HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-06-21, Page 5Thilrscls,p,.,lnno 2I, 1917
4,Mir?t,Pt.?Ily rtte 1 fT, t!;! 17'17F�pr
, Mores
• Wear Frto1'e
Wear Store i
Sale of Ladies' Separate Skirts,
Waists, Whitewear and
Summer Coats.
Per Ce t iII.;iscoun
Off Separate Skirts
A range of Traveller's Samples comprising New Styles and all wool
cloths in serge, panaina and voiles, navy blue or black. Prices range
from $5 to $10.
For quick selling any skirt at a discount of 25 per cent, $5 skirt 25%
off costs you $3 75; $6 skirt 25% off costs you $4 50. Come early for best
COA TS -Women's and Misses' seperate coats odd sizes and
broken lines to clear y54.98.
• MIDDIES -New middies, all sizes for girls, with long sleeves
Good quality cloth sale 98c.
ire...t.rairateest 41,9tettstaisrata440044®
WA TS -Ju st received, 6 doz Ladies' Waists, embroidered
voiles of good quality, long sleeves and large collars, the very latest
models, regular value $1.50 to $1,75. Your pick for y$1.25.
$flOES--Fleet Foot White Canvas Shoes. All styles and sizes
Beat Values. See our white canvas pumps at y$1 25.
luaostta..*. *v oo4a490®yro
COLLA RS -Special to clear Ladies' fancy voile and silk crepe
collars. Regular price $1 25 and $1 50, sale price 9,9c,
Ca2EPE-Fancy cotton crepe, small patterns, fast colors, Sale
price 15c.
Highest prices for (Farm Produce
E. Is.:i:rd Co.
4i4444444++++44+4444 4 +++++444 44'+4
Swavator s s
A complete range of sum-
mer dress materials awaits
your inspection in silks, silk
crepes, fancy and plain. voiles,
muslins, suitings and middy
We are showing the seas-
on's newest in silk voiles and
lawns waists.
AlArkuweaT. Vatinveat
Special values on all lanes of ladies' and children's
underwear and whitewcar at prices to shit everyone.
• V,oszkr\1
Silk Lisle and cotton hose for
children at all the popular prices.
men, women and
litexk's Veav,
Fancy and Spoit shirts, underwear and hosiery,
felt arid straw habi in l' edora and sailor styles for the
paitticular man. See our range before buying else-
Highest prices for Butter, Ego and
The House of Quality.
Phone 89
The following was written by Capt,
R. R. Sloan, Blyth, anti is reprinted
from the Blyth Standard.
"Let um take you fur a little while In
your most vivid imagivation to the
actual life and realities as they have
been on the Somme Battle Fields dur•
ing the Summer and Fall of last year.
Oue could stand and look in every
direction and see nothing but a con-
tinuous sea of shell holes, varying in
size according to the amount of ex-
ploeiyes used, This view will be brok-
en by lines of trenches running here
and there and much delapidated by the
continuous pounding of the artillery
and sometimes a mine crater can be
eeen which will probably be 40 to 50
feet deep and half as much again in
width. Salvage heaps loom up behind
the lines of all the refuse of the differ-
ent battles -damaged war material of
every conceivable kind is always
gathered up and taken back to be
There is not a living thing to be
seen, the once green sod is c hurned up
into a mortar of red clay and chalk.
Woods and trees are no where to be
seen and the villages once populated
by peace loving inhabitants', have been
levelled to the ground. When passing
over where these places once etood,
nothing is to be seen nut a few brick
lying scattered about in the mud.
Here and there will be seen a few
wooden crosses, bearing the name of
some German hero Who had given' up
his life for his country and the cause
of military despotism. Probably you
would be able to see too large areas t f
white crosses set un in straight rows
and all at regular intervals, These
bear the names of our own heroes who
have so nobly given up their lives for
the protection of their homes and
country and a lasting peace to be en-
joyed by the peoples to inhabit these
wa.ing countries.
Beneath can be seen the German
dugouts, unique in their construction
and so valuable as a place of safety
and defence for the Hun when the
British shells would be mercilessly
pounding these formidable positions.
These large enemy dugouts are usual-
ly constructed not less than 30 and
sometimes 5f feet below the surface of
the ground, the walls stairway and
ceilings consist of heavy timber and
plank. There are generally two or
three staircases as safety outlets in
case of danger and close attack.
These underground dwellings are
divided into compartments, and again
according to the rank of the army
who occupy it.
