HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-10-11, Page 81.1.4414* n w r '► ar r a ars r ars n rA � . r. ai► ai�l+1 art lJxtf! .41.0.4.,4/4 III SIA sU V1 X11 ter �. r .**0.3te ►�►eT iiT-}�• it► Prepare For Success ` ar► 4r► 1)� What you will be, or what success ,'0u ,silt have, depends very large- „ r C. ly* on the preparation you make. Select the position you would lake to All, a;2d then get read' to Lill it. It will not do to postpone votrrrepkaration until the position is read; and calls you, for Liii: UNPREPARED ARE NOT CALLED. If you wish to :siccced iii Commercial Life VA WINGIIAM, - ONTARIO Ask G Will be able to give you the preparation you need. We believe we have Q. Ars SUPERIOR FACILI TIRS for training young men and women and plac- ar► 4 ing them in tit best office position. Select the School that can give you 'I.' 0, the Best Training. You may enter our classes any time. Commercial sits _A and Shorthand Departments, tils, • Day and Evening Classes. 'Telephone 160. '.I� +h _. '',..,I,1 Ir arA _ _ _ l D. A. McLachlan, Pres. A. Haviland, Prin. � . !as: ere eve ee ..dei.. kkk;el.e .i►a: s..t.-'�ni �+�:i w/A 0... 41,t, Y ,ge.r:. raitetiSt,s tStr Me. ftiWIV%.f2.fl.f�.fi;'I'• 4.$"pf'IL..hfS.�r,.f�.f►.fl.q�fi.fiNfr,.rl.C.fee — — . __._- art Gig MXMXXXXXM»M% MXMXMYAMPI\XXXX Special Values in Boys' and Men's Wear ---FOR-- FALL AND WINTER WEAR Blue Serge, Worsted and Tweed Suits Men's suits made of good all - wool materials at prices that are most reasonable, considering the high prices of wool and extra cost of manufacture. Prices $15, $22.50 and $25. Warm Winter Ulster Coats Tweed, Chinchilla and Chev- iot Cloths, made in latest styles well -lined and trimmed through- out. Prices $15 to $35. eeleellee Overalls and Work Shirts Men's high grade overal s and smocks, the Leather 'Label Brand, stands for superior work- manship and material also a good line of work shirts in drills and flannels, Prices $1 to $2 30, ° UNDERWEAR - Wool and Fleece Lin- ed Underwear Com, bination and Two Piece Suits Heavy ribbed, Medium Ribbed, and Fine flat] Knit Wools from all the best man- ufacturers of guaranteed qualities, Stanfields, Wolsley, Penmans and Turnbulls, in qualities and prices to suit all. Prices from $1 to $10 a suit. Winter Hats and Caps Latest styles in Men's Head Wear for Fall and Win- ter Wear in Felt Hats, Der- bys and Caps, Prices $100 and up. King Bros. PHOJVE 71 PRODUCE WANTED X X X '4 X X X 'P WINGIIAM °ADVANO Qorrie Harold Bradneek spent the week end at his hence here returning to Toronto, on Tuesday. The Misses Strong , ot Lrantford,. daughters of W. 0., C. 0. F. Superin. tendent, of 0rganizatton, spent Thanks• giving ei::itingtheir many friends here. W, J. Sharpen formerly publisher of the Vidette paid friends a visit here on Saturday, leaving on Monday he is a resident of Aemprior and Connected with the Cronical. We were all pleased to see him looking hate and hearty, Milton White of the Bank of COM mcrce, Ingersoll, ate his Thanksgiving turkey under the parental roof, Notwithstanding the unpromising weather of the morning, the Lair of the. Howlett Agricultural Society held here proved a success in every ws.y and al- though exhibits were perhaps not so numerous as some years in some classes others were fully up to the mark. Such a display of flowers was never before equaled in quantity or magnificence and such roots, turnips as large as a man's head and mangles like his loiter limbs. kpples were not in abundenee but it was wouderful where they all came from, when one scarcely notices any in driving through the country. The Episcopalians served their usual hot dinner in the evening vinishing with a grand entertainmeut the principal talent being Mr. Leroy Kenney of Toronto, and Miss VanNoruian and Miss AlcDonald of Wingham, The Patriotic circle took occasion to increase their funds by disposing of Red Cross flags which netted then the sum of $41. tit TIur'.day, Oct. 