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The Wingham Advance, 1917-12-06, Page 4
P411. valour 4t�ulglIara 9Obaru ed by rArrnatrongabotishin and Doig that the read itfw for aandahing Salute C arrir be read VIN011. RfMOVIN .to$N ,IaY`:i71', Fraprtetor the first and secondtime—Carried, DTov d by Witliamsen and Doig that the fol lowing accounts be paid; -'Wing Rogers, part pay digging drain "Sotheran Award'' $45 00; Robert Baker, repairing culvert and gravel $7.75; William Dolg, gravel $5.40; Wm. H. Lynn. gravel $4.06; Thos. Bradnock, gravel, $5,50; Alexander Hig gine digging ditch and putting :in tile $11 00; G, W, Walker, expresa on supplies $6 04; William Pike, gravel $4 00; Finlay Lynn, putting culvert lot 17 con. 2 $7.00; Albert Cooper, tilling hole in road, $1 00; Wallace Edgar, putting in culvert, draw- ing plank add covering bridge floor, $20, Elijah Jacklin plank for culvert $2.00; Geo McDonald, putting in culvert, $450; Jas. A. Fraser, putting in culvert on gravel road $9 50; Henry Rupert, tile $60 20; Thomas Darcey, cleaning out culvert and digging ditch, $1$ 001 Frederick A. Ed- gar. certificates for Sotheran, Lowish and Hargrave Drain award $21 50; Frederick A. Edgar, Engineer fees for Boyd award Drain $22 00; Chas. Simmons underbrueh- ing on B line $27 00; Milton Leonard, equalizing Wroxeter Sohool, $4-00; Wil- liam Haod, digging ditch $2 50: Ernest King, refund of Statute Labor $5 00; David Walker, gravel $3,20; James Walk- er, work on bill in Fordwich, $40,00; J. H. A, (it. d`fDu2' i. Mt xtatzer THURSDAY, PEC. 6th. 1917. If The London Advertiser would devote as touch energy to the cause of the empire And humanity as it is devoting to the at- tempt to keep the people divided on party lines it would be doing itself great credit. 13y its attitude during the past few weeks that journal is doing an injury to the cause for which so many Canadians are fighting and dying, and also bringing on Liberalism a stigma which will not be wip- ed out for generations to come. Evil, and evil only, can be the result of such tactics in this day of national trial and tribula- tion,— ;sir Robert Borden went to France and came back convinced that nothing but Selective Draft by a Military Service Act could fill and keep filled the depleted ranks of the gallant Canadian Army Hon N W. Rowell, went, saw and returned with the same conviction. Mr. Stewart Lyon was sent as a newspaper man and h.s ex- periences, the sights he saw and the con- ditions he met left no doubt in his mind about endorsing the proposals of Sir Rob- Rogers, Tress, postage 1916, $10 00; crt and the course of Mr. Rowell. Sir Harry Cook, rent of room $1 00. Wilfrid Laurier has not visited the battle- Uiovek by Armstrong and Williamson front, he has not cared to be an eyewitness that this council do now adjourn to meet of the life and death of Canadian soldiers; again in Gorrie on Saturday. Decemb er his interests did not lie in that direction; 15th.—Carried, he is in no position to pass first hand judg- C. E. Walker, Clerk. ment;--yet he claims to be a leader but who could follow him? She Will Vote * * * Responsibility for an election contest i this riding rests undeniably on Mr. Hislop the Laurier candidate. In public utter- ancesMr. Bowman has repeatedly pointed out that he would be only too ready to step aside and allow some other man who might be chosen as a supporter of the Union Government and who would be acceptable to the Liberals in fa—ver of the enforcement of the Milita-y b. rvice Act to be elected by acclamation. And he stated to Mr. Saunders, the third nominee in this riding, that he would retire and allow Mr. Saunders to be returned by acclamation as far as he was concerned. It remained for Mr. Hislop, the Laurier nominee, to announce publicly thaVhe was in the "fight to the finish." The only chance of ave rt• ing an election contest in North Huron apparently, was to allow Mr. Hislop in by acclamation. according to Mr. Hislop. Anyone who has any regard for the supreme issue at the present ti me could not consistently do this. Nowick Council The Municipal Council of the Town- ship Howisk, met on November 21st, in Cook's Hotel, pursuant to adjournment. All members present except Councillor Spotton. The Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting were read and on motion of Doig and Armstrong were adopted. Moved by Willtameon and Doig that the Council give the Ladies Sewing Circle of Gorrie a line of credit to get material to make up for the sol- diers, until the grant comee in from the county.