HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-10-25, Page 8tB ark
< »Rar4r♦ at,l♦ <1♦. b.4 �- u . b t� *q�b r �.
Speaking of Life Insurance :. .-��.
We offer a relic; ;ttth ONLY ONE c^n r 1Li,, 1'•REAIIUM of ti0.Of1
semen pae do. :siends of Item 40 to O? res cent the i IR T X"TAR and
a r .i T F. 1'' T
\ r, a r1, •n f � S" i i
n +n �: , '+ t � _t _rr l_f C__.1 _i- . Ba.__ I_.
art re al_g a ..:
7l„nt tt,?• Et, etvi then call l*tite r+r tcf°rh7ne. f^r pattic.uier:.
Mi D1-)NIU.1•t 131..1)(
11.1.k:PIII:tNIsa: Otliu jilt;
et, NW -MAL ON 1.
A. Haviland, Prin.
EN. cake classes are now in smite' ite' every
Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings
Three months for est Ten Dollars
Young Women! Young Alen! What about it: You :.aid you 15iehed there was
a night school in Wingham. 1fit11 you keep on wishing:' Young people have either a
wish -bone' or aback -bone'. One young man was earning Seem Dollars a Creek in
Wingham when he entered our night school six years ago, now, he is earning over Two
Thousand per year in Montreal, and salary stillp
oing u . 1 -Ie has aback-bone'.
Ye Olde School! The Pioneer School! The School that came when Wingham,
needed one and that did not come to strive to destroy the position of a Canadian Sol-
dier, 'Somewhere in France', While our Principal was earning the "Military Cruse"
fur "conspicuous gallantry", a young man of military age was, and i:, giving hint the
"double Cross" up and down the sideroads and concessions, by making less lucrative
his position on his return from Flanders. Take your choice.
Enter now and prepare for a position which is absolutely guaranteed. Lcariteshile
you earn. The time to prepare for a rainy day, is when the weather is fine. -
A. prominent writer said:
'The man who simply sits and waits
Fur something good.tocome along
Ain't1 Worth the breath that ►could take
'Io tell him he is wtong.
Fur goad ain't fiowin' round this world
Fur evei y fool to sup:
You've got to putt our SEE-Ers en
And go and hunt it up.
The school of over one thousand successful graduates. Write or call for inform-
Spotton Business College
(affiliated with the Canada Bmine s College, corner of College and Spadina, To-
roi,to, Ontario,)
PazsZana/41MINIVE7147C2105F, 11=',
- ri.it;ts. Tiros ara�t,>✓Ar
Moe Dale. 'Ilics. Appleby, an old and
tilte'1'tly e;,teenued pioneer of Ituiberry,
!died on `,•aturday nmormllg, at the ate of
t ng •her r -
r •,�'ith t.. tt�
yeare t: _eel along t._ 1't
1 band, who r:, now r v3 years of aye, came
'to ruenberry from Pickering township
many year ago, where they fti:.•t mum -
elated flout England. the funeral was
held from the re )deme of het ' •'itt, 1.1aen
a'.7, In Wtoeeter cemetery utt Monday al
Alva. Ciao. ben Mels
::1 former teseident o1 Bluevale was laid
to test to the Wingham cemetery on Sat-
urday, itt the petson of the relict of the
late Chas Sheulf, Decca' -ed paesed away
at her hcttut' lit 'I'urt)ntu oil Thursday.
Soule, years aro Mr. Sheriff conducted a
!gist mill at Bluevale and later at Bove
sale), at which )dace he died, and hie wid'
t t t,, ;, t••
11 • L' t 1 1rc to neer to cult u
� fact 1 t 1 t
t' 1:) eo.1•
1•'v • ti d u 1 tet Ars. !, (a
ttedbyut, age I a
of 'Toronto, and a gun, Charles. Several
old acquaintances attended the funeral
wlticlt was held from the C. 1?, R. station.
