HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-08-02, Page 4gigs t"+'oiir W I G, .A,M A VA C t �iiX( %ndttUTAptilyana Iona aOY'NT, Proprietor A, G, Small. Manager ejLoalAmmomarammousamotarameamasaarammus -TRUBS`IaAY, AUG1USr 2nd 1917 Brus'Sels Bruseele Electric Light Plant will be sold by auetioa for mortgage an Tuesday August 14th, *Total Nivine, who has been in, charge of Brussels Electric Light plant, has accept ed a position in connection with the Luck now Waterworks eyetem and will be in - stailed into his new ditties at once. He ie an old and well seasoned band about machinery and will do his part well. We are sorry to see the family remove from town but wish them prosperity, in the Sepoy town. They will move next week. The application of P. R. h'lulberon or town, was received favorably by the Managers of Knox Presbyterian church. Kincardine, and he will be removing to the lakeside town shortly to assume the leadership and organ in above mentioned church. He is away on hie holidays by the meantime, Melville church eongre- gation will part with Mr, Mulheron re- luctantly but will wish him continued succese in his new field. "A Chance Ear Those Going West— Homeseekers Excursions via C,P,R, w^------•_44_44 Sosnesoekere Excursions to Western Cana• dr, at attractive fares each Tuesday until Oc- tober 310. via Canadian Aacnie the pioneer route to the West, Particulars trom any ('an, adieu Pacific Agent or W. Il. Howard, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont, 414 1�'➢iilio�s of Packages of this famous War -time Sweetmeat are sent to the soldiers, sailors and aviators at the' front. If you have a friend there -,-see that every parcel or letter contains a few bars or a packige of WRIGLl1;V'S, the great chew- ing confection that is used around the world. Keep, it always on hand., It helps teeth, appetite, digestion. Sealed tight Kept right "Afteriewiery meal" MBE SR CANADA The, Flawour Lasts Vatimmentellet LOUSOLOUY (Written by an Ontario Boy) Whets you take Icing George's ehllling And express yourself as willing, To COME) out and fight the Hun, Then your troubles have begun, Par you'll always have to fight, Against the "Pilgrims of the Night," There are many things out here, That you will wietake I fear. Bardehips that you suet contend, While your country you defend, But the thing to make you grouse, Is the aggravating louse, Perhaps you may not like your victuals. For they're not all Beer and ekittlee, You will find hard work in trenches, Always digging new defences, And you'll also find some lice, And they're far from being nice.. We don't mind the Germans' boasts, We don't mind the German hosts, We can always play our cards. When we meet the PruseianGuarde, But it puts you in the rate, When you've got to fight with "Chats," W hen you've little Army Corps, On your body forming fours, Always on the night attack, Making chargee on your Peek, Till you shout with all your might, "Gott Strafe the "Pilgrims of the Night." - You can pick them out in batches, You can burn them out with matches, You can kill them by the score, But you'll kind there's always snore. X ou can scratch yourself to pieces, But you'll find your stock increases. Though a hundred you may kill, You will find there's hundreds still, And 'they hide behind each other, And they're good at taking cover, And they have an awful bite, And a shocking appetite. There are families in dozens, Uncles, Mothers, Slaters, Brothers, And they've got their married quart, ers. Where they hatch their sone and daughters And they take a lot of catching, Also cause a lot of scratching. Oh, these pests are simply hell, Worse than all the German shell, Talk about your Russian hordes, And they do not fight with swords, It's enough to send you "balmy," Wiping out the dusty army. When you do get off to sleep, They are forming up two deep. When you are in the land of node, They are forming up in squads, And you'lI find it meet annoying, When the Sections start deploying. Till at last there comes a day, When you throw your shirt away, And You'd throw your trousers too, If they'd only let you do, And adopt the ancient style, Wearing nothing but a simile. When you get a clean ehirt on, You may think that they are gone. But with sorrow you wilt learn, That like Russians they'll return. Reinforced from far and near, ' To attach you in the rear. Night and day you get no rest, Trunbles with this awful pest, And they never will be beaten. ' While there is any flesh uneaten, And they'll give no peace until Kaiser Will has paid His bill. CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION Aug. 25TORONTOSept 10 O* a Mors Than Ord nerdy Progressive Scala MOBILIZATION OF NATIONAL RESOURCES Ceaatrecttve and itattroctive Needt for War CONFEDERATION 'SPECTACLE 1200, -PERFORMERS -1Z00 Canada's Story from. Mirth to Nationhood Dramatically Told The very Apex of Specteeelar Achievement• Spend your vo,tatioti ants the' Great Lakes. - Get *Nay for a► complete change. Make new act aualntanees--breathe new airs^ -dere new sights Aboard the Ist>4urioue, steel liner* that sail triweekly en the 1600 Mile, Si Day. .DettroitoDuluth Cruise Between //strait, Ssrtsits, $ S. Marie, Port Arthur. Ft. William end Duluth. _. Excellent meals, comfortable staterooms, side trips—ill,included in . your ticket. No extras. aevattiYenSe than any haion p OU Cantak. Train connections east And west at Detroit, Sarnia; Port Arthur, Ft. Williarit and Duluth. .".�-»• 1RAiGLTlTVJR7-da voYa e�Clevelan d en d Detroit to eo"Sri Day, 80,00 Intends aryeurn. Laave tevelandattirdess, Detroit Sundays. Ticket includes Boat& From Cleveland. $51.50: from Detroit, $49.50. Write for Cruise Booklet t f , E. W, Halton, Goners) Passenger Agent" Northern Navigation Company Sarni*.. Ontoir1O :For Infotenetion4sk.rettrLata T'icketAgent GIANT. LIVE -STOCK AND AGRICULTURAL DISPLAY 1ud;iing Competitions for Young Farmers - - New Farm Crop Com- petitions » - Extended Classifications and Innovations in All Departments 1MMENSE EXHIBITS OF TRACTORS AND FARM LABOR SAVING DEVICES ART—;Italian, French, Persian American and Canadian Masterpieces MUSIC ---Innes' Famous Soloists and a score of other leading organizations. ENTIRE NEW MIDWAY NATIONAL MOTOR SHOW FIRS7' SHOWING OF 1918 MODELS ► Greatly glelarged Government and other Exhibits - - War in all its phases - - Model Camp - - Artillery Drive - - Aeroplane Flights - - Scores of surp5ises in store for old friends and a thousand thrills for new ones: REDUCED FARES ON ALL tiNF:S OF TRAVEL New Canadian Northern Rockies • If you do net know about the wonderful Mountain scenery including Jasper and Mount Robson Parke, traversed b the transcontin- ental line of the Catfudian Northern Railway between Edmonton and Vancouver, get a copy of our handsome descriptive booklet, to be had for the asking from RITCHIE & COSENs. Axm en n8awyers Ineilgible, Refected or Overage for Military Saralee May have a free trip. Overseas for non-military work, Wages $.#5,QQ per month and upwards with transportation board and lodging. Write or apply to Captain Midford, 2t0d Arlington Ave., Ottawa, CHIROPRACTIC Chiropractic accurately locates and removee the cause of disease, allowing nature to restore health. J. A. FOX D.C., D.O. Drugless Physician. Consultation and examinations free, Phone 191, Member Drugless Phyeiciane Associa- tion of Canada. PALL TERM FROM AUGUST 27TH Yonne and Waries gts,. Toronto. Is un, questionably one et Canada's lust commercial schools, The demand tor ourgraduates is tar beyond our supply, Write for our catalogue. W. J, Elliott, Principal, FALL TERM FROM �t SEPTEMBER 4t CEN HAL i t' r'R'f'Is4,'6'EiIPID,, O NT. 3 Commercial, Shorthand and Teteg• raphy Departments. We have thorough courses. experienced instructors and we plane Graduates in pos- itions. Demand upon us for trained help is many times the number graduating, Get our free catalogue, D. A. McLACHLAH • Principal ..+...44.4,4..14444,�...1444.0440.4.444 4..1440 .4.44.444. American Red Cross Mission To Russia 'American Red Cross Mission on the "Empress of 'Asia" en route Russia. Dr, Prank Billixigs on left. largest universities in the fruited States, but they did not hesitate a moment when the call reached them." Several of the party have alread seen active service in the present war, Major al. Grow spent twenty, months on the Russian Mazurieet front, and he has received the Mille tary Order of Saint George for ser- vices in the Russian campaign, as well as being honored. in other ,ways. Major (Dr.) H. McCarthy has been in France making a'survey of the prison camps in that country before the break between Germany and the 'United States; while Colonel Billings has been in Russia several times. Some of the members of the party took ocoaston to obtain several mo- tion pictures of various points of tee terest, and, as they have already a Iarge supply 6f film, they will be able to produce before the Russian people graphic pictures of interest. ing events and things o.n this eon. tinent. Mr. G. M. Bosworth, Vibe -President of the C. P. R., has received a letter of appreciation for the very many coartosies the delegation received en route to the Pacific Coast. It was cent at the instigation of Lt. -Col. Billings, The names of the mission are as fol; lows: Llout.-Col. Frank Billings (chair, loan), professor medicine in the Uni. varsity of Chicago; Lieut. -Col. W. B. Thompson, director of tho Federal Reserve Bank, New York; Major B. Thachoor, lawyer, New York; Capt. J. W. Andreae:, auditor, St. Louie, Mo.; Major W. S. Thayer, professor slim, cal medicine John Hopkins Univers, situ, Baltimore; Major D. J, McCar- thy, fellow of Phipps Inetitute, Philadelphia; Ma,(.?r H. C. fThet'men, professor of food ctteaittiatry, Colum bia t,lkisereity; Major H„ IT, Swift, of the Swift Company; Major G. 0, Whipple, professor sanitary engi- neering, Harvard University; Major C. E. A. Winslow, professor bacteri- ology and hygiene, Yale Medical Col. lege; Major 1'V. Post, aeeiatant pre - sear e of medics f ne Ru s b College, Chicago; Major Robins„ Chicago; H. J. Horn, transportation expert, Brookline; Major S. Wightman, Ova esi ed ftosser1 n ca.1 medicine, ileo, how York Polyclinic hospital; Capt. 11. Brown, publicity: Capt. R. L, Harr, vice. president Chase Securities Company, Now York; Capt. W. Cochran, Capt. A. Warden, lawyer of New York; Capt. Grow, of the Medical Ofdeera' Reserve Corl>d, Waeblatttnrll Capt, Pirate, civil cng iaaer, NSW York; Lieut. C. Kei1shew, attache; Lieut. 11. Redfield, law secretary of Brook- lyn, attache; Lieut. W. C. Nicholson, Of the Swift Company, Gilt tgo, and Was. 11", D. Rainy, I1.. 1ti, Wycitotl! assn N. a, T:aY1, to .A DISTINGUISHED party of physicians, surgeons, bacteri- ologists, professors of food chemistry, sanitation experts and %dentists, making up the first unit of the UnitedtStates Red Croce mission to Russia, numbering twenty-nine in all, left Vancouver the other day on .the "Empress of Asia," en route to the eastern front. Lieut. -Col. Frank Billings, profes- sor, of medicine in the University of Chicago, is to charge of the tarty and is taking to Russia over 11100,004 worth of medical s(tppIiee, surgical enstruments, dressings, water 'steri- atzere and other necessary articles, 'including vaccine for the prevention of typhoid, smallpox, cholera, diph• itheria, bubonic plague, meningitis ind other diseases. A heavy task les before them itt Russia, and they Ire going abundantly prepared to go mmediately to work. The mission is being sent out by he Malted States Government, sad he United States Rod Crete Society'' ill see that they are kept fully sup-' , lied in order to meet all demands ' for alleviating the suffering among the Russian soldiers and people. The. ifraove has been gratefully welcomed ,eby the present Russian Government ii, an expression of the friendship of ache people of the United States for ussia. During the past month the United over a 2 O, and, while ttett Red Cross hathe workVethad :teen already begun In Prance, Italy, !Serbia and Belgium, the present is "but the first of similar units to be 'stent to Russia. The present party irwill investigate and report on Rua- pla's needs and upon this report the Malted States iced Cross headquart• Are will decide the equipment. and ,numbers of subsequent units, Steps are now beteg taken to get together .00tnpleto equipment, even to anoter ambulances. COL Billings and the other MOM - berth ot the mission are a sturdy and affable lot of men and are atted out in those worn f verysimilar t 05 Uniforms th Brit h. The colonel is ex- ceedingly prond of his organization w it with bleb tad thepromptitudeL • Was effeced. gevery man who was approached to go On this mission, Winslow of Yale and Whipple of Harvard, and ell the others, at once offered their eertylees," said Col. Eillinge• "They dropped Weir work right there and get ready in four days, leaving their fatuities behind them, to undertake this work, vh ct is goingto be i teb teendoi importance to the rna* an patten and to the military: kn partibular. "Thede teen are Leaders int their 300M11o118 aikfl 11Xli tI loads ot raid ANOTHER LIBERAL SPEAKS (Continued from page 1) in the approaching election two•tbirde of hie followers in Parliament will be pledged to the hilt against (=ecrip- tion and pledged to the hilt against any but a perfunctory and ineffective participation in the war. Theis:. "1—!.'here will be no oopecription In Quebec, ''2—,There will be no recruiting In Quebec, "3 --Under these circumstances it will be obviously impossible to raise troops in the other portione of Canade. Imagine a Laurier Government trying to raise troops in the other provinces, while. Quebec scornfully refuses either to submit to conscription or to recruit, "4 --Our regiment at the front will be left stranded and will dwindle and disappear (a an effective fighting force. "The predominating and controlling element behind Sir Wilfrid Laurier will not allow him to prosecute the war. No one who lute the eligheet ex- perience of Parliamentary Govern- went in Canada can honestly gainsay this conclusion. "It is said that a, great effort is, to be made to unite 'behind a solid Que- bec all theeletnente in the populatie'n Who are hostile or Igkewarm in re- gard to the war, together with certain of the larger business interests who feet that conscription will interfere with their operations. Thus a deter, mined effort is to be'lmade to return Sir Wilfrid to power. "What will be the result of this ef- fort if it succeeds? How is the war to be carried on with vigor by a Parlia- mentary party which is controlled by a hostile majority? "To ask these queritione is to ans. ewer them, With SIr Wilfrid in pow:. or the anti -war party . of Quebec will dictate his policy, 1t is dictating his policy now: "It is said that the Government has made many mistakes. Probably it has, --All the other Governments made mistakes. To err is human, 1t is said ' that more skilful piloting would have avoided this crisis. Per- haps it would. It is hard to say. On the other hand, it is alleged that Sir Wilfrid Laurier, had he chosen when applied to, could have found a way out of the difficulty. It may be so, It is easy to criticize. "What is certain is that none of these things matters now; We have to face facts, not theories, The issue is simple, Either: "1, We put our whole ,strength in• to the war, or "2, We abandon our men at the front and dishonor our solemn obliga- tion, "I will go further, The decision of this issue will determine, once for all, whether Canada is a nation, dominat- ed and held together by a national eenee of honor, or is a helpless aggre- gation of sectional communities, held together only by a time -serving con- siderations of sectional interest, "If anything in this troubled world can be absolutely clear, it is olear to. day, that we can grapple with this situation in one way and in one way only, by the formation of a union war Government, administered on non- partisan lines, which will straightway appeal for a mandate to the people of Canada, and can coneietently be sup- ported by every element in the popu- lation that is loyal to the cause. "Germany is fighting desperately to wear out the fortitude of her oppon- ents. If she succeeds the peace will be inconclusive, It will be no peace for us, but the beginning of an rotor= erable strain of constant preparedness for War. "We are not fighting for sentiment, for England, for Imperialism; we are fighting for the rights of ourselves and our children to live ant' a free com. triunity. "Shall Canada be the first of all the allied nations to slink from the field? Let us realize the position now. It will be no us to wake up when it is too late. 41 1 1 htlrltda A ue 2 1917 Comfort in the Home The Sunshine Furnace chases chips from coldest corners and insures ut- most comfort in the housee throughout tate winter. Don't buy any furnace or heating plant until you have in.. vestigated the merits of the PSunt. shine." ' 14K211rA SUNSHINE FURNACE LONDON TORONTO MONTREAL W1E17IPEi1• VANCOUVER ST, JOH& N.B. HAM MON CALGARY b sAIMA,TOON EDMONTON For sale by R. R, MOONEY Yours faithfully, (Signed) "CLIFFORD SIFTON.' Gorr le Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Greer were visitors in Gorrie on Sunday afternoon. Rev. Mr. McLean conducted servicee in the Presbyterian church on Sabbath afternoon and inade a favorable impres- sion. The following were at Mitchell on Sun- day, Mr. and Mrs. Spottott Mr. J. Arm, strong, Mr Co Williams, wife and on. Mr. R H. Stephens is taking bis annual vacation, we regret to hear he has been called to the funeral of his stepfather, at Bowmanvilte. Our village 'trustees have proclaims d a civic holiday for Monclay next Auguet 6th. The induction of Rev. Me. McLean into the charges of Gerrie and Fordwich 1 took plate on Thursday last and was largely attended by tnembere of both congregations as well as other*, 'Rev. Mr. Piercy of Guthrie church, I•iarriston, Rev. Mr. Smith. Drotnote nso4erater of the presbytery, Rev. Lemon Clifford and others 6part Wok in the ceremony. Afterwatd* a dinner was served in the township Hall and a social time spent 1 that was much enjoyed by the moved that partook of the good things provided. Judge Dickson of Cloderlch, heard the appeal here in the toe/nahip hall on Thuradsty teething itt cohtieetioit with the Sotheren award drain, Messrs Sot`herats and Wetrneir being the appal. Was, Judrrnant watt reserved but ossa bean given Strice in favraur of the town. ship with cristae to the eppeliaxtts, R. Vara stone appeared • for the Tawrtship, Mr, Brayt 'Ages* ler the opgellants. rp ItllttlttltlltlltlTtt1t11ttltlltl1t11 slid,tlltlltt111lt1ttl1tl11tltlltlli! I its CREAMII1 a 44,44. ,4444. Prices are almost 5 cents per pound butter fat bet- ter than 'sour cream. When you are coming in with your creams keep all the skimming that are sweet seperate. POULTRY We now have our prices in line and believe that we can do better for you than you can get on any other 44,44., market. *“*.4 CALL 174 .40 For Saturday's special prices on Butter, Eggs a nd 4444. Poultry. *AP A. H. WILFORD tttttttL 1tUUILttttttttitttttitittt ttitttttttt�itttitttkttittttitttttt Winghann, so Ont. LADIES' ISARD'S i WEAR STORE ISARD S irt HOT WEATHER SPECIALS a 1it On sale at a discount of Mouse 'dbre55ea--Made-in good styles of color gingham or print. Good value at $I $t.25 $>:.3o. MEN'S WEAR STORE Ladies' Waists—We have in stock part of a Montreal manufacturer's range of Ladies' Voile and Fancy Silk Waists now on sale at a saving to you of 2 5 to SO cents. All new styles and perfect fitting. To see them "Will be to by them". SUMMER PARASOLS 25 per cent We bought a travellers range of samples, comprising plain and fancy silks. fancy white and linen shades. All are pretty styles. Your choice at a saving of 25 per cent. 1 fast and /kW WhittitWO,a,i4-0mCompillsing Skirts, Cosset Covert, ?rinlCess Slips0 Night Gowhs, Drawers and Combing- tiOns atcleali i ngprices. ;no Sw i'd'1ier Dress Goods—lf it's something in 'nzaterial to make a mise Hot Weather Dress you want we havt the goods, You'll fined a large stoat to choose- from here. "Take a look." M W x73ZA PA ,N. .t ZO'/VA 3)S 01 .S' "t, c.k. H. E' !Skill) 6 Co vaczockpouipirc moncyncationotti