The Wingham Advance, 1917-12-13, Page 10THE WDT AM ADVANCE. 011110000111100MINOUDIMMUMMONIMMOMIIMMIMIIIMMOMMOIMMIIIIIMOMIIMIMOMILWOMMI 44.44 1.004 dorm Iscumomp 4,441111 magma mamma sasset MOM It is still going and we are preparing for .another bigger and better sale than ever on Saturday December 15th and the following days till January lat, 1918. The balance of . this large stock has to be cleared out by the above date owing to the lease expiring and the store having to be vacated by that date, which means that prices will be cut in two. This stock has nothing but the best lines in Clothing and Men's Fur- nishings, g nishin s .consisting of Men's and Boys' Fleece -lined Underwear, Suits, Overcoats, Shirts, Hats, Caps, Neck Ties, Work Shirts, Everything Wear. Raincoats v er n Fur collared Coats, Fur Coats, Gloves etc. v y g M for Shoppers from out of town and who shop in the morning and pur- a,chase $10. worth or more of goods will be given a free dinner at the Queen's Hotel, Wingham. e VICTORY S. McDonald Biock, Windham. Sale Still Going On. E. A. Brisben, Mgr. 10NIiIUIII811HIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIiII1IIAIIIIIIIIIIIIIItIIIIIIIl0111111111111111111UI101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111UIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIiIIIIIIUIIII 1111111111h 11111111111111 0.11101110 111.1 wawa 1/00000/ SOMMER IONO .111110101 MANES .Baht Wawa nosh A thrill of exeltement was caused on the 6th and 7th twee inion last Saturday, morning when a phone message was re- ceived bl John Coultes stating that Ser- geant Charles Coupes one of the heroes of Fi key Ridge would arrive on the ever- ing 0 P. R train et Bal'th. A meeting of his old neighbors was hurriedly rnlled and on account of the storm it was thought best to have a small deputation meet the train and convey him to the residence of Mr and Mrs. P. W. Scott, when a public welcome would be extend- ed to the hero, Accordingly about 70 guests were on hand out owing to the de• ;ailment of the Winnipeg express at Tor onto yards, the train did not arrive at Blyth till 11.40 p in where the Blyth people received the hero with cheers and songs and hearty hand shaking, and the fair ones with even, better expressions of pleasure and delight. Peter W. got the guest and his uncle and aunt in the motor car and amid cheers and singing by the crowd "He's a Jolly Good Fellow," the start was made for the good old Oth con. As no speed cops were out the motor act was suspended and arrival was anade at the Hou•e ot Reception, just as the clock pointed to 12. A bunch of the 6th boys were standing at attention, and cheers. which could be heard above the storm were given. Charlie was grasped by his churns and carried shoulder high and deposited in the parlor. while Mr and Mrs Henry sang that touching song "Home Again." Mr, Thos Gear as chairman received the Sergt. with an ad- dress of welcome which was nicely re- sponded to by the guest from France Short speeches were trade by R. Henry, M. McDowell and P. W. Scott, and songs by Messrs Keating and Fells after which the ladies gave a tasty lunch. The guests after s nging vigorously ' For He's a Jolly Good Fellow" started for their homes. Sergt Coultes is on 10 days leave and does not expect his discharge for six months We omitted to state that Sergt;t;oultes lost his arm at Vimy Ridge. i IIII1II11III1111IIIIIIIUIIIII1111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11IIIIII111111111111i1II1I111Ii 11111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlI1II1II11I1 111 as! Christmas! Xmas! N.,„7 . IMMO 1111101011111 NOIONMS 0.01.1101 We are now ready to serve our custom- ers with more tasty