'nth 1017 A, .I. ROSS Hardware Stoves Bluevale Mr. and Mrs H. A. b'IcCall motored to Hamilton and spent the week end. Mr. and Mrs Wm, Gallagher, Mr. and Mrs. Thornton, motored to Ingersoll, spent a few days with friends last week. Mr. Iblorris Bosman, has moved into Wm Haney's house, and made his first trip on snail Route No 2 on Oct 1st, Mrs. Andrew I-Iolmes, is visiting her daughter Mrs. C. Enwright of 'Toronto. NIr. David Holmes Patten and daughter Louie, are visiting friends in Toronto. Mrs, J. Curtis, has been visiting for a week with friends at Hornings Mills and Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Watt have moved to Clinton where they have purchased a home. Miss Laura Rolph, has returned home after spending the past three weeks with friends at London, Strathroy and Toronto. Mr. James Masters, returned to work on Wednesday after being on the sick list the past three•tveeks lie was relieved by Mr. Rennie o j Milverton. Mr. and Mrs Musgrove, motored to Grey one day last week to spend the day with Mr. Musgroves sister Mrs. R. Pearson. Mr. Earl Aitcheson was home for a few days this week. Mr. R. Garniss, had a bad break down last week, which kept his threshing outfit standing idle for several days getting re- pairs, Rev,'Dr. Gaudier, Principal ot Knox College, Toronto will preach in the Pres- byterian Church, Bluevale, next Sunday Oct. 141h. The occasion is the 59th Anniversary of the congregation. The services will be at 11 a.m. and 7,30 p.m. The Bluevale Woman's Institute will L'a can save -t,orl- cy if you buy y'ottr STOVE or RANGE now. Laine stuck tit See the New Lighter Day, meet at the home of Mrs. Jos. Brecken 1•- h ridge on Oct. llth at half past two Papers towill be given by Mrs. Geo. McDonald k and Mrs. J. F. McCrackin. Capt. Geo. and Airs, Ruttan, and Mr. E. Ruttan, spent Sunday with Mr. and e Ars. Milton Smith, Capt. Ruttan is home on a visit after spending two years since, in France. Mr. Russell McKinney, of Toronto. is 4spending the thanksgiving holidays, with relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Burgess of Listowel, spent Sunday with Mrs. John Burgess. Mr. and Mrs. McCall motored to Dulhu last week. Mr. and Mrs. Kadolt, of Toronto, spent over Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs. McLeod. Other visitors who spent the holidays at there several homes here were Miss Mary Stewart, Mr. Whitney Stewart Miss F. Shaw, Mies B. Shaw, Air, Alex McGee, Mr. Wm. McMichael, • We are sorry to report Mrs. L. Fraser of the 1st line of Morris, in reryy poor healii at present we hope she very soon be wen age .t Mr. Thos. Ennis has purchased the -"lee Diamond estate and moved his -.. -.. ; : ern Toronto last week NIGHT SCHOOL Evening classes are now in session every IVlonday, Wednesday and Friday evenings Three months for el, Ten Dollars Young Women! Young Men! What about it? You said you wished there wa- rt night school in Wingham. Will you keep on wishing? Young people t wish -bone' or a `back -bone'. One young man was earning Seven Tss!lar:, a week in Wingham when he entered our night school six years ago, now, he is earning over Two Thousand per year in Montreal, and salty still going up. He has aback -bone'. Ye Olde School! The Pioneer School! The School that carne when Wingham, needed one and that did not conte to strive to destroy the position of a Canadian Sol- dier, 'Somewhere in France', While our Principal was • earning the "Military Cross" for "conspicuous gallantry", a young man of military age was, and is, giving him the "double Cross" up and down the sideroads and concessions, by making less lucrative his position on his return from Flanders. Take your choice. Enter now and prepare for a position which is absolutely guaranteed. Learn while you earn, The time to prepare for a rainy day, is when the weather is fine. A prominent writer said: ''The maty who simply sits and waits Fur :something good to come along Ain't worth the breath that one would take To tell him he is wrong. Fur good ain't ilowin' round this world Fur every fool to sup: You've got to put your SEE-Ers oil And go and hunt it up. the school of aver one thousand successful graduates. Mien, Write or call for informa- Spotton Business College (Affiliated with the Canada Business College, corner of College and Spadina, To• fronto, Ontario.) Flashlights Everybody should have a flashlight. Safe—Convenient. Jamestown Mr, Amble McKellar, Mita Graig, visiting Mr. Donald