HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-07-12, Page 8age eight
THE ?,ZA) 49c buys any of the fallowing combinations and.
SAVIIS YOU from 26c to S1c on each purchase.
'No Ilmit--a customer may buy as many combinationo as they wish.'
(War tar: extra as usual.)
Combination No, 1 for 49c
(Pkge Opelca Tea
Box Toilet Soap
Tooth Brush
Combination No. 2 for 4 9c
Box of Stationery 35c
Witch Hazel Cream 25c
Tooth Powder 25c
Combination No. 3 for 49c
(Almond Cream 25o
Talcum Powder 25e
ube Tooth Paste .. 25c
Combination No. 4 for 49c
Face Powder (Veloute) 50c
Powder Puff 15c
'tooth Brush 25c
Combination No. 5 for 4 9c
White Liniment 25c
and Liver Pills . , , 25c
White Pine and Tar 25c
Combination No. 6 for 49c
(Foot Powder .25c
Skin Soap 2$c
1Toilet Soap 25c
Combination No. 7 for 4 9f
(Skin Soap 25c
j Talcum Powder 25c
(Tooth Paste ..25c
Face Chamois .. , .... ..... 10o
Combination No. 8 for 4 9c
Liquid Shampoo 35c
Pace Powder, . , .. 25c
1Powder Puff 15c
Extra Special --10 Cakes 'Pais' (locToitotSeap) for 49c
Druggist and Optician
Phone 53
►T�►r'+,i iri►r'a►Tirr�irir:ir i►T+iT�iiT� i:yi:.a�ii:'Rnir* :-`1) ►«►�V.' vi 7"ViA0
iN � ii� rt';It ZC il� r(� ip go il� i�� pyo '4 go ip is ib ijv irk; i,� � i� i� i op
Wingham, Ont.
This school which will be opened in McDonald
Block on August 27th, is aliiliateel with Central Busi-
ness College, Stratford, and E11istt Business College,
Toronto, two of thobest known Commercial schools in
Canada. The Principal, Mr. A. Haviland, has had a
wide experience as commercial teacher and is one of
Ontario's best penman --Students will receive individ-
ual attention andgraduates Vlllba a
assisted to posi-
tions—During three months of past term the above
mentioned schools received over 30o calls for trained
help they could not supply. The Commercial world
wants m—ore office assistants. We are prepared to
give you a course of training which is not surpassed
in any City School—
Write or call at College Office for further parti-
,z, D. A. McLACHLAN,
4.7„.Ai, Q. At. Ay, ai!!
IA1 i 1pili 1,170 1,1 %1:""kra11,1 Sta Ij I,►
411 Ii1 IA ... fl /,..,..,..,1 I,l I,T Ip I,T.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Petermau and baby
of Fergus, are visiting friends here,
During the electrical storm on Sunday
morning Mr, Roy Gowdy's barn was
Mrs, J, Lane and Mrs, jas. Stokes are
visiting friends in Galt.
Miss Leila Higgins of Brussels, is visit•
ing her sister Mrs. A. Fitch.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Irwin motored to
Blyth on the lst.
Mr, Carter McKee or Galt, is spending
his holidays at his hone here.
Mr, and Mrs, W. B. Edwards and Mr.
and Mrs, Jas. Barton visited friends in
Goderich last week.
The Garden Party held at the home of
I1Ir. Jno. Mulvey on Friday evening under
4** fitttt*fte * tt tic 11�tR �
Warm Weather
Make this Store your headquarters
for July 12th. Visitors Welcome.
Special Prices on Clearing Lines of
Summer Goods.
Ladies' Waists, Wash Skirts, Middies, Hosiery,
Underwear, Muslins, Voiles, House Dresses, Child-
ren's Ready -to- Wear.
Produce Wanted .t
Store closes WEDNESDAYS at 12.30
' Phone 71
Wingham, Ont. 4
4 4444 + 44444 +
he auspices of the BBelmore Women's lu.
stitute was a grana success, A. bevy of
young girls waited on prettily decorated
tables set on the lawn An inspiring
Patriotic address was delivered by Mr, A.
II, Musgrove, Wingham, in his usual
energetic si.yIe also an address by Rev, R.
N, D. Sinclair. Teeswater orchestra furs
nished the music throughout the evening.
bliss S, Fowler delighted the erowct with
a patriotic solo "Good Bye My Soldier
I3oy," Many thanks are due to 1MIr. and
Mrs Mulvey for opening their home for
such an occasion also to those who help-
ed make the social a success. Proceeds
amounted to $200.00. After expenses are
paid the entire amount will he handed
over to the Patriot's Fund,
Miss Charlotte MacKay ot Wingham,
spent the week end with her friend, Miss
May Ballagl►,
Rev. E. Lucas of Superior City, called
ort old friends here last week,
Miss lti, Taylor, Teeswaler, is visiting
Mrs, Win, Ferguson,
Mrs, Rae of Toronto, is visiting at the
Home of Mrs. Harkness.
Mrs, Win, Anderson of Toronto, ac-
companied by her son and daughter
motored through last Sunday and called
on old friends in this vicinity,
Mr, John Casemore and daughter,
Laura, of the first line spent a -few
days at Wiarton last week.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert t olley and
daughter, 13orothy, visited at Kincar-
dine for a few days,
Mr. and Mrs, Jerry Casemore of
Whitechurch, visited at Mr. Thomas
Abraham's last weak.
Mr. Harvey n HaryD d to
his home on the let line, he has been
with his uucle near Clifford,
Mr. J. Wright and sister of Lakelet,
visited at Mr, Ernest Dennis's last
'All . 1.
At the close of the Public School
exercises on Friday afternoon last, the
Entrance class met their teacher, Miss
Ieard, in her room and presented her
with an address and clock, as a slight
token of their appreciation of her
efforts during the past year, Willie
Ross read the address while Beryl
Ashton made the presentation. The
following is theaddrese:—Gorrie, June
29th, 1917, to Mise V, M. Isard,--We,
your entrance class, have met with
you this afternoon for the purpose- of
expressing4 o you our appreciation of
your faithful efforts for us during the
past year. We have found you ever
patient and always ready to overlook
our many faults, Your perserving
and untiring efforts on our behalf will
never be forgotten by ne. Therefore
as a slight token of our appreciation
of your efforts, we ask you to accept
this clock, which will always remind
you of the Entrance Class in Gorrie of
the summer of 1917. Now that the
holiday season is nigh at hand we
trust you will thoroughly enjoy a well
earned rest and on your return to
your duties here may you be blessed
with the best of health and ready for
the work which lies before you the
coming year. Signed by the class, L.
Beryl Ashton, Margaret Page, Cora
Coles, Alma Nasb, W. Rose, E. Shera,
Geo, Wylie. Mise Isard made a brief
reply and thanked her pupils for the
beautiful present and kind words ex-
pressed, assuring them they would
not soon be forgotten by her. After
wishing her pupils every success and
hoping to meet again, teacher and
pupils bade each other farewell till the
opening of school in September,
r 4
. Selgravc
Mrs. Harvey Watson is visiting
friends in Elora snd Guelph,
Mr. Kirkby, Walton, is visiting his
son Dr. Kirkby,
Ella May and Iola McGuire are spend-
ing a part of their holiday& with• Mr,
and Mrs. Faskin, Kippen.
Miss Sproat of Woodstock, is visit-
ing her sister, Mrs. Dune McCallum,
Mr. and Mrs. Fraiser, Blyth, visited
at Duncan Robertson's on Sunday.
Mrs, Price of Wingham, spent a few
days with her mother, Mrs. T. Proctor.
Mrs, Sutton, London, is visiting her
daughter, Lovell,
John Stewart and AIex Bryans mot-
ored to London on Sunday.
Miss Bell Scott spent a few days at
the h.,me of her brother, David Scott.
A meeting of the Wumen's Institute
will be held in the Forester's Hall on
.,1a ' afternoon nest at 2.30. Mrs.
Jno. Coultes, 3rd line Morrie, will give
a paper on "Good Value of Vegetables."
Special music, Business of importance
will be transacted. A full attendance
is requested,
'iVe regret to report that Pte Chas.
R. Coultes has been reported wounded
with gunshot wounds in legs, arms
and sides and is reported to be in Bir-
mingham. Hospital, His many friends
hope to hear of his speedy recovery.
(Correct up till Wednesday boon.)
Wheat " •
Flour, per cwt., patent.. 6
Flour, per clot., family,(3
Bran, per ton 31
Shorts, per ten.. , . , . . . , 40
Oats, 0
Butter, per lb --Dairy 0
Ego, per dozen . ,. , 0
Cattle, medium butchers 0
Cattle, butchers choice. 10
Hogg, live weight ,..,.
Hams, per lb... • 0
25 to 2 3t"
00 to 7 00
40 to 6 50
00 to 36 00
00 to 42 00
70 to 0 85
10 to 1 20
00 to 11 00
20 to 30
80 to 85
20 to 30
00 to 10 GO
00 to 11 00
to 15 50
35 to 48
1 50
15 00
14 25
Bacon long clear
Sheep Skins
0 255 10
1 25 to
00 to
Lambs 14 00 to
Wool, unwashed
Wool, taehed.,....
From Sergt, C. R Copeland. C. 1P, C.,.
1Seo'y Ladies' Inetitute,
Winghani, put.
Dear Madam:--
I hereby wish to sincerely thank the
members of the Ladies' Institute of
the good old town of Wingham for
Wise several palet of sooke I have is.
celved through your kindness. I also
wish to congratulate you on the good
work you are doing towards the com-
.fort and welfa"e of our brave Canadian
lade and thereby helping to win the
cause of Liberty and Freedom and
crush forever the Tyranny and Kaiser•
isrri, that the Huns would wish to
thrust upon us.
It fairly made my blood boil when I
saw on the evening of the 25th of May
the ninny poor innocent women and
children killed and injured in the
streets of Folkestone by the terrible
ale °raid perpetrated by sixteen Ger-
man Taubes on that evening. It was
a sight I shall never forget, for I was
in Folkestone at the time and saw the
worst of it, I am very thakful that I
got off safely myself and I would just
Love to get over to France to help re-
venge the dastardly deed but am sor-
ry to have to admit that my physical
condition will not permit of that, so I
have to be content with remaining in
England and doing what little I can
However, good Ladies of Wingham,
keep up the good work you have been
so nobly doing for the past two years
for it certainly helps a lot to know
that even though we aro separated by
abeut five thousand miles of land and
water we are still remembered by
friends at home. 1 really don't know
what the boys would do without the
many good things you are ec kindly
stipplying them with.
Again thanking you for your kind-
ness and wishing the Ladies' Institute
of Wingham every prosperity in your
good work, I am
Yours very sincerely
C. 11. Copeland
Address And Presentation
In Howick on Monday July 0th the
friends and neighbors to the number
of about eighty assembled at the home
of Mr. David Halliday and presented
his youngest son, Stanley, with a mist
watch, a trench mirror and comb and
a box of
military stationery
and the
following address:—
Sapper David Stanley McVeity
Dear Friend:-
- We your friends and neighbors
deem it a great privilege to meet here
to -night and in a small way exprese
our admiration of you in the brave
stand you have taken. "Greater love
hath no man than this, than he offers
to lay down his life for hie friends,"
Words fail us when we try to express
our pride and admiration of you in
going forth to join that noble band of
Canada's sone, the cream of our young
manhood who form that thin red line
in France and Flanders that is sway-
ing backward and forward holding in
check the horrible hun and thus pro-
tecting our lives and our home. Your
name will ever emblazon our "Honor
Rolle" as one who counted his own life
not dear but was willing to shed his
blood for others.
That you may play your part nobly
and thus assist to hold high the record
Canada has already attained and there
return safely to your own home and
the acclainie of your fellow citizens is
our fervent prayer. We ask you to
accept this wrist watch, mirror and
comb and box of military stationery
as a slight token of our appreciation
of the course you have taken and our
united confidence in. you when in a
foreign land may these articles remind
you of the kind friends you left behind
Signed on behalf of your friendsand
neighbors, `
Uaseie E. Dane
- Helen J. Longley
After the presentation the evening
was pleatantly spent in music, selee
tions from the gramophone and social
conversation. After a dainty lunch a
little before midnight all repaired to
their respective homes.
Mrs, Humphrey and Miss Lila Humph-
rey of St. Helens spent a few days with
he former's sister, Mrs. A, Fox.
Miss Annie McGinne"s of Langside,
spent the week -end at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John Falconer.
Dr. and Mrs, White and son Jack mot•
ored to Collingwood last week,
Mrs, Wesley Moore and ehildren of
Palmerston visited last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Mamie,
Misses Margaret and Victoria Paterson
of Wingham were `visitors over Sunday
with their cousin, Miss Lily Paterson,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas, 13e11 of Spokane,
Wash., are- visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Thos, Henderson.
Mrs, McBride and birs. White of Col•
lingwood, were the guests last week of
Dr, and Mrs. J. H White,
Miss K MacKenzie of London General
hospital, is holidaying at the home of her
sister, Mrs, T, G, Gaunt,
Mr, and Mrs, D. McTavish of Ripley,
have moved into the parsonage and Mr.
Mr.Tavish preached in the Methodist
church on Sunday.
Mr. Chas,1-linde spent the weekend at
the home of his sister, Mrs, (Rev) W. h1.
Hartley of London.
Miss L. Longman led the Guild en Sun-
day. The leader for July 15 is Miss Isal
het Pox,
. Mr, and Mrs. I obt. McClenaghan And
master Clarence motored to Elora last
Miss Annie Henderson of Michigan, is
visiting at the home of Mrs, Hutchison,
J,a-,lw - - - - --.
nn !Head of
An Auction Sales of 30 head of
Cattle will,be sold at
8 FRESI-X COWS, with calves at foot
5 S.tFRINGERS, about due to calve
This is high grade atock and in the
best of condition,
Sale to commence at 2 o'clock sharp
TL3RMS--6 months credit on pur-
chasers furnishing approved joint
Lott & MacDonald, John Purvis
Proprietor. Auctioneer
Mr, Robt. Buchanan
Blyth, Ont.
Dear Mr, I3uchanan:—
On behalf of the People of East
Wawanos'h which we represent as a
council and for ourselves individually
we wish to extend to you, Mrs. Buch-
anan and your family our heartfelt
sympathy for you in the loss of,, your
dear son, by death on the battlefield.
We sincerely trust that Divine
strength may be given you and your
family to bear with Christian patience
and fortitude your sad and trying af•
fl.iction for "Greater love bath no man
than this, that a'iman lay down his
life for hie friends."
Signed on behalf of the Council of
the Township of East Wawanosb.
Alex. Porterfield 5, N. Campbell
Clerk. Reeve.
All Trimmed and
to clear at
Mrs. Runstedler
Mr. S'teinmillar is in Toronto, this
week on business,
Miss Perkins. who spent a number
of months with her neice's Miss E.
Perkine and Mre. H. V.. Holmes, left
for Perth and other places last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Welsh, the latter's
mother Mrs. Greer, Mr. T. Welsh and
wife of Toronto, along with Mr. W. J.
Greer and wife of Wingham, called on
friends in Gorrie, last week.
Some excitement was caused on the
street on Friday last, when a team of
horses belonging to Mr, Rutohison of
the 2nd con. ran away smashing a tele-
phone pole several tie posts and R.
Carson's gasoline pump and landing
Into the rear end of D. D. Sanderson's
car. Tho giving away of the gravel
box while coming down the hill south
of the village was the cause, not much
other damage was done.
The Orangemen of Hawick district
attended service at the Presbyterian
Ohurch on Sunday last when Rev,
Mr. Roberts delivered an excellent dis-
course basing his remarks on Gideous
putting to flight the Medianites with
his three hundred chosen men and re -
feted especially to the present great
struggle and 'the atitude of the French
Canadians towards recruiting and
conscription. A union choir rendered
excellent music. The , church was
decorated with flowers and bunting
the Union Jack being in profusion..
;RIB w11=11t1terau�r►MINNISIONIO110
1 strawberries 1
Leave orders
Will be filled at
lowest prlees
11* flint,
To Pink $o Blackburn Co,
McLaughlin Dealers,
Ottawa, Ontario.
Dear Sirs:--.
Several of my offrciir friends in the
French Army are keenly interested in the
performance of McLaughlin 6•eylinder
motor which I am using for Army Engin,
eeriug work in this area, They are es--
peoially interested in the Delco electrical
self•starting, lighting and ignition system
and are desirous of getting full intorma-
tion of this and other systems of similar
kind such as the Bijou and Delco, corn.
monly fitted on all American cars,
I have no doubt you will be rather in.
terested to learn that I have recently
driven one of the 1016 McLaughlin ---Buick
Canadian machines over the French Alps
on three different occasions. I was an
companied at different times by French
machineq costing several times_the price
ot the Canadian car; the performance on
the mountain roads compared very fav-
orably with any machines in the convoy,
and I have no hesitation in coupling on
either front or tail end of the other ma-
chines I find on the highways. My opin-
ion of the Canadian built machine has
gone up since my recent experience with
the McLaughlin --Buick.
Trusting you will bg_able to give me
some information on the electrical systems
mentioned above,•I am
Yours sincerely,
(Signed) Geo, H- Johnson, Major
O. 6, Jura Group,
Can, Forestry Corps
Donors h LEPARD, Local Agents.
"Somewhere in France",
June 10, 1017,
Mrs, Wesley Pattison,
Wingham, Ontario,
Dear Madam:—
I now take pleasure in writing you
a few lines thanking you for the socks
which you • knit, March 16th, and
which I received to -night. They
arrived at a good time as I am out of
the trenches so when I go back in I
will be able to take them with me.
We enjoy ourselves pretty well while
out of the line and hold sports and
play games such se football, baseball,
etc, We have a certain amount of
training to do besides, It is quite
warm here and it is lovely to lie in the
shade of the trees or go swimming, 1
never see any Wingham boys as I am
in a Western Canada battalidn. I
should Iike to meet some of the boya I
know and my brother in the Met, I
should like to be back home again but
I suppose I must wait for that. Well
I must now close, again thanking you
for the sox. I remain
Yours sincerely,
No, 402789, H. Hinecliffe,
Ifowick Council
At the Council meeting held in the
Township Hall on Friday, July 6th.
The members were all present. The
minutes of the last regular meeting
and the special meeting were read and
approved. The Treasurer was instruct.
ed to place at the dieposal of the diff-
erent Red Cross Societies of the town-
ship the nioney granted by the County
for that purpose. The By-laws in
connection with the Bone, the .Hanna
and the Kelly drains were finally
adopted and tenders will be called for
the construction of the drains at the
next meeting August 6th, The report
on the Laidlaw drain was provision•
ally adopted. The report on the
Murray -Lamb extension drain was
read and complying with a petition
from the ratepayers concerned the
council decided to appeal against the
construction of the drain. The Court
of Revision an the assessment roll was
The following accounts were paid:—
Gravel, Wm. Taylor $2.5C; Dan Mo.
Donald, $5 90; James Gibson, $14.60
Wm. Skelton. $10 60; J. P. Kelly, $5.80;
A, Campbell, $4 70; R. Johnston, $7.70
R. H. Garnier, $7,30; Charles Camp.
bell, $7.30; Jamas Leich $3 60; E. Nich•
ol, $2.50. Shovelling: --Leo Kelly 2
days $4,00; Irwin Wallaee, 2 days $3.
Alex Smith, $1.50;.1. H. Fear, 1} days
$2 25; Dominion Road Machine Co.,
Edge for grader $10.00; James Carter,
581 yards gravelling at 75 cents a yard
813.87 (East Boundary); John Evans
repairing culvert $7,00;; Geo. Alcock,
putting in culvert $4 90; Geo, McCall,
putting in culvert, $5.00; Huron Ex.
positor advertisiug $2.50; Blyth Stan-
dard, advertising $1.00; R. S. Smith,
E'ormaldehyde $3 00; John McGill re).
pairing Bodnnin Br., $•4,90; R, Neebitt,
road work collected on hie beat, $6.00;
M. Kelly 2,draine on road $0,00; Wm,
Cunningham fixing washouts $3,00;
Wm. McCall fling washouts on Mc-
Call Drain at lots 25 and 26, $5.00; E.
Shedden, teams grading Centre side.
road, $15.00: R. B. Alcoek nee of scrap.
ere and rooter $4.00; J. P. Kelly worn
on road and guiding grader $7.00;
Isabella Hanna work on road $2,00;
Wm, Smith, repairing culvert $15.00:
A. MacEwen Bone Drain By-law's and
clerk's fees; $35 F)O; Kelly Drain By-
laws and clerk'e'fees $00.00; Hanna
Drain Bylaws and clerk's fees $15.00;
R. 13. Garnias_putting indulverts'$4,00;
It. 13, Alcock ()went tile $40.00; Soho
Sbortreed .Balance on Tile foe McNeil -
Drain $3.44.
Next nle 'ting August 0th, 1017.
A. Mo1rwen, (Clerk,):
1 JN[1n nriN WUL 88576- 2000EbmentOotfl
cote No. 2107. Approved loan 1. Thle colo
bratod hero will stand for mares at 1118 own
stable, Lot 10, Con.'5, Nast Wawanosb every
dar except Saturday of emelt week 'when ho
will be at the National Ilotel stables Wing:
ham. Parties will bo net any roafonablo die-
'aneo by appointment, lie is one of the belt
bred horses in Untarle and broetl,,ers Will do
well to we film and thus improve their stook.
See I3111s for portion era
13017Baas, Pro rlators,
Phone 124321 N, Minn,
Thursday: July izth 191.7
This illustration is exactly
like one of the most popular
The material is what is
known as "Poplin" or Reign
They are cheap—cool--com-
fortable and neat.
Price *3.50 and $4.0O per pair
We have several new lines of white shoes, sample
pairs of which you will notice in our north window,
Sole Agent �� FOR
The successful candidates from Hur-
on County at the Stratford Normal
Sehool for interim second class are as
follows:—Myrtle Allen, Dungannon;
Laura G. Ament, Brussels; W. H, Den.
man, Brussels; Annie M. Harding,
Gorrie: Ethel L Ham, Seaforth; Mabel
Isard, Wingham; Edna 1+I. Jamie-
son, Clinton; Vera A, Johnston, Gor-
rie; Mary E. Kennedy. Wingham;
Annie L. King, Bayfield: Lillian' 0.
Longman, Whitechurch; Ada L. Mc-
Gill, Wingham: Nellie M. McKague,
Teeswater; Martha I, McLachlan,
Brussels; Mary A. McLelIand, Ethel;
Hazel Noble, East Wawanosb; Lillian
Pentland, Dungannon; Mary Robert-
son, Wingham; Bernice Shaw, Blue -
vale; Gertrude Speiran, Brussels: Ruby
Stoddart, Godericb: Margaret Walsh,
Seaforth; Grace Wootten, Godericb;
Jean 0, Young, Goderich; Harry W.
Alton, Ashfleld.
McCo r—In Wingham, on July 6113, to
Mr, and Mrs. WillMcCoy; a son.
Objects to Wife's Beliefs
A complaint, charging Peter Rob-
inson, of 959 Van street, with disturb-
ing a meeting of the Pentecostal Mis-
sion, on the Hamilton road, near
Redan street, last night, bas been laid
at police headquarters. Mr, James
W. T. Park is the complainant in the
case and he aileges that Robinson en-
tered the mission last night and seized
Mrs. Robinson, who was playing the
organ at the time, and dragged her on
the floor. -
Mr. Park says he refused to allow
Mrs. Robinson to again take her seat
at the organ and • created such a digs
tnrbanee that it was impossible to con-
tinue the service. Mr. Park said that
Mr. Robinson has come to the mission
on m ore than nue occasion and taken
his wife from the building against her
The police were called to the scene
last night, but as no information had
been laid against Robinson they were
unable to make the arrest.
It is claimed that Robinson's reas-
ons for breaking up the meeting is
because his religious views differ from
those of his wife, who insiets on taking
an active part in the work of the mis-
sion. When Robinson appears in the
police court on Thursday morning the
magistrate will be requested to bind
him over to keep the peace.
A story of a somewhat different
complexion was told to the Free Prese
by a citizen who happened to be pass-
ing the mission just as Mr. Robinson
Mrs. Robinson. the informant states,
was lying on the floor, her bands fold-
ed across her breast.
Four other devotees were lying in
similar attitudes and groaning so that
they could be heard nearly a block
away. Mr. Rooinson lifted his wife to
her feet and hustled her outside. She
appeared in a state suggesting the sI-
fecte of hypnotic inflluenoe and fell
over on the grass. Then somebody
from the meeting telephoned for the
police patrol,
The Free Press informant states that
the neighbors are nightly disturbed by
the meetings and that their children
are afraid to go to sleep on account of
the groans, praises and voices speaking
in tongues. The "Sky Rollers" is al-
leged to be the popular name by which
the adherents of the mission are
known to outsiders, and they are said
to outdo in enthusiastic manifestation
of their faith any other Pentecostal
congregations established in Loudon.
—London Free Press.
The Robinsons were some years ago
residents of Wingham.
1 Mid -Summer - Sale i... x
I Wash Ready -to wear—Ginghams, Ducks. Muslins,
X Crepes. We have hi our window this week ladies' A
lovely wash skirts, in White Piques, Bedford Cords,
Fancy Wash Goods. On sale $2.49.LINEN SPORT SKIRTS ---In new dotted and
fancy checks. Skirts ranging from $4 to $6. Sale
price $2.49
OUR WASH MATERIALS—Ate the .newest x
11and best- values in Crepes, Repps and Foulards.
NSale price for this week 190 per yd.
IVOILES—Iia Floral and Paney Stripes, only a
small quantity left to sell at the Sale price i $c per
yard. /
Mend' Summer Clothing—A few Mens' Summer
Suits in two -pieced and three -pieced. To Clear
$ t,t. jo each.
Mens.' Straw Hats tri Sailors and Chip Straws.
Satltrday Sale Price— No 1. lot, $2 each; No. 2 tot,
HANNA & C0.14
$1 each.