HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-08-30, Page 8I4.1.; 3 &gilt OA 414 di _ ►♦` ,ib.T� ut �► ►. ►0 a. v. 114 :It Ate a4 4:4 dv ei :it, Alt, $1 i \ t '� Kb . r� �\.fN,rYt.rZ4.;�i1♦ �♦ vile ��,r�v 7Z.1 Md.\ {�♦ Ij�+i,►+S\ �\ i Fail Term Now Open! Enter Any Tante! 'i' The Boomer you enter. the ecouer you will be through your . eburse and into a good position, ►}k ,����Gc� 13,13 Winghant, Ontario Is operated in cnnueatiou with the widely -known 1313schools ---OentraleBusinees College 8tratietd, and the Elliott . Bust - nese Oollege, Toronto. When a student completes a course in the Central Business. College, Wingham, the influence of the other schools is used to place that student in a position. The courses of study in this New College are up to. a high standard; The teachers are experienced and capable; Isaac Pitman Shorthand is used and Touch Typewriting is taught on Underwood Machines (the machine that we believe is more extensively used in Canada than any other kind). It le unwise to learn to operate machines that are seldom used In business offices. Thorough work is bound to tell. When getting a business or shorthand training, why not get THE BEST? That is the kind you •get here. Write for our New Catalogue, It eontaine full Informa- tion. D. A. McLACHLAN, President AP' *i AOA► •moi • *Jo 4.9, ale, 4. ,w►i:►Via::i 41 A. HAVILAND, Principal' mmwYt�rrrvamvrrrrv�mwywww,wvvs. CLEARING SALE We must prepare for your Fall and Winter Com- fort while your wearing season for Spring and Sum- mer outfitting is still at its height! Hence this '"Clean Up Sale" ,of our entire stock at greatly reduced prices. As we are .giving twenty per cent discount on everything purchased in our store from THURSDAY, AUG. 23rd, until SATURDAY, (SEPT. 1st. So join the crowd of prudent buyers that will be quick to take advantage of this great sale. So call soon and secure first choice. Frank MacLean "The Horne of Good Clothes" TWE WINGRA14 ADVANCE WINUUAM MARKETS atT31.1.0 4.10 (Correct up till Wednesday noon.) Wheat 2 10 to 2 40 Vim, . per ewt,, patent0 00 to 0 85 Flour, per cwt„ family0 15 to 0 35 Bran, per ton 31 00 to 30 00 ShorOa'tstg"ner'totn,.,,,.,.,,42 00 t0' 0 to 45 00 0 80 Barley 1 10 to 1 20 Ray, stew.,.,....,..,8 00 to 10 00 Butter, per ib -Dairy 0 38 to t0 Eggs, per dozen , .. 4'1 to 45. Lard 20 to 30 Cattle, medium butgbers 0 00 to I0 00 Cattle, butchers choice. 10 00 to 11 00 Hoge, live weight . , .. , , to 10 00 Hanle, per ib 0 35 to 40 Bacon long clear 0 25 to 20 Sheep Skins r 1 25 to 1 50 Rides 15 00 to 15 00 Lambe ........ , ... 14 00 to 14 25 Cream per lb 42 Whitechurch Piss Ida Carrick of Winghatrs, spent Sanday at her home here. Mise Edythe Peddle holidayed last week with foiende at Grand Bend. Rev. J. R. Graham retuk'ned from the West on Saturday and motorail to Col- lingwood tp spend the week -end with his friends, Rev. S. and 1VPre. Farley. Mr. and Mrs, Robt. D6cClenaghan Inot- ored to laluevale on Sunday to visit Mr, and Mrs, R, J. Dobie, Miss Tena Laidlaw is visiting friends at North Bay, Messrs Charles Taylor and William Miller left last week for the West. Mr. 3. G. Gillespie has commenced the season's threshing. Rev. J. H. Borland of Toronto preach- ed in the Presbyterian church on Sun day. The pastor will have charge of the services next Sabbath. The Guild leader for Sept. 2 is Miss E. Peddle when the topic is "Favorite Hymns." _ ---- Blyth As this is a shipping centre for the Red Cross circles of this district, the following goods were received and sent to headquarters at London last week: Blyth Girls' War Auxiliary -27 tow- els; Myth Red Oross-27 flannel shirts, 34 pairs socile, parcel old linen; Gorrie Patriotic Circle -6 night shirts, 5 sheets, G quilts, 0 pillows, 14 helpless shirts; 4 flannel shirts, 4 pair bed socks, 38 pair souks; Moncrief Red Orose-9 suite pyjamas; 11 pair socks; Hattan - Red Cross -0 suits pyjamas, 30 bath towels. 80 pair socks, 25 flannel shirts; Westfield Red Cross- 4 flannel shirts, The Blyth Agricultural Society con. ducts a standing field crop competition each year, and this year it was on fields of white oats. This week Mr. George >3innire of Prieeville, one of the Government wheat 3udgss was here judging the difierwat fields, aad as they were all so agnal and of each good quality, his work was no easy matter, buJ bis decision was given ae follows:, D. M. McCallum 02 per cent; J. and F. Laidlaw, 89 per cent; David Laidlaw, 88 per cent; Duncan Laidlaw, 86 per cent; J.. and W. Grey, 85ii per cent; H. Young, 8311 per cent; R. Wightman,83 per cent: R. G. McGow- au, 82 per cent; Wm,. McGowan, 81, per cent; Jas. Jackson, 75 per cent. 1„.1„1„,t,s4,1,+1,1„,,t,+***% SUMMER GOOD 25 doz Wontens Cotton Hose 3 SPECIAL SALE 0 Save 10 to 50 per cent t Orfor 5Oc Black White Tan full fashioned hose, guaranteed I. fast dye sizes 8:i to 10. Regular 25c and 35c pairs. 1000 yds Summer Dress fab- ric 19c a yd. Muslins, Voiles, Crepes and Linens in pretty floral stripes and fancy checks, suitable for ladies' dresses, and children's school dresses, regular value 25c, 35c and 50c a yard. ' 45 yds Lmbroid. voile fiounc- ' ' ing Sac a yd. 10 pieces fine French Embroidered voile, in fine even quality, regular $1.25 to $1,50 a yard. 125 yds:black i%9ouseline silk 1.98 ayd. This silk was an order previous to the advance in silk, do not wait if you want a dregs as we will not have any more at this price, regular price $2 50 a yard. 'tom. 20 Ladies' Raincoats reduced to $5.00 Special purchase of Lahies' raincoats, along with a number of odd ones taken from stock, come early if you want one of these, regular value $7,50 to $10.00. 5 dozen Ladies' cotton night- 15 Men's Sample Raincoats if gowns 98c $12.75 i.. Your choice of these in long or short sleeves with 'travellers samples of English manufacture coats high button neck or low necks all sires, regular price itt Paramatta and Tweed effeetas, regular value $15, $1.25 to $2.00. to 22.30, 50 white Voile waists $1.00 Uouse'Furnishings 4. 4 Ladle's waists,,.made from good quality voile in the Special reductions on odd Rugs. Remnants and i latest style, sizes, 34 to 44, regular $1 50 to $2,50. Curtains. 4 44 4 _ 1313.-1313.. 1313 , + TERMS CASH Produce Wanted Phone 71 4; itii KING BR•S.y *44444 44444444+44444444444;444444* 6 doz HeatherbloeiIi Under- skirts 1.50 to 2 50. Special purchase of uaderskirts in all latest styles, colors,navy, paddy and black, regular price $2.00 to 3.50. 20 Men's tweed and worsted suits $11.95 These suits are taken from our stock and consists of broken lines, that we have not a range of sizes rn, made from all wool materials, regular values $15.00 to 22.50, 50 Boy's school suits $3.95 This is an opportunity to get the boy's school clothes at less than half price, all sizes in the lot two piece suits- with Bloomers, regular values $3.00 to $10.00 10 dog: men's all wotli cash- mere socilfs p.is „yeecial putt hate of cashmere socks, guaranteed pure wool British manufadture, all sizes, regular 75c value. 100 men's negligee shirts at 98c Broken lines takdn from our stock, gpod materials, in neat patterns, and fast eolora, regular value $1.25 to 1,50, 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 41. •. 