HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-11-29, Page 1ingham Abliattrr
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Onlooker's Corner
Wo Sing was just a heathen blind,
A dull insensate clod.
Yet somehow to his darkened mind,
There came a thought of God.
He shaped an idol out of clay,
An to it bowed his knee;
No one had taught him how to pray,
Alas, the poor Chinee.
Ari artist took his brush and paint,
And on his canvass board,
He'wrought a picture of a saint,
And called it Christ, the Lord
With patient hand, and wondrous skill,
Retouched that kindly face
But thought it ever lacking still,
In majesty and grace!
A preacher in his pulpit stood,
His words the people trust,
His message was, that God is good,
Arid knows mankind is dust.
He drew a picture of a Lord,
Omniscient, pure and kind,
His thoughts, His purposes, His word,
Too high for human mind.
The Kaiser has conceived a god,
`411sac. To rule o'er sea and land,
With strong, remorseless iron rod,
In Hohenzollern hand; •
A god who honours lies and fraud,
And mean by hypocricy,
A boastful, bloody, brutal god,
The god of Germany.
And thus we all our idols make,
As our conception is
And pray our Father. but to take,
Our helpless hands in His;
To give us each a ray of hope,
To each a message bring,
Each king and kaiser, priest and pope,
• Each humble, poor Wo Sing.
W. C. T. lb Have Pleasant Time
The entertainment given in the school
room of the Methodist church on Friday
evening was largely attended and the pro-
gramme was of highest order. Mrs,
Dingman occupied the chair. Readings
were given by Rev Snell, Mr. A Cosens,
Miss Shirley Donaldson and Master Jim
Allen. Solos by Mrs. Snell, Miss Made-
line Walker and Mr. Weir Elliott. Duet
by Misses VanNorman and Dickson and
an instrumental duet by Misses Brandon
and Elliott. Rev. Mr Dingman address-
ed the meeting on the work of the Y. M
C. A. and Flight -Lieut. R; H. Lloyd gave
a very interesting address and description
of the great part played in the war by
an aeroplane. Mr. Lloyd used a minia-
ture aeroplane to illustrate his talk.
• - ,ytores • e
tio sro S
Deepest sympathy is extended to Mr.
and Mrs D, E. McDonald and family,
who on Tuesday received the sad news
that their only son and brother, Thomas
Todd McDonald was killed in action on
PTE. Tiros. T. McDoNALD
Nov. 13th. Pte. McDonald was a very
popular member of the Huron Battalion,
and was highly respected by his chums,
Mr. D. E. McDonald is the military rep-
resentative of the Wingham Tribunal
# s *
Another of our brave young men who
had gone overseas, has made the supreme
sacrifice on the field of honor. On Thurs-
day last, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henry, con.
2, Kinloss, received an official despatch
from Ottawa, informing them that their
eldest Son Pte. Alexander Bruce Henry ,
had been killed in action On Nov. (ith.
Pte. Henry, who was 22 years of age at
the time of his death, after attending the
the public school, Whitechurch, continued
his studies at the Wingham High School.
When he had complete d his High School
course, he felt the call of duty, and enlist-
ed and trained in the 160th Bruce Batta-
VOR SALE -A 2 storey brick house with
L double parlor, dining -room, 4 bed -rooms,
bath -room complete, 2 kitchens. electric lights,
new furnace, cement collar and almost 2-5 of
an acre with fruit trees. This property is well
situated about the centre of the town and just
one street off main street, and will be sold
cheap. For particulars see
J. G. STEWART, Agent,
Office in Town Hall,
Wingham, Ont.
VOR SALE -4 cylinder pulpers, 1 Disc Harrow
N and fore carriage, two 21 walking plows,
two twin plows, one set 4 section Iron Harrows,
one 600 lb. Cream Separator. one Bain wagon
complete all new at old prices also 1 24 foot
ladder and 1 washing machine half price
We sell repairs, and overhaul cream sepal--
Mors, all makes.
