HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-10-18, Page 4Page 11 our
Ord% mob= Ab an -u
ICATIT 1 encs, Proprietor
A4 p', SrliTer. Manager
TRURSD A). , OL I'. lath, 1017•
Morris Council
Minutes of Council Meeting held in
Township Hall, Morris, on Monday Sept
10 ut s ofthe last Coun-
cil1917, The n
k tai e
meeting were read and approved The
petition for the construction of Muni.'ipal
a Dot-
IDrain was received from Robt. MacDon-
c t
1ti Leidle v
a d and others. On motion by u . �
Johnston the petition was accepted and
the Clerk instructed ,to send a copy to
the engineer,
The following accounts were paid -
Blyth Standard Advertising $1 50. Grav-
el --Chas. Agir, $11.20; John Van -
20; Will-
iam$5A. G. Campbell, $3 00; Wtl1-
iam Taylor, $6.50; Andrew Pollock, $3 20;
Wm. Wilkinson, $1 90; Geo, 1'4acDonald,
$1 30; Bert Jackson, $2 70; Philip Ament,
$5 60; F. S. Scott, $1,10; Thos. Miller,
$4.00; Jas. Hall, $3 00; Jas. Gibson, $18.60;
Irwin Wallace, shovelling $3,50; Geo
Peirce gravel $8.40; Michael Kelly shovell-
ing, $4 00; Albert Taylor shovelling, $2 00;
W. J. Henderson, lamb killed by dogs,
$15.00; Wm. Kearney, work on grader,
$44.20; Teams on grader $45,00; Disinfect-
ing school, $2.50; David Laidlaw, lamb
killed by dogs $6 00; John McArter, draw-
ing iile for McNeil Drain $$4.00; Bert
Watson drawing tile McNeil Drain $21.50,
Jas. Clark, drawing tile McNeil Drain
$7.50; Felex Kerton, balance on Warwick
Drain $464 50 Peter Rutledge, on McNeil
Drain $75 00; David Smith, gravel $5 00;
Geo. Davis, shovelling $2 25; R. B.
Alcock Hanna, Dr, $214.00; Robb Dr.
$25.00; Next meeting Oct. 15th 1917,
A. MacEwen, Clerk
Ontario The Banner Province
The last report received from all the
Provinces for presentation at the Inter-
national Convention in Chi^ago, 1914,
'showed the Sunday Scheal enrollment in
Ontario 100,000 more than all the remain-
ing Provinces of Canada combined. What
changes have come in the past three years
will be reported soon when the totals of is a re
assembled for the International Conven-
tion in Buffalo • Ontario is gathering
statistics now for presentation at the
Provincial Conventions in Chatham and
Peterborough, these reports to be correct-
ed and perfected.for the Buffalo Conven-
tion next June. ' '
A campaign for the standardizing of
Sunday Schools Will be launched at Chat-
ham 'and Peterborough. A Standard
known as "The International Standard
School" has been arranged for North
America, and will be presented with plans
for bringing the,same to the attention of
the individual schools. The observance
of a continent Canadian wide “Come -to -
Sunday -School Day" will also be consider_
A merchant relates the following: "For
years I could not sleep without turning
every hour. Whatever I ate caused gas
and sourness. Also had stomach catarrh.
ONE SPOONFUL buckthorn bark, glycer-
ine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka relieved
me INSTANTLY ." Because Adler -i ka
flushed the alimentary tract it relieves
ANY CASE constipation, sour stomach or
gas and prevents appendicitis. It has
QUICKEST action of anything we ever
sold. J. W. McKibbon druggist,
I believe in using everybody alike
Why not enforce the law on the so called
"rich" people in town and make them
stay in and the so called "poor" would, do
likewise, and the people who are doing all
the chewing to the Health Officer and
giving him so much trouble running up
the hill must remember the Lord is no re-
spector of persons and perhaps their turn
is coming? I will not be run on,
MRs. R. Pococx ,
jWe quite agree with you Mrs, Pocock
the rich and poor should be treated alike
and if you will notice by the article in
last week's ADVANCE re the very slack
way in which families in town are quaran-
tined, we do not discriminate. Con tag -
pus diseases are every bit as contagious
with one as the other. On the other hand
rich and poor must be safeguarded alike
and if possible the spread of disease must
thus be stopped. We are pleased to note
that more stringent measures of quarant fin-
ing are being adopted. - Editor]
Wage and Charles,$ts., Toronto. Hag late
ly been asked to 811 positions at from $50 to
$100 a month and others up to $2000 per annum
It pays to get a Superior Training.
