The Wingham Advance, 1917-12-13, Page 5Thursday pee i3th 1917
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-Mat man is a slanderer
who says that
will vote with
clam Pro -05 ermans
itioL.iressors of Free seec
• and
ney Will Support Union Government
Citizens' Union Cotnmittee.
•Editor, Advance.
As a woman interested itt the a elfaref
the British Empire and eepecially of lier
beloved men and boys at the, front 1 feel
I must say sontething in behalf -of Union
We hearse, often that there should have
been cartecription from the beginning of the
war. That is true, but do think if con-
sesietlen had been enforced in August,
1911, that the people of Canada would
have Lea eeilelisd? Decidedly, No!
TheY eay egain that the thilted State; did
the rieht thine in enforcing coneeription.
S'. thee did, but they had Canada's three
yeas' esperience to peolit by If con-
ecriptien had been euforced in 1914, as
SPECiAL cr2q,12,\Yieg
01 "Uri V et'LLiLLIL
113 ,4\ 11 11
Westbound, D. Z'rt.,. to, lat. LI Ve:.!1`..1te:42, .1171)0e. lee'.1 :yam.
Neese-Tile:ea ! ly ci!;
2.v 1.',111 •
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Winnipeg and EcIr,K.:-..!(..,3
rot. 'Tickets, Eicsorv,1Z.:31,e, u. re:ply to
�r writfl. L.;"'-'il".rec:Cke,
•AP. •• • ••• •
Crippled Hare Asks Vetere to
Wake Up
A etriking letter from Vte Frank Bray -
man, (211(82) of the 50th Canadians, ap-
pears in the Brockville Times Mr Bray-
man is a returned and Crippled soldier
who has seen how Germans conducted
themselves in an invaded country In
part he says:
"Voters, wake up! Ade God to direct
you when you go to the polls and I am
sure you, will help the boys who have giv.
en the •best of their lives to protect you.
God help us if the •Germans win! God
help our women and children! I tell you
that rather than have my mother or sis-
ters fall into their hands I, would shoot
them myself! -,
"Men et Canada, how would you like
to see your wives, sisters, mothers and
daughters loaded in box -cars and shipped
into Germany to be slaves of German
soldierY? My- God -does it not make your
bleed boil to think of it? Does it not make
you feel like trying to do. something to
stop it?
"When yod go to bed you cau sleep
feeling safe Why? Because you know
that the Germans are being held at bay
by the boys in Fiance and Belgulni. Why
not help thern? Why not send our boye
to help tnem?
"You who own property have a right
to fight for it; what would happen to it if
we lose?"
The Officer of the Canadian War Re-
cords has asked us to make known that
it is desired to compile a complete history'
in photograph of the Canadians' share in
the War, in the same way, that ail other
belligerent countries are compiling similar
It is particularly desired to obtain pho-
tographs of all Officers N.0 O's and Men
who have served or are now serving in
the Overieas Military Forces of Canada,
and it is requested that an 'appeal should
be made to this end, through these col-
umns. •
All Officers and Other Ranks serving
Overseas may find it difficult to send • in
their photographs and their relatives are
therefore especially appealed to, to send
in their photographs for them.
By preference the photographs should
be unmounted and printed on bromide
paper in order to ensure permanence.
Each photograph should be accompanied
by a concise record not exceeding two or
three hundred words, of the subjects mil-
itary career, -including date of enlistment
promotions, distinctions, and so on. as
this greatly assist in obtaining a full and
accurate record of all concerned. '
In addition is desired to collect all
photographs dealing with the Mobiliza-
tion, Training. and Departuse of Troops
together with pictures illustrating Reviews
Sports and Presentation, etc. Any photo-
graph of thii nature is regarded as .a doc-
ument of historical importande, 'and it is
hoped that the possessors. of all such
photographs will deem it their duty to
send either the originals or copies, which
will ultimately be placed in. the Pennell-.
ent Public Archives of the Dominion.
