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,'OlitlT 30174T, i,'roprietolc
A, Q. SMITH. Mlsnager
THURSDAY, OCT. 4th, 1917.
Mr, David)3adgley sold his farm last
week to Fleming Grainger of Howick
Mr. Badgley will no doubt take a well
deserved rest.
Mr Wm. Hamilton sold his 60 acres
to Mr.' Gideon Parkes. It will be con-
venient as it is across the road and Mr,
Parkes did well to get a farm so close,
having sold his 50 acres in Turnberry to
McCutcheon Bros a short time ago.
It is reported that Thos. Burke has pur-
chased the homestead 100 acres from his
father Mr. Samuel Burke and will get pos-
session next March.
Mr. Morris Bosman makes his start as
mail carrier this week on Route No 2
If he does as well as Eva Breckenridge
he will suit the public as she was a
splendid mail carrier.
Sapper Holt is not gaining in -health as
his many friends would wish him; he is in
London Hospital at present.
Mr, Donald McDonald expects to build
a cement silo this week, he has a good
crop of corn ready to fill it, it is getting late
but he could not get the contractor any
Mr, D. C. Pope is threshing in this
vicinity.' Grain is turning out good.
East Wawanosh
Another of the early settlers passed away
on the 23rd inst in the person of John
Campbell at his residence near Belgrave.
Deceased was born in Puslinch Tp. near
Guelph in 1841 and when quite young
removed with his parents to Nassagaweya
Tp., Co Halton, where he remained till
1865 where he removed to this Tp. and
resided continuously, until his decease.
Beingindu?;trious and thrifty he amassed
a very comfortable estate.
He was married in 1809 to Isabella
, Dunbox and from the union the following
sons and daughters survive Mrs. Wm
Sims of Blyth and Minnie at home, Hugh
and Joseph of Manitoba, Robert with
G. T. R. at Hickson and Henry at home.
Another daughter Mrs. P. W. Scott died
25 years ago. The funeral took place on
Saturday to Brandon Cementry and was
largely attended. Services were condnct-
ed by Revs. Boyle and Davidson} and by
C. O. F. of which society deceased was
long a member.
° (By Dr. James D. Hughes)
The following stanzas, from a longer
poem printed in the Los Angeles Times,
were in reply to Edwin Markham's poem,
which begins, "0 mothers, will you longer
give your sons," etc. Sad significance is
given to these lines by the fact that Dr.
Hughes' own son was killed fighting for
France some months ago.
"What if he does not come?" you say;
Ah, well! I'dy sky would be more gray,
But through the clouds the sun would
Arid vital memories Ifs mine,
God's test of manhood is, I know,
Not "will he come" but **did hego?"
My son well knew that he might die,
And yet he went, with purpose high,
To fight for peace and overthrow
The plans of Christ's relentless foe.
He dreaded not the battlefield;
He went to make fierce vandals yield.
If he comes not again to me
I shall be sad; but not that he
Went like a man—a hero true—
His part unselfishly to do.
My heart will feel exultant pride
That for humanity he died.
"Forgotton grave!" This selfish plea
Awakes no deep response in me,
For, though his grave I may not see.
My boy will ne'er forgotten be,
My real son can never die;
'Tis but his body that may lie
In foreign land, and I shall keep
Remembrance fond forever, deep
Within my heart of my true son,
Because of triumphs that he won.
It matters not where anyone
May lie and sleep when work is done.
It matters not where some men live;
If my dear son his life must give,
Hosannas I will sing for him,
E'en though my eyes with tears be dim.
And when the war is over, when
His gallant comrades come again,
I'll cheer them as they're marching by,
Rejoicing that they did not die.
And when his vacant place I see,
My heart will bound with joy that he
Was mine so long- my fair young Son—
And cheer for him whose work is done.
Big special Fair Attraction
The $th, Wonder of the World
Under the auspices of the Turnberry Agricultural Society
Wed. Oct. 10th, Thus. Oct. 11th.
Tha Lasa Uuy;of the Big FAir
and the Day Following.
Original Music' and Stage Effects. Jules Brazil Leader of Orchestra
Reserved Seats on Sale at The Rexall Store Secure your Tickets Early,
Prices : Nights $1, 75 and 50cts. Thurs. Mat. 75, 50 and 25ots.
Suppe: iug that you keep a cow giving
five thousand pounds of milk in a year,
for which you recclved seventy dollars
cash, how much profit does that cow
make? This is not a riddle, but simply It
query that every dairyman should be in
a position to answer. Leaving aside the
"higher accounting" side of revenue and
expenses per cow those persistent items
of rent, interc,t, tax's, depreciation, etc
and taking only income from milk or fat,
and cost of feed, are you then in a posit-
ion to say definitely that each cow you
keep does make a good clear profit above
iced co::t?
3Vhetlter the feed is valued at forty or
eighty dollars, whether the income is fifty
or one hundred and twanty dollars, is
there such profit that a fair return is
made to you for the labour expended?
For if revenue and expense just balance
showing no margin of profit at all, there
must surley be something wrong, your
labour has to be paid for.
Milk and feed record forms may be had
free on application to the Dairy Commiss-
ioner, Ottawa, so that the profit made by
each cow may be ascertained. Perhaps
some cows would show profit if fed better,
some won't. Many men in all provinces
on the cow testing register at Ottawa show
thirty and sixty dollars clear profit per
cow above feed cost. You may have
made more than that; if you made less,
was it entirely the cow's fault?
THE ADVANCE JOB DEPARTMENT is equipped with all the
newest type faces and turns out the neatest printing. If you. are
in need of Letterheads, Envelopes, etc. ask to see our samples.
the sole bead of It family, or any male over
18 years old may homestead e, quarter section
of available Dominion land in Manitoba„Seek-
atehewan or Alberta. Applicant must appear
in person at the Don:Anl3pn Lands dgencr or
Bub-Agenov for the Dtetriot. Entry by proxy
may be made at any Dominion Lands Agent*
abut not Bub•Agenoy en certain Conditions).
DuTiste--bix months residence' upon and
oultivatlon of the land in each of thre'o years.
A homesteader may live within nine miles of
his homestead on A farm of at least 80 acres, on
certain conditioner. A habitable house is req•
nired except where residence is performed in
the 'vicinit .
Live stock may be substituted for cultivation
under certain conditions.
In certaindietriots a homesteader in good
standingt may pre-emtit e quattereeotion eIon,i
side his homestead. Frio ilea per sore.
DtvTnitl-Six months residence in each of
three years Rater earning homestead pwtont:
also 60 acres extra cultivation. Pro•emption
patent may be obtained at eo0n aq homestead
patent on certain Conditions. -
A settler who sae exhausted bits homestead
right may take auroheaed homestead in ter.
taln district.. Price 43 per Acre. Dutaee.-
Met reside sir menthe in, each of three years
dultivete 50 acres and greet a house worth
The area of culttvaticn le subject to r oc•
tionin ogeeof rough, eerubb Or stony land
_ Stook roay be substituted forcultive.tlon
t W. W. Coiter C. M. G.
W. bp� tJn&nihorl'ted pnter blichi tI ntofthie
gldvertieehient will not be paid for• 1.41.
ComplctComplet47, Service to Ford
O-,.-;1?,rs Everwhere
CbURTEOUS attention to your needs wherever you may
travel is something you appreciate, and being a Ford
owner you can get it. You are always "among friends".
There are more than 700 Ford Dealer Service Stations through.
out Canada. These are always within easy reach of Ford owners
—for gasoline, oil, tires, repairs, accessories, expert advice Or
motor adjustments.
The cost of Ford Service is as remarkably low as the cost of
the car itself. Nineteen of the most called for parts cost only
$5.40. Just compare this with the cost of spare parts for other
cars and you will realize the advantage of owning a Ford.
Runabout - - $475
Touring - - $495
Ca otlpeiot - e $695
Sedan w - a $890
P. 0. B. FORD, ONT.
4114. CRAWFORD, DDealer, Wingham
it Al LWA
Highlands of Ontario
The Horne of the Red Deer and Moose.
DEER -November 1st to November
15th inclusive.
MOOSE -November ist to November
15th, inclusive, In some of the North-
ern Districts of Ontario, including Ti-
• magami, the open season is from No-
vember 1st to November 30th inclusive,
Write for copy of "Playgrounds - The
Haunts of Fish and Game." Giving
Game Laws, Hunting Regualtions, etc.,
to C. E. horning, Union Station, Toronto,
II. B. Elliott, Town Ticket Agent.
Phone •1.
Every year from Consumption,
Millions could have been saved if
only common sense prevention had
been used in the first stage. If YOU,
ARE a Sufferer from Asthma, Bron-
chitis, Catarrh, Fieurisy, Weak
Lungs, Cough and Colds --all Dis-
eases leading up to Consumption--+
Tuberculosis, YOU ABE interested
in. Dr. Strandgard's T. B. Medicine.
Write for Testimonials and Booklet.
263-265 Yonge Street, Toronto.
