HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-05-03, Page 8Pajo eight X.7. X%XXIXTOO.VAXXXX$14XX XXXXX %!., HANNA 45c. C RY • v 164 HANNA & CO vavara awe -aim -via \IA's obwhivolvwwwwymumemwouwahmew Cash Paid forCreani 110.1,0,1111011.1— Sttuiuier materials in Fancy Dry Goods in exclus• ive patterns and new designs in cotton and silk materials. a o ey ktes Checked Marquisettes, Gal.ar'dines, Silk Poplins, Cu ttuu, Stripes, Suit Materials, Muslius in sarin flow- ers, Sport Silk Suitings, the latest. ,hese goods lire sold in individual dress lengths and there is a big 7 T E WINCITTAM D 1' A .A.V C E choice. "Boger Garments" in ladies' suits Guaranteed Art Clothes Borsaline Hats. W, G. and Z%, Shirts. Arrow. Collars. • and coats, pf :+s -SERVICE SPELLS SUCCESS We,have learned our spelling in the creamery busi- ness, and find that to succeed we must give our gpatrons ;service. Mr. Beninger, who is a graduate of x u Iph Dairy School, will have charge c of culCream. cry, and will test the cream on delivery in year presence. Then we pay city prices in cash. .This we believe is the only wayto conduct; a creamery business. ' .Remember it makes no diference to us how much or~how-little you Have. We supply cans. If you want to know the value of a dairy cow, test her milk. Use this testing department as much as c: foryour u you Iike, We establishe i it yo ► benefit, and if you want us to take an occassional can, we will be ?1.14-glati,to show you how our testing works. Our Poultry Hatchery is very busy. The chickens are coming off every few days. Speak at once for space. • .. +I. Wilford Wingham, Ontario 'Office 'Phonep ,j' 174` Residence. 'Phone 153 MISAi W b i teclitilrch 11rn, L Moore is visiting at the home of her sou, Mr. Wesley" Moore, in Palmerston,. Miss Greta J3'ox is spending a few weeks with friends' in Galt, Miss Bertha McIivay of Wingham, is visiting at hor hone Here. Mrs. A. Kennedy bas returned to the 'villageetft©i sper'iding the wirier svith her daughter, Mre. J. Purvis, of Lucknetv,' At the C. O. I.meeting en'Thersday night, Mr. A. IL Musgrove and Mr. Prank Henry were appointed as dele- getes to the meeting of the High Court in Hamilton iu June. The cream drawbars started on their routes on Miinday,'April Mae. Miss Lottie Martin is. in the Wing. ham .I.oepital euffetting froth an tsttaok of appendicitis. Coulter Bros, have purchased a Furl ear, Dire, Maleoiw Rose invited the ladies of the neighborhood to a Red, Cross tea at her home en Tuesday last, A pleasant time was street by all, and the protrude Were ',BE. Mr, Henry Ilakttr of Cliuttiu, vteited eelatiyes hero last week. Nursing sister, Annie H. Henry, who leaves London shortly for over- seas, spent the week -end at her home here. Upon her graduation from o Guelph General Hospital in 1915, she offered her t,ervicoe, and a ;mouth sago teas appointed t'. the ;staff at Wolse- ley Barracks, Church tidowee .i1ev, J. R, Gtahanl exehauged palpl a with. Rev, 3. Little of"•43t, aelittlic on .Sunday. Mrs. Sumer- son and. Altar Lett attended the Pres. bpttlrittl Meeting in Brussels on Thurs. day►, ,Vier: C. t:llubb led the Guild on E:f:day, The leader for 11zy 'Gth is Van Hoary. Cin May 13th a specie! MotheetrD• ay set ette:wili' be held in the Preel_• teriau ebureb. There wee no eerviCe in the Methodist church on Sunday night, cownunlolt eervicett being held At..13 3thel. Wrortt r. Rev. Me, Kerr of £orris, prt:nched' ort. rhe Wroxeter circuit !het Sunday and ed. the eaeraMent, ministered ]vir. ,Jno. Admire returned "ori Monday ,tare: 'Detente where. he lite beeneneeged in a menntl4A'factory. TOE DEATH. ROLL Mitt,. Joi, GOLtaer pies. former resident of Wingha/ n rt to ed away in 'Vancouver on Friday last in the person of Mre. Joseph Willey. She had been ailing for the past few evet;ke and wrap taking treattrtent iu Vancouver when she peeped away at the hemp .of bur brother. Shot is sur- vived by her husband .and one son, Merton, Deceased was a sister of Wm. Johnston who resided in Wing - ham until recently, Much eympathy is extended to the bereaved iivaba nd and son. Mr. Holley ie a brother .of Mr, Jas, Colley of Morris. lattalrt Mon; WEN A bright young life passed out iu Wingham General J3oepital on Sun- day, April 20i,h, when Irene, beloved daughter of 11ir. and Mrs, 'Alexander McLwen, died, Deceased was troubled with goitre for some time and came to the hospital recently for treatment. She was in her 27th year and was a general favorite among young and old and will be greatly missed in the community, Besides her parents she is survived by three sisters aria two brothers viz„ Mre, Alex Smith of De - troth, Mrs. Will Fryfogle of Winghaut, James of Toronto, Wilfred of the Bank of Hamilton, Wingham, and Dorothy at home. '.t'he funeral was held to Bluevale cemetery on Tuesday after- noon from the residence of her par- ents, 1st line of Morrie. The floral tributes were many and beautiful. The family have the sympathy of a large circle of friends. Miss- Jeanette Black has secured a position in the telephone office in Harris- ton.- Mr. arris- ton.Mr. Juo: 13ernard of London, was in - town on Wednesday visiting his mother who is ill, Mrs. W. E. Van Vilson and daughter Ifazel are visiting friends in Vienna. Mrs. Robinson was called to the sick bed of her father. Mr. Ferguson uf I3er, vine. Miss Jcarr•'Towtt was in l-Iarristun on Wednesday. Mrs, Bernard had a bad fall a few, days ago sustaining severe injuries. Miss Mina Douglas spent a few days lastweek with Listowel friends. Mrs, B. Henning§ returned home from Ottawa one day last week. Theservice in the Methodist church will be.withdrawn next Sunday evening en account of the memorial service which wilt be preached in the Methodist church, Gerrie, for the late Marshall Musgrove who was killed in action on April 9th. The family havethe sympathy of the community ifs their hour of sorrow. Mr. Wm. Robinson merch'n!. B. Gallaher of Salem. motored to Ler- goine last Thursday to attend the funeral of the formers father -1u law, Mr. Fergu- son, DfrsRobinson returned with them RAILWAY TIME TABLE a GItAxn lettneli RA1X W:! Y 8Yt3TElNI Titan. 11, 1.1,_A..1 71.,' ?'t)ii London... , ....... 6.3ie a.m. 8 20 porn. Toronto and Asst 1145 eerie 8 05 pan Kincardine 11.b0 a.tn, 0,30 p,ni, • este.tet ree,Olf Kincardiiie........i3.30 4/111.1 3.05 p.tb. London ... , ... 1L25 seta, 7 40 peer. Toronto and twat 11.45 a.W, 0 BOJ pan cAi 1)LAtt P,. CT'1C 1tAsl iyAY _S.la `3 J SIS 7 CUT; Toronto and tacit 0 rill a.m. 3.0'. p.izr 'J'Cellevetet',..,.. 1,24 lent. 1082pox' Teesviater 0 40 tarn. 0.05 p,m. 'i°orontttuhrd Lett 1,22 pen. 10,20 pin A Chance for'Chotte Going Wont. -Hpmte- orsokers Ext:ursioni Vie C. P. R. iiorrib'Aoekers Recur/don to 'Western Clanad s at attractive fares each Tuesday until October 31st via (anedlan laterite, the Itioneer roe o t the West.trtloulttt trot a,uv Ca 'ti:dian :mato 0 or P. tV. Rivard. 