HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-08-23, Page 8NIA) et ti.t TIME W1N451.11AM ADVANCE i,414 •• *s0f $ . ha- r°r.30 t4 . ,1v{.a-i, ► is : FALL TERM OPENS AUG. 27th I 1:0716,1 MacDonald Block, - lr Wingham, Ont, A New School and a good one. This College is a Breech of The t'c ;tral College, :;tratferd and the I31,11ott Business College, Toronto, the a uie high grade course will be given as in these. The Principal of this College has had extensive teaching experience in some of the best Business Colleges of Canada and the United. States. Young men and women desiring reliable training for good Business posi- tionsare assured of this if they attend this echool, Miss V. Roadhouse wbo has been on the staff of the Elliott Buelnese College, Toronto, for a number of years, and is a capable and experienced eaeher, will be in charge of the Shorthand Department. Particulars sent on request. D. A. MoLACHLAN, President A. H VILAND, Principal WMNiilnAia MARKt TS (Cornet up till Wednesday noon.) Wheat 2 15 to 2 25 t r er cwt., tpatentQRU o 0 00 Flour, . ., blow', per cwt., family0 15 to Q 83 Bran, per ton 31 00 to 30 00 Shorts, per ton.,,,,..,42 00 to 45 00 afeOats, .... .:0 70 to 0 80 Barley ... 1 10 to 1 20 1' Hay, new....., ..,8 00 to 0 00 `Pl• y °n Iii O. Butter, per lb—Dairy .. 0 133 to 40 Eggs, per dozen . ...... ,.l'► to 45 Lard, . , ... 29 to 30 Cattle. medium butchers 0 00 to 10 00 Cattle, butchers choice. 10 00 to 11 00 flops, live weight . to 18 0(1 name, Per lb 0 35 to 48 Batson long clear 0 25 to 20 Sheep Skins 4 1 25 to 1. 50 Elides ,...16 00 to 15 00 Lambs. 14 00 to 14 25 Oream per lb 42 Bluevale Mre, Wm, Games is at present vie - Mpg friends at Kincardine. Mise Nora Za hn and Mise Maude Paul of Pittsburg, Pa., returned home Monday after spending the pest two weeks at the home of Mr. Sam Paul. Mre. Brooks and Miss Velma have returned home after spending the past t month with relatives at Newton and ill Stratford. °br Gsi ,►Z i, Tt►r ►° i, .ia,*r ,itiiTq►TvsrG •,a+rTA 4.70 r i►°iii s: ••:wins:awrG•!--;, r .r i °) is• d• •S1. °!t,r * r,(C ,S• telt ,.. •.1.,h d' %• 4• A •S• . . fl• a• + (S• ,• The echool well was drilled again . •_ •, .rr• -•- -. -- -- -unxv ----0 last week, and good water was reached at 140 feet. The work being done by SVrn, Hopper, Mies Flo Aitchison is at present visiting friends at Atwood. Is CLEARING Mrs. L. Ruttan of Brussels, spent jet ifil the week -end with friends here, • Mrs, McLeod has returned home after spending past few menthe in Toronto. SALE We must prepare for your Fall and Winter Com- fort while your wearing seatlon for 'p,ring•and Sum. - mer outfitting is still at its height! cre Hence this "Clean Up Sale" of our entire stock at greatly reduced prices. As we are giving twenty per cent discount on everything purchased in our store from THURSDAY, AUG. 23rd, until SATURDAY, SEPT. 1 th. So join 'he crowd of prudent buyers that will be quick to take 'advantage of this groat sale. So call soon and secure first choice. 1 Frank MacLean "The Horne of Good ClothesS9 liM MW MMW WAMMM Mr. and Mrs. Gamble and son, Sam, of Palmerston, spent Sunday at the home of Thos. Stewart. Mr, Reuben Garnies has been over- hauling his outfit and expects to cam - memos threshing last of this week, Crops look fine. Mise Laura Rolpb, Mrs. Rolph, Mre, Curtisand daughter motored to Mit- chell, on Friday and visited friends there and at Atwood, Mr. Roy Thom- son was the chauffer, Mr. Alec, Haetie delivered to Thus, Fells at the depot here on Satarday. 