The Wingham Advance, 1917-06-14, Page 8Page eight
a eery reasonable Price
Just tike this iliusttrlttioil,
Made of fine vici kid, flexible
soles, no toe cap, in all. sizes for
woolen 2%!, to 7. For
$5.00 per pair
either in laced or button.
Take a look at these in our north window or better
.still come in and see them.
Sole Agent i
For The
We will ° discontinue, keeping
our shop open on Saturday
nights, ;beginning JUNE 2nd, .
for some time.
. _
(Oorreet ftp till wedaeeday npatl.)
Wheat - 2 80 to 2 ,0
Motu, per cwt„ patent. , (3 t)0 to 7 00
Floor, per cwt„ tttlwily, , 0 35 to 0 50
Bran,per ton ,,,.,.,.,.40 00 to 42 00
Short!), per ton , ...4a 00 to 47 00
Oats, , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0 75 to 0 85
Barley 1 20 to 1 25
Hay, 10 00 to 11 00
Butter, per lb—Dairy 0 38 to 42
19gge, per dozen 'a 35 to 88
Lard 30 to 30
Cattle, medium butchers1() 00 to 11 00
Cattle. butchers choice11 00 to 11 50
Hogs, live weight 11 00 to 11 50
llama per lb..:..,, 0 25 to 40
Bacon long clear 0 25 to 28
Sheep Skins 1 25 to '1 50
Hides 1G 00 to 15 -00
A very successful Concert was held a!
Jantestowrt, Friday evening last, under the
Auspices of the Women's Institute
Choice solos were rendered by Misses
Walker and Campbell and P, I -I, Gilroy
Brussels; P. 1-L Mulheron`rl organ seloa
were enjoyed by all and recitations were
well given by Miss Hoover. Brussels,
and Miss Johnston, Jamestown, A, Il,
Musgrove, M. P. P.,. Wingham, gave a
very able address on Patriotism. A very
interesting part of the programme was
the drawing of the lucky ticket for the
Red Cross quilt which fell to Mrs. Wes..
ley Jermyn who put it up for auction, 1t
went to the highest bidder at $10.50.
Proceeets at the door were $43.35, matting'
a grand total of $135 21 raised through
the guilt.
Exciting Runaway
A most exciting runaway took place
a few days ago, Dick Johnston's
horses were tied at the (sack of Alex,
Ross' hardware store, Breaking an
inch and a half rope with which they
were tied, they dashed through the
alley and out through Victoria street
!tushing westward up Victoria street,
they missed a number of vehicles only
by a hair's breadth, At the corner of
Victoria and Scott streets they came
in contract with a telegraph pole,
which was badly damaged by the im-
pact. The horses were hurled sense-
less on the road and the wagon badly
damaged, There was no one in the
wagon, as the owner was up town at
the time of the acoident,
Spoilt His Pleasure
The young Scot never liked his, and this weighed heav-
ily on the mind of his wife who was ill,
Calling her husband to her bed side,
she said to him; "Sandy, lad, I'm vera
and I think I'm about to dee, 'and
before Idee, I want you to 'gie mo a
"I'll promise," replied ,Sandy, "What
is it?"
"Weel, I ken that when I dee, I'll
bae a fine funeral, and I want you to
. ride up in front in a carriage wi' rea
=re. "Well," sadly responded Sandy,
'I've gied ye my word an' it's nae mo
""-,a that'll gan,g back on that, but I'll tell
•�-- ye o thing, ye'va speflt' the day for
ZLLLU LULL�LLLL LLLL id li�i i1tt1t1tit1ll 1i1t lb I1iii1 iiii1 i°s.�'n'"on
�ftia7j : ia1(410 ►�yap.i�<rTi►AY be.e�l't
I�°°jl 1 .�i I� °j�! Irl Ill I,t, Il, Il,
Fiabitau` and Pongee Silks
Special values in the above silks in different weights and
qualities, suitable for douses, Underwear, Silk Skirts,-
etc. Special value 50c, 75c and $1,25 a yd. `r
Ik trb trlti n i � rail sI, V il. {•?lo tri, tris
Beautiful fine sheer voiles in plain shades and fancy patterns, showing all the
newest shades for warm weather. Special values 2'5c,50c, 75e $1.00 a yd.
Bedford Cord and Middy Twills
For those who make their own Middies, Wash Skirts, Dress, Boys' Suits, etc.'
spleniid washing qualities. Special value 25c, 35c and 5oc per yd.
- Voile and Georgette Crepe !►louses
Blouses slli-talule f: >r warm weather in latest
styles, qualities anal prices to sult all. Special
values $1.25, 1.50, 2.00 and3.50.
Wonderful Value in Hose and Underwear
Holeproof Hose
In black, white and all the newest shades, hose
that are guaranteed to wear, Special value 500 to
$.125 per pair.
co !Wanted
Std t vier Underwear
•Ladiea° and -children's summer vests and drawers
in cotton, lisle and ;Ail! with or without sleeves.
Special values r,5e, 25c, fiat, 75c, $1.00.
Noo 71
Whatt we can do
Put in your water service,
Put !lues in your boiler.
Put your Gasoline and Steam En•
glue and Treshing. Machine in
firet class order,
Put Tiree on your Baby Carriage
Put an edge on your laws mower
that will cut grass,.
Put Dunlop tires and tubes on your
wheel cheaper than anyone
Put you on a Cleveland Bicycle.
Put your auto running when every-
one else gets licked,
Put rubbers on your Carpet and
Vacuum Cleaner wheels.
Put a pumping Gasoline Engine
over your well for $45.00 guar-
anteed to give you satisfaction.
Put mortey in your pocket.
All kinds repair work, mechanical-
ly and ptomptff done.
[lIQfle 21a
seat alsommonne ems snonnammenat
�•�• .nor or�ww,
Tomato, Cab
bage and Cauli-
flower Plants 1
Send along your orders for plants
We will have daily supplies of
good, strong, healthful plants.
Bedding Plants
Various Kinds
As Wanted
7�I jYEA ?'7'.GES
A choice stock of these always on
® hand.
Te, whom It may concern:
I wish to announce to the public that as my
wife has left my bod and board ii•Ithouh due
provocation that I will not bo responsible for
any debts that may bo contracted by her.
Wingham, June 4th, 1917G;LURQIa 3niiiflLY
Horses Worth While
CAPTAIN MCKINNEY 41253-1403, wagon
record 2.221. black. Sire of Lady Jones 2.07i,
Dr. Jones (W) 2.121, Crolo Janos (4) 2141,Bessie
Tones (4) 2.17+, Dr. McKinnoytr. 2.191, Elk 1I0 -
Kinney tr. '2, 2 20.
O U. MciCINNEY 1404. Chestnut, small
Aar, stockings on hind feet. Sire Captain
McKinney, Dani, Myrtle Margaret.
(KING PRICE Vol, 14, P. 555, A. '1' R. 57445.
By Baron Chines 28993 Dam Lou Ferguson, by
Lord Forgason 18003, oto.
King Brien will•'be at Lepard's Hotel, Thurs-
day noon until Friday noon of eaoh week.
Ver further particulars apply to theewaor,
Ceras. l+Fwi.ns,it,1, Greenock,
Con. it, Culross
Notice To Creditor's
Section 5E 6. Chap. 121 of the GIVEN. Statutes
of Ontario, that all persons having c Maims
against the Estate of James Orr, deceased who
died on .or about the seventeenth day of April
A. D. 1917, at tate Township of Turnberry in
the County of Huron and Province of Ontario,
aro required to send by post. prepaid, or to de-
liver to R. Vauetone, Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executors, on or before the
twenty-fifth day of June A. D. 1917 .their
frames and addresses, with full particulars of
their olaims in writing and nature of the
securities (if any) held by theta duly verified
by a statutory declaration,
the said twenty-fifth ddy of Jane, 1917. the
assets of the said estate will bo distributed by
the executors among the parties entitled,
thereto, baying regard only to the claims of
which thoy shall hien havo notion and the
estate will not be liable for any maims not
filed at the time of the said distribution.
Dated at Witlghafn this twenty-ninth day of
May A. D,1917.
`R, VaNs'yoN'.F.,
Solfoiter for the Executors.
Sale En
Salem Methodist Church was well
filled on Tuesday evening when the
unveiling of the Houpur Roll took
place. Rev. Mrs Lave acted as chair-
man, and eplendid addresses were
given by Mr. A. 13. Musgrove, M. L.
A. and Rev. Mr..Elibbert of Wingham
,Addressee its only true grid loyal
Britishere could give, A splendid
musieal program was also rendered.
Much credit for the emcees of the even.
ing is due to MI". Cleo, Westlake and
Mr. William Taylor. the former hag
five brothers with the 1031st battalion
The proceeds amounted to $35.50
which menet' Will be divided between
the Red Cross and the V.M. C. A.
Thoal:oner Roll is in the shape of a
Maple Leaf and beaus the namee of the
following boyet- .li. Kassel, W, Hel-
lana, A Houghton (deceased), Ie. A.
Westlake, 'W'. J. Westlake, T. H.
Westlake, 13', A. Weatlake, R, M.
Weetiselte, et, Wray, W. Abrahams, R,
Abrahant, A. Meehan, T. Maslen, W,
Breen, l3, Wylie, A Shropahall, W.
Stafford, J. Vittie, G, Sit2010126 and
P, Brown.
Iifr. and Mrs. Alert Caseusore event
last Sunday w•ith,friendt at Auburn,
Mr, Mathew plane from Gerrie vicinity,
called on Mrs, tirirn. Weir last Sunday,
JVir. and Mrs. Ezra 1V1crkley and family
of Wingham, visited at the home of Mr,
Thos. Bolt last Sunday.
Tire neighbors in this locality assisted
Mr. Stephen ging to raise his new barn
last Friday.
Mr, Fid. Bennett had the releterkytte
US fond hit marc cast week. Mr. Waldo
Weir also lost his mare and colt.
Mr. and Mee. James Halliday visited
the latter's parents Mr, and Niro. ''VVtxl, i
Mct<araiat of Gordo one day last weeks
Mr. Joseph Mahan who is Working in
` '+'iiigbita. visited his welts fah acid
r �Okr1,n, 1
IAl W.
a k
, Mr>r T .
Rev. J. 0, 1►e'r le attending Confer-
ence at London.
There was no service in the Methodist
church on Sunday morning feet, and in
the evening lt, I-1, Stephens conducted
the service,
Mr, Shaw of J 1uevaie, conducted the
service in the Preebytet'ian church Sun-
day afternoon.
The Presbyterian congr-gatlons of
Gerrie and Rotdwich, have extended a
call to Rev. Mr, Laing of Auburn.
Mervyn Walker and wire are visiting
the former's parente. Mervyn is night
"operator at Coldwater.
Dr. and Mee, Armstrong of Mitchell,
visited with J. Armstrong V. S. begin•
Hing of this week returning on Monday
asternnoon. J. G. Armstrong, wife, and
family were visitors with the former's
father this week.
Dr, J. Armstrong motored with Dt'. J
and Mrs, Armstrong of Mitchell, to Tees.
water Sunday evening and spent the
evening with Rev, and Mrs Bradley, re-
turning to Gorrle Monday forenoon.
Mr, R Bennettand Mr, F. H, Mc-
Laughlin t`vho have been ill for some time
are not improving. we are sorry to report
Mr, Robt. McPherson and Will
Snowden of Laurel, spent the week-
end at Mrs. Robt. Baines.
Mr. Johnson of Prosperity, took the
contract of gravelling the road on the
10th concession.
We are glad to report that Mrs,
John Jamieson is able to be around
again after her recent illness.
Service at Bethel at 3 p.m, Mr.
Grainger will be preaching his fare-
well service.
Mr. Jas. Martin spent the weekend
visiting friends down South. Looking
for a warmer climate Jito?
Miss Pearl 'Turner of Teeswator, is
visiting at her brother's J. M. Turner.
Wm. Peddle of Whitechurch, is en--
ged with J. M. Turner.
Communion Service was held in the
Presbyterian church last Sunday.
Mrs. James Richie and Miss Richie are
visiting friends at Galt,
T. W. Gibson of Toronto, spent Mon-
day with friends in town.
Rev, Love attended the London Con-
ference last weep.
Miss Oral Kitchen of Toronto, is at
present visiting her parents and other
friends in and around town.
Mr. George Howe is spending. a' few
days with his son Merton' at Dunnviile.
Mt'. and Mrs, Earls attended the gradu-
ation excersises at the Western Hospital
Toronto, on Friday when their daughter
Miss M. Mary Earls received her diploma,
The Knitting Contest conducted by the
Y. L, R. L. of Wroxeter closes June 16.
All the socks handed in after that date will
not be counted in the cohtest,
The Delmore branch of the Women's
Institute will meet at the home of Mrs
Wm. MeKee, on Feiday, June 22ed.'at'
2 sa o'clock. Miss E. M. Collins of
Ancaster will address the meeting on
"A Girls' rreparatime for Life." Other
musical program will be prepared, All
ladies are cordially invited.
Mies Nellie Jeffrey expects to go to
Toronto, this week for treatment on
her eyes, her many friends hope the
treatment wiII be satisfactory.
Sergt. R. Abraham of Camp Borden,
spent the weekend with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. E. Jackson Teeewater,
spent Sunday with friends here.
Mr. John Mulvey now drives a• Ford
Mr. 11, Hall has returned to Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs, Eldon Peterman and
daughter Lily spent Sunday with the
formers parents here, Mr. John Peter -
name continues in very poor health
Belgrave ,
[Toast week THE ADVANCE placed a
few items of Belgrave correspondence
under the heading of St, Helene. We
are very sorry for this oversight.J—Ed.
The Patriotic Society are collecting
old papers. Magazines etc„ and would
be obliged to any who will leave same
at McLelland's etotrei
James Nicholcon has diet eased c f b'e
100 acre farm to Cecil Wheeler who
gets possession in tip fall,
Communion Service was disposed in
!Knox Church last Sunday. New
tnekubers joining were Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Cloakey, Mr. and Mrs, Rhbert
Nicholson, Janet and Hugh Herr, John
Coulter Jr. and W, B. Scott.
James Cunningham,, a former resi-
dentherfs, but who has beeu spending
the past number of peonths at hie
eon's in Waterloo, was pined in wet •
lock to a fair damsel of that town and
will continue to reside there.
Mrs. J, Hamilton of Michipjan is vie-
iting friends here.
Mise Jennie fiolrneo o Clinton
spent a few days of last week at the
home of her brother Mr. Jos. Itolmes.
The Missionary Society of the
Methodist Church met at the home of
Mrs, Mcglenaghan, in the village on
Messrs IL W. Simpson and I, 3,
Johnston, are this week in Walkerton,
reeving by the jury.
Mr. Thos Gaunt' has purchased a
touring car.
(Irt,iafAtit'*Ze n iy011*At the hone
of the bride's parents, Kincardine
township, Annie, dallgh1er o lir.
and Mrs. A. i, fin nierson to Ilr.
Angus Graham of Lueknow, nn
Wednesday, June d.h, by the Rev',
Gteo. Glinlore, Ripley,
Mc) 1tNNfit"-'Elgt71lgrteo1 —1 ti i urole
111, on Thurecley, 3'une'itb, by+ rev.
A. McLean, of Ripley, Duncan A.
Mefi enzle of Lochalsh, to Mary
'Ethel, daughter of ,Kir. !David Oen.
aerror of irtlirortTp,
(Continued from Page 1)
upon his career. In his youth tl'e
present Prince Minister was, line so
many other Nova Scotiane, ;su rdtrtlrcr
of those Liberal teztete apd prinolples
so faithfully interpreted and eloquent-
ly proclaimed by Joseph Howe. But
when tate rise of Sir Wilfrid Leerier
threatened to divert Liberalists from
channels which led to closer British.
connection, and the policy of unrc-
strioted reciprocity with the United
States in 1801 bad dampened, the ardor
of leading Liberals, among whom was
Edward Blake, Robert Lahti J3ordt n
turned to the Conservative party re
the most formative instrument of
British purpose and Canadian national
growth. Six years later he appeared
as the Conservative candidate in Bali -
fax, and his election turned out to be
the one blight spot in the disaster
which overtook the party in 1800.
When in 10Q1 he was chosen leader
of the then Opposition the outlook for
Conservatism was dark. The party
was suffering from lack of cohesion,
from disunion, from inexperienced
leaderehip and from the lowest ebb of
determination and purpose it had
known since Confederation. Sir Wil-
frid Laurier was then at the zenith of
his career, and backed ' with all the
prestige of office and the undecided
support of a dooile and none too scrup
ulous majority, was an antagonist of
formidable power, Leadership of the
Opposition under such obstacles was a
task demanding brains and courage
and a perseverance.that would not ad-
mit defeat. Sir Robert Borden soon
showed that he possessed such quail.
ties to an eminent degree. For ten
years be pitted courage and steadiness
against strategy and numbers, and in
the end he won—won, as he had always
won, and, etrangely enough on the
same old trade iesue that bad brought
him into the Conservative party twen•
ty years before, The great battle of
1011 was above all else &Borden battle,
He had achieved his place in the
esteem and confidence of his country-
men, had earned the respect and de-
votion which will always. come to a
clean and fearless fighter battling to
preserve his country's highest interest,
He fought the reciprocity compact as
a leader who cared less for party than
for state. He cared lege )about defeat-
ing the Laurier Government than be
did about killing the "adjunct" agree-
ment. It was his good fortune, and
the country'P, too, that he triumphed
over both.
Sir Robert Borden's career as Prime
Minister will some day maks a fascin•
acing volume of political biography
He has had to contend with iesueo and
Iabor under difficulties such as never
before burdened a Canadian leader,
It would be foolish to etre that
in grappling with those manifold
and increasingly difficult problems the
Premier has not made mistakes; for,
in the desperate haste and confusion
which followed upon the sudden out-
break of war mistakes were inevitable,
But weighing his mistakes against hie
achievements it can be said of him
that his•leadeeship has ever been in
the right direction, ever toward the
goal which the Canadian people hays
set for themselves in this war•—that
its policies have been the right policies
its impulses the right impulses, its
motives the right motives, Nothing
succeeds like euceess and nothing fails
like failure. And some among us, in-
spired perhaps by unworthy motives
or—tnieled by extenuating ignorance,
have been all too prone to minimize
the achievements and to emphasize
the defects; to set too little value upon
the vastness of the problems encoun-
tered when appraising the manner in
which they were met, Only those
who have watched the Prime Minie-
ter's untiring devotion to duty, who
have dome inside knowledge of the
tremendous difHeulties he has had to
eontend with, have as yet any ade-
quate appreciation of what his leader-
ship has meant. But by -and by, when
the full truth is known, the Country
will take the whole record of his years
of war leadership and, setting the suc-
cesses against the failures and reckon.
ing at its proper value all that was
inchaote and tentative and experimen-
tal, do justice to the great pail, that he
has played in the national effort.
Already his wotk has won for him
the ungrudging gratitude of the Brit -
bin people. His recent Visit to Eng -
laud marked the beginning of anew era
in the relations of t.1raat Britain and
the Qveaaeas f oa lhaloes—an era which
British Publicists truly proclaim, Sir
Robert Borden was among the first b
predict, To -day he stands as a-recog•
nited Imperial statesmen. He is not
the prophet or the disciple of an im-
perialism that necessitates the subvt r -
soon Of Canadian rights and Canadian
nationality, bit is a believer in the
doctrine that the highest future for
this Dominion lies within the Empire
upon conditions of equal status; one
who reverences Britain's past and sees
the Empire as an august growth of
liberty, widening out from precedent
to precedent, but always true to the
spirit and the genius of its ancient
Sir fl,abert has returned to 'Canada -
mote than ever impressed with, the
magnitude of the effort that lies before
us, batt unWavering In his determine -
tion to Seo (0 it thatnothing that Ceti+•
a4a can do toward bringing the war to
04npee;tgyr;;l lsetie le left undone, Ile
has brought back wltlA jothoie dressage
of reasoned coaildenoe, coupled With
an appear to the dation not to fail In
phis the greatest Crisis of the war.
Who are to 4ot bttlaat the anawer, the
only mower poeelbleA with! bb given?
.And when the War le over,, and the
Rlipiro'r vletoltlons leuion,s return.
Whitt billow-cr in denoorlttoy AMA doubt
Thursday, June 74, 1917
hitigs Worth
OuPePeamepy Oe jar tm ent is a Sueeess
because we do your Business for one cent per pound
butter fat, not Onc cent per pound cream. This is
the smallest charge made by a creamery .
Large erbam Sales made because we have
been able to pay better !prices :than some creameries
Do Do and just as much as any. ;'grins us a report of
.1\i1ay business and compare It With the prices we paid-
IOaw Tests *e Satisfying because if you
are. in doubt as to the lest of your cream, we ask
you in cur presence to sarnple•t and send it to the
Government test rooms, yol�Rgct the report.
We are :your servants,;., Our warehouse is open
every Saturday night and we 'will meet you any ti.tne
during the week if you let cis .know when you are
A few fattening coops are left. We have already
made arrangements to supply some of the be;r Can-
adian and American Poultry Markets and the prices
will depend on the condition 4' the poultry brought'
art to market. We will help you -to fatten them.
"NI Be at our warehouse on Saturday afternoon of.this
week. We expect there will be something doing.
We do not know just wlia,t. We have'fish nearly
every day of 'the week, 1000 lbs. either sold or
given away on Saturday. Give us a call.
K. Wilford
Wingham, Ontario
Office 'Phone 174 Residence 'Phone 153
_�, c .; a 5,,:; •'.'_ ; .?.,c'C'lr::d"w4: i`.,c�• .. r,.,`L,,,c.rr^ �." •' . .
KERSa + R w
to. ONC,E, A WEEK, a. -
Convenient Service. Modern Electric Lighted Equipment
Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars and Colonist Coaches
For Tickets, Reservations, Literature and Information, apply to
Or write R. L. Falrbafrn, O.P,A., 63 King St. E., Toronto,
A beautiful well•kept lawn is a
satisfaction to yourself and a source
of pleasure to every passerby,
True, considerable time most he devoted to
its care and one must have proper implements to ,
work with, Lawn Mowers, Lawn Shears, Hose
and Hose Reels are all essentials and may be had here
Shine up your Car
llcy 0.Ceddr Perish by
the tin -----there isa
goodly saving in
purchasing this
t'i u�.rattali ra r
i._cn„te•tsu ■'
co & $ 300 m113,
tiitit the Comedian people will look
back thankfully and gratefully to the
acbie*etnents of ilk Moberg Borden at
a Lingo when the strt)ngeet iattadlan
''as called for and was theti•z
Patriotic Wen Par*
A 't►triotia Garden Party will be
belt] at "Maple Grove rain'' Outrase
i3oundarq, the hotne of Mr. and Mra,
Ronald McCormick on T'hureday ette)1-
ing Ione ).h, 't 'inghatn Citizen's
Maud and Lueknow iritis Mod will
furnish n uaic, Tea nerved item 0.8tY
till tl. Adwiriion 25c and child.
ran 15a, Eserybody welcome.