All photographs, which will be eeknow-
!edged, should be addressed to the Officer
of the Canadian War Records, 14 Clifford
St., Bond St. London, W. I England.
VOTES FOR er0i.i...elerilS,
i franchise
ttaken entirely, and vote for the Union govern -
we have the act now, it would have been this election will exerc se herfr a
much better, in hat it would have
the men of proper military age and not se
_ment and the support of the boys - over -
the boys and married men with families, Ilea!'hurried away., young heart of joy,
who should not have gone. But the gov- 1 tinder ourCanadian sky!
ernment was not alone to blame for this. And I watched him go my beautiful boy,
4t was the recruiting officers that were i and a weary woman was I.
moreto blame, for, to my mind there was For my hair is gray, and his was gold; he
not a manly trait about the officer who had the best of his life to live;
would encourage or accept the enlistment And I'd loved him so, and I'rn old I'm old;
of any boy for overseas duty of 17 or 18 and he's . all I had tO give."
years of age. nave seen many military A Maruti
parades, and the saddest sight of all was to
see mere youths in uniform, and I am sure
every tight -thinking man or woman must I
have had a feeling of pity for euchae these. ;
Conscription today is the only fair tneas-
lure of recruiting to mind. Then again
there are some Women who -own property
but who have no relatives overseas, I
who are displeased because they have no
vote These know nothing of the anguish,
! that every wife, widow, mother, thmehter
or sieter feels who have or has had come
loved one suffering and lighting their
battle and mine, and thee hetet. women .
are time who deeerve the ballot new if
• they new: have the chance to the* it renfin.1
You have only to look into the an:douse
faces of those women wile. have contents::
at the front to see that they are vitals:ring
untold aeony It doee eeem like the iroay1
of fatethat in casting our first vote we
are doing it for our own flesh and blood. I
I knOW Wary *Orden that lit4S a yobs la
Many Diffieulties to Be 'Overcome I
Federal Election.
Major Purney, Overseas Clerk o.
the Crown in. Chancery, is makin,„,
final arrangements in Ottawa befor,
leaving for England. There ho wir
• take in hand the work of prevision
for taking the votes of all Canadian
soldiers overseas 1i the corning elec-
tions. Presiding officers have to be
chosen, ballot papers printed, and a
score of details arranged in connec-
tion with the taking and counting of
the overseas vote.
Difficulties in the allocation of the
naval and military vote, both in Can-
ada and overseas, have necessitated
special provisions. Tho problem has
been how to determine the constitu-
ency, to which the vote shall go, in
the event of the voter not designat-
ing any particular candidate by
narde. .
• The general rules on which the
military vote will be taken are:
(1) If the (fleeter can indicItte the
name of the electoral district in
which he last continuously- resided
for at least four months of the twelve
months preceding his enlistment or
appointment, his vote goes to that
electoral district.
(2) If he epaulet name an elec-
loral district, but can name a place
within eei electoral district at !which
he resided for tho period mentioned,
his vote will be applied to the elec-
toral district in which the plaee is
() If he cane* specify an elec-
toral district or piano of residence
during the time indicated, but can
specify with sufficient clearness an
electoral district in which he has re-
sided tlt any other time, his vote will
go to the constituency epecilled,
(4) If, by reason of non-residenee
in Canada, or from any other reason,
the elector is unable to indicate any
particular constituency or place, then.
he may stipulate to which electoral
district he wishes te have his vote
Returned soldiers or other mili-
tary or naval electors who, if they
were on, active eervice, would be en-
titled to vote at naval or military
polls, may vote as civilians in Can-
ada, even though their names aro not
on the voters' list. Production of
the discharge certificate will be ne-
cessary in the cam of a soldier or
sailor, or equivalent doettraentd lil
the ease of an %Alter.
A further unueual feature VIII
mark the coming electione, Each
candidate, to secure military votes,
must he "redoratieed" by the leaden*
of his party, In tho ease of the Gov-
ernment party the recognition will
be by the Prime Minister; In the
ettee of the Oppoeition, by the leader
of the Oapoeltina. In 1-1e eaf,e of attY
itel.:telnlent or Later party, by the
talcot:inized leaner of sneli party, "re.
nirtt" ;110 ie within fife
esee! after p eminat ion day, and the
eeraee.t weegnized" eandidates
u!Iet be.!.yetblisited In The Canada
The Canada, 'Gazette will
Party stand-
h.tie ti evtase caudhlato,
Last week word was received of the
death, in a hospital hi Eog1and, of Pte.
Edgar c Arden, SOC of Mrs, Wm. Arden,
of Winnipeg, formerly a Gerrie, and
nephew of the Editor of the Wroxeter
News; and also nephew o'f Mr, John Ar.
&AI of -Gerrie. Ile had been in Prance
over a year when he was severely weund-
ed by the bursting 01 abig shell early in
June. Some time before his death it was
found necessary to amputate his right foot
in order to try and save his life but he
contracted pneumonia and was so weak-
ened that be died on Nov, 20th. Ile was
born in Gorrio about 2'5 years ago, and
was a printer by trade and prior to an.
hsting was employed by the StoveCo
Besides his °Widowed mother ho lee.ves •
three sisters and elle brother to mourn bid
;off • •w • .• •• •
Liberals and Conservatives are United
The People Must Unite to
Win the War
A Lauirer-Bourassa Victory means deserting our boys in the trenches
for over a year, throwing up our bands and quitting! Don't shout
"KaMerad" under the Referendum proposed. Come out mid fight
for Union Clovernxn.ent.
e No Mistake
(1) Canada will send no moTe
reinforcements to the front, which
practically; means, quitting the war and
placing the country in the same class
as Russia.
(2) • The French-Canadiani itstlici have
shirked their duty in this war will
be the dominating force in the Govqrnt
ment of the country.
/t is becUusi the 'French-Canadians have not done their duty that Conscription
had to be resorted to.
The French-Canadians have Made it perfectly clear that they do 'not like the wav
and are against Canada participatilog in it further. Some of them even go to
the length of saying that the soldiers) should be brought back from the front •
The Nationalists are demanding theft the men who have been enrolled under the
Military Service Act be disbanded and sent back to their homos. To secure the
Nationalist support Laurier -Liberal candidates 'in Quebec have signed thct followtng
"I, the undersigned; candidate in the Federal Electioni, undertake by these presents,
if I am elected, to demand the immediate suspension of the Military Service Act, 1917,
and of all its effects until Canadian electors have pronounced by way of plebiscite; and
should the majority of the electors condemn it, that it be considered aS null from its
origin and that in consequence all conscripts be disbanded." '
VI also undertake to vote against any Government which should refuse to adopt the
above enunciated policy." • -
This Advertisement is inserted by The Unionist Party Publicity Cornmitti
Conscience Ahead of Creed
. .
Bishop Fallon's appeal for support of
the Union Governmenthas aroused the
ire of Hon. I-1. J. Clorant Irish Catholic
senator from Montreal,, who addressed the
following open measage. to Monsignor
Stagni, papal delegate to Canada. '
"Bishop Fallon's political, partisan,
military, election manifesto in the inter- -
estsof the so-called Unionist Government
is an affront and humiliation to the Cath-
olic church . Catholics all over -Canada,.
and I as one of their Parliamentary re-
presentatives, denounce it as an -unwar-
ranted attack on the independence of the
citizenship of their civil and political free-
dom in elections We denounce it as a
malignant case .of discord between the :
adherents of the Catholic church and as
an unChristian if not -seditious appeal. to •
set race against race in Canada. Your
excellency is therefore, most respectfully1
but very urgently requested to exercise
your papal authority to, publicly and
without delay—owing to the election date
—repudiate Bishop Fallon's manifesto to
contain the expression of the; views and
sentiments of the Catholic church in mat-
ters purely political partisan."..
Ohmiiiimimesaa wWWANINIMANAN
To buy a suit of Clothes of the old
stock and old dyes made to' your
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and upwards. ..
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