HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-08-09, Page 4'gage .ro d iu A lineae ;NUN JOYaer, Proprietor A, (*, Mena or THURSDAY, AUOUST 9th 1017 Laurier le tie eager to win thee war as the average Quebecer is, and nc More, „ rt Meredic Martin, Liberal M. F., and Mayor of Montreal, cane Dr, Clark an "English immigrant," Wbat butirrens has an Englishman in tide country anyway? tt * i~ Many threatening lettere ere being received by members who voted for conscription, They coma from Que- bec, The man who means to kill you is not likely to advise you abort it, a r i t The Germans have been taught to believe that the reason they are fight - big is because they were set upon by their neighbors. The French-Cana- dians have been taught that the rear son they are not fighting is because their compatriots are not well treat- ed in Ontario and Manitoba. FROM UR. CLARK'S SPEECH Dr. Michael Clark, the eloquent Liberal mesuber for Red Deer, Alta„ in the course of his recent remarkable speech in the Rouse of Commona in which he severely castigated Sir Wil- frid Laiurier for hie course in forcing a general election and otherwise exhib- iting a decidedly lukewarm attitude towards the war, made it quite plain that he believed the country was be. hind Sir Robert Borden. The follow- ing are a few brief excerpts from his speech: A SINCERE COMPLIMENT "I venture to say that. ro far as clearness of motive is coecerned, so far as determination is concerned, so far as working in season and out of season, day and night, with a single eye to victory, for the great principles that are at stake upon the battlefields of Europe today, there is no man in Canada who is fit to stand in the same company as my right friend the lead• er of the Goverument." A PERTINENT QUESTION Wilfrid Laurier) contend that be will derive enormous strength for the con- duct of the war from people who chase a British soldier from Fletcher's Field in Montreal, into a tramcar, and then break the windows of the car? " A CALAMITY AHEAD "I venture to think that' a general election carried on by my right hon. friend (Sir Wilfrid Laurier) along the lines that hellae taken, will not only divide Canada but will paralyze Can- ada; it will put Canada out of the war and mark her as a degenerate and in- ferior portion of the British Empire." UTTERLT SELFISH MEN "What will be the issue? What is the alternative policy. .to winning the war? There is only one possible answer. It is "Winning the elec. Lions." If we analyse these things down to thebottom, we aro compel - 1 ed, with all charity, to conclude that TIP WaNG1.LAM ADVANCE 'liluvEday Aug. 9 1917 t r 1 t t1 t1 t g - . l �, ��.1��..���C�S,.tL.��5.�XXXX«'�SXXXXXXX�SX:�SXXXXXXX�Q�����°�.X ��Ax�'��������������1������F� r��'.� X�p�•��Cf� tr spy ii t� r � ,,. �.. .. rear �.•- ✓ . sY „�, , ,,.,,� ,I }s��r,, � � �• �.+�w.��►.��..e::��:.1 XXXXXXX1`+�iXXXX l'34 XX XXXXXXXXXXXX li�X regi` XXXXXi�i/tdXtXb` �dDXXX �XX�' X X�'► A XXXXXXXXX ii' s SA rr �i ��pr /^v �y �""� HRO N INN Td�t, ° :,/67 17 ,.,JN' • BIG CL .,•$.1;;;t:11;*% AN.UP SUM ER SALE �•9 47.1 extt XX XX MX 74 XX XX NVe XX ©�XX XX XX XX MX MX MX XX MX XX Xie MY-XXV MXXX PQ1Xr.\XX/T. XX \XX `XXX \'%/dX//i+if+l>XXX \D4 �X XX,'7.'�UK►�fJ+.�1XC•.X X ✓ `+✓X' ✓ X ✓ M ✓ `.,tl ✓ X X ✓ XX ✓ X i✓ ,X ✓ ✓ XlY W ✓ `a7, `rA x as-' N`r►IMIw er--11 - 0 +troce:ry Department Maple Leal baking powder 1 Ib, tin.. 20c Choice brand of can Salmon sale.... 15 New Seeded Raisins, per pkge 10 Fresh Valencia Raisins, 2 lbs. for . , , 25 Pure Extract flavouring, 3 bottles for 25 Easy wash soap, per cake 05 Uncolored Japan Tea 35c quality, sale 28 Black Tea "lVtonarch Blend" 00c, sale 50 Cloths pins, 3 doz, for 05 Choice pickles, per bottle 15 2 large bars soap for 25 Pure Vinegar, per gallon 40 frees Goods Big reductions on all lines of Summer Dress Goods plain and fancy Voiles, Muslins, Repps, Chambrays, Ginghams, etc. See our clearing lines at 20, 25 and 35e. Bargains in Staples English Cambric yd wide 20c for.... 17c 500 yds fine Factory Cotton yd wide 15c for .... .. I2J 10 pcs pillow cotton ' Circular" all widths 35c for ..,. 