Write for Catalogue. Enter any time.
W. J. Elliott Principal.
lonettois head of afamily, or any male over
18 years Aid, may homestead a quarter section
of available pominibn land in 1'1auitoba, Seek-
atchmean or Alberta. Applicant must appear
in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or
Sub-Ageno!for the District. Entry by proxy
may be made at any Dominion Londe Agenoy
bbut nob Stib•Agency on Certain Cdnditions),
111772me-six months residence upon and
auitvation of the land in each of three Years.
A. homesteader may live within nine miles of
his homestead on a farm of at Ieast 80 acres, on
certainconditions. A habitable house is req-
uired except where residence is eerformed in
ttte vitiuity.
Live stock may be substituted for oultivation
Hades' certain conditions.
In certain districts a homesteader In good
eiiindinghnlmay pre°smpe a quarter vection alone
side his oratead. 'price $3.00 ser sore.
reeves -.$1x months residence in each of
three years after earnliig honest ad patent:
,also 60 acres extra eudtivetion. Pere.emption
petentreae beebtdiuedas soon ay homestead
,patent en eerteip conditions.
A settler who' as exhausted hie
eight alley take apurchased omeate in cer-
kyii eilbtricta. Price$3 per acre. ;Ales-
reside the montbe in each of tbree sears
ctiltivate 50 acres and erecta hour's worthe
The area of euttWation is subject to re tie.
Monte cage of rough, scrubby e4 straw tied
Live steek team be substituted for cultdvatibn
PIACI' pertain conditions.
W. W. cOA,Iti 0... G.
peerlessiriftri ituMinister upfoe-1141. chis
&d,ertivltt'tdsitw+Fi1riot1• paid
Highlands of Ontario
The Iiome of the Red Deer and 111oc;.e,
"DEEM --November 1st to November
15th inclusive.
MOO-VE.-November1st toNoveinber
16th.inclusive. In some of the North -
Cl Districts of Ontario, including ludic;
the open season is from No-
vember lst to November 30th Inclusive,
In that part of the Province
lying North
of the Canadian Govern-
ment Railway from the Quebec to the
Manitoba boundary, the open !.eason
for Moose is from October 10th to No-
vember 30th.
Write fur copy of "Playgrounds -The.
Haunts of Fish and Game." Giving
Game Laws, Bunting Regualt ions, etc.,
to C. E. Hot ning, Union Station, Toronto,
H. B. Elliott, `Town 'Picket Agent,
Phone 1.
Band Wine Iitit
Information Net received Rtt"ottne-
ee that in a military band concert ret
Lusland the band of the ! t), t Bat-
Bttt-talion took first prtte. i(d rselt.ctio>.'r,
were, "Dt t tiny S. alts" Welded) Mar-
114r-ch from "Proinliatteer" (19 out of 20
point a), "Overture to Norma" (18
out of 20 pointy), Tide tirade a tot-
al of 47 out of a possible 60. "
The baud of the 161st is tender the
direction of Baud Sergt. ,A J. Scott,
who wag anclsi t,aiticr o t
a b t f the 33rd lint
talion when the unit was t;tatloitetl in
London. Sergt. Scott afterwards be-
came bandmaster or the 16S111
1al1 1Battalion and went uv-
With that unit. WIleu the Milt was
broken up the appointment of bend -
master of the stilts ITtu•onre was giv-
en to Sergt. Scott,
Tide Kiri spEalc,s wv ell for the 161t.t
Baud as the big percentage of tau
boys were from. Huron County and
very few ever had a chance to play
eica,Neal hitter,,: hef.ore Betsdnire tor
Grant, wvho ie, now attached to head
gttar•tere at London, conducted the
band until tae unit went overeeae
took charge of thong. They certain-
ly tieeerw•e eredit ler their recent Per-
forma -nee,
Blue Cil vee
Mrs,. Fred Howley and Phil,* en return •
cd lame atter spending tin ea v. el.a wwitli
her mother,
1\L'.Bowley awl
kir. Me
motored up for them. 'l.'hey also
w i';itccl Lotulusi ;uttt Styr?(Invy below re
turning to Tor„ul "a Pike e Lau a 164ph
accompanied there un (heir return.