and useful Gifts for all s members of the family. The selection is 2 now at its best as the stock of Christmas Gifts is now complete. For Mother Fur Coat Silk Meese Silk snufflers lers Suede Glove* Lined Gloves White Kid Ghwee Peary Haadkerchiers Pettey collars Silk Camisoles 1ett#eir cap Silk Sweater Silk Umbrella Caubtaere hose Silk hose For Father Bath Robe Lounging coat Smoking Jacket SuedeiGtoves Lined kid gloves Fur lined $loves Fine Underwear Fine Shirts Silk Shirts Sweaters Silk hose Cashmere hose Christmas neckwear in boxes Urnbrellas Pyjamas • Wc:.rrmmisitW For Sister Silk Sweater Stock Collar Silk Hosiery - Parasol ltd Gloves , Suede Gloves Crepe blouse A set of furs Cap and Scarf Set Handkerchiefs Ribbons . Christmas Collars Wool Sweaters Fancy Pillows For Brother Suit of clothed An Overcoat Wool Gloves White Shirt Winter Underwear Silk scarfs Neckties Caps and Hats Sweaters Silk hose Linen handkerchiefs Fancy handkerchiefs Suspenders Pyjamas We invite you to come in and inspect our showing of Christmas Gifts. in and Get Your 1918 Caiendars . (t 001.0.1 1110.010 11000,01 immm ammo MEMNON lomlaa MEOW • WOMEN TORTURED! Suffer terribly with corns because o high heel., but why care now Women wear high heels which buckle up their toes and they suffer terribly from corns. Women then proceed to trim these pests, seeking relief, but they hardly realize the terrible danger from infection, says a Cincinnati anthority. Cosns can easily be lifted out with the fingers if you will get from any drug store a quarter of an ounce of a druT called treezone. This- is sufficient to remove every hard or soft corn or callous from one's feet. You simply apply a few drops directly upon the tender, aching corn or callous. root and all, lifts out without one particle of pain. This freezone is a sticky substance which dries m a moment. It just shrivels up the corn without inflaming or even ir- ritating the surrounding tissue or skin. Tell your wife about this, Mena INIMIONO NOTICE TO CREDITORS Belgrave Robert ,Armstrong of Ceaforth, le visit- ing friends in the village.. Mr. and Miss McClelland. of Blyth. ,peat a day in the village Glad to report the two little daughters if Wm Corbett who have been eick liphtheria are improving. Little Ellen Sone is under the doctor's -are with diphtheria. Dr. Alliston who has been overseas and' Mre. Alliston are visiting the formers' mother. Dr Kirkby went to .Guelph fair last week with a seventeen months old entire colt and showed in a class of thirteen get. ting fifth place. the doctor then sold the cold for the sum of $300. It was sired by the doctor's grand (King Gertshurrie ) Mrs, Yuill's mother, Mrs. Sutten, had the misfortune to fall downstairs giving herself a bad shaking up; but was fortu- nate in having no bones broken. Notice is hereby given pursuant 10 Section 50, Chapter •21. f the revisrd statutes of Ont- ario that all persons havh.g claims against the estate of William Markley, deceased, who died on or about the 28th day of November, A. D. 1017, at' the Town of Wingham, in the County of Rum, are required to send to rhe undersign> d, the Solicitor for the Executor, on or before the fifth day of January. A. D. 1918, their names andaddresso+ with full par- tten1,raof their claims it writing, and the nature of the securities (If any) held by thein. And further take notice that after the said fifth day of January, A. D. 19 8, the a<sets of the said estate will bo distributed by' the ex- ecutor among the parties thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, and the estate will not bo liable for any claims not filed at the time of the said distribution. Dated at Wingham this third day of