37 hoge for which be received a cheque for $1504 4'6'. Pays to feed bogei On Saturday when Robt. Day was driving along past the echool house his horse took fright at the well drill- ers engine and upset the buggy throw- ing Mr. Day outand badly damaging the buggy. Rebt. was not much hurt we are glad to say. • One night last week it was 3,10 a.m. when late train arrived, caused by en- gine breaking down near Elora. Me. Morris Bosman has secured the contract for mail route No. 2 and will take charge Oct,'let. There well he no service vice in the Meth- odist churoh here next Sunday, Aug. 20th. owing to anniversary services at Ebenezer, Rev, Stafford of Brueeele, will preach there at 11 a,m, and 7 p m. Wroxeter Painting and repairing lenses have been a pronounced featurein town thie enamor, Mrs, Malcolm was called to Oritlia last week owing to the death of her father. Mr. Austin Morrison and family of Saskatchewan, are visiting at the home oI the former'e parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno, Morrison, Mies (trace Stocks of Toronto, is at present visiting her parents, Mr's. Id, Cardiff and children of ilrue- eels, are spending a few days with her Meter, Mre, G. Leckie, " Mrs, Baines of Harriston visited her sister, Mrs, B, Henning. last week, Mies G. Thompson, Seafortb, is the gueet 0 Mise Sophie Robinson, It is with deep regret we chronical the death of the late Mrs, George Har- ris of town which took place last Sat- urday morning, heart failure being the cause, She was very highly respected and much loved by all whosmadn her acquaintance. The family have the sympathy of the community. The funeral will be held on Friday after- noon, interment being made in the "Wroxeter cemetery. • 6•' • r b . 4 4 4 4 .e 4 4 4 4 1 4 b•' 4 4 and Crepe Meteors in latest shades. Prodote Wanted 44.4 4 + 4c.” 4 44 44, 4444444444444 • • • tri •. `' 11..4? 1141 t • • s;, Correct Styles in Corsets For Summer Wear From Nemo and Crompton Cora set Mfgs, (Sole Agency for Nemo Corsets.) NEN1O CORSET STYLE 125 Price $2.50 NE11MO CORSET STY LE 131 Price $3.00 Low bust, light Medium low bust weight, made from ' Blade from fin bat- XoeSe'r"`E French Coati!. I iste, Other Styles $4.O00 $4.5O1 $5.00 arty T :00. Holeproof Salk Hose Ladies' silk hose in black and white and all the. latest colors. 75c, $1.Oo and $1,25 pair. ka'yser Silk Gloves In white and black, and with., black and white points. Prices from 75c to $1.50. EW li ly 14 Hose Made from the finest quality of Glove silk perfect fitting and good wearing qualities. Per pair $2,00. 14.44 Silk Sweaters All the newest shades in silk and wool sweaters in latest shades. Prices $6,50 to $15 00. Midrays, Wash Skirts, Blouses, Wash Goods, Georgette .(tropes, Ninons tesieesimeiniumaimersigleuriumeremvievemusmoustitiosemeamosiusesie Phone 71 KING BRO5i. i 4 4 4144, 4 4 r 4 4 4 4 4 4 - Lucknow Mies Mae McMorran is holidaying at Point Clack. Mies Mary McMillan of Fart Wil- liam is visiting with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McDonald have moved to their new home on Ross St. Patriotic Garden Party on J. G. An- derson's lawn on Thursday evening of this week. Midway and other attrac- tions, Dr. Geddes' many friends will bo pleased to know that he is gradually improving after undergoing a critical operation in Mayo Brea. Hospital, Rochester. Mrs. McLean and daughter, Sarah, returned to their home in Winnipeg on, Monday morning. 4 4 4 r$ Morris Mr. and Mre.. Jas, Clarke aficl family spent Sunday with relatives at Bluevale, Me, and Mrs, Brigham of HulIett, Mr, . •r , Mrs, a• Mestere and rs, 5 A a5tt1 ev; t , of13u Blum -ale, and , 1 J , Mr. and Mrs Ai, Masters of Toronto, were visitors at Abe Proctor's lard line, one day last week, Mre, Harold Jewitt visited her parents at Lucknow this week, The Ebenezer church has been repaper. ed and painted and will be re -opened next Sunday, Aug 20th. Rev, Stafford of Brussels, will preach et 11 a• m. and 7 p.m. 4+ a CtiEEl INC SOME ONE ON Don't you mind about the triumphe, Don't you worry about fame; Don't you grieve about succeeding, Let the future guard your name, All the best in life's the simplest Love will last when li•Fe is gone; Just be glad that you are living, And keep cheering someone on. Let your neighbors have the blossoms, Let your comrades wear the crown. Never mind the little setbaoks Nor the blows that knock you down, You'll be glad when they're forgotten, You'll ba glad with youth and dawn If you just forget your troubles And keep cheering someone on, There's a lot of sorrow round .you, Lots of lonesomeness and tears, Lots of headaches and of worry Through the shadows of the years; And the world needs more than triumphe, More than all the swords we've drawn It is hungering for the fellow Who keeps cheering others on. Let the wind around you whistle, And the etorme around you play; You'll be hare with brawn and gristle, When the conquerors decay, You'll be here in memories sweetened By the souls you saved from pawn, If you put aside the victories, And keep cheering some one ou. BORN Piano Box, of Rifles and Ammunition A. rrimor was current in town daring the week to the effect that a piano box had been shipped to an address in Blyth, When 'unloading it the men became suspicious of its contents and when opening it was found to contain rifles and ammunition. We have been unable to get authentic informa- tion on the matter at date, HARVESTERS! LOOK! 36,000 Farm laborers are wanted in the Provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. for the harvesting of the crop. The Canadian Northers Railway will nor - ate the first Exoursio,. trains for the West, leaving Toronto Union Depot at 10 p.m, Aug- ust 234 i and 30th, and running through solid to Winnipeg. The equipment will consist of electric light- ed colonist oars, lunoh counter cars, and in addition, the Railway will continue their last year's innovation of keeping a special oar for tae acconiodation of single women and fami- lies, and of Wooing it in the train whore the occupants will be separated from the other passengers. Tho territory served by the Canadian North- ern Lines offers the widest ohotce of employ. went with high wages, but regardless of where you may locate. remember we give you the best service to Winnipeg. whore you will re. puroliase to Real destination, no matter on what Line it may be. For 'leaflet showing special train service, with dates, number of men required at varlous polnte and otherimformatigp apply to Racing 8r, COsENs. Town Agent, or General Passenger Dorm o ont, Canadian Northern lla,lway, ROBLRTS—In Fordwieb, on Wednes- day, August 15, 1917, to W. J. and Mrs. Roberts, a son. GEDKE+—In Howick, on Wednesday, August 6th, 1917, to Mr, and Mrs. John Gedke, second con,. a eon, DANE—In Howick, on Wednesday, August 15, I917, to Mr. and Mre, James. A. Dane of Wartime, Sask., a son, REID—In Wingham, on Thursday, August 2ad, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Reid, adaugbter, ('Pena Elizabeth.) DAVIS—In Wingham, on Friday, Aug. 171b, to Mr. and Mre, J. J. Davie, a eon, SCOTT—In East Wawanoeh, on Thurs- day, August 16th, to Mr, and Mrs. Cyrus W. Stott, a eon. II itti tl - - t!1!>• tttlefllle mmoo ewe C. T. A. Convictions Under recent convictions for viola- tions of the Canada Temperance Act, which is in force in Huron County, Silas Balkwill of Blanchard Township, was fined $50 and costs for unlawfully bringing liquor into the county, and Fred Bloomfield of Exeter, was fined a similar amount for the same offence.. George Hirons of Blyth, pleaded guilty before Magistrate Belly of Gede- rich, for bringing liquor 1n for other than personal use and was fined $50 and costly. Oilier cases are pending. Flax industry Revives Government officials who ire pnepar- ins an educational exhibit for the Cau- adiatiNational exhibition at Toronto this year, say that the flax this industry in this country will be completely re- juvenated at a result of the war. Fifty years ago there were about one hundred mills in Ontario, and fl ix was an important