HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-05-10, Page 8Page eight
Sale of Oddsi
and111'li .E .., ..:' s
Suits The balance of odds Suits and Coats, odd Skirts,
/i% Whitt Skirts, White Middys.
IA y
I1'Ladies' Suits, sale price . ,.$4.95
Mr,6 Ladies',Suits, sale price. , $ 2.9 5 X
74 10 Spring Coats, sale price .......$3.95 N
5 Spring Coats, sale price $1.00
Ft 12 Spring Coats, sale price ..$ 7.5 0 0,
11 Spring Suits, sale price ..$24.50 �v
I12 Spring Coats, sale price $14:50
2 doz. Wash Skirts and Middys, sale price ...,..97 00
10 Ladies' New Raincoats iu Green, Fawn,
1_ lee, Black Tweeds, sale price .....—$8.49 11
Men's and Young Mon's Waterproof Tweeds X
Browns and Greens, 36—,l.4 sale price $10.35 7,1
Cash Paid for Cream
We have learned our spelling in the creamery busi-
nese, and find that to succeed we must give our
,patrons service. Mr. Beninger, who is a graduate of
Guelph: Dairy School, will have charge of our Cream -
cry, and will test the cream' on delivery in your
p"resence. Then -we pay city prices in cash. This
we believe is the only way to conduct a creamery
business. Remember it makes no difference to us
how much or how"little you have. We supply cans.
If you want to know the value sof a dairy COW, test
her milk. Use this testing department as much as
you like. We established it for your benefit, and
if you want us to take an occassioiial call, we will be
glad to show you how our testing works.
Our Poultry Hatchery is very busy. The chickens
are coming off -every few days. Speak at once for
., . Wingham, Ontario
Office'Plione 174 Residence 'Phone 153
A. H. Wilford
BlUevale •
Remember t c monthly meeting of the
Woincn's•Institute at tint home of Mrs.
• A, Campbell, 1st line, on Thursday, 10th.
We would like to see a good attendance.
Johnston's Ladies' Aid will hold their
annual meeting at the home of Mrs, Ed.
Johnston on Tuesday of this week,
Election of officers.
We are glad to report our dick on the
improvement linc.
The ladies of the Patriotic work aye
making a quilt for Red Cross Funds. We
would, like to have a great many namles
oh our blocks.
^Irs, David Moffatt has returned from
Toronto where she has spent most of the
winter with her daughter.
'11he cream and milk drawers are bn
their annual rounds.
Pte.. E. L. McCullough of C. A. S. C.
Toronto, formerly of Tecawater, united.
at Mr Jos. Robb'slast. week.
Miss Gelma'i'urvey had the tnisfortutjie
to sprain her ankle. "
IIr Jos Rohl, received the sad mews
of the death of his niece Mrs. Alfred :Bye.
Only daughter of Mr, and Mra. Wn+„ Robb
of Cypress River. Man. She 1ea$,ec her
thus children band and three ehrl ten a"
,iso father
and mother and three .brotl trs, Ed and
Harry at home and Chas, in France,
David Scott has bought a new car, we
lope he enjoys it. There are about a
score of cars now owned in the village
and vicinity,
Rev, Mr,.I•libbert preached a very ex-
cellent sermon in the Methodist church on
Sunday evening.
Morley Jordan bas returned home front
Stratford where he spentthe minter. ,
't'y're. Hopper is again on the move with'
his wellidrllliug; outfit and is now engagad
putting down a well at the Rectory •at
The scales at the station here are out of
business hence the weighing of livestock
has all to be done up town,
The'Womens 1Viissionary Society of the
Methodist Church held their annual meet-
ing last Thursday.
The auction sale of the late Robert
Anderson which wag held last Thursday
realized good prices. fin Scott of Bras-
r,els was the auctioneer.
gardening,and housecleaning
tette the lead just at the present.
Me. Robertson, paintee of l lyth, is
doing; soma work for Gordon Walsh this
week. pai4tiug his house.