December. A. D. 1917. Dudley Ilolmes, Solicitor for tho Executor, Martin Merkley nee maim Overhaul Your —Car If you intend to have your auto overhauled and put in excellent shape for spring see us. —7C— Have your Batteries cared for during the winter. -X— We guarantee first class workman- ship. The Overland Garage WINGHAM 101001111. SCHOOL REPORT The following is the report for Novem- ber of the Bluevale .Public School At- tendance and 'conduct considered. Nam - 'es are in order of merit. Sr and Jr, IV—Stanley Gallaher, Ber- tha Gannett, James Watson, Margaret Garniss, Cecil Dobie. King McDonald, Edgar McMichael, Archie McBinney, Bert Tulloch, Jean Black, James Bieckenridge, I11 Class—Charlie Gannett, Roy Thomas, Beatrice Dobie, Harry Elliott; Charlie Messer, Cecil Stewart, Willie Mundell, Janet Mowbray. Mary Mowbray, I1, Class—Edith Breckenridge, Donna Smith, Gordon Mundell. Cora Gannett, Velma Brooks. Olive Norman, Beatrice Thornton, Ernest Lancaster, Irene Mc- Kinney, Everett' McGee. Pr. A Class—Gordon Dobie, Fred Elliott, Glenn Garniss, Tressa Stewart, Kathleen Walden, Violet Simmons. Pr• 13. Class—Muriel Thornton, Mack Thomas, Clarence Thompson, Nellie Mc. Cinney Beatrice Watson. Pr. C. Class—Irving Cleghorn, Reta Smith, Noble Greenway, Lottie Stewart Robbie Simmons. • Laura E. Holmes, Teacher NOTICE The Annual Meeting of the Shareholders and Patrons of the Bluevale Cheese and But- ter Company, Limited, will be hold in the Forester's Hall, Bluevale on Dec. 20th, 1917, ot 1.30 o'clock Thursday, y+ p. nim for the election of a Board of Dirootors and (lie transaction of any other business ihat may conte before the' maeting. Mr Frank IIeaons, Chief Dairy In- structor will be present to give an address. All are invited to attend By Order, - S. PAUL, Soo'y. GRAY -HAIR Dr. Tremain'. Natural Hair Restorative, used as directed, is guaranteed t0 restore gray hair to its natural color or money refund d Posi- tively not a dye and non.injutile its. Price 81.00, post-paid. Write Tremain Supply Co., Toren. McKibben% One Storeinghant at J. Walton W hitechurch Mr. Herb Tiffin bf Ashland, Wisconsin, carafe home on Sattu-day to attend the funeral of Mr. George Tiffin. Corp. Robert Laidlaw has been die charged from the army as unfit for further service, and is now wearing civilian clothes. Corp Laidlaw enlisted with the 71st Batt. two years ago, went to France, and suffered wounds which rendered him unable to return to the trenches The chain tea held at Mrs. Thomas Gaunt's on Thursday Last was a decided success both socially and financially. The ladies busied themselves with sewing and knitting for the soldiers, and with social chat Lunch was served. The= sung of $8.00 was added to the treasury of the local patriotic society. A sad and distressing accident was tha which befell Mr. George Tiffin of the 4til con. Kinloss on Wednesday of last week, Dec. 5th. when, while working in a gravel pit, part of the embankment gave way, throwitig hint to the ground with such force as to cause his death in a few mime tee Rev. D. D. Thompson of I3luevaie, conducted the, funeral service on Saturday in Tifffns Methodist church, where many friends of the family gathered to pay their last tribute. Besides his wife, who was Miss Robina Sheriff of Wingham, he leaves four small children, one roster and One brother also survive: Mrs, Wni. Hetherington of Sask. and Mr, JOS Tiffin of Langside. The deceased wasp 41 years of age. Remember the Christmas concerts in the Methodists and Presbyterian churches on Dec, 21 and Det:. 