—Carried. The Day Municipal Drain By-law was redd. Moved by Doig and Armstrong that the Clerk have the by-law published in the Fordwich Record and a copy of the paper cent to each of the parties of the Drain. --Carried. Mov a.rr A young Toronto man whose family has always voted Liberal heretofore, has just returned from France He is in one of the Military Hospitals. One of his legs TiTE WINGHAM ADVANCE Til! CAUSE OF CJIRONIC COUGUS A Constitutional Remedy That We liivarantee Lagrange, N. C, --"For years I suffered with a chronic cough, so I could not sleep nights and continued to lose flesh. My druggist asked me* to try Vinol. It cured my cough, I can sleep nights and have gained twelve pounds. Vinol is the best tonic and tissue builder I have ever taken."—W. D. Ren, Lagrange, N. C. We guarantee Vinol for chronic coughs, colds and bronchitis. Not a patent medicine. Formula on every bottle. Your money back if it fails. has been amputated, A few days ago he had a serious talk with his mother. "Look here, mother." he said,.. 'You've got a vote. So has Dad. I luiow you have al- ways been red hot - Liberals. So have I, of course But I've got a vote and I am going to poll my vote for Union Govern- ment if I have to crawl to the polling booth. Mother I want you and Dad to promise me you'll use your votes for Union." "And are you going to?" asked the per- son to whom the mother told the story. "You had better believe I am," was the determined answer. There were tears in her eyes, but there was a soul shining through the tears; Rev. E. E. Scott of Toronto, who will preach Anniversary services in Wingham Methodist Church on Sunday, Dec. 9th, and will lecture Monday evening, December 10th, on "The Romance of Astronomy". Hear this Eloquent Canadian pulpit and platform Orator. Admission -25c Adults, and 10c children. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11I11111I11s11I11I1MITI1I MIII1I1 M111I1IM Follow the Crowds to the BIG SHOW PICTURE HOUSE One Week Commencing Dec. lOth The Master of Mental Mystery ZELL HUNT Hypnotist, Physician, Artist, Music . , Born Deaf, Total- ly Deaf, Still Deaf and this Menta Marvel Reads Speech by the Lips in Three Languages and Articulatcs Fluntly. A. rare cambination of' Instruction, Amusement and En- tertainment in which Dr. Hunt E .plains,Demonstrates and Proves Telepathy and Hypnotism. You will have to see this to appreciate the Scientific, Sensation- al Demonstration. The The The The The The Imanstmisiologaisloom The Program Changed Nigh Regular Pictures Operations Hornets' Nest Fishing Fiends Dancing Bugs Local Subjects Strength Tests Lover's Dream Dr. Hunt will convince Sceptics He is a Wonder. Don't Follow the Crowds Get There First. tly, Positively the Limit for Laughs and Thrills. N be shown. Matinee Saturday afternoon. Doors Open at 730. Performance 8.15. Adults 25c, Children 15c. Mafinee—Aduits 15c Children 10c. • brsall w▪ an truee w• ., •-.- awooll M .4411 wit wee w• og ..4111 *▪ 44 .4• 0 ..1011 .0.1111 votAte ..rs THE PHONOGRAPH which really sings. e 'NEW E is� "The Phonograph with a Soul" actually sings. It has stood beside Anna Cage, Giovanni Zenatello, Guido Ciccolini, Arthur Middleton, Thomas Chalmers and a score of other great artists; and has sung duets with them, and then sung in comparison with thele. The musical critics of more than five hundred newspapers concede in the columns of their own papers, that it is only by watching the lips of the artist standing before them, that they can tell whether it is the artist singing or The New Edison singing. We almost hope you will disbelieve what we say --and come to our store and make us prove our statements. You will not be asked to buy. We merely wish to prove that the New Edison P. Creation of music is a fact. r_.°) D. BELL, - Wingham, Ont. c` Id' x Ikavin (5houg�ks Fr 'a ril At V. N RflOX s Jewellery Store ANIZIMPEIM VO X Alt We have• a fine assortment of the following; A I •i _A§ X X Ii Xdi Extra Values in § Po' N_ Nv. 1,,,, I Toilet Goods. 1 Xxi eM Watch our Window for special- bargains. X Christmas B000klets and Post Cards. 