HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-05-31, Page 5T11upday, May .3 r, .•er- 0 How abput that Suit THESE fine sunshiny fl , days make the chap who is still wearing last year's suit feel pretty seedy. Old Sol says it's time to tone up .lilt.( get the Spring outlook on life, and— our word on it ---clothing is so apt to make a fellow look good and feel good as a new head -to -foot outfit. 'these are "Brighten -up" day:;, and we have the greatest little " Brighten -up " :cure you ever saw in our 'newly arrived stock of • Come in, it' ; a cheery sight! H. E. Isard Co. Wingliam, Ontario 1 c House Furnishings and Floor Coverhigs. We have a large range of Rugs in Tapestry, Brussels, Velvets and Wiltons. It will pay you to call and see these rugs before buying as we are confident we can save you some money. - LINOLEUMS A large assortment to select from. We have Nairn's Scotch and Lancaster makes, both inlaid and printed patterns. Oilcloths in 1, 1+, 12 and 2 yd widths. Curtains, Curtain Scrims, Nets and IV.luslins. All PintiS of Piisoduce Wanted J. A. Milis The House of Quality. Phone 89 WE COME! Written by a native os: Huron Comity who has lived a grt 'ot many y ears in Chicago, . what! an alten'e banner planted On Old .England's guarded talon? Who the foeman that has triumphed Where all foes have failed b fort? Nay, no feemau but a, daughrer•, II istening to her mother's side. Offering her a free allegiance. Welcomed with a heartfelt pride. England we at last have sprlspn, We whose lips so long were dumb. We have seen your cause is right - e0110 Motherland! We core! We come! Gone all past misunderstandings. Melted in war's fervent hear, Side by side for Right and. Justice, With one pulse our two hearts beat. By our Parliaments you taught us Freedom for each act and word. Now our banner means we cherish And will guard it with the sword, Mighty Island Queen accept ue. Heart•stringe thrill that long were numb. . Thy gigantic daughter joins thee. Battle -panoplied we come! France, where first an ardent people Taught the nations to be free; Prance, whose hands to us transmit- ted Your great torcli of Liberty; You it was who taught us bravely How to deal with tyrant kings. I You, when we were sorely smitten, Came with healing on your vinge. Here we are, with eager l•nginns. Flying flag and throbbing drum Make room for us in your trenchee Gallant Franey! We come! We come! What though brutal hands tear at - thee? " What though shameful Huns defie? Clouds will break, and present sor- row Merge in glad to•morrow'e smile. Through Iong ages your heroic ]seeds shall win unstinted praise - All mankind be freer, nobler, For your work in these grim days. Joyously we share your conflict. Let the battle music hum ! Here's a comrade at your elbow!, Gallant France!! ec w come! We come. Our three ill.,g ser are but one e mho 1 Y Three diverse, yet all the same, 1 Consecrated to Man's progress And Democracy's dear name. Portent of the day that's dawning. When our heel shall rest on Might, And all men find peace and freedom In the reign of mutual Right. -- England, France, and newborn Russia! Add our weight to your great sum. Brothers all l We fight beside you. Lod Our sword! We come! We comet SCHOOL REPORT Report of S. S. No. 3 Turnbeiry for May. Those absent marked * ' Examined in all subjects, Entrance. -Herman Metcalfe, 68, ,Sr. INT. -Mary Eadie, '70; Annie Met- calfe, 05. Jr. IV. -Mary lJampbeli,*; James Campbell,* Jean Wilton, 70; Frank McGlynn, 50' Sr. III. -Barbara Weir, 01, Jr. III. -Elmer Breen,"; John Me. Giyun, *; Edith Metcalfe, 01. Sr, 1I. --Grace Mitbhell, 73; Jennie Campbell, 61; Lorne 11fcGlynil. 01. Jr. II, --Robert Breen, 70; irate Mundell, 08; Andrew Mitchell, 02; Clarke Elliott, 02; 1�� Marshall, larshall 68; , Boyd , Isaac Metcalfe,*, I. -Isabelle Metcalfe, 05; Sas, Mat. shall, 02; Addie Breckenridge,60, St', Primer,--MarY t 68; Weir, Walter McGlynn, 00; Annie Stoked, 00; Dora othy :t)aird,* 3r. 'Sheller.- Atcnle Campbell, 72; Mary Mitchell, 0.5; Margaret Baird, 02; Alex Marshall, 00;. Noreen Baird, 60. W I N.. W t-.0 A M . &.J:V..NCE; STEAMER GREYHOUND Annual Excursion Goderich to Detroit, and return Lt+av*e Goderich, Tuesday, June 12th 030 a, m. R. tilt t.in;r, !Nave; D;.rroit, Thnrsdsy Juno 14th, tr 1 p, tn. $2.00 Round Trip $1.50 one way Don't Miss this Opportunity as it will be the ONLY boat trip from Goderich to Detroit this season. No trouble on a ccount of new Immigration Law Canadians coming to Detroit, for a temperary stay are not, rcquiredto pay a hendax or make a deposit. Immi, gration officers on steamer to pass ex- cursionists, . Band Moonlight Monday Evening, June II, 8 p.m White Star Line : Detroit WAN X D! Highest Cash Pricegs paid for All Kinds of Live POULTKY, HIDES, WOOL and JUNK. • Phone 204 11. Brown i'i omeseekee's Excursion R and , ro e•). to r,. point Maw- . arse S-, •katche ',, and Alin rta via N•.rthBay, One ...le Mud Etanicuntrn- cnt'' R nte-, o, via Co..ag'., St. Paul or Milts, h, on sate (etch 'Tuesday until Oct 30. inclusive, ts'elow fa»es. Through Tourist Sleeping Care to Winnipeg on above dates, leaving Toronto 10 45 p.m , no change of cars. via Trancontinel,ral R cute. Return Limit, Two floor Pim Ex - clusive of date • t.f e,ele, Reath rNFer•va, inne anti full particulars at alt Grand Trunk befit•,: nines' or writ t C 15. Horning, Diet ric Passenger Agent. Toronto, Ont. H. B. Elliott, e''wr. Agen , Phone 4, Wingham, Ont. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST LAND REGULATIONS Tho sole head of a family, or any male over 13 years old may iromoat. ad a quarter seen, n of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Sask- atchewan or Alberta. Applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub•Agencv for the District. Entry by proxy may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency (but not. Sub -Agency on certain Conditions). DUTIes-Nix months residence upon and cultivatiou of tho laud in each a throe years. A homesteader may live within Alae miles of his homestead on a faun of at toast S0 acres, on certainconditions. A habitable house is req- uired exo•»pt where residence is performed in the vicinity. Live stook may bo substituted for cultivation under certain conditions. In certain districts a homcsteador in good standing may pre-empt a quarter ection alon;s side his homestead. Price $3 00 er acre. DUTIES—Six months residonen in each of three years after earning• homestead p lent: also 50 acres extra cultivation pre-emption patent may be obtained as coon as homestead patent en cortain conditions. A settler who Sas exhausted his homestead right may take a purchased homestead iu per- tain districts. Pride $3 per acre. Duties - Must reside six months in.each of three years, cultivate 50 acres and moan house worth $3300 The area of cultivatiou is subject to reduc- tion in case of rough, scrubby or stony land Live stock May bo substituted for cultivation under certain conditions. W. W. CORY. C. M. O. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior, N. B. -- Unauthorized publIoatiouoftbis advertisement will not be paid for -1111. GRASS FARM FOR SALE We offer for sale, for a short time only, a 100 acre grass far.;m in gond locality only 2' miles from a shipping point. These is a frame barp, 40 x 60 on the place. Nine acres in crop, !-stance green and bush. School house on corner of farm. immediate possession if necessary. See us before going Wes t Though tickets from Toronto on O. N. R. the most southerly route. 111111111011111111151111011.111111111/11111111111111111 Ritchie & Cosens Insurance and Real Estate Wingham Jut`tsve Taylor, (T'ei►cht3a'.j y .I ONTARIO'S BEST BUSINESS COLLEGE ..' t,fia.7iBAL ' 1/ f1 sTllATE'QRD. ONT. N Students may enter a drany to our cls s at y Brno. Commence your camera now and bo qualified foraosition by Midsummer. During July and Ali ilst of last year we received calls for over 200 omoe assistants I we could net nerdy, Our graduates aro in demand. Write at once fee our troo catalogue, b. A. 11i016e,010.Ai11 ".' Malaita! W/, N•1/�/�/1%�,/V►i i.1r w u b .V e/N,,,•o' ' u DISTRICT NEWS A deal for the salt; of the British Ex- change hotel in Godericb, is being made, whereby Williarn. Haines of Blyth, has as. S'unecl i•ossession Ib!, wr3tik. Claire Swarts tugtieg nut to him. Thr canvass of the townships of Huron and Kincardine for the benefit of the y C A ort tscai-funds shows a total of $1,800 cc•ntributed. Kincardine Town wilt hand over to the same fund a coati butiop of approximately $1,500. James Boyle and Robert Thompson are the two new councillors for Lucknow, taking the places of Jas. Lyons and R. McCharles. Of six nominated on Mon- day evening, only Boyle and Thompson qualified, and so got the position by ac- clamation. The death of Mrs. John Boyer, a resi• dent of Kincardine for about forty years, took place yesterday at the Kincardine General Hospital , The late Mrs. Boyer was formerlyMks Florence Pierson. a native of Galt. She had lived here con- tinuously since her marriage and enjoyed the regard of a large circle of friends. Her husband and five sons survive. During the terrific wind storm on Sat- urday morning the roof of Mr. Wm Gor- don's barn, near Teeswater, was blown Of just as he was driving into the barn- yard on his retuen from town. The horses took fright at such unexpected proceed- ings and ran away. Fortunately no one was injured, the damage is to be regret- ted as Mr. and Mrs Gordon arc just getting started, but when compared with the damage done in many other places there is much to be thankful for that the loss is no worse. At the Auction sale on Wednesday., of last week of the Carlow hotel property, near Goderich, the hotel. itself was purchas ed by the township to be remodelled into a township hall and municipal offices, the. price paid being $800. Messrs Clark 'and Clayton bought the barn for $150, and Mr Adan Wilson the shed for $10, and the wiudmi;l was sold for $40. The con- tents of the hotel were sold for good prices. The sale throughout was a good sale, thetc being a large number of per- sons present Mrs Johnathan Miller, the late proprietress, goes to Detroit next week reside with her sister in-law, Mrs McCul'och. . Bluevale • The Women's Institute held their An- nual meeting on Thursday. May 10th. at the home of Mrs A. Campbell. We were greatly pleased with the Secretary's Report for the year. During the year there was raised $948.11 for Red Cross Work. We have shipped this yet r to the Red Cross Society 396 suits of pyjamas, 270 day shirts. 31 guilts, 10 pillows, 10 pillow cases, 18 first aid pillows, 11 Xmas boxes and 270 pairs of socks also to our boys overseas 214 pair of socks; total valuation $1321 00 We wish to thank all who so kindly helped along this so much nee.f ed work 'Let us not grow weary as we know our boys are not The month's report was, as follows: sale of waste paper $44.34:': Mr. ,N Thornton $2, Mrs R. Shaw's lied Cross -Tea $1.50, Mrs. Bush $1. Mrs. John, Mun- dell$2, Mrs. Jos. Smith $1 Mrs. Stamper, 10 yds flannelette and 2 bunches batting: Mrs. John Mundell. 1 pair pillows and 1 pair pillow cases. During April we shipped to the Red Cross Society 132 suits pyjamas, 10 quilts, 3 pair pillows, 3 pair pillow cases, 42 day shirts, 48 pair of socks to our boys overseas. Next came the election of officers for the coming year. Pres., Mrs. H. Diment; Vice Pres Mrs. Joseph Breckenridge; Sec, and Treas., Mrs Tait; Asst Sec., Miss S. Collie; Pres Cor., Mrs. Joseph Robb Mrs.. McCall gave a very inter- esting paper on "Social Life in the Coun- try." Meeting closed by singing "God Save our King." Next meeting at the home of Mrs. H. Diment. We are. pleased to- hear Addison Fraser is improving after a serious operation for appendicitis. Our sewing bees still continue every Wednesday. The fartaiet's at'e almost all through seeding and getting ready for the root and corn crop. MARRIED HARRIS-SOTHERN-At the Rectory Gorrie, on Saturday. May 19cb, 1917, by the Rev. W. H Roberts, Mies Eunice, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Sothern, to Mr. Carl Harris, eldest son of Mr. C. H. Har- ris, all of Howick Twp. ELLIOTT-HENRY - Ip Bowmanville, on Thursday, May 21th, by the Rey. J. W. Rae, Jean Gertrude -Elizabeth, younger daughter of Mr. and Mre. S. J. Henry, Bowmanville, to John Stanley Elliott, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott, Wingham, Mr. Elliott's .many friends extend hearty congratulations. BORN SCOTT -In Howick. on Tuesday, May 15, 1017, to Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Scott, 10th oon, it son. BucmiNAN-In Haileybury, on May 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold R.uoh- anan, (nee Jeanette Rush) a Baugh. ter: East Wawanosh Empire Day, May 23rd, was spent very pleasantly by teacher and pupils of 'S. S. No. 8 East %Vawanosh. A program was given in the afternoon and took the form of a contest between. tate "meds" and the "Blues." Each pupil did his or tier part splendidly with Rib result that. the -Contest was niftiest rt tie. however, a small -margin was daeiried to be in favor of the i'Leda" t.tt the prize $'2s enjoyed by alt. 0 Page Five • • Light Four $111 n Country Club (four -seater) /..b. point e/ altiputnnt. Price su&ject to change without notice The Peak of Motor Car fashions This new Overland Country Club Light Four is a distinctive and smart car in the low-priced car class. The rich, gray body, with black fenders and trimmings is set off to pleasing advantage by red wire wheels that give just the right flash of brilliant color. The two comfortable front seats move forward or back in- dependently, and a spacious aisle between gives fret passage' to a roomy seat for two passengers in the rear. For riding comfort, the Overland Country Club is a revelation. Long, cantilever rear springs give it the riding ease of a much heavier, bigger car. . • , It Itas ample power—and it is economical of gasoline. An easy car to handle, and completely equipped. An unusual demand for this model makes it necessary to place orders at once to secure spring delivery. Wingham Overland Sales, L Kennedy Willys-Oyerlantl Limited, Toronto, Ont. Wiltya-I{nightand Overland Autornebiles. Commercial Cars .1 it. t t• K a, W. C. T. U. BUILDING, TORONTO. .+sst■ssr HAVELOCK COURT APARTMENTai TORONTO. If You Build Well, Paint. Well. you have got -to paint your home, in order to insure it against • the weather. Paint resists the destructive action of sung wind, rain, nd snow. Of course the better you paint, the • longer you re protected. , -• - { AR'. 1 <IDS 0 "109% : PURE" PAINT (Made in Canada) is the greatest known protector of wood against weather because it is guaranteed to be made only of pure White Lead, pure Zinc Oxide and Pure Linseed Oil. • ' You insure your home against fire --perhaps against Lightning and burglary. Insure. it against wear and weather by painting it with "100% Pure" Paint—the cheapest because it covers more surface per gallon and lasts years longer. • I: :sou arc painting this spring, ea or write for a copy of "Tessa and Country 1lon,es" anti "Harmony In Neu-Tone"- hr•c';s en home dccerstin . Fire-ef course. RAE & THOMESON, WINGHAM. . 95 ry. Y ,•r M1 ttaT ...P4,7;7•••14•4•40., .,,•tit 4 • �r � i��' •n ° • rvc ern`r,; c'ii••••i•: