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The Wingham Advance, 1917-08-09, Page 8
Piga Cig13t M «' a,.1�rr+,► ✓ .p:rti.Ir:!K.IA tT+::::1: ►�IAi►•%,:bi.l: i/i.T�:11 „wriAi:TW►1y: lAy►T�a M►ta ij� ** �4 ger �IGI► p• �I� .14 r�> qZ rj. vi. iii �� iI� :.. rev fI� rI• �b FALL TERM OPENS AUG. 27th th Ir 4' tai STA STA 1. ♦A 7,1 1TA %IR STA .TA *. 1s►l.t.0.1§*►lii.iiI" . ..I+s ' ¥ l 4Ti pa 14' yid04* *r►4'.:.I1 d' e,11.. 'i'�s sh reg reg re> ra>, re► qv ren rI► r� rh re► v�� s h r ♦ re>. ren rp ip rel re. reM reg er: ��� rIa MacDonald Block, - Wingham, Ont, A New School and will be a good one. This school will be opened on the iel•.,'.e slate in the MacDonald Biocic Wingham and first-class courses in 13n.;iness and Shorthand Education will be given. The famous Isaac Pitniin system will be taught. Under- wood Typewriters will be used. This College is a Branch School of two of the best known Business Colleges in Canada --The Central College, Stratford and the Elliott Busi- ness College, Toronto, The Principal of this College has had extensive teaching experience in very prominent Schools, Young Inert and'Women tlesirin}i reliable train ing for good Businese positions are invited to attend this school. Particulars seat on request. D. A. i &LACHLAH, President AP1 Oat rey 4TA Hay, new 8 till to 'r:" Butter, per lb—Dairy , , 11 ii;; to .,`j: Eggs, per dozen ') 38 ,to TUB( WI TGUAM ADVANCE W1NGUAM MARKETS (Correct up till S' ednenday noon,) Wneat 25 to 2 lilt Flour, per cwt„ patent„ 0 89 to (i ,Ill Flour, per cwt„ family6 15 to 0 25 Bran, per tun 31 111) to 36 00 einorts, per ton 1.3 (10 Well 00 (}Sts, 0 'i,, to 0 05 110 to 120 0 00 30 40 load 29 to 30 Cattle, medium butchers 0 00 to Cattle, butchers choice, 10 00 to flogs, live weight to Hanle, per Ib. 0 35 to Bacon long clear 0 25 to Sheep Skins 1 25 to Hoses lb 00 to Lambe 11 00 to P.1 10 00 11 00 10 00 48 '20 1 50 3500. 1"l 25 30 ('ream per ..... Wroxeter ea Mrs, Firn of Toronto, is the guest of i!i her brother, Geo McDonald. 444 Miss Louise Stokes of Winnipeg, a for• ..� mer resident here, is the guest of the Misses Davidson. ` Mr. W. Phair has returned to his duties rr+ in the Bank of Hamilton after a two A.:141 I' week's visit in Toronto. fa V A vI? The Misses Oral Kitchen and Irene iii Terryberry of Toronto, also Mr WhaleyPrincipal 1.„ motored up and spent the weekend at the former's home here, East Wawauosh Miss Taylor, a former teacher of U. S. S. No. 7, is renewing old acquaintances in the section. Mr. and Mrs, McEw enofH Hamilton, o , are visiting at the home of Alexander Bros, The recent fine weather has enabled a number of the farmers to finish haying. The Misses Millie and Clara Mason are spending a few days at their old home on the 9th. Miss McLennan of Ripley, has leen engaged as teacher for S S. No. 7, for the coming year•. The garden party, under the auspices of the St. Augustine Women's Institute, which was held at the home of Mr, and and Mrs. W. Robinson was a grand suc- cess, There was a splendid turn out and altogether the proceeds amounted to $231. The proceeds from the bazaar amounted to $20. The articles which were sold in it were all donated by the members of the Institute and others, The autograph quilt, which the ladies made and for which tickets were sold, was given to Mrs. Samuel Thompson, she having tbe lucky ticket. A good program was given including instrumentals, solos, duets and addresses by Mr. A. H. Musgrove and Mr. R, D. Cameron. The ladies are to be congrat- ulated on the success of their undertaking, • HARVESTERS READ THI•S ! Tho best way to tho Harvest Fields of Weat- r Canada s e n Ca a n i by the Canadian Northern Rail- way. Speotal through trains wilt be operated from Toronto to 'Winnipeg on Exbursion gates. The equipment will consist of electrie lighted colonist cars and lunch counter cars specially designed to rater to the needs of large bodies of men at considerate rates. West of Winni- peg the demand for labour is great along the lines of the Canadian Northern Railway and the wages aro correspondingly high. Alt par- ticulars front RXTOLr1E & Cosit:Ns, Town Agents, or General Passenger Depts., Mon- treal, Que., and Toronto, Ont. 13 1more The reigular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute was held on Saturday last at the town hall. A very interesting address was given by Miss Hall on "House Flies and public health" also a solo by Miss Mae Ballagh, A donation of fifty dollars was voted by the Society to the Red Cross Fund, it was also suggested that each member knit one pair of socks each month, yarn for sande will be supplied to anyone wish- ing it at Mrs. Jas. Darling's or at the regular meetings, Miss AIicia Radford of Smitheville, is visiting with friends here, Misses Aileen and Margaret Garland of Winnipeg, spent a few dayswith their aunt, Mrs. W. H. Lawry. Mrs. Jas, her two daugh- ters withu ters spent the week -end with her , sister, Mrs. Ballagh near Teeswater. Mr. Henry Young has sold his farm toas. Dickson, n,r ] Mr. Wm. Edwards and son, Irwin, motored to Hamilton the first of the week. Mrs. Thos. Wallaoe who has been re- newing acquaintances here left for Har- riston last Friday. Tractor in Bruce Mr. N. •MacKay of Walkerton, Die- trict Representative of the Depart- ment of Agriculture for Ontarib, has purchased a Tractor for ploughing and other purposes. This Tractor has been purchased p ed and placed at the diepost,l of the people of the County of Bruce front a purely patriotic standpoint, namely to further assist in a greater production. This Tractor will com• mence operating at once on Mr. W. D. Cargill's faun wheli it will plough 20 acres. It will then be available for any one who wants it to prepare for fall wheat sowing. Mrs. D. Fisher spent a few days last week with Fordwich friends, Mr. Tom Goodfellow who has been visiting friends here for a few days re- turned to Toronto on Monday accompan- ied by his mother. In the recent Upper School entrance to the Faculties of Education, Miss Agnes McKercher and Frank Allan were suc- cessful, the latter taking honors, Morris Mr, and Mr, Joe Greenway and Mrs, John C. Casemore of Morris, motored to Ilanover• on Saturday. AN UNTRUT1t NAILED An untruth inns been spread through out thiu district, that the Wingham Busluese College lute Bold out to 1;t Nott and McLachlan, and we take this oppm:Welty of correcting eagle, The Wingbant Boniness College which has served the p ople of this dietrict so faithfully for a great many years, is now open to receive students and stud - mete can enter it any day; they can al-' eo pursue work in their own homes by means of our Horne Study Departuieut, Mr, John Merritt who wee acting principal last year; will again be iia charge, and Mrs. Foster Ferguson, wife of Sergt, Foster Ferguson "Soma whore in France" will be in charge of the Stenographic department, come - courtly we can assure our students of .the most careful attention. as these two teachers have had wide experience in training young people for business careers, Auy young person who is anxious' to secure a business education will clo themselves justice, by at least drop- ping us a card for particulars and we will send them the names and address- es of scores of young people fiend their own loeality who have secured their ,education in this institution and are tilling lucrative positions. We will ileo show them that all institutions which put up a sign "Business College" are not