HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-12-06, Page 131'; Thursday Dec eth 1017 ememospossarielIMMOIONWeereg romearesesereemialoselealeeleille IskAlwqs a *You emu:lags If you purpose buying a new Rug for limas. Wo have a large stock to choose from in all sizes of Velrete, Aerninsttrs, Brussels and Tapestrys, here is an opportunity to nave money as all lines have greatly advanced in price since we bought these. Some,Vakm Ikkav --- in small [tugs and gunners ,fust received a shipment ot the new Felt Rugs and Runners. Made of extra quality felt in a good combination of colors. light and dark groundsat $2.75, $3.50 to $$ 00. X • tki‘CAZAVIA$ We carry a complete range of Nairn's and Lancaster Scotch Linol- eum in Blocks and Floral designs, 2 and 4 yd widths, As it is impossi- ble to secure impotted lines, we advise you to make your selection now. VookextlIkzAkekis A large assortment to choose from in Union and All Wool Blankets. Ranging in price from $S 00 to $14 50 Also Grey and White Flannel' ette Blankets in 10x4, 11x4, 12x4 sizes, Now is the time to buy. . Zadkes' aid, e) xrm.'s Veal' 'When shopping ask to see our lino of Ladies' and Children's Sweaters Scarfs, Caps Mitts, Gloves, Hosiery, Underwear, etc. We are showing a full range of alt Iines. ®74 Highest Price for Produce. J. The House of Quality. xh' ....aills Phone 89 • Our Own Country CAN You can know your Canada better and well by e reading each month MacLean's Magazine. OU will find no other magazine more entertaining, and none other so satisfying—so much worth while to you as a Canadian in love with your own country. Among its regular and frequent contributors are these'dhs- tinguished authors: a Sir Gilbert Parker Robert W. Service L. B. Yates 'w Stephen Leacock Agnes C. Lout Man Sullivan 'Phillip Oppenheint Nellie elcCtudg Peter ficArthar Arthur Stringer Lord Northcliffe IL P. Ondsby Mrs. 1.. M. Montgomery Arthur E. McPariane ;These contributors are a pledge to you of the quality of MAC- LEAN'S MAGAZINE and of the Canadian savor which is dist tinctive of MACLEAN'S Some cif the Departrnent features of every issue of MACLEAN'S are: Review of Reviews—a condensation of the best biographical, scientific, liter- ary and descriptive articles appearance in a current periodical literature. The Business Outlook—an information article dealing with commerce, fin- ance, investments and insurance-- for the man in the street, Women and their Work—a department of special interest to Canadian; women. So you see how complete is MACLI3 . N'S MAGAZINE AS a good Canadian, desirous of knowing your Canada better and well, subscribe to MACLEAN'S MAGAZINE—for yourself, home and friends whom you wish to favor with some exhibit of your good -will, Subscription p om is $e .p00 per year after Dec, 15th. Order from your bookseller, or direct frs— The MacLean Publishing Co., Ltd., 153 University Ave., Toronto iEa ARAM ANWWWW MANWANWWW4Wwf 1......-0000".. DON'T MISS �. THIS CHANCE To buy a suit of Clothes of the old stock and old dyes made to your measure, made in the latest style with first class trimming at $20, 00 and upwards. The largest stock of woolens b the county to choose from. H. GIDLEY Phone 7 Myth, rth, dint. SEPARATION ALLOWANCE Dependents of AU' Below Rank of Sao geant Have. A llowenco RORK/ The separation allowance paid to wives and other dependents of soldiers below the rank of sergeant have been increased by the Government. An order -in -council has been passed increasing the allowance from $20 to $25 per month. For tha month of January the dependents will re- ceive a cheque for $30 covering the in- crease for the months of December and January, The January cheque will be issued. early. The official announcement says: "This is in accordance with the policy which has been followed by the Union Government and is another evidence of its desire to advance the welfare of the sol- diers and their dependents in every way. consistent with sound national policy, "A short time ago. upon the recom- mendation of the Minister of Finance. the Government announced a substantial he, crease in the scale of pensions and this action was