VOR SALE -Good praotIce piano for sale
X cheap. Good reasons for selling, Apply
HORSE FOR SALE -Apply to the
IUNK PEDLAR -Harry Wordsman has
LJ moved to town from Toronto and will pay
cash for all kinds of rubbqrs. rags, horsehair,
iron, wool, chickens old hens, etc., at his reel.
donee on the gravel near the B line. Phone 24
00. Mr. Wordsman is a Russian.
ARGANS FOR SALE -One piano cased six
✓ octave organ and two five octave org ane
Bargain for quick sale. Apply at
inouLD you like $1 or $2 daily at home knit
as ting war sox on Auto Knitters/ Experi.
ace unecessary. Send 3c stamp,
Dept. 417 0,
()College Ss. Toronto
In order to encourage and assist small In.
voters and wage earners to purehase Victory
Bonds, the Bank of Hamilton have adopted a
card system. 'Whereby payments on the instal-
ment plan ean be made.
Ms, Intended that applications under this
plan Should be confined to Bonds of the de-
nombiationti of $50 and .100, and to the issue
nuituring Deo. 1022.
Payments made as follows:
E3down and $6 Monthly.
down ano $2.60 semi-monthly.
down and St weekly.
110 down and 110 monthly
10 down and*5 twill -monthly.
10 down and 2 weekly.
P01$4.00-0 P. Armstrong, B.A., B. D.
tittAti.-gpweop "Th e§ New Song,"
8 P.M..-klunday sfekeel.
„ 7 p.m. -Subject, 'A Oinging Faith.'
al5P.m.-Epworth League.
44041 ?Allele by the Choir.
All are Cordially invited.
*trios, daY tv'gr atg pat. -The Church at
'lova win root.
Being unable to accompany his batta-
lion overseas, on account of illness, Pte.
Henry, when fully recovered, was trans-
ferred to a Waterloo Batt. with which
crossed to England in January last.
Crossing to France three months later, he
entered the trenches and had been in
active service for six months. ,
Whilst at the High School, Pte Henry
took an active interest in all the activities
connected with the school, and was much
beloved by his teachers and fellow -stud-
ents He was, also, an active worker in
the Young People's Guild of the Presby-
terian church, Whitechurch, and an ex-
emplary young man. Our most sincere
sympathy is exended to Mr. and Mrs.
Henry and family in the loss of this
brave, young soldier.
Deepest sympathy is extended to Mr.
and Mrs. W. j. Adair, Turnberry, who re-
ceived the unexpected shock on Monday,
that their youngest son, William Gordon
Adair was accidentally shot at Willey
Camp, England, and later died in Brant
shott Military Hospital. Pte. Adair was,
PTE. GOltnON A1A/11,
When he enlisted, a member of the I3ank
of Hamilton staff and a general favorite
with all. Ile was a mernber Of the 164st
Batt, and was only 20 years of age, He
Vas one of the boys whieh old Huron
proud to on
Pte, Willie Dear of London, spent Sun-
day at his home here.
Ralph Thompson of Seaforth, spent the
week end with his family in town.
Mr. Ira Morgan of Brantford, is spend-
ing a few weeks with his parents in town.
Mr. Maines of Toronto, spent a couple
of days at the home of Mr. Thos. Fields,
Mr. and Mrs. John Pringle from the
West are renewing acquaintances in Turn -
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Burgman and little
son, have returned from visiting friends in
Misses Della Burwash, nurse,of Detroit,
is visiting at the home of Mr. 11. E. 'sant.
John St.
Flight -Lieut. R. H. Lloyd is in London
undergoing treatment in the Military hos-
pital there.
Mrs J. A. Mills was called to Essex on
Saturday, owing to the serious illness of
her brother,
Miss Gertrude Cruikshanks of Kincar-
dine High School Staff, spent Saturday at
her home here.
Mrs. Wm. Chandler is spending a few
weeks with her daughter, Mrs, Harvey
Niergarth, Kitchener.
Miss Hazel Halliday returned to her
home in Listowel, after spending a couple
of weeks with Wingham friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McGee, 13luevale
Road, spent a couple of days with rela-
tives in Ethel. While there they took in
the Anniversary services at Ethel.
Mr, Harry Montgomery of Moose
Jaw, spent a few days in Wingham at the
home of his cousin, Mr. W. F. VanStone.
Mr. Montgomery was fireman on the G.
T. R. over forty years ago when Mr. John
Quirk was conductor.
Mr. Claude Gregory has accepted a
situation in Buffalo, and will move im-
mediately, he having sold his residence in
London. Mrs. Gregory will visit for a
couple of months at the home of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Buchanan, Minnie
The Medical Boards sitting at the fol-
lowing places have been instructed to
examine applicant for Class "D„," War
Service Badge;
London, Windsor, Stratford, Sarnia,
Guelph, Harriston, Wiarton, Chatham,
Woodstock, Goderich, St, Thomas, Kit-
Those.who have been rejected as
medically unfit or have enlisted prior to
August 10th, 1917, and had been dis-
charged under Paragraph 392 (3) K R.
and 0, for the army, or under Paragraph
322 (3) K. R and 0. for the Canadian
Militia, are entitled to Class "D" Badge
provided they are at present medically
unfit. They will bring proof by a medical
certificate of rejection if such has been
given them. or by a statutory declaration
or otherwise, that they have been reject-
If discharged they will bring their
Discharge Certificate.
Application Forms may be had at the
Medical Boards or on application to
Assistant Adjutant -General, M. D. No. 1
(War Service Badge), London, Ontario..
Salvation Army
Adjutant and Mrs.. Kendall will con-
duct a Red Hot Revival Campaign in the
Salvation Army Citadel, from Saturday,
Dec. 8th to Thursday, Dec. 20th. The
great theme of the Campaign will be
Scriptural Holiness Let everyone plan
to attend these services. On Sundays at
11 a.m., 3 p m., 7 p.m., and every even-
ing at 7.45 pan. The public are heartily
A half night of Prayer will be held in
the Salvation Army Citadel on Friday
night to pray for the Revival Campaign.
The Cottage Prayer meeting will be unit-
ed with this, and all praying Christians
are heartily invited.
Don't forget the date of the Salvation
Army Christmas Tree and Demonstration,
on Friday, Dec, 21st. Be sure and plan
to come.
, Ptes. Boner Reid and H. Elwood Hew-
itt of Teeswater were reported in Friday's
• * *
Donald Richardson of near 13luevale,
received word from Ottawa that his son,
James. had been wounded, being buried
by a shell explosion.
* 5*
Mr. Tony Meahen, Turnberry, has re-
ceived word that his son, Alfred, is among
the wounded. Another son, Tony, was
wounded only a short time ago.
* • 44
Mr. and Mrs. John McNaughton, of
the 2nd con of Turnberry, received the
sad news on Friday, that their son, Colin,
had been killed in action. He had been
in the paymaster's office but was recently
transferred to the artillery. I3efore enlist-
ing he Wag a Member of the Bank' of
Hamilton staff at Wroxeter, and beloved
by all his associates. The Red Cross
Concert billed for Friday night in, Wrox-
eter was postponed until Tuesday night in
honour of the deceased,
Earl Russel Matherz, 25,
Thomas Burke, 28.
John McKinnon, 27,
George Nethery, 30.
Carl Merclith Bennett, 21,
John Dunstan Beecroft, 27.
John David Fraser, '23.
George Cameron MacDonald, 21,
Roy Sanderson, 21.
William S Cook, 26,
William N. Sheppard, 21.
Samuel F. Black, 21,
Walter Sarni Scott, 34,
George Gordon Hall, 26,
Malcolm Henry Lamont, 28,
Robert John Bell, 22,
Harry Hetherington, 25.
Albert Russell Walters, 28.
William Campbell King, 23,
Duncan A. McDonald, 31.
Emmerson C. Pond, 21.
Daniel Ferguson, 23.
Raymond R. Redmond, 30.
John Sanders Burchill, 28
Francis J. Stamper, 17
Anson Thornton, 34
Francis Roy Rutherford
Melville Roy Cameron,32
Albert Edward Austin, 21
Andrew E. McLelland
Wm. J Jordan, 29
Gordon W. Elliott
Jas J. Elliott
Franklin M. Deans, dentist
Norman L. McNeil, 23
Wm. J Glousher, 31, scutcher.
Freeman R Guest, M. D. 23
Edmund Nixon, 29
Hugh Gilmore, 31
Alex lIarvey. 25 disallowed
John E. Nicholson disallowed, but ap-
peal entered,
William J. Miller, disallowed, appeal
Earl W. J. Elliott, given until category
C. is called.
Benj F, King, 29, allowed until Class B
is called
Geo. H. Damn, plumber, allowed until
category B is called
Roy Cruikshank, 21, miller, disallowed.
Robt. Stein Purdon, allowed until cate-
gory B is called.
William McGee, allowed until category
B is called
Roy Gordon Messer, 23, allowed until
categoty B is called.
Ernest John Churchill, 26, allowed until
category D. is called.
Robert Boyd, allowed until category E
is called.
Isaac Deyell, 32, disallowed but given
until Jany. 1st.
Addison L. Ilingston, disallowed,
Gordon M. Young, disallowed, but ex-
tension granted until March 1st
Chas. C Butler, disallowed but exten-
sion granted until March 1st.
John Gordon McLean, allowed as long
as he helps father on the farm and mill.
Rueben Bertram Abell, 20, disallowed
but granted &elision until Feby, lst, to
complete education,
Robert H. King, 28, disallowed, but
granted extension until March lst, to
e.ettle business affairs. s
Norman Stonehouse, 20, disallowed, but
granted until Feb. 1st, to complete
Miss Pearl Payne who is learning the
millinery in Blyth, is at home for a few
Mr. Gideon Parks has purchased a
Ford car from John Davidson, Wroxeter.
We wish him many happy rides in it.
Mr. Wm. Hamilton is pretty low at
present with heart trouble, We' trust he
will soon be better.
Mrs. Martin Kerr of Birch Sun, Mich.
is visiting her mother Mrs. A. Forrest. It
is reported that Mrs. Forrest will make
her home for a few months with Mrs.
Miss Lizzie 'Hall of Ethel who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. Eckmeir for some
time, returned home last week.
A Beaker hay press is busy pressing hay
in this vicinity, Wm, Thuell is the
manager, price of hay is $10, per ton.
A great many from this vicinity went
to Brussels Sunday night to the Memorial
Service of the late Lance -Corp. Chas. 13.
Forrest who was a member of the Pres-
byterian church.
Andrew and David McClennan went
to Goderich last Friday in connection with
exemption we did not hear how they suc-
Mr. Knight of Cranbrook brought 35
head of cattle last Friday to Mr. David
Ballingal for him to winter. Mr. Knight
deals extensively in grass cattle.
Born -In Grey Township, on Nov, 11th,
to Mr and Mrs. Levi Parr, a daughter.
It is reported that a wedding is con-
teinplated in the near future, Grey and
Morrie to furnish the contracting parties.
Huron Old Boys Association
The Annual meeting of the Huron Old
Boys' Association of Toronto will be held
at the Royal Cafe, 14 King St East, on
Friday evening, December 7th, at 8
o'clock, for the Election of Officers and
transaction of general business. Ladies
from Huron may become members of the
Association and will be eligible for election
to any of the offices.