7.s trict yM■'e'eta;; vet, Titreatp, vat, Mite, MATTITEW LOC2i,FTA]aT The village and surrounding g cone• rnunity of Auburn were ehodked on Tuesday morning to learn that Mary Ann Taylor beloved wife of Matthew Lockhart had been euddenly called tt, answer the great summons. She had been about her usual work until the day before her death, She had been suffering from the cold for a few days which afterwarde developed into pneumonia. Deceased was born in West Wawanosh in 1856 and was the eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mre. John H. Tailor. She was of a quiet and retiring disposition, but made many friends with those With ttY'h sheca • e in on a t Shewas whom m C t U married to her now bereft bushand forty-four years ago, Five sons and four daughters blessed their union, Benjamin and David of East LVatva- nosb, Robert, Souris. Man„ Charles of the Sterling Bank Staff, Dungannon, and mason, Herbert, died iu childhood, Mre. John Johnston, Auburu, Mre. TomJ3raduock. East Wawaaoeh, Mrs, John Smythe, Star City and Mrs, Will [layette, Wawota, Sask. Five brothers David and Benjamin, of Blyth, Ed- ward of East Wawanosh, Wm. of West Wawanosh, • Robert near Auburn and one sister Mrs. Jos, Stalk- er, Ingersoll, survive. The funeral which took. place Sun- day afternoon at two o'clock was held from the family residence where a short service was held, after which the sad procession wended its way to the Methodist Ohurcb, where a very im- pressive service was conducted by the Rev. W. Conway. The church was filled to overflowing with those who had come to pay their Last rospecte. Interment took place in the West- field cemetery. Many beautiful wreaths testified to the esteem in which the deceased was held, O ill as. ROBERT STLrl"rEits'rltu r On Saturday afternoon April 7th,. Mrs, Robt, Stetterstrom (nee Mise Harifa Fraser) passed away at the age of 30 yeare. For the' last year Mrs. Stetterstrom has been in very• poor health, she has been affected with peritonites. During the year she underwent two operations and a nurse has been in constant attendance, On Saturday when her husband left for Iloissovain, she did not complain or ap- pear to be in any worse health than what she had been having for the last few months; however her heart gave out and she passed away before her' husband could get back to his home, Ilesidee her husband, two children Dai9y aged 3, and Carl aged 10 months are bereaved of a loving and devoted wife and mother. to whom the eym- patty of this community ie extended; Rev. Dlelntosh of Winnipeg conducted the service and spoke very comforting from the tett "She shall be missed, her seat is empty." There were many floral tributes, A wreath from her husband and parents, a spray frons Mr. and Mrs. J, .H. Robertson, Mr. and , . f, 'r.nfeldt, Mr, and Mrs, A. Tay- lor, aylor, Mr, and Mre, E, Wilsou, 11r. and Mre. Carlson and family, Harry Wil- iiame, Mies Jessie McKellar, Miss E hel Anderson, Mrs. A, Cameron, Mrs. 0. Mr11. J, and Miss J. Robertson, White- water Lxdiee' Aid also a wreath from 1.1r. and airs, Dr, Lee of Deloraine. e Oaldbick Thepallbearerser W. w 7,, r A., Taylor. L, Meets, It, Itohertson, 0, Aitchesou, 3, Catleoti, And those from a distance who attended the funeral Were Mre. Robt. Shaw, and Mts. Itobt. Nicholson of Bluevale, lldr. and Mre, Bongfeldt of Sprague, Man., Mr. and Mts. Ed.. Geaseick of Pilot Mound Man.--Bossevain Recorder. The late Mrs, Stetterstrom was 0, daughter of the lata Laughlin Fraser of Morris. Y - WINOUAVi KETS (Correct up till Wednesday note.) Whets; 2 23 to 2 da Fleur, per cwt„patent 0 70 to 0 91) Flour, per ewt,.fatnily 0 25 to tf 85 Jlren, per torr ......,...til 00 to 45 00 ldhorte, per ton 00 011 to 43 00 taste, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0 4.5 to 0 47 Barley 120 to 1 25 Flay, new 10 00 to 11 00 Butter, per lb --Dairy , , 0 {3i• to 40 Eggs, per dozens, 1 et to 10 Lear d 25 to 27 prattle, medium butohere 0 00 to 9 Ca) Cattle, butchers choice.. 