alike, Mr. and Mrs. James (Jolley motored to Print, Michigan, and spent a few days with Mrs. Golley'e brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Wright of Lakelet, visited at Mr. Ernest Dennie's last Sunday. Mr, Charles McGuire was visiting on the 1st line last week." Mies Eliza Messer of London, visited at Mr. Will Abraham's last week. Mrs, Edgar and Miss Mary Caec- more visited at Will Robertson's last week, Mise Marion Casemore of White- church is visiting her aunt, Mrs. John Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Barbaree, Miss Barbaroe and Mr. J. Atkiueon and daughter Jennie of Guelph, spent the week -end with the M+tthers families of the let line. Mr, and Mrs, hessian Mr, and Mrs. John Johnston and Miss_ J, Johnston of Stratford, ord, a sot the week -end with friends on the let line.' . Miss Lottie Johnston of Stratford, returned home after spending a couple of weeks with friends here. Mre, James Johnston and son Stan- ley of Sask. are at present visiting at John Johnston's 1st line, 4 4 tr,� 6, - 4 6 6, 4 4 4 4 e 4, 4 4 ete Correct Styles in Corsets For . Summer Wear From Nemo and Crompton Cor'. set Mfgs. (Sole Agency for Nemo Corsets.) NEr'w CORSET STYLE 125 - Price $2.50 Low bust, Light 125 weight, made from tav►ce French Coatil. Aces N F ld1,O CORSET ET -STALL 131 Price $3.80 Medium kw bust made from fin bat• iste. 1ANDAft Atneet•lassaas Other Styles $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 and $.WC. 131 l-ioleproof Silk Hose Ladies' silk hose in black and white and all the latest colors.- 75c, $ t .oc de and $1.25 pair. 6•t' Isr3�t�k-� 46, 4 Kayser Silk Gloves In white and black, and with blaek and white points. Prices from 75c to $ 1.50. 4.4 sy' t d i;• Produce Wauted KING ka;alian Silk Hose Made from the finest quality of Glove silk perfect fitting and good wearing qualities. Pcr pair $2.0o. Silk Sweaters All tho newest shades in silk and wool sweaters in latest shades, Prices $6,5o to $15 00. Middy, Wash Skirts, Blouses, Wash Goods, Georgette Crepes, and Crepe Meteors in latest shades. Ninons Phone 71 BR OS GEO SPOTTON t e)OOQ CtQ000mooc0000000000 Bluevai " Mr, and Mrs- Jos, McKinney and soar, Lyle, and Mrs. Jas. Messer and Mrs, John 5. Afeaser motored to Tor- onto, and spent the week -end with relatives here. Messrs (leo. and Harvey Churchill spent Sunday at their home here,, Mr, Timmine of Toronto, is at present visiting relatives here. Mr. Wilbert Mothers was home over Sunday and went to Waterloo on Monday. A couple of auto loads took in Taeswater races on Monday. Misses J. Yeo and Hazel Stamper, spent Sunday with Mrs. Wert. Hall. Mr. Wm. McMichael Sr. was home over the week -end. Tho Wingham Baseball team defeat- ed the home team in a friendly game Monday evening. Mies Alice Paul is•visiting friends in Loudon at present. Mise B. S'andereon, Mre. Hutchison and Myst Donaldeon returned to Tor- onto on Monday after spending the past month here. Jas. Masters has returned to work, after being on the sick list the past three weeke, Mre, H. A. McOau1 is visiting rola- tives in Delhi at present. Mrs. Johnston of Stratford, was a visieor at Mr. Robert Shama this week. Mise Mabel Coultee, Drs. Ed and John are all home on rbeie vacation and spending a few weeks with their mother. Mr. Earl Aitchison it home'for two weeks holidays. Me. W. Et, Stewart and son. Robert, of Acton aro visiting relatives here. Mrs. Gi'o. Mowhray and children, spent Sunday at Whitechurch. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute wilt be held at the home of Mrs, Robert Black on Thurs- day afternoon August 9 h at half past two. Tho girls have charge of the meeting. A very successful garden party was held under the auspices of L. 0. L. No. 7011 and Women's Institute on the school grounds on August Zed. The evening was ideal and an' immense crowd gathered. The ,Lucknow Pipe Band furnished the mune. The pro. coeds which amounted to $238,00. will be used for patriotic purposes. An autograph quilt was sold by ticket, Etdrid Nichol being the bottler of the lucky ticket. He kindly returned the quilt to be sold by auction and W. J. Henderson of the Bluevate road paid the sum of $15.50 for it. The total amount made on the quilt being $138. The ladies are to be congratulated au the success of their undertaking. — N 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 a 4 K� 4 -40 �a sem+ 4 4 41. 4 ',a a X44+44+44+ 444444t+++++++44444+++ r 11, Saturday Specials at 1 lb.ill►rd's Forkdi t Chocolates regular 40c On sale Saturday 30c 0 Purity Ice Cream Our ci E Specialty r 1 Visit Our Restaurant 1 C. POND j Successor to C. Walmsley CtE3Et+`. 000m000£l.b coo o©o©onci VOTERS' LIST, 19,I7 Municipality of the Township of Turn - berry, County of Huron Notice i:; hereby giv' that 1 havo trans li a rs s m rationed ' its d or Bred to th a on o o de v n p , in Section 0 of theOntgrio Voters' List Act the' copies required by said section to bo so trans- mitted 01' delivered of the list, made pursuant to said net, of all pirr ons appearing by the lust revised As: essment Roll of the said Muni- cipality to be entitled to veto in the said 'Municipality at elections for members of I ho Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Mee- buggy hox, they thought ail was well,' Lions; and that the said list was 111'-1 pmtmd no at my otree at the Township of Tu-nl,rrr3•on ( until they came to a culvert where Reigra,ve R'w 13 tyle and,femily have gone to their cottage at Kimble Falb; JA1b1t aitewea 1 and hie another motor- ed, to Niroudr,tock on Saaturday.. Me. and Mee. O. Berney and Nile) !Matlock of 1?.xeter event Sunday e.+ Reba titotloho Lis e'ri Mrnt, 11, Wray of London, opent a couple of days with Mre. Wtu, Wray, IRev. McCrea of , Ktaeard!ue, took charge of the scevtcen in Knox, church on Sunday, Rev, Boyle preached in Mitchell on ,Sunday. Mee. 3, Oeddoe attended the funeral of a friend in Mitchell last week. Mrs, E. Sutton and Miss Kilda of Toronto, are visiting et Mrs, Parson's, Mr, and Mrs, AlcWaltore and two children of Toronto, are the guests of A1r, and Mrs. J. A, 13randon, Mess, Yowler of Seaforth, is visiting Mrs, Sproat, The Belgrave Dramatic Club gave their play entitled "Lodgers taken in" in Teeswater on Monday night and in Dungannon on Wednesday night, The Belgrave Patriotic Society ac- knowletlgcs with thanks the sum of $11'25, proceeds of tea by Mics Martha Maxwell; Chas, Campbell, $1; Mrs, John S. Scott, $2, • " A Rain Storni incident ' - Folloying a recent heavy downpour of rain, what might have been a ser- ious affair happened to William Simp- son, of Atwood. While he and Mr'. Simpson and baby, and Mrs. James Porter, of Detroit, were on their way to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Porter, 10Lh conceesion of Grey, the water covered the road east of Ethel and as he was driving througb, although the water was up to the the 7th day. of August, 1917, and renrnlas the r owiva to the depth of water the driv- er could not sec wheee he came to it and drove over the end of the culvert. All went down into five feet of water. The horse they feared for a time would .get into the river and the buggy upset. Tho women were thrown out 'anti had to wado to their neclts to reach dry ground. They got elf safely, only losing a suitcase which was carried away in the current. Fortunately, they were near it house, e wended theirwayand whore they e were glad to get into dry clothing and felt thankful they got out ,without