys' fleece lined Underwear, Mufflers, Fine line of Men's Odd •=- Pants, odd Vests, Mocha and dogskin Gloves, soft Collars, -=- Remember this is the last opportunity to get in on these -rices. As the owner has enlisted these goods must be sold to the last dollars worth. at the big Victory Sale store for Christmas presents. Shop early ramioes NONIIMEN nimano E Imrem mown mem mimosa awes mammy oneenme conam ammo MOP. Wik ,;. ean's Old St MoDoraid Blick, Wingham. WWWWWml11ullillUmllllllIlllllUl111llIWll11WWIllI11WUllll nd E .01.101 worse senora 1.01.0 101,1, .10110,