HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-07-05, Page 2. 9•9,4!*•..if
FM of our aeroplanes are missing."
fret. In additien two hostile Ma,cleinee
ROIJND THE i7ARM (IirreuttwIllo bNT ged 41:It Qttite;0717
It peye to prepare cattle for btp
ment to reduce as ter an pessible
Ehrinkage dUring transit, Grass tattle
ebould be 'Yarded for a couple of days
and fed hay, preferably tanothy, and if
grata had been fed the ration of this
should be reduced.
Water statute be allowed constantly
WAIL the morning they are to leave
the farm, and -care should be taken to
&tee them leisurely to -the station,
Tate method will reduce scoring and
shrinkage to a Minineum.
Cattle ship 'better when fairly
tight in the oar, more especially if
they are as they Should be, of about
uniform size. A. good load for a 3G -
foot car ts from 18 to 20 head, If the
cattle are to be more than twenty
hours it is well to put 200- to 300 lbs.
of good bay in each ear. If Me car is
not provided with melts the hay
should be strewn along the sides and
ends where it is least liable to be
traMpled under foot.
When cattle reach their destination
they are !neatly ready for a drink,
which with a, good feed of hay will
put them in attraetive tondition for
the 'buyer. An excessiee fill on the
market is.often detrimental to a good
sale, as buyers detect such a condi-
tion and are apt to neglect cattle so
filled uqtli late in the day, when they
may bave commenced to sour, lose
weight and look mean.
Despite some adverse criticism and
the growing popularity of sweet .clov-
er, alfalfa has a distinct place in Can-
aeian agriculture. We have heard
many complaints about not being able
to get a catch, or if n catch was se-
cured that after the first year or two
the crop allied out, but when, these
cases have' been investigated, it was
found that the fault, lay not really
with alfalfa, but with the man who
was attempting to grow it.
It is little .use trying to grow al-
falfa that is not hardy. There are a
great many varieties that give excel-
lent results in the States that 'are not
suitable for growing in 'Canada,
Grimm's or the Ontario Variegated
are the safest varieties to use. Even
If the proper variety has been sown
a good stand comet be expected if the
soil is acid. Alfalfa like all other le-
gumes •cannot stand sour soil. It the
son is acid therefore it is useless sow-
ing alfalfa until this conditioa has
been corrected by the use of lime.
The time of sowing is very important.
Alfalfa may be sown on winter wheat
In the early spring on the old snow.
No harrowieg or cultivating is neces-
sary, It may also be sown with a
eurse crop.
'pelting may be reenlated by an ad -
useable euntrol-board or gate. The
-;itte meet bit attached Su as to have
eertulu alliOiltit of matioa or float -
unity in order that the uog by nosing
zgainst it may cause sufficient motion
.o break or preveat the formation of
the blockades or "brtdges" so Corn -
'non in Ineal bins. Here is the im-
'meant point in the self -feeder,
.ess this devlee feeds continuously it
.s worse than useless as a feeder or
labor saver. Along the trough ren-
ting diagonally from the edge of the
.atter to the side of the teeder and
paced one foot apart, are braces or
livielone, to preeent the hogs Honing
wasting meal in the troughs.
How to Use Feeder,
Place the feeder on n platform or
neer that will remain clean during
wet weather and prove accessible to
the pigs at all times. !Provide shade
at some sort, either trees or a rough
tiled. While this system et feeding
will prove relatively economical in
dry lot feeding where green food,
skim milk or water are supplied daily,
he maximum efficiency will be reaeh-
ed where the feeders are placed in a
good clover or alfalfa pasture, In
any case, dry lot or pasture, with or
without milk products, fresh water
hould always be supplied, preferably
running, or from some self -watering
device, regularly and frequently filled
Young pigs from ten weeks of age
onward may be safely and economica1.
ly fed by this method. 'Until this age
Is reached it is .generally wise to feed
by band, although experiments have
proved that even sacking !pigs may be
benefited by' the feeder. Shoats of
all ages, and in fact all classes of
pigs to be finished quickly for market
may be most. profitably "self -fed,"
Young breeding stock, similarly, is
benefited provided the ration is one
of bone and muscle -forming nature.
In general, avoid self-feeding with
aged sows, particularly as farrowing
time approaches.
The best time to sow alfalfa is
about the middle of July, after the
seed bed has been thoroughly prepar-
ed by diseing and frequent oultiva-
Bons. Alfalfa cannot thrive where say at the rate of one pound tankage
weede abound and .by getting rid of to six pounds of any of the above mix -
the weeds. in the spring and ,early tures. Where whole eorn is used, one
summer by frequent oultivations the pound of tankage could be added to
.best conditions are given for getting every eight of corn.
Meals to Use in the Self -feeder. ,
From a mechanical standpoint prac-
tinily any mixture ot Whole of
ground grains or other mill -feeds may
be successfully fed, Corn, for ex-
ample, is frequently fed along with
clover ov alfalfa pasture, for short
finishing periods. For young pigs or
shoats any of the following trations
will be found suitable provided all
hung are fairly finely ground:
1. Shorts, fine -ground, oats, fine
ground barley or corn, equal parts,
2. Shorts 4 parts, any of the above
grairis 4 parts, ground peas two parts.
3. Shorts or wheal 2 parts, barley
2 parts, peas 1 part.