9 00 to 14) 50 Hoge, live weight 15 75 to 10 l3 Lamb (cwt) 1) 00 to 10 00 Elaine, per lb. 0 03 to Bacon long clear 0 20 to 0 25 Sheep Skiue 1 25 to 1 50 Hideo 12 110 to 14 00 VOLUNTEER ORUANIS i' IN "V" UUT IN FRANCL Why "You fellows" Show such p1ght. Somewhere in France, • A German prisoner recently capture ed on our front, said:' .''he reason you fellows, chow sot;h tlghtiS easily under- eatocel, now that i behind your lines and etas see for myself. Your officers eenteente 2' M. CJ, A.'e and prtdree are hacking you up, 'Vett have e v re y reason to light With. 'Such support °lore so fortunate ud behind you. Wearenot y on our side of the line." Is the Y. M. O., A, worthy of your support t;19 fi'5.t, no interest to yell P The familiar story of the "Voluntee r Organist" will be recalled by the fol- lowing touching incident from one of the "Y" centres in Prance; "I wish you could have been, in there tn•nigbt between 7 and 8 o'clock,, Every seat was occupied, and there were sown waiting for au opportnaity to write, 1 was standing in a eoruer waiting to see if 1 could be uf service, In cornett a .youug follow, mud from bead to foot, hie steel helmet etuck an the back of his bead. He was web known, and is one of those bright, breezy fellows who is a general favor- ite. His Bret words were, 'Hellos, fellows, Gee, isn't this one—of a night?' Some rooked up scowling, not want- ing to be disturbed, and he began joking with one or two others. After a little he noticed the piano and made for tt , sat down and beganan • playing R nothing in particular. Then he play- ed some rag time in which some of the buys joined, singing and whistling. Then he passed on to some of those old time songs, you know the kind, those we sing in our homes and in our camps. "Gradually I could see the other fellows' stop writing, some bite their fingernails, others 'swallow hard, and others resting their chins on their hands and gazing into space, would think of home, As I stood there, I confess, a tear stood in my own eye and my heart rose to, my wouth as that pianist played eome of those old Scotch songs which will never die. Many of us developed colds during that time. I can tell you I have heardomagreat musicians in my day, but they all seemed as nothing compared with what I heard to -night, That old piano lacks a lot of strings and some o1 those it does possess ere no good; some of the keys stick, whilst it suffers from more general ailments than ever 1 thought a piano could possess, but in that little room up in Aix Moulette, played by' that young fellow, it sounded Sweetly. "Tho Chaplain came in to see me and I drew his attention to the men, He moved over to the piano and sug- gested a hymn. The pianist struck up 'Abide With Me.' We eaug two verses, then the Padre prayed, and we all joined in the Lord's prayer, and then the pianist played 'In the Street,' whilst the men melted away. e "It was great, great to have seen, just to have been there, great to have had a share in it, "That is Y, IRI, C. A, work as 1 uudoretand it, to make it possible far these men to be comfortable, to give them the opportunity of having fel- lowship with the other boys and with their friends in writing, to ' present them with the chance of having some mental enjoyment, and bringing them in touch with our Heavenly Father." Mr: Wingham Businessman will you not, give to the Y. M. C. A. call for Sends? ' aeries estaistat,ettwaaC4.91rt t'vass„irest strietteaeaa - I`a1.9' MI ON El 59, Auburn Last Monday evening our citizens were surprised by the ead news that two parties of the village had crossed the borders of the unknown land.' They were Mrs. Matthew Loobart and Dire, George Dawson. Both fell vic- tims to the same dise'tse, pneumonia, The suddenness added to the severity of the stroke. Their friends hardly realized the reality until they had crossed the bar, The sympathy of the community is extended to their part- nere in life and the fan2ilies of • the deceased, Londesboro Mrs. Chas Ruddell is able to be aroutrd again atter her sudden illness at Thos, Miller's, Mr. and Mrs. -Thos, •Fairservice, Mr. Will, Ross and Hiss Flowie Moon motor- ed to Wingham on Saturday, A' little baby daughter arrived to clad den the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wm, levee a couple of weeks 'ago, The annual meetingof the Wonsan's' Institute to wi t be held on Thursday cf this week. Mre, Gttudy is visiting) friends in Auburn at.prceeut, Mies eteynoldo of Toronto, is visiting at the home of Mr. 'Thos. Sampson this. .week. Mr John Brown will seen have his hotted ready to be veneered. 'We are pleased to learn that airs. John Ccott is able' to be ar Fund again after a recent operation,, Mr. John Radford' has purchased a new herd auto. The Red Crone Society has had tur;wcra trent greatly alt the T,ottdeaboro boys in England thanking. than for bows sent sortie time ago. Parsee l uddcll has nold his driver: to Mr. Wtn. l3tundeon, Seedtngwets started last week in these parts. Some of the farmers have half crap already, their c p 1 'n e y, Mr. Jo Hutton unloaded a car load joint of ems here last weci„ Price 70 tee. per bnahal. 1 Christles English Breafast gaff ee. 33o l~,er N. tilt This is a new line of Coffee pttt up expressly for ourselves. 11 contains Chicory and we recom- mend it to those seeking a mode;'• ately priced coffee. Try a tin anti let us know what you think of it, - Our Aim Is To Please And nothing is too good for the many patrons of our store. We can't s'oci. everything but our se- lection of groccrjes and provisions is a choice one, Just giVe this Stare A Trial 1 1 Itanegazanmge Mate entgaI111161M €1 Jamestown Mr Sykes of Toronto, preached in the Hall Sunday night, Mr. John McAllister of Toronto, is iretp fug his son Robert with the seeding. A good sale— Mr, Sant 13urke's cattle sale held Thursday of last week, brought war time prices, between hones, cattle, and hogs, the sale reached the amount of about.:$3000, Mrs, T. R. Bennett was the auctioneer and pulled the sorry price. WMa would not bea fartes these : li uy n ? It is reported that corm one, has been helping themselves to air, Sam Burke's oats. Air. Wm, Willis is improving in health, we are pleased to say after being confined to the house all winter. Morriq Mr. and Mrs. Robert Golley and daugh- ter, and Mr, and Mrs Wm. Robertsen and daughter, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs Thos. Abram. Mr. Frank Vansttene has sold Ids farrn on 1st line to Messrs Tipliug & Mills. Much sympathy is felt rot Mr. and Mrs. McEwuu in the Toss of their daughter, . Irene, who passed away in lire Wingham General Hospital on Saturday night. House-cleaning and seeding are the order of the day. Mr. and Mrs GollcY received the sad news of the death of their sister in law, :lits. Joseph Gulley, il, 1 Paint II With SHERWIN= WILLIAMS 11 S -W -P a uniform, high- grade J, aint for general woodwork, inside Or out side, last longer, looks better, goes farther. S"vV Marii ot the most durable fluor varnish, ab solutely waterpro: f, floor does tit.at turn white. S. W Kopal, a varnit.lt for general asp, datable, elastic sod easy wuIklltrg. There 11 ,t, tