HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-12-20, Page 4page rout WINGI1A.M ADVANCE 0 Rani Jo'xrtm, proprietor A. D. SDfrrit, Manager THURSDAY, DEC. 20th, 1917 - The Food Situation This great world war so full of tragedy, with all its hellish and diabolical accom- paniments is nevertheless bringing about new methods, and many much needed Reforms, in our Industrial and Commer- cial life. It is going to have a direct bearing g on the Food Question, and particularly on the distribution of the sante, Radical Reforms are the order of the day, and although some of them may not meet with united approval, it is up to us, as loyal British subjects to accept them, for the nations good -Each for all and all for Each No one need expect to get off scathless. The public press has already called attention to many proposed chang- es relative to the wholesaling and retail- ing of Foods, These changes may mean the licencing of all those who manufac- ture, Wholesale and Retail. There is also foreshadowed a compulsory co-operative Delivery and a curtailment of all such deliveries throughout the land. This will only be in accordance with what is being done both in Great Britain and the United States. There is no doubt that should these proposed changes take place they may upset our orthodox ways of doing things, but they will assuredly conserve much wasted energy, and by better and less expensive methods bring a natural cheapening of food. Lest us hasten the day. Hang Up a Jar Instead of A Stocking eeete O LITTLE Mexican boy or gir ever thinks of hanging up n stocking. They have some- thing far more interesting. Three or four days before Christmas stands spring up about the alameda, or open park, without which no Mex- ican village is •complete. All about these shops are hung the pinatas, which take the place of Christmas stockings, These are apparently great dolls 2 or 8 feet tall, dressed in tissue paper, with papier mache faces and dangling legs and arms. In reality their flowing paper garments conceal earthen jars for the holding of candies. Sometimes the pinatas are in the form of angels or fairies, but usually they rep- resent some person promi- nent in Mexico. President and Mrs. Diaz used to smite from every stand., The Mexican child may live in a hut built of flat stones piled together in a public lot, but Ile has his pinata at Christmas time. In the better homes the pinatas are strung on a rope across a room, They are al- ready heavy with their load of dupes, or candies, and they dangle somewhat dangerously over the heads of the behold- ers. Finally, the tallest man is blindfolded, given a stout cane and turned round and round. Leaping up, he strikes at the suspended :figures. Amid shrieks of Iaughter and directions he keeps striking until he hits one of the jars. "Crack!" go its sides, and, being mode only of baked clay, they crumble away and the sweets come pouring out, Nobody is too dignified to scramble for them. The older people are on their knees with the children. Everybody gets at least a mouthful. Then another is blindfolded, turned about and told to strike for another sugary deluge, L, Crozer Cif Suggestions That May Be Useful ANICE present from a disobedient boy to his father Is a shingle, To please a husband a wife can do nothing better than buy a cheap dregs for herself. A gift which bears signs of careful