With any of the above rations fed
to young pigs skim milk may be most
profitably fed. 'Where such cannot
an obtained the addition of tankage,
Moat or blood meal is recommended,
(13y Stewart Lyon, CaOadian Pres
Correspondent With the Canadian
Canadlan Army Headquarters, ceble
the extreme left of the two-
mile front, along which the attack was
made, the Nova Scotiene petaled their
way up the leens-Arrag road to the vil-
lage of Leauvette.
Here they came into contact witb
the enemy and took a number ot
prisoners. At the other ,end Of the
line, Katt of the railway track, enemy
dugouts were bombed.
Their occupants belonged to the
creek Prussian (beanie Corps, the
Fifth Guard Grenadiere, who refused
In most eases to come out and sur-
reoder. One officer and twenty-one
men of the Grenadiers decided that
discretion was thee better part ot
• Others are believed to be still alive
In the !dugouts, which will be thor-
oughly explored, after the grouna won
is consolidated.
.$ dtp,:ebrere.ak, our aeroplanes, flying
low over Avion, sa.w very few Ger-
Craters which recently were matte
by mine explosions at the cross roads
are now seriously hiadering them he
bringing up troops from Lens for
a god catch. About 20 lbs. of see
should be sown per acre. Alfalfa
should never be pastured the first
year. The crop should be cut for hay
or for green fodder in the following
year after the seeding takes place as
soon as it starts to bloom. are
should be taken to retain as many of
the leaves as possible and to protect
the ,crop from raid In many places in
Ontario the alfalfa will produce three
crops of hay per acre per annum. The
third mating, however, .may be used
to advantage for miating with corn
whet filling the silo, as this forms an
easy method of handling the. green
alfalfa in the autumn and also of im-
proving the 'quality of the corn silage.
In some localities hay may be obtain-
ed from the fh•st crop and seed from
the second crop in each season.
With these days Of high cost of
labor any means that will minimize
the work of feeding the pigs is to be
welcomed. The self -feeder for pigs
.As we -must look ahead in our farm-
ing business in order to be able to
cope with the many problems that the
farmer is up against, it is necessary
that we make preparation now for fall
feeds for our stock. Tothis end our
sheep, lambs and young- cattle stock
deserve consideration so that their re-
quirements for the fall months may
be met. In order that they may be
made ready for the market or fitted
to go into winter quarters in good
form, possibly there is nothing that
can be sown that will give better re-
sults than rape.
It is an excellent food for finishing
upon, also for Nutting the ewe flock
into the best form for meting so that
a good !crop of lambs will follow. An
acre oz' two sown in drills the same as
for turnips and oultivated a few times
will produce a great deal of feed and
clean the land as well About 2
pounds of seed is sufficient foran
acre, put in in this way. . If sown
has been used successfully for many broadcast 4 to 5 pounds will be re -
Years by a few hoe raisers, butis quired and about 3 pounds per acre
only within the last few years ' that sown in the corn crop just ahead of
the last cultivating will usually pro-
duce a lot of • feed, growing fast after
the corn is cut. A few pounds sown
in the oat crop a couple of weeks at -
ter the oats are up, and then given a
stroke of the harrow, will, If the
summer and fall be not too dry, pro-
duce a. lot of fall pasture.
To get the best results with rape,
other pasture ehould be within reach
as rape alone. is too heating. -Stook
should be put upon rape the first few
times with full stomachs and when
the rape plant is dry or losses from
bloat are likely to occur. Rape is
equally good for making beef as mut
ton, but like turnip tops will taint
butter and milk badly. It is also a
good cleaning crop and should have
a Place more or less, on every tam-
-The Canadian Countryman
they have been used at all extensive-
ly. Some of the advantages of using
the -self -feeder are: (1) Saves SO per
cent. of the labor, (2) Reduces waste
of feed to the minimum. (3) Prevents
digestive troubles due to overfeeding.
good an opportunity us more ag-
god an oportunity as the more ag-
gressive Individuals. (5) Will produce
gains equal to hand -feeding at -equal
or less cost.
A self -feeder is a big box, in length
dependent on the number of pigs to
be fed -2 feet 8 inches wide and 3
feet high, with a double pitch root,
one half being hinged for filling. In
the bottom of the box is a large in-
verted "V" or deflector running the
full length vthich , guides the meal
through openings at the bottom 10 flat
troughs 10 to 12 inches wide on either
side of the box. The width of the
Tin; chief pre -disposing causes of
disease In children are wrong environ-
ment, wrong feeding and wrong cloth-
ing. What exact effect heredity has
in the transmission or disease is yet
••••••191".........., ape.. p
LESSON L Jody 8, 917.
Ahnz, the Faitillese King. -2 Chron-
icles 28; 1-27.
COMMENTARY. -I. Wickedness of
Abaz (vs. 14). 1. Ahaz-The twelith
ruler of the kingdom of Judah. He
succeeded bis father, *lethal% On the
throne. Being twenty YearS Old. wlien
he began to reign, he Was old enough
to have observed the character or his
father's administration, and to have
Profited by it, but evidently he Paid
UG heed to It. He Old not that which
was right In the eight of the Lord -
Ahaz was the most wicked king Judah
had up to this time, He seems to
have searched out ways in which he
might sin against God. Li e vi
/ -David is referred to as an example
of faithfulness and integrity. A -
though be at one time tellinto griev-
ous sins he heartily and deeply re-
pented and was restored to the divine
favor. 2. The ways of the kings ot
Israel -The character and doings 02
Ahaz were like those of the kings ot
Israel, who followed the evil example
of Jeroboam "fo his record the
author of Kings devotes one chapter
(16), and the author of Chronicleseene
(28), each containing some new Nea-
ter, and also some matter common, to
both. Both of his historians give hie
history in the philosophical order;
first, his great sins, and then their le-
gitimate vaults; deteat, disaster, the
destruction of his immense armies, the
exhaustioo of his treasury by foreign
exactions; the bringiag of Judah low
to be decided, There can be little
doubt, however, in a right environ-
ment and under right conditions, many
children, having a predisposition to-
wards certain diseases, would escape
them. A happy and healthy environ-
ment will do much to increase a
child's general well-being. Children
are so often treated like little nuis-
ances, always in the Way; or they
are nagged at, or worried, or taught;
or else pampered and coddled and
waited on. All this tends, especially
in sensitive children, to produce mor-
bidness, nervousness and hyper -sensi-
tiveness. Nervous strain is never with-
out its effect on the whole system.
