The Wingham Advance, 1917-11-01, Page 5Thursday Nov. 1st, tris? Whiter Oveicoats 11 Exceptionally good values in Men's Overcoats.' We have the newest styles in pinch back and Belted effects, in plain cloths and checks. If you purpose buying call and see our range. Young Men's Overcoats and Suits. For the particular young men who like good cloths. We have a large assortment of overcoats and shits to choose from in `the latest styles. Ranging in prices from $12 to $25. Boys' Overcoats Now is the time to buy a boy's overcoat. Having bought heav- ily before the great advance in prices, we can save you money. Come in and inspect them, Boys' Sport Coats Here is an ideal coat for echool boys. Made of good quality material and extra heavy, just the coat for hard wear. Prices $6.00 and $6.50. Underwear Stanfield's Penman's and Atlantic 'Underwear for mens and boys in all wool Merino and fleece lined at prices to suit everyone. t9 The House of Quality. s r• ills Phone 89 I Wisiteethurch Mr. and Mrs. Kerr of Manitoba are visiting at the home of the latter's sister, • Mrs. Gavin Middleton, . • Mr. David Kennedy is seriously ill with pneumonia. Mrs K, McDougall of Lucknow, is staying with Miss Dunlop in the village Dr and Mrs. J. H. White, who have been residents of the village for the past three years, moved to Petrolia last week Mrs. John Clubb has returned from Dublin, where she was visit,ng her sister Mrs. W Dow Rev. Jas R Graham, took as his sub- jec "The Pope's Peace Proposal." The Guild leader next Sunday Is Miss Annie Laidlaw. THE WINGE ANI ADVANCE Paga MVO Bloc vale Mr. is Ruttan of Brussels is this week moving into Wm. Haney's house and Mr, Morris 13osman is moving into Mrs. Sin' natnon's house. Mr. Alex McGee is quite poorly, we hope he will soon be feeling better again. Mr. Thos Bradnock shipped: two cars of cattle to Buffalo and Swift .Can. Co., and three cars cattle to New York from here last week. Mr,. Wm. McMichael of Guelph spent Sunday at his home here. Mrs. James Masters and baby are at present visiting relatives at Toronto. Mr. Louis Duff. editor of the Welland Telegraph, spent a few days this week with his mother, Mr. and Mrs, Geo Mowbray visited friends at Whitechurch on Sunday. Mr, Whit Stewart who enlisted with the Mounted Rifles a couple of weeks ago leaves on Monday for London where ho The Methodist $ S. Convention in Brussels last week was attended by 'Mr. D. McTavish and Misses Marion Case - more and Ona McClenaghan. as dele- gates from the church here. Large numbers from here attended the lecture at Langside given by Capt. Dun- can, recently returned from overseas. The evening's proceeds were $90 00. Mrs Ben McClenaghan held a patri- otic sewing bee at her home on Thurs- day, afternoon. The sum of $4.50 was contributed .Ir Jo eph Holmes has had the phone installed. His ring is 32 on 61I, a XXXICIMM Of r47A-4 ispfay Fashionabki Winter Coats More. attractive, coats for ladies, misses and child- ren, in plain colors and tweeds. Ladies' plush trim- med. and plain coats in fine silky plushes, large point- ed collars and belted all around. Sizes 34 to 44. Our prices $25, $32.50 and $35' Fur Coats In Hudson Seal lined with fancy Brocaded silks with large collars loose fitting style. Prices $169.50; Furs and Fur Setts In most desirable styles, exclusive styles, Cross Fox, Black Fox, Red l'ox, Taupe Pox, Pointed Fox, White Fox, Natural Wolf, Black Wolf, at lower prices than can be bought elsewhere. Men's and Boys' Clothing Fxcells in style, materials, values. Men suite- in ' plain greys, navy blue, fancy worsteds, fancy browns. Prices $13 5o to $27. Boys' Suits In exclusive styles and models, in good wearing Fall materials, Boys' and Men's Overcoats In tho new Trench models and fancy tweeds, plain browns and navy biuFt, P'ict's 815 to $27 50. B:saTs.alirlo hitt s, W. G & R. Shirts and Collars, Perrin Gloves. IIA?1NA & --Phone 7O -, 1 CO. will train, The I3luevale Patriotic Society wishes to thank W. J. Henderson for his gener- ous donation, he having bought our Red Cross quilt, forwarded it to the Secretary with $1 extra to be sent to our wounded boys at Shorneliffe hospital, Remember our sewing bees every Wed- nesday as there is great need. jim Breckenridge le on the 6th line helping farming. Geo Tltortort s new house is progress- ing, the plasterer is busy now. Sorry to say Mr. Nelson Thornton is not as well as his many friends would wish. A number of our young people attend- ed the concert at Roe's church on Thurs- day evening and report a good time, Mr. Stneltzer is not improving, may he soon be better, A mysterious fire occured at the home of Mr. Joseph McKinney one day recent- ly. Early in the morning fire was die -- covered its their spare bed room, which did considerable damage before it could be dontrolled. Jamestown Mr, Wtn. Holt has been hone from the hospital at London, tor two weeks, be is. improving in health. Mrs, Jas, Smith is visiting at Mr, 13er- t,ice Payne's. Smillie Bros. have bought the 180 acre farm from IVIr John Jackson, con 5, Grey township and gel popsession immediately. There is a large barn on the properly 60x 100 and splendid stables, price $10,000, 'rtey find it cheaper to bu thany to build. Mr. Bert Wallace is laid up with rhuematism, we hope he will soon be 0. K. Quite a number of the young men from around here are getting examined this week to tree if they are physically fit, I On the following Monday evening, Nov. Vile are pleased to see Elva Bream.ath, the L3tbtherhood will serve a fowl 1'1144'6'0 -Inning face on rural route 2 once dinner. They have secured the Harmon. is Male Quartette of London, who will give the program. ••••••••••••••••••,444•11,4•40•11.••••••••••••••••.,•• Blytb Capt. (Rev.) W. Bleaswell's visit to Blyth was a great treat. His sermon on Sunday evening was a fine exposition of the truth, delivered in splendid voice, and with a great earnestness, His appeal for support of the colleges was very liber- ally responded to. On Mondoy evening under the auspices of the Women's Institute, he delivered a lecture "Ilow Britain Fights", His and - fence was held in rapt attention for about an hour and a half, The lecture was in the form of a travelogue,outlining the trip of the 203rd Batt., from Manitoba to Bramahott, England, It was very enjoy- able. Men's Day will be held in the Metho' dist church on Sunday, November 4th' t,egtslattye Greats The Legislative Grant has been assign• ed to rural schools but the money has not yet been received from the Provincial Treasury. The Superannuation fee for the full year begining April let was deduct„ ed from the grant, but as in some cases new teachers were appointed with a differ- ent salary, a re -adjustment will be necess- ary later. The grants are based on cerci iicates and salary; 20% is paid on the ex- cess of salary above $400 up to $600; a school with a Second Class teacher having a Permanent Certificate and experience less than five years receives a grant of $25. Under similar condition the grant for a teacher with a First Class Certificate is 825 and $40 respectively. There is no grant on an Interim Certificate, No grants all withheld Eat Huron through neglect to provide the ctanderd egtllp* merit,. LIKE AN EL>'rlCTiitle BUTTON ON TOSIA Tells why a corn is so painful and cutting makes theta grow Press an electric button and you form a contact with a live wire which rings the bell. When shoes press against your cora it pushes its sharp roots down upon a sett. sitive nerve and you get a shock of pain. Instead of trimming your corns, which only male them grow, just step into any drug store and ask for a quarter of an ounce of freezone, This will cost very little but is sufficient to remove every hard or soft corn or callus front one's feet, A few drops applied directly upon a tender aching corn stops the soreness instantly; and soon the corn shrivels up soit lifts right out, root and all, without pain. This drug freezone is harmless and never in- flames or even irritates the surrounding skin. McKIBBON'S McKIBBON'S • 0 ^i�43.'i' . Drug Store edxcat Drug Store Example The Plan You pay the regular price for One Article and then we give you another of t h e Same Article for Friday Thursday Buy one tube Rexall Antiseptic Tooth Paste at the regular price of 25c. and we will give you another Tube for One Cent Noveinber 1st November 2nd November 3rd One Cent or 2 for .26 This ONE CENT SALE Plan was originated by the United Drug Company for the Rexall Drug Stores. . They are the largest manufacturers and buyers;of Toilets, Remedies, and Drug Sundries in the world, and this is an -advertising plan pure and_simple, of which they bear most of the experrso. Instead of spending money in the regular way, such as Free Samples, etc., it is their desire that we place full sized packages, or articles, in your hands, giving you an opportunity to judge the real value of these goods, the cost of which they charge to advertising. We will only be permitted to run this sale occasionally. So take advantage of this opportunity', tr. w r : sift EXTRA SPECIAL 50c Pipes 41..41 . t ] h 0 9 o .l 10c Pkg Senator Tobacco s 25c Box of Chocolates . 4111...,..:. 1.Oc Official Seal Cigar Box of 25 for $1.32 10c Toilet Soap .. . Perfumes and 2/1E51 3 for26 2 f0r26 2t0711 2/0/11 FARMERS' SPECIALS Toilet Waters 25c. bot. Intense 2 for .2 �ji Perfumes .. 50c. bot. Intense 2 for .51 Perfumes , . , . $1.50 oz. of Valle 2for 51 de•Fleurs Peri. $1.50 oz. of Para- 2 for 1.51 clis Perfume . . INTERNA1 ZONAL STOCK. FOOD TONIC 2: A as LO..M1.0i1111$ A,IIMALTONIC BYpD,NCDICESTIO.KIJICKGR '!/1(1 4141 L $1.50oz.of Fasci- 2 for 1.51 nette Perfume 75c. oz. of Opt" q Perf. any odor. 2 for .I 6 75c. bottle of 2 .76 Toilet Water.. for International Stock Food Hog Tonic, Poultry Food Rubber Goods Rtl Rambler Hot Water Bottle 2 qt. size and guaranteed perfect $2,002for2.01 Regular each 2.50 Red Rambler rountain Syringe, 2 qt. 2for 2. 51 size 4141. , 2.50 Roxbury Ladies' Bulb 21°2'2.51 Syringe 1 pail for $3.75 2 pails for$3.76 Cattle Salts Saltpetre (,titrate of Sodal Sulphur 8 lbs. 2 •c 2 lbs. 25c 4 lbs. 25c Household Needs 25c. Rexall Solvent Rexall Beef, Wine and Iron Is a favorite Tonic and General Sys- tem Builder. Reg. $1.00 per bottle. 2 for 1.01 Corn foa• G, 26 2 50e. Rexall Kidney Pills will relieve y 0 U r 2 for .51 Backache 25c. Rexall Blackberry Cordial for 2 for .26 Diarrhea 25c. Rexall White Liniment for Aches and 2 for .26 Pains 50c. White Lini- 2 ment Pr .51 50c. Rexall Digestive Tonic will tone up 2 your system . 1.00 Rexall Di- 2 gestive Tonic. for .51 f1.01 25c. Rexall Little 2 for .26 Liver Pills.... 