11 Ir, and leirs• John. 1 town also call. and
11irs. McGee and von motored up to Blue -
vale and *pent ever Sunday- with Ala.
McLeod and Mre. Rolpli,
Iter. and Mrs. J. H. Croat called on
f'liend'.. in Bluevale, this week,
Tells 1a linty to loosen a
tender n er cgrn
or callus so it lifts out
without pain
You rei;klesemen and women who
are pestered with corns and who have
at least once a week invited an awful
death from lockjaw or blood poison
are now p
at a told by a Cincinnati authority
drug n
to use a .0 rel
lei d r
d freez
t, one, which
the moment a ft titopa are applied
to any corn or ea;lus the soreness is
relieved and soon tbe entire corn or
callus, root and all, lifts oft° with the
Frece,one titles the moment it is
applied and eituply shrivels the corn
or callus without it 1,141;ting or even
irritating gtb surru u i'
g tissue or
skin, A small bottle of freezone will
cost very little at any of the drug
stores leu• will positively rid one's feet
of Every bard or soft corn or hardened
callus. Ifu
yo fi druggie t born t any
freezone he can getit at any wholesale
drug house for you,
...ie.:eV are vile- r • •wells . "a
.254W9gra3443 x
GEORGE the FIFTH, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom
of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions be.
yond the Seas, King, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India.
To all to whom these presents shall come, or whom the same may in anywise
A Proclamation calling out the men comprised in Class 1 as described by the
Military Service Act, 1917.
HEREAS it is pro-
vided by our Militia
Act of Canada, Re-
vised Statutes of Canada,1906,c
chapter 41, Section 69, that.
our Governor-General of Can-
ada in Council may place our
The Deputy Minister of Justice; 1 Militia of Canada, or any part
Canada JI thereof, on active. service any-
where in Canada, and also be-
yond Canada for the defence thereof, at any time when it appears
advisable so to do by reason of emergency;
And ,Whereas that part of our militia of Canada known
as the Canadian Expeditionary Force is
now engaged in active service overseas for the defence and security of
Canady, the preservation of our Empire and of human liberty ; and
it is necessary owing to the emergencies of the war to provide re -
enforcements for our said Expeditionary Force in addition to those
whose inclination or circumstances have permitted them .to (volun•
teer ;
And "Whereas
on f the large
hve already left agricultural rral and s indus-
du-trial pursuits in our Dominion of Canada in order to join our Expedi.
tionary Force as volunteers, arid by reason of the necessity of main-
taining under these conditions the productiveness or output of agri-
culture and industry in our said Dominion, we have determined by
and with the advice and consent of our Senate and House of Com-
mons of Canada that it is expedient to secure the men so required;
not by ballot as provided by our said Militia Act, but by selective
draft ; such re -enforcement, under the provisions of the Military
Service Act, 1917, hereinafter referred to, not to exceed one hundred
thousand men ;
And Whereas it is accordingly enacted in and by the
provisions of an Act of our Parliament of
Canada; holden in the 7th and 8th years of our reign, and known
as the Military Service Act, 1917, that every one of our male subjects
who comes within one of the classes described and intended by the
said Act shall be liable to be called out on active service in our
Canadian Expeditionary Force for the defence of Canada, either
within or beyond Canada; and (that his service shall be for the
duration of the present war and demobilization after the conclusion
of the war ;
And Whereas the inen who arc, under the provisions of
the said last mentioned Act, liable to be
eaIled out, are comprised in six classes of which Class 1 is, by the
provisions of the said Act, defined to consist of all our male subjects;
ordinarily, or at any time since the 4th day of August, 1914, resident
in Canada, who have attained the age of twenty years, who were born
not earlier than the year 1883, and were on the 6th day of July, 1917;
unmarried, or are widowers but have no child, and who are not within
any of the following enumerated
' 1. Members of our regular, or reserve, or auxiliary forces; as defined
by our Army Act.
2. Members of our military forces raised by the Governments of
any of our other dominions or by our Government of India.