received throughout the coun- try with every evidence of hearty approv- al, pproval, Latterly representations have been load° by publialaodiee, by the Great War. Veterans' Association and by individuals, to the effect that in view of the increased cost of living, an increase in the scale of separation allowance.should be made. The Government, having carefully coil sidered all the circumstances and the fin- ancial considerations involved, reached the conclusion that the action proposed would afford needed assistance to the families of soldiers, and that it was there- fore in the public interest. The above change will'make the separ- ation allowance payable to the wife or other dependent of a soldier below the rank of sergeant, equal to that paid the wife of a sergeant, and on this account, will incidentally remove what has proved to be a fruitful source of trouble. In the past some confusion has inevitably result- ed from frequent promotions to and re- versions from the rank of sergeant, as in each such change involved a change in the amount of separation allowance pay- able to the family concerned. The amount of separation allowance now paid. together with the $15 pay, which every soldier is compelled to assign to his wife or other person in receipt of separation allowance, will insure that all such persons will be in receipt of a minimum of $40 per month. LEMONS WHIITEN AND BEAUTIFY THE SKIN Make this beauty lotion cheaply for your face, neck, arms and hands At the cost of a small jar of ordinary cold cream one can prepare a full quarter pint of the most wonderful lemon skin softener and complexion beautifier, by squeezing the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of or- chard white Care should be taken to strain the juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep fresh for months Every woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles, sallowness and tan and is the ideal skin• softener. whitener and beautifier Just try itt Get three ounces of orchard white at any drug store and two iemons from the grocer r nd make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant lemon lotion and massage it daily into the Lace, neck, arms and hands, It is marvellous to smoothen rough, red hands. • NEW WINNIPEG TRAINS • Travel between Eastern and Western Cana- da is always heavy in the winter moans, par. tioularly during December with its holiday, season. To meet the requirements of the pub - Ile, therefore, a speoiaklJaily Service between Toronto and Winnipeg is announced by the Canadian Northern Railway; Westbound, Deo. 3rd to Jan, 2nd. 1018 only; ilastbound, Deo. 1st to Jan. 5th, 1018 only. Thereafter regular tri• weekly service will be resumed, n through Tourist Sleeping Car will also be operated daily between Toronto and Calgary as part of the above special service and connection Will be made with regular daily trains between Win. ntpeg and Edmonton. Services between Tor• onto and Vancouver running tri-weeklyleas?. Ing Toronto ilionday, Wednesdays and 1 ridays as at present. For further particulars see Looal"Time Table Folders, or apply to Town Agents, Rumens & CosENs, Morris Mr. James Golley spent a few days in Guelph and Hamilton this week. Mr. Peter McIntosh of Kincardine vis- ited at Mr, Thomas Abraham's for a few days. Mr. and Mrs., Maxwell Abraham of Grey called on old friends in this neigh- borhood last week. Mrs. J..Casemore of Wingham. Mr. Murray Wilson of Culross, and Mise Annie Gray visited at the latter's home on the 1st line last Sunday. Mrs. Carrick is visiting at Miss Martha Roes, Mr. and Mrs. George McDonald of Biuevale yisited as Mr. Elmer lusting'° last Sunday. Wroxeter Miss Merle Hicks of Teeswater, was a visitor in town on Sunday, - Signallerd Grahatn Ballantyne and Ash. ton Morrison left last Saturday for Ottawa after spending a week with their parent before going Overseas. Miss Cassie McDougall of .Harrieton, spent Sunday with bet parents here. Me and 1Vlv,s. D. "Sanderson were in Toronto last week, liaise Jean Hamilton and hazel Van'- V'eleor of Mount Pore.t tusiness College spent Sunday at their homes In town. A number from here