attention on the part of the giver is al - `mays appreciated more than one care- lessly purchased in a store. To make a baby grand piano, buy a full-sized grand and a plane and plane it down to the requisite size for a flat, An excellent motorcycle may be made at little cast if one use a little common sense. Look around for a sec - end -bend wheel and place it in the cel- lar, Then find a ,second-hantl motor- boat, which can usually be purehased at it low price in towns that aro far from water. Extraet the motor from the boat and nillx it to the (yore. '.Chen you have n inetorryele that will aston- ish anybody ha the world. A charming!lift for any man who does not stucte is a box of flve•eent cigars, A pair .o.P skates will prove a very econotnir t presont If you happen en to have two ono -legged friend,. To make an acceptable ria rat for it young men lir o,'roil au fnlirrlt i:: f'`!tt !? Otte qi:c 11)644 ion orf thy' •item:' ronnl rarer . ('Hp Ihrt fi ngo off any 1,'r"i - t r•ul if,!ne ' t i ail^ , fit:1 ill thy 11ouS0. Tabu tin t' t;lt 1 ofT t;t'au' f..nr'y &tee E sin.ne, New seer thr fringe ol) the t.:11;;t ,'u'l f;i .ieai 0,1 11,+ 411'tnf°Z04. 'lbe (1 lV:it 'a;'ili delight the 'tweet ary y oeng tar trrht'r tett afford. !.e/t t 'or A Ien.carat 0.;;,n;,!!!,i e !d5-it;t:Ebto ^if fo t iiento+. If v t i'.',;t4 ilex (1 a mie:al ate• 5 'a`gio':`::.; .,. A Hot of. (f T''1 •'E .ii" ret El eS-+'v. "aNt, the SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST LAND REGULATIONS The sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old who woe at the oom)nencentent of the present war, and h since continued to bo, a titin s b'ootoraSubjecto ana allied nen t al country, may hoesed a quarter septum of averitable Dondnion lou+) in raanttoba Sask atohewau or Albert. Applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or tlub•Agenov for the District. Entry 113 proxy may bo made on certain conditions, Du=s--rix months residence upon and cultivation o the laud in each of three ears, t y certain district a s o. e ' to e- co i r, edz s In s 1 oar t may Pure an adjoiniu,; quarter section as pre-ernp. tion, Pao° $3.00 ver acre, ll e osido ixmouths in each et throe years after earn- ing homestead p i teat and cultivate 60 aores extra. May obtain pre-emptionpatent as as homestead patent on curtain conditions. A settlor after obtaining homestead patent, if he eannot secure a re-emption, may take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price $3.00 per acro. Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate 60 acres and erect a house worth $300.00 Holders of entries may count time of employ- ment As farm laborers in Canada during 1917, as residence duties under "ertatu nonditions. When Doudnion Lauds aro advertised or posted for entry, returned soldiers who have .erved ov.rAeas and have boon honorably dis- charged, receive one day priority in applying tor entry at local Agent's Ofhoe 'hut not Sub Agency.) Discharge papers must be presented to .Agent, W. W. Corti. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N. B. -- Unauthorized publications of this advertisement will not be paid' for -1141, slalk CREAM WANTED Our service is prompt and remittance sure. Our prices are the highest on the market consistent with honest testing Ship your create "direct" to us and save an agent's commission. The commission comes out of the producer. The more it cost to get the cream to its destination the less the producer is sure to get. We supply cans, pay all express charges and remit twice a month. Write for prices and cans. -The-- Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, - Out. THE SAME OLD PRICES Did you ever reflect that your dollar has only a purchasing power of 60 cents compared to four years ago. In one case, however, a dollar will do as much for you now as ever it would. A house worth $2000, four years ago can still be bought for the same money, but, now as a $ has only a sixty cent value, in almost every other case the $2000 property is really only $1200, comparatively speaking. Think this over carefully and you will conclude to put your money in real estate while the dollar is cheap. Better be quick about it too before the other fellow gets wise and puts up his price. We wish also to call your attention to the fact that there is no increase in Fire, Life or Accident Insurance rates. We also sell R.R. tickets at the same old prices except for the war tax that goes direct to the Government. Ritchie & Coseos Insuranee and Real Estate Wingham 44. DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN CHIROPRACTIC Chiropractic Drugless Healing accur ately locates and removes the cause o disease, allowing nature to restore health. J. A. FOX D.C., D.O. Osteopathy Electricity Member Drugle,s Physicians Associa- tion of Canada, --Phone 101 - CREAM WANTED Highest Cash for Cream a:,d s'uultry In W. J. APITIOUr's Stand In the Old National hotel Open to buy create on 1:C'NDAYS and SATURDA'S only, after Nov. 10th, C. D. Benninger MEIJ*NS DIE Every year from Consumption, Millions could have been saved if ot14 conin:oa scum prevention had been used ii the first stage. If YOIi; ALL a Cuflferer from Asthma, Bron• Catarrh, chit ,_,, atu G rrh, rI'1(;uay, i Weak Lungs, Cough and Co1Js--Ali Dis- etie8 leading up to Consumption- '1'ubereulosis, YOf7 A1tU interested Ir! Er, StranElgard's T.13. Medicine, Write for Testimonials And Booklet, DI%. rentArbetAMD'tl ltitntCIttE CO., 2131.266 Vino lltrist, Toronto. ' DOMINION ELECTIONS (Continued from page 1) ONTARIO UNIONIST. ALGOMA EAST, Nicholson,.. 700 ALGOMMIA WEST, Simpson., . 800 BRANT, Loeb .1att t . , . . . BRANTFORD, ('oelcehutt .. , 2,000 BRUCE NO I uI, Clark CARLI TON, Boyce. .. 1,500 DUF1+'IaRIN, Best , . , .. 2,300 I)TTNDAS E elmt (., a to . . DURHAM, tI I E I UI , Tl.o)v 11 . , . . , , 1,800 ELGIN EAST, Marshall )ali .. , 700 EI.(GIN WEST, ('rotlrcrs 847 FORT WILLIAM and RAINY RIVER, Manion , , , , , 1,187 FRONT.p Vitt.` Edwards , 1,000 0LI?NGAFtRi STORMONT, M,.Martin , .. . , , . . Accl, sRn NVILLE, Reid , , , .. , 1,000 -. ?Y NO'? TIT *'rI01ebra . 1,175 • T3211,, 400 2,100 3 53r. . 1,09C 1. 1,100 11 N. • , Porter , . 40C IlialON NO ' r'T. i>o wman 1,4 0f, SOUTH HURON, Mcrnet' 0` KINGSTON, Nieklo ... ... , 2,771 LAMBTON EAST, Armstrong 40( LA;IIBTON WEST, Pardee 60+ LANARK, Manna , , . ' 2.40' LEEDS, )!Thio ... ... , . 1,50' LENNOX and ADDINGTON, J. LINOOT N r',, ,-"a3 Lt '7i)ON " • • , , 1 • 111iT)DT F7 ` q .... 1,C N, oi * Ni t;i T5, aItt'isan .. ,, :it ONTARIO NORTH, Sharps .. 1.20 ONTARIO t OUTII, Sm: ,h OTTAWA, Fripp... ... .... - 91' J. L. Chabot ,., ,.,. 81 OXFORD NORTH, Ni ebitt 20' OXFORD SOUTH, Sutherlan3. 75' PARKDALE, Mowat . , . I,S7' PA1U4Y SOUND, Arthurs .... 