To army, yo laggards! mark the flame
That glowed within the men who came
From desk and ship, from bench and
To play their part in Freedom's nausea
To ayms, to workl the need is great,
The foe is hammering at the gets,
If through he hurls his mighty Moet,
Once more you'll hear the Cry, -too
To arms! Too long on beds of down
You've slept egeurr', while from your
Have gone the gallant lade •tvbo
No other gain than Ilonor'u crown.
To urine, in miles of miry trench,
Where sweep the mine that swiftly
Your beet and deare i t,. IL Jim tido.
'Think! they too, felt the home land
To arms) To work, think of the slain,
More precious far than sickled grain,
So full of life, they died for you,
To army, or they'll have died in vain.
J. Letronico,
Large Attendance and Good Program
were gradually belpg brc'ken down.
Hire, bIcCullocb, (lranbrook, gave a
et• "ng raper r.rt "'Tit place of Meeeer.
tee in the (Yomen'e V'ci•)rlt.°'tenet; i2,
'.l'hutsday of last week the annual ed that tote riit,sr"t,ug,er (lope' nut corn
meeting; of Maitland 1 resbytertal tvae to us on tbe winds but represents
held iu Alelyille church, Brussels, and hard ettenoue labour; that there
was largely attended, dolegatee being should bo more interest stirred up In
utero from almost all the' A.uriliatieta the reading of its pttgete tvbiul} if reed
there being 30 leocietioe in the Presby- Will touch our beasts as we. tare
terinl. A large contingent numbering brought face to faces with Lhe l~lfseiop•
about 50 carte down on the morning ary on the field of battle.
train from the North, while large Mre. Ferguson of E .hal, gave the
numbers came from outlying joints
by auto, despite disagreeable weather,
Morning session opened at 0 30, the
President, :.ire, (Rev,) Dann presiding,
After devotional exercises were eon -
eluded a report wee given by four
Vice Preeidente of th9 Presbyterial,
relative to their visit to the Auntthar•
fes in this district.
A Conference led by Mre, Bradley,
Teeswater, on "Home Helpers." was
then held. Many helps were suggest-
ed whereby every woman of the
church'may be made to feel that she
is linked up to the work, emphasis be•
ing laid on the fact that the Ilome
Helpers tele now one of the most im-
portant parts el the work,
At the same hour a Conferences w is
held in the School -room on Mission
Band work, led by Mrs, (Rev,) Lundy,
Walton. Short eddtossee were given
ou different phases of the wink by
Mrs. McGavin and Mise Hislop, Wal-
ton; Mise Lily Harrison and Miss A.
Dunlop, Moucrieff; Mrs. Ferguson,
Belgrave; • Mine Little, St. Helene;
Mrs. B. 5, Scott and Mise G. Dead-
tean; Brussels, Many helpful hints
were given as well as a large, number
of articles on demonstration which
were made for the bales,
At 1 o'clock the Conference w'ae 't-
eamed. Promptly at 2 o'clock after•
noon session opened. • President in
the chair. Thoso occupying seats on
the platform were Mrs. Porrie,
Wingham; Mrs. Coombe, Kincardine;
and Mrs. Fox, Brussels.' Mrs. S. C.
Wilson, Brussels, gave the Scripture
reading and Mre. (Rev,) Little, of St.
Helene, led in prayer,
Mrs. (Rev,) Ferguson, Brussels, ex-
tended a bright, hearty welcome to
the delegates, to hearts and homes of
the people of Brussels, which conduct-
ed to all feeling at home, Mrs. (Rev,)
McKenzie, North Kinloss, made a
suitable reply.
Preuident's annual address is always
one of the principal features ou the
program and looked forward to with
interest. It was a summing up of the
year's work, the different departments
being itemized with special emphasis
on the increased interest in various de-
peetments was marked throughout
and was a stimulus. We were grieved
meeting lastyear,
at tho annual m g that
there was.a deficit but rejoice this
year -that, it has been wiped out and
the Society has stood the test, and each
one .urged to go forward to more
zealous and, persistent effort in the
future, The address was delivered by
Mrs. Hann in an earnest and tactful
way and will bear much fruit in the
incoming year.
Mrs. Jae, Pox, Brussels, Correspond-
ing Secretary, read the minutes of
previous meeting, which was held at
Mrs. Coombe, Kincardine;' gave the
report of the progress of the Societies
throughout the Presbyterial. While
there was not a marked increase in
numbers there was an interest, it be-
ing evidenced in several places. Seine
Auxiliaries doubled their contribu-
Mrs, (Rev.) Lundy; Walton, who is
the energetic. Secretary of Mission
Bands, reported increased interest,
the work being aggressive with an
aim, a Mission Band in every congreg-
ation in the Presbytery.
Report of Strangers' Secretary and
the:Home Helpers' Secretary was given
by Mrs. (Rev.) Bradley, Teeswater, in
the absence of the Secretaries; Mrs.
Jolin Linklater and Mrs. Ireland, Teee-
water. A latrge number of strangers
were recorded and visited. The Home
Helpers had a large increase, $763
being contributed.
Mrs. (Rev.) Perrie, Wingham, gave
the' report of the supplies sent to the
echoole and reserves in the west, Miee
Jean Moore, Brussels, reported tho
nietseeuger subscribers op a slight in-
In the absence of Mre. McKenzie, of
Lucknow, Treasurer Mre. Agnew read
the report showing the amount raised
by t l•„ Auxlliariee last year to be
3706.LO, an inereees of $7133 00. Mis•
cion Bands, $199.0O3 au increase of
.x.-. knee.) Boyle, of Be)gruve, gave
the dedicatory prayer.
Rev, Mr. -Goforth of genius, China
o ,
gave a very earneet addrese, taking,
for his theme, "I am not ashamed
a of
the gospel of Christ." He cited a
number of cases hero thegospel of
Christ bad worked a great transform-
ing Influence iu the lives of the Chin-
ese, adding that he was not ashamed
of a religion that had quoit a marvel -
owl transforming power on the lives
of Lite Chinese who have been in dark-
ness for so many generations, Mr,
Goforth has the power of impressing
his heroes with ooale live eff the altar
after conte thirty years experience in
The "fettle Stars Mission Band" of
Melville church, contributed a well
rendered chorue,
Item. rfr. McCulloeb, Cranbroolr,
briefly and cordially' extended greet-
,. t
11 lilt' '' ].1.,UdI
n s r the Presbytery, ex c c
t g f own p
the women to title to their opportunity lilncardlue, . , . , ...41.30 a.m.
in making use of their granted frau. London ,.,...,,, 1L2ia.m,
ehiee as well as spreading the Gospel Toronto and Batt 11.45 arae,
to the uttermost parte of tins earth.
Greetings from eieter £loelettee were
Miss Gordon,of the M'et
diet church and Mitis Myrtle Wiltton,
of the Anglican Church, tihowed that
the flees of demarkation which were
once so'rlaiblabetween denosatpatlooe
5t. Helens
Miss Annie Curran spent • the weck•end
ai her home in Ripley. • -
Miss Laura Currie of WInghem, le
t.,pertditlg a few days with lter•fiietitl, bliss
Chris Miller,
DIis's Ilthcl Andersotrspent the week-
end with Miss Pearl Todd.
Mr, and Mrs.Ed. Purvis and family of
Lucknow, ck ow, spent Sunday with Mrs. ,las,
Mr. and Mrs. B, McDonald of Wing..
ham, sent Friday evening in this burg.
Mr. and =Mrs. Wilson of Lucknow,
were Sunday visitors et the home of M.
Joseph Anderson
Congratulations pre extended to Mr.
and Mrs Neil /Je ez ea the arrival of a
little baby bey.
Closing prayer.
So runch praise cannot be given to
the ladies of Melville church for their
generoue hospitality extended to the
delegates and their friends in serving
a het dinner and a bountopus tea and
out of the abundance df their heart
the scores of individual kindnesses ex-
hibited which alwaye help to : wake
the world a kin.
The President of Maitland Presby'
terial and her, noble band of oflleere,
has the machinery in good working
order, all moving without a hitch and
the meeting of 1017 will go down as
one of the most sueceseful in history
of the Presbyterial, ,
Officers for the current year are: -
Hon. President, Mre, (Rev,) Perrie,
Wingham; President, Mrs, Mann,
Brussels; Vice-Prosidente, ist. Mrs,
hardy, Lochalsh; 2ud,, Mrs, Bradley,
Committer; ard, Mrs. Bell, Molesworth;
1:1., Mrs, M,l0ullouh, Uranbrook: 5tb,
Mrs, McKenzie, North Kinloss; O.b,,
Mre, Tate. Bluevale; Recording Sec-
retary, Mre, Jae, Fox, Brussels; Cor•
reeponding•Seesetary, Mrs. Coombe,
Kincardine; Mission Band Secretary,
Mrs. Lundy, Waltou; Secretary if
Supplies, lilrs;Peter Liekfater, Wing -
ham: Messenger Secretary, Mise Jean
Moore, BrueselF; Treasurer, Mrs, Gad;
des, Wingham; Strangers' Secretary,
Mre. Linkleter, Teeewater; Home
Helpers, Mrs, Ireland, Teeswater; Lit-
erature •Secretary, Mrs. Little St,
lJy invitation the next annual meet-
ing will beheld in Wingham.
A large and interested audience
aseembled in the evening, the pastor,
Rev. A. 3, Maun, B. As, presided and
spoke appreciatively of the Presbyter-
ial and its broadening horizon.
Itev, D. Perrie, Wingham, gave the
first address on the theme, "The pos-
seseion of the Miseionary spirit" and
the impossibility of disassociation of a
Christain and Missions. There must
bo included the, spirit of life, convic•
tion, obligation, achievement and a
new interest in the home life meter the
Bible and Christian living, The earn-
est words of the speaker were most
An address brimfull of interest and
instruction was given by Rev, Mr.
Goforth on Corea. Ile pictured its
past history and the progress that
marked the passing years in their em-
bracing Chiietiauity. As proof of the
thoroughness of the work, the speaker
dealt with their evangelistic zeal; their
generous contributions; their love for
tho word of God; their desire to pray
and attend worship; the way they
stand persecution for Chrtet's sake
and urged the home church to seek
after the larger consecration and a life
of vigor and earnestness,
The visit of Itsy, Mr. Goforth to the
Convention asthe representative of
the work in China, was stimulating
and will do much to cause increased
zeal and financial help in carrying on
the work of the Master both at home
and abroad. • .
During the evening the church choir
led by P. 11. Mulheron, rendered the
fine anthem, "Send Oub Thy Light" in
good form and Miss Verne Walker
eang "The Penitent" with geed effect.
Rev, Mr, Mann expressed thanks to
all who bad contributed in any way
toward the suecea8 of the (convention
and wished every Society to yeas of
great blessing.
The offering at the Convention
totalled about $13.00.
A social was held Friday evening as
the supply of proeieiou brought by
the congregation was so ample,
Wroxeter ,
!Phomas Sanderson wa3 a visitor at hie
hence here tact week.
• Dan•I le1'et i;fr :Teta a few day:, in Tor.
onto last week,
Mrs, 111.McLeurtan attended the funeral
of u relative at l3olgrave last week.
Pte. Stanley Halliday hft for London
Tuesday tuber; he will bo !u training.
Mr, and Mrs, W. Lov)y, Lirusscl5 Vita -
ed (be former's mother E Lowry un Sun-
The mutual meeting of the Bowling Chili
was held in the Council chamber Wcdnea•
day evening and officers eleeted for the
eneuiug year.
Misses Annie Audcrsou and Mary
Sproat went I.
o lixrr':+ 1 0 1 Dli�ni i•
t tut r It .
l )
They will be employed by .the Davies
Packing Co.
:A•load of members of ilia W. M. S. at.
tended the Presbyterial at Brussels last
Thursday, '
ca1tA 1D'ITZLI
T1tAzb f3 i.z t'6 L' Eon u , ,
London..... , . , ., . 0.35 a,tn.
Tordnto and last (3.45 a,tn,
Kinoard4ne .. , . , ..11.,50 *M.
(Oatrr'.it up till Wodttetday noon.)
� 1
2 r
.)tn � ,
Flour, ,
1 t. )r�.. 0 u.
t r t 4w )'t �►
,E t,taeut ( r.l to ,
Flour, per cwt.. t3
*2,; to 0
Bran, per ton 43 00 to 45 tet
81torts, per tory W► 00 to 43 en
Gate, . , ... , , , , 0 75 to (185
Barley 1 20 to 1 w•,
Ray, new . , .. , . 10 00 to 10 ilil
Butter, per lb -Dairy . 0 31 to 40
Eggs, per dozen '► :11 to -fu
L ad
3 20 p.in,
3 05 p.rn.
30.il) , ..
i 40 p.tn.
0 30 p.m,
30 t -t ;o
(tattle, medium bpt-efierel0 o)) to 10 Cu
t;attlr', butchers ehoi,e. 10 ,,h0 to It ('0
(loge, livr' weight
13 75 to 10 00
1i nab (cwt) 0 00 to 10 ;)0
Hanle, por lb . , . , ...... 0 35 to
Bacon,longclear 0 3) to (1 25
Sheep Skins 1 25 to 1 CIO
[fides 13 00 to 11 ('0
2ND *610112111121126 912MAD easinti--irstswomo-79..
;iY yWll J C, l ,,;/ LW.�y
Toronto -
t and Bast litm ab 8.05 p•ti.
1.'eewatee, .. , 1.24 p.m, 10 82 pan
Anitzvn Piloid
Tecawater...... 0 40 son. 3 03 p.m.
orotito Rud ]fast 1.22 p,ln, 141.20p Aa
English Breafast Coiffee
331a per lb. til
This is a new line of Coffee rot
up expressly -for ourselves. It
contains Chicory' and we recom-
mend it to those seeking a moder-
ately priced coffee. Try a tin and
let us know what you think of it,
Our Aim Is To Please
And nothing is too good for the
many patrons of our store. We
can't s'ock everything but our se-
lection of groceries and provisions
is a choice one.
Just give this Store
A Trial
*MO MIIIIIM=113= GEE= cateMOW5Vera
0000oo00000000000t 00000000
D-otroit Vapor
0. r1
i:i _____„._ . 8
Look and works like a gas o
IR range and gives city gas re -
16 sults, at I less cost with oil,
8 gauoliue -or distillate. No ei
a wicks, no asbestos rings, o
smell or dirt. Durable burn- a
0) ers of grey enameled iron be- g
0 'comes glowing red and gives
8 intense blue flame immediat- 8
Oil 8tova
sly under utensil. Two giant ra
1 burners in oven afford per- o
feet control icor all kinds of
baking. Oven uses heat
twice. Aluminum fused rust
proof oven lining, Remov-
able drip pan -glass oven door
sanitary base -high shelf -large
roomy cooking top -baked
enamel finish -back saving
• height;-outP;ears two or three
rordinary oil Moves with ab-
solutely no replacements.
hardware - " Phone 3
10090 00000000 "L+t"lL30tr*JG7tT•C oty
We are again in a position
ta again take cars of all your
requirements in
As this well is llo experi-
ment to us, it will ply you
to get our prices be.fnre plac-
ing your work.
W. J.
Tbul'sday, May IQ, 1917
[.Ati l Etz %% ITU THE 16ist
The 2tr1 . win; 1. ttcr was given t0
"it t ll:Mae, 1, y U. �'illrlu.on
and teal a: ttt on 1)y her buob•tlad t;t'rgt,
(1, IL ASill int:ot2 of tho stilet Hurone.
':1"tilt \\ ilkinton is very popular with
tits uterw,
Dlitchell, nut rey,
Easter Sunday,
fly deru'eut t.ifa and Kutit;---
't'his in l -to es Sunday so: you gee I
am thinking of you both and wopder•
fog what you both aro doing. I do
tinge you are both happy and weir
1. ant down at Mttehell now, for ten
clays taking. rnipe -'e cum se. I came
/leis ye:A.01(oy and was shooting all
this morning but have nothing to do
thio Etfteirrtc 'i et) awn Writing to you
I wanted to take 1018 course, I get the
chance to do ti,) and took it. I fired
fifteen hundred townie at 300 Iarde
this) morning Sand made thirteen Bull's
oyes and two inners so that should get
•a few (ierrnau Huns if I ever get to
l?ranee. I have to twee a bolt forty-five
revolver, but as thi8 door not interest
you{ t=gill clrct1 (1O the subjrict. •
I was in A41r r" 11ot the other night
and 1 never saw to many troops in
my life. it makes one feel secure to
see the trc ops we have here and the
bige gutta in the Artillery. We have
milee upon miles of big gone hero and
it is great eight to eee there in action
bet we soldiers get used to it, in fact
there is it war going on here all the
time. The artillery camp at Witley
is a sight worth eeeing to watch the
batteries turn out with their big guns.
Some days there is a parade of them,
over three miles long. leach gun and
ammunition wagon is dra-vn, by" six
horses eolnetiines eight. When I take
it look at those guns iG gives me a feel-
ing of proud continence for to know
that the enemy is facing an unex-
haustible supply cd those guns and gives
to mo every asr uranute of victory. I
see in 80me .of .thee papers that the
people of Heron think some of the
boys of the ilil.,t have been writing
home telling all kinds of stories to the
discredit of others here. The state-
meute are uncalled for in regard to
our wet canteens. I Still wager that
no company of civilians could bo plac-
ed under eimiliar conditions and keep
themselves more sober cr well in hand
se the boys of cur 0attalion have done
of course there ie black sheep in every
flock 1 would certainly know its it is
my duty to atop all crime and I can
truly say that the amount of excessive
drinking in our Battalion is very
small and personally speaking I shall
be well contented if I never get with a
worse bunch of men. We have, had
iota of boys of the 100th Bruce to see
us so wo spend some pleasant timee
together atter wolf: is over, I am on
duty 91 hours a day but have not much
work to do but have to see that it is
done. - Well I got your box today
with tobacco, cake and etc. I am
smoking the first pipe of it now and
it does taste good. Tho butter and
sugar that you sent me were so good
we never see such a thing hero and it
costs us nine cents aday extra to live
here and we have to pay for this out
of our own pockets.
We all get very lonely and homesick
at times especially when we want to
see the war wbn and the good old flag
kept flying ana'you may bet your lite
we shall keep h. hying.
The States aro in et last, hope they
will help to finish it quickly. Well I
have no fresh news to tell you eo will.
close with every good wish to you both
and kindest regards to. everyone. I
Your loving husband
The Huron County branch of the
Dominion Alliance reviewed another
year of determined hostility to the
liquor trrffic and outlined a program
of activity for the touting year in the
annual convention hold,at Ulinton on
Tuesday, of this week.,
The report of the field secretary and
'executive • committee shows that the
inspectors have had the active co-
operation of Ate county organization
and the law has been well enforced,
Huron is one of tho three counties of
the premium) which 113 talking good
under the Canada Temperance.Act and
with the aseletance of ltnportawt claue-
es or t•be (entails) Temperance Act and
the hraety eupptet of the provincial
board ofcouinri:,i,ionr'ro.
A ret elution rasa pianucl recomruc.ud•
irg that each element observe a 'teeth
of prayer, commencing May 13.1), in
connection with the war and t'quor
tr.tffie, Areeolution to tho Dttniiniolt
Government, asking for prohibition an
and another tol:o d
..utcr 1
a warJ
George, premier of Britain, urging
root teed blanch ei► ds to deal mien
the nations greater,t enenly-were Infus-
The f.•llowini; r,l'rL':cri, were elected:
1 Pres. ----De. A, J. Irwin, Wing.
Plea-11ex. 3, 1''. Knight. lielisall.
Vise lieu, --J, A. Levin, Clinton;
Itev.li:litolrnee, Gode,icb; 1r'. Boob -
attar, Wiughaw; A. T. Cooper, Clin-
ton; J. 11. elaveuluck, ideaforth.
Secretary -Bev. en, 1\1. Boyle, Bel-
1''fehl Secretary--Itov, E. G. Poweil,
Clinton• . -
'i'reue3urer A, Id,13.)bett.on, Gods -
T t
• � rt (i, n as
t fray £ de C n w a-
.1 1 ,
"4J,1 r p
pointed.iii 'a r•tnr','intl tu£orcentent olii*
cot, for lion i+rlr.
l'"iO` iS WOK' al WHILE
ri-ll 1111;1)!.t•'l)*: . show sailion will
i..ofithitt nes r-•, (3.81, from Thns4ay
n• on 11.1t)) t F,) f ,1 +"' i1 L1 ?.c- 1day morning.
ET,Zti l'. 14rit tl circuit pacing
: t.dli" r: r,•,, , tt t.• trill 1,0 at'Vfn)thattt from
u, till r,lairlorouoou.
Portlier Parti, uw;,as later.,
Tires, J, CetLS'an, litbf}.
B1-.rgain Shoe Sale
For MEN.
On Friday evening of this week
40 pairs Men's High Grade Shoes.
Shoes that are usually sold for $5.00 per pair and intact aretworth mt;ch
more at the present time.
On Friday at !2077 pr. pair
7 o'clock p.m,.
K.TJY D.Y Aro T:E-None of these shoes will 6e sold -laid by or
promised before the time stated, please do not ask it.
Nothing the matter with•these shoes but simply a clean. up, of odds and
The number ticket on each shoe denotes the size.
Sole Agent
For The
Wd'� FOR'
V.VN1l1ci;. 1 - . CALv.bat,•I
Miss Mettle Calvert. formerly of
Winghatri, was united in marriage at
Preston on Thursday last to Mr. Clar-
ence Vansickle, The happy couple
will spend a short honeymoon with
friends in Detroit. - Mise Calvert while
in Wingham made her horde with Mr,
and Mre. R. J', Cantelon, and many
Wingham friends will join with Time)
ADti.t,Nck in . extending. congratula-
ACI it1t—SC.ti,iEFErs
A quiet wedding was solemized in VIc-
toria Presbyt trian,Church, West Toronto,
on Tuesday evening, May 1. when Emma,
eldest daughter of Mr. A•. Shaefer, Wing -
ham, was united in marriage to Mr, J.
H. Acker, Toronto. Rev. Mr. McCarrol
officiating. A reception was held at Mr.
Wm. Cole's, St John Road. Mr. and
Mrs, Acker will be at home to their
friends after May 15th, at 340 High Park
Mr. and. AIrs, Robert Mowbray of
Wingham, spent Sunday with friends
Rev: J. R. Graham has purchased a
Ford auto,
Miss Agnes MacKay will have charge
of the, Guild service next Sunday. •
Next Sunday morning, May 13 a
special service will be held in the Presby-
terian church in •honor of Mother's Day.
The choir will be composed of mothers,
and.there will be, other special features in
recognition of the day. Rev. Mr. Gra-
ham will take as his subject, ''Can a
Mother Forget." •
Mrs. Li.. M. Bower Buys Country Club
Anmong the prominent owners of
Overland Country Club•cars, the pop-
ular model wads by The Wiliys-Over-
land Company is Mrs. B. al. Bower, of
Quincy, Cal, Mrs. Bower is tvell-
known as the author of such western
etories as "The Chip of the Flying U,"
"The Prairie Princess" and other
Mrs. Bower expects to leave her
ullgnificient country home near
Quincy early in the spring, and make
a transcontinental tour in her new
Country Club, iu search of materia
fur a new bock.
But ()no ;n Africa Fotteht TWO Doge
"i onfuliy"..
A letter from ('opotowlt, South
Afrira. ruyr; "1'wtt rit,g;;t had htend ,a baoton': ail i'rllzhtl`id hatllt tat the I1ib
farm in No Citetlhttr,e disti'let, and the
"old num"
undoubtedly hate
off pratit labs antagonists had
nothumane ii terfered. Natives see-
ing e. troop of baboons wonting up tt,
email hill tat mit niter thein with
the two don, 'Hsieh intercepted awl
drevo one of the bnbbon.ee towards
forum house. The baboon endo for a
tank at the eorncr of tho house. Tho
dogs vainly tried to got at it from
ono side, and the baboon .lumped
down the other side and made for a
rattail wood, where seating itself be-
hind a bush, it calmly awaited the
oncoming enemy.
The foremost dog lied• no sooner
reached the bur,it that. the baboon
matte a grab for it and with 'ono bite
bits Ito head oft. The eeeorel dog
pounced on the baboon, belt before'
long its side was ripped open. no
doge 0011 was tear when a shot frons
a dative's gun Ielled the baboon. A
e.tniotls part of the affair is the way
the local newspapers' treat it. Ap.
parentlyito fyinpathy isconceivedfor
the baboon, although the animals are
Inoffensive' ltarnilees animals unless
etta, ke;l They co about in trocno,
r. )
'When in ti-ottlilo tit, y moan and cry
rite ohildton awl thein' tondurt; is often
rei»rkably human. -
O f*...i•••••4 No
Standing Field Crop
Turnberry Agricultural Soci-
ety offers $75,00 dividend as fon
lo'ws:-$20, $15, $12, $10, $8, $0,
and $4 for the best field of White
Oats and •similar amounts for
• The Ontario Department of
Agriculture will furnish the
Nature of Competition -Field
entered for competition must
consist of not less than five acres
and not more than twenty.
To competitors -Competition
'will be limited .to members of
Turnberry Agricultural Socir ty.
Competitors can only enter in
one Society and but one entry
can bo made by each competitpr.
Aay individual can make entry
for this competition by becom-
ing a•member of the Society and
paying an entrance fee of Si.
All eompetltors must be with-
in 15 miles of Wingham. Appli-
cations must be in by the 101.b
day of May. •
Entry forms and further par-
tieulare.way be had by applying
W. J. GREL1t, Pres,
A. 0. SeTITLT, Secy.
ae �..Mwr t..ewrr�tr�
'Crystal Agency
Suit Pressed 50e
Suit Cleaned and Pressed75c
Trousers 25c
Overcoats.... 50c
All orders sent for and delivered,
Phone 18.
Fred Aldfngton, Agent
Corner Drug StoreIkesessatatessselete Wingham
crOOCX30000" c ttnpt3I
Choosing Our Emblem
The Maple Leaf
Wbrdh U
MaxB are Harrison
Music by
Muriel E. Bruce
Composer of "KNITTING".
Tilts song bas bean accepted
by the Board of Education for
the City of Toroi.to, to be sung
by the pupils in all the. ichoole.
for sale itt all Musk Stores or
from Publisboirs, IlituPire Music
and Travel Club Ltd. '42 Charles
St., Toronto. ,
Ki'¥* k-Mwv■V#.•rr Gtr
i'teltatt 'Ori l>layt 2.nd to Mr. and ];lire.
T: H. McRae, 86
Wroxete. r
Ave,,Toronto, a son.•4oratd Wayne.
ple. Melae rra' forre a y Mies
Batt of Winaluon.
untr.0-Ou Malt (hit, in Wipghe , to
Mro vat , ' $4 rd r+tl ito, ► flora,