crop on many farms, At the time war started In 1014 this number had dwindled to six or seven. But the war is reviving the industry in a striking 'way, and as a result of the attractive prices, due to the al- most total disappearance of foreign competition, many Ontario farmers are dipping into the business. In all. 8,000 acres have been planted to the crop here this year, while the West has devoted an inlmenee aelieage to it. The officials say that' between thirty and forty mills will he operating ,ln Ontario next tooter turning out pre. 4uats of the flax plant, ' Cl I RISTIE'S° PHONE 59 Food Quality First consideration II Food quality deeervee more thought than it sometimes get'e. iGood pure food means Higher Nutrition And that shoeild be of supreme importance to each and all. If body building is given first thought buying the right kind of food will naturally result. Auto Dolivory After consulting witrh repre- sentatives from up•to date paus- es elsewhere, and others from progressive towns and smaller cities, we have decided on the following;— ST•ECIAL HOURS TOWN DEL IVERY First delivery 9 a.m.; second delivery 11 a.m.; third delivery, 2 45 p.m, and fourth delivery at 5 p.m. • Saturday evening 9 p.m. We thank our many patrons who have already fallen into line and made this arrangement possible. Thursday, Aug, 23rd 1917 A' Belgrave Mr, and Mre. John Wheeler. of tem. don visited friends in the village last week, Mies s Ste va 1 tt of i Buffalo 1 to guest a b of Mrs, Robert McKenzie, 8 Dr. Perdueand family of Clifford, visited at Mrs, 0. McOrae's. Mrs. Wray of Sault Ste Itlarie, and Mise McMurray of Brussels spent a day at Joe Brandon's, Mrs, Katchlbaw, of Lucknow, spent a few days with her sister, Mks, David Scott. Mrs. Horner; Mre. Streb, Mr. and Mre. N, Parent and daughter, of Det- roit vielted at Geo. Daley'e and J. A. Brandon's, Mrs, J. Armstrong visited *her sister in Lucknow last week, Mr. and Mrs, Rollaway of Hamilton, and Miss Sproat of Woodstock, are t be pleats ( of Mr. and Mrs, Duncan Me- Mre. aMre,. Yueil spent a couple of days in London. Rev. `Davidson took the services in the Methodist, church at Wingbam en Sunday and Mr. Ansley of Wingham, preached here. Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Brandon spent a couple of days in Drayton this week. 1 1 Has Never Purchased Brain Rumors have been circulated that Hon. W, 3. Hanna, the food controller, has made a million out of buying wheat, Mr. Hanna makes a statement in answer to same that he bas never purchased a bushel of wheat or even a straw since he left his cld home on the farm when a mere kid. West Shore Brings $2oo,000. The Hydro Electric Commission bas started operations to clean up the West Shore Railway. Some repairs to the culverts and the trestle at Port Albert have been finished and a light engine and flat can, will be used to gather up the ties and rails which will be slipped direct to Niagara Falls as they are loaded. The municipalities Bolling tlae read will receive much more than they expected when they. soldit. When it is all cleared up the sale will net nearly $200,000, or about 50 per cent of the money guaranteed to ,build the road. FARM FOR SALE SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to Saturday the Inghtn day of September, 1817, for the purchase cf the soubh calf of Lot umber Four in the Fourth Coneessien of the Township of Morrie. On this farm is situate a largo atone dwell- ing; a large hank barn; a driving shed and stone kog pep. It is watered by a spring creek and two wells; abort eighty acres clear and twenty sores of fairly good hardwood bush. The farm is situate throe quarters of a mile from the Village of Bel rave. TERMS OF SALE: Ten par cent. on aooept- ance@ of tender and balance in thirty days. DATED at Wingham this Twentieth day of iugust, A. D.1817. It. VANSTONL ', Wingham. Solicitor for the Executive of • B. M. Andeieo,i Estate, T:Oleanly Pencil Sharpener! t Pencils may be pointed without spreading the dust from them by the uses of the device shown in the illus- tration. A piece of emery paper Is fixed to one side of the cover of the box. By turning over the cover with a handle, after a pencil has been point- ed, the dust may be dropped into the box and removed from time to time. -- 1, ' Nr*,.tonics. Selling. Sale ut A Great Success Many good lines of Shoes, Dress Good, Flannelettes, .Hosiery, Embroid- eries, Men's Wear, Fresh Groceries, all at less . than prices elsewhere, now is the time to get .busy and buy, as - all goods are very high priced for fall. G'noino Closing Out Sale Nothing reserved. Mostly all goods new and clean, make your dollar do its best by buying here. M. Lindsay In connection with our Semi.Annual Shoe Sale Which began an on Thursday last and Will positively end on Saturday, September 1st, (cone week from next Saturday) we desire to raise $1000.00 That is $ 1000,00 from this date or in other words $100 per day. To accomplish this we are sellinv, shoes in many cases - below their present actual cost and it will pay every one ersensaMmlir to Buy their stock of fall shoes now 1)o not fail to note that this sale will positively end on Saturday the 1st day of September (one week from next Saturday. W. Its WILLIE FOR LADIES Sole Agent For The Salem Mrs, Edgar Higgins and son Alvie, are at present spending a few weeks with her brother, Mr. Wm. A.bnaham, Huntsville. - Mr. Wm. Bolt and hie aunt, Mise Laura Oemmill of Pilot Mound, spent last Sundaywith w Mr. and Mre. Mc- Donald, near Molesworth, Mies Bessie Gilmour from near Mc- Intosh's church visited her sieter. Mre. Edwin Bennett last week. Mies Annie Westlake spent a few clays with her friend, Miss Moore near Meleswortb, Mr, John Weir of the Royal Bank of Toronto, is at present spending his vacation with hie mother, Mrs, Wm. Weir and other friends. Mr, and Mrs, Edwin Palmer accom- panied by their little niece, Edith Weir, spent a couple of days with friends near Teeswater last week. Mr. Geo. Bonnett went to Toronto, last Monday with a lead of cattle which he has had on the grass, Luck new Mrs, Robt, Mullin, a highly respected citizen of town, passed a -Way on Sunday morning after suffering for some time with cancer. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon to Greenhill cemetery and was largely attended. Rev. Mr. Ec- clestone conducted the services at the house and grave. Misses Reba Boyd and Vina Sniith of Wingham were the guests of Misses Edythe and Phemie Irving on Sunday. Miss Bell McKay returned to the Wet this week after speneling the past coeple of months with friends in this vicinity, Mrs, John Poacher is, we are sorry to stats, in very poor health, Pe -eel tee" .teri.ee t.a*s"Y RQ{A1tta' iY ;:%"?1 SS See our Exhibit in the Transportation Building, Canadian National Exposition, Toroizto, Aug. 25th to Sept.10th Light Four Touring A Leader No other car so low in price will • ~' appeal to you once you have driven an Overland Light Four. ,, • No other car in its price class offers such complete satisfaction, Its easy riding qualities, due to its < ,, studied balance throughout, long re- silient cantilever rear springs, generous wheelbase and big, oversize tires arc' exceptional in a car of its size and weight. Drop in for a' demonstration." Ask to drive this car yourself. The test will convince you •that what we have said is true. . OTHER LXGXHT POURS '4". . Roadster Country Clubs - .•'' OTHER TOURING MODELS tv Eighty-five Four Willya-Knight Four Eighty-five Six 'Willya-Knight Eight " Willya Si* Wingham. Over"and Sales L. Kennedy Willys•Overland, Limited Willys-Right and Overland Motor Cars and Light Commercial Wagons , Head Office and Works, West Toronto, Ont.1 L. ti ENNEEMISTEMEIREIMIIM