HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-06-07, Page 4Page flea � T1 03111 ebb UTCe JOIuN Jovea Proprietor A. G. SMITH, Manager teteeeetteneeletteteretetemmentlettetele TI1URSI)AY, Jl Fi Lith X017 An Abused Anthem `!'ha Qoebeoker s who ehooted '`Down with conscription" and sang "0 Cau- ada" diograced the latter. There can ba no Canada without the triumph of the awiueiplee for which the Empire ie now fighting, and the eight of tide in spiriarg anthem senate by a Crowd of cravens, who culotte ".Down with cob- worifttion" though told that it is nccos• eery to save; Canada from the T'outont is enough to make anyone disgusted, Churches Strom In Sentiment There ie nothi►tg weak or faltering in the attitude of tile shurohes towafde contctiption, eo far as these have been heard from at their oflleial gathering?, Same of the district Methodist churches endorsed it, coupling with compulsory service a conse.ription of wealth and ear profits, Official Ant;;Iicanism le [l etfooted in favor of a conacriptiou measure, the synod of Niagara (recline ing unreservedly :for it, and it is ua- 't+laited that the ancient (:Murch that hart gtveu uo Many then uutler the vol. toiletry systern is one in eentititent with Premier Borden in favor of a syetem that will clear up the existing unsatie• factory situation, HOME EXC S ts- LOW R ETU R N FARMS T WiM ®ERN CANADA ,a: E,. O N C & A WEEK, (mea ea Convenient Service. Modern Electric Lighted Equipment Standard and Tourist Sleeping. Cars and Colonist Coaches A For Tickets, Reservations, Literature and Information, apply to RITCHIE es COZENS, FINANCIAL AGENTS, WINGHAM. Or write R. L. Fairbairn, G.P.A., ea Klug St. E., Toronto. ..I. -BICYCLE --- the logical thing For BUSINESS For PLEASUR For HEALTH A Hyslop Bicycle will save time, save money,, in' .crease the efficiency of your business. A: Hyslop Bicycle will bring a lot of real sport and -fun; will intensify your pleasures. A• Hyslop Bicycle promotes outdoor exercise, stimu- laces energy, conserves. health. "Where there's health, %there s happiness. OWN A `(S LO Manufactured by HYS L,OP BROTHERS, Limited, Toronto ren BMX Or MEMKLEY & SON 1 Tl WAN II LM ADVANCE ' , htilrlciay nne xg l y Compliment from a Liberal There aro only two rrtr'u in it-- :fir Robert Bordeu and Sir Thomas White --who can bo said to command the confidence of the country in the least degree.---Bcautford 1:xpositor, (aboral) Siuce so pronounced a liberal paper ie pleased to pay tine high tribute to the leader of elle Government and Erie chief lieutenant the coinpliwent is a considerable one, Coming; as it dace front the mouthpiece of the Uou. Ginn. P. Graham. If Sir Robert and Sir Thomas hold the coniidenee of the country, it eeenns to us that the Government they lead cannot be eo vory bad, after all. .41-14 CHURCH UNION To the Editor of TUE ADVANCE Sire—I have noticed at various times a nutnbev of lettere on the quetition of Church Union, and I thought that though I rarely *rite to the papers I would like to add my 'little quota to the discussion. I hold that there is absolutely only oue reason why any minister of the Gospel should refuse to enter into Church Union and that ie, Shall I be required to believe and teach any important cloetrin• s that in my view are contrary to the: teaching of the Word of God? All questions of Chureh government or polity, past history, and even the question. Will better results be secured by union or as we are? are merely matters of opinion or sentiment, a'ui can only bo settled by an actual t• of union. And while we may rightly discuss these matters and seek to con- vince others that we are right in, our viewe, yet I maintain that they are not sufficient reason for anything to stay out of union, To do so after the mat- ter has been thoroughly discussed and a large rnajority of those who express- ed their opinion have voted in favor of union is practically to say, We are the only people who know anything the rest of you are ignoramuses. The question of doctrine ie a differ- ent matter, however, as it is a question of conscience and not of judgment. Now I read very carefully a great may of the letters against union and 1. did not notice oue important doct- rine which was touched by any of the writers, If those doctrines that were objected to were never mentioned no- body would ever mise them, and if they were preached. few if any of the hearers would recognize that they dif- feled in any way from those laid down in the basis of union, But it strikes me that aur Presbyterian friends who are holding out ou these points of doc- trine are strangely inconsistent. If the Westminster confession of faith, which is their standard of doctrine, teaohee anything, it teaches unconditi- onaI election, and consequently the at least possible damnation of infants. Now I will venture to make the state- ment that not one in twenty of those who are staying out on poiuts of dot. 'trine believe this Oise, and the chances are not one of them would dare in these modern times to preach it in hie pulpit, To strain at the points of doc- trine that have been brought up and swallow this one is more than strain- ing at the gnat and swallowing a camel,—it is swallowing a whole men- agerie. I would say to these brethren therefore, if you are opposed to union on matters of church polity, etc., have grace enough to admit that other., perhaps are as wise as you are and agree to give union a trial, or if you are holdiug out on points of doctrine, then be coneieteht and insist on the re- moval from your standard of doctrine of the oue which I have referred to, which you have subscribed) but neither believe or teach. Yours, ..oto,, IJ AIRPL AS{ .THE PERFECT(Wrif Let us make you acquainted,, with the new, luscious flavour -- _ftitu��"i1 to, 111"y.r_ 1...111 rrifi It's .all that the name suggests! Wrigley quality - made where chcwiug guni making is a science. flew tfiu-ce flavours • t�OV., LQ Oftf014 cIt-rc y ('i "1 :a r' ,x fC ^t f'. , d p d� 3 PTO rf; at a1llRIGL` - . sl!,! PERFECT �`tgavon UM !Ott -013 t C:1V vt1„� stir Get It wherever, confections tut ,nogg , El�. , —t kept Rightt MADE IN CANADA. �1Flavour Lasis a. 4F ASK MOSS 'I`TE ' JET P i V �l.w�. ��►`a�`� .w” �. �..a� rube %ccrct 1kinbom1 Episode No.10---_-_" A Goat Without Horns" (Palcntcd) BIAS FILLED CORSETS Positively the must effective corset for ladies n ho require abdominal support. All the Latest styles cf corsets to suit any figure. CORSETS MADE TO ORDER Write ua for catalogue and mensuromcnt form REPRESENTATIVES WANTED \time to -day for particular to Dcpartmc8t A BIAS CORSETS LIMITED 39 BRITAIN ST. TORONTO LIFT YOUR CORNS OFF WITH FINGERS Tells liow to loosen a tender corn or callus so it lifts out without pain You reckless men and women who aro pestered with corse and who have at least once a week invited an awful death from lockjaw or blood poison are now told by a Cincinnati authority to use a drug called freezone, which the moment a few drops are applied to any corn or callus the soreness is relieved and soon the entire corn or callus, root and all, lifts oil: with the fingers. Freezone dries the moment it is applied and simply shrivels the Corn or callus without inflaming or even irritating the surrounding; tissue or skin, A small bottle of freezone will cost very little at any of the drug stores but will positively rid one's feet of every hard or soft corn or hardened eallue. If your druggist hasn't any fceezone he can get it at any wholfgpaie drug house for yo u. 0152:90.40,10•11111001101.0.1101201011•11g .001101,110.0.1. Volu CHIROPRACTIC Chiropractic accurately locates and remnvee the cause of disease, allowing nature to restore health. - J. A. FOX D.C., D.U. Drugless Physician. Consultation and examinations free. Phone 191. Member Drugless Phyeicians Associa- tion of Canada. Where can a man buy a Cap for hie knee? Or a key for the lock of hie hair? Can his eyes be called an academy, Because there are pupils thereto' In the crown of his head Fvhat gems are set? Who travels the bridge of hie nose? Can he use when shingling the roof of his mouth. The nails at the end of his toes? Whet doom he raise from a slip of his tongua?' Who play's the drum of his ears?r 1...1 vwho Can tell the cut and 6ty44 tee the 0 •at his stomach weareij Can the crook of his elbow be sent to ej ail?' And if so, what did it do?' glow epee he sharpen hie shoulder blade Hanged if we knots—do you? Psa 16.0. Ar4,r Ir'jr#or . r Aror.v.rr arr ,,+►I"',tr4r4rAr ,or HORSES WORTH WHILE It E MEDIUM -Celebrated show stallion Vvi11 bo at his own barn, Blyth, from Thursday noon until t.1,o following et:merl • morniltg. aleane1. DIOK 0N- •(.rand el veldt pacing stallion, record2.00, will he at Wingbam from Thursday night until x r dn.y forenoon. Further partioulars latter. Thos. J. Coutr'ttit, Prop. POINTS TO CONSIDER WIIEN PUR- CHASING A RAILWAY TICKET SPEND THE SUMMER MONTHS IN „ELLIOTT Yongo and Charles Sts•Toronto, It wil Lnsnwt1ldinJp In two and two. other mouths, Write for catalogue. Enter now...- W. ow...W. J. Elliott, Principal, J. Stuart Blacktop and Albert E. Smith Present "A Gakr WITHDUI` HORNS" The Tenth Episode of Vitagcap:t'e Romantic Serial By hauls Joseph Vance ldireeted by Charles Brabin Photographed and Copyrighted by the VITAGRAPIS COtdPANY of Amork:a CAST Phillip CHARLES RICHMIAN Mime. Savatz,.,. DOROTHY KELLY Princess Julia, .............Arline Pretty Juan William Dunn Count Ramon,.., De Jaime West "A Goat Without Horns," the tt3ntb episode of Vitagrapii'a romantic serial by Louis Joseph Vance, entitled "The Secret Kingdom," is shown at the Lyceum Theatre, on Monday and Tues- day, The episode tells how the treach- erous octoroon, jealous of Julia, he - trays Phillip's party ion„ ;•.he hands of a powerful Negro Voodoo priestess. The priestess, who is very avaricious, meets Ramon searching for Julia, and for a large emu delivers Prineees Julia tato his hands. Ramon and his party, with sh+ it royal prioene , start oft ettroug;n atetwarilp, Meanwhile Phillip and. Jean discov- ered Julia's absence, effect their escape and set out in pursuit. The Voodoo priestese calls a meeting of the Voo- doo worshippers, and sends for the sacrificial goat to be offered to Voodoo, In front of the altar, the worshippers work themselves into a religious frenzy with their weird howling, chanting and dancing. Rttmon and his party have lost their way—and are without food. Meeting the negro courtier bearing the got.t to the sacrifice, they offer too buy it: when he refuses, they slay him, kill the goat, and eat it. The euperstitious Cuban guide, fearing the vengeance of Voodoo, steals Ramon's rifle, which is• provided with Maxim silencer, and escapes. Phillip and Juan capture the guide and take the rifle from him. Ramon's party meanwhile, has been captured by the howling- frenzied Voodoo wor- shippers, enraged at the elaughter of the goat, and the priestess decides that a human sacrifice. most be made. She prepares to sacrifice Princess Julia on the Voodoo altar. How Phillip and Juan save the hap- less Julia from death, even as the huge knife of the priestess Is about to eever her threat, and how i;he 'tsileut death" which the rifle deals swiftly right and A. Comedian Paoi o 7tallvalticket does not. represent merely tt moans of trn.neportation betweentgiven Wointa; It, in addition. ra- vides o traveller with otory comfort end convenience developed by modern railway science. "Safety First" with up-to•datecqulp- meni• une,celled dining Service, palatial sleeping ears in a word everything that a railway can provide for this -comfortable trans- portation of its passengers, including courtesy. A CHANCE FOR, THOSE GOING WEST HTome.orltrr.s' 1'.::ouraiont+ to Vaseatrrn Can. ,tela at low fares ria Canadian Pacific each Tuesday until October 20th, inclusive. Par- tienlars from any Canadian Tactile Agent or W. B. Howard, I)istrlot Passenger .Agent, Toronto, Out, ATTRACTIVE DINING CAP. 13ER.VICIl 7. .n or to leggin a , nothing helps 7 1 Probably ly coli, f, h gt more newel, journey retily enjoyable than a visit to the' 171ning (ler", ettpeenth,y if it be a (Jena - adieu 1'.teitie Alai)* Car, where the passenger IS a' sired of the highest form of cfklctoney lu the culinary ant, tiro choicest provi:•ions that ar Ile r t' •r rn r on the ien.i the .tel. ,t Affords n r d p principle knuwu as "Diotetio Mtn ling." YOUR (:HANE, -THE WE31' IS (JAILING Ilomcscekers' ExeurMOn:( to 'Western Cana. ria at low fares %Ds Canadian Nettie (A0h Turd?ay tune nelooer 90th,ndi:sive. Parti collard front any Canadtn Paola4. Agent it ='✓ E W, B. Howard, Dletriet, Toroste, Ont, left terrnttzee sad rennet• the other worebippere, works up to athrilling climax—tend the white captives escape through the maze of the dark and tlatt- gerous swamps, MOVIE COMPANY LOST IN FOREST Ia " t3, Goat Wttbout .Horns," the story calls for the principals to venture through a great swamp. Director Brabin and his company found the desired location in the heart of one of Florida's forests, and set about to explore a bit further 'and then take the scenes, As they continued alongside of the muggy, green water with the trees on either side bending their branches to the water's edge, they suddenly dis- covered that the swamp had many de- vious curves and that they had lost their way. There was nothing to do but film the scenes and then attempt to find the path back, The scenes were film- ed and the seared then began. Hours elapsed and still there were no better on than before. and it was not until the hero, Charles Richman, ealled•his knowledge of pathfinding which he learned as a boy to his aid that they managed to discover the winding way over which they had come, SACRED (1OAT Ii1LLEI) BY TRAVELLERS The superstitions of the negroes are realistically depicted in "A Goat With- out Horns," In this episode the Ameri- can travellers are nearly starved when they are lost in the forest and meet a negro courtier bearing a goat to the secrifloe. Rejoicing over their good fortuue, they offer to purchase the animal, and meeting with refusal, they slay him, kill the goat and eat it. Naturally, the superstitious com- rades are aroused by this; and fearing the wrath of their gods, they set about to rectify the harm done by offering a human sacrifice, and little Arline Pretty is the one eelectod. Qtt.let1 TE.IIPLE Ell LcTED During the filming of "A Goat Without Horns" a mob of three hun- dred negroes was employed by that company. Director Brabin had a great pampas grass temple erected, in the shelter of which the negroes went through some weird Voodoo rights, One of the persons engaged. for this scene war an accomplished snake -Charmer, who did some of the most hair-raising parts n the barbaric ceremonies. 'Toe great sacrifice block in front of the altar with the incense burning at either side the snake with the fiery eyes behind it, and the general background of the room add much to the atmosphere c 1 the story. HaOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS MAY 8th TO OCTOBER 30th Every TUESDAY "ALL RAiL" - also by THURSDAY'S STEAMER " Groat Lakes Routes"„ (Season Navigation) Your Future i5 in the West Tho fertile prairies have put Western CAnada on the map. There are still thousands of acres waiting for the man who wants a homo and plstsperity. Take advantage of Low Rates and travel via Canadian Pacific Information from Tlrket Offices: 141-145St dames St., Phone M 0121, Windsor Hotel, Windsor and Place Vigor Stations. RUPTURE APPLIANCE SPECIALIST HERE Turnberry Council The Turnberry Council met in Blue vale on Monday May 28th as advertised. All the members were present. Minutes of last regular meeting were read and adopted on motion of Wheeler and Moffatt. Moved by Scott and Adair that Path - masters return their road lists by Aug. 15th, also that gravel will be paid for at last meeting in Aug. On motion of Wheeler and Moffatt the Women's Insti tute at Bluevale and Eadie's each receive $50 for Red Cross. The following ac- counts were paid:—Mrs. C. Tate, Institute Bluevale, $50.00; Miss•. B. Fortune, Institute Eadies, $50 00; W. S. 'King, salary as a:8essor•, $65.00. Moved by Wheeler and Adair that the nett council meeting be held in Bluevale .on Monday, June 25th, 1917, at 2 p. m. At 2 p. m. the Court of Revision was opened as advertised. The members took their declaration of office and then appointed the reeve, chairman. The following appeals came before the Court:—Thos, Gilmour, assessed $3800 reduced $150; Roy Sanderson, asseised $2000 reduced $400; D. H. Wallace, put on as owner Lot 16, Con. 10; T. J. Watt put on as tenant Lot 11 and 12, Bluevale; Jas. Gannett put on as pt owner lot 40-43 Bluevale; Miss Sarah Orr put on as own- er Lot 7 con. 5; John Douglas put on as owner lot pt. 1 and 30 con. 2 and C. 1-1 Lemon put ou as tenant lot 167 W. T. P.; Thos. Goy, dog struck off; Jas. 1 Scott, dog struck off. P. Powell, clerk. Now Invention fatalns Rupture Without Knite, Danger or Pain, 01d -fashioned galling, slipping trusses and foreign mail order methods axe done away with by tee wonderful invention of a CangdIan snertalist who has devoted gars MGt �RttAtTu Rnt fnS R atlfio marvelous new �au gives Intantetention, reit and sectit'Ity where others hare failed. it prevents all irritation, ree.tores every part to in; natural position an soon Its it is used, and old style trusses arc Ihrov,0 away. Egan's "Cnratrus" is Intended to ayslst nature to close the opening it the short. est Unto known without an operation and at small cost. 'Testimonials front men, women and parents. Nothing cemieteated. No huonvrui' (nrrr or lose time butfu5Cat1 iralietCett V6 method. It emits you nothing; to investigate. h time to t dangerous. Now 15 the r'laama maybe Delays yourself physeallly Pt for yote:daily Work. Teat' Off ronpon now. "Stade 177 Canada.' 4 WILL VISIT the 'tot>drt SPECIALIST, N 1!f � 0 !" J. Y. VIA !? r l tv t ,'rfor •on and t exatnifia- ton of samples. Ask at hdtel 60406 for thy r0orn. Note dates. winghain, Queori'a U1ote(, 1£;Hits Ole anc'1 night)1 day only, Junto said. Clinton, Norumndie Hotel, Juno 1'3, Fordyce IIIc. and Mm. Ryan of Scaforth, Mr. a•td Mrs, Lyuett of Wiug lian7, visited at illr. 1', ItIrUlynn's on Sunday. Mr. Harry tintoul and son of Wingbam, visited at Dir. Alex Ritttoul's ou Sunday. Miss Gladys Stapleton of Marnoch spent Sunday ht John Jamicsoe's. Miss hazel Pelmet spent Sunday at he home near Ripley. Two flood Horses 4144 4444444444,..4444..40. ••m'r�.Fn.�f,+Mt;.•w„mqP),FN.dY.!.NMn°y.xyaR�.,Y4'.':r•wfiy.'+gM1:T11Y�, A k Our Local Dealer W.1. -''n id'lstalled accov” r r to pian q fur. ni 'ted by us, the : a ane Iruknace v7111 heat your hone comfortably, healthfully and economically. Ask our local dealer -to tell you how it's done, or write for free booklet. LONDOet s 1NE FURNACE TSMOrlRINNNTCALGARYVANCOUVER SOWS, 1.1.HAMLTO SASZ;.ATOOlt EDMONTON Por sate by R. R. MOONY Belgrave Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Higgins of Bays field, spent the 24th •with friends in the vicinity. Miss Lilly McLean spent Sunday with Greta Armstrong, John Hopper of Algoma, is visiting his brother, William on 3rd line Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Williams spent Sun- day at Ernest Geddes' Mr. J. Weir of Wingham, called on friends in the village on Sunday. Miss Louttit of Wingham, spent a day with Mrs. Brandon this week, Quite a number from here went to Londesboro on Tuesday evening where the Belgrave theatrical company were giving the play, "Boarders taken in," which they so successfully gave here at Easter, Joe Dunbar of Algoma, is visiting his brother, Dave. 6th line Wawanosh, tMr. John McCallum of Wingham, spent a day with his sister, Mrs. Alliston. Two of the highest class most beautiful, royally bred iserses ever offered- for the a neltb oration of brrtdors 11 this community. In the stud season of 1017. Inspected and enrolled, 51520 A T. IL. The (grand Circuit Champion, Rape record ono R a I tl0 1010e 1 ner'Dickson.ori. Elmer 1. • Moses Record, of the most beautiful and araatlo t seen en the (fraud Cironit. Elinor Dickson went the this d mile at Co:utnbua, Ohio, in 2.65 and the Last half in ono tntnttte in ION. ITe is bred in the purple with show hors" flnieh, Will stand this 005.800 at hit own barn at ',firth, event that o n Tiura; uy afternoon win to in hap,(,a•.7t''sintel r night, to f Prides., IIAI1'.�nIlium for non 11 • noualtn. Hotel, Iiruescl4tor night. tiatutdav home to hia own barn for noon, where will retrain till the following Thursday afternoon. Inspected and enrolled. Ike Medi nto, 61'22 A. T. lt., Ihn nebeaten chow Horse. 1,11110 mord besaitl of Ike Nietlinin, as ova sono Ilan 05024 or cnshrd of httn. IIe is a eh;unplon bred horse and a champion show horse, with !,ize .erne further is vbreeding, t . d end 11t., tc ua quality. 1own renlarl.abto .�t+,ampinttlti4roit4 with his o t that aotnr•tics JR. 1111eav0 his own barn at t•tt Blyth en Monday morniug,proceed .to Auburn at I'ef%r'8 Hotel for noon. Smiths II111 for night. Tuesdayida ( o Gndur el , G 1 ourn Hot el, where he will rtttaia until Wednesday 1011• 'r f ] ordiner 1 or to on , Ina.Wednesday, U01, O : hen to Clinton, Graham's lIntol for night. T'0244853', hoot° 10 ins own lawn at Distil, where he will remain until rho following Monday zoom*. W rite for J31118 and fur.her Iefortllatlon. Phone 112, TheMete r . l3l't'anbtliN "mmbWUbYiYkYvimYYiNYow,WtikyYWYtif1i Cash Paid for Cram „i; Brussels Brussels business telco have organized an association with the following officers, Honorary President, J. Leckie; President, W, H. Kerr; first vice-president, G. N McLaren; second vicc•president, James Fox; secretary. F. IL Gilroy; treasurer, G. II. Sands. Committees were also ap, pointed to look after different departments of work. Lieut. Stewart Scott, who recently re turned front Eugtand, underwent a triple operation at London this week, loud favor able progress ir, being made. Representatives of the Gideuns will con• duet the services in the Methodist Church next Sunday both morning and evening. Mrs. Addio Wright has tendered her re• signation as instructor of the choir of the Methodist church. She purposes remove log to Toronto shortly. SERVICE SPELLS SUCCESS 0 011. We have learned our spelling in the creamery busi- ness, and find that to succeed we must give'. our. patrons service. Mr. Beninger, who is a graduate of Guelph Dairy School, will have charge of our Cream- ery, and will test the cream on delivery in your presence. Then we pay city prices in cash. This d, we believe is the only way to conduct a creamery business. Remember it makes no difference to us -70 how much or how little you have. We supply cans. If you want to know the value of a dairy cow, test her milk. Use this testing department as much as you like. We established it for your benefit, anld if you want us to take an oecassional can, we will be glad to show you how our testing works. . Our Poultry Hatchery is very busy. The chickens 1 are coming off every few days. Speak at once for space. C EstiCi90 w Huntley Gordon. only son of Dr. and . Mrs; Gordon, Lucltnow, who enlisted as 't private almost three years ago has receiv- ed the well deserved promotion and is cow Lieut. The honors received ell the battle, field ore the worthy ones; alasi hew diff - event to the many who refuse to go lo the front tlnlees as a Cen111 iselellt:d officer, The ','omen's ltlslitutc held a very uttusing,Y play rniith,d 'The District School,' and the total proceeds amounted tp $101. Needless to way the hall was packed. A.li. Wilford Winghamn, Ontario. Office 'Phone 174 Residence 'Phone 153 IMARAMMIWYMMMARMPARMAMM W rnx etcr The knitting Contest conducted by o cte closes une the Y. C. R. L. of �1Vr, x rt o J 16'h. The Node handed in after that Elate will riot be counted is contest, XX XX XXXXXXXXXV',XXXXXXXXXXXX EXCLUSI-VEU .NOVELTIES We have to show many ex- clusive novelties in ladies` wash goods, blouses, ready-to-wear we have the exclusive agency for X Livingston and Scott's skirts in g navy blue, blacks, and large checks and wash skirts. Ladies' Blouses In Crepeh, Crepe-de-chene, Georgette, in Rose, White, Cer- eise, Canary. Prices $4.50 to 5,00. Wash.. Materials Striped suitings, silty suitings and many other love- ly soft materials for summer wear. Ladies' Panama Hats, Silk Sweaters, Silk Gloves, Silk Hose White and .Blatt. Feather Boas, Brush Wool Sweaters. Big reductions on Ladies' Really -to -wear, Men's Clothing 'Art Clothes' in pinch back and belted models. Pinch back spring overcoats at $ t 8.3o to $22.50. ODD PANTS to measure 75(1 per theirs. Collars Boys' Clothing Boy's pinch back models, belted waist in light and dark patterns. We have 50 boys' suits toclear r at $5.50 each. Stiff and Foft Selt Hats Botrisaiine-----Khrtg ._Christie Straw Hats PANAMAS—In Fedora Styles, Sailors $2.,5c' $3.5o, $5.00. HANNA & COr monottottommottonotomtmodz Cxi