3. Men serving in our Royal Navy, or in our Royal Marines, or in
our Naval Service of Canada, and members of our Canadian
Expeditionary Force.
4. Men who have since August 4th; 1914; served in our Military
or Naval Forces, or in those of our allies, in any theatre of actual
war, and have been honourably discharged therefrom.
;. Clergy, including members of any recognized order of an exclu•
sively religious character, and ministers of all religious denomina-
tions existing in Canada at the date of the passing of our said
Military Service Act.
6. Those persons exempted from military service by Order in
Council of August 13th, 1873, and by Order in Council of Decent.
ber 6th, 1898 ;
And Whereas it is oreover provided by our said Military
Service Act that our Governor-General of
Canada in Council may from time to time by proclamation call out
on active service as aforesaid any class of men in the said Act described;
and that all men withih the class so called out shall, from the date
of h�^P
f such roclamatio i be.m
i i`
d to be soldiers enlisted d i �h
e nt e mili
P >
service of Canada and salj., e•"eery law, save as in the said
Act otherwise provided ; and that t _....: • • , called out shall report
and shall be placed on active service in the Canadian Expeditionary
Force as may be a-• ' en such proclamation or in regulations ; but
thee •' •^ad on active service, be deemed to be
ca leave of ausence without pay ;
.And Whereas it is also provided by the said Act that at
any time before a date to be fixed by
proclamation an application may be made, by or in respect of any
man in the class to be called out, to one of our local tribunals,
established in the manner provided by the said Act in the province in
which ouch man ordinarily resides, for a certificate of exemption
from service upon any of the following
(a)That it is expedient in the national interest that the than should;
instead of being employed in military service, be engaged in other
work in which he is habitually engeged ;
(b) That !tie expedient in the national interest that the man should;
instead of being emhployed in military ..envies, he engaged in other
work in which he wishes to be engaged and for which he has
special qualifications ;
(c) That it is expedient in the national interest that, instead of
being employed in military service, he should continue to be
educated or trained for any work for which he is then being
dtducdted or trained ;
(d) That serious hattdship would ensue, if the man were placed on
active service, owing to his exceptional financial or business
obligations or demestie position ;
(e) Yli health or infirmity
(f) That he conscientiously objects to the undertaking of Combatant
service, atidis prohibited from se doing by the tenets and articles
of faith in effect on the sixth day of July,1017, daisy organized
religious denomination exiting and well recognized in Canada at
such dete, and to which he in good faith belongs ;
Anct that if eery of the atounds of such application be eetablishedt
it t:ertificate a exemption shall be granted to such man,
And Whereas
moreover it is enacted in and by the pro.
visions of an Act of our Parliament of
Canada holden in the 7th and 8th years of our reign and known as
the War Time Elections Act that certain persons thereby disqualified
from voting with such of their sons as on polling day are not of legal
age, shall be exempt from combatant military and naval service ;
And Whereas it is further provided by our said Military
Service Act that applications for exemption
from service shall be determined by our said local tribunals, subject
to appeal as in the said Act provided, and that any man, by or in
respectof whom an application for exemption from service is made;
shall, so long as such application or any appeal in connection there-
with is pending, and during the currency of any exemption granted
him, be deemed to be on leave of absence without pay ;
And Whereas our Governor-General of Canada in Council
has determined to call out upon active
service as aforesaid the men included in Class 1; as in the said Act.
