HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-05-24, Page 8Page eight ,10/14 XX •VXMAIIVWXXXXVIMMI4IMMXMIK r. 2 The time for buying 1p CLOTHING1 1 SPRING . . Xa window sale of ' N- 40 Men's and Youug Men's Suits, 9 i sizes 33 to 40, �1 ?, 11, must make x I�, room for new goods. Our sale price 3C • regular $20 and $18 suits, now 812.75 N BOYS CLOTHING R"e if We have on sale 30 boys suits with X 711 bloomer pants and straight pants, our b� X sale price $5.75, suits up to $1.0. ig X.Also 10 Men's Tweed Raincoats, 1 �Ib TU1 WTNGHA.M A DVANOE WIN011AM MARKETS (Correct up till Weduveday nqun,) Wheat 2 70 to 2 S5 Flour, per cwt„ patent. , 7 03 to l; 00 Flour, per cwt„ family7 43 to 7 61 Bran, per ton 42 00 to 41 00 Shorts, per ton 43 00 to 47 00 Oats, U 75 to ' 0 85 Barley 1 20 to 1 25 Hay, 10 00 to 11 00 Butter, per lb --Dairy 0 38 to 42 Ego, per dozen '1 35 to 88 Lard00 to e5 Cattle, medium rediuut butchers 10 00 to Il (lU Cattle, butchers choice. 11 50 to 1e 0U Hoge, live seetglit . 10 00 to 10 15 Lamb (cwt) , , . , , LI 00 to 10 30 Hams, per Ib 0 35 to 10 Bacon long clear Sheep Satins Elides ..,.- 0 25 to 0 28 1 25 to 1 50 1b 00 to 15 00 CANADIANS ON VIMY RIDGE (continued from pago 1), where, of course, we are always glad to laud after a few days of moving. Some are there several days, sews are more lucky and are sent on to Blighty at once, I think that's where we all like to be whether we are wounded or not.—(Ofcouree I would rather not.) Well, Gwen, I etarted this note about the fifteenth of April and here • to -day is the 1st of May so I think it is taking me•loug enough to finish. 1 have been here in Blighty for about ten days now. Ain up around and have been up to the city once. We are allowed off the grounds from two to eeven p. nt. and have the privilege of going wherever we please. For those regular $15 each. -Double •texture not able to walk they have fine big Coats sale price $9.98. t,; cars and take them for a drive around 5 dozen Boys Shirts in Black and white and Blue and white, sale price, 50e each, moan the city. We also have a concert al- most every evening and some of them are splendid. There ie also a recrea- tion hut here, with billiard tables and many different games. This ie a lovely hospital and hae lovely grounds with walks and driveways through it. I do, not just know how many patients we have here but it must be about eze twelve hundred, May 2. I had to close up yesterday ae the doctor was in the ward, thea I elbe • was out in the city for the afternoon, HANNA&C and after returning I went to the con- • A cert which 'Was sure line. I have been �� ��, y� a� y,s,,,��.sa ,s _ .� out around the grounds this morning X sal XXXX/° �a ' d` X3atSXXitelI�XIIV � having a little walk and watching a few of the boys playing football, but wishing I was able to be at it myself, but I will have to wait a little white yet. I am expecting to be transferred t , a Canadian hospital but I do not knew which one as there are several not far from London. I think I would be quite satisfied to stay here fdr a few days yet. Well, Gwen, I think I bad better c lose this to -day or I may not get it away for a week or more, and I have beau over two weeks now. I see the doctor is visiting this ward now so must hurry before he gets down as far as 1 am. Give the folks my "hello." I am expecting a big long letter from you soon, so must close, Good bye, As ever, DAVU Add resF: No. 031600 Pte. David Johnson, Brook War Hospital, Ward D I, Shooter's London, S. E. (15) AM • Eateleiiabe.d'a l 87 a. Capital Authorized, $5,000,000 • Capital-Aaid.up,. : $3,500,000 0(30 Surplus, , • The Farmer's Convenience HE Bank of Hamilton is always ready and glad to help the farmer 4, regarding the Cattle, Business. Sale Notes, Drafts or Deposits. `�. Consultation invited. • \ WINGHAM BRANCH C. P. Smith, Manager \�. 40-C „AL.? 'ice fella+��s:ts4»•4» �e�►i�tr'.T�i,A-:�i►it :ir�en�i�w+iwi�.�r�ge�TPipliwi:inll•�4TG,1-s'�gi+ii�:w:14 'Ie rje r�e lee roe lee rD dee rP iI. VA, ye ru �Ie fee . re. �h r),► vA. ter .AN lee es. rel lee Ii. 4rP e .Tp. k4» vP i• k ilii tno .1`M. Oto s,.a alp - ia 1TP ice c> 191. ra 14i v �t0 4.4.40 14.e 4 v it) i,o ii igs • air ejsd Ott ie 41. 'tie; v ah a 411 Sty 444t it RI .44 4.0 4.4 .t, ese A ►:�� ieiiiii:il=:a►ei►�:4w�i Ot'P „*, fr re* Svizekak 1Dakffins ta&ts' 14,,takl uleo:141Deatc m Sr:mg e4a,kb ,Ladies' awl Misses coats in sport and dress styles made from the latest novelty cloths in Wool Velours, Serges, Gabardines, Silks, etc. -Prices $14 to $25.. IcaPtkr bAtil) Z5 The best silk glove ou the market, made • in styles and qualities to suit everyone in Black, 'White, and Black with White points. Prices 75e, $ t.00 and $r.so. kokt r oto wig eifom akig. "Last Ladies' Silk Hose in all the latest kihades of Nigger Brown, fioupe, Navy, Sand And' Black and White. prices $I.00 to $2.50 pair. f5reneh'ra ants Perrin's finest quality of glazed kid and Swede gloves, quality guaranteed, $I.5O to $2.5o. per pair. opo VA eV ZIA.I1VMSZS New styles 111 Cotton Voile, Silk Crepe and Georgette Crepe Blouses. prices $r.so to $7.5o. 4 SAV vveaters Novelty sweaters in latcat sport styles in Copenhagen, Old Rose, Canary l'ilLeea $6.50 to $15,o0. . PPoduce Wanted l� r. ,.., ., Phone Ids 71 '1 ' * - **! r **314014144440 Peach and Y, M. C. A. CONTRIBUTIONS (Continued from page 1) I) ane, 0. Dickman, Tire. Dirkeon, 7. el. Debbie, ('teas. Denxltit+oon, W. R. Dyer, Mee, J. J. Elliott, Wee. Elston, Mrs, Jno, leleher, Mtse A. l+'larlty, Mies Maude Fleuty, A, T. Ford, Mre.. Wm. Fergie, D. leryfogle, May Fry (ogle, Edna Gannett, 11', M. Gannett, Mrs, Geddes,, Mre. John Glenn, Mel- vin Gould, J. M, Graham, T. Q. Gra- ham, R, A. Grahatu, Thos, Grahame Howard Gray, Mee Win. fattest, Mrs. Jos. J. Guest. Wrn. fittest, Miss Varna Guest, W. H. Maines, D. Hamilton, Jas. Hamilton, Mrs, Cleo. 0, Henna, Mrs. John Hanna, EOj•Ah 0. Hurdle, Fred Hardie, Ed. 1[arrison, Della Elaugh, 0. V. Ilayden. Mrs, Hayden, W. B. Henderson, Joe, Hemmingway W. J. Hilliard, Mrs. Hiugston, B. Hop- per, Mise Horne, W. W, Hough, Mr. awe Mrs. Hunter, Mise L. Huntley, Frank Irwin, Mre. W. A. Johns, Mrs. Fred Johnson, ltobt. Johnston, Mrs. A. Joynt, F. King, 0. Knecbtel, L. W. L'evie, Jae. Leaver, Jim Lee, And, Leggatt, La Lewis, Frank Lewis, Francis Lewis, F. J. Libby, 11. M. Lindsay, G, Lockman,.Jno. Lockridge, James Lockridge, Frances Lockridge, L. Lott, Mrs, M. 3. Lougheed, Jno. McCallum, Miss McCool, Mise Minnie McDonald, Mre, E. McDonald, Mrs. 1). D. McDonald, Mrs, T. T. McDonald, V. McDonald, W, W. McDonald, Mrs McLaughlin, Allele McLean, Freta Mc- Lean, Marge. McLean, Writ, McPhee - son, Rich Mann, R. D. Mason, Jno. Mason, Mrs, Jas. Maxwell, Ezra Meek - ley, W. Miller, Wm, Mines, Agnes Mitchell, Jno. J, Moffatt. Wm, Moore Palmer Marden, Jrt,7, Mulvey. Mre. J. T. Mulvey, Mrs. Murch, A, S, Murray, Mrs, Jno. Musgrove, H. A. Mutton, Arch Patterson, Mre, Patterson, Walt Patterson, Edgar Pattisson, W. Paul, Mrs. Peterman, Jae. Phalen, A. Piton. G. E. Pocock, Mrs. Pocock, R. Porter, Wm. Powell, Mre. Pewee, Jos, Pugh, A, Pullen, Miss G. Pyke, Wm, Reid, C. A. Rintonl, Mrs, Geo Roberson, Alex, Robertson, Mrs. Jas. Robinson, Birdie Robertson, Mre. M. Robertson, SVm. Robertson, Mre. Runstedier Robt Saint, A. Sanderson, Adam Sehaefsr, Thos, Scott, Ed. Sherman, Mrs. Simp- son, R. W. Simpson, Mrs. N. T. Sin- clair, R, Smith, Mrs. S. 3. Smith, D. Somers, J. Stone, Chas, Swenson. I3rowuio Swart's, 13. E a•'t- . Tantlyta, C. Templeman, Geo. 1i. T,•rvitt, H. J. Thomson, Mrs. Thompsou, Mrs. Thom - sora, Mre. S. Thoroton, R. J. Tindall. W, Tompkins, Irene Vanntermate V. Vannormau, Mre, C. G. VanStone R. Vint, Jas. Walker, A. W. Webster, Jno, Weir, H. Wells, Helen Wells, E, 0. White. Mre, C. R, Wilkinsoe, R. 5, W., Mre. J. Forrest Wilson, Mrs. Wm. Williamson, Jos. Wilson. Mrs, Geo. Wraith, Mrs. Wm. Young. 753 EAGLE Mi'a, R. Knox, John Quirk. Miss Densmore 55c 50c EACII - Hy. Allen, A. J. Armstrong, W. 0. Austin, Alba Bell, Mrs. Boardman, Mrs. Bowers, Mre.. Brooks, R. H. Bur- gess, A. Buttery, J'. J. Campbell, Mrs. J. Campbell, Wm. Carruthers, Rich. Oasemore, Mies Coos, Mre. John Coop- er, Mrs. Copeland, Ed Corbett, Mrs, R Coutts, Nellie Cruikshanks, Mrs. Thos. Oruikshanke, . Annie Cunningham, Miss Jean Currie, Frances Dayie, Wee. . Dore, D. Dow, E. G. Fitzpatrick, Mr, Fleming, A. Fralick, Mrs. Fretwell, Mre. Norman Fry, Jno. Glenn, Mrs. E. Groves, W. H. Haney, Earl Hart, Mrs. It. Henderson, Jno. Ilooey, Jno, Imlay, -Herb J. Jobb, Live. Johnston, Nora Kennedy. Mre. Latrouico, Andrew Linklater,, Mrs. Lynett, Hugh Mc. Allister, Jean McKinley, Agnes Mc. Lean, Mrs. Thoe. Manuel, Jack Max- well, Ella Millar, W, H. Mureb, A. J. Nortrop, Ed. Palmer, S. Piper, Mrs. L'. Poeliff, A, Savula, Mies M. A. Scott, Edith Shenk, Ed. Small, Mre. Lewis Smell, Ed. Smith, R. J. Stone, Silo. Stratton, W. H. C. Varey, Mrs. H, Walton, Hattie Ward, Mrs. Webb, Sam Young. W. E. Currie 35c. 25c EAU/ Mrs. 1+'. Augur, Mrs, Barrett, W. J. Blatchford, Chas. Bowden, Mrs, Thos. Brandon, Mrs. Jas. Brock, Mrs. L. Burns, Mary Campbell, Mre; Cart- wright, Mrs. J. Casewore, Mrs. Chit''le- burg, Misses Clow, B. Collar, Witt, Corny°, Bert Elliott, Mrs, Ferguson, Mre, Hy. Fixter, Hy. Fixter, Mrs, Ful- ler, Mrs. Dewitt Helmer, Geo. Irwin, Bradshaw Kerr, Mrs. P. Linklater,. Mrs. Lutton, Mies Magt. McLean, Mrs. Toes. Miller, Mrs. Wm. Mitchell, Mies Murray, Miss 0. Nelson, Mrs. Jno. t'earen, Edna Robertson, Mrs, Alex Suitt, Mrs. Sneath, Mre. G. Stevens., Mrs. Taylor, lire. Uttina, Mre, C. Wellwood, Lieut. M. Wheeler, Hy. Woodsman, Jno. E, Wright. Mrs. Wild, 100 i1 fele nee C.G �e► .ee +I�ey Ae' lel 414 sic .ee cY+ ji ,.r tai i1 vi Ill ;;i` 4 r a4R ill .,r aao ia. 7: e'L 4» •A* t'+iPd nee .+'P ii .:E /AN 'yA ..P ae ♦ii fi° v. *re e iIs 6 ler tfIl .�o .» d4♦ roe AI:t R�( M.1 510 HEAD 50 HEAD CATTLE npror -ter,.-«w,4„ An Auction Sale of 50 head of cattle will beheld at the Central Hotel Stables BRUSSELS Sat., May 26th 6 Fresh Cows. calves et side. 10 Sprngers, about due to calve 5 Two-year olds 9 Yearlings 20 Young Calves This is high-grade best of condition, Sale to commence at two o'clock sharp, TERMS: —Six month+' credit on peer - chasers furnishing approved joints notes. Dave McDonald, John Nevin, Prop., Wingham Auctioneer • stock and in the ~ rttltitti�tl• ststtsds sarrtlarlls■...w sw; I CH RISTI I 'S� 1 1 1 PHONE 59, Pineapples The pineapple season ie now on and we expect Fresh Shipment this week. Only the best quality will be handled and those plac- ing their orders may depend on getting complete satisfaction. Tomatoes, Ban- anas, Oranges, Grape Fruit, etc We' ship in nothing but the choicest grades,—Good, sound, dependable stock. Whether you phone, call dr send to this store, each and every order receives careful and equal filling. swab Awl asca sea 1 1 1 1 00000000000000000000000000 Wroxeter flutter 3(L. Eggs DJ. John Brothauer hae been an the sick list for some time, but ie improv- log we are pleased to state. Messrs John, Barnard and Saw Willits of London Spent Sunday with friends in town. Wm. Sanderson of 'Toronto, spent several days of last rveek with his i!'tL'✓ttte Mr. dull Mre. W. 11, fiander• 'Eire heavy YOU hare cLtoplted farm ing operations for a thee, hietes Annie Anderson ante May Special also Oliff White of Harriaton, spent Sunday at there homes here, . In the Presbyterian church last Tuesday evening, Mr. 11oweil,• Toron- to, showed a number of lantern views of Belgium before and after an itt vasion by tlermany. There was afree- will offering which amounted to $20. Miss Winnifred Munroe is at present working in a tinunitlen factor. It in Toronto. Miss Jennie Apert who haat been at. tending actld0l itiToronto is hems ht New Perfection 011 COOK STOVE i 00000000000 000000000000000 Tastes better. BECAUSE Cooked Better. It takes energy to cook food, but it ought to be heat energy—not your energy. The New Perfection makes all your meals deliciouss without burning up your strength. The Long Blue Chimney Burners provide perfect -combustion and complete flame control --that© the reason. No impurities—no soot to blacken pots and -pans-- no odor to taint most delicately flavored food. Turns ail the oil into clean intense heat. Through the clear !mica doors you can see where the flame is see and there it stays, No watching, no wait- ing. Easy to light. Cooks fast or slow as you like. All New Perfection burners are made of brass. No inferior metal used in theee vital burners parte. A. J. ROSS Haitiware Phone 8 Tbur'sdity, May, 24, 19L/ Nauggvolowloottate Oelgrave The l3elgrave Patriotic Society purpose sending a box of "tate” compoeed of fruit cake, cookies, and candy to our soldiers, Donations would be thankfully received from outsiders as well ae from the mem* hers of the society. The time could be left with any of the members in the vil gage before or on May 30. The borses will be made up in the afternoon of the above date, The Society wishes to ac- knowledge with thanks the following donations; —James Anderson (Morris), $5.00; Harry McClenaghan, $1.00; John Aemetrong, $2(00; Mrs. Thomas Shoe - bottom, $1,00; Mrs. jas, Anderson, 5 yds new cotton, Rev, Mr. Boyle exchanged pulpits with Rev. Mr. Mann of Brussels, last Sunday. Word has been received here by rela- tives of George Hanna formerly of the 3rd line of Morris, that his son Frank who enlisted is the West two years ago and has been in the trenches in France for some months has been wounded and does not expect to be able to return to' the front. The young people who put on the play in the hall some weeks ago, "Lodgers taken in" are putting it on at Londeeboro in the near future, for the Red Cross. The Women's Missionary Society of Knox church will meet at MV(re, J B. hell's on Thursday. 7t11 of June, The many old friends of Mrs, George Findlater of Broderick, Seek , will be sorry to hear she hasundergane a serious operation for goitre at Rochester. Hopes are entertained for her permanent recov- ery. The Women's Missionary Society et the Methodist church decided by vote to disband the Society. The annual meeting of the I3elgrave branch of the Womej-i's Institute was held last Tuesday at the home of C B, Wil. kinson. There was a good attendance present. The reports showed a year of progress, 29 were on the roll. A balance of $15 in the treasury; $40 was given to the Belgium Relief Fund; $40 to the Red Cross Society and $40 for comforts for soldier boys, Boxes were sent to 20 boys from this vicinity who arc now overseas which• contained socks, towels, a variety of candy and maple sugar. The. money was raised by an autograph quilt and box social. In the neighborhood of $80 was collected in names for the quilt, $50 of this amount being brought In by two members in names. A vote of thanks was passed to the retiring officers. The officers for the ensuing year are, Presi- dent, Mrs, John Vancamp; Vice Pres., Mre Charles Proctor; Sec. Treas , Mrs. Will Proctor; Press Sec'y, Mrs. W. H. Ferguson; organists, Margaret Proctor and Margaret Wightman, Program Committee, Edith Proctor, Mary Cole, Margaret Wightman and Mrs. Finlay McCallum; auditors, Mrs. Clayton Proct- or and Mrs. C. Wheeler; directors, Mrs,' John Coultes, Mrs. J. Hopper and Mrs. James Clark; district director, Mrs. C. Wheeler. The branch has had a good year under the efficient and faithful lead- ership of Mrs: James Taylor who has been president for the past two years. Mrs. C. 13, Wilkinson and Mrs. George W. Proctor were appointed as represen- tatives to the annual meeting at Fordwich in June. A large representation from the branch will also attend and take in the proceedings, The Institute is looking ,forward to an aggressive year under the leadership of Mrs. Vancamp, Mr. Roderick McKenzie of Winnipeg, an offieer,of the grain growers Association of the West, will speak in the Forester's Hall here at 8 o'clock, Friday night, 25th, under the auspices of the club on agricui- tures Special invitation to the women, Miss Horn of Wingham, spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. T. Proctor. Ona McClennaghan of Whitechurch, spent a day with her brother, Harry, Tian Halliday of Toronto Medical Col- lege, is ,hoe on a visit to his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Adam Halliday. Mr. David Scott has gone to Algoma for a few monthse Mrs. J. McCool of Wingham, visited;, friends on4th line of Morris on Monday. Chesley McLean of Wingham High School, has engaged with his brother, Percy, for the summer months. Mrs. J. A Brandon spent a week with friends in London. Mr. Thos proctor and family have moved into the village. Don't fail to be at the Methodist church on Sunday night; the pastor's subject, "Heaven or Halt for the Kaiser." Dr. Kirkby's little grey mare (Squirrel) has presented him with a fine little colt, needless to Say the Dr. is very proud of the addition to his stock. JiveFergucon of Sherbrooke, Quebec, is visiting his percept, Me, and Mrs, And- rew Ferguson. We are again. i11 a position to again take care of all requirements in PLUMBING HEATING TINWORK JOBBING your e Of Importance To Men As this work is no experi• anent to us, it will pay you to get our prices before pla(;- iug your work. W. J. BOYCE 0 IneillellnefilMailattettentealelleeleellellettr We lately placed into stock A number of new shoes for men, Which we believe to be Just a little nicer, And a little more up -to* date, ' And a little more snappy, Than any line of men's shoes That are shown in Wingham. We are showing a few i samples Of these shoes (which by the way Are made by Murray Shoe Co,) In our south window. Take a Book or better still come in and see them. Mott will not be pressed to buy. .W. H. WILLIS Sole Agent +>PL FOR For The LADIES siciag St.. Iielens Me, and Airs, Jas. McGlynn of Olen - amain, spent the week -end with friends in this burg. Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Forret visited Sun• day with the Iattea•'s parent, Mr. Buckley of Ashfield. A number from around here attended Annivereary service in the Presbyterian stench, Lucknow en Sunday. During the heavy storm on Saturday evcnitig Air, Joseph Iiennihan's bare wet struck by lightning doing considerable damage. Messrs, Samuel Phillips and 1'1. Perrier had the phone installed last rveek. Mies lidna Woods Is spending a few days with tier friend, Miss Luella Shaw, I3fucvale. The Young People's Bible Class of St. Helen's has received art levitation to visit the Lueltnow Guild eat Monday evening lttay 28th, i&fr. and Mre, Fran& Todd and eon Tornthy, Mrs, W, J. Todd attd Miss Nail trade a flaring visit to Wingham, Monday' eveninf;. 1 1 W. T. Pember Proprietor of the PEMBER STORE. TORONTO Is rending his representative lslise G. G. IdelLEAN who is specially gifted in the art of suit- ing, the ladies and knows their ueede, MISS itIIcLEAN will be at Brunswick Hotel E- _-` .W. on • Wednesday; May 30th, with the finest stock of human hair goods for ladies and gentlemen ever exhibited for improving the personal appearance. Toilet preparations for beautifying the complexion. She will take orders for the well known PEMBER HAIR TREAT- MENT forinvigorating your own hair and prevent- ing it from turning grey, For ladies, pompadours, transformations, waives, switches, e•c, For gentlemen, the closest, imitation of nature ever exhibited. The PEMBER Tt iUPEle, and at reasonable prices. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. RPME41a31$R THE DATE for nail orders write THE PEMBER STORE. 1 1 1 129 Young St. Toronto w___ bean.,•04-.40414 ae, .4+4W Bluevale Mr. Robe Musgrove has purchased a new Ford touring car. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Burgess of Listowel, sp=ot Sunday here with the fotmer's mother. • Miss Sadie McMichael is at present vis• iting relatives at Galt and Brantford. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Bosman of Wing - ham, spent Suud,iy with Mrs, Wni. Mall. Mr. and Mrs. itlorri_ Bosman, and Mr and Mts. John Stewart motored to Strat- ford Sunday, and spent the clay with friends then:. Mr. and Mrs John Gacuiss and family, of Blyth spent Sunday at the home of \NM, Garuiss. Mr. Thos, Watt left last week on it business trip to South Dakota. Mr. Hugh, Sinnamon has moved hid flintily to Galt, where he has a good position. Mrs, Mayes has returned to her hone here, after spending the past winter with her daughter in London. Mrs. Richard Hockcridgo is at present visiting relatives at Brantford. Wm, McMichael bas gone to Galt, where he has secured employment, Giorrie • Service in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday last was conducted by Rev. Mr. Rowland of East Flamboro. M. Sharpie of Owen Sound made a busi ness trip to Gorda Last week, and white here disposed of the property he formerly lived on somo years ago, to our baker E. A. Vanstone, J. G. Armstrong motored over from Lucknow, on Saturday night and vas accompanied home by his tattier Dr. J. Armstrong, \'i S. The latter returned here in the same way on Sunday evening Miss ilt. McLaughlin, nurse itt training at the Sfr:ttford General hospital is hone on accauut of the niece) of her lather, Thu. II. AIt.Laughlin who `wee arc, sorry to report is not improving. ' Word was reported here last week that Pte. Norman Sharpie lied ,,been killed at the stent, lie was born end raised in Gerrie but had gong west and enlisted there going overseas about a year ago, Notntanwas tcspct,ted by ell who knew him and hie Many friends will regret his unttreety degi3 a but have fife Cbrieeiatiiee that he made the supreme sacrifice on be- half of his country. H. W. Dane made a trip to ,Oshawa; - on Saturday on business connected with the Cheverolct agency. THE ADVANCE APPRECIATED This is one of the Western families who welcome THE ADVANCE as a weekly visitor. • Tuxford, Saak. May 1,5th,1917. Dear Sir';— Enclosed find renewal for the Wing - ham Advance $1.b0. We enjoy read- ing your paper very much and feel we would not like to have to be without it. We expect to finish seeding this week, we have our wheat all sown and . are busy putting oate and batiey in at present nearly all in this vicinity have their wheat all in. It was a cold late spring bat is warm now and good growth, the wheelie about all up to we hope to have a good harvest. Wishing you every success' I remain, Yours truly Wen. G. Knox Telford, Seek, It. 14. No, 3. BORN [flees--Iu Wingham, Town Plot, on May 12th. to ]air. and Mrs,. Robt. Kicks, a daughter, I3iytk Preparations are well under way for the big sensi..cetttennial to be held here Dorn. Anion Day. The tug-of=war tournament will be a very attractive event inastnuth as four townships are competing, viz., Huilet. Morris, East Wawateosb and West Wawanoah. Lucknow end Glints& are billed to play baseball. The Calf- thumpian end Trades procession will open the day's proceedings at 9 o'clock a, tn. Sir Adam Beck le expected as one of the main speakers, A galtexy of worthy eons of Canada will tpeek in the afternopn. Blyth will. throw wide open her gates and the flag will float from every etteple and housetop, and welcome hands will greet the throng of visitors who will mDotnIiay. Es c'ry Committeecoiseon row battyinian tusking final preparations for the big event. tt is et- edcpecit.d every part- of *Wort 0*ttAt1 svtli' itt wont reNtuarttit. that 4a