25 5 pcs Fancy Cotton Crepe reg value 18 for 13 10 pcs striped flannelette yd wide val- ue 18c for 15 Curtain Madras and Scrim, value 25c for 20 Linen crash towelling reg. value 18c for 15 Lace Curtains to clear at $1,00, $1.25 and $1 50. 50 yds Cottonade, strieed, geed.velue 35c,for • 30 2 pcs Black Denim for overalls 40e for 34 300 yds heavy factory cotton yd wide reg. 20c for .... 15 Wide striped flannelette, reg. price 15c for 13 New pattern art sateen, reg. price 35c for 25 Table linen, wide unbleached 40c for 35 Carpet Department You can buy anything in floor cover - in•. );s at a big saving doting our Clean $weep Sale, Tapestry, Brussels and Witton Rugs, also wool, union Tapestry and Brussels Carpet by the yard at. cut prices, floor Qicloth`s ank Linoleums in new patterns. Roller Blinds and Curtain poles. Brass Extension Reds, Curtain Draperies, etc, 3 Laces and Em- broideries In order to reduce our stock we will give a discount of 20 per cent of all lines of laces and o embroideries special to clear 6 patterns of a 27 inch ery flouncing at 29c, Laos, sale price embroid- Torchon 5c, cards of lace 6 yds each on sale 150. Bargains ire Skirts One doz. women's top skirts, made of fine quality English serge, blue or black, latest style. Reduced prices are $5.00 for 3,75, 6.00 for 4.50, 6.50 for 5.00, 7.00 for 5.25, 8.00 for 6 00. Move quick for these bargains, Record reaking Values COMMENCING SATURDAY, AUGUST 11th, at 9 a.m., and ending SATs, AUGUST 25th. Big cut in prices for two weeks on ala goods. Come in and see how much money you can save on just the goods you want. Our •p two stores will contribute BIG BARGAINS in all kinds of /LA iDli:,S' and .LION'S WEAlt GOODS, GREAT STOOK OF 71;i&V GOODS, GENTS' FUwNISIfINGS. CLOTZIING, CARPETS, ',RUGS, 2ILINDS, CU`RT'AINS, OIL CLOTII,S', LINOLErims , G1ROCE LES, 'DOOT.$' ANDSHOES, HO.SWEw 3J, GLOVES AND CO1t,SETS, Come eaiiy for best choice. Mens' Clothing The mess's wear store is.crowcled with the best mattes of boys' and men's suits. comprising Fite -Rite, Perfection and 13achelor brands, Men's biack Denim overalls, sale price 1 19 Mena strong wearing pants, sale price 2 00 Men's Corey summer coats, sale price 1 50. Men's English worsted suits $15.00, sale price 12 00 Men's light summer suits $10 00 sale price , 8 00 Men's heavy raincoats $12.50. sa'e price Boys Nei piece suits 'to clear at . .3 98 Men's heavy striped blue overalls sale price 1 19 Men's striped blue smocks, sale price 1 19 . , ., - - - Gents' tFuriaoish.ings 1\'Ien5s good wearing soeke 2 pairs for 25 Mens fancy striped soft front shirts side90 Men's heavy black with white stripe shirte$1 25 for . ... ... .... . . �,:1 00 Men's and Boys' felt hats 20 pei• cent off. Men's fine Balbriggan shirts and drawers, sale 50 Fancy silk four in hand ties 50c on at 39 Men's strong wearing socks sale price tancy,pulley braces 35c,� sale 25 25 Boy s sport print shirts, sale price , 50 Men's cotton underwear, sale price.35 Boys' sport print waists, sale price 50 Boys' strong wearing work shirts, sale price .. 