Misther Editor: -Did you iver in your
Wife notice--av coorse ye have- that this
worulcl was made up av "pull” shpelt it
wid a big ,capital P? The pollyticians
have their pull,. the big interests and the
little wans too, have their pull, the mer-
chant, the farmer, the Indian and the
ladies all have their pull, but the greatest
pull av all these pulls was the pull pulled
aff by our win -the -war citizens lasht wake
whin they betook thimselves out to Billy
James Shannon's farum in Mickillop and
pulled in a fifteen acre plot av flax to kape
it from rottin in the field an presarvin it
for the use av the Empoire. Now, this
tmaque pull resolved itsilf round about in
this fashun. Well, you see, Misther Ed-
ithor, the Flax Mill Company had a grate
dale too much faith in the Almanac an th
dinsity av the mental procissis av "Lo, the
poor Indian," with the accinton the poor,
for ye must renumber the motto, "the
poor ye always hav wid'ye," an they hired
a bunch av Indians, composed chafely av
min, wimen and childther, barrin the dogs
to pull the flax in this siction at the ple-
thoric price av tin dollars an acre, an
iverythiug was being pleasantly pulled aff,
Lo the praise an glory av Big Divvydends
and as me friend Davy Varum sez, "to
thin that has gits." But to their utter
discoinforturs wan night along came wan
av Sam Gompers destroying angels and
shprinkied the front door posht av the
brown stone mansions av the Indian
pullers wid 'threasonable litherathure,
making a fifty-fifty, free-for-all purse av
twinty dollars an acre nate for" pulling
flax at Sebringville. To be sure, Torres
Vadris--loike the company, sat soilently
widin the "Vale av Tears," an wouldn't
git it out ave the wet, or cash in to save
their anty. Be gar, in the opinion of the
Indians the company's rigiday in favor av
filthy lucre transhended their judgmint,
an following the example av the Arabas,
-they folded their tints and shtole soil-
ently away," during the night, an nixt
mornin Poor Lo's habitation was plisantly
located by the quiet wathers av shtrame,"
"Twinty dollars per acre," belaying there
was more pull at twinty dollars than there
was at tin dollars. Av coorse, the flax
magnates were consoomed wid hostile in-
tinshuns at loosin a good tin dollar pull,
an from an effulgint divvydind point av
view could ye blame thim, thin agin ye
couldn't shoot the bullcon at the Indian
pull aither. Scointists say ,that Jawn
Chinaman an Poor Lo bear characteristic
athributes, an me frind Bret Harte wance
tould me, "Fer ways that are dark an
thricks that are vain the 1laythin Chinee
is pecooliar," an the way thim Indians
shnaked aff in the dark prove the scoin-
tists an me frind Bret were mighty near
roight in their deducshns. Now to make
a long story short, at this juncture av the.
pull the flax company was in a divil av a
predicament for flax pullers, and afther
ransackin the grey matther av their brains
for a rimidy, a broight scintillashun oidea
permeated wan av thim, i.e., apply to the
Seaforth Food Producshun Associashun
for help. No sooner sed than dun. The
F. P. A. was on the job inshtanther
Mayor Stewart proclaimed a half holiday
for the mirchants an their Vandthribilts
for Wednesday afternoon, an in fiowin
robes of office headed a processhun av
volunteered antomobiles filled wid pullers
to the flax field, where they rowled up their
pants, and pulled and pulled to their
hearts' contfnt. To be sure, the Mayor
was in good company whin he was flanked
to the left av him by Kurnel Wilson and
Praycher Mickinley as aidy-camps. The
ladies av the Rid Crass ' Society. God
bliss thim, niver fail in pathriotic service,
came across into Macedonia or McKillop,
where "the fields were ripe unto the harv-
est," with the foinest av refrishments for
the butlers and the gallant disciples of
Boaz voted their president, Miss Case, an
her cotherie av angels -their sweetness av
characther would call the birds aff the
bushes -a hearty caed mille failthe. Well,
well, Mr. Edithor, it was a grate day's
pullin entoirely, an the stories the bys
tell about their flax pullin' exploits would
make me ould frind Jonah and his fish
story blush with excoited invy, but it is
now ginirally conceded that Doc Beachlay
the dintist, pulled more achers thin enny
of thim. N. B. -That's a joak, d'ye• git
me. Shure it was a long pull, a strong
pull, an a pull altogether, be gar, believe
me -you it was some pull. An there ye
are, ye pays your money and ye takes
your choice av the horns av the dilemma
av Big Divvydends. Pull. an War Time
Food Production. Howiver; as a Sociol-
ogist an Sinn Feiner I've unbounded con-
fidence in the capacity of the modern
Creosus who doesn't want to be any richer
at the close av the war thin whin it began.