McDonald, they are cousins, Mrs, Wm Bolt went to London, on Saturday to see her husband Sapper Wm. Holt, who is :.ick in the Hospital there, We trust he will soon be stronger. Pte Graham l3allltine, is home en his last leave before going overseas, he Is there only child we trust k e may be spared to come back safe and sound. Mr. John Snell, is laid up with pride monis we hear he is on the mend. Smillie Bros, had the misfortune to lose their barn and all its contents by fire last Wednesday it will be a great lose, Cause of fire supposed to be gasoline engine. It le reported that Ptes. John Hayden, and George Johnson, are on there way home to Canada they have been in the Hospital for a long time now. AIr, and Mrs. David Walker, of Galt, spent the week end at Air, David Ball - in gall' s. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Willis and Mr• Wet. Willis spent the week end with Carrick friends. We hear that Miss Lizzie Hyslop, meet with an accident at Brussels Fair by being struck with amotor car; she is under the do:tor's care. We trust she will goon be all right again, Corn cutting and silo filling is on the program in this vicinity at present. All sizes. Reg. 85c to $3.23. -Special 50c to $1.00. Electric Lamps Electric Ironr, Electric Toasters. Stoves, Accesorie„ etc. Miss Clara Bosman, of Toronto, spent a few days this week at her hem:• Mrs M, Clannaghan, and daughter Ona, of Whitechurch, spent Thanksgiving day with Airs. Geo, Mowbray. Mr. and Mrs. A, Procter, and daughter Verde, spent Sunday at the hone of Jas. Masters. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Cadotte, of Toronto spent a few days with Mrs. AlcLeod. Mrs. Aitken, visited friends at London, this week. Mr. John Stewart secured first prize of a $20.00 tire for best decorated car at Brussels Pair en Friday It certainly well dressed up. The Anniversary Services in the Meth- odist Church wete well attended. Rev. Briagettc, from Ashfield being in charge. There will be no services in the Method- ist Church, here neat Sunday, owing to Anniversary services itt the Presbyterian °hutch, Mrs.'I'hos. Couitess, is visiting relat- ives at Clinton, BORN k•�tiv" - Hunsox-.-In Uxbridge, October the 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred I-ludeon a daugh- ter, (Edna Irene.) No w is the time to paint F or best re' sults us SHERW1N - W'ILL IAMS' Tea Kettles All grades up to $4.&J. SAMSON Quality IVianure Fork Absolutely guaranteed. 4, 5 and 6 tines .- • 1301111011'@ Airs. W. Il. Lowry, accompanied Mrs G. H. Lowry and children to Toronto, where they will spend the Thanksgiving holiday. Alis Shand, who has been spending the summer at the Meuse iti in 'Teeswater, for a few day's visit. A1iss ,Jennie McKee, New York, Miss Annie McGrogati, Toronto, Rev. A R, Gibson. Sunderland, Mr, and Mrs Arnold Stewart, Streetsville, spent Thanksgiving Day with friends in our village, The many friends ot Mrs. Witt. McKee, will be delighted to hear she is recovering from the effects of a fall, which dislocated her shoulder blade. Mr. and Mrs, 'Thomas Inglis, celebrated their Golden Wedding on Thanksgiving Day, c.z. Whitechurch Miss Lily Paterson, and Miss Helen, wee in Niagara Falls over the holiday with'Miss Tillie Paterson, who is a nurse in training there. Miss M, Hutchison, of Brantford, was home for Thanksgiving, Miss Edna Musgrove, of Wingham, spent a few days at the home of her aunt, Mrs, Frank Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Chubb, of Parry Sound, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Clubb. Mrs, G. Garton, Sr. and Mr. Sam Galton have returned trom the West, where they spent the summer. Mr. John Campbell, was in Toronto, over Sunday. Miss Marjorie Gordon, sptnt the week end at her home in Teeswater. Miss F. Paterson, of Toronto, was a visitor at Mr, K. Paterson's for a few days. Miss S. P, Kirke, spent the week -end in Dungannon, with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. A Kirke. Mr. William Robertson has returned to his home in Hamilton, after spending the summer at the home of Mr. F. Henry. Miss C. Laidlaw, held a Red Cross tea at her home on Thursday last. The sum of $6.25 was realized. Langside Anniversary services will be held on Oct 21 on Tuesday Oct. 23 Rev. C. P. Duncan,_of Port Credit. a former pastor, who has recently returned from the front, will lecture on his experiences while there. - Next Sunday, Oct. 14, is the date of the Anniversary at Tiffin's church. Rev F. E Clysdale of Salem will conduct services at 2.30 and 7 30. On Monday evening a tea -meeting will be held followed by an excellent program of music, speeches, readings, etc. Tea served from 6 to 8.30 Admission 20 cents and 35 cents. The ladies of the Presbyterian Church shipped 36 dozen fresh eggs to St Christ- opher's Horne in Toronto for Thanks- giving, Mrs. Mary Morrison, who has been staying with Miss J, Dunlop, in the vill- age, has returned to her home at Belgrave. Mrs, Charles Hinde, returned on Sat- urday from a fortnight's visit with Rev• and Mrs. W. H. Hartley of Delaware. Mr. Ewing of Rockwood, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs Jas. Wilson, over Sunday. The Guild meeting on Sunday was in charge of Rev. J. R. Graham. A ladies quartette sang. The leader for Oct. 14 s Miss Lai dlaw. ,1900' Gravity Washer Sold on 30 days free trial, It merit permits this unusual offer. Chases Chill meat whets. and where you want it, 3•1.7.i and Wroxeter Rev, Mr. Lundy of Walton, conducted the pieparatory service in the Presby- terian church Friday afternoon of last week. Mrs, Harding and daughters of Durham spent the week with Miss Richie, Howick St. Mr. John Brown and family of Toronto. visited friends in town last week. Mr, Andrew Ireland a former resident of Howick is visiting friends in town. Mrs. George Leckie is visiting trieuds in Brussels this week. A number from here took in the Fair on Saturday. Mr. W. Koehler and bride of Grandby, Quebec, visited the former's sister Mrs Dr. McLeod, last week. Mr Thomas Brown was a Toronto visi- tor last week. S; 13. McKelvie of Chesley was itt town last week. Ars. Wnt. Montgomery of the 13 line, Howick is spending a few days with her son Dr. Montgomery ot Almira. A. J. ROSS Hardware Stoves Gerrie Belgrave Mr. and Mrs. Kelley, have returned he West, and getting settled on the. Latter's Father farm which they have purchased. Mr. Dave McGill, is spending a few weeks with his mother and sister. Mr. Maguire, of London, spent a few days at the home of his nephew Robt Maguire. A1rs. Bre. of Exeter, spent Thanks giving with her sister Mrs. H. Hopper. Mrs. Carr, of Blyth, spent a day with Miss McClelland last week. Mr, and Mrs• Prentice, of Becton, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin of Orangeville, spent Sun day with Mr, and Mrs Geo. Dailey. Rev. S. Davidson, took a trip to Mon- treal, last week and arrived home on Thursday night with his btide congratul- ations to A1r, Davidson, Business changes are quite in order AIr•. R Munro 3 line having sold his farm to John Coltes and bought Andrew Tay lot's Store, Chas Hopper, renting the Hantia farm the business changes take place early in November and if reports are true the end is not yet. Harry Hopper turns the !atm over to hi, son Lyle and boucht Chas. McClelland's store. r He will take possession in a couple of weeks. Mr.'R. M. Munro bite also purchased Alt. Andrew Taylor's store. We wish them success. THE DEATH ROLL JOSEPH CASEMORE Another of the old and highly respect- ed pioneers of Turnberry passed to his reward on Friday last in the person of Joseph Casemore Deceased was born in Cavin township, near Toronto, over eigh-• ty-two years ago. He resided for a few years in Puslinch and Wellesley town- shiP, He was married in 1857 to Eliza- beth Kinder of Wellesley, and in the same year moved to Turnberry town- ship, where -he endured the trials of pion- eer life in the forest, settling on the farm now owned by Mr. McKenzie near Wing - ham Jct , on the Bluevale Road, where they resided for a number of years before moving to B line. Deceased was a mem- ber of the Anglican church, and Rev. Hor- ace W. Snell conducted the services at the house and grave on Monday afternoon. Besides his widow he is survived by live daughters and three sons, viz., Mrs Ned Ferguson, James, Mrs. John Camp- bell, Mrs. Miller and John, all of Sask- atchewan, Mrs. John Johnston of