71, I P! Ft, X `� �1t `�" tet... a�� 114 AI XiIIXXXXXXXXXX XXXX cXXXXXXX©A: `5 or Christmas Ladies' and Gents' Watches, Bracelet and Mili- tary Watches, Diamond and Pearl Rings, Pearl Necklets and Pendents, Brooches. Scarf Pins. Cuff Links. Fobs, Lockets and Chains, Cut Glass and Silverware, Ladies' and Gents' Umbrellas, French .and English Ivory and Ebony Manicure and Jeweller and Optician Phone 66 E2•440 X10.40. ...0 tley,asf.e/sa Farmers ! Attention ! 1 We have opened up a Cash Produce Mark- et in A. H. Wilford's Old Stand where we will pay you the highest cash prices for CREAM, POULTRY, BUTTER and EGGS. G&inns' Shur Chop Fertilizer always in Stock. GUNNS LIMITED Es R. Harrison, Branch Manager Our place of business will not be open after 0 o'clock on Saturday even- ings. J 1 West Wawanosh Council municipal Council of West Wawanosh met on Nov. 16tb, as per adjournment. Members all present except Councillor Watson . ReeveJ A. Mellough presiding Minutes of last meeting read and passed on motion by Messrs Johnston and Aitch. eson Correspondence read from W Lune, County Clerk. in which he informs Council that grant made by Couotv in 1910 to British ited Cross is included in County rates for 1017. Wm McQuillan waited on Council on behalf of the Hon. Minister of Finance for Canada re Victory War Bonds Thi t brought out a 'general discussion as to what should be done with the money at the credit of thin municipality in the Sten. ling Bank levied and collected in 1010 and 1017 for British Red Cross, From the lack of a closer mutual tinder • standing between County- and Municipal Councils this grant for a..te British Red Cross Work has'eeen collected twice To return this money to the ratepayers as contributed by them t0euld entail a lot of work tor Tp Treas Finally it was agreed on motion of Messrs Aitchison and Purdon that this Council purchase $800 worth of five year Bearer 'Victory War Bonds and that Tp. Tress be em- powered to make the necessary payments as they fall due and be custodian of said Bonds, The matter of' Good Roads as proposed by the County was again cousidered and on motion by Messers Purdon and Aitch- eson, Couns. Johnston and Watson were delegated to wait on County Council at its December session in that behalf, Accts amounting to $229 87 were passed and paid on motion by Messrs Purdon and Johnston, Council adjourned to meet Dec. 15th, at 10 a. m. as per statute, W, A. WILSON, Clerk, LIKE AN ELECTRIC BUTTON ON TOES Tells why a corn is so painful and says "cutting makes them grow Press an electric button and you form a contact with a live wire which rings the bell. When shoes press against your corn it pushes its sharp roots down upon a sen- sitive nerve and you get a shock of pain. Instead of trimming your corns, which only make them grow, just step into any drug store and ask for a quarter of an ounce of freezone. This will cost very little but is sufficient to remove every hard or soft corn or callus from one's feet, A few drops applied directly upon a tender aching corn stops the soreness instantly, and soon the corn shrivels up so it lifts rightout, root and all, without pain. This drug freezone is harmless and never in- flames or even irritates the surrounding skin. East Wawanosh Council tburstlay Dec. 6th 1917 rXXXV.1XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX Minutes of Council meeting held on Nov. 19th. All the members present, Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. More witnesses were present 'giving information regarding claim of Geo. T. Robertson tor sheep worried and destroy- ed by dogs, when Air. Currie moved, Mr. Irwin secogded that Mr. Robertson's ac- count of $120 in this matter be paid. -- Carried. The sum of $500 was ordered to be paid J. Logan, on the Walsh drain The usual By-law appointing place of Nomination, D. R. O. etc., was duly read and passed. The following accounts were paid: D. Robertson, rep. culvert on Con. 9, $10; Howson & Lawson, bridge plank $l 05; Wm, Love, balance contract build ing bridge Con. 9, $39; Robt. Shiell, insp. contract building bridge eon. 9, $11; Jas. Logan, part payment contract Walsh drain $500; Thos. M, Walsh, inspecting. contract Walsh Drain $40; Geo. T. Rob- ertson, sheep destroyed by dogs, $120; P. Scandrett. wire for fence on E. Bound- ary $10; J. N. Campbell, attendance on drainaga mntters and inspecting on E Boundary $10; R. Chamney, posts for guard fence $10.20: M, Fitzpatrick, build- ing culvert on Con. 4, $4; A. Barr. grav- elling on con 8 and 9, $7612; Wm. Love, inspecting same, $7.50; J. Wilson, lumber for guard fence $40.59; Wm. Salter, grav- el 10 80; S, Morton, gravel $1.40; Wm. Fothergill, gravel $2.10; J. J, Kerr, grav- el $2.60; W. F. Vanstone, gravel $2,80; Robt. Shiell, gravel $9.40; M. Henry, shovelling gravel $1.60. Council adjourned to meet again on Dec. 15th, at 10 o'clock. A. PORTERFIELD, Clerk. GIRL'S STATEMENT WILL HELP WIh GRAM Here is the girl's own story: "For years I had dyspepsia, sour stomach and con- stipation. I drank hot water and olive oil by the gallon. Nothing helped until I tried buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc.. as mixed in Adler-i-ka ONE SPOONFUL helped me INSTANTLY " Because Ad- er-i-ka flushes the ENTIRE alimentary lract it relieves ANY CASE constipation, tour stomach or gas and prevents appen- dicitis. It hasQUICKEST action of any- thing , we ever sold. J. W. McKibbon druggist. Brussels On Thursday afternoon a conference of the elders and managers of aix Presby terian churches in this vicinity was held in Melville church here, the object of which was to discuss 'the question of "After the War Conditions." Another of the pioneers of Grey Town. ship died on Wednesday in the person of Mre. Angus Brown, relict of the late Robert Brown, at the home of her sots -1n• law, 'rhontati Cameron, Cranbrook, in her 85th year. The funeral took place to Brussels Cemetery on Saturday after, noon. D. D. G. M. liyndman, of Palmerston, paid an official visit to the A. P. and A. M, Lodge here thief week. The collections for the Belgian Relief fund in this locality have already arhount- ed to $132,54. Bruttscle Red Cross Circle le providing fends for n Christmas dinner tor all the boys from this locality who are ovcx c*s, ISA RD'S Sale of Furs By These Signs Shall Ye Know the Winter Girl --Wide brimmed hat, short skirt and most important of all Luxurious Furs The favored pelts, skilfully fashioned as Parisian designers dictate, can not fail to prove becoming and stylish as well as comfortbly warm, Call and try them on. BIG VALVES AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES': BLACK WOLF SETS Round muff and large stole trim- med with heads and tails' Special cut prices are $15, 18, 20 and 25. Odd muffs, new shapes on sale at $8, 10, 12. 2".E AN LAMB MUFF AND STOLE Excellent quality, special prices are $25, 30, 35, 40 GOLDEN FOX SETS Muff and stole, special value at $20, 25, 30. NATURAL WOLF SETS With large Muff and animal size Neck pieces. Prices $25, 29 and 833. NATURAL Ly)VX SETS Very pretty mottled furs, good value at $25 and 29. JAPAN BADGER SETS Makes a very serviceable and warm set of furs, cut price 530. CHILDREN'S SETS In all the best furs, prices are $2.50, 3.50, 5 00, $7, 8. and 10. ODD MUFFS On sale at $4.50, 5, 6, 8, 10. 15, see them. LADIES' _ RAaT COATS Made in pepular styles, great value at $40, 60, 75, 85. Bargains in fur lined coats, Four Collared Coats, Persian Lamb Curl Coats and all lines of Women's and Children's Winter Coats. "Take a i Look." H. E. ISARD Sc. CO. 4 \\� � ��Wsng��h��a��m,, Ontario X - �.aX XXXXXXXXIC -w 1 1 The Password to pleasure, for the fighters abroad and workers at home is Three fine ladvour s The name of the famous Chewing Gum that has won its way everywhere. Small in cost -- Big in Benefit! It is a Sweetmeat, a Stimulant and a Health -help all in one. It benefits teeth, breath, appetite and diges- tion. It s teadies stomach and nerves. It is ever -ready refresh- ment when you're fagged. glade in Canada Sealed Tight—Kept might n The Flavour Lasts Dungannon Successful anniversary services were held in Erskine church last Sunday morn- ing and evening. The attendance at both services was most gratifying and the musical numbers by the choir were well received. Thoughtful and instructive ser- mons were delivered by the pastor, Rev. M. F. Craig. On Monday evening a first cls couep'rt Was 11e1d itt the Agriculture, Hall under the auspices of the church at which there Was a fairly Rood attendanee, The program, which was of veru high or' der, was rendered by Winghant talent, as follows --Weir Elliott, soloist; Miss jean VauNorman, soloist; Miss McDonald, elocntioniat and Mr. Birkctt, pianist. Short addresses were given by the chaira man, ttev. Mr, Craig` 0,nd Ctev. lhlr, Node ley, of Nile. Altogether a vers pro tabllt ovoniuv was sheat,