HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-05-17, Page 5Thursday, May I? 017 U, 9 How ab 011 t that Su..a HESE fine sunshiny days make the chap who is still uvea i.ng last year's •suit west pretty seedy. Old Sol Lays t rilo to Molle: up Dna get the Sp lir;; outlook UIi lite, and -- our !'word on. it--"Il1tthin'" 1; `:o opt t() snake a fellow loot . -,oad ;Meet 'peel good .as a n,.;w head -to -toot outfit. These are "Brighten -up" day-: and. eve have the greatest little " Briglitcn-uta " cure you ever : aw in our newly arrived stock of. • Conte in, it's a cheery Sight Is?rCC 0 1. E. Wingha Ontario FIT -RITE 1• TAILORED spa t. .mss -w ,,. ..as.,,:.. ri A Wonderful Attractive la Of New Domestic and Wash Goods, tog- gtesting Mary Beautiful Fabrics owe Spring and Stlit MIW Dresses A display characteristic of this store's desire to al- ways.,present to the ladies of this vicinity an exhaust- ive and colnprehensiye "ehowin„;' of the most favoured materials as created by the latest fabric designers of this and other countries. Printed fabrics are much in demand and many dainty designs in suitings, voile and crepes afford a most pleasing ,selection from which to choose right now w1)ile,. the goods are for new stock, so that we aro trying to steer a medium course between the high and low prices, and thereby forming a price basis very advantageous to the early buyer in these limes. As the heason advances and .more of the newer limas comes on under hi,rhrr prices and unless your old stock is available we must ask iii(*leer -price's, We Iiave a good range of the new things in scritlly, nets, cretonnes, furniture covering etc., in all the lat- est effect; - A few fine patterns are shown in 4. yard wide 1. ia: oleuin and some bright and new whilt, the etlrire stock i$ complete, is the best time to buy for Spring and SUIDI ler, then, too, by buying now you do away with the later rush and hurry that will surely come if you don't propose for the new season now. • - House Furnishings N early° everything in house furnishings have taken a decided advance, Carpets, Rugs, Liuoleums etc. Fortunately we have always carried a good big range 'of thele lines and to -day we are using ot'ir, surplus stock in these lines to ease upon the higher prices we have been obliged to pay and solne very effective patterns in floor oils. A. few nice small rllgs thrown round 111 the mist used places -in a room adcl to this effe et and :,ave materially on the carpet., we have a choice range and before fixing up this Spring' you owe it to your- self to come and look over.our home furnishing lines. J. ° The 1 -louse of Quality. Phone 8 TO THE POTATO Twinkle, twinkle little spud, As up among the clouds you scud, You .tre doubtless feeling gay, Chasing round the milky way. You have reached to such a he'ght. I-ou are surely out of sight. 'Like adiamond now you seem In your price, and that's no dream, Twinkle on another twink, And you'll drive us all to drink Ate we chase for needful chink. You are sailing rather high, ', As you wink your shrivelled eye. Up there somewhere in the sky. Tuber eince the coop you flaw, We have only longed for you; That our fireside you forsook. Broke our heart and poeiretbook. Never felt how we could love Till you left and went above: Never felt how dear you were, Till we paid four dollars per. Small potato, please come back. In our lives there's such a lack; For your presence we so pine That our stomach bits our spine. We are tired of eating greens, Stewed prunes, sauerkraut and beans, Tis for you alone. we yearn; Darling 'tater please return. STEAMER GREYHOUND Annual Excursion Goderich to Detroit, and return Leaves Goderich, Tuesday, June 12th 930a,m. Returning leaves Detroit, Thar sdey, June 14th, at 1 p, m, $2.00 Round Trip $1.50 one way Don't Miss this Opportunity as it will be the ONLY boat trip from Goderich to Detroit this season. No trouble on aceotiat of new Immigration, Law Canadians coming to Detroit for a tempera) y stay are not rcquiredto pay s head tax or make a deposit. Immit gration officers on steamer t) pass ex- curaionlete. Band Moonlight Monday Evening, June II, 8 p.m, White Star Line Detroit BEST I EVER USED ' A NGUS SI11dESON, Sarnia, Ontario "I have used Homestead Bone Black Fertilizer and want to tell you that it is the best fertilizer I ever used, both on my onions and heets and poratoes," RESULTS WERE WONDERFUL WM. PAULi, Lambeth, Cotaiiu, says; "I purchased Homestead Fertilizer from H. iamlyn, Lambeth, merely ' as it test. Tee results were wonderful, i Tho ground between the rows was cov- ered by the tops. The yield was extra good. I can easily ace how anybody would be greatly benefited by using Homestead Fertilizer." WELL PLEASED JOE MOSSNAU, Belle River, Ontario say.: "I used Homestead Bone Black Fer- tilizer laet Spring op my potatoes, and am eo well pleased that I must write jgen about same. I made a thorough I test with two bushel of seed potatoes. They produced forty bushels and where I did not fertilize they were a failure." • THREE TIMES THE CROP CLARENt,E RALF, Orwell, Ontario, FAYE: "I bought some Homestead Bone Black Feittlizer from Charles Minard, and used it on part of my onions. Where I used it, I had three times the crop I h1id where there was no Ferti- lizer. My corn was the same. Write Michigan Carbon Works, Dc- troit, for free book and particulate about their Homestead Bone Black Fertilizer, WANTED! . Highest Cash Prim. paid tor AO Kinds of Ltve POULTKY, woes, WOOL and JUNK. Phone 204 U. Brown Homeseeker's Excursion Round trip tickets to paints in Mani- toba, Saokatohewan and Alberta via North Bay, Cochrane and Transcontin- ental Route, or via Chicago, St. Paul or Duluth, on sale each Tuesday until Oct. 30. Inclusive, at low fares. Through Tourist Sleeping Oars to Winnipeg on above dates, leaving Toronto 10,45 p.m., no change of care, via Trancontinental Route. Return Limit, Two Months. Ex- clusive of date of sale. Berth reservations and full particulars at all Grand Trunk ticket (faces or write C E. Horning, District'Passenger Agent. Toronto, Ont. H. 13. Elliott, Town Agent, Phone 4, Wingham, Ont. DISTRICT NEWS The celebration advertised to take place in 13t ussels, on May 24th, has been post. pant,d owing to the very cold weather. Earl Ross, son of Mrs Lucas Ross of McKillop Tounship, who has been on the firing line for over two years, has been awarded the Military Crose for bravery and has received a commission as a. lieu. tenant, The Ontario Franchise Act is now i force. 13y it every woman over twenty one years of age, aer'd any elan over twenty. one years left oR the municipal list will he put on the list which, will be prepar- ed by a county or separated city, compos- ed of live members as follows. two Judges Clerk of the County and Surrogate Courts, the Sheriff, and Clerk of the Peace. Inbound navigation has opened when the steamer Graham arrived with a cargo of wheat for the Goderich Elevator. and Transit Company. The boat left Fort William on lVedneeday and had some little difficulty getting through the ice at Whitefish Point. The skipper, Capt Ewart, Goderich, received the usual doua- tion from the town for bringing the first boat, The'Teeswater town council has decide ed to plow five acres of the public park and throw them open free to the public who wish to plant potatoes, J. Little has promised to lead a bee of fanners to cul• tivate the crop. The council also resolved to purchase one carload of potatoes and sell at cost for seed. Every plot available in town is being cultivated and three acres along the railway track are being got ready for gardens. Postmaster Brink is leading the production campaign. Assessor Thos. Miller of Morrie, gives the following municipal statement of the Township of Morris for 1917:—Nn. of acres assessed 55,884, No. of acres clear- ed, 45,588, No. of acres woods 3,474, No. of acres slash 1;376, No. of acres waste 4.946, value of real property $1,567,705, value of buildings $639,975, value of busi- ness assessments $3,200, value of Bell Telephone $1 683, total taxable assess- ment $2,112,553, value of exemptions $30,200. total assessment $2,142,753, no. of children between 5 and 21, 617, no. of children between 5 and 16, 461, no. of males between 21 and 60, 558, population 2007. births during 1916, 84, deaths during 1916, 15, no. of dogs, 826, no. of bitches 8. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST LAND REGULATIONS Tho Pole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old may homestead a quarter section of available Dornmion land in Manitoba, Sask- atchewan or Alberta..Applicant'nun appear in person at the Dominion Lands Ags' cy or Sub-Agenov for the District. Entry by proNy may he made at any i,omini"n Lands Agency (but nor Sub -Agency on torr n Conditions). DUTIEs—r ix months residence upon and cultivation of the ]and in each of three yearn. A. homesteader may live within nine miles of hie homestead on a farm of at least 80 acre.-, on certain conditions. A habitable house is req. aired oxo -pt where residence is nerformod in the vicinity. Live stook may be substituted for cultivation under certain conditions. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter Faction along side his homestead. Price $3.00 per acro. DUTIES—Six months residence in each of three years after earning homestead p•tout: also 50 acres extra cultivation. Pro.emption Intent :nay beobtninel as soon as homestead patent en certain Conditions. A. settler who gas exhausted his homestead right may take a purchased homestead i.' cer- tain district}. Price $1 par sere. Duties— Must reside SIx months in each of three yearn, cultivate 50 acres and erecta house worth $301) The area of cultivation is subject to reduc- tion in case of rough, scrubby or Stony land Live stock may be substituted for cultivation under certain renditions. W. W. Cox. 0. M. G. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N. B. — Unauthorized publieationcithis advertisement will not be paid.for-1141. To American Subscribers Owing to the tremendous increase in the cost of producing a weekly newh- paper, it becomes more than ever necessary that .subscriptions to the Anv..r cE be paid strictly in advance. This applies especially to eubseribers in the United States which necessitate a weekly cash outlay for postage and but a few delinquents take all the pro. fit, The great majority of our Amer- ican readers have already paid and we thank them for their promptness. If you have not renewed, retnit to -day by postal or expreee order. The label on your paper tells the date to which it is paid. Cheer Up! The Worst is Vet Some people think the coot of living i high, but from the Asheville News of April Gsb, 1805, some curious figures relative to prices paid at that time, ', just three days before Lee'e surrender 1 to Grant at Appomattox. The News i of that issue was a half sheet printed 1 en dingy yellow paper, and the sub - 1 eeriptton price wire $20 per year, In the echedulo of prices allowed by the tithing and purchasing agents for the Confederate 8 ates Gevermmnnt, who appealed to the farmers to bring in ihrtr produce for the ,.,ipp0'r, of the e f1•ir$10,r8 ,,,tmil,het , array, ncottr t'i