White- church, George and Martha of Turnberry. The funeral to Wingham cemetery on Monday afternoon was largely attended by the deceased's neighbors and friends: The pallbearers were his six nephews, Will Belford, Eli, Will, Thos., John and John J, Casemore. Teeswater The fair held here last week was a sue cess as to the number of entries and ex- hibits shown but a failure as to numbers on account of the wet weather, The gate receipts only amounted to $250, in Sou• tract with $050 00 last year, The horse raves could'trot be held, It is estimated that ever $60,000 worth of horned cattle were on exhibition, i Morris Airs M. Maxwell, visited at Mr, Thomas Abram's for a few days last week. Mrs. Stamper, and Mrs. A. McGee, visited at Mr. E. Grays, one day last week. Mr. and Airs. Will Abram and son Ross visited at Kincardine for the holiday. Threshing and corn cutting are the order of the day. Mr. Thomas Abram, and Mr. Robt. Golley, visited at Mr. Maxwell Abram's of Grey. Wedding hells will soon be ringing on the 2nd line, East Wawanosh Anniversary services will be held at the Brick appointment Belgrave circuit on Sunday Oct. 14th Services at lia tn. and 7 p m preacher Rev, Mr. OKell, B. A., Auburn. On monday evening at 8 o'clock an en- tertainment will be given in the church by soloists and readers from Wingham and immediate vicinity. Local ministers will delivert addresses, Admission 25 cents and 15 cents. DIED AITCHISON—In Fergus, on Saturday, Sept. 20th, 1017, Donald Kerr, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Aitchison, aged 1 month, 17 days. Pa.nitEri—In Clifford. on Tuesday, Oct. 2nd 1017, Robert Parker, in his 73rd year. We are in position to pay Cash for Cream In any any quantities satisfaction and high. est prices guaranteed I bare moved from my old stand In A. II. Wilford's to the store south of Bh11 t,'8 MUSIC STORE tvhere I will be open etety day to buy cream D. Beninger MrrayShoes for Men The new fall goods of this excel- lent make are in. Come on in and see them. W. H. WILLIS Sole Agent For The FOR LADIES N%MXMOMX MXMXM%MXMXMX,MXMXM� ExceptionalK ri eii.,x I - Valu.es1i Ks f ;4 „----"" M In Fall Clothing for Men Ka and Boys f M..KE.-----------,z,,.. 4 x iv IWe lead in showing you good values in up, tom 5- X ▪ date styles in Fall Overcoats in dark greys, light R • grey X15, 18, and 20.At I......,-,,, v. IN V -fa AAX Men's Winter Overcoats, In the new French style, pinch backs and 111- Isters, in Greys, Blue, Chinchilli and Blacks, $i5, 20, RI I25,,0. X X IOur Suit Department and special Measure de - Pig partment have all new fall samples. The loading x rcolors are rich browns, dark greys and navy blues, Pinch back and French styles.0....., IAi M Uvo Boys' Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats. Best 4 values to show at lowest prices. � M A Mx HANNA & CO ---Phone 70 ----- BORN rah tig 444141014+q Inwl,r—InHowick, on September 16th, 1917, to Mr. and Mts. Fred Irwin, a son. ASHTON—In Gorrie, on Thursday Oct' 4th, 1017, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ash- ton, a son, atm.110�l/tt 16 ;lwf►ttttttt�ttwle s� CH RIST1I3'S PHONE 59 We Specialize ill Look at your label, and see if it reads GroOerlee an Provisions correctly. Airman Narrowly Lscapels Lieut. Edward C. J. McCrackin of the Imperial Royal Flying Corps. Eng., zon of Rev. 3, C. McCre ckin of Rlenheltil and grandson of Mrs. McCrackin of this town, had a narrow eseape while training at Lincoln. He had been workingrapid progress in the art of aerial navigation when something rrzrtt wrong with the en- gine of his maalline aid he was forced to 1 No business need:. snore.,peciahz• ing in than the food business. As we make a special study of eatable:, we are able to offer at all times THE BEST QUALITY IIN RIGHT CON 15ITION AT RIGHT PRICES. Vl hether you come to this stole 111 and make a tselcctiotl or simply phone your order and leave it to 1 Plane Ne our judgement, we'll guarantee decend as well s i e could with the rrlach- ane registerit 60 miles ars hour. The COMPLETE SATISFACTION a Waif et ell: and the yeung aviator '1 4 tuiraculou3 cave from Give this Stole a Trial. death, su;tainit only a severs; shot`kb Ti+M11 +11r1fM� tllw 1