'Mee. June, Jostesruti
'elle Angel of Death called. house Re-
becca Hamilton, relict of the late .Tolnt
Jolu mtuu, un Tuesday.. Site resided for
Lite past seven years al the home of her
daughter, Mrs. W. T. Miller, Charles St ,
Wingham, and was highly respected by
all who knew her. Before cooling to
Wingham, elle resided for many years un
the 2nd con. of Huron, and later in Luck -
now. 1 ler htt'•band predeceased her
about twenty years ago. Deceased was
in her 70th year. Besides her daughter
she t, surveyed b3 two sisters, Mrs, Haines)nes
of Toronto, and Mrs. McDonagh of
Mount Forest, who were both present at
the funeral which takes place to South
Kinloss cemetery on Thursday afternoon
Rev. Air Armstrong will conduct the
funeral services,^
I\ -1u 11' +1. AxAlsTtto t1
.Another of tate old landmarks of \Peet
Wawanosh passed to her reward on Fri-
day Iaat, in the person of Eleanor flare,
telt:( of the late William Armstrong.
Site wee bot n itt Lisburn, County 'Antrim,
lielattd, S0 year; ago, and in 18(10 :.he
along with her husband immigrated to
Canada and t:ettled on the farm on which
:•lie died. Her husband predeceased her
seventeen years ago. She is survived by
::ix children, e ix., William on the hotne-
etead, John of lieigrave, l\Ire.. Win. Jame:,
and Mrs Wm Nixcnl, haat 14'awano••h,
Ails W..). Smith of ALouis, and Airs• le,
J. Ti,ctale of Bowesnwtult, N. I
utcec.ecwas a hind and 11ter re-
lady and a member of the Mello
odt l church Rev. Mr. O'Kel conducted
the services on Sunday. Interment took
place in Donnybrook cemetery and a
large concourse of friends and neighbors
paid their last respects to their beloved
friend. The • pallbearers were her rix
st4 P4,
f F
�! Ili\err ;^: esz :.�a. _ ?A
��� ': 4V.
r X
L - �jnjj{ijj�`''i .` i n /9.
toVi `` t � ,E .,M, is J,. � t,,,r
Vi Y''� al
I BUY EARLY. The most stylish and better sets go first N
Aalso the values we are now showing cannot be repeated. at s
present prices. Take the advantage of our. early buying
rfi and careful selection..
0• Kil
with curable j X
HUDSON SEAL COATS $160.00 fo $225.00
Made from the choicest of skins French dyed,and exceptionally well matched
Y linings andworkmanship.
CANADIAN MUSKRAT COATS $75.00 to $125.00
In selecting a fur coat, the foremost thing to look for is Quality. A glimpse
at our selection will at once convince the buyer that we carry nothing but first-class
MUFFS, STOLES AND SETS $5.00 to $150.00
Our collection of Pox, wolf, Sable, Beaver, Mink and Persian Lamb, await;
your inspection.
SPECIAL ORDERS:—We take Orders for anything we
do not carry 'in stock and will be to quote prices.
+twY cwirw
Of the L*dWigs' Auxiliary of Wingham
General i!•toopital
The annual meeting f the Ladies' Aux-
iliary of the Wingham General Hospital
was held in the Council Chamber on Fri-
day afternoon Oct. t,Dth, 1917, at which
the following Officers and Committees
were elei: t',,t for the ensuing year,
Ron. F I , l.le►1l, IvITe. J. 1►11_ J!l,
I t e .:111x,,, R. 1 anetone.
1:1 Vire, Ate. J.A.McLea.u.
:'rtti ecce Mee. J. F. Diugma n
n]. VS e, Airs. Jae Phelan.
Coy, ;'et tetary, AIr:,. C. M. Walker,
Treas., Miss M, L Thoth.
Secretary, Mrs. Rit,llard Cleeg.
Supply Com., Mrs J. Wilson. Con.,
Alia R. Redmond, Hiss Cornyn, :Aix'.. C.
M. Walker, Mise Matht%s, Aim. W. 1Z.
Ruin ily,
l--Ieniberehiil Coin. Met. C. M. Wacker,
Convenor, Mrt. W. F. I3urgrnan, 1\irs
F. Te r�:L. 1 . Binkle • Mrs,
. W Ifer Moe
W. A. Miller, Mrs. Gillespie
Entertainment Committee, Mrs A 11,
Wilford, convenor; Miss B. Reynolds,
Mrs. W. R. Dyer, Alt; C P. Smith,
Mrs R• I3lonitield, Mrs R T. Cowell,
Miss Butler, Airs. II. Snell, Mrs. R. Wil-
Floral Com Mrs II E. Tatublyti, Con,
Airs. W. R. Dyer, Miss E. Curnyu, Mrs.
