HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-07-05, Page 611.0,10,......,••••••••••••••••••.,....emen, Wwrisfressopowswarefrogsern~1••••••,s• The editor of a German newepa; er in Cleveland, who has taken the Kale's Side as against the Patted States, has been interned for the period of the war, but another in Charleon, S. C., has been put under $10,000 bail an charges of conspiracy, Over here they glee men like that Government jobs. President Wilson wae able to tell tile Belgian War Mission, the members of which bave arrived in Washington, that the Itnited State e has taken over the entire, cost of the relief la Bel- gium. Each month tile United Stales Treasury Department advances $7,500,- 000 for this purpose. This, nuts( also be quite a relief to Great .13ritain. The TT. S. Council of National De - reflect, acting on military advice, has decideto recommend the conelrum don by the Government of en air fleet of unheard of power. It proposes that 100,000 aeroplanes shall be built, and that the training of a correspondaig- ly large body of aviators shall be be- gun at once. The addition of there would make the Allied air fleets su- preme. Fear that coal will be boosted to prices hitherto unheard of is entirely without foundation In the opinion of Francis S. Peabody, chairman of the United States coal production committee of the advisory commis- sion of the Council of National De- fence.Mr. Peabody, who is president of the Peabody Coal Company. Of Cei- cago, believes the tendency of coal prices in the next few months will be downward rather than upward. Ile scouts the idea ot an agreement among coal dealers to take advantage of the war situation. Let us hope that Mr. Peabody is right in his belief. THE FUTURE AIRSHIP. There are those who say that the •war will be won in the air. It is the airship that is helping the Allies to have the initiative on the westein front. It is through them that General Haig manages to keep the enemy guessing as to where he Will ,strike next, be- cause he blinds thi German airships. When he has the supremacy of the air be can watch the movements while they are unable .to keep watch over bis troops. Most of the air fighting is done in the territory ocenpied by the Germans. Canada would do well to cultivatehtleis arm of the service. We have theyethig,men tit for the posi- tion of aViators, and we have the means of makingthe .airsbipe. Foe a long time our.,Goitern,raeht refused to have anything to, do with and those ahlig eCatiathene.who chose to go Into aviation had to pat; their oWt-expensea •to an American company. Now that -the United States -amen en- tered the evae,, the military men .of that countryeeee that they cati• give -more hell) by way of aviation than In any other way. Consequently . they propose to , build .and man many thousands of airehips,eso •that .the Al - Iles Will be able to drive the Germans out of Prance and Belgium. But thenirehip will find its uses af- ter the war is over. Discussing this question, Mr. 0. flolt-Thomas stated that a special aeroplane, in the sense of special train, wouldenable Intit- yiess men to leave London in the morning, do his business in Paris, and be home again to dinner. It would take him to Bagdad in a day and a half, or to New York in two dee s. Ceylon would become 2% days from London; Tokio 4ta days; Sydney five days; Cape Town 3te days; Vancou- ver three days. Many buniness men would smile at the idea of using this conveyance, but the only thing was to remind thein that they also smiled in the early days of motor -cars, and yet half- the business to -day would take double the time to do if the motor -car was not in existenee. As for the gees - Goa of cost, it would be possibla to run a profitable air service between London and Paris at ze.5 per rassen- I ger, Ved per ounce for mails, and 2s each for parcels of 3 lbs. Constantino- ple or Moscow, a journey of twenty - deur hours, might involve a cost of £25 per ticket. It was only yesterday that we recorded that a young Hamil- ton aviator had flown from Oxford on a vinit to a friend in the south of Eng- land, spent the evening and part of the next day there, then flew over to the Isle of Wight, later returning to Oxford. This reads solnewhat like a •fairy tale. Ilut what is the wonder or miracle of yesterday becomes the common -place of to -day. Maine's Knights. Maine io the only state in the M- ien which can bottet of having three tative horn ow. knighted by Engleth Maga. They Alf Sir William Phipre of WoOlwieb, mice royal governor of Maecachueette, wine Wes knighted 41 1691; Sir Pepperell of Nit- tery, who eaptt ed Louisburg for ilie Britaela and Brant Maxim: I tc- change. Sb.o r Lines. Long or she itimoroted reoped and ttcd. A flatness, neve , hover marred hy the slIghteet Wigg --We 're a. nation of runts. Prehietorle Wn114,.vite Inuell larger than arei, ag ,, Well, for my paet. t Weald renter be at runt than be- ere- prehletOrle. athill betee idea Of a food dielator 11 mother ealling a halt at the thir- teenth bier.kwhaat eake,g-TaMpa Tri- bune, %amommoomme•••mmoassesellmlons•molleani OrIEL11..ar .............. Aans•••••••• HER HUMBLE 2==2 LOVER i==. Sir Frederic paced up and clown for anther hour, then, parched with thirst, remembers the wine, and, go- ing in, drinks a goblet with unsteady hand and feverish haste; then absent- ly he sinks into the chair in which Signe had been seated, and half drowses. There is no fear in his heart, though he knows that he Is Waiting for the man whose villainy he has un- masked, and whose wife he has sent aaay; he has passed beyond the lunge of all feeling save miserable de- epair. The evening draws in; lights shine here and there in the windows of the village street; peasants drop in at the Mountain Goat, wearied with their day's work, to get their simple draught of wine and water. The land- lord opens the dor and looks into the sitting room, but thinking his strange guest has fallen asleep, retires again on tiptoe. Presently there comes the sound of horee'e beefs down the paved street, and with an abruptness that Wage the horse to his' haunches with a clat- tering noise, Lord Delamere pulls up lord, who has been waiting ehind the blind, comes into the passage, then shrinks from his task, and muttering: "He said he would wait and explain; let him do so! Yes," creeps discreetly out of sight. llector hastens through the little hall and opens the door of the room,' suddenly, but gently. "Well, •Signa," he says, cheerfully, with an undertone of joyous relief. "I have come back, you see. Where are - Why are you sitting in the dark? Saunders is not so bad, after all. It is a sprain and I left him in good hands. Signa" --'-for the silence sud- denly frightens him -"are you there? Are you asleep? Where are the lights?" 'Hurriedly he takes his match -box from his pocket, and, striking a match, lights a candle, then, shading it with his hand, he turns round and sees - not Signe, but Frederec Blyte asleep in her chair. For a moment he stands as if he were dreaming, and the ce.nelte almost drops from hie hand; then he looks round the room eagerly, and without waiting to rouse the sleeper, darts up- stairs into her room. She is not there. With a sudden, awful.fear, which he. chokes with a discordant laugh, he returns to the eitting-room, and lays his hand upon Sir,Frederick's shoulder. The sleeper awakens, and with startled eyes stares up at the dark, threatening ones glaring' down at him, for a mo - meat, in a bewildered fashion. Lord Delamere's hand grasps him tighter. "Wake up," he says, not roughly, but with 'deep' intensity more ominous than any mere roughness. "Why are you here?" . Sir Frederick rises and confronts him, and even in that moment Lord Delaniere, notices the ch.anger that time and passien have wrought la the once self-satisfied.counteaanee. "You have returned then," says Sir Frederic, not yet quite In Possession of his faculties. "1 airi -here, 'yes," retorts Lord Del- amere, impatiently. "Answer my "talestions .why are -you here? -in this place? -in this roorn?" „ ' "Ta:ke your hand frOm-fny shoul- der," says Sir Frederic, gloomily. • Lord Delareerets hand drops, and he smiles darkly. "Roth, then," he says, "speak quickly. Why are you •here?-vvItat Is your business?". • "I came to seek you. I followed you here," answers Sir .Frederic, calmly, but with the calmness of a man wrap- ped in deepair, and too careless of his danger to heed it. "Well, you have sought and found 'me," says Hector, Instantly. "And then, what did you come for?" `I came to tell you that you were a villain," says Sir Frederic, "a cruel, heartless villain." An awful smile crosses Lord Dela- mere's few. "Could you not wait until I return- ed to England? Wa l necessary to take 'so long a journey for such purpose?" he says, with deep sarcasm. Then he starts, and looks at him closely. "Was it to tell rae only, or to tell - another?" he asks. "Have you seen Sig•-Latly Delamere?" "Yes, I have seen her," answers Sir Frederic, with a sigh. "Where is she? Da you know where she is?" demands Lord Delamere, with a fierce haste. "I have seen her, I know where she Is," le the response, dogged and heavy. Lord Delamere seizes him by the arm. "You have seen her, you have fol. lowed her here, to pour some wild, etiad story in her ear!" "I have dome to tell her the truth the truth of which I warned her the night you treated ma like a dog and tore her from me." Lord Delamere `draws a long breath. "The truth? What is it? No mat- ter. Don't answer. Tell me, when is my wife?" "Safe from your pursuit," says Sir Frederic, doggedly. "She has left you, Lord Delamere; she has taken the only course open to a pure -minded, innocent girl, when she finds that the man she has Married is a villain who has deceiVed. her, She has flown," 'teeter rushes tei the door with the look of a madman, then he pulls him- self up and looks round, for there is an air of secarity and confidence about the wattle end tone 'of his foe that alarms him. "80!" he breathee, "you have been here-ahOW long? She ileft---when? One word! Idiot, madman, insane as you are, yeti would, not be so Mean as to allow her to go by hereelf." Almost madly he put the question, rad with the sane heavy matiner hr Frederick answers: "Yes," he says "she has g000 alone. She would not permit me to accompany her—" "You!" echoes Lord lamore, With a Wild secnn that is to like Sig- titt's that. Sir Frederic flushes a heavy red. AM a gerttletalan ent an honest Men, Lord Delamere; you know that ithe Weald have been as ilea with rae "Cease, yOU madman'!" breaks In Lord DO.ranere, lofting him by the am. "Do 1 net know Oust %he would have ratber died thnn have you with her -oh, my darling -but -but -oh, Heaven, sent me calm sufficient to deal with the fact!" and his lips open with a wild prayer. "Now, them to me. Yon say that she Is beyond ray Pursuit. Whither have you sent her? Answer at once, or as there is a Heaven above mat will wring the an- swer from your throat!" and, indeed, his hand waves in the air with an ominone motion. "I am not afraid; You cannot awe. me, Lord Delamere!" says Sir• Fred - uric. "I directed my man—" "Your man!" "Yes, my coachman, fo tette her ladyship to Aletta; if he drives quick- ly -and he will do se, he knows the road, and the horses were fresh -she will catch the night mail!" Hector tears the watch out of his pocket, and with his hand to his head makes a rapid calculation. "Oh, Heaven! it is too true!" he groans. "She will erose before 1 eau reach her. Oh, fool, fool, to leave her alone and unprotected, I felt this evil! I felt it approaching! Oh, Hea- ven! if I had but stayea! Oh, my darling! my darling!" and givine way to his emotion for a moment, he hides his face in his hands, quite for- getful of the tall, white-faced She Frederic, After a moment he recov- ers, and he locks darkly at his cont. panion-darkly and wonderingly. "You madman!" he exela.ims, "What wild story did you tell her? And to think that she should believe you - you -believe your simple word against my love and devotion! It is incredi- ble -incredible! Am I, too, mad? I cannot believe it. By what witchcraft, what miserable acc dici you gain her ear and convince her?" he demands, with desperate intensity, "-Sir Frederic flushes, then pales again. • "You are right. My bare word, though she knows I Would not lie, was not enough. I brought proofs, Lora Delamere, absonsta, irrefuta- ble 4 proofs of your crime—" "Crime!" he echoed it with a be- wildered air. "Crime! But you said Proofs-! What proofs? Answer! If you knew that you were la peril of your life -that I can scarcely keep my hands from your throat, you would be more acute, Sir Frederick Blyte!" "I am not afraid," he responds, doggedly. "I told you so before. I know I am dealing with a desperate, unscrupulous man; but I am utterly ,and completely indifferent. For my- self 1 care nothing -it is of her--" "Silence! You shall not speak of her!" exclaims Lord Delamere, stern- ly. "The proofs -the prnofs by which you convinced her, you madman!" "They were not far to week; they were ready to my hand," replies Sir Frederic, coldly. 'The girl you ruined, whose lover you shot, Is here in this place. I had but to bring tbem to- gether; Signe had but to hear the Miserable, cruel story from the Vic- tim's own lips—" Lord Delamere interrupts him with a groan. "Oh, Heavens! 1 see it all!" he says, striking his forehead, and leaning against the table. "I see it all! 'Oh, my poor darling, what you are suf- fering now! And alone, too -elope!" and more than once he hides his face in his hands. Thereis silence broken only by the 'buzz and hurn of the peasants that - tering over their wine. Then Lord Delamere lifts his pale, haggard face, and looksternly at his companion. "Sir Frederic," he aays, and his voice is stern and solemn, "this day you have done a wrong watch, if there be any true manhood tn you, will bring you remorse that shell last you unttl your death!" Sir Frederic starts and glares at "Wrong!" he says, hoarsely. "I have done my duty -my duty. I have unmasked a villain, and undeesived a pure, trusting waman." "No!" responds Lord Delamere, in au awful voice; "you have committed an error that, by its consequences, amounts to a crime." "Error!" says Sir Frederie, panting. "Yes. Who were you to judge? You elected yourself my judge; yon tried me on a matter of life and death; you convicted me; you sentenced me with- out hearing both sides. For myself, I -I can bear the consequences of your mad injustice and malice; but ehe-ot, my darling, my tender-hearted girl, whom I have watched over as never father watched over daughter, hes- band over wife -you have broken her heart, and sent her luta the watld to tear her misery alone! Oh, HeaNen! if there be any sense in you, any feeling of humanity, any capacity for remorse, you will wish that you had died before you did this day's tl2thl bitter work!" White and trembling, Sir Frederic glares at him. "What -what is this?" he demands, hoarsely. "Do you tiara to tell me that it is not true? -that-----" "Look at me," retorts Lord Dela- nitre, confronting hint with flashing eyes, and with a face awful in 'fa sternness and solemnity, "Is this the face of a coward ---an aseassiti? You mad fool! If you had but waited -if you had but met Ina Man to man, instead of man to Womam-I would have convinced you—" With an awful cry, Sir Frederie otaggers against the table, and holds out one trembling hand, as if to put the wretched doubt away from hint. "No, no! It la true! You shall not deeelve me!" he pants, Then his voiC6 changes to ono of v,ild, piteous supplication: 'You dare to say it is not true? Protre it to me, prove it to me, and I will grovel at your feet like the cur you deern Me!" "And will that bring my darling back to me?" demands Hector, in a dry, hank yoke. "Will that atone for her broken, heart? Though I stretched you dead at My feet, would that etfaee the agony you' have made her en - "Stop! otter)! Spare Mei" Moans Sir Feeclerit, beading like a reetl before the latrileane. "For Ileaven'e SPare Inel Oh, Heaven! what have I done?' "Yve have broken a trusting ten Men's heart!" is the stern reepenee. "Tell Want prOofs--you shall lave thent. Not preofti :melt as YOurs, but evidence ao indisputeble that your Craven soul shall, indeed, grovel in the dust, Come With. Me, you Mechelen!" and, with a wild geetere, he analChee the candle front the iabte and strides. out, Sir Frederic follows, trenthling Med awe strielten, CHAPTER XXXII. There is a briglit inoon overhead, and as they step oat into its rays, Lord Delamere flings tile candle from him and eteldee into the real toward the fountain. Sir Frederic leeks at it and shud• dere. 1f--1f-the girl's tale should be falenel, then -then he has, indeed, broken Sigaa's heart held wronged this mti With white, working face, Lord Dela.. inere makes hie way up the lane; every step is familiar to him, and atope ping before a ernall cottage within the churchyard boundary, he knocks gent- ly. "Witere-where are we going?" netts Sir Frederic, faintly. "To a man who knows the truth. and whose word even you dare not edtoeurbnvviciosaey.s Lord Delamere in a low, re:1h: house is quite still; no sound or light ge comee in anewer to the m- moHector waits a moment, then he nooks toward the chapel, from the windows of which etreame of exqui- site colored light are failing faintly on the grass and gleaming creases of the churchyard. "Follow me!" he says. With bent head Sir Frederic follows. As they go along the narrow gravel path between the house and the chit- pelba shadow comes into the light from the windows and follows .too. It le a womante figure; it is the girl Lucia's"! Hector pausea a moment at the porch. and Sir Frederic comes up to his side. They stand in silence as the last strains of the organ accompany- ing the evening service die away up- on the air. and Hector stands with bared head as if the music and the solemn chant had come upon his trou- bled and tortured soul like healing from angels' wings. Thee he lifts his head. As he does so, the light falls full upon it, and at the in.stant, with a low cry, the girl, who has been watching, springs before him and alis upon her knees, with upstretched hanifd. joyeaonuds iface, pleading, half -earful, ha Hector starts and his lace grows pale, then he says, gently: "Lucia,, you are here, then?" "Yes, yes," she pants, "I ant here! I have been waiting for you! Something told me you would come, and ab, Heaven! you are here!" and she Clasps her hands wildly, over her. almost pitifully, he bends "Get up, Lucia; I want to speak to you. Thie gentleman -you have seen him before?" She looks coldly, indifferently on Sir Frederic, and nods. "Yes! How long you have been coin- ing, Hector. I have seen you in my dreame so often, and they told me that You would come, but when I woke -a and, oh!" -she breaks off, her tone of gentlemelancholy changing to one of fleece questioning -"it, is not true what they say in the village?" "What le not true, Lucie?" he says, in the same voice, the yoice in which he would speak to a wayward child. . She laughs with light scorn. "They said-- Come near, he will hear!" Humoring her, he draws a little apart, and she stands on tiptoe to whisper. "They said that I was not your wife, Hector, that -that you had another wife, that the beautiful girl at the fountain who would not let me touch her was your wife--" she breaks off suddenly, alarmed, emitten with dread by a look in his eyes. "Tell me! Speak quickly!" she pants, in her . swift Italian, "It is false. is it not? Ah! it could not be true, You would not be so cruel, so false -ah!" "Lucia," he says,. gently, and Sir Frederic, as he hears the tee -he can- not understand the words -puts his hand to his head. bewildered. Is this matt a master in the art of deceit? If this is not further proof-t)is meet - lag of theee two lied their manner - what is it? "Lucia," he says, "we will talk of thatanother time. Go now." "Go, and you!" "Go, and wait for me at the foun- tain; 1 will come to you direttly. Go now, like a good child," and he puts hia hand -an her head soothingly. Her head sinks on her bosom, but she obeys hint. With a swift gesture, she snatches his hand to her lipe, be- fore he could have prevented her had he wished to do so, and glides away. Lord Delamere mations to Sir Fre- deric to remain where he is, and then bareheaded enters the chapel. Sir Frederic sees him theappear in the light, and then turns away a few paces; as he does so, he feel e a light touch upon his arm, and looking down, sees the girl at his side. She waits a moment, looking stead- ily' up into his face, her eyes gleaming clerkly in the haft darkness; then she draws nesit'er, and whispers, in brok- en English: "Milord -that young girl -she who listened at the fountain, and snatched her hand from poor Lucia, who is she" Sir Frederic hesitates; then he says, slowly, coldly: "That lady was Lady Delamere, sen- ora." "Mile.di De-lamere!" she echoes. "Then tt Was my Hector's sister?" Sir Frederic shakes his head. "No; the lady was his wife. Why do you ask?" "Illet-his wife? Ills!" painting In the direction of the porch., "Yes," he says, bewildered, hie mind in. a whirl, ,"Why do you ask't You have asked me a question; will you answer Mine; do you anderetand isle?" She does net reply, does not Seem to understand or oven heer hint; her lips, half -parted, murmur the Words; "Wife -wife," in a dazed tone, as if she were trying to realize it. Why do 'you ask?" he says, touch- ing her arm to reeall her. She shakes his hand off in a dull, heavy sort of way, and atilt murmur- ing "Wife," glides slowly from his side. With his hand to his brow, Sir Frederie turns to the pereh. What le this mystery which, even at the moment of its promised solu- tion, thickens and becaMee More in- scrutable? Steps tire heard Ott the Welk. ht, is Lord Delainere. Beside hint is the priest, his beautifully placid hoe, with snoW.white hair inflaming it, loOks angelically serene beside the dark, haggard olle beside It, Seeing Sir Frederic, he teettehee Hector on the arm. .Hector looks tip, "My frle-the man of Whom I spoke," he explainil, (To be ooritinued.) !/! 11.• Treasures of Hair and Skin Preserved by Cuticura If you use Cuticera Soap for every -day toilet purposes, with touches of Cuticura Ointment now and then as needed to soothe and heal the first pirpplett, red- ness, roughness or scalp irritatiora you will have as clear a complexion and u good hair as it is possible to have. . Sample Each Free by Mail Address pont-card: "Cutitura. Dept. N, Soma; v. s. A." Sold throuettou; the world, °RUSHING A NATION, Oembray League and Fall of Venetian Republic. The League of Cambray was the po- litical combination of continental Eu- rope in 1508 against the Venetiau re - Public, which tore from the "Queen of the Athletic" her resplendent crown and forced to her lips the cup of deep- est humilVion, Back of 'the league and causing its formation were jealousy, ambition and the desire of crippling the proud peo- ple, whose history was the wonder and envy or the world. • Too power- ful to be overthrown by any single power, it .was resolved that Venice should be crushed by the combined forces of all Europe. During the terrible days of Attilla about A. D. 453, Venice was founded out among the lagoone of the J•Iriatic, where, it was felt, safety would be foetid from the ravages of the Hun. The history of the thousand years from the foundation of the city to the year 1508 reads like magic. Rising from the waves, Venice became the wonder -of the world. Her navy cut the waters at every known sea. Her merchants were the greatest on earth. Her bank was the financial centre of the world. And for more than ten centuries did Venice remain the glory of the world, the centre of wealth, opulence and power, the home of culture and intelli- gence, the hearthstone about which sat the finest of the intellectual graces and hospitalities, and such she might have remained, but for the League of Cambrary, which with its overwhelm- ing forces, gave her a blow (at Ag- nadello in 3609) from which it was impossible for her to recover. f- Ex- change. Minard's Liniment for sale every. eyhere. THE OROW. An Appreciation of a Generally Unappreciated Native Bird. Country people are now much more friendly to the cow than they were In my boyhood. He is not so black as he was painted. The farmers have learned that he is their friend, for all his occasional corn-oulling and chic- ken -stealing, His Is the one voice you are pretty sure to hear whereever your walk leads you. He is at home and about his own business, It is uot his grace as a flyer that pleases us; he is heavy and commonplace on the wing -no airness, no easy mas- tery as with the hawks! only when he walks is he graceful. The pedes- tian crow! how much at home he looks upon the ground -an ebony clod -hopper, but in his bearing the lord or the soil. He always looks prosperous; he always looks content- ed; his voice is alwaya reassuring. The farmer may be disgruntled and discotiraged; his crows are not. The country is good enough for them; Miley can meet their engagements; they do not borrow trouble; they have not lived on the credit of the future; their acres are'not mortgaged. The crow is an type of the cheerful, successful countryman. He is not a bird of leisure; he is always busy go- ing somewhere, or policing the woods, or ealutitig his friends, or calling to- gether the clans, or mobbing a hawk, or spying out new feeding grounds, or taking stock of the old, or just caw- ing to keep in touch with his fellows. He is very sociable; he has many en- gagements. now to the woods, now to the fields, now to this valley, now to the next -a round of pleasure or duty all the day long. Not given to soli- tude and contemplation like the proud hawks, not pugnacious, never or rare- ly quarelling with his fellows, cheer- fully sharing his last morsel with them, playing sentinel while they feed, suspicious, inquisitive, cunning, but never hiding; as open as the day in hia.. manners, proclaiming his whereabouts at all hours of the day, looking upon you as the intruder and himself -as the rightful occupant. The stiller the day the more noise he makes. He is never a sneaker, never has the air of a prowler. He is always In the public eye or ear. His color gives him away, his voice gives In away k on the earth or ba. tbe elty he is heard er seen afar. No creature Wants hie flesh, no lady wants his Pleme, though a more pertect and brilliant ebony caunot be found in na- ture. He is a bit of the night 'with a eheen ot the stars in it, yet the open day is hie province; publicity his passion. A sieta a policeman, a thief, a good fellow, a loyal friend, an alarmist, a socialist, all In one. Winter makes him gregarioue, as it does many men; at night be seeks the populoust rookery in the Woodela by day he wanders In bands seeking food, in spring he establishes a crow net- work all over the country and 18 rare- ly out of earshot of some of his fel- lows. low we should miss him from the day! Among our community of birds he Is the conepicious, all -the - year -round feature. We do not love him, there is no poetry in his soul; but he challenges our attention: he Is at home in the landscape, he is ne- ver disgrunted. Come rain , come shine, come heat, come snow, he Is on his job and is always reassuring. -John Burroughs in "Art World." 4 • • Sleeve Vagaries. Cuffed or outtles. Tight or of a looseness, Long or brief to shortness. imona-ehouldered or inset, . elled-or bishoped at the wristline. n fact, anything's "it" it tons. Minard's Liniment Co„ Limited: Dear Sirs, -I had a bleeding Tumor on my face for a long time and tried a number of remedies, Without any good results. I was- advised to try MINARD'S LINIMENT, and after us- ing several bottles it made a com- plete cure, and it healed all up and disappeared altogether. DAVID H fIND131RSON, Belleisle Station, Kings Ce., N. B., Stpt. 17, 3904, MOLYBDENUM. Rare Mineral Which Toughens Metal in Big Guns. Few people realize the remarkable characteristics of Molybdenum. it may even be etated with little fear of contradiction, that only a small per- e,entage of the population of this con- tinent know that there is auch a thing. And yet this rare mineral is playing aa important part in the affairs of the world just as present, particularly on the other side of the ocean. For molyb- denum is what is used to harden the linings of Germany's big guns . In its natural state it looks like a cross between graphite and bismuth, but its uses are very different. In a general way molybdenum acts like tungsten and vanadium in harden- ing teel, but is more active. The ef- fective radio of molybdenum to tung- sten or vanadium seems to be between 1. to 2 and 1 to 3 respectively. For imparting to steel great strength and resistance to strain these three metals are indispensable. They each command approximately 'the same price, 'namely, $3.50 per pound, but molybdenum has a great advantage over the other two because less than one -halt as much Is needed to produce the same results. For large guns, , rifle barrels, ear axles, etc., it is used by all the leading nations of the world to -bay, which really did not realize its vast import- ance anti' Germany's great guns, con- taining 3 per eenet. to 4 per cent. of molybdenum alloys started to smash all the "impregnable" fortresses of ordinary guns. Molybdenum is used also in electri- cal contact making devices, X-ray tubes, voltage rectifiers, electric lamps, dentistry and in innumerable other ways. The great future of molybdenum is the economy it can command in the use of steel. Colorado and Arizona produce the bulk of the molybdenum now mined in America, but recently valuable depos- its have been found in Canada. The latest field to be uncovered is In Ren- frew, Ontario. hilnard's Liniment Cure* Burns, Etc. • •st OUR UNEXPLORED LAND. Fortunes May Await Seekers in the Vast Vacant Stretches. Unexplored Canada is the subject of an article, by Charles Canteen, of the .Geological survey, at Ottawa, in "The Geographical Journal." He says: "I find in Western Canada aeeas, ag- gregating 642,000 square miles in ex- tent which must still be considered as unexplored, and in Northern Quebec about 269,000 square miles more, mak- ing an aggregate of 901,000 square miles. This does not include areas un- der 4,000 square miles in extent." East of Reindeer Lake and Kasa.n River, in Manitoba and Northwest Ter- ritory, there are 73,000 square miles of unexplored country, it le eetimated. This is larger than Missouri or North Dakota, and larger than the sum of the areas of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. On the peniasula between Ungava and Hudson Bays, Quebec, there is a still more Ode/Wye ,a1ea of 75,000 square miles that is a blank on an h011eAt map, Here are other large tracts that invite the explorer; South and east 4411111111111 *IIIIINIMINIMIls*AMillinlIMINIM11110101011111MMW A Tortatio With Riwal,thitarie oriButiiness.. Rather a unique way of stating it, but it will attract your attention and that's the first duty of a flirt. The nutter ofliotel Accommodation is a serious problem just now. Since September last, many hotels have found it necessary to close. The WALIER HOUSE (The House of Plenty) has actually been doing an enormous butiness eince last September• lts wonderful service, arid every detail connected therewith haVe beenresponsible for its tremendous patronage. The house is more like a home than a hotel, so skilfully and wisely's it managed. Whenyou come to thik olty stay at the WALKER HOUSE, where home -like comfofte are the doninating chataoteritticsit Special attention paid to Lidice and Children, travelling without escorts, at Totente'e Famous -Hotel. • • attliatikUll MAW THE WALKER HOUSE .°E0i,Zr1ggl ot 00. Of Beaks River, Narthwelt Territory, 72,000 square Miles; north Of Beat - Man AlVer, Quelseo, (WOO square miles, northwest of Oreat Bear Lake, Northwest territory, 61,000 square miles; north of treat Slave Lake a.nd klaelks River. Northwest Territory, 61,- 000 equare miles; eatit and south of Kaniapiskaw River, Quebec, 64,000 iAlaare miles, For the purpese of comparison the area of New York is 49,204 square males. Northwest Ter- ritory contains more blank spaces even than Yukon. Ontario has three, in ex- tent trom oix to eight thousand square /allies. Twenty-eight per cent, of Con- tinental Canada is still unexplored. The earlier pioneer e searched the Canadian wilderness for fur-bearillg animals; today men penetrate it to 100k for minerals and oil. "If we su- perpose these unexplored areas on the geological map of Canada," says Mr. Camsell, "we shall find that the great- er part of them lie in what is colored as pre -Cambrian, or in geological for - =Rorie similar to those in which, un- der certain conditions, the ricb de - Posits of copper, nickel, iron, silver, and gold of Northern Ontario occur," But there must still be productive agricultural land in the Peace River and Athabaska River regions marked as unexplored. In the basin of the IvIaokenzie River "is believed to be one of the largest areas of possible oil bearing country yet unexplored on the face of the earth," It is lo be noted that experts estimate that the oil 'Ripply of he, United States will be exhausted in thirty years. Indiana have reported lakes in Ytt- kon sixty and seventy miles long that no whife man has ever seen; the Mackenzie mountains even the In- dian knows nothing about; and it will be many years before the mystery Of Northern Canada is lifted for the cartgrapher. Fortunes await the dar- ing prospector; for the hunter there Is an abundance of game and fish, and innumerable virgin peaks invite tne mount= climber. • .40 Maine's Knights. (Maine le the only state in the Un- ion which can boast of having three native born sons knighted by English kings, They are Sir William Phiprs of Woolwich, once royal governor of Massachusetts, who was knighted In 1694; Sir William Pepperell of Kit- tery, who captured Louisburg for the British, and Sir Hiram Maxim, -Ex- change, 4 • • STRENUOUS WORK SOON TELLS ON YOU BUSINESS MEN AND BREADWIN- NERS THE VICTIMS OF NERV- • OUS EXHAUSTION. When worry is added to overwork men soon become the victims or ner- vous exhaustion -neurasthenia -the doctor calls it. Some have no reserve strength in their systems to bear the strain; others overtax what strength they have. It you find that you are nervous and not sure of yourself, that you sleep badly, and wake up tired and aching, your nerves are out of or- der.. Other signs are inability to take proper interest in your work; your ap- petite is fickle; your back feels weak, and you are greatly depressed in spir- its. One or more of these signs mean that you should take prompt steps to stop mischief by nourishing the ners es with the food they thrive on, namely the rich, red blood made by Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. These pills have cured thousands of cases et nervous disorders, including nervous prostra- tion, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance and partial paralysis. Here is an example. Mr. P. H. Callan, a wellsknpwn busi- ness man in Coleman, P. E. I., says: '.1.- owe my present health, if not life itself, to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I had always ben an active man, and when I began to run down in health paid little attention to it, as 1 thought It only a, temporary weakness.. As time passed, however, I found myself growing worse, and consulted a doc- tor, who said that 1 was not only bad- ly run down, but that my nervous sys- tem was badly shattered. I lost flesh, my appetite was poor, I slept badly and notwithstanding the docter's treatment grew so weak that I had to leave my business and was confined to the house. 'rime went on and I was steadily growing weaker, and my friends were all greatly alarmed for my condition. In this condition I area strongly recommended to try Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, and as tha doctor's medicine was not helping me I decid- ed to do so. By the time I had used three boxes 1 could tell that they were helping me. When I had taken eight boxes of the pills 1 felt able to attend to my business again, and people were surprised to see me out. I continued the use of the pills until I had taken twelve boxes, by which time 1 was feeling as well as ever I did, and was being congratulated by all my frieeds on my full restoration to health. feel now that if I had used Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Flits at the outset I would not only have saved much money spent on doctor's bills, but would have had renewed health sooner. 1 cannot speak too highly of this medi- cine, and would recommend it to ev- ery man wha feels weak, hervous or run down." get ' You nthese pills through any ra medicine dealer, or by mail at 50 cents a box, or slx boxes for $2,50 from The Dr. 1Villianis' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Motor Driving at Night. Every automobile owner should co- operate in solving the most difficult problem of night driving -flaring headlights, They are more than ob- jectionable; they are a source of con- stant danger, To meet another at night with its dazzling, brilliant lights shining straight in your eyes is a very tryleig ordeal. It absolutely blinds you and forces you to either slow up until he passes you or risk either a collis- ion or going into a ditch. That many leen have been passed in various parts of the country regulating the kind of lights that may be used indi- cates that thoughtful motorists aro united in their efforts to eliminate ev- ery cendition that tends to create dis- Comfort and danger to the amtomobil- Mg public. Brilliant, glaring lights are not ne- ceesary. Several lamps are available that have practically solved this 'mob - lett, each In ite Own way, and every cer Owner should do his Own part in hakieg the glaring light only a mem- ory to the great motoring publie,---C. P. Christopher in Southern Woman's Magazine, "Opportunity knocks at every Man's door,' "Too Often, however, it ia the opportunity to Open a peanut atand, Whereas we would rather start a bant"--Louisvilla Courier-JOurnal 1SS1JB NO. 27, 1917 HELP WANTED. esease,.....,....-eaewaseaeseaseaee, WANTED - PROBATIONERS TO atatif it11,1 r nurses. Ipply, e"4"t* felQNEY ORDERS. Q FIND A DOMINION EXPRESS ;Money Order. Five dollar cots three cents. Chinese Locksmiths. The earliest locks lueown to man were of Chinese make, Although It is linpossible to tell the exact date of those still extant, they are wonderfully Well made and as strong as any manu- factured itt Europe up to the middle of the eighteenth century, The Chin- ese lockemith o to -day uses exactly the same kind of tools that his fore- tathere had, for they are very simple and primitive. He carries all hits Ma plements in two cabluets, sitting on one and working at the other. When he has finished all the work available in one neighborhood he fastens the two cabinets to a bamboo rod and slings It over his ehoulder, He tramps through the towns burdened in this way and stops when he is called, much as a scissors grinder or umbrella mender does in our country. -Wide World Magazine, Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff, What to Do for Fainting. Thie .conditIon may be caused hv many things. Anything which dieturbe the circulation of blood In the brain will produce a feeling of falutneee and unconscious/Ica/. The heat in a crowd- ed car or room will cause fainting. Persons faint when exhausted, when suffering from indigestion, from the eight of blood (oftentimes), from loss of blood. Sudden tidings of an ilineee or death may shock one so as to came loss of conecionsnees. Whatever may be the cause of faint- ing, always place the person in a re- cumbent position -on the bed, sofa or floor. See that the head is lower than the feet, It is better,to lift up the feet and lege no as to facilitate the flow of blood to the brain. Unfasten the shoes, wristbands, belt, collar -noth- ing must be allowed to bind the per- son, ao this delays the return 01 blood to the brain, Bathe the face with cold water, give plenty of fresh air to breathe and wat- er to drink if the patient is conscious. Send for a physician if a person in a faint does not respond quickly to the fresh air and cold water treatment . • 40, How to Be Happy Though Married Domestic happiness does not come as a matter of course, but, like every- thing else worth having, must be worked for. Don't imagine that because you have won each other you need no longer be affectionate. Carry over into the wedded life the refinement of manner that character- ized your wooing days. Once in awhile let your husband have the last word, it will please him and be no loss to you. Husband and wife are one, but it IS a parady on unity if each wants to be that one. A rase strewn on life's path while weary feet are painfully walking over It is more than wreaths for the dead. Make your home a cabinet room where all the affairs of the house- hold and sometimes of business come under comparison and advieal. Many a failure woeld have been avoided if men had eonsulted with their wivesseaRev. Dr, Madison C. Peters. —4 NU/lard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia 00WARDS IN DAYLIGHT. But the Great Eagle Owls Are Fierce Fighters by Night. There are abonl 200 kinds of Owls. Some are tiny owls, some are big eagle owls, twenty-eight inches in length, very fierce and strong, ready to attack a man who goes nrar, able to kill fawns and large game birds and to do battle with the golden eagle. The cot:r- age of one ot these golden owls de- serts it in the daytime, and then littis birds, led by a crow, may find it and drive it into the open and tease and worry it without danger to themselves; But, when night comes and the bird can see, only a mighty eagle dare do battle with it. The hawk owl is one of the owls which work by day. It is big and strong and savage. There are owle with great ear tufts of feathers and owls with none at all. Some are snowy white; others are mottled. SOM3 live in holes in the ground with prairie hogs and such animals; some meke burrows for themselves. But most owls live in hollow trees or in church belfries or other high. towers. Among so many kinds of owls there are some, of course, that do harm, but most of them do more good for men than evil. -Exchange. Helping Old Rubber. Rubber that has lost its elasticity may be rejuvenated by immersing it for five minutes in a bath of glycerin mixed with twenty-five times its vol- ume of distilled water and heated to 70 degrees ('. and then dryng it with filter paper. A nation's character is lite sum ot its splendid deeds. -Henry Clay. 1••11•1•11••••••• The Real "War Bread" must contain the entire wheat grain—not the white flour center — but every particle of gluten and mineral salts—also the outer bran coat that is so useful in keeping the bowels healthy and active. Shredded Wheat Biscuit is the real "war bread" because it is 100 per cent. whole wheat prepared ix a digestible form. , Contains no yeast, baking powder, seasoning, or chemi- cals of any kind. Food con- servation begins with Shred- ded Wheat Biscuit for brealg- fast and ends with Shredded Wheat Biscuit for supper. Delicious with sliced barin berries, or other fruits, Made in Canada.