being drowned. or ]ns,pretion. And T brrelsy call upon all voter4 10 tsltr• immediate proeuedings to have any errors ur omissions corrected arcortitng to l.w. PAUL POWIil+l, Cleric, Township of 'furubcrry Dated this 7th day of Augur,t, 1017. Lucknow 141x. and Mre. Weiss and daughter Sylvia of Mitchell, are visiting at the home of W, W. Hili'd, Rev. D. T. L. -and Mrs. MacKer'roli of Toronto, who are camping at Bence Beach. wore visitors here over Sunday Mr. Maolierroll occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian church both morn- ing and evening. Mrs. A, W. Roes and eon W ,A. of Hamilton, are the guests of the form- er'e brother, D. C. Mcalorran. Mr. E. Wilson spent the holiday at his home horn. Rev. MaeCallun attended Conlar• ence in Toronto last wetly. Mr. and Airs. D. It. bleIntohh aro visiting their daughter ales. Clarke in Southampton. ' �r vir Miss Giynna „1 urchr son c f 1 0n.t , is spendinga couple of weeks with her sister Mre. P. T. At tnstrong at the beach,, Point Cloak. Mies Madelyn Me More= is vieitiu;; friends in Stratford and Kitchener. Miss Donalda McIiatosh is visiting friends in Duluth. The Luc'know Tattle Co. ciosrd their factory last week to enchie their em- ployees to assist with fano trot lc. Mrs. Fritzley and claughtere ofi Chesley, are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. A, It.ose, Mies Bessie, Graham of Lindon, is spending her vacation at her hone on the 2nd Con. Died—In Luca:now, on Aur•n=t 7 h, Wm. Rood, aged 60 yc ars. The fun- eral will take piltce, ft oro his 1 tte resi- dence on Thurtclay, Mrs. Time, Nx.rehster and daughter Gladye, of D..troit, are visiting relat- ives here. Passing of tltdlcit Pioneer On July 21th Mr, Jas. Cartwright, one of the pionecre of Hullett, passed into the Great Be+cind at the age of eighty-five years. Mr. Cartwright was born in Chinguacousy township and moved when a young roan, with his parents, to Ashfield, where his early life was spent, Fifty-one years ago he, with hie wife and small family came to the 9.h con. of Hullett, then a dense forest, where he hewed for himself and family a home on the.farnt where his son, James, now resides, . Mr, Cartwright was a quint man, taking no active part in public affairs. but giving his tune and thought to his home and family. Ito was a goodp nelghnor, a staunch Liberal, and when younger took a keen interest in the political afllairs of the com- munity, It is several years since he retired from active farm life owing to declining health. Ile was a charter member of the Comedian Order of 1+orestere at Londesboro. That he was much lovbd by those who knew him intimately was evidenced by the many beautifulflmwero sent by friends. Ile leaves to rnauen their loss, one sister, Mrs, 1-1, Class of Dungannon; hie wife, three eons and tWo daugh tors, John of Lotidesborongh, and Jas and Atnos of Mullett ; Mrs. Argent of Clinton, and ars. Andresv of Auburn. The funetal was held from his late residence on July 211 h, tbe bearers being his sons and grandsons. Those from a diettence attending the funeral were: itir. and Mrs, ft. Liggins, Pelt Albert; Mete Juo (Cartwright, SStrat ford; Mrs. Richardson and Miss 'Rich- ardson oV Stratford; Violet Argent, Evelyn and Orrin Cartwright, grand- children, London; and Mrs, J, lash. mason, Stratford, 'Cil RSTLE'S P1-14NC s9 AUTO DELIVERY Beginning Monday next, our order's will be delivered by auto TO ANY y"A'RT OF THE TOWN Tbis will expediate business and we hope will benefit both our ,'ut•tomere and ourselves. ,3'1"Y;C1AL FifOU32S OF 2)E.LIVE RY O.tlers left at night, before cl"sing time will leave store at 8 u'uloek following morning, 1 1 rat Success t Many good lines of Shoes, Dress Good; Flannelettes, Hosiery, Embroid- eries, Men's Wear, Fresh Groceries, all at less than prices elsewhere, now is the time to get busy and buy, as all goods are very high priced for fall, Genuine Closing Out Sale Nothing reserved. Mostly all goods new and clean, make year dollar do its best by buying here. 1•14.3.....4.41144 '74:0- 14•04kL'Nf114.