75 Bargains es hi Waists See our window full pf plain and fancy voile waists, new styles Sizes 34 to 42, regular value $1,25 and $1.50 on Sale at 98c. Bargains hi Shoes Ladies' Misses' and Cbildrau's shoes at mcney saving prices. Big stock to choose from. Bargain Box of odd lines to clear at $1 00 and 811,25. Come and see thtm, WIWZGallnErflitarerSliffre anrcippreme.....m. H. E. Is WINGHAM, R ONTARIO this election is being forced on at this time by arefusal of extension, with a view, not to helping the war, not to save the Empire„ hut to exchanging the people who ate in office for those who are opposed to them for the pur- pose ofsiecuring the sweets of office. In other words, those who are notor- iously doing least to win this war are forcing this country into the turmoil of a general election, when the world and all that is beet in it are being ani- mated by the spirit of service, of sacrifice, and of unselfishness, and those people are dotsig so for tho most selfish of all reasons—the satie. —146 NoblikVW a. a. `trend yew natation on the Great Lakes. Get away for rr complete change. Make now ac- quaintances*-breaths new lair—see new sights aboard the luxuribug, steel liner` that sail tn•weekly on the 1600 Mlle, Si Day Detroit -Duluth Cruise Eetween Detrolt, Sarnia, S S. Marie, Port Arthur, Ft. William and Duluth. t*eellept ideals. Cf,nnfortable staterooms side trips—all included in Your ticket. No extras. More enjoyment with less expens( than any other vacatrbtt trip yott can take. Train connection, east and west at Detroit, Sarnia; Por Ft,f Port Arthur. William and inth. u fD 'RIANd LE,TOU ?-day voyage, Cleveland and Detroit to Geon'1risn Bay, 80,000 islands and . return. Leave Cleveland Saturdays, Detroit Sundays. 'Ticket includes all costs. From Cleveland, $51.60; from Detroit, $49.50. Write for Cruise 3oolslet to 2.W. Holton, General Fatsnnater Agent' 'Northern Navigation Company SSoat'tilat, Ontzl;rio For Information Ask Your Local Ticket Airco' 4.0 faction of petty, personal ambitions, when the safety of the world and civil- ization ie at stake." "I, Sir, shouldhesitate to stand as one of a group of the only utterly sel- fish' men to be found in the British Empire or in the civilized world at the preseut tune," BUTTER MAKING In Bulletin No 63 of the Dairy srxld CcId Storage Branch of the Depart- ment of Agriculture, Ottawa, M. George H. Barr, Chief of the Dairy+ Division, in descriptive forte deals; with the process of buttermaking„ from the raw milk until it 1s ready for' the market. He points out the defects. sometimes found in dairy butter medal explains how they are caused, Ha' tells of the conditions that are neces. nary to produce fine -flavoured cream,. of advisable methode in creaming and. the use of the separator, He given statistical tables of results of separat- ing at different temperatures and at; variations of speed. He deseruhete ;� what is necessary to get rieh cream' 4 and the manner in which it sliould be prepared for churning, He advises as to salting and working the butter and counsels as to the wisdom of care in packing and of using parchment paper of good quality. After passing refer- ence to the regulations regarding the braud of butter, he concludes with some suggestions as to utensils and their care and the nay to get the best results in farm dairy work, Blue prints of the plans given can be had Leona the Dairy, and cold Storage Commissioner, Ottawa, and tho bul- letin itself can be had free from the Cotnwidsioner or from the Fet lica- tioris Branch of the Departtnent of Agriculture, Ottawa. Whitechurch Mrs. A, Fox and Mrs, I#. Tdatlwers 'spent last week at Kincardine. Dr. and Mrs. D. Jamieson and Mat tee David of Barrie, ate visiting the tattler's mother, Mrs, H. D. Henderson. Master John Penrose of Mullett. is visiting at the home of Mr. and Matt,. .0. Middleton, Rev. Mr. Carter of Guelph, pr castled in the Presbyterian church on f iutrday. On Aug 