rand hereinbefore defined or described ;
Now Therefore Know Ye that we d
out he Sohereby
said Class li
om risin the menour
in said Military Service 5 p gtoy vice Act, 1917, and
hereinbefore defined or described as to the said class belonging, on
active service in our Canadian Expeditionary Force for the defence
of Canada, either within or beyond Canada, as we may, in the
command or direction of our Military Forces, hereafter order or
And we do hereby strictly command, require and enjoin that each
man who is a member of the said class shall, on or before the 10th day
of November, 1917, in the prescribed form and manner, report himself
for military service, unless application for his exemption shall then
have been made by him or by another person entitled to apply on his
behalf ; wherein our loving subjects, members of the said class, are
especially charged not to fail since not. only do their loyalty and
allegiance require and impose the obligation of careful and implicit
obedience to these our strict commands and injunctions, but more-
over, lest our loving subjects should be ignorant of the consequences
which will ensue if they fail to report within the time limited as afore-
said, we do hereby forewarn and admonish them that any one who is
hereby called out, and who without reasonable excuse fails to report
as aforesaid, shall thereby comma an offence, for which he shall be
liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for any term not
exceeding five years with hard labour, and he shall nevertheless, if we
so require, be compelled to serve immediately in our said Expeditionary
And we do hereby proclaim and announce that for the greater
convenience of our subjects, we have directed that prescribed forms;
for reporting for service, and for application for exemption from serv-
ice, may, at any time on or before the said 10th day of November;
1917, be obtained at any post office in our Dominion of Canada; and
that reports for service and applications for exemption from service;
if obtained at any of our said post offices and properly executed, shall
be forwarded by our postmaster at the post office from which the same
are obtained to their proper destinations as by our regulations pre.
scribed, free of postage or any other charge.
And we do further inform and notify our loving subjects that local
tribunals have been established in convenient localities throughout
our Dominion of Canada for the hearing of applications for exemption
from service upon any of the statutory grounds, as hereinbefore set
out; that these our local tribunals so established will begin to sit in
the discharge of their duties on the 8th day of November, 1917, and
that they will continue to sit from day to day thereafter, as may be '
necessary or convenient, at such times and places as shall be duly
notified, until all applications for exemption from service shall have
been heard and disposed of; also that men belonging to the class
hereby called out who have not previously to the said 8th day of
November, 1917, reported for service, or forwarded applications for
exemption through any of our post offices as aforesaid, may make
applications in person for exemption from service to any of our said
tribunals on the 8th, 9th or 10th day of November, 1917.
And we do hereby moreover notify and inform our loving subjects
who are within the class hereby called out, that if, on or before the
10th day of November, 1917, they report themselves for military
service, or if, on or before that day; application for exemption from
service be made by them or on their behalf, they will not be required
to report for duty, or be placed upon active service as aforesaid, until
a day, not 'earlier than the 10th day of December, 1917, which will;
by our registrar for the province in which they reported or applied;
be notified to them in writing by registered post at their respective
addresses as given in their reports for service, or applications for ex-
emption from service, or at such substituted addresses as they may
have respectively signified to our said registrar; and we do hereby
inform, forewarn and admonish the Hien belonging to the class hereby
called out that if any of theta elea11, without just and sufficient cause;
fail to report for duty at the time and place required by notice in
writing so posted, or shall fail to report for duty as otherwise
by law required, he shall be subject to the procedure, pains and
penalties by law prescribed as against military deserters.
Of all of which our loving subjects, and all others whom these
presents may concern, are hereby required to take notice, rendering
strict obedience to and compliance with all these our commands;
directions and requirements, and governing themselves accordingly.
We have caused these Our
In Testimony Whereof Letters to be made Pat-
ent, and the Great Seal of Canada to be hereunto affixed. WIT.
NESS: Our Right Trusty and Right Entirely Beloved Cousin
and Counsellor, Victor Christian William; Duke of Devonshire;
Marquess of Hartington, Earl of Devonshire, Earl of Burlington;
Baron Cavendish of Hardwicke, Baron Cavendish of Keighley;
Knight of Our Most Noble Order of the Garter; One of Our Most
Honourable Privy Council; Knight Grand Cross of Our Moat
Distinguished Order of' Saint Michael and Saint George; Knight
Grand Cross of Our Royal Victorian Order; Governor-General
and Commander -in -Chief of Our Dominion of Canada.
n House, in Our C` of thi
At bur Government ss
TWELFTH day of OCTOBER; in the year of Our Lord one
thousand nine hundred and seventeen; ant in the eighth year
of Our Reign,
By Command,
tJader•Seetetary or Stater
(Continued from page it
Aced Ram, R. J. Sanderson, Pur-
ees lime; 3hearling rano, It. J. San-
derson, Purves Bros; Rent lamb, eel.
ling claw,, R. J. Sanderson, C. U.
Wightnran; Aged Ewe, R. J. Sander•
son 1 and w; Shearliug own, R. 3,
Sanderson, 1 and 2; Ewe lamb, C. II.