Afther the war, the Socialists, Be gar,
Mr. Edithor, I was side-steppin an politic-
al economy. Well, well, the flax was
saved to the benefit av the counthry an
nawthin else matthers-Yours for pull,
Chiropractic accurately locates and
removes the cause of disease, allowing
nature to restore health,
J. A. FOX D.C., D.O.
Drugless Physician. Consultation
and examinations free. Phone 101.
Member Drugless Physicians Associa-
tion of Canada.
We have frequent inquir-
ies for good farms within
reasonable distance of Wing
ham. If you have a farm
for sale it will pay you to
see tis.
Ritchie & Cosens
Insurance and Real Estate
Z hurlyday Oct. 4th 1917
ltItXcatXau0tu11eat1t as760w0110/Xxu
—ISARD'S ---
N New Styles of Fall and
WHICH SCHOOL? MI Business Col.
leges are not alike. Choose carefully. .
Yonge and Charles Sts., Toronto. Isnot el
for high grade training for bttsinesslite. (treat
demand for our graduates, Enter now. Cat-
alogucs free. W. J. Elliott Principal.
ror information that will lead to the
discovery or whereabouts of the
persoit or persons suffering from any
diseases of the ' ernes--bkin-- 131ocd
�ottd Astlnna, Bronchitis or Catarrh,
who cannot be eared At the Ontario
Medical Institute, 263.205 Yongo St.,
'I."uronto. Correspondence invited.
-Huron Expositor.
• Mrs, Chas. Gitlkspie of \Vingliam, spent
the weekend with Mr, and Mrs, J. Gilles.
Mr, and Mrs, W. T. Shaw of Toronto.
are visiting at the home of the latter's
sister, Mrs, T. It Moore.
Miss Isabel and Miss Lefty Fox visited
with friends in Listowel for a few days
last week.
Mrs, Robert Purdon and Mr, A.
Purdon have gone to Pittsburg to spend
a fortnight with the former's niece, Mrs.
Chas. Bell.
Dr, and Mrs A, A. Simpson motored
from Kintail last week and visited the
farmer's brottter, Mr. It, V. Simpson of
Rev, T. IL Graham spent a few days in
'1'orout0last week,
1~ rieuds of Lance•Corp. J. J. kenucdy
who was recently reported gassed, will
be glad to know that he has been able to
return to duty.
Several from here attended Ripley and
Winter Coats
You are invited to in-
spect our large range of
Ladies' Misses' and Child-
ren's Fall and Winter
Coats. We sell the Gar-
ment of Merit these coats
have an attractive smart-
ness in style and excel in
quality though offered at
popular prices. See our
values at $15, $18, $20
and $25.
Pine quality cloths, well tailored,
made in very smart style. Com-
plete range of sizes. Prices are
$5,00, 6.50, 7.00, 8 00, 10.00 and
New Monarch Sweaters for fall
wear. See our stock of new mod•
els and colorings. Special value
:I at $3.00, 4,00 and 5.00.
Just received a new shipment of Ladies' tailored skirts. Special value
in Navy and Black serges and panama cloths, See our black and white
check skirts, pretty style% alt sizes, Our sale price $3,00.
Big stock of the best makes and styles of furs, fur coats and fur lined
H. E. ISARD & CO. '2°
coats. See them.
Wingham, Ontario
Lucknow fairs last week,
Mr. Chas. McKinnon of Toronto was a
visitor at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Alex
Purdon during the week.
Rev. A, Mcllroy of Toronto, conducted
the services in the Presbyterian Church
on Sunday.
Sunday Guild meeting was in charge of
Miss Annie Kennedy. A duet was sung
by Misses Cora and Ada Clubb. The
delegates who attended the Y. P. S. con-
vention at Moncrief gave their report.
The Ieader for Oct. 7th is Rev, J. R.
Graham. Next Sunday will be observed
as Rally Day in the Sabbath School,
"lin Opening"
4 Open the sealed end
with your finger nail
4110 Push on the other end
to make sticks project
MIII li ' wrrfG��•�r � ,11111111
u1cY. FRL! T.
--'�I CFi�WING GUfvf.`�
4- _-i Pull out one — push
the others back in
-4.as U'nwvrap the double
cover and' . see how
surpassingly delicious
and full -flavoured it is.
h ade i1x
The Flavour Lasts
eVel y meal!
but gives a lot of comfort and refreshment. Not only a long-lasting confection but a
nerve steadier, a thirst quencher, a flick.tne,up, Every Christmas parcel should ob.,
tain some WRIGLE"Y'S GUM.