I hus we find that over -sensitive and
highly -strung children are quicker to
contract minor ailments than the more
normal type; and in the case of more
serious disorders they are less likely
to have any resisting power. No mat -
should be the aim to give a, child
the best chance of being normal. His
genius, if he is to develop it, can have
no sounder basis.
It is an excellent plan, in arranging
a child's nursery to have the largest
room available, and having nothing
within his reach that he may not be
allowed to use and touch. Thus a
great amount of "telling" and so-call-
ed "naughtiness" is avoided. The only
thing to be made clear to him is that
he must alwaye discriminate be-
tween his own and other people's
rooms, Very soon after the ege of
two he should be encouraged to do as
much for himself • as possible. To
carry plates and cups without upset-
ting the contents; to climb up to his
own chair, and not to expect to be
lifted; to get what he wants instead
of baying it brought to him; t� do lIP
his own buttons and to put his own
toys away. Ali this should be taught
most gradually and playfully, and with
no impatience at his mistakes; and
his successes should for the most part
be batten for granted. The concentra-
tier necessary to the performance of
these acts, and his interest in them,
sow the seeds of a future which even
In childhood will be fall of healthy in-
terests and free from Inactivity and
The matter of clothing is one which
does not receiVe nearly the attention
that it should. All tight or heavy
clothing is bad for children. eelurinner
and winter, garments should be the
fewest possible; light, warm, woolly
combinations next the skin, and a
blouse and knickers for boys -the
knickers preferably !buttoned onto the
blouse. And for girls a similar coni-
bination under -garment, with knick-
ers buttoned onto a little bodice, and
a simple frock worn over them. .All
sorts et variants in style and trim-
ming can be adopted, but they should
be on this principle. For extra warmth
In very cold weather both boys and
girls might wear noroolen jersey under
the outer -garment. Children can be
dressed in this fashion from the age oi
two to eight. and with very little alter-
ation up to twelve or thirteen.
Children should always sleep with
their window wide open. See that they
keep covered warmly at night; some
children have a habit of kicking off
the bedelothes. Give them plenty of
blankets and have the windows open
summer and winter. Discourage Sleep-
ing with the face covered. Snoring is
a sign of faulty reepiration and
pointto adenoide. Adenoids should
never be neglected, as they are often
the origin of bad health in thildren.
Teeth should be carefully attended to,
ana no decayed teeth be allowed to re-
main in a child'e mouth.
Food should be light, varied, flout-
lehment,- not indigestible. It shoed al-
so be taken at regular times. Children
should not be encOuraged in fads and
dadatinese, but, if a child shows gen-
uthe entipatby to any form of food
there is no reasoti why it should be
forced on him; there is nearly always
some subetitute. Milk is an eacellent
food; most children take it as teeter
ally as water. Such foods as eggs,
milk puddings, bread and milk, check -
en, minted meat, potatoes, greens,
boiled Bela bitten fat, light loupe,
crusty bread and better, arid hard bis-
cuits are roughly about till a child
needs from the age Of two to our or
five.yeare. Porridge or rolled oats is
a good breakfast food. jant and sugar,
bananae oranges, and almost all stew -
Further Details of 'th3 Gains Made by Gen,
Currie's Men Thursday.
British Line on Soucht2 River Advanced on
Front of Ton Miles.
(Sy Perry Robinson.)
British Headquarters Cable says -
Our approach to Lens from the west
and southwest continues raothodleallY
for the most part without serious re-
tlietance. This morning, however, the
Canadians had sharp fighting Kalil'
of the Souchez River. Here they push-
ed fOrtvard as far as the hamlet of
Med dit jeativette, On the Lens -Arras
rood, and below that point entered
the outer fringe of the ruins of Avion.
and further south occupied part of
a trench line known as the Avioft
switch beyond the ratlway, which has
been the last trench line. Before an
area of eovered bultdinge between
those points the Germans were ill con-
siderable strength in the trenches.
About a score of Grenadiers eurreo-
dered, but others fought liand-to-
hand. A large 'number, refusing to
tairrender, had to be botathed in their
fin oute The net result of the opera-
tion wae the advatice of Our line entttli
the greatest of BUIS, 26. PrCreOltea to
anger the Lord God ef ble 1atters--4-‘1e
worshipped idols, be desecrated the
temple, ne shut up the doors of the
house of the Lord, he built =MY
heathen altars, he berot looms la
Plaeee, Red he made his Sons
Patel through the fire after the abom-
inations of the heitthen. For tale the
Lord visited sere distrese upon hint.
26. The :Pest of Ins acts --The Lord sent
the prophet Isolate to Alm, but Ahaz
refused the help 110 Might have re -
valved 27. Ahaz slept with his fathers
-So far as the records show, Alma
died a natural' death -
Questions. -Who was Abu? How
old was he wben he began to reign?
How long was he king? What was his
character? Of what different sins was
be guilty? What punishment was sent
Upon him? What effect did his die -
tresses have upon bim? What gods
die he worship? What did he do to
the temple? Where was he buried?
Who was his successor on the throne/
Tople.-An Idolatrous carees,
and making her naked because of his
sore transgressions against the Lord.
(v. 19.") -Cowles. In his character he
belongs in the list of the kings of Ju-
dah. Molten. Images for Baalim-He
made representations or 'the different
Baal gods and worshipped them. 3.
Burnt incense in the valley of the son
of Ilinnom-This is the valley south
of the walls ot Jersusalem. Aliaz per-
formed idolatrous worship there.
Burnt his children in the fire -This
passage indicates that Ahaz offered
his children in sacrifice to Moloch and
they were burned. Abominations of
the heathen-Ahaz followed the cruel
and vile practices tat those whom God
haa dispossessed of Canaan to give
the land to Israel. 4* •Sacrificed -in
the high places -The place for sacri-
fice was the temple in Jerusalem.
Ahaz set op many places of sacrifice
and the worship he offered was idola-
II. Distressed by enemies (vs, 5.15).
5. wherefore -a -laving enumerated the
great sins ot Ahaz the historian pro-
ceeds to deacribe the punishment that
came upon him. It was because of his
evil course that his enemies were per-
mitted to afflict him and his nation.
King of Syria .... stnote him -The
Syrians had waged war with Judah
while Joham Was king, .but were un-
successful. They were ehle to defeat
the weak and wicked King of 'Ahaz,
a great multitude of them_ captives -
The number is not given, but it was
large, judging by the numbers that
were taken by Israel later. Damascus
-The capital of Syria, It is situated
one hundred and forty miles north-
east of Jerusalem. he was also deliv-
ered, etc -Not only was he given over
to the power of Syria, but another en-
emy, Israel, was permitted to wage a
successful war against him. a great
slaughter -The following verse gives
of the river ati average of 500 yards,
Above Elea dit Letteuette the Ger-
mans have blown up the bridge which
carries the ArFas road across, the
rher, evidently anticipating the ne-
cessity or retreating immediately to
positions in the rear in the flooded
area on the line throtigh Lens itself.
The official report from British
Headquarters in Prance to -night
reluiCiao:risiderable further progress, In
the course of which we have eaptured
a number of prisoners, has been made
by no during the day Heigh of the
Sotiehez Itiver, Our lint in this area
again has been advanced on s front
of neatly two miles. Our troops have
reeched the outeltirte ot Aviort.
".otivity in the air continued yea-
terday. One enemy aeroplane was
t brought down in the air fighting; two
the number ot :Fudges men that were
slain to one day as a hundred and
twenty thousand. This destruction
was permitted because they had for-
saken God (v. 6). 6-15. Besides
those stain in battle there -were taken
as captives two hundred thousand per-
sons, and the king's son and bis high
officers were put to death. When
these captives were brought to Sa-
maria, the capital 'of Israel, the pro-
phet Oded declared that it was because
of Jutla.h's sins that they bad been
taken into captivity. He told the peo-
ple of Israel to set the captives free,
and they were clOthed, ted and taken
back to Jericho,
III. Seeking help from Assyria (vs.
16,21). 1649. Because the ledomites
had come from the southeast and de-
feated Judah and taken away captives,
and the Philistines had invaded the
kongdom from the southwest and ac-
cepted a- considerable territory, Aliaz
sent. to Aesyria for help, It is to be
borne in mind that all these calami-
ties were permitted on account of the
sins of Allay,. 20. Tilgatlopilneser-
The form of this name in some
stances is given as Tiglath-pileser (2
Kings 15:29; 16:7). Assyria -The
name comes from Asshur, a grandson
of Noah. Assyria was one of the great
ancient monarchies. Its territory lay
along the Tigris River. distressed him,
but strengthened him not -Although
the King of Assyria, responded to the
call of Ahaz and took Dame -ems, car-
rying away many captives, yet he
caused him great loss and the alliance
was no real advantage to him. 21. took
away a portion-Ahae plundered the
house of a pare of their treasures to
purehase the assistance of the King
02IV".ssi3Yreicao.ming more idolatrous (vs.
-In the time when he was defeated
22.27). 22. In the time of his distress
by 'Israel, by Syria and by other
nations and was treacherously dealt
with by Assyria.. Trespass yet mote
against the Lord -The calamities
whiele the Lord permitted to come
upon him to humble him and bring
him to repentance had no salutary
effect Upon him, and he plunged more
deeply into sin. This is that king
Ahaz-"This satne king Alma' (R. V.),
This is an expression ot contempt.
"History reeoreal nothing tbout him
that is worthy of respect." ---Lange,
23. Sacrificed unto the Ode of Dames.
cus, which smote Itim-King Ahaz had
been defeated or smitten by the
Syrians, and he concluded that their
gods had helped them; therefore he
decided to ,sacrifice to the gods of the
SYrians that they might help him
against his enenties. From 2 ining8
16:10 we learn that Ahaz had an altar
made itt the temple in Jerusalem aftet
the pattern of one he saw In Datnas-
ens, and attempted to gala the favor
Of' the gods of the Syrian by wovship.
ping them in the place where the God
of Israel alone should be worshipped.
They were the rein of him, and of all
Israel -411e eause of Judah's downfall
Is here attributed to the idolatry of
Alia& 24. Gathered together the ves-
sels of the IMMO 'Of (10d, etc. -The
account of tlie sacrilege of Ahae Is
more particularly given in 2 Kings
16:17. Shut up the doors of the house
of the Lord-Ahaz eirtuallY defied
Cod and forsook his worship, and gave
'himself up to the practice of idolatry.
Altars in every corner of Jerusalem -
The king made idolatry prontinett, Ile
not only sinned himself, but Ivied his
influence to lead his people into grose
eine, Ilis early departure from God
'Wee StidOeedod by stint after stop inte
I. Degraded the king of Judah.
II, 'enslaved the pople of God.
I. Degraded the king of Judah, In
Ahaz we have a conspicuous example
of persistent wicaedness. He system-
atically framed mischief through, sac-
rilege and idolatry. He could hardly
have gone farther in defying the Lord
God of his fathers in his outrageous,
fanatical, unreasonable idolatry. He
adopted a Measure that was full of
iniquity, beyond all his predecessors.
He renounced the true religion of Je-
hovnh. He adopted the false worship
Baal. He utilized all the idol sanc-
tuaries of the land. He introduced the
worship of Moloch. He sacreeleed to
the gods of Daraascus. From the be-
ginning he reversed the policy of his
father and threw himself into the
arms of the heathen party. Ahaz was
one of the worst of the kings of Ju-
dah. Ile revived the 'Worst abomina-
tions of the old Canaanitish religion.
lie took for bis pattern the wicked
kings of the northern kingdom, whose
idolatries were bringing their own
realm to ruin. He did not plunge into
Idolatry for lack of good advice. Im-
itate the greatest of the prophets,
stood beside him and addressed to
him remonstrances wbich might have
made the most reckless pause. He
piesented promises which might have
kindled hope and courage in the most
despairing. Ahaz disregarded warn-
ings written and proclaimed, warnings
of conscience, and pyovidences of
mercy. Ahaz was literally devoid of
true religion. Not one redeeming fea-
ture is found that can be placed to his
credit. While Ahaz was a very great
transgressor, he was also a very great
aufferer. He received repeated caas-
tisement front the hand of the Lord.
II. Enslaved the people of God. The
lengths to which Ahaz went wit'fiout
Public opposition sbowed how far the
nation had departed from God. They
were pleased with changes adapted
to their corrupt tastes. Since the divi-
sion of the kingdom, Judah had been
unfaithful to Jehovah in various re-
spects. More than two centuries had
elapsed since Judah began "to do evil
in the sight of the Lord." With the
introduction of Baal -worship luxury
and effeminacy had crept in. Injustice
and oppression had become rife. Dur-
ing all that time Judah had maintain-
ed her independence and had fallen.,
under no crushing affliction. There
had even been seasons of prosperity.
God's long-sufferiag mercy was ex-
tended to them. The prosperity which
the country had enjoyed under Uzziale
continued and increased under the
righteous reign of his son jotham. Be-
fore Ahaz died all was changed. Ene-
mies invaded the country until the
land became desolate. Ahaz entered
niore and more into alliance -with
heathen powers. With him religion
was a matter of diplomacy. He was
ready to worship anything that was
called a god except Jehovah. He had
not been in sympathy with the wor-
ship of Cod frem his earliest days
The great brazen altar, upon which
the nation had offered sacrifices tor
eenturies, was removed and another
of its own malting was put in its
place. He Improvised new sacrificial
errangements. Ahaz directed first of
111 that his own offerings should be
Made upon the new altar. His snort -
Gees only added to the magnitude of
his hypocrisy. Having erected a hea-
then altar in the sanctuary of the
Lord God of larael, other things nat-
urally fqllowed. Por the wickedness
of himself and people they were
weakened in the power and humbled
el spirit by foreign foes. Clod's people
passed formally under the yoke ot
Gentile conqueror. Ahaz committed
robbery and sacrilege in orderto se-
cure the help of a man who deceived
and defrauded him. rnstead of helping
Ahaz to become an independent sover-
eign, Tiglath-pilaser made him a
tributary to the Assyrian crown. Ahaz
found that he had only exchanged one
oppressor for another. Being weak-
ened by his own questionable ways
and not supported by the power of
Clod. Ahea fell into the hands of the
roreigner. Through his dark career
3f sin God had often sent warning,
reproot and trouble, yet Ahaz pushed
att in the face of many barriers to his
own ruin and that of the nation.
There was a point beyond which jus-
tice did not demand that penalty
ehould go, and Juliet' was spared. -T,
n. A.
ed fruits ehOuld figure in the diet,
Avoid all highly -flavored cooking,
tough meats, pork, strong eotips,.dried
fieh, tea, toffee anct pastry. Do not
let a child remain unhappy too long,
enti do not let bine get bored. The teat
he Is ecoccioue of being made to do
what he doesit't want the more Ito will
incline to do what le required of lam,
neb tato the scalp a mixture eonsiete
Ing of equal parts of paraffin au& ait
Is used in ordinary lampee--coul olive
Wash next morning in warm soap
and water. At night time rub in the
following lotion: Glycerine, 1 ounce;
carbolic field, 1 dreehm; water to eight
ounces. Thls treatmene persevered
with for hot lees than three triciatlis,
or If poseilde, longer, bee beet% found
Meet suceteefal hi quite obstinate ettae
•Mitny people who find that it fella
have not persisted with it long en -
others Were driven clown. Out of con- tomb.
The Latest in Science, The Best in Practice
Contrnry to the oothnon opinlele
ti al chemical analysis or a soli re -
Treats facts leading to its inunediate
treatment with respect to the use of
fertilizers, such a test is not ti. aunt-
cient guide to land treatment. When
a !chemist tells how Much nitrogen,
ellosphorus and potassium a soil con-
tains, nothing definite is offered the
landowner that will aid him th
the soil, bemuse 00- -Chemical
compound has the game capacity to
extract • plant food from the soil as
that of living plant tissues.
The soil is like a storage battery,
th which plant food Is loolted up in
anavallable form, and then is gradu-
Illy and slowly made soluble es pipits
need it Waste of plant food is Pre-
vented in this way, for if an of it
were available it would have been
leached out or the soil ages ago.
Granite rocks by chentioal test
show a high content of potassium,
but the element isso firmly held in
tallied by using a Yoraseiro hoar 011
a. Berltehlre sow. The pregnant sow
ehould be fed grain ration conststiug
Of bone -making and muscle malting
feeds. She should goin iv( tellt but
not be made fat. A good pasture with
a small supplementarY grain tettnen is
Ideal for pregnant sows.
The quality of and the profit from
the, future herd tlepend upon the
breedlog and quality of the calves and
even more on the method of rearing.
The best of calves both as to type and
breeding may by poor rearing (level.
op into small striated and unprofit•
able cows while poorer calves by good
rearing may develop into very usefUl
antmals, Hence the subject of .calve
rearing is one Of great economic. 1m
Remove the dairy calves from the
cow at birth. Do not allow them to
suck, unless weak or unable to drink,
or unless the cow's udder is severely
caked. Mother's nailk for the first
four days, at the rate of 8 to 10
Pounds divided Into three or four
eomplex com'bination that plants can feeds, is essential Feed whole milk
not utilize it Beds .of phosphate rook for the first ten days, then start re-
aontain immense stores of phosphor-
us, but -before such rock is of imme-
diate use in crop production it must
be treated with selphurte acid or add -
to decaying organic Matter, the
acids of which make this otherwise
worthless material a valuable fertiliz-
tr, attack and peat are rich in nitro -
on, but here again the fertility ele-
nent is grippee so firmly that it is
beyond the reach of plants.
The production of. staple crops is
efitable on many farms, altholigh
analysis shows that the chemical ele-
rntets are present in sufficient abun-
deuce to make these soils produetive.
Lite addition of organic matter, as
...tenure, crop residues and greeti man-
urtnr crops, is necessary before such
and can be most productive.
Total plant food in a soil is shown
by ehenneat test, but the amount
available is UOt so determined. Soils
differ in their degree of availability
tf fertility elements, and plants vary
in their needs and ia their ability to
ase plant food in the soil. A field
test is necessary to determine tertil-
zer needs of a soil and erop. The pre-
vious treatment of the land has more
'.o de with its present condition than
lts chemical composition.
Wellington Untold
Fire ins. Co.
istottehed 1240,
Read Ottie* arIZIAPtHe ON, ,
atalt• taken On all Ohelisse Of theetrii,
able property on the WA or PrfiliinW
note spite*,
woo. suaDLIN, JOHN DAV/ZOO**
President 11/0OreterY
000411 4 004044,
AgsnUe Winphess, Qit
Dudley Holmes
sminwron, swarm*, rro. I
placing part of tbe same milk with
skim milk so that when the calf is
one month of age, it may be recetv-
ing in two feeds daily, 12 pounds of
skim milk plus a table -spoonful of
finely ground Sealcied flaxseed Jelly.
At three weeks of age feed a mall
quantity of whole oats in the manger.
profitably be kept before them from
ay nhand clean water might
During the next fifteen weeks
gradually increase the skim milk to 16
to 20 pounds daily, Add to the flax-
seed jelly other constituents to make
a cream substitute as follows: Fine
ground flax '1 part, fine -ground oats
2 parts, ground corn 2 parts. Feed in
the milk divided into two feeds daily
at the rate of one-eighth pound at the
start and increase to 1 pound.
Replace the whole oats at four
weeks of age with a grain mixture of
equal parts bran, rolled oats and
ground corn. Start the calves on one-
eighth pound per day and increase
gradually to lee pounds' daily at twen-
ty weeks of age when the skim -milk
may be gradually cut oft and this
grain ration increased proportionately.
The present high prices for pigs
should be an inducement to farmers
.o raise two litters of pigs this year.
Many farmers, we know, claim that
they cannot profitably raise two lit,
ters of p:gs a year; that the fall litter
.is more trouble than it is worth, and
that 12 18 a heavy drain upon the sow.
Be this as it may, the fact remains
that if pipe are given reasonable care
and attention at farrowing time and
well cared for during tlee first few
weeks of their existence, they ean,„ be
rr ised successfully With little loss and
with profit to their owners. The pigs
should come early in the tall -Sep-
tember of October -so that they may
be weaned and have attained a fair
growth before the cold. weather sets
:n. The earlier the pigs come in the
:all they can run out On pasture for
3. lime and they will be stronger to
teeal-stand the winter. The period of
gestation for 'a sow is approximately
112 days, so that a sow bred some-
where about the first week- in June
would farrow about the end of Sep-
tember. While in normal years most
hog raisers do not tare to breed
their sows before they are eight
nonths old, this year with the pros-
pects of high prices -and especially
on account of food shortage -We think
it good policy to breed young sows
earlier than this, but the sows must
be given good eare. There are thous-
ands of young gilts farrowed last fall
which might well be bred in June. By
breeding them early this summer,
the feed given will be more complete -
:y utilized than it they.are not bred
until they had become more fully ma-
tured. Breeding young gilts should
aave no bad efects, providing they are
fed properly. Experiments have shown
that the young pregnant sow contin-
ues to grow under proper feeding and
that the size of the litter 1s not ap-
preciably reduced. Suoklieg the pigs
retards the growth of the young saw
but this permanent reterdation of
growth Is small and of minor import-
ance when the sow will produce a
good litter of pigs. Large litters can
usually be obtained by flushing the
sows before breeding. This is done by
feeding in such a way as to have sows
putting on we:ght at the nine they are
bred. The suckling sow should have
her Nigs weaned- before being bred.
tier udder should be completely dried
t. p by a systematic reduction of feed.
She should then be flushed and in a
short time is ready to be bred. After
breeding -the sow shOuld be watched
to be sure she has caught. It she has
not twenty-one days latet she win
again show indications of heat and
catt again be bred.
A. good pale bred boar meld he
used preferably of the same breed as
the sow, but excellent results are ob.
Wants China, With Allies, to
Remove Kiln IVIertaee.
Tokio Cable says-Viseount Iehiro
Motono, Foreign Minister, in his ad -
drug to the Diet Tuesday, discussed
the Government's foreign policy, voic-
ing the conviction that measures
taken to assure Japan -s rights and in-
terests 14 the South Sea Islands slid
Shantung were bearing frultfin re-
Viscount Motono regretted that in-
terhal dissension had prevented
China's formally entering the war, but
he hoped she would- deeide for war,
and thus remove the GOMM:Et danger'
to peace M the Far Mast, ally herself
with the defense of the rights of bit-
manity, and win the world's svra-.
to Maisie, Viseount Mo-
tono said Japan desired increasingly
friendly relations with Ruseitt, and
was convinced the relations between
the two, !MUMS would se become,
Haute Shoda, Minister of 'Milano,
in an address, said Japan's war bust -
newt had rotated in the grewing ae-
cumulation of epeele abroad, the
transfer of which to Japan would dis.
turb the money markets end injure
Japan's trade. Therefore the invest.
meat of Japanese Matta abroad wail
imperative. The Violater told the
utindarrrige the Mane
bottle to help
regulate the interne! sittlatiOn.
*Nisei Moyer Simko Whiohash
Venstone '"st
mew a ail at lerinere tit"
soutternot Aso youerron.
Arthur J. Irwin
D.D.S„ L.D.S.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Penn.
oYlvenia College and Licentiate of Den.
tal Surgery Pr Ontario.
Closed everWednesday Afternoon,
Office in Macdonald Block,
D.D.S., 4.13.S.
Honor Graduate of the Royal College of
Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor
Oratltutte of University or Turontu.
Faculty of Denistry,
Closed every Wednesday Afternoon.
Office Over H. E, Isard 41. Co.'s Store
In the Dental Parlors, formerly Let:11.
pied by Le. 0, 11. ltuge.
Do not expose your calves to heat
and Gies, but during extreme heat
keep them in a cool dark box until
four months or age, after whica they
may have a night paddock. If fall -
dropped calves keep In a clean, bright
comfortable warm box stall. Feed a
limited amount of roots or a mixture
of roots and ensilage. Feed salt in
limited quantities regularly and water
as required.
(Experimental Farm Note.)
The manure from twenty-four steers
averaging in weight close to 1,000
pounds each and running locse in two
box stalls at the Experimental Sta-
tion, Kentville, N. S., covering a per-
iod of 120 days, or four months, weigh-
ed 112 tons, 640 ponds. The average
for each day was 1,872 pounds, or 78
pounds tor etteh steer. Straw bedding
amounting to 10 pounds per steer per
day was used and all liquids as well
as the sonds were saved.
Chemists tell us that this fres!'
manure from fairly well-fed steers
contains in eaoh. ton 7 3 4 pounds ni-
trogen, 3,ee pounds of phosphoric acid
and 9 pounds of potash. When buying
commercial fertilizer we pay 26 cents
per pound for nitrogen and 7 to 8
0, las for phosphoric acid, Potash can.
ot be bought at any price, but in or-
der to get at a fair•valuation for the
the manure we should allow at least
5 tents per pound, the price of pOtash
before the war.
A ton of the above manure at these
prices would, therefore, have a value
of $2.63.
At the valuation of $2.63 per ton, 112
tons, 140 pounds would be worth
$295.40, or $12.31 per steer, a. little
over $3.00 per steer per month. Con-
sidering that potash will each year
beeame a greater factor in economical
agricultural production, the value is
even greater than that given above.
Nothing has been allowed in the
above calculation for the value of the
nutaus. :It Is estimated that humus
value of manures is 50 to 100 Percent.
ot the value of the chemical ingredi-
ents, depending ippon the soil on
v hick the manure is used and the
tnenner of application.
. It is a well known fact that half
the total value of the excrement from
live stock is in the urine. If the liquid
is allowed to drain easy though
holes in the stable floor, or otherwise,
over one ealt of the value of the man-
ure a :0 therefore -y et
fort Should te made to conserve all
the excrement voided ity animals.
The water retained atter twenty-
• four heets by 100 pounds of material
used for stsorbents in the stable is
estimated to be as follows:
Wheat etraw, 220 pounds; Oat straw
286 pounds; well dried peat, 600
pounds; city sawdust. 435 pounds;
erieri leavrs. 162 pounds.
-The Canadian Countryman.
Massed Attach by Allied
Planes to Win. War.
Reinder Germat Trenches
Untenablo to 1106
Paris .able -,Commandant
rieuX, cenitinuing his ertieles le the
Matin on the importanee of aerial war
fare, SaYet
, "Di the pest in wars or long &Ira -
tion the issue often was sought to be
obtained by a belligerettt who was
able to modify ono of his fighting erms
AO AS tO give that arm a preponder-
ance. Frederick II, gave sabres to
his •cavalry and ordered them to
gallop in formation, whereas pre.
vitmsly the cavalrymen bad fought
Individual battles with muskets and
pietols. At the end of the Seven
'Steam' war the Pressian cavalry, under
Seydlitz, introduced rapid and violent
coaceottetted attacks, which surprised,
intitnidated and routed tile enemy.
"Teeltiy, with the help of the Amer -
kens, the alliee ftreerteltiug tut attalgo
gong modification ot their aortal arm.
Aerial firtYlleS of the *future 'will attack
• W. R. Hamby
SaloM.D., O.M.*pedal attention paid to &settees
Eery, Bacteriology end Salentine
ot Women and Children, having
taken postgraduate work in Sur.
Office in the Kerr residence, be-
twees the Queen's Hotel snd
buidneilDapctivisat a
Afl attention.
Phon54. P. 0. Box 1.11
Dr. Robt. C. Redmond
M.R.C.S. (Eng.)
L.R.C,P, (Land.)
(Dr, Chisholm's old stand).
in formation, co-operating with the
attacking tones beneath, and, armed
with artillery, they will serve as an
air meanie'. Enemy trenches whielt
resist flank attacks will be .rendered
untenable from the air. Thus Germany
will know the anguish ot the soldier
hearing cannon in his rear.
"Thousands of machines are neces-
sary for this romaotto dream of yes.
terday, which will become a reality to..
morrow. The great Americart republic
Is co-operating in the construction of
this fleet, and has undertaken to fur-
nish hardly pilots to mart it,
"All the western allies are organiz-
ing a mobile arm of bombardment and
pursuit which will bring a decision.
Instead of endlessly staining our Bete
with blood against the Hindenburg
wall. We will pass over it on vietorioue
wine -a"
Maine's Icnights.
Maine lei the only state in the
whieh can boast of ehaving three
native born sons knighted by heaglielt
kings. They are Sir William Intim of
Woolwich, taco royel governor Of
Marsachusette, who was knighted In
1604; Sir William Pepperell of Kit-
tery-, who captured Louisburg for the
BrIteach, and Sir Hiram
Graduate of University of Toronto,
Faculty of Medicine: Licentiate of the
Ontaria College of Physicians and
"I understand your autottobile has
gotten you into trouble." "It's always
getting Me Into trouble, one way or
Another," replied Mr. Chliggine."When
it runs I get arrested for speeding;
when it rAtlISPS to run I get arrested
for profanity."-Waehington Star,
Osteopathy builds vitality and
strength. Adjustment of the sinus and
other tissuos is gently secured, there.
hy removing the predisposing causes
of disease.
Blood pressure and other examine.
nous made, Trusses selentlocoly tit
Houre-Tuardaye end Fridays, t a.to.
to t p.m.; Wednesdays, to 1.1 a.m.
Other days by avoolnt5nowt.
-General llospital
(Under Government Inspection).
Pleasantly situated, beautifully fur.
:dohs& Open to all regularly licensed
-physicians. Rates for patients (which
include board and nursing) -$4.90 20
#16.00 per week, according to location
of nom. Wor further Information-.
Sox 223, WIngham, Ont.
Town and Farm properties, Call and
1.11 my Ilst and get my prloee. I have
some sxoeitent value'.
Rho*. Int Office In Town Hal,
(Successor to 3. G. STEWART)
P. 0. I3ox 366. Phone 198
4011.4.1.•••••••41.1.41••••••••••.•.14*.M1**64.... .4A•
John F. Grovc
Issuer of
Phonate -Office 14; Residence 168.
eseessemmesmeraimmammasel 1111•0..1111~.
We want cream and will Par tbi
)Lgbsit prices for good cream WhY
it1D your cream &Way, a long lstanes
When you can receive ea goodOrites
near home. end In sending your ovens
to us will help a home industry. We
furnish two cans to each shipper and
par all express Charges and assure
you an honest business. Cheese fea•
tori patrons having Cream during the
"fleet would do well to ship to ‘144
Write for further parttoWars to
Her Waist.
„.14 nis :::: it:cew y. ias to ists pvreo:
btlittcrysa Jiiiet:eisttorlotela.ttivitylraspletsege, sletettatiellya
Put mostly it stays where it teeny ete.
"Is it impolite to begin a eentenee
with 'Oh, ea.y1.":" "I don't know that
1t' lmpolItc, hut intoleading, I in-
variably tand up ultder the iMpred-
sion that some one It about to sing
'The Star-Spangled Banner.' "-Wash-
Ing"St?olml Tatit';en are born to trouble,"
eays the Cyttleal Bachelor, "and others
get Married quite uneonsc1ovo1y."
Beatrite-She ceeme to he under a
fiTcat etretn, Janteti--Yee. She's falling
in love with her next