25c. Carbolized Zinc Ointment a household need 2 f0r .26 25c. Revail Eye 2• for .26 Wash 5Oc. Analgesic 2 for.51 Balm 50c. Rexall Special 2 for .51 Ointment 4141 25c. Rexall Foot 2.for .26 Powder Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Syrup is a most pleas- ant and effect- ive remedy for Coughs, Colds, and all Bron- chial irritations 25c. Bottles , r..-, 50c. Bottles EXTRA SPECIAL 50c lb. Opeko 25 Coffee fog 50c pk Opeko Tea . , half pound . . 50c Cocoanut Oil Shampoo . 25c Aspirin Tablets. . (1 dozen) 251 .2for51 2for26 2 f°r .26 2 for .51 $1.00 Bottles..:. 2for 1.01 25c. Rexall Char- 2 for X26 coal Tablets ... L+ $1.00 Rexall Syrup of Hypo - phosphites, a for 2 1.01 good general Tonic 25c. Rexall Heal -2 for ,2 2y6 ing Salve `+ 25c. Rexall htomach Pind lls Liver 2 for 26 50c. Rexall Nerve Tablets make you 2f,m, 51 sleep better • 81.00 Rexall Tasteless Cod Liver Coil Com- 2 pound 50c. Rexall Blobd Tablets put led blood in 2 for .51 your veins . , . . 25e. Rexall Car- bolic Salve.... 50c. Gastric Tablets relieves 2 for .51 distress .. 50c. Rexall Lesperine Antiseptic Powder .1°2'1.01 2for .51 Miscellaneous 25c Box of Toilet Soap 2for26 25c Aromatic Cascara 2foe� r26 25c Blauds' Iron Pills.. 2f0r26 25c Cold e� e� ' Tablets 2for26 75c. bot. Beef 2 76 Wine and Iron f or • 25c. bot. Syrup 2 for 26 of Figs • 25c. bot. White 2 for .26 Pine and Tar 750. bot. of Syrup e) for .16 of Hypophosphites 25c. bottle Linseed, Licorice and 2 dor Rexall Violet Talcum Powder is a Velvet, Smooth, Absorb- ing Powder with a delightful, re- freshing odor, and suitable for either toilet or nursery. 3.00 American Beauty y' Turpentine •Gu 25e. bot.Fixtract of < Ladies' • , 2 f or 2.01 Wild Strawberry 2 f°r .26 25c. bot. Elkay's 50(41 pr. Sunshine 2 f".01 Ceaning Fluid2 for •26 Rubber Gloves 5c. Rubber Tissue 2 for .6 25c. rube Elkay's R a t ringer Cots 4141 , . and Rea0h for , Pate . . , . . . • . 2 26 5C 25 G1 Nasal 2 Baby 2 for d6 Nipples ....... . 2 for .26 sib Envelopes . • for 1125c. Wilson's Rosa Tale= Powder 2.1°16 SO Stationers c box Tan . 2 ford, Fabric 4141 , . 335c Box Balmy- 2 t) 136 al Linen . 25c `Writing Pads .. i5c Writing Pads .. • 10c Writing Pads • 2 for26 41 41 2 for16 2 for 111 25c Tooth e� Brush.... •••2for26 25c Rubber Sponges 2f01.26 25c Hydrogen 2for26 Peroxide . . . s •• 25c Pearl r� Tooth Powder. 2/0/.26 '10c Epsom 9 Salts O •. 2/04 1 1Oc Toilet Paper 2;01.11 10c Vanilla Flavoring 2fOr11 10c Sulphur, Soda or Borax .. 2 for11 10c Boracic Acid ...2fo1'11 IjilliNOMMOI The Toilet 1 Preparations 25c. Harmony Rose Talcum Powd. Flesh or q fes, q6 'White,, 2 .G 25c.�.il Tooth Paste 210r .26 . 2 for .51 2 Ar .26 2 Pr .26 a 210 .51 2 fo .26 2 for .26 2for.26 2 far .26 25c. bot. Almond 2 for .26 Cream 50c. jar Recall Cold Cream... 25c. Cake Medi- cated Skin Soap 25c. jar Nice for perspiration .. 500. 'Violet Dulce Face Powder.. 250. cake Tar Shampoo Soap 25c. Rexall Baby Talcum 25c. Violet Dulce Talcum Powder 25c. Witch Hazel Cream Stora 10c pkg Linen • .2 15 k L' e. Gleam for Douche„ .26 1 ' 50c. Elkay's Can- 2 for .51 00. Transparent Nipples , 4141 • . 2 f,,,' 1 lne Laxative . , pp So. o. Eyo500. Ellcay's Dis- for 5 Droppers , ,, ... • .2 for 6 temper Cure... • M ORDER BLANK Write your order now. Bring it with you when you come. c p g shell • 2/0 16 Envelopes • . JWALTON McKIBBON �'' EY SPECIAL.aIS l' ng ham Ontario ms.4 .444•44.4.6i4•444.14. .. c....., . . . ............. .404.414. .,141,.. - ...•4004..---441.4.8.. ...........• es....-. .•.................... .s...... . 41414 6•...4..44. .-....4.A4e...4444. 4-1 .ac o+..y.a�.m>c44.. 444488 .rr,a...4'.....r..mA.4 «..ueeaa..,ar.........;.j .4 •.. ... .....4....... .:r++. **a ks 0141.1.- .•....�.