II. Snell.
Sewing Cc tire, Mrs. J. A, McLean. con
Mee. . C. 1'. Smith, Mrs. II. A. Tamblyn,
Mrs. R. Redmond, Mrs. A. II. Wilford,
Mrs. L. Kennedy.
Auditors Airs, C, M. Walker, Mrs. Geo.
Wingham, Oct. 1tJtit 1917.
To the President aild Members of the
Ladies Auxiliary of the Wingham. Gen-,
eral Hospital.
Irl giving a report of the principal work
of the Auxiliary during the last year 1
may say there are many miner details
that is not ncce:-sary to enumerate.
Att to tate uttuub er of meetings held
there were t) regular meetings, and 1
special meeting called. At these meet-
ings there was an average attendance of 8
While we have a large membership. list
we have at the present time only 21 who
have this• year paid the annual fee of 50c
ea'•h, wet e these fees all paid in it would
add quite a cunt to our finance:,.
As it is necessary to desire ways and
nmeanswheteby we can raise money for
the carrying on of our work. This year
we held an entertainment in the Parish
Hall, taking the form of a progressive
Euchre party, ott► eepensee w tee compar-
atively light a:; the ladies attended to
flu decorating ol• the Hall and provided
the lunch and Mr. W. A. Miller very kind
ly supplied the coffee.
From the entertainment we realized the
sum of (',50.25.
Mrs. J. A. McLean gave her home for
an afternoon Euchre party and it was a
great euccees, and netted the sunt of $16'
I would also like to mention that at
Christmas time the Woman's Institute
sent Miss Matthew(,, the superintendent-
of the Hospital 63.00 to help provide
Christmas cheer Tot any indigent patient
The kindness of tits W ontan'e Institute,
was gieatly appreciated.
also ate t et y grateful
for a cheque
for $16 received from Father Fallon and
his congregation to apply towards the
upkeep of the Loretta Ward.'
We also had quite a donation of veget-
ables last Autumn from the Lower Town
Public and High Schools, and a donation
from the Bank of Commerce of $5.00,
front the Bank of Hamilton $3.00; from
the Dominion Bank $3.00 which -is put in
a fund for Christmas cheer.
Mr. T Bell of Southampton presented
a chair and a foot stool to the hospital.
These gifts with other donation:; were
gratefully received and no doubt we have
many willing friends ii lio would assist
u, in a ,ilio manner, were the matter
brought to their attention. Regarding
our expenditures for the year in connect-
ion with our Auxiliary work, I will just
mention that we supply all bed linen,
towels, table linen, dishes, glassware and
granite and many other necessaries for
the upkeep and running of the I•Iospital.
From this summary you will see that
We are able to report • success in our en-
deavours and when you remember ladies
that we do not appeal to the public very
often to help us, only once this year when
we gave the entertainment in the Parisi(
Hall, and when you consider the very
strenuous and heart breaking tunes
through which we are passing, owing • to
the war with all its attendant cares and
worries which we all feel and are trying to
bear with fortitude, and with all Lhe calls,
which each and ever !•one of us have to
respond to in trying to do out- bit, by giv-
ing what assistance vee are able to- indi'.--
'dually and of out time and means I think
taking all these things into consideration
we must all feel that we have Thad a very
successful year's work in the Ladies' Aux-
iliary of the Wingham General Hospital.
Yours respectfully submitted
Mrs. Richard Clegg, Secretary
tinder and by •virtr+c of the powers contain.
td in e. certain ari3lgnlnent for the general ben-
efit of creditors, which wilt be erode et at' the
'lino of eels there Mill ho offend ter unto by
t,ublio auction onStinrduy, rhe thbd day of
November A. 1►, i.)17t et the hour et two
o et ort; in the afternoon a., the oLafr factory
in the Town of Wiughaat, in the County of
lluron by T.1t Bennett, Auott neer. the bit -
lowing personal properLY, namely;—Clue iron
a:tfe. one Block, coven focubators, three plat.
form i,ca1oa, ono counter scales, two upright
stove,, ono letter pre . two ateL •nahlin autos,
two Ford autosu ono yin tank,1,,0 butter box-
es, two poring wagons, ono dray two bob
sleighs, two waterproof covers, Wilco fixtures
and ally 1'chattels,
Also the following real property, namely:—
Wiens numbers five and ,.ire on the west aide
ot Josephine Street In C. Tait Scott's survey,
in There iw aituste on lthi and a large cement
apnlo evaeoi ator faetot'y with maiming -1,Y. The
bit ldintt is 7 x4e fee:, with cement partitions
and cement flo iris.
Tome of sale--leo+ pew:omit property, r111
auma of$5c and under atoll, over that amount
Aix tnrintlin ernait on approved joint note.; or a
discount of *1711)6r cent per annum offfor cast
For reel
roJert 'le
n 3
or aunt down at L
Smoot sale and the lait'anee within thirty
lar fusilier peritonlnre ants renditions of
reale apply to A, E. Smith, Aa.ignee,or to
Bunte IIotvtl:it
L•'zeioit.:: for :l. -)urians
ri.:tat' at W,nF,ltnnt this, w4nr1 day of October
A. I), Ifni,
fterefe the Latest
A local motorist who is de:peratelx
fond of uratic was heard singing the fol'(
lowing tittle ditty to the t:Itorus ;.'f " :ewp
the Home Fires -Darning"
I " rep tire, tail light burning, .
While .
� o
a14 *n_tor h.trtl..l
though the cop;, seen: far 4':'a;••
they watch rot you,
There's a little flashlight,
Ar --!i
to ,• 1 ,le
•'tit (IT attuiiu'l (,t'l1t►U1 111
live and
baruLL-In I:mt• Wawano. tt, c'tt U,..tCrtfl
1.5th, to Mr, aril Luta Merit slim', a
ltovlc,-Itt ilii ;barn, nit NturrIan ()ci.
21:.t, to Mt'. ate! Alit. Ebel Groves, a
r ,
rh4.7 a r t of v,*l t ha
t r m i; oR'ertn f ale
atparg g a s
WOO 00 Mtanioipal Debentures at 0,,
running tort year.. Interest and parl, princi-
pal payable annually.
Jens F. GReV5l .
Town Clerk,
Rev, Mr, Johnstou of Bluevale preach-
ed the sacremental service in tate Method-
ist church here on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, A, Fitch and family spent
Sunday with tlic latter s parents Mr. and
Airs. E. Higgins, Bluevale,
Mr. Fleming l3allagh moved into his
new home this week, n
Miss Blanche Irwin spent last Sunday
with Teeswater friends.
Two persons ot this locality passed
'away very suddenly this week in the per-
son of Mrs Thos. it os, Appleby and M1Ir. J
A[cCreary. Both were old and highly
respected residents of the community.
The Women's Institute will hold their
monthly meeting in the Hall on November
2nd. X11 Mie ladies aro •asked to attend
We are sorry to say Mr. Wast. AIeGrog•
an is uut improving very quickly.
Mr. Robert Laidlaw, son ot AIr. Joseph
TLaidlaw, of West Wawanosh is home from
England on furlough. He enlisted with
ttie 71st Battalion two years ago, and
spent some time in the trenches, Corp
Laidlaw is the fist Whitechurch boy to
return from the front,
The creamery is now runuin; half tima
The Guild leader next Sunday evening
is Miss E. Davidson.
Born—On Friday, OkAuber IOLh to Mr
and Alrs, Robert Ross, a son.
Our service is primps and rculiltuuce
Our prices are the highest uCi (tie
market consistent with honest testiug.
Ship yotir cream '+•direct" to us and
an agent's commission. ,The
eommission Cortes out of the produc :t-
The more it cost to get the create to
its destination the less the producer is
sure to get.
We supply cans, pay all express
charges and remit twice a month.
Write fur prices and caul.
-The •-
Soaforth Creamery Co.
Seaforth, - Oat,
r•A•1—_ - .. . . ._
eesicalliii== Mona elleftWOMPEr ars
2 lbs for1.oc
These are last year's stock blit
the quality is superb. From pres-
ent '
mch.atrorts Spanish i%alencias
will be extremely high in price and
stacks will probably be very small.
23c).74-2- WAIT`
Spanish Raisins are the Best in
their class but the quantity is very
limited. By making an early pur-
chase you will get Raisins at a
cos Sextemineflas ate*
We are in a position to pay
Cash for Cream
any any quantities
satiefactiatl acrd high.
est prices guaranteed
I 'have moved from trey old stand
in A. 11, Wilford's tothe store occu-
pied by
VC', J. AIt:1IUttt
where I will be open every day to
buy cream
C. D. Bellinger
Wfi will not be open on
13aturday evenings.
i'br [^,'n ti:m'•. i,, sale ittt t'L' =11
Cl. rf LK 1'.VII' On
l'Irzn,: lot ,.:!• i 'th 1=) bt?in•• c,
t til 1r .,,e,i b -v I''.» -'t a .it!:.0:, ht. ',
'lin;t 0,114.1;; th(•;•. iTr'a* .; ni' tie
ennserlptloit of women to slat ri lieeen•
ger, who paya 11 Part Vrilmte to war WW1;
"lt l;n :'land 1:t'; wily^, "11,0
e'n r.:,r r, , ; •'110f ieere i
,l in
ie far p ^ate+ than it i': in France."
'flii•.ra' about 10.0f1.),t)women
Fraisesers. 01: these 5,000,It000tl tiltouhl l e
eval'ahie f^r war 'wort:. About 2,00"),,
000 a'a s erving iri girlie, capacity n011.
But it le Tiecesaary that the other
3,000,000 ohould come forward, say.
the French Government.
Th%rsday, Oct. 25th 1917
Six Weeks' "Redemption" by a Fain -
outs French Unit
The following is from e correzeon-
dont with the french armies on the:
Somme: The get Corrs of tee France
army etstabli h"d a six weeks' record.
Under the command or General Guil-
laur-iont, it is composed of re!;1Tnent1i
frons the northwestern part of Frame
now oreupied ey the enemy. 'Thor+•
sands of the men came from villages
and fertile jest a few .Mites beyond
the. German front, where every foot
of ground gainer: tueant iglu step
nearer home. The corps was taken
to the Somme on August 23.
Tito remainder of Itiaurepaa was re•
taken at a single bound on rho day
following their arrival. Tho next lit.
lage taken was Lo Forest, followed
by Hospital Parol, I3ouc1►avesnes,
Rancourt, Combles, and Rregicourt.
At the end of six weeks the corps
had captured, in addition to tho vile
sages and the scorn or more of highly-.
fortified trenches and positions that
defended them, 4,000 prisoners, 23
cannon, of which eight were heavy,
and 70 machine guns. The losses in
killed and wounded inflicted on the
enemy are placed at 40,000.
During a goodly portion of these
six weeks the First Corps had be-
fore it units of tho famous Prussian
Guard, tate French, from September
3 to 5, taking amor-gst a total of 1,200
prisoners 750 alone, from its varioutt
regiments. Tho entire ground re-
gained by the corps extended on a
front of 2 miles to a depth of 3%
Cool Lieutenant Took Many German
• Officers Curiously
Incidents itt the capture of prison-
ers are legion. A young Scotch officer,
who had pushed through to a very
distant point far in front of the rest,
lost all his hien but two, and they
were sent off to guard approaches.
He himself walked to the door of a
battalion hcadgttattors and told the
German star'+ that they were his
prisoners. They accepted. Me meter -
tion, but, discovering 1118 loneliness•,
lured him into an inner room and
politely suggested that the position
Ives •reversed. He was the prisoner
end they the captors. 'Ihe inteipre•
ation was as politely accepted.
Now this Inner room was fitted with
rr. giant periscope, an'l the face of
the German who was revolving it
soon began to grow longer and longer.
"Britit.h soldiers are all round ua,"
he said at last, and at the word the
Scots lieutenant quietly proposed to
the room that the original position
should be restored. "As you were•"
The first assertion, after all, (vas the
right one. They were Itis prisoners.
Throughout the incident and after it
the German in command behaved "as
a gentleman."
The widow fDublin editor o thet was
active politically long after the
tragedy of the rebellion. Sheehy
Skeflington was shot by order of
Capt. Bowen Colthurst, who was
later adjudged insane.
The "Victory" Walt
The wife of a French, soldier in
Switzerland, writes The Evening
News Saris correepolident, possesses
a unique war souvenir -•a waist trade
of bits of silk piked up cin the battle-
field of Verdun. Her husband, an
engineer. collected all the frageinnte
he could find of (;ilk forming para-
chutes for star rocket:, This, after
beim; cleaned, was made into a waft,
which the owner calls the "waist of
v1 ctorx.