4 4 We are in a position to pay Cashf!O!aj! In any any tinantities. satisfaction and high. est prioee guaranteed I have moved from, soy old star.d in A, II, W ilford'e to the store eon th of BELL'S MUSIC STORE where 1 will be open every day to buy cream C. D. Beninger Bluevale Miss Mabel Couliess has returned to Toronto after spending past , two weeks with her mother. A large number trona here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Messer at Wing - ham on Monday. Mr. Jim Dobie of -Listowel, spent the week end with his parents. Mr, Whit Stewart has gone to Bowling Green where he has secured a position with his brother, Win, Mr, Chas. C.ultess spent Sunday with relatives here, ?dr. and Mrs. Wm. McMichael spent Sunday relatives near Molesworth. Mrs. Geo Mowbray and children are spending a few days at St. Helens. Mrs. John Coultes of Philadelphia, is visiting relatives here this week. Mr, Robt Shaw made a business trip to Toronto this week, Quite a number from here attended the Anniversary seryices ai Ebenezer last Sunday, Proceeds for the day anfountect to about $110, Rev. Stafford of Brussels, gave two fine sermons. - Mr. John Bell and daughter, Miss Mande, of Belgrave, Mr. D. Bell and Stanley 13e11 of Wingham, and Miss Mary Barr of Seattle, Washington, spent Sun- day with Mrs. Alex. McBee. Miss Belie Burgess and Mrs John Bur- gess are spending a few weeks with rela• lives in Toronto. Mrs. Snell rs at present visiting friends in Toronto. Mrs. Wm, McMichael received a tele- gram Monday morning stating her son, Lance Corporal Robt. McMichael was wounded in France on Aug 21st, gunshot wounds in left thigh. Robt has been at the front since a year ago and his many friends hope he is not seriously wounded. One day least week while Mr. Peter McEwen was unloading flour out of a car at the station his horses took fright and ran away throwing Mr. MX:Ewen off the the wagon, the harness was badly broken but horses and wagon were not much the worse. Mr. McEwen received •a bad shaking up but was not seriously hurt and is about again. ' The Women's Institute will hold their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs, Geo. McDonald on Tihurs. day, Sept 6th at half past two, All the metnbers are requ°ested to be. present. Mr. and Mrs, David Ramsay of 1st line of Morris, visited Mr. and Mrs. 1'V, A. Mines, 6th of Turnberry. FARM FOR SALE SEALED TEN RS will be received by the"undereigaed dp to Saturday the Eighth day of September, 1917,for I:he purchase of the south half of Lnt umber Four in the Fourth Concession of the 'Pomade of Morris. On this tiari>i ie situate a large stone dwell- ing; a large bank barn; a driving shed and stone hog pen. It is watered by a spring creek and two wells; about eighty acres clear and twenty acres of fairly good hardwood bush. The farm is situate three•quartors of a mile from the Village of Belgrave. TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent. on accept- ance oT tender and balance in thirty days. DATIOO at Wipgham this Twentieth day of August, A. D, 1917. R. VANSTONE, Wingham. Solicitor for the Executive of R. M. Anderson Estate, . Bast Wawanosh Miss Lottie Johnson of St. Augustine visited last week with her friend, Miss' Annie Robinson. Mr, and Mrs. David Beecroft of New York, and Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Campbell of the 9th line, motored to Goderich last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson} of Wing - ham, spent Sunday at the home of Mr, Thomas Robinson. !Liss Euphemia Chamney of the 9th line left last Tuesday on an extended trip through the West. Mises Mary Halliday spent last weak at the home of her uncle, Mr. John Mason. Miss Elva Robinson is visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Clark, Hansell. The council met on Aug, 20th pursuant to adjournment with all the members present. M'nutes of last regular and special meetings were both read and pass ed. 'l\he following rates were ordered to be levied for the present year: -Co. rate, 3 8/10 mills; Tp. rates, 1 5-10 mills; spe- cal School rate, 2 1 10 mills and Provin- cial war tdk 1 1 30 mills on the dollar. By law No. 7-1917 ratifying the above rates of taxation and By Law No. 8-1917 authorizing as formerly for the collection of 3 percent on all taxes remaining an. paid after Dec. 15111 were both read and passed' • The following accounta wdre paid; - The Advance office part printing contract 820.00; Wm Geddes, tile for B l oundary $1,32; P. Vincent, gravelling on Cons. 4 and 5 $4 00; Jos. Tainan, grading $24 00; Thos. Resnick, under brushing on side lines 33 and 34 Con' 3 $2,00;3. 13. Tier- ney, Com. Statute labor tax $7.50; Pat Gibbons, Corm, Statute labor tax $G 25, and rep. culvert $3,00; gravdl.: Mrs. Pat- terson $2,10, W. Salter 44 00, C. Camp bell $5,00; T. 13radnock 56.60; D. Cham - trey $5 00, W. Salter shovelling $2 40, D. Carter shovelling, 52.00, Thoe. Robinson shovelling $2,40, Next meeting of the council will be held en Monday Sept 17th. A. Porterfield, Clerk. 1313. 1313-:-. ..�' 1313._; 1313 +.....:...,i✓;.._». -1313.-_. ,�, 1•,. 1`�yy '.6t: 1313 1313.. 1313 1313... 1313 � . Af!�..+. WJNOtJAM LADIES DDIN( flllAIR WT Thulstlay, Aug. 30th 1917 The above picture was snapped at the home of Mr, McGee, East Wawanosh, while these ladies were "helping with the hay," The ladies ou the load are: Misses Mabel Orr of Toronto, and formerly of Wingham, and Miss Luella McCool, The lady driving the team is Mrs., Stewart McGee, f NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS. HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant Lo Sectibn 50, Chap. 121, of the Revised Stat- utes of Ontario,that all persons having claims against the Esate of James Niscen, deceased who died on or about the twenty-sixth day of July, A. D. 1917, at the Township of Turnberry in the Province of Ontario aro required to send by post, prepaid. or to deliver to It, Vanstone, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors on or before tho to 9nty-fourth day of September A. D. 1917, their names and ad, dresses with full particulars of their claims In writing. and the nature of the securities tit any) hold by them duly verified by a statutory declaration. AND FURTIIER TAKE NOTICE that after the said Twenty-fourth day of September, 1917,.. the assets of tho said estate will bo distributed by the Executors among the parties untitled therein, having regard only to tbo claims of which they shalt then have notice, and the state will net be liable for any claims not filed at the time of tho said distribution. DATED at Wingham this twenty-seventh day of August, A. D., 1017. R. VANSTONE, Winghani, P. O. Solicitor for the Executors. ionalasummeammeamosa rantiemomaava &mei iCtIRISTIE'Si PHONE 59 Food Quality First Consideration . Food quality deserves more thought than it sometimes gets. Good pare food means U• • Higher Nutrition And that should be of supreme importance to each and ail. If body building is given first thought buying the right kind of food will naturally result. Auto Delivery After consulting with repre- eentatives from up -to date hous- es elsewhere, and others from progressive `towns and smaller crtiep, we !rave decided on the following; - SPECIAL HOURS' TOW.N DELIVERY First delivery 0 a.m,; second delivery 11 a.m.; third delivery, 2 45 p.m, and fourth delivery at 5 p,m. Saturday evening 9 p.m. We thank our many patrons who have alreaci' fallen into line and made this arrangement possible. 1 1 1 1 1 i •r satstsr r®. Blyth A number of bur citizens are attending the Terouto Exhibition. Mrs John Stewart visited her sister in Seaforth during the week, -Prof. D. Cook of Toronto, Is spending his holidays with his parents and friends in this vicinity. On Sunday evening he assisted the Presbyterian choir in his usual happy mariner. Judge and Mrs. Jackson will leave this week for their home in Leithbridge. Rev, W. j. McCormick and family have returned from their holidays, Miss Laura Bendy visited friends in Mount Forest and other points during the week. Owing to the continued wet weather the farmers and flax pullers are'deter•red in their harvesting op'erat ions. Belgrave Mr. and Mrs. Faski n of Kippen, spent a few days with friends in the village. Miss Laura McCrae spent a week with friends in Lucknow, Misses Dirothy and Audrey Bryant, Blyth, spent a few days with their grand- mother, Mrs. Wm. Wray, Miss Lucy Shearer of London, spent a couple of weeks with Mrs. C. Wilkinson and other friends. Miss Violet McGuire of Holstein, is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John McGuire, Misses Baker of London, are visiting their grandmother, Mrs. Alliston. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wheeler visited friends near Bluevale on Sunday. Salem Misses Cassie Powell and Jessie Bar- ton' visited at the !tome of Mrs. W. A. Mines one daylast week. . Mr. Cecil Mines spent last Sumday with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. David Breen, near Gfenannan. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gallaber and family from near Bluevale, called on Mr, and Mrs. Albert Ga'ilaherlast Sunday. The hum of the threshing machine is heard once again. The season promises to be a bumper. We are glad to sec Mr. George Fralick improving after recently be/caking his arm while cranking+ the auto, Morris The, MIssas Shaw of Bluevale, spent a low days last week at Mrs. Fraset's and Mr. Will Abraham's Wedding bells will soon be ringing in Morris, Mrs, T. Cassells and Mrs. Webb of Wingham, visited at J•tmes Golley's last tvoek, Mr. and Mrs, James Golley, Mr. and Mrs ,Thomas Abraham and Mrs. Will Abraham and son Ross, motored to Mr, Maxwell Abraham's last Sunday. Mrs, Stratton and daughter, Mabel, visited at Mr. Ernest Dennis' Mast Sun- day. elling -Out Sale A Great Success Many good lines of Shoes, Dress Good, Flannelettes, Hosiery, Embroid- eries, Men's Wear, Fresh Groceries, all at less than prices elsewhere, now is the time to get ,busy and buy, as all goods are very high priced for fall. Genuine Closing Out Sale Nothing reserved. Mostly all goods new and clean, make your dollar do its best by buying here. R. M. Lindsay Our hoe Saie (In f act the most succesful we have ever had) Will closeositivel on � Y Saturday of this week (September 1st) Many have availed themselves of thiso pportuni ty of buying their needs in shoes for all wear. . You can save BIG MON- EY . by doing likewise W. N. WILLIS Sole Agent For The - FOR 51`!!4' LADIES - X:tX.,•.M/'XX XXX%©14XXXX XX XXXX= w.✓ X Lii AX This Fall we announce a more attractive display X c of Coats, Suits and dresses, Plush Coats and plush trimmed. Coats in Exclusive styles $22.50, 25.00, $3 2. so, and $,l.o.00. ii 4 ,}4 ` 3 Belted effects and large P '' collars in plush, velours, ; i � ii and fancy Tweeds. prices X 1313 0'. $12.00, $15 00, $18.0o, and .�.. $2500. 13_13._._. ..14E -13J.• -'�� .air. TA Broadcloth, Blue Broad- ''' 4L ' :. cloth and Velour • materials also serges. Prices $18.00, 28.50, $35.00, $45.00. W , Furs! Furs! I• Hudson Seal Coats, Musk - I ; rat Coats, Small Furs /( 1 • Men's Fur lined coats. FALL ANNOUNCEMENT Ladies' Cloth Coats X X X 9V Ladies' Suits eet Men's Clothing The best in workmanship and value. Tailor made. .Ready made. Men's Raincoats KAD KG2 Tweed Raincoats for Gentlemen and Ladies. " 949 HANNA & C MITI; OIiIIIII MIMIIIMMMPI(tiftlltllllIP! 'I�IIi�1 f11�11�111�i�f�111�1�1f'ii�i REMOVED.. Passawnsiammilimansais E To the Red Building north of G. T. R. Wracks tWhere we will be pleased to meet all old and many new customers We still lead others follow. A. H. WILFO1D 4..