1,2x1• I'EEL, Charters . , . ... , . , . 1,65' PERTH NORTH. Morphy ... 7 i', PETERBORO EAST, Sexseeitii 60+ PETERBORO WEST, Burn- ham . . ... .. ... ..... 2,5e PORT ARTHUR, KENORA, Keefer ... ,., 60+ PRINCE EDWARD, Hepburn 70: RENFREW' NORTH, Mackie. SIMCOFI EAST, Tudhope ... 2,00f SIMSOE NORTH, Currie .... 1,481 SIMCOE SOUTH, Boys 2,501 TIM1SKAMING, Cochrane 70 a TORONTO CENTRE, Bristol3,47' TORONTO EAST, Kemp 7,64e TORONTO NORTH, Fost. 14,607 TORONTO SOUTH, Sheard 2,117 TORONTO WEST, Hocken, 6,52e VICTORIA, Hughes ... ... , 2,70r WATERLOO SOUTH, Scott , . 1,00 WELLAND, Fraser ... 571 WELLINGTON NORTH, Clark 832 WELLINGTON SOUTH, Guth- rie.. , 3,00r WENTWORTH, Wilson 3,300 YORK EAST, Foster ... 764 YORK NORTH, Armstrong 557 YORK SOUTH, Maclean 10,24; YORK WEST, Wallace 7,2i:;' LAURIER. BRUCE SOUTH, Truax 700 ESSEX SOUTH, Atkin ... 108 ESSEX NORTH, Kennedy 1,500 KENT, McCoig .. .. .. , 150 MIDDLESEX WEST, Ross 63a PERTH SOUTH, Forrester 37e PRESCOTT, Proulx . , . 30,E RENFREW SOUTH, Pedlow, 201) RUSSELL, Murphy , . 1,50+"+ WATERLOO NORTH, Euler2,018 QUEBEC . UNIONIST. MONTREAL (St. Lawrence and St. Geo), Ballantyne- ; 1,110 ST. ANNE'S, Doherty ... ... 1,622 ST. ANTOINE, Ames... .... 1, 2 0 0 LAURIEK ARGENTINE, McGibbon .. , . 600 BRUME, McMaster ... ..... 1,622 BEAUHARNOIS, Papineau .. Acct. BEAUCE, Hon. Dr. Beland • . Ace'. BELLECHASSE, Fournier . , 1,220 BERTHIER, Gervais .. ... 910 BONAVENTURE, Marcie .... 2,500 BAGOT, Marcille ... ... ... 1,000 CHAMPLAIN, Desaulniers 2,655 CH.AMBLY and VERCIIERES, Archambault . ... .. . 500 C31ARLEVOIX - MONTMOR- ENCY, Casgrain . , CHICOUTIMI-SAGUENAY, Savard... . , CHATEAUG UAY-H UNTI NG - DON, Robb ... ... . 1,948 COMPTON, Hunt .. ... ... 1,400 DORCHESTER, Cannon . 1,000 DRU112MOND-ARTHABASCA- VILLE, Brouillard ... , , Accl. GASPE, Lemieux . ... .. 3,000 GEO, ETIENNE CARTIER, ' Jacobs.. ... ... .. 900 HULL, Fontaine . ... .. Acct, HOCHELAGA, Lesb.ge ... .. 9,000 JACQUES CARTIER, Lafor- tune.,. ... ... ... 1,000 JOILETTE, Denis ... .. 100 KAMOURASKA, Lapointe .. 3,00a LAPRAIRIE and NAPIER- VILLE, Lanetot .. ... ... 400 LAURIER-OUTREMONT, Du - Tremblay ... . , . .... , , 2,655 LAI3ELLI7, Fortier .. , .... Accl. LOTBINI.LIRE, Volts ... ... 2,000 ‘VAT,, Ethiei ... . • . Accl. L'1r;...ea • - 1 . , . . Accl. L'ASSOMP1:lON ,::.iTTCAL2I, Segttiit ... ... .. , .. 200 T'VT1 I3ourassa,., . 3,000 330 .,e e.e..INONGE, Mayra)td , .. , MAISSONEUVE, Lemieux ... MATANTI, Pelletier ... .... MISSISQUOI, Kay ... MEGANTIC, Pacaud , .. .. . large 4,460 3,000 700 Aeel. Sig IV Ii,l''ttli LAVA/En Mr. Edison be the world's inventor. He says that The Ncw Edison is his favorite invention ; which !!means his greatest invention. NEW "The Phonograph teltlr a Soul" has been compared in public before almost a million people with the living voices of thirty great artists, including many members of the Metropolitan Opera House. It has been proven that The New Edison's Re - Creation of the human voice cannot be detected from the actual voice itself when both are heard in direct comparison. MAKE THIS TEST: Some artists, whose voices have been Re -Created by The New Edison, also make talking machine records. 'We will give you the names, Hear these at the talking machine. dealer's. Then return to our store, and hear the New Edison Re -Creation of the voices of these same artists. Let your own ears be the judge. D. BELL, 0, • ' Wingham, Ont. "kLavn `Shoughts 5 or Coltevckskma$ At tl® lj Knox's Jewellery Store We have a fine assortment of the following: ILadies' and Gents' Watches, Bracelet and Mili- mtary Watches, Diamond and Pearl Rings, Pearl k( Necklets and Penderlts, Brooches. Scarf Pins. Cuff le Links. Fobs, Lockets and Chains, Cut. Glass and Silverware,' Ladies' and Gents' Umbrellas, Extra Values in French and English Ivory and Ebony Manicure and ' Toilet Goods. Watch our window for special'' bargains. Christmas B000klets and Post Cards. • r, "f‘nov, X�4\�Jeweller and Optician Phone 65 • e, t► e/44\/`i`/{+\/lXXX /`.\xxS`xxx,recri 11,ra MONTMAGNY, Deschene ... 1.100 NICOLIOT, Trahau , . - , . Acct. PORTNEUF, D.eLisIe ... , . Acct. PONTIAC, Cahill... ... , . , , 1,500 QUEBEC W., Patent.. , . 1,500 QUEBEC CO„ Lavigueur QUEBEC EAST, Laurier .,.. 6,000 QUEBEC SOUTH, Power .. 1,575 RICHMOND and WOLFE, Tobin ... . , . . 4,500 RICHELIEU', Cardin ... ... 2,500 RIMOUSKI, Danjou ... , , . Accl, STANSTEAD, Baldwin . , . . 1,100 SHEPFORD, SHERBItOOKIE, McCrea . , . , 1,321 ST, DENIS, Verville , . .... large S'I`. HYACINTIII:, Gauthier, ST. JAMES, Lapointe , , , .. Arc!, .,1'1,. MARIE, I)eslauriers , Accl. ST. JOHN'S and IVI6ItVILLE, Demers ... , 4,000 TEMISCOTJATA, Uauvreitu , , 5,000 THREE RIVERS, Bureau .. AML TERTI SI30NNIl, Provost . , .. Acct. VAUT)REtIIL, Boyer . , . 2,000 WESTMOUNT, St. IIiENIIHI, Ledue, .. 2,466 WRIGHT, Devlin . ,.� ... large YAItiA 9KA, Gladu ... , , , . , 1,742 MANITOII3A BRANDON. Whiddc?)t , .. ... 1)ALIPHIN, Cruise . , , . , ... Aeel. i,ISGAII, Bolton .. ... ... MACDONALD, Itenderd .. .. MARQTJT+ITTI4, Crerar .. ... NI';IIPAWA, 1'. L. Davis.. PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE, Mel- Rih?11... . ... ... 3,000 ;4EI,1 1lt1 , Ilay ... ... • 1,000 SOUR/1,4, Valley . ,�FIMINfxx+'IIuLD, Iti4ugl•daon • , 2,000 VINOL MAKES EAK WOMEN STRONG Positive -Convincing Proof We publish the formula of Vinol to prove convincingly that it has the power to create strength. , Cod Liver and Beef Peptotim, iron and Manganese l:'eptonates, Iron and Ammonium Citrate, Limo end Soda Glycerophosphates, Canaria. Any woman who buys a bottle of Vinol for a weak, rust -down, nervous condition and finds after giving it a fair trial it did not help hcr, will have her money returned. Yott see, there is no gncus work about Vinol. Its formula prcvc'� there is nothing like it for all weal:, run-down, Overworked, tiervells met; and women and for feeble old p(;op1:, and delicate children. Try it otico and be convince(l, VINNIi'Eta CEN 1'li (trews .n INNIPI (1• NORTH, vINtIPT-G SOUTH, A One deferred. 1.3:I RIC �:1 1?I.OV1 NC,IH, Molloy , I;, An - .,,i ,951 T3laltc.. 3,200 lien ..11,821 ... 300 SASKATCJ SWAN UNIO:VIS'i'. ASSINII30IA, Turriff , , , , .. 1,000 BATTLEFORD, Wr'ght . , , . 400 HUMBOLDT, Lang . ,,,., erre 1INDSERSLEY, '1 LAST MOUN'r" MACIUEN' MAPLE 0 MOOSEJAV, NORTH IRATTLLe'(i ,ea, Long i,00t1 PR.INCIi,) ALBE("C, s . , . , ese QTJ'APPELLiii, rI i,iazl,.,on . Acct. REGINA, Cowan , . , , .. .5,000 SALTC OATS, MacNutt SA KA:COON, Wilson .. 3,539 SWIFT CURRENT, Argue . WEYl3URN, Thompson . LAURIER. NONE. ALBERTA . m, Accl, BATTLE RI` a e .. , , 500 300 .. 2,072 CALGARY ). , 4,000 EDMONTON .4!4i,. .- EDMONTON WEST, Gri •sbach 3,000 LETHBRIDGE, Buchanan , . , 1,154 MACLEOD, Shaw . , . , .. ... 400 MEDICINE HAT, Sifton ... , 1,752 RED DEER, Clark , , ... .. 