Poisoned Candles
The 13ueltaxoet rrecs published ar-
tlelea denouncing the Gorman and
Bulgarian art tn
with their
bombe, dropped candy containing
poison and infectious germs. Tho
authorities tools the necessary mean-
'rho With Association of Volunteer
Training Corps, which cl[d valuable
work during the rebellion, wllt'n snv
eral of Ito tne:abrrs wure killed, was
dissolved later.
"Our Iuay" co1kw tfou in Cuba for
• tlis tlrltl.h i:rcl 6.tr, s a: tunrttea to
ilii?Jell 0111 i14i'110,,
A person who boasts of "Speaking his or her mind"
as a rule says many cutting, sarcastic and needless
thing but the following is an exception to the rule
We wish to bring to the attention of every young
elan living in Wingham or vicinity and we have placed
into stock 2 lints of the most up-to-date, most classy,
most elaborate shoes that (according to the opinion of
the writes) has been their pleasure to inspect for densly a
day if in tact they ever saw their equal.
No, 1—Is a dark mahogany colored laced boot, a
boot that is correct in style in every particular, shite
Nee1in soles and white rubber heels making a strikingly
attractive contrast.
Price $9.50 per pair
No. 2 --Is the very same hoot in black prie&-cl at $9 00
Take a look at these handsople shoes in our south
window w' better still come iii and have a look at thetas.
Sole Agent
For The
ioter Goats
More attractive coats for ladies, misses and child
ren, in plain colors and tweeds. Ladies' plush tritn-
med and plain c:oats in fine silky plushes, large point-
ed collars and belte d all around. Sizes 34 to 44.
Our prices $25, $32.50 and $35.
. Fur Coats
In Hudson Seal lined with fancy Brocaded silks,
with large collars loose fitting style. Prices $169 50.
Furs and Fur Setts
In most desirable styles, exclusive styles. Crosti
Fox, Black Fox, Red Fox, Taupe Fox, Pointed Fox.
White Fox, Natural Wolf, Black Wolf, at lower
prices than can be bought elsewhere.
Men's and Boys' Clothing
Excells in style, materials, values. Men suits in
plain greys, navy blue, fancy worsteds, fancy browns.
Prices $13.50 to ,$2 7.
Boys' Suits
In exclusive styles and models, in good wearing
Fall materials.
Boys' and Men's Overcoats
In the new Trench models and fancy tweeds, plain
brown and navy blue. Prices $15 to $27 50.
Borsalino Hats, W. G. & R, Shirts and
Perrin Gloves,
rA x
N +�4� Fi YY
6 --Phone 70--- X
.! 'Y * �r1 .ie ' ,i aV 4» !r♦ r♦ ai♦ ail at♦ atp 11i. 4r0 •41♦ 47 '�� a1 4» .1I 4» 1P0 ar♦ . i
..........„...„.....1..p.: ley ip ♦ i l� ip i,► ll` is rd► ii► ,► r<,i liter le► ip qs i,► gs.ey
4\ Dorarlwend's Display of Artistic Hair Gods i,
"*'it�` t(�i,1 tjGr ,, %It°
��s hhould be seed by tela Mrd'':1 :`
tJ ru t
erg �+•• every man an loom- 1 ir: ', nt 4f,
, an who should keep „'1 ;, :'w
v♦ it may♦
,• S �i 2 t attYi!CtIVC and '�N+riiu� j:
r::,,a afti , t w:/'i
t �} 5 j . u t.: ids
see 111:1
Pe ' ,� r�y >>� n rt e ) "' it ! ere
not :malt:lent hair
r n, 1ta Ladies who have
al.K Y s> S I L do1+t�ttr C to t`,"1�" iia
t hs i r appearance1 ti' h t
i 44
or. j undCrENTLEMIaN at
Y16 fee k..^ I p �.1
fee`\\ i Ill
ern* ,f ensile to X'..
V 41 vs ATA
viz 21'kt-ivy- HOTEL`. WIJN'GHAM. 0)1 jla
4'% THU1t:S7)Ay. OCTO2E'?2 2tSTH. .l:i
e When you call have a FREE DEMONSTRATION of the style that will O.:
►•O ►•i
u>1t •n
.ds a e your reds. ye,.
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