•lt • tt
Wi � tlu,a , R. J. Sanderson,
� ns , uy Others
Ram lamb, eoliths; class, • W. O,
Etoss, 1 and Aged owe, W, 0. Ross.
l and 2; $hearling Ewe, W, G. Ross,
1 and 2; ewe lamb, W. G. Ross, 1
and 2.
Boar of 1917, Jas. Alton; Boar,
prior to :1917, Jas. Alton; Sow of
1917, Jas, Alton; Breeding Sow, Jas,
Dear of 1917, Jae, Alton; boar
prior to 1017, his Alton; Sow of 1917
D. 13. Anderson, Jas. Talton; breed-
ing 8oWv, D. 13. Anderson, 1 and 21
13oar of 1917, Jas. Alton, Bert Arm
strong, Boar, prior to 1917, Bert.
Armstrong, Jas Alton,; Sow of 1917,
Bert Armstrong, 1 and 2; Breeding
Sow, Bert Armstrong, W. J. Currin.
Special, -13y W. J. Henderson, ---
Brod Sow, D. B. Anderson,
;,;penial —By Soelety,—Pen of Suc-
kin Pigs, any breed, age to be con-
sidered, selling class, D. B. Anderson,
1 end 2.
Ducks, any other, Haggitt Bros, 1
and 2; Geese, Toulouse, Jas. Alton,
Haggitt Bros,; Turkeys, Bronze, Hag-
gitt Bros; Bantams, Ornamental, F.
W. Angus 1 and 2; Bantams, Gauge,
any variety, F. W. Anttgs, 1 and 2;
Leghorns, brown, Jas. Alton, Haggitt
Bros; Leghorns, white A. Paterson,
Haggitt Bros; Minorcas, Haggitt Bros
Orplriugteus, any variety, F. W. Au-
gus; Plymouth Rocks, barred, Hag-
gitt Bros, Jas. Alton; Plymouth Rock
white, A. Paterson,Jas. Alton; Rhode
island Reds, A. K. Copeland, I•laggitt
Bros; Wyandottes, white, D. 13. And-
erson, D. B. Porter; Wyaudottes, any
other, D. B. Anderson, Haggitt Bros.
Any other standard variety, D. B. An-
derson, F. W. Angus, 1 and 1; Pig-
eons, best exhibit, open to boys un-
der 16 years F. W. Angus. •
Ducks, Pekin or Aylesbury, Haggitt
Bros.; Ducks any other, Haggitt Bros
1 and 2; Bantams game, any variety,
F. W. Angus 1 and 2; Leghorns,
brown:, Jas. Alton and Haggitt Bros.
Leghorns, white, A. Paterson, F. J.
Hill; alinorcas, Jas. Alton, Haggitt
Bros.; Orpingtons, F. W. Angus, Ply-
mouth Rocks, barred, D. 33. Ander-
son 1 and 2; Plymouth Rocks, white,
A. Paterson; Rhocl,e Island Reds, F.
J. Hill, A. K. Copeland; Wyaudottes,
white, P. J. Hill, D. le. Porter; Any
other Standard Variety, F, W. Angus,
1 and 2; Best pair 'Utility Fowl, D. B.
Porter, 1 and 2; Four Cockerels, bred
for export, D. B. Anderson, D. B.
Grain and Seeds
Fall Wheat, red, Jas. Alton, A.
Schmidt; Fall Wheat, white, Saml
Phillips, A, Schmidt; Spring wheat,
Jas. Alton, A. Schmidt; Small white
Pea, A. H. Proctor, Thos. Taylor;
peas, any other variety, Jas, Alton,
White Oats, A. Schmidt, Jas. Alton;
Black Oats, A. Schmidt, Jas. Alton;
Barley, any variety, A. Schmidt ;
Field Corn, Dent, S. J. Wright; Field
Corn, Flint, A. Schmidt; Sheaf of
white Oats, 8 inches in diameter, open
to field crop competitors, Rich Wil.
ton, A. Schimdt; White Oats from
field entered in field crop competi-
tion, A. Schmidt, Rich Wilton; Col-
lection of grain oud seeds, open to
boys under 16, Jas. Alton, A. Sch-
midt; Collection of weed seeds, pfo-
perly named, open to boys and girls
under 16 years, P. Gibbous, A. Sch-
midt; Collection of pressed injurious
weed plants, open to boys and girls
under 16 years, W. J. Currie.
