HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-06-07, Page 8Page eight We Wouid Like Every Woman in Wingham and within a radius of at least 10 miles To know that we have at the present titre just about the nicest, most up.to-date line of ladies' footwear Tint we ever had the pleasure to have in stock.' '!`hese shoe* are many in variety and several are now being shown in our north window This illustration shows one of the new shoes to whieb we refer. This partioular shoe is made of blaolc lid leather, with the extra high cut design ar.d spool heel. 'They are right up to the minute and our price is about from $2.00 to $3.00 cheaper than city prices. We have also in this style of shoe one known as the TWO TONE with dark brown vamps and lighter colored tops, a most beau. tiful shoe and at a very moderate price name- ly $8.00 per pair. The same style also with the low heel and tit the same price. Take a look in our Borth window or better still call in and have a look. W. H. WILLIE Solo Agent For The F ®R LADIES We will discontinue keeping our shop open on Saturday nights, beginning JUNE 2nd, for some time. THE WIN,GRANT. ADVANCE WINUUMI MARKETS. PoQQQQ0000000p000000a00000 (t%orreot up till \vedneaday Wheat 2 20 Floor, per owt., patent7 15 O'tour, per cwt„ faulty(i 6t Bran, per ton ...... .,40 0 Shorts, per ton 45.0( Oats, 0 75 Batley ..... 1 20 Hay, ,. ., .,04910 00 Butter, per lb—Dairy . , 0 8 Iiggs, per dozen 35 Lard ..... .................30 Oattle, medium butchere 10 0 Cattle, butchers choice. 11 5 Flogs, live weight , , .. , . 15 5 tiaras, per lb... ...... 0 3 Bacon long clear... , 0 2 Sheep Skins 1 2 Llicles 15 0 nom.) ONLY to 2.30 )to 075 0 to 42 00 ) to 47 00 to 0 00 to 1 25 to 11 00 b to 42 to 88 to 30 0 to 11 00 0 to 12 00 0 to 15 70 5 to 40 5 to 28 5 to 1 50 0 to 15 00 PU13i,iC SCIIOOL REPORT Test Examination of Senior IV, Thursday, June", 1917 , ..w v+►ri...r g4•:.M-Mlfti :.i,t°i.,::•QVOeP...:�aUc.,.di. U,/!rN ,rVrSI Was •• i', -': c1Estraw.t'x:+ut,"vlp=xl:rw.�. _ l•'cei+ - Total ---850. Pass- 380. Honours -487r 14eyerel who trade 0t; per cent failed to make 4Q per Dent in a certain sub• Piet. J171, , ,c;t:..... .. .............5570 A. Kennedy 670 AWilliamson ... ...•,..,. 508 .E WM. DAVIES CO. LTD. LT; 11111111111 w- tLLLLLLLLLLL�LLLLLLLLLLiLLLLLLi LLLLL�LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL�LLLLLLLLLLULLb friends at Londesboro. St. Helens Miss Chris Miller spent the weekend with friends in Stratford. Sacrament of the Lord's supper was dispensed in the Presbyterian church here on Sunday. Mr, and 1Irs. Wm. Webb left last Tuesday for a two month visit with friends in the West. Mrs, Webb has been in poor health for some time and her many friends hope for a change soon. Messrs N. I. Miller, T, B, Taylor, Wallace Miller, D. B. Murray and C. Aitcheaon attended ;he C. 0. F, meeting held in Clinton one evening last week. Mrs, ,Ed. Thorn and little daughters Margaret and Helen, Miss Ethel Ander- son, Elliott Miller, Durn in Phillips and Horace McGuire motored to Walkerton and spent the week -end with friends there. A number from around here attended Anniversary service held in the Presby- terian church, Whitechurch, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Ed Purvis and family of Lucknow, visited Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs. Ramage. Miss Mary Little and friend of All n• ford, motored and spent the week -end at the manse. Miss F. Taylor of Clifford, visited this week with her friend, Miss Wilhemine Rutherford. A number from around here took in the Lucknow sports on Monday, The Belgrave Branch of the Women's Institute will combine their regular meet- ing with the annual summer meeting next Wednesday, June 13th, and they will meet in the Forester's Hall at 2.30. Miss Collins of Ancaster who is the represen- tative of the Department will address the meeting. ,All ladies in the community arc cordially invited to attend. Visitgrs always welcome. Trinity. church Guild will meet on Thursday next at the comfortable resi dence of Mrs, G. W. Nicholson. James Anderson has'purchased a hand• some piano (a new scale Williams.) *Mr Gibbs of Londesboro, made the sale. It; is a fine instrument. Cameron Geddes of the Bank of Com, merce, Dresden, spent a short holiday at the home of his parents, W. J. and Mrs, Geddes. •j Vr 4, ai3f ,» a1. ail ary,,I. ,,►A®1e a►. ,►O si; be! dA� bIq +A! ,►. 4'T • +A". IA- Ia +Ae .I. +As .444, ,►� niasitge.. a. . T.t,.I®,I:', ofr 0,0iPi'�ii�•• Ph►i: 4'01A'4 sate +1♦ qrye 411, 9j♦ 4'A Iti iA► Ip Sunday with a►i,vpf►►ioq,.ra..do4 . ..i'* OA♦ �` IA♦ +IC IAN vA♦ 1♦ I►,4 4.. ?1C IAS +A♦ SUMMER DRESS MATERIALS Habitau and Pongee Silks Special values in the above silks in different weights and 'qualities, suitable for Blouses, Underwear, Silk Skirts, etc.' Special value 50c, 756 and $.(.25 a yd. ivgs�v�v`�wv Voiles Beautiful fine sheer voiles in plain shades anMancy patterns, showing all the newest shados for warm weather. Special values 25c,50c; '75c $1.00 a yd. Bedford Cord and Middy Twills For those who nnelife their own Middies, Wath Skirts, Dress, Boys' Suits, etc,) splendid washing qualities. Special value 25c, 35c and 5oc: per yd. Voile and Georgette Crepe Blouses Blouses suits t,l' 'f 'r v, di m weather in latest styles, qualities and prices to suit all. Special values $1,25, 1.50, 2.00 and 3.50. Wonderful Value in Hose and Underwear Holeproof Hose hose newest shades, Tn black, white and all the that are guaranteed to wear. Special value 50e to $.t25 per pair. err lata r�r 4� Summer Underwear - Ladies' and children's summer vests and drawers in cotton, lisle and silk with or without sleeves. Special values r 5o, 25c, 50c, 750, $ l .00. Pro -duce Wanted ttNct " OS. ' A A •A7 1 **'* * * rat* •►► FA' `+' * Phone No. 71 1 I(IDSIE I(,A.'R, Keeps the children amused and off the road out of danger, etc. Strong aud durable, Guaranteed 0 against defects. LAWN MOWERS H. Mundy...„.,....... .......664 S. (•iannttt .. , . .552 S, Holmes.....,...• .............f.i� .�T. II, Rolmee.. , .. , , . , . 546 A, Galbraith,542 Easy running, perfect. cutters. adjustable.—Get your lawn hose, reels, sprinklers, rakes, etc now, before further advances. A. J. ROSS Hardware Phone 8 0 cooaa0000000moo Tc ooOOOOoo s What we can do WINGHAM MACHINE & REPAIR SHOP Put in your water service, Put flues in your boiler. Put your Gasoline and Stearn En- gine and Treshing Machine in first class order, Put Tires on your Baby Carriage Put an edge on your lawn mower that will cut grass. Put Dunlop tires and tubes on your wheel cheaper than anyone else. Put you on a Cleveland Bicycle. Put your auto running when every- one else gets licked. Put rubbers on your Carpet and Vacuum Cleaner wheels. Put a pumping Gasoline Engine over your well for 845.00 guar- anteed to give you satisfaction. Put money in your pocket. All kinds repair work, mechanical- ly and promptly done. W. A, CURRIE Phone 21a Wingham J =11111111111 Beltiiore Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lowry, Elmwood Home, have received official notice that their son, Lieutenant W. C. Lowry, -had been wounded in tate leg by a shrapnel. Best wishes are extended by their many friends for a speedy recovery. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm, Wroxeter, and Rev, Mr, and Mrs, Lemon, Clifford; visited at the Manse last week. As the Rev. A. J. Love will be in Lon- don next Sunday, attending Conference, church services will not be held, but there will be Sunday School at 10 a m. Mr. F. W. Bald, 1, P. S. paid his semi.. annual visit to our school last week, and reported most favorably on the work. The regular meeting of the Women's Institute was held in the Halt on Saturday afternoon. A large, gathering was present and the meeting was a most en- d:nalastie one. The new president Miss Agues Darling was in the chair. The yearly report was read and showed that 0310 had been taken in during the year, and the greater part expended tor Red Cross Supplies and comforts for the dear !lads who are so nobly fighting in ar.off fiance, plias Bax gave a humor- ous reading which Was followed by a splendid paper on "Our Institute for 1917" by Mrs, W. 13. Udtvards. It was moved ,and seconded that each monthly meeting a collection in aid of Red Cross worlt should betaken up, A largo number from here attended the Patriotic Demonstration in Mildmay fast Monday. Sorry to hoar Miss Blauehe Irwin is on he sick Mist. Wroxeter Mr. Wm. G. Musgrove of "Woodstock, i9 vit;iting friends in and around town. It was announced last Sunday in the churches that the stores would be closed at seven o'clock, every Tuesday evening. white war lasts, that everyone may have a chance to attend the prayer meeting which is held in the different churches every Tuesday everting. Mr. Bert Harris who has been visiting his parents, l.Ir, and Mia. R. Harris of Howlck, left for Toronto one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Black spent Sunday wit+ relatives in Harirriston. 4►sb410 Morrison of Toronto, spent a few daye,r`, gently at his home here. Miss N, k,Itttttctiibon of Pordwieli wed the grlest of;Mr, .fix. ) vidson for a few days. Miss Ci. MGDonaltl was # visitor itt London last week. Mr. and dlirst. J. Patterson .of V rls. lox. tams Mr. And 1Vlrs• Wirt. Paftistat'lli of town visited rslsttives ill eliriton 011 :Sunday, D. Fells A. Imlay. M. Reid. Marg. Robertson K. Wilkinson • V. Hasail ton . D. Petrie 535 521 520 523 621 516 615 A. Andoreon 515 E. Bennett N. BoardmanLr. T. Sanderson, M. Johnston J. Allen J, Davidson 0, Zurbrigg M. Robertson M. Allen H. Atoheson 0. Robertson S. Robinson .,,409 J. Lutton 408 0. Hutton 461 B. Currie 455 K. Nichol 438 437 430 433 430 425 424 421 a er 419 I. Raid 411 I. Re•td 404 V. Hill 374 G. Oaso pore 366 N. Varey .100 11, Wilson .•362 Belgrave Mrs. Morrison of Whitechurch, spent a few days with Mrs- W. J. Geddes. Mr. and Mrs. T. Abraham of Bluevale, was calling on old friends in the village last week. Mrs Sproat spent a few days in Sea - forth last week. Mr. George David of Clinton, was catl- ing on old friends. Mrs. Moore of Guelph, visited Mrs. McCrae, sr., last week Mr. and Mrs. Tucker of Durham, are spending a few days with the latter's mother, Mrs, Bridge, sr. Mrs, Dennison of Varna, spent Sunday with her brother. Robt. Maguire. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brooks of Cen- tralia, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Anderson. Mrs. C, Burney of Exeter spent a day with her brother, Robt. Stonehouse. Rev. Parnaby is in London this week' attending conference. No service in the Methodist church next Sunday. Earnest Geddes Is sporting a new Overland car. . The Belgrave Dramatic Club are put- ting on their play entitled "Lodgers taken in" in the opera house, Wingham, on Friday evening, Proceeds going to the Red Cress, Wingham. The Patriotic Society held their regular monthly meeting on the 4th -Inst, at the home of Mrs. Robt McCrae At thist meeting it was agreed to collect all old. papers and magazines and a shipment be made at a later date. Anyone wishing to help out in this way could leave the same at Mr. McLelland's any time during the next two weeks. On Tuesday of next week there will be an afternoon of sewing in the Forester's hall for the Belgians, donations of clothing or money will be thankfully received. We trust that there will be a goodly number out to help with this work. The Society acknowledges with thanks the following donations: H. Johnston, $1; Mrs. Archie Brydges, $1; Mrs. A. Porterfield, $1; Mrs. T. Brydges, 50 cents; for the Belgian Relief fund, $2 from. Mrs A Porterfield. The next meeting of the Society will lie held at Mrs. John' Armstrong's. On Wednesday, May 30th, the members of the Patriotic Society and ladies of the vicinity met in the Foresters Hall and packed 31 boxes for our boys overseas, each box was filled to Its capacity with delicious fruit cake, cookies, candy and maple sugar. The Society wishes to heartily thank all who ,contributed in any way. - ,•1011••••• 510 .509 507 506 503 ..,....407 . 401 494 403 402 491 487 E. Rintoul A. Blackhall 0, Pocock E. Angus H. Mills V. Joyat V. Johnston M.Walker Of the R. M. Lindsay Stag �f Merchandise Commencing NOTICE� Tewhom it may concern: I wish to announce to the public that as my wile bas leis my bei and board without duo provocation that r will not be responsible for nay debts that may be contracted by her. Gaonaa Sinuory Wingham, June 4tit,1017 BORN Wnm'rEas--Iu HJowick, on Wednesday, May 30, 1017, to Mr. and Mrs, Rich, Watters, 10th con., a son. VsnatJgn.t—In Wiugbatu, on Ji ne la t to Mr. and Mrs, Arthur 1.+'ergutton of Mitchell; a daughter. Oultlut-•In Wingham, on Tuesday, Ju ne 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. R. A, Currie. a daughter. Pirptt'—In Wingham, on May 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Pilon, a daughter, Horses Worth While CAPTAIN MialC/NNl' Y 44253-10. wagot) record 2 22 black. Sire Of Lady Jonoe 2.1171, 29r. Jones i W) 2.121,..Crelo,icues li) 2.1i} ilessie Jones (4) 2.171. Dr. McKinney tr. 2.101, l Mu Kinney tr. 2, 220. 0 V. Mr.RINN10T 1404. Chestnut eaten star, etoekinas on hind feet. Eire Chestnut, ieitinnopg. Dat". Myrtle Margaret. 57„4. .ICING BIrIcl: Vol. l�, 1?. 555, .A. ` 14 11 ,f v Baron Claltnt a 7993 l.I'un Lou it uaoa; )q lend Fergason task , eettdd. el . !Sing Brine willhe at Leetivrs hors• day . noon until Friday Toon of Jaen C1.i ".OQk. for further Uarticulars apply to proeneck COMAP.. 8rw tIts.11.1, , 1.r211"-•%>'1"'"".‘”" Cen. 11 Culross, Morris James Graeby has pnrchasff new Mc Laughlin'car and Jos Clegg las invested in a Ford car. r- The Patriotic Society ship6d a large number of boxes to the bet overetae last week. Dart Halliday Is home fim Medical 44itt�Ag�eY.},fory a viiel�t with his arenbot Mr. Mid Mi. t.�•i i And continuing daily until cleaned out. Mr. Lindsay has decided to clear out his entire stock. He has instructed me to sell everything in- cluding store fixtures and store equipments there- fore I will offer the goods in detail. This sale comes at an opportune time. The cry of the HIGH COST OF LIVING is heard in every home, in every and. Everything we eat, wear and u se has increased to an alarming extent and present conditions threaten famine prices. It has_required serious deliberation and great courage on Mr. Lindsay's part to resolve upon the -quickest means of disposing his goods but he has MADE THE RESOLVE. HE HAS PLACED HIS • STOCK . IN MY HANDS WITH INSTRUCTIONS TO SELL, thus the contents of his store embracing DRY GOODS, .GROCERIES, BOOTS, SHOES, 'TRW= OC1Tiri CLOTHING, GENTS' x._I. Un.RN-.--"IS-- H1NrG,.S-n, .LA.�,.D,,.. IES' 'ANIr CHILDREN'S _WEAR, SMALLWARES, CROCKERY, CHINA and GLASSWARE. EVERYTHING within its four walls, fixtures and equipment are subject to YOUR prices. Seldom do the public get such an opportunity, frequently these opportunities are afforded the Trade but Mr. Lindsay's resolve is a PUBLIC benefit. It is a PUBLIC SALE and you may by reason thereof supply your needs NOW and for some time to come at your own prices, regardless of the many advances made periodically since Germany violated the neu- trality of Belgium in 1914. • a .) Every line offered costs more to day wholesale, than retail, one, two and three years ago. The pcttriotisln of the Country calls for av'i ig The Governments of the liellh;erents cry SAVE! SAVE SAVE: Mr. Lii,d- say's RESOLVE TO SELL IS Vc'IDLJ . CHANCE TO SAVE E--ery dollar saved helps to win the war• --- s a dollar earned. Save as • many as you can by buying here at every sale. You e til save whether, you live right herein Winglhain or within a hundred miles radius. Our system includes no fireworks but cleats Cut sale. Make a note of the opening day and get your share of the bargains early. Wednesday morning, June 66th, starting IO a,m, and p.m. and daily thereafter. Col. C, J. Long Ancticeocr L-iN-DS. ot Eve rybod Come 4