They resemhla a horse stable with
a long passage down the centre, with
compartments partitioned off and
again divided horizontally in two for
sleeping quartere. The beds consist of
a fine wire and soft grass. The more
superior ones used for divisional staffs
are tastefully decorated the walls and
ceiling nicely papered. rugs on the
wooden floors and well lighted by
electricity. In : many instances our
own boys have used these comfortable
quarters after being captured from the
enemy, where, they can sleep in safety
and out -of sound of the Hun shells.
These most superior underground
fortifications and dwellings go to show
that Fritz never intended to leave
them but by the superiority of, British
artillery and the dashing and gallan t
spirit of the British infantry the Boche
very reluctantly had to ahandon his
place of safety once thought to be
Every Monday till October 29th.
1-t FROM +(
Edmonton .
Stettler ,
Canora .
North Battleford 43.75
Regina . .. 40.50
Forward ... 40.25
Saskatoon , . 42.25
Dauphin .. 37.75
Lucerne . , 53.00
Calgary , . . 47.00
Camrose 46,75
Hanna . , , 46.00
Rosetown .. 43.50
Yorkton .. 39.25
Moose Jaw 41.00
Prince Albert 43.50
Brandon ... 37.00
Winnipeg , .. 35.00
For Tickets, Reservations, Literature.
and Information, apply to Ritchie &
Cosens, Financial Agents, Wingham,
or write It. L. I!"tirbalrn, (1.r.A., 68
Ring Street East, Toronto.
Highest Cash Prices paid far All
Kinds of Live POULTRY, (HIDES,
Phone 204
ft Brown
Cincinnati authority tells how to dry up
a corn or callus sok lifts off with fingers
'You corn pestered men and women
need suffer no longer. Wear the shoes
that nearly killed you before, says this
Cincinnati authority, because a few
drops xIf freezone applied directly on a
tender, aching corn or callus, stops
soreness at once and noon the corn or
hardened callus loosens so it can be
lifted out, root and all, without pain,
.A. small bottle of freezone costs very
little sonny drug store, but will
tively take off every hand or Soft eurn
or callus. Tbis should be tried, es it
is inexpensive and is said not to Irritate
than surrounding skin
If your druggist hasn't any freeaone
tell him to get a small bottle for you
from his wholesale drug house. It is
fine stun and octi like a charm every
iso ,l00000c000:v000000000cirl
Pressed and
If you want work will done
bring it to
C. Templeman
Edward St.
Right behind Robertson's garage
Attractive Trips
Round trip tickets now on sale from
stations in Ontario at very low
tares, with liberal stop overs.
Berth reservations and full informa-
tion at all Grand Trunk Titket Offices,
or writs C E Horning, District Pas-
senger Agenf, G. T. Ry. System, To•
ronto, Ont.
Tho eole head of a family, or any msle over
18 years old may homestead a quarter section
of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Sask-
atchewan or Alberta. Applicant must appear
in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or
Sub-Agencv for the District. Entry bT proxy
may bo made at any Dominion Lands Agency
(but not Sub -Agency on certain Conditions).
DUTrrs-lair months residence upon and
cultivation of the land in each of three years.
A homesteader may live within nine miles of
his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres, on
certain conditions; A habitable house is req.
Hired except where residence is performed in
rho vicinity.
Live stook may bo substituted for cultivation
under certain conditions.
In cortain districts a homostoadorin good
standing may pre-empt a quarter section along
side his homestead. Price 53.00 per acro.
DUTIES -Six months residence in each of
three years after earning homestead patent:
also 50 acres extra cultivation. Pro -eruption
patent may be obtained as soon as homestead
patent cn certain conditions.
A.settler who has exhausted his homestead
right may take a purchased homestead ie cer-
tain districts. Price $3 per acro. Duties -
Must reside six months inoach of three years,
cultivate 50 acres and emelt house worth300
The area of cultivation is subject to reduc-
T'tion in case of rough, scrubby or stony land
Live stook may bo substituted for cultivation
under certain conditions,
W. W. Conry, 0. M. G.
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior,
N. 13: - Unauthorized publicationtfthis
advertisement will not bo paid for -1141.
]dor Sale
An old established country store
business for sale at a bargain. This
is a money maker, and the present
owner has the best of reasons for sell-
ing, Stock bought before the rise will
be sold at invoice prices,
Don't Miss This Chance
Insurance of every kind in the best
Canadian Northern and S. S. Tick-
Rents collected.
Money invested.
Money loaned.
Farm and town properties for sale.
Ritchie & Cosens
Insurance and Ileal Estate
tof;f:)CL T1AL 'd
Students may enter our classes at any
tirno. Continence your cauroo now and
'be qualified for a position by Midsummer.
Daring July and August of last year we
received calls forn��over 200 office aselatants
lin demant AWrite at Our
LD. A. MoLACIILAN a Principal
me'i'AvIBIt—IJ •iltxtis—At the home of
the br18e. a parents, R. B, .Harris,
Toronto, on dune 6th, Donald (Dan)
McTavish of Wroxeter, to Miss Ger.
t ude Mabel Hartle, the Rev.11 ,
G e ie officiating,
Rots,roN-'•-IIurroE1tso .4n Howick,"
on June 6.h, by the Rev. Mr, Mal.
coin), Miss slava Ilenelerrson,: only
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sno, lien.
(lemon, so Robert ktoleto]s,Wroxeter
Received Judgment for $3,480
A case of Intense particular to
many of our readers was held at
Oegoode hall, '.Toronto, on Thursday,
when Mr, Justice Masten rendered
judgetnent for the full amount claim-
ed by tleorge Gabel and Robert Narks
in their Elation against the iowick
Farmer's Mutual Fire Insurance Com-
pany. The plaintiffs will receive
under this judgement $3,480 with in•
terest from February 7, 1010. The
plaintiff Gabel'is a farmer of the town-
ship of Wallace, Perth County and
Marks is an agent, of Listowel. On
Nov. 8, 1016, the defendant company
insured for four years for $5.000
against lose by fire on Gabe1's buildings
and their contents, The loss was to be
payable to Marks as mortgagee of the
property. On December 1, 1010, part
of the plaintiff's property was destroy-
ed by fire and theloss was estimated
at $1,630 on the buildings and $1,030 on
the coutente, The defendants refused
to pay these sums on the grounds that
the plaintiff had not made the statu-
ory declaration of his lose as required
by the terms of' his policy, and that
also he bad misrepresented the risk
and overestimated his loss, Tho sec-
ond of these objections was based upon
the fact that sometimebefore the lire
Gabel made application for an increase
of the amount of his policy because he
had discovered the attempt of an in,
cendiary to deett'oy his barn. In filing
this application be struck a dash after
the question, "Do you anticipate
incendiarism?" The company held
that this constituted a negative ans-
wer, . and was misleading, but the
court held that no answer had been
made at all, and that there was no
Miss Hazel Baker and brother, Percy,
visited their aunt, ^Mr's. Ed. Jenkins on
the 4th of June. Miss Baker expects to
leave Belmore soon and• go Toronto,
where she has secured a position.
Messrs Richardson and Flett of Toron-
to, spent a week with Mr. and Mrs, T. J.
Mr. W. J. Reid who has for the past
four years been clerking in W. J.
Taylor's grocery has purchased the
business. He is a popular young man
and should make a success of the busi-
SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Post-
master General will be received at Ottawa
until Noon, on Friday, the 27.h day of July,
1917, for tho conveyance of His Majesty's Mails
on a proposed ..ontraot for four years, six
Limes per week over Ethel No. 1 Rural Route,
from the 1st of October, 1917, next.
Printed notices containiug further imforma-
Hon as to conditions of proposed Contract may
be seen and blank forms of Tonder may bo
obtained at the Post OfUeos of Ethel, Brussels,
IIenfryn, and Cranbroak, and at the Oleo of
the Post Ofiioo Inspector, London.
G. C. •ANREF6orr, Superintendent.
Post Office Department, Canada, Mail Ser-
vice Branch, Ottawa, 15th June, 1917, •
SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Post-
master General, will bo received at Ottawa
until Noon, on Friday, the 27th day of July,
1917, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails
on a proposed Contract for four years, six
times per week over Wingham, No. 4 Rural
Route, from the 1st of October, 1917, next.
Printed notices containiog further imforma-
tiod as to conditions or proposed Contract may
bo soon and blank forms of Tender maybe
obtained at the Post Offices of Wingham,
Brussels. Whitechurch and Gienannan, and
at the office of tho Post Office Inspector, Lon-
G. C. ANDERsox, Superintendent.
Post Office Department, Canada, Mail Ser-
vice Branch, Ottawa, 1511 June, 1917,
SEALED TENDERS, addres,cd to the Post-
master General, will be received at Ottawa
until Noon, on Friday, the 27th day of July,
1917. for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails,
on a proposed Contract for four years, six
times per week over Bluevalo No 2 Rural
Route, from tho let of October, next.
Printed notices containing further informa-
tion as to conditions of propbsed Contract may
bo soon 'and blank forms of Tender may be
obtained at the Post Offices of Bluovale, Wing -
ham and Wroxeter. and at the office of the
Post Office Insr color, .Londe n,
G. 0. ANDEttsoN, Superintendent.
Post Office Department. Canada. Mail Ser.
vino Branch, Ottawa, 15th June, 1917.
SEALED TENDERS, addressed to tbo Post-
master Gonoral will bo received at Ottawa
until Noon, on Friday, the 27th day of July,
1917, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails,
on a proposed Contract for four years, six
times por week over Be]gqrave No. 1 Rural
Route, Prem the 181 of Ootobor, next,
Printed notices containing further informa-
tion as to conditions of proposed Contract may
be seen and blank forms of Tonder may be ob-
tained at the Post Offcea of Bolgrave, Blyth
.and Wingham, and at the office of the Post
Office Inspootor, London,
G. C. ANvntesoN, Superintendent
Post Offioo Department' Canada, Mail Ser-
vice Branch, Ottawa, 15th Juno, 1917.
SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Post-
master Gonoral, will bo received at Ottawa
until Noon, on Friday, rho 27th day of July,
1917, for tho conveyance of Ms Majesty's Mails,
o.t a proposed Contract for four years, siX times
per week over Blyth Ne. 2 Rural Rout', from
the 1st of,Octobor, next.
Printed notices containing further informa-
tion as to conditions of proposed Contract may
be obtained at the 1'ost0frfces of Blyth
Londesborough, Auburn and Walton and at
the office of the Post °Moe Inspector. London.
0. C. .ANnaxes0N, Silperintetitletit
Post Office Department, Canada, Mali Ser-
vice Branch, Ottawa, 15111 Juno,1917.
SEA.LED TENDERS addressed to the Post-
master Gonoral, will bo received at Ottawa
until Noon, on Friday, the 27th dtty of July,
1917. for the conveyance of Isis Majesty's Mai s,
on a proposed Contract for four yoara, six
times per week over Blyth No, 3 Rural Routo,
from the 1st of October, next.
Printed notices containing further Informs.
L1011 as to condition. of proposed Contract may
be seen and blank forms of Tender may bo ob
tamed at the Post Offices of Blyth, Londesboro
Auburn and Walton, and at the office of the
Post Office Lnspector, London,
G. 0. ANnkOSON, Superintendent
Post°R'ide Department, Canada,Mail 06r -
vice Branch, Ottawa 15th Juno, 197,
SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Post.
master General will bo rceolved at Ottawa
until Noon, on Friday, the 27th day of July,
1917, for the conveyance of In•igMajesty's Mails
on a proposed Contract for four yoara, six
Grime per week over Wingham No. 3 Rural
Itento, from the 1st of October, 1017, next.
Printed uoticeet enttining further informa•
lien MI6 coridithone bt prepnsed Contract may
ho seen nand blank tering or Ponder naybe
obtalnnd al) the Pest Olrir,sot Winerhaity Blue,
vale, Whiteetittrott and (ilenannan and at tiro
office of rhd Pe'St Office Inspect6r, London.
AN1�1:lt.iON, . uplrtnte dnot,
Post. Office ?truant.Canedq., 1rfail ber-
viGd Branch,we lat4nas 11117►
Easy to Handle
Light Four Touring
Roadster . . , . $950
Country Club $1110
f. 0, b. Point of Shipment
Prices subject to change
Without nolle.
l'Iere is great family car because it is so easy to handle.
All electric .controls are on the steering column—within:
natural reach.
The' steering wheel is large and easy to operate.
The gear shifting and brake levers can be reached without
changing your position.
It is just as easy for your wife and your daughter to drive the,
Overland Light Four as it is for you.
An unusual value at an unusually low price.
Step in today for a demonstration.
Wingham Overland sales, L, Kennedy
Willys-Overland Limited, West Toronto; Ont.
Willya-Knight and Overland Automohilce, Commercial Cars
i,ell_sta tWmi0 70au
t T:e lours
yOU can't "touch up" worn-out spots in the linoleum or carpet:
When it's worn, that's the end of it.
A Painted Floor can be "touched up" whenever it shows
signs of wear. It's bright and cheery—sanitary—easily cleaned—
and the cost of painting is a mere detail.
(Made in Canada)
is the old familiar, tried -and -tested, reliable Paint for the floors
• that wears and wears and wears. • It's ready for the brush
simply stir and spread. Dries quickly with a high lustre, and free
of stickiness. Anyone can make a grand job of it with Senour's
Floor Paint. -
14 serviceable colors—something to suit every room in
the house.
"Floors, Spio and Span", end "Town anti Country Homes",
ars two beaks on home beautifying that you -will enjoy reeding.
We have copies for you -ask for them.
•d r.v . w . r rr: {,t • :tib:ri•::.{ - >:;.::•}::::''i:� :;'i?......
: ti',�.;:•' r>[: y�,,',hJ:�+'• •�, � •t•.•. a . '.v7::•7 f.+r /'vl :� ..1.. Y� ti . v_ . r. .�' .. . .:.v :v. ?:?•a>,.i :� :• •%: Fvr:•:• �:
v c\•
�:.-i .. �'vA' ..:+:A,,t. •.-'+•el,C �y. ,ti:•:?f:yi. �f�:'�... -s'. •>i''vr.^^3. ::�v•v�ii r•.fy. {h3{ii::aC•: .,. •h'1}.:•: �.riii;}{i1,•..:?:;�.... {:•:t::\,?. ? - .. „.... x...: ..... ..
• Whitechurch
Mr. C. I. Clubb of Parry Sound motorc d
down last week and spent a few days with
friends here.
Messrs R. W. Simpson and W. H. Conn
are investing in Ford cars.
Mr. A, E. Purdon is having a cement
platform built in front of his store this
Don't forget the Literary society picnic
At the 10th Bridge on Thurday afternoon,
June 28th. Everybody come and bring a
basket, There will be a booth on the
ground. Conte and enjoy a pleasant time
by the River banks. Proceeds for Red
The'trustees of S. S. No. 10 have re•
engaged Miss Stella Kirke at a salary of
Church News -Next Sunday. June 24th
the Communion service will be held in the
Presbyterian Church. On Friday night
at'l 30, Rev. Mr. McLean of Ripley wil
conduct the preparatory service. On
June lith Rev. Mr. Grainger, of the
Methodist. Church preached his farewell
sermon, His successor is kir. Duncan
McTavish of Ripley, who will preach on
Tuly 1st there being no service next Sun-
The Guild leaders for June 24th are
Misses Evelyn Garton and Cassie Purdon.
Mr, J. F. Davidson has resigned as
of the Sunday School and
is succeeded by Mr. Mac Ross,
Mr. Prank Henry and Miss R. fleury are
in Hamilton this week, the former attend
ing the annual meeting of the C. O. V, as
11 delegate from Cou}t W'hiteektirch.
'.Estobliehod'4' I $7 .
�f/ r Capital Authorized, $5,000;000 :\
Capital Paid-up, - $3,000,000
Surplus, . - . . . $3,500,000
TO earn a little and to spend a little less was the
adive of Robert Louis Stevenson. Thrift is a
virtue that is easily acquitted and decidedly profit-
able. You will be astonished to find how quickly
your sayings will accumulate with interest added.
One Dollar will start a savings account In
the Bank of Hamilton.
C. P. Smith, Manager
q0 -C
Miss E, Hann of Toronto, is visiting
lier sister Mrs. A. M. Hamilton.
Miss M'Morenspent Saturday and Sutra.
day at her hone in Lucknow,
The Presbyterian sheds were disposed
of by auction en Satnrday, the lot was not
sold, only one bid being mads which was
not up to the reserve pee.
15r. McASI, wife and family of Tara,
spent Saturday With Dr. J. Armstrong
brie the l.a er is a b'rolher tai' i'frd, 144:Asb,
They are enjoying a week's visit with
Mends at Mitchell, S•eafoeth, Bayfield,
Lucknow and making tho trip by auto.
Mrs, and Mrs. Shera were visitors at
line River over Sunday.
Dr, and Mrs, Whitley paid a visit to ret,
atiVey at Ripleyon Sunday
II. W. Dane made a business trip to
'Toronto and Oshawa Saturday returning
T'tev. Piercy of farriston. not14uotsd
services in the Pi'esbyteritu Church tial
buoday a£tet'uoot