attended the fun• ere' of the tate Jetties Mulvey itt Wingham on Sunday afternoon. WINTER TERM FROM JAN. 2ND P E rt.1OTT ed Yenge and Charles St /1„ Toronto, points with pride to its lona list of successfulhigadnatna. a standard is always Maintained here, Write for our Wn, Jgtnenellotb Priaotynl, VIE WING Domestic Help Wanted 1.. R 410-1-M, A gentleman connected with the Head Office of the Bank of Hamilton desires to secure the services of a good general servant. Family consists of is wife, himself, one grown daughterh and two smaller children. No washing or heavy work required. References. required. L. E. WEDn, 36 Spruceside 1 Ave,, Hamilton, . (4.✓"�'� 1Au 'j 3"�` SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST LAND REGULATIONS The solo head of a family, or any 'hale over 18 years old who was at the commencement of the present war, and has eine° continued to be, a British subject or n subject of an allied or nine tral country, may homestead a quarter seotiou of available Dominion landn alanitoba, bask-. atchewan or Alberta. Applicant musk appear in person at the Dominion Lands Age.noy or Sub•Ageuovfor the District. Entry by' proxy may be made on certain conditions. DVTias-elx months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years, In certain dletriote a homesteader may tie• pure an adjoinin., quarter section as pre-emp- tion, Price $3.00 per acre. DuTias-.-Reside Six menthe in each of three years after earn- ing homestead patent and cultivate 60 acres extra. May obtain pre-emption patent as soon as A homestead afterr obtainingohomestead mundane, if he rennet, emirs a preemption, may take a purchased homestead to certain districts. Pries $3.00 per sore. Mush reside els months. in each of throe years. cultivate 50 acres and ereot a house worth $300.00 Holders of entries maY count time of emplor- went as farm laborers in Canada during 1017, as residence duties uoder certain conditions. When Dominion Lands ere advertised or i orved for andthave been honorably hdl- charged, receive Otto day priority in applying for entry at local Agent's Office (but not Sub Agency) Discharge papers must be presented to Agent. W. W. Cony Deputy of the Minister of the Interior, N. B. -- Unauthorised publications of this advertieement will not be paid for -1141. - CREAM WANTED Our service is prompt and remittance sure Our prices are the highest on the market consistent with honest testing Ship your cream "direct" to us and save an agent's commission. The commission comes out of the producer. The more it cost to get the cream to its destination the less the producer is sure to get. We supply cans, pay all express charges and remit twice a month. Write for prices and cans. —The-- Seaforth Creamery Co. Seafol'th, - Oast. THE SAME OLD PRICES Did you ever reflect that your dollar has only a purchasing power of 60 cents compared to four years ago. In one case, however, a dollar will do as much for you now as ever it would. A house worth $2000, four years ago can still be bought for the same money, but, now as a $ has only a sixty cent value, in almost evety other case the 82000 property is really only 81200, comparatively speaking. Think this over carefully and you will conclude to put your money in real estate while the dollar is cheap. Better be quick about it too before the other fellow gets wise and puts up his price. We wish also to call your attention to the fact that there is no increase in Fire, Life or Accident Insurance rates. We also sell R2 R. tickets at the same old prices except for the war tax that goes direct to the Government. ,............ Ritchio & Cosens Insurance and Real Estate Wingham DRO L G SS PHYSICIAN y .-.44 4 ;L w.,. . . , _. iS,y �4 (drat sifr .6T[/, pyyJJi�, 1 �a, CHIROPRACTIC Chiropractic Drugless Healing accut ately locates and removes the cause o• disease, allowing nature to restore health J. A. FOX D.C., D.O. Osteopathy Electricity Member Drugless Physicians Associa- tion of Canada. --Phone 1.91* GRAY HAIR Dr. Trsmald's Natural Hair Restorative, used as ditootod, is guaranteed to restore gray hair to its natural actor or money refunded. Pont - timely not a dye and noninjurious. Price 41.00. 10, ilgatia.OWrite is Wl ughawplat Co., waaiken MoKibbon'e Drug Store. CREAM WANTED Highest Cash Prices for Cream and Poultry In Wa J. Armou rrs Stared In the Old National Hotel Open to buy cream en MO MDA'YS rind SATURDAYS only, after Nov. 10th. 0 Di Benninger AOV.A,NCZ ENUMERATORS APPOINTED Following is the lig of entunerators ap pointed to make up the Vetere lists for the coming election in North Huron. Brussels. - No 1 Geo Muldoon 2 Thomas 111fcCall. Wroxeter-- No. 1 Geo Town Wingham No. 1 Frank J. Hill 2 Thos R. Bennett 3 Allan M. Fralick 4 John W. Dodd 5 Alex E Porter Turnberry--- No 1 John Kerr 2 Robert Musgrove 3 Robert Breen 4 John F, Abram, Morris— No. 1 Wm, Pollock 2 Wm. A. McCall 3 Robt, McMurChy, 4 Wm. Smith 6 Eli Caasemore 6 Arthur Shaw Grey— No. 1 Bernice Payne 2 Win. Rands -3 John Bulger 4 Frank Woods 5 Jas 1MIcClelland • 6 Thos Mills 7 John Hunter Howick— No 1 David Weir 2 Geo. Hubbard 3 Thos J. Nicholls- 4 icholls4 Adam Graham 5 Thos. O. Johnston 6 Jas. M. Leonard. E. Wawanosh— No. 1 John E. Ellis 2 C W. Scott 3 Robt. G. Kern 4 Stewart. McBurney 5 Robt. J. McGee W. Wawanosh— No. 1 David Glen 2 Matthew Lockhart 3 W. J. Thompson 4 Wm. McQuillan 6 Jas. Durnin Ashfield— No. 1 T. G. Allen 2 Jas. Alton 3 Chas. McDonagh 4 W. B. Hawkins 5 Maurice Dalton. 6 Donald McLean 7 Jas McNair Blyth -- No. 1 A. W. Robinson. a [UINS DIE Every year from Consumption, Millions could have been saved if only common sense prevention had been used in the first stage. If YOU. AIIE a Sufferer from Asthma, Bron- chitis, Catarrh, rleurisy, Weak Lungs, Cough and Colds—all Dis- eases leading up to Consumption-. Tuberculosis, YOU ARE interested in Dr. Strandgard's T. B. Medicine. Write for Testimonials and Booklet. DR. STRANDGARD'S MEDICINE o0., 253-205 Yonge street, Toronto. lissMammszmusanamilliailli Til E Hospital for Sick Children • College St.,. Toronto ITS CHRISTMAS. MESSAGE Dear Mr. Foditor:-- Thanks for your kindness in allowing me the privilege oi< appealing to your readers this Christmas time on behalf of the Hospital for Sick Children, the "Sweetest of all Charities," which has as its mission the care of the helpless, the sick, the crippled and the deformed. There never was a year in the his- tory of the Hospital when funds to carry on the work were more needed than now. Your purse is the Hospital's Hope. Your money lights the candles of mercy on the Christmas trees ot health that the Hospital plants along the troubled roadway of many a little life. So I am asking you for aid, for the openarse of the Hospital's friend is te hope of the Hospitl at Christmas, just as the open door of the Hospital's mercy is the hope of the little children throughout the year. Calle on generous hearts are new in these times. Calls on the Hospital are many at all times, and especially when food and fuel and druge and ser- vice costs are soaring high. YOU know the high cost of living, Do you know the high cost of healing—of helping the helpless to happiness? What you do to assist is the best In- vestment you will ever snake. Do you realize what this Charity is doing for sick children, not only of Toronto. but for all Ontario, for out of a total of 3,740 inpatients last year 646 came from 254 places outside of Toronto, The field of the Hospital's service covers the entire Province— from the Ottawa to the far-off XXenora --from the borders of the Great Lakes to the farthest northerly district. The Hospital is doing a marveliouz work," if you could see the children with crippled limbs, club feet, and other deformities, who have left the Hospital with straightened limbs and perfect correction, your response to our appeal would be instant. In the Orthopedic Departments last year a total of 3$0 in -patients were treated; and in the Out -Patient Department there were 1,946 attendancee. Let your money and the Hospital's mercy lift the burden of misery that curses the lives, cripples the limbs and saddens the mothers of the tut tering little children. Money mobilizes the powers Of help and healing for the Hospital's drive day and night against the trenches where disease and pain and