Luncheon will be served at 8 o'clock,
and at the conclusion of business We will
be favored with an addrets,. on live topics
by Rev. Dr. W. R. Young (pastor of
Dutm Ave. Methodist Church.)
Ticlitts for luncheon 60 centa,
And will get the Women Vote out to
lite Pons
A meeting of the Wingham ladies
favorable to Union Government Was held
and the following orginization effected: -
President, Miss Whyte,
Vice -President -Miss Reynolds,
Secretary-1Sliss Beatrice Andersbn,
Treasurer- Mrs J A. Anderson.
The executive committee will comprise
the officers and presidents of the differ-
ent ladies Societies of the town. The
ladies will hold their first regular meeting
in the Council Chamber on Tuesday
Christmas Overseas
The Girls' Knitting Club will send a five
franc note to the Wingham boys in France
as well as providing the funds to buy the
Xmas dinner for the boys in England.
The girls ail: all those interested to kindly
help by leaving their donations with Miss
Annie McLear( at J. A. McLean's office,
before December lst
Up to Tuesday night,
donated, Will you belP
$45 has been
increase this
Nurses Graduation
The new addition to the lingham
General Hospital is now almost completed
The hospital board has gone to a large
expense in providing additional accommo-
dation for patients and comfortable
quarters for nurses in training. A public
reception will be held on Thursday after-
noon and evening, Nov. 29th, from 3 to
9,30 p m. In the evening the graduating
class will be presented with their medals
and diplomas. Exercises to begin at 8 p
in. A cordial invitation isextended to the
citizens of Wingham and surrounding dis-
tricts to be present to inspect the new
building. A plate will be placed at the
door so that everyone will have an oppor-
tunity of contributing towards the furnish-
ing of the new wing.
Son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Haines,
Wingham, who was wounded in the right
hand and thigh and is now in the hospital.
Euchre Party
The members of Court Maitland, C. 0.
F. and Maitland Lodge, I. 0. 0. F. pur-
pose holding a series of progressive euchre
parties during the winter months and the
first party will be held in the I. 0 0. F.
Hall on Friday evening of this week. All
members of these orders are cordially in-
vited to.attend.
Nomination Is Late
The municipal nomination this year will
'be held, on Monday, the 31st day of Dec-
ember, and the election one week later,
Monday, Jan. 7th, This is the latest
possible date the nomination can be held,
but it is fortunate it is the case this year
as all the sore spots from the Dominion
election should be healed over by that
Marls Coming Dec. 5th.
Tom Marks with his popular Dramatic
and Vaudeville Company and Highland
Band will appear in the Town Hall, Wing -
ham, on Wednesday evening, Dec. 5th,
auspices of Fire Brigade, when they will
present one of their latest successes,
Bringing up father." No waits between
acts, eight vaudeville acts. Tom Marks
as Jiggs and Gracie Marks as Maggie.
Reserve seats 50 cents, rush seats 35 cents
Plan opens at tha Rexall Store onsFriday.
Mrs, A. Holmes is at present visiting
in Toronto,
Mr, Wm, Thornton had a very succesd-
fttl sale last Thursday. Cows went high
as $127.
Mr, Wm. Hewitt of quelpb, spent the
week -end with friends Will has a good
job with the Guelph Suburban as Section
Mr, John McHaughton received the
sae eews that his youngest Seri, Colin
has been killed in aetion at the front.
Sirs. Jaa. Robertson has reSurrted home
to Whitewater, Man.. after vending the
past few weeks with reiativet here.
Mr. and Aim Arthur McGee vieited
friends at Utile) this week.
local Items
Lake Trout and Fresh Herrings at
Shoe and rubbar sjle, Read our ad on
last page. W, H. Willis.
See our samples for To sh orders of Cal-
endars.-Tuis Aovisis c
Mr *Wm. Merkley is still seriously ill,
and little hope is held out for his recovery
As we go to press we learn of the death
of a respected resident of Wingham, viz,,
Mrs, Lamont, Francis St.
Misses Mabelle McDonald and Jean
VanNorrnan took part in a Patriotic Con-
cert in Dungannon on Monday night.
Mr R. A Currie was elected President
of the Northern Hockey League. Mr.
Beverly Bamford of Listowel, is Secretary'
Will you help the Girls' Knitting Club
remember the Wingham Boys in France
and England? See item "Christmas
Overseas" on this page.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Ladies' Auxiliary to the Wingham Gener-
al Hospital, will he held in the Council
Chamber on MJaday, Dec 3rd. at 4.15 p.
Remember the Scotch Social in the
Presbyterian church, Wingham, on Mon-
day evening, Dec. 3rd, A good program
will be given and refreshments served
The regular monthly meeting of the
the Turnberry Red Cross Society will be
held at the home Of Miss Maggie Mc-
Dougall, Con. 6, on Friday, Nov. 30th.
The different organizations in Goderich
have given $65 to provide Christmas Din-
ner for the boys of the 161st from Goder-
ich. Citizens have also subscribed $35.
Communion service will be held in St,
Andrew's Presbyterian church on Sunday
morning, December 2nd. Preparatory
service will be held on previous FridaY
Meetings in the interests of the Union
Government candidate, James Bowman,
will be held in Moncrieff on Wednesday
night, Cranbrook on Thursday night, and
Ethel on Friday night.
Among the students who were enrolled
at The Spotton Business College this
week are: -Miss Adeline Good, Gowans -
town; Miss Alba Walker, Wingham; Mr.
Harvey Haney, Bluevale.
The annual meeting of St. Paul's
Branch of the Women's Auxiliary to the
Church of England Missionary Society
will be held in the Mills' Memorial Hall
on Wednesday, Dec. 5th at 3 o'clock.
J. R. Martin, formerly of the ADVANCE
staff, who has been in the Navy and was
wounded on June 27th, when the British
attempted to capture Ostend and Zebrugge
paid Wingham a short visit. He is spend-
ing a short furlough at his home in Ripley.
Rev. E. F. Armstrong, B. A, B. D.
pastor of the Wingham Methodist Church,
preached re -opening services in the Ethel
Methodist Church on Sunday last. The
services were very successful as also was
the entertainment and supper on Monday
THE AnvAsrop is in receipt of a letter
from a parent who thinks she has been
very cruelly treated by the people of
Wingham during the time her child was
sick with the fever. Madam, if you use a
little milder language and sign yoar name
we will publish the letter. A sick child
does not generally need to be quarantined
but the others do.
A Turnbery farmer asks: "If I invest
my money in the Canadian Victory Loan
what would be the result if I should need
the money? Any bank in Canada will
loan on these bonds up to practically
their face value, as when quoted in the
market. There is no Security issued to-
day on which, at the present time or in
the future, that the borrower can secure a
loan nearer the face value.
Promoted 'fo Corporal
• Friends of A. C. Williams will be pleas-
ed to learn that he has been promoted to
Corporal. "Bert has received his stripes
for valiant work done by him in the Y.
M. C. A. dugouts, where he is a very
popular officer.
PTE. Rolm SiNcrAta limns
Mr. arid Mrs. Haines have received
word that a second son has been severely
wounded vis. Pte. Robert Uncial,. Haines.
He enlisted in the West where ha %as
Mr. and Mrs Arthur Mutton of Mit-
chell received word from Ottawa on Wed-
nesday morning, that their nephew, Sergt.
Roy Mutton; was killed in action on Oct.
30th. Last week his brother Fred, was
reported wounded. Roy was 23 years of
age and had resided with his uncle and
aunt ever since his early childhood. He
was educated at the Mitchell schools and
was a favourite with his classmates. He
went west when a young man and joined
the staff of the Bank of Toronto, and was
in the Winnipeg branch of the bank when
hp enlisted with the University corps
more than two years ago. He was a mem-
ber of the "Princess Pats" and took part
in many battles during the last twenty
months. His name is on the Honour Roll
of the Methodist Church.