24th, n-" Ti irIi P fT! ppTpirm Mrs. Samuel Leggatt of fallen, is vialt- 1n Icer bother, Mit. W. Hutchison. Mfrs, Poi" Sr. to ill with heat Tkursclq Doe f stn 19:17 Creating a Sensation at The Picture House all this week with hypnotism and telepathy. r *. p31t4.0iMCtit::at:.j�.:i�►��!,ir r1.I.4V:14lii vs DOJV'T BUy A GOLD 23RICK. Some 'smooth' salesman can sell inferior goods because they happen to be convincing talkers and represent their goods as the 'rear stuff' Do not be deceived by these when buying an article which you expect to use the rest of your life. Use judgment in selecting your business course We do not ask you take our course because of sentiment or predudice. It is a straight business proposition We ask you to investigate the mer- its of our school because we believe we can offer advantages not offered elsewhere. r, to McDONALD BLOCK, it,e, TELEPHONES: Office 166 WINGHAM, ONT. House 233. { D. A. McLachlan, Pres. .r 0'.I..I..I.****.l*-31..»:l» A. Haviland, Prin. :t :1ii�1�►Ti*.Ii.TiC. ► N,i s. i.r4Vr�► Wr oxeter Christmas only two week's hence. Owing to the severe weather on Sun- day, the attendance at church was small Mr. Jack Wendt our popular Jeweller. spent a couple of days last week in Mild- may owing to the illness of his father. Mrs, Thos. Brown visited friends in Toronto last week. Miss Jean Town of Harnilton spent a couple of weeks at her home here Master Mack Allen visited his aunt in Teeswater a few days last week. • Mr Cecil Simpson and children of Lori. ing, Parry Sound, visited friends in town, last week Mrs John Lackie of Ilderton, is at pre. sent visiting her son, Mr. Georgi Lackie of town. Miss Lizzie Bryans of Brussels is visit- ing friends in andaround town. Mr A. Moffatt, spent last week with friends in Owen Sound. Huron County Council was in 'session XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXVXXXXXXXX 4 w1 4 hristmas 1 Suggestions t This is a time for Useful, Practical and Economical Gifts, you will find out stock, in all departments full of such gifts. Gifts for Men Neck Ties In all the latest silks in correct patterns and shapes, Prices 25c to 81.50. (cloves Best English gloves in listed and unlined qualities. Prices $1.50 to $4. Neck Scarfs Beautiful Scarfs in Fancy Silk or Knitted qualities. Price 75c to $5. Bath Robes and House Coats Fancy robes in latest styles and materials. Prices $5 to $15 Sweater Coats Heavy ribbed and fine light weight styles. Prices $3.50 to $12 50. Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs Fine qua'ities in pure linen p _ andsilk ilk with lain hem and In W Waled designs. Prices 25c to' 75c. Gifts for the Children ormarsomakeemmoneasegre White Furs Muffs, Stoles and Sets, in Thibet. Sitka and Lamb. Prices $3.50 to $15, Knitted (foods Scarfs, Caps, !loves, Sweater Coats etc latest styles Prices 50c to $3.50. Sleigh Robes Babies' Robed in White Put and W prices $3 50 and $7.50 Pox ,in cola Gifts for Women memeaseammeteemmareara Furs and Fur Coats Muffs. Stoles and Sets. In Persian Lamb, Mink, Alaska Sable, Pox and Wolf. Prices and qualities guaranteed, Fur Coats Hudson Seal and Canadian Rat coats from the beat manu- facturers. Prices $85 to $250 Silk Blouses Latest styles and colors in Heavy Crepe blouses. also Georgette Crepe. Prices 54.50 to $7 50 Kid (cloves French Kid and Chamois Gloves from the best makers such as Perrin's. Pawner' and Dent's, in latest styles. Prices $1 50 to $3.50. Fancy Collars All the latest styles in neck- wear Prices 50c to $2. Handkerchiefs Panty and plain linen hand- kerchiefs sold in boxes or separ- ately. All prices. Silk Hose Lad es' Silk Hose in all the latest patterns and qualities, Prices 81 to $2.50 a pr,. Fancy Linens Linen Tray Cloths, Pillow 1 Shams Table Cloths. a kis and Rowels. Special t`Valtt es at old prices. KING BROS.- Produce Wanted Phone 71