Roots and 'Vegetables
Beans,, small white, Pat Gibbons,
Thos. Taylor; Beans, large white, P.
Gibbons, A, Schmidt; Beane, any
other, Jas. H. Powell, A. Schmidt;
Beets, long red, A. Schmidt. Mrs. J.
Menzies; Beets, any other, Jas. Alton,
A. Schmidt; Carrots, field, A. Sch-
midt, Jas. H. Powoll; Carrots, table,
short, Jas. Alton, Mrs. A, 0, Smith;
Carrots, table, interniedia,te,Guo. A.
Richardson, R. A. Graham; Mangold-
Wurtzel, long, A. Schmidt, Issas 'Wri-
ght; lltangold-Wurtzel, lntormdelate,
A. Schmidt, A. 11. Procter; ParsuloS,
A. Schtuidt, A, H. Procter; Radishes,
winter, A. Schmidt; Sugar Itifangold,
A. Schmidt, A. 1l. Procter; 'Turnips,
swede, A. Schmidt, T. It. Bennett;
Turnips any other, I. I. Wright, A,
Inose tyke, A. Schmidt, G. A. Rich-
ardson; Hebron typo, A. Schmidt;
Long White type, A. Schmdlt, it. A.
Graham; Round white type, It A.
Graham, A. Schmidt; Collection of
Potatoes, A. Schluldt; Onions, yellow
from seed in 1917, A. Schnrdit, R. A.
Gr Red,from send in
Graham; Onion,
1917, A. Schmidt, Sas. Young; .Onion
white, from seed in 1917, A. Schmidt,
Jae, Young, Onions, Dutch or top sots
A. Schmidt It. A. Graham; Oralone.
grown from Dutch or top sets A.
Schmidt, J. V. Currie; Onions, any
other, It A. Graham, A. Schmidt;
Tomatoes, large red, scarlet or pink,
A. Schmidt; Celery white, plume, It,
Graham; Celery any other, R. A.
Graliaan„ Cabbage, early, A. ;3ehinid
Cabbage, Winter, A. Gcbinidt; Cab-
bage, plolilii)0, A, 4h11I14tr Citrons,
A. Schmidt; Cauliflowgr, tl;i'el, i(ieo.
zees, J'. J`. 141o..t; Cucusnbei's A, Sea.
midt, Mrs. l4teuzleo; Table (ion, A.
t;ehnlitlt, A. 1I. r'roeter; Pumpkins,
1 laurllday Oct, 1M 1917
Best Values
In o
mens Miss. �.
es and Children's
Fall and Went- 71.
er Coats.
0 1�
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foe in Fur Coats, Fur
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See our large
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vi H. E. ISAR.D C
He used a pebble h)
keep Ids nuesth mast—
gives us a wholesome anti-
septic, refreshingconfection
to take the place of the cave
man's pebble.
We help teeth, breath, appetite,
digestion and deliciously soothe
mouth and throat with this wel-
come sweetmeat.
Chew it after every meal
The Flavour
but gives a lot of comfort and refreshtnettt. Not only a long-lasting confection but a
nerve steadier, a thirst quencher, a pick-me.up, Every Christmas panel should eb.
tain tome WRIGLEY'S GUM.
yellow, Y. J. Wright, Oliver Campbell
an,uaylr or mammoth 'pumpkins, A. 1I.
Procetr, Mts. Jas. Menzies;; Collec-
tion ole Gardcu produQo, A. 8e1lmidt.
A. 0. V., red, It 'P. Purdue, A, O.
croon or yellow, 3'. T. Currie;
Baldwin, I. T. Currie, rat C;ibbons;
Bela Davis, A. I1, Procter; Crab airy
Walley, ileo, A. ItiOhardeuli; ?''alltawv,z�
tor, rat Gibbons, Thos. 'Taylor; fain
etlse or snow, Pat Gibbons; Geldoal
1tuszett, A. 1i:. Proetar, Andrew Stela*
mint; ling, r. W, Orvis; McIntosh ,
I , W. Orvis, ; Maiden Plush, Pat Gib
belle, l':. \V, Or%ie; Northelil