death assail the lives of the little ones, Remember that every dollar given to the 'Iloapital is a dollar Subscribed to the Liberty Loan that opens the prleons et pain and the Detaiilee of disease, and WAS little children tree to breathe the pure air, and to rejoice in the mercy el God's euniight, Will You send a dollar, or more If you.ean, to Douglas Davidson, Spore. taryTresnuYyr. er,or 13(58 nyOy liiS CN4, 134.01s4 4oado Til Leel Pap Piv* Union Government is concentrating its efforts to win the War. It has gone about raising reinforcements in the only praca tical way; ` under the Military Service Act, 1917. Laurier, Bourassa and their adherents adroit their intention of holding up reinforcements so urgently needed in the trenches. Where de YOU stand ? To Back up the Boys -- Ta Hasten Victory -- To Win the ' Waz-- SLTPPOTtT UNIt)N GOVERNMENT to To Women Every woman may vote who ismBritish stabjectl21 yearslof age; Voters; resident in Canada one year, anti in the condtitue icy 3042311 who is the mother, wife, widow, daughter, sister or 'halfsisr of any person male or female living or dead who is serving or has served, without Canada in any of the Military forces, or within or without'Canada in any Alf the Navtal forces of Canada or of Great Britain in the present war, or who has ben hortorattly dis- charged from such services and the date of whose#enlistment was OW -to Septembe+ ?CO, 1917. 14 Unionist PartyfPublicityjiC'of-tmittee. 2 Jonathan Emigh Goderich— No. 1 Thos. Pritchard 2 Chas. A. Reid 3 Wm. Campbell 4 H. J. A. McEwen 5 Percy Walton 6 Jas. Conolly 7 John Newcombe Colborne— No 1 C. A. Vanstone 2 C. C. McNeil 3 Alex Shepperd 4 John A. Simpson: Salem. Mr. W. A. Mines delivered an able ad- dress at the Epworth League on Thursday evening last. He chose as his subject "The Navy." It is certainly a heat to have Mr. Mines to address us. DIED— SMALL-At the Presbyterian Manse. Hespeler, on November, 21st, 4917, Edna J., wife of Rev. J. L. Small form- erly of Blyth. De Your Part Many women voters who are loath to SPECIAL DECEMBER SERVICE BETWEEN , Toronto and Winnipeg DAILY Westbound, Dec. 3rd to Jan. 2nd. Eastbound, Dec. let toiau.5tb Note—Tri-weekly service will be resumed thereafter. , REGULAR S7ERVICE BETWEEN Winnipeg and Edmonton Edmonton and Vaeeoarer DAILY TRi-WEEKLY For Tickets, Reservations, Literature and Information, apply to RITCHIE & COZENS, FINANCIAL AGENTS, WINGHAM. Or write R, L. Falrbalrn, G.P„A„ 68 King at, E., Toronto. Leave their 'ane fireside to cast a vote in the coming election are reminded of the one talent citizen we have a record of in the grand old Book who hid his oppor- tunity in a napkin. Indifference is the sin of the age. The woman voters of Teeswater and Culross axe urged to staid together on the issue menacing our colitis try. There should he no party now btl t a. united people endeavouring to save the Ideals our men are laying down their Iive; to uphold in Flanders. ito*timitiftiv+44,4,+++414,41++,:te ft. tkintl++4/4/4,4144fittittip+++4,04 Big Clearing Jewellery Sale $12,00000 Jewellery S1ocI1• • 4+:t 4 Everything in this store must be sold before January Tat. Now is your chalice to buy genui11e up - todateJeW-ellery fol' Xinas Gifts. Z c .• MIa Iacr ■ ■IrErr,■..uui MMISE eauuaeurrrar..me iiiilltlisl aiii■iiii*Ucwwrrrr wMrwrii•MEiiiiiliiiiiiiiiliiiliiriiUUlRl asis"aiiII rra■■r■r CCUCIlIrrrr.EEraaarlIIrr,rrrrraa .4 Pearl Rings, Pearl Pendants, Cameo Pendants, Pearls Broochs, Cameo Broachs, Pearl Tie Pins, Cameo Tie Pin. Jewellery of all kinds. • A large stock of Watches, Clocks, $ilverware, Cut Glass, Ivory, Manicure Pieces, , 4 Toilet Sets, Ladies' White Ivory Handles, Umbrellas, Ladies and Gents' Walking • Canes, etc., etc 4 4 4 loLadietcWris\ Wattle tochoosfrom.Milit a r W r i s Watche Nob Cameo Pings, Pearl Necklets, Cameo Necklets} Diamotid Dings from $10 to $800. =-.No goods given out without the spot �-A11 accounts rust be settled by the lst of Jarivaty.— W. G. PATTEIL$ON The Great Watch Doctor .....-std . ... yo Specialist ,�N • pL,,��tt 22�.t f��,�t,�t*�t,�t,�r,�E1�,,�` ,�` � itf `1'°46++T ++++4 44+4°++ +`T' 444444444+444444444444444A fl t.