This paragraph is taken from, the Mit-
chell Advocate and has reference to a
brother of Mr. H. A. Mutton, teacher of
the Lower Wingham School.
Meeting of Huron County Council
The council of the corporation of the
County of Huron will meet in the council
chamber, in the Town of Goderich, on
Tuesday, 4th day of December next, at
the hour of 3 o'clock.
Dated Nov. 20th, 1917.
$5,800 for British Red Cross
The secretary of the British Red Cross
reports the following contributions re-
ceived late: S. S. No,. 8, Morris, $6;
Alex. Harvey, $2. The total receipts for
the British Red Cross at Wingham
amounted to $5,840. Mr. Williams forward-
ed to Provincial Treasurer, Mr. McGarry
$5,800, and after paying expenses has a
balance on hand of $10.
Secretary Powell Resigns
Rev. E. G. Powell, who has been one of
the field Secretaries for the Committee of
One Hundred, has resigned owing to ill
health, Mr. Powell's recent auto experi-
ence near Listowel,bringing him to the de-
cision that his health' must be looked after
for the time being. His resignation took
effect on Friday. In the meantime Mr.
Powell will reside in London.
Good Clubbing Offer
Through a mistake the announcement
of the Toronto Daily Star which appeared
in this paper a couple of weeks ago did
not contain a memo regarding the price.
We would call attention to the Star's
announcement in to -day's issue, giving
the price as three dollars per year in
advance, If subscribed for direct or to-
gether with THE ADVANCE $4,25.
The Society wishes to acknowledge with
thanks a donation of $5. from Mrs. Chas
Evans for the prisoners of war bread fund,
other contributions for the same will be
thankfully received.
The sewing circle held at the home of
Mrs. John Porter was well attended, the
proceeds being $8.80. 22 pair of socks, 9
suits of pyjamas and S shirts were the
result of the month's work. •
Next sewing circle will be held on Wed.
Dec 19th, at the home of Mrs, Robt.
McKague, 'boundary."
Remember the regular meeting of the
Society, to be held hi the Council Cham-
ber, on Friday Dec. 7th, at 3.30 o'clock.
All interested in Patriotic work will be
Onk by one the pioneers of Huron
county are being called to their reward,
On Saturday, Peter King, for over forty
years a resident of East Wawanosh, pass-
ed away at his residence on the 10th con.
Deceased was born in Hastings county,
over eighty years age, and was held in
very high esteem by all who knew him.
His wife predeceased him twelve years
ago. He is survived by four sons and
threc daughters viz. Robert James, Mani-
toba; Joseph William, of Saskatchewan;
John Henry, and Alexander at home; Mrs,
James 13aird, Lincoln, Mich; Mrs. Joseph
Martin, Saskatchewan, and Mrs, Adam
Robertson, East Wawanosh.
The funeral was held on Monday after.
noon to the Winch= cemetery 'and the
services were conducted by Am Mr.
Boyle, pastor of tho Belgrave Presbyterian
. 1 •//1'
j \NA/Pill 1.1,11c. Ai •
Xmas Booklets
We have added to our stock a
complete line of High Class Christ-
mas Greeting Cards and 151ooklets
lOce and Upwards
NOW is the time to send: your
greetings to the friends overseas.
ilot Point
Electric Goods
Operate from any lamp socket.
Finished in Highly Polished
J. W. McKibbon
Phone 53
C. P. R. Tickets
Walkinq Boots
A very smart Walking
Boot, uppers of calf skin,
Goodyear welt Sole and
Military heel, medium toe
We have the same style
in Maghogany Calf and
Black Kid
$6.50 to $9.00
See these if you 'want a
Good Walking Shoe.
W. J. Greer
Boots and Shoes
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We carry a large and first.
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What about Table Supplies?
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