12 Rev. Mr. McCulloch sent core duct the services. Mr. V, Ross had charge of t,fte Guild :meeting on Sunday night. T'pe ileatler far Aug 12 le Miss Alfie ?titmice, cel en the subject is "Our Foreign, t,1iaeion Nurses." Mr. and Mrs, O. 1f. Client' eg atendc1 the funeral of the fOrrnei"S, sisfe;,ry :Miss Marjorie Chown of Clinton wkfwee drowned at leayfield lost wealr, Saar ter Para- sols ara sols .Plain and fancy silk , summer parasols clear- ing out. at 25 per cent discount. telftteleAsit • i'iosiery 10 doz. women'sblack cotton hose. Sizes 9, 9k and 10. Good values at 25c,sale ......., ' 20 Boys' heavy. ribbed hose on sale , ... 25 Special lines of • children's hose to clear at 10 and 15 Women's seamless black cotton hose All sizes. Cashmere soles, sale 25 Ribbons Dig stock' of Ribbons all colors and all v dths to choose from, cut pricey en ell lines IIafr RI bone, all colors, wide, 2 yds for 25 Fancy Dresden Ribbone, sale price25 25 pieces Baby Ribbon, per yd 02 Bargains in Corsets Big stock of Cromptons and D and A Corsets to choose tram, you can buy at a big saving for two weeks. While our sale is on see sur clearing line lour pick for 69c, .- .....;..r , ,.moot_.. Ben's and Boys' Shoes ' You can save money buying men's and boys' boots during this sale, It will pay you to buy your Fall and Winter supply. See our men's strong boots on sale at $2 50, 2.75. 3.00 and $3 50. Ready -to -Wear Women's white wash skirts to clear..1 25 Girls' middies on sale at , 75 Night gowns embroidery trimmed ' sale 1 00 One doz. fine cambric undershirts, on sale 1 00 Corset covers a bargain at 25 Ladies' Princess slips $1.25 sale Ladies' summer coats to clear value, A. r ?tri, vc� XX NPri "A% hINC XX XX XX aibrdq rfa 1it� MX XX MX irsiX . Xba� XX MX XX XV MX MX rat MX XX MX +'Y MMA ,.ria. XXXX XI41X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXMM e/IMX M 2 Ladies' rain coats on sale at 5 Blouse dresses and wrappers on sale at 1 Black Sateen underskirts value $1 25 for 1 Children's wash dresses to clear Large size overall aprons, sale price 98 00 00 25 00 75 59 HOttfl ESTEE, K E a ' E=URSION8 MAY, 8th TO OCTOBER Sigh Every TUES.''AY "ALL RAIL" - ale°'by THURSDAY'S STEAMER R "Great Lakes Routes", (Sorion Navigation/ Iret.ir Future Is in the West The fertile prairies have put Western Canada on the map. .There aro still thousands of acresfwafting for the man who wanla a bons and pro.perity. Take advantage of Low !dates and travel via • Canadian Pac8 'lc Information from Tirknt Offices: 141-14591. James St., Phone M 1112, 'kinder Hotel, Windsor and Plato Vigor Stations. CHIROPRACTIC !Chiropractic accurately locatee end verriloves the cause of disease, allowing mature to roetore health. J. A. FOX D.C., O.O. Drugless Physicietu. Consultation and examinatione free. Phoue 101. Member Drugless Physicians Associa- tion of Canada. FALL TE'fiM f'ftOM AUGUST 27TH (se - Yong() and 'Charles lata., Toronto. Is un- questionably ono ott Canada's beet commercial schools. Thy demand for our graduates la far beyond our supply, WVt a for our catalogue. W..i Elliott,P.Principal, .+neinh..-.ro,v, ,vos�,+v.r�.ww.o-,✓vagi, i FALL TERM FROM SEPTEMBER 4t h %), . ("Ell i k$f,. /�- t` WR. (' TT I t i n ,te sa.t» r) R c, 4.:M.V. ea Commercial, Shorthand and Teleg- raphy Departments. eve have thorough con' see experienced instr•uctorfand we place Graduates in pos- itions, I➢em•1ud up 'n Ile for trained help is many tlrncs the number graduating, CCC Get our free catalogue, O. A. rto'L,A.2I LAI`1 ., Ptfnaipat ",A Charlet Fee Those Going Wet- 1-lomesoekers Excursions via C.P.12, Uornsreelters barnerien.4 fo at ten tuna- dtoabaet a3tttl.aotvie (f'a1,er lea hrede av rano toti Yest,.1-articr"ar.1heunriit,[�llte)rcr- trim any ('anii otii in 1'acitki, ,lent t9t V'✓, i:tifotsar,f, 1.11.1+riot; Paet:llger Ag„nt, Toronto, Ont, Cranbrook Mies D. B. Kaiser of Stratford, is ,a visitor at the home of her'unele, M. Helm. W. Laurie of London, is a visitor at .the home of A. Leitch, Rev. and Mrs. McCulloch and Miss Bessey are at their cottage at Saublo _Valle for a few weeke, Mrs. Kreuter and Mies Arndt' of 'Kitchener, who have been visitors at 1130 home of F. Radditz, were called home by a message stating tr. Krau- er had his hand cut by an electric saw, Mrs, I'.additz accompanied thein. A number from hero attended the reception in Brussels Methodist church on Tnesday, to meet Rev, and Mrs. Stalford and family. They have just returned from a vacation in New York. T. H. and airs. Piggott and family of Brigden, motored here on Saturday to spend a few days at Mee, Piggott's old home, with her teeter, Misses Switzer, who aro spending their Vaca• tion here. Mrs. J', LCunter and Miss Emma, are holidaying in Meaford and other points. 4110, - Brussels Ret'. I2, E, Page, who has been rector of St. John's Anglican Church, Brussels and St/George's Church, Walton, for the past tour years, has tendered his resigna- tion,. which will take effect on September lst, and has accepted a call to the. parish at Cottrtrght, Lasnbton County. The reverend l;entlernan is an able preacher and has trade many friends in brussels, A cai•''of horses was shipped to the %Vest (his week by Dickson Bros, of Grey I'ownsl;ip. During the recent cxtronie heat a can of salmon on one. of J. T. Ross' grocery shelves exploded and showered the shop with its cOiltents, Tractor Oislrlay at the Exhibition The greatest display of tractors and othereaced me heralded chauisme t. as the poseible solution of the nianless land problem wilt be made at the Can- aditin National Exhibition and every known device obtainable that has found favor with the new era agricul- turalist, who is farming with brain and science rather than muscle, will be there. ' The spirit of the theme has seized the big agricultural machinery firms, had (a number which have not exhibited at Toronto. for tweeted yeate have applied for space ,together with A host of others new to the Canadian field. - Never before was so much space, tlevoted to agricultural machinery. I"aliowirtt; the Exhibition there Will he a tractor display near Toronto in wldelt 10 tntr,tatufasturete of trua,ltor3 and 24 plow makers from all over the .continent will be represented. Aspec- ial effort is being made to induce these manufacturers to display their gaso- line horses at the' Exhibition, The majority have already agreed to do so. and as a result the Exhibition will have the greatest tractor and faun power equipment display ever seen in Canada. mum. r,10000.22adermmeler The Michigan Special—Convenient night • train for Detroit and Chicago Particular attention is called to the conven- ient night train operated 'ala the Canadian Paeiiic-Michigan Cefttral Route to Detroit and Chicago, Leave Toronto 11.80 P,111,• daily arrive Detroit 7.50 A.M. and Chicago 3.00 P.M. Electric lighted Standard Weeper is operated to Detroit. Further particulars from any Can- adian Paoltio'liekct Agent.. or W. 13. Iloward District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. filevxa pebble, to echo Ns mom% gr gist— 1 WE Mc •/ /;, S ���„ tj {;�1 1d!i,•e fir\ -11•\\%' �,•3'‘.••• ,,.. MADE IN CANADA 10 gives us a wholesome, anti. septic, refresh ng confection to take the place of the ' cave man's pebble. help �. We 1''(., i � te�h breath, appetite, id 'deliciously soothe mouth Elliid throat with this 'wel- come sweetmeat. G> ax c>gr biE c3R7 ao o24k)t 'y meal no View ur 20