900 STRATHCONA, Douglas . , .. 400 VICTORIA, Holden , .. . , , 300 LAURIER, BOW RIVE!? ?' t :et • ,. CALGARY I,' NONE. BRITISH COLUCIBIA UNIONIST. BURRARD, Crowe ... ... .. CARIBOO, Fulton . . , , . . OMOX-ALBERNI, Clements. KKOOTENAY EAST, Boner ... 500 ICOOTENAY WEST, Green . NANAIMO, McIntosh ... 2 0 0 NEW WESTMINSTER, Mc- Quarri•e 1,300 VANCOUVER CENTRE, Stev- ens... •.. , 4,000 VANCOUVER SOUTH, Cooper 3,000 VI ITORIA CITY. Tolmle ... 4,000 WESTMINSTER DISTRICT, Stacey ., _ ,,. -. YALE, Burrell ... L.i.0 I:1E:4, 300 SKEENA, Stork . . , , ... leadie NEW BRUNSWICK UNIONIST. CHARLOTTE,-Hartt, , . ... . ROYAL, McLean .. , , .. .. . ST. JOHN, Elkin ... ... .. . ST, JOHN, Wigmore ... ... VICTORIA -CARL, Carvell ... YORK-SUNBURY, McLeod .. LAURIER. GLOUCESTER, Turgeon, , , , Accl. KENT CO., Leger... . .. , 1,600 NORTHUMBERLAND, Morris- sey.. orris- sey...... ... .. ...... . 105 RESTIGOUCHE :AND MADA- WASKA, Michaud ... , ... 784 WESTMORELAND, Copp ... 1,200 2,734 2,461 4,712 4,686 Accl. 2,000 NOVA SCOTIA UNIONIST. COLCHESTER, McCurdy CAPE BRETON S. and RICH- MOND, Douglas .. , .. , entail DIGI3Y and ANNAPOLIS, Da- vidson Large KING'S, Borden 854` ;aHIELBURNE QUEEN Field- ing... . , .. YARMOUTH and CLARE, Spinney ... - , . ... ... 116 LAURIER, CAPE BRETON 8, and RICH- MOND, Kyte .. , , .. . , , small ANTIGONISII, Sinclair CUMBERLAND, Logan 85 C. BRETON N. and VICTOR- IA, McKenzie , .. ... , .. . HUNTS, Martell . INVERNESS, Chisholm , , 1,476 LUNENBURG, Duff ... .. 1,2 9 9 PICTOU, 11IacKay, , . ... 300 P. E. ISLAND UNIONIST. KINGS, Melsaacs, - , ...- 300 LAURIER. PRINCE, Read ... . , . .....• QUEENS, Warburton ... ... Sinclair... ... ...... 756 400 400 MINISTERS ELECTED. SIR ROBERT BORDEN. HON. N. W. ROWELL. HON. ARTHUR MEIGHEN. SIR EDWARD KEMP. SIR GEORGE FOSTER. HON. J. C. DOHERTY. HON, C. C. BALLANTYN131. HON. T, A. CRERAR. HON. A. L. SIFTON. HON. MR. CALDER. HON. F. B. CARVELL. HON. DR, REID. HON, S. E. MEWBURN. SIR THOS. WHITE. HON. FRANK COCHRANE, HON. MARTIN BURRELL. HON. THOS. CROTHERS. MINISTERS DEFEATED. HON. P. E. BLONDIN. HON. A, SEVIGNY, defeated in Dorchester by 1,000 and in, West - mount by 2,466. ELECTION DEFERRED. HON, A, K. nMACLEAN. GIRLS! ITS YOUR STEP THAT ATTRACTS! Says women pay to match heed to their face Instead of their corn, Watch your step! A brisk, lively step is What charms more than a lovely skin, but your high heels have caused corns and you limp a little, That's bad, girls. and you know k Corns destroy beauty and grace, besides corns are very easy to remove. Rid your feet or every corn by asking at any drug store far a quarter of an ounce of . freezone. This will cost Itttle but is sufficient to emcee every hard or soft corn or Callus from one's feet. A few drops applied lied dirres ttY :moo s tender, toothy corn relieves the soreness ang neon the 'entire corn root and all, lifts right out without pain. This h•eezane is a gummy substance which titles instantly and simply shrivels al} the corn without inflaming or even irritating the surrounding skin Women must keep in mind that careless feet create a youthful step which enhances her attraetivenese. WINTER 'PERM PROM JAN, 2Not . 1ILLIO'r Ventre and CllistleS St s.,'l'oroeto, pointe with prhbs to its tette list of sneeesetul graduates, A high standard Is always tmalnt&tned. bore, Write tot eat t tel n vU kott principal. 7, Itura(lay Dec. 2oth 1917 15ARD'S r.f f O URt H XST AS DIS?4,44,;�y' oto .usefut gifts for 'all member of thefamily s bigg and b to Ill everCome in in. , set o stock we 1 be'plgpsed to how you,--,_ti)t`pugh bath *eCtarte, Vi Ladies' Wear and Men's Wear Stores ruP` USEFUL 2E.S'EJVTSLADIES"FOR LADIES" WEAR Silk Waists Silk Kimonas, Crepe I{imonas, Fancy Stoerk Collars, Silk 44.2 Ties, Kid Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Side Combs, Barrette. Hand Bags, Purses, Sweater Coats, Motor Scarfs, Silk Umbrellas, Silk Upderskite, Ribbons and Felt Slippers, Big stock of Black and colored silks. Furs A of all kinds at special Christmas prices. ‘14 VACUUM CLEANER What better or more useful gift than an Electric Vacuum Cleaner. X We have the . Cadillac" cleaners in stock at the old prices. See them. r4 A ISlff/HVIENMOZW 4 I-1. EJSARD 4 XXXXXXXXXXX\X\ XXXXVIX7,(XXXXX .tv Uten's tai Sit PT t TO 'DE DRESSED just right for Christmas every man and boy needs some of our GENTS' FU`RNISHIJVGS You will be surprised to find how many gift suggestions there are here for teen and boys, and how presents are appreciated selected at A MAJV.S STORE We especially invite the Ladies to call and inspect our large range of Silk Ties, Kid Gloves, Silk Mufflers, Braces in fancy boxes, Armbands. Caps, Hockey shoes Cuft Links, Sweater Coats. Dressing Gowns, Hand- kerchiefs, Umbrellas, Fur Coats, Fur Caps, all kinds of Furs. Wingham, • * Ontario .74 7 Our Own Country CANADA You can know your Canada better and well by reading each month MacLean's Magazine. YOU will find no other magazine more entertaining and none other so satisfying -so much worth while to you as a Canadian in love with your own country, Among its regular and frequent contributors are these dia. • tinguished authors: Sir rt Robert W. Service L. fi Ys Stephendilbere Agnes C. Lauf ALen Suinatevan ' Phillip Oppenheim Nellie to cClung peterlficArthuf Arthur Stringer Lord Northcliffe ti. F (ladeby Mrs. L. M. Montgomery Arthur B. McFarlane These contributors are a pledge to you of the quality of MAG LEAN'S MAGAZINE and of the Canadian savor which is dis- tinctive of MACLEAN'S Some of the Department features of every issue of MACLEAN'S are: Review of Reviews -a condensation of the best biographical, scientific, liter- ary and descriptive articles appearance in a current periodical literature, The Business Outlook -an information article dealing with commerce. fin- ance, investments and insurance -for the man in the street. Women and their Work -a department of special interest to Canadian women. So you see how complete Is MACLEAN'S .MAGAZINE AS a good Canadian, desirous of knowing your Canada better and well' subscribe to MACLEAN'S MAGAZINE --for yourself, home and friends whorl you wish to favor with some exhibit of your good -will. Subscription peice n Isle .00h peryear after Dec, 15th. Order from your bookseller, or direct The MacLean Publishing Co., Ltd., 153 University Ave., Toronto �,e ar�Ml�l/ti•�ei,N0lr It v �„,„ r*,at,awb*IW r tt� rarrnors!Atntioo! We have opened up a Cash Produce Mark* et in A. H. Wilford's Old Stand where wewill pay you the highest cash prices for CREAM POULTRY, ABUTTER and EGGS. canna' Shur Crap Fertilizer always i, Stock GUNNS LIMITED E. 1t. Harrison, Bli'atsci11 Manage*' Our place of business will not be open atter 6 o'clock +tits Saturday 1!v$il' Ings.