•_•,M00:"_- v M. Lindsay Thursday, Aug. Oth 1917 hite Shoes Are the. thing For this awfully hot weather We have them for Women, ' Men, Girls, Boys and for the Kiddies. buy a pair and be comfortable Sole Agent For The H. ` ILLIS w•" FOR • .5.1-/(24 LADIES , .a MOM= XX XV9XXXXXV,XXXXXXXXXX 6+� 0 it +ham 74 Ladies' Neat Gingham Dresses, reg. $5.5o for '3.75 �.^ Ladies' Silk Dresses in Raw Silks and Silk Poplins, w ize:l 30 Ladies' Wash Skirts, lovely materials, a11 to clear at $2.19 each. 6c�R, ea-t\cee a \zi k s 25 to 35 per cent. off many different lines and materials in Summer Goods XXXXXXXXXX VoilIes, Marquisettes. and Fancy . Summer Dress Goods at greatly reduced prices. Men's 1 --Tot Weather Suits, Straw hats, Silk 14.4 147,1 Hose, Sport Shirts, X' Ladies', Men's and Boy's, Bathing Suits, Men's White Duck Pants, FlannelTrousers and Belts. ATI•ilNG SUIT 9201 e 7104 '9 pV 7 iBUI 1ERICK .;.,., PTTE R N A N Fri Jamestown Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Roadhouse or Blyth, visited at Mr, Payne's on Sunday Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Eckmier and Miss Ferns inotorcd,.,to Exeter and visited for the week -end with friends here. M•es. Wm. Bolt received. word last landed week that her husband had in Quebec, being invalided home. Me. and Mrs Billie Burke of Wing - ham, visited at Mr, Samuel I3urke's on Sunday, The School Trustees of No. 10, Morris, have engaged Mise Jean McIntosh of Ilolyrood, for the coming year, We wish her success. Win. and Mrs. McDonald visited at Wm. Mitchell's, on Sunday, at Cran• brook. .Crop Prospects—Baying 15 nearly over and has been a good crop, 1': to 2 tons per acre being the average. Spring crop is looking well and will soon be ripe, Miss Reta isekmiet•, eldest daughter of Lewis nal:mien underwent an operation for appendicitis, We,hear she is getting along nicely. Two daughters of Wm. King, Little Rapids, Algoma, are visiting their uncle, Mr. Job Bins; and other relatives Here, Sad Drowning at Hayfield Marjorie Ohowen, aboAt, 20 yeses of age, daughter of Mr, Jai, ChoWerl commercial' traveller of Clinton, a popular clerk in Clinton post office, ,was drowned iu the lake near the south pier at Bayfield, shortly before nooh on Monday. The young lady with her sister and a girl friend, also from Clinton, went bathing in the rather heavy surf and was knocked off her feet by a, wave, Her sister en-. deavored to retain hold of her band, but another high wave broke the grasp, and Mian Marjorie, although in wean well within her depth, was un• ab'lo to recover hersolf. • Her eister send friend ren for help, but when Cletenee Hili of London, surd other 'nen on the pier heath the alarm anti returned to the 800110 5110 Vidi not to bo sten, After seine three ltoe body was recovered in comparatively shah' low water, but with nuu:'h dull; ulty owing to the vize of the waves bleak. ing over the leach, . Medical stttdtii0 winked with the body for npwatdi of an Hour, but to net purpose. The oilier young biaies tett-fermi gt•s;atiy frena rho e,ho:k and them•;elves hell a narrow mettle. The place! they selected for ti,ithin(, i_; not muds frceltte?nttd for that purpose, Which sect: utrt0 for the feet that help was snot immediately at hams, This to the first fatality of thin nature that has oceuereti at thiel popular summer resort for come years, and the event bas cast a l;looni over the whole community.----Exp0eitot;