HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-11-29, Page 8Page ,eight THE WINGHAN1 ADVANOB WINU.QAm MAs linotionotxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Stop! Think! Act! N,.................... VIC GREAT ORY s CLOTHING AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS N McLean's $10,000.00 Stock to be cleared out at LESS THAN COST I in a GREAT TEN DAY SALE. Mr. McLean has enlisted and everything Nin the store must be sold at much less than the present cost price and I must positively be sold out in the next TEN days regardless of cost. g I Sale Starts on Sat., Dec. 1st at 9 a. m. 1 Boys' Suits Regular $10 and $12, Sale price $7.98 Regular $8.50, Sale price $5.75 aw/�M Boys Bloomer Pants Regular $2,25, Sale price $1.55 Men's Odd Pants All sizes, Sale price $1.39 0410.0.4 Men's Raincoats regular $12, to $16.5() on sale $9.86 Fine Suede Gloves Silk lined, Reg. 52.50, sale price $1.59 Men's Fine Neg. Shirts Regular $1.50 and 1.75, Sale price .98 and $1.19 All sizes Odd Vests for Men moi/"'.* 100 Men's Soft Hats at .5®c. .,ate. 1000 Men's 4 ply Linen Collars at .09c. Men's work', Shirts Heavy weight. Regular $1.00 and 2.00, • Sale price .59 and $1.19 Sale price .98c rAlifoows Men's Fine Cashmere Hose Regular 40, 50 and 75c, sale price 27c, 33c, 38c A $25.00 Suit to be thrown off the roof at 2.30 p.m. on Saturday. This is free to the one that gets it. No fighting. Men's Alll Wool Sweater Coats Regular $4 and 5, sale' price $2.98 Regular $8, sale $5.98 Men's Fine Nova Scotia Wool Ribbed Underwear Regular 2.00, sale price $1.19 Men's Wool Combinatitha Regula,t' $4.00, sale price $2.59 Men's Fleece Line Regular $1, sale price ...... *too ...... .................K69c We have hun -ds of other good Bargains, all at greatly redu prices. Remember this sale is on for 10 cla . olilv, Mr.'' of E. A. $r ls�liin Calgary, is in char+ - ,tttid is making every preparation to give the b ,y service possible to every customer. ernember time, 9 a.m. Saturday, December 1st. woorosemosetemeewooftwamomws Men's Heavy Wool Socks Regular 50 and 75c, Sale price . 2 9 and e 4 9 Wool Mitts Reg. 40c, sale price .2 7c Overcoat Specia Regular $20 Sale price $13.7 Regular $27 and 30 Sale pricec$17.9 pr Fur Collar Coats Regular $40, Sa price $29.75 atl�eo Youths' Overcoats Regular $14 and 16 Sale price $11.75 imike Extra Value in Men's Suits Regular $18, sale $11.95 Reg. $25, sale $16.95 Reg. $30, 35 sale $ 2 3.75 is 5 5 Men's Suspenders Regular 35 and 75c Sale price .19 and .49 Frank McLean's Stan PA 7/01 A A e7 7,4 kth •`a 1 7,—_ �► Whitechurch 74 Next Sunday, Dec. 2, is Communion X Sunday in the Presbyterian church, Preparatory service will he heid on PH - day night at 8 o'clock, when Rev. Mr, McCollum of Lucknow will preach. The Guild reader on Sunday was .An- gus rikelCay, who spoke on "Por What we are Grateful,” The leadertar Daft* bet ;End is Mitts #trete rdEr Thursday, Nev. 29th I91y. (Qorreet up till Wcduesday neon.) 1Vlactt t... .... .. 2 10 to 2 40 Flour, per cwt., patent.. 0 15 to 0 25 flour, per cwt.,. family., 5 05 to 6 85 Bran, per tort ,...,.... .84 00 to 36 00 ;Shorts, per ton..,.,,.,,,4.2 00 to 45 00 Oats, •••• 0 70 to 0 80 fiat4ey 1 10 to 1 2U Hay, 8 00 to 10 00 But ter, per lb-.-#utry 0 88 to e.0 Eggs, per' dozen ... , . , . , 40 i o 45 Lard ..,., 20 to 130 Cattle, metliusn butchers 0 00. to I0 00 Cattle, butchers choice. 10 00 to 11 00 Boge, live weight , . , . to 16 75 Hams, per lb.... . , , , .. 0 35 to 40 Bacon long cles,t'..,..... 0 27 to 02 Sheep Skins 75 to 80 Elides„,15 00. to 15` 00 Cambs 14 00 to 14 25 Creatn per ib 42 TurnipP, per cwt 40 Potatoes, per bag 1 00 to 1 80 Poultry 11 to 18 Wanted We are in the market to buy any quantity of Grams, Hay, Potatoes and Turnips Get our prices before sell- ing to others. TipIing & Mills The Old Reliable Got -rip O. Steintniilar spent the week -end in Toronto. Mrs Merron has moved from Wing - ham to Gorrie and is domiciled in the Sharpin house on Victoria St. north of the bridge. Miss Vera Sleintnillar is visiting her sister in Toronto. Miss Gertie White returned last week from an extended visit to Guelph and other places. Miss Mae Cameron who has been visit- ing with Mrs. R, Ross has taken a posi- tion as nurse in training in Hamilton hos- pital, Quite a number here have invested in Victory Bonds. It may not be altogeth- er from a Patriotic standpoint, but the money will be just as useful, On Friday evening a political meeting was held in the hall. Addresses were given by the Union candidate, Jas. Bow- man, and A. H, Musgrove, Ai L A. They were listened to with great interest by the audience. Rev. J. G, Kerr occu- pied the chair, The exemption tribunal have been idle the past week but will continue their somewhat arduous duties this week. Out of some 90 exemption claims heard, a4&, were allowed except 7 or 8. After the services in the Presbyterian church on Sunday, the ceremony of in- ducting and installing the recently elect- ed elders took place. The following were the choice of the congregation, Mr. Alex. Edgar and Dr. J. Armstrong, Mr. John Gowdy has purchased e stock in the store at Belmore, of the 1 to Mr. McGrogan, and will remove th •e shortly. We will be sorry to lose Mr, and Airs, Gowdy, they are good citizens and will be greatly missed. Bei grave On Wednesday last a successful Red Cross Tea was held at the home of Mrs. Cyrus Scott and Miss Isabel Scott, 6th East Wawanosh. Tea was serve on small tables in the dining room. ever - al excellent musical numbers were Even by the Misses Taylor, McDowell, s d and Armstrong. The proceeds amot nted to $12. The Patriotic Society with to express their thanks for same, also o' Archie Jamieson for $5. ✓�`` Miss Mulvey and Mrs. Dr, Mulvey vis• ited at the manse last week. We are pleased to hear that Mr. Jos. A. Brandon is improved In health after a tedious attack of typhoid. There are a number of military shirts and pyjamas cut and ready to be made up. All who are anxious to help in this much needed work, can get these ' articles at Mr. Harry Hopper's. Air. Sandy Stewart has returned home after a couple of months' visit with friends near Woodstock, Mrs. W Bryant of Blyth, visited her mother, Mrs. Wray. Sorry to report Mrs, Sam Jordan is on the sick list, Mrs. Kirkby attended the funeral of a friend in Cass City, Mich , last week. Mn Violet McGuire is visiting friends in Ingersoll. Salem . Mr. and Mrs, John 'I'. Lennox and children of Wingham called on Mrs. Jos, Higgins last Sunday. Miss Gertie Bush spent a Week with friends round TeesWater. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Roy McKersie has been taken to the hospital at Guelph. We trust she will return With her usual health, Atr. Chad Hennings has rcturnccLfrom the West, where he has spent the last couple of months. Word has been received here that Pte, Alfred Meehan luta been wounded, We hope he will soot: recover, itt.101)000tXXXXXXXXXXIMICXXXXXXXIMAXXXXXXXXAN Behuere The Lord's Stu per will he adminia creel 1,*t in the McIntosh church next Sd:nd.ty morning at 11 ata. Mr J. Fraser o f Toronto, lis visitit p r' wan her sister, Misa Ellen Fleming. Mr end Mrs, Livingstone of Moncrieft were visitors with Mr. and lira Murray last week ,. Mr: John McCreary and Mr T. Jacl:li of Con. C. Remick, have traded Earn and are moving in a than time. Miss Katie Pitch, Wingham, spat the week end with her parents here. Don't forget the monthly meeting r• the Woman's Institute on Sat., Deo 15t at 2 30, Delegates will give report of th convention at London. Miss Edna Elliott of W. H. ;; , open the weekend with her parents here. Owing to the very serious illness o Mr. James Mulvey, Wingham. his wif and Mrs 1)r, Mulvey, who had been vis sting Mrs Jos. Hall and Mrs. John Mul vey returned glome on Saturday. 11 i. tit e . t. t: f e Mrs. Seamen, Listowel, spent a few last week with her mother, Air. Richard son• A special meeting of United Farmers Association is called for Monday night_ Dec 3rd in scltooi house No. 9, Carrick Mrs. McGrogan has disposed of his business to Mr. John Gowdy, Gerrie. COMMUNICATION • To the Editor of Advance: • Kindly allow me space in the col- umns of your paper to extend an invi- tation to all who intend visiting the Guelph Winter Fair, to spend part of your tinge with us at our Fertilizer Ex- hibit on Basic Slag. The manager will be with us on Tuesday, December 4th and will be glad to meet any visi- tors during the fair. Signed, 0. G. ANDERSON, Belgrave. Overhaul Your --Car-- If you intend to have your auto overhauled and put in excellent shape for spring see us. —x -- Have your Batteries cared for during the winter. We guarantee first class workman- ship The Overland Garage WINCHAM 9 DAY hoe and Rubber .., ...:,:ALE ... &ding Saturday Dec. 1. An excellent chance for everyone to get rubbers, winter shoes and in fact shoes of all kinds at much be- low their regular value. Too many shoes and not enough money is our reason for selling be- low regular values at this time or the year. Sole Agent For The N. WILLIS FOR SWO,t LADIES moAras VI* 4G>as ty.;p ,.1r1i1i1i}j wpiri1$31 ytt. 4�B `""a► DON'T BUy A GOLD f3'RIC.1(, q9,4 aca notne'snlooth' salesman can sell inferior goods because they happen to , be convincing talkers and represent their goods as the 'rear stuff'. Do not 47B be deceived by these when buying an article which -you expect to use the 40a rest of your life. Use judgment in selecting your business course. We do not ask you take our course because of sentiment or predudice. a+r It is a straight business proposition. We ask you to investigate the mer, ao'a its of our school because we believe we can offer advantages not offered •ns elsewhere. 4j° srB -. dA? � 1 �. s4e McDONALD BLOCK, R WINGHAMM, ONT. ►.ii las,, CA TELEPHONES: Office 166 House 203. .,�. D. A. McLachlan, Pres. A. Haviland, Prin. e x a s%.,oBa►SBaia�j.�:is:iaii►iii�:,ri'iiii 4�B 0i�� ��I �iI �1I ♦��j I ��1 :��j moi. �jj tlI .ryef, ors ass .es 4 .os sas .E' or. .T.as We qs we we Eli � 1 we % Orr +�A'`.1► .4 %- riaromilirmimpammummimment XXX W yyt4ca 3� �Qp `�1Q`�,�'����NXp XPX X X ` X 1y/�. X 1.4 rya 4 Di 4 N• —And— ..--04161PIAZ1414 lush r Coats � New models just received in latest styles and materials in shades of Burgundy, Green and Browns, also tweed effects in Heather Mix- tures. Prices '20.00 to $35.00. un and, Fur Coats elt Hudson Seal Coats, made from selected northern e in latest styles, lined with the best quality satin linings. gs. Prices $150 and up, Furs, Neck Pieces, Muffs and Sets N All the latest styles shown in 'or. . W1olf, Sable,Beaver,PersianLaub and Mink. Prices moderate. 74 qc Produce Wanted Bit Phone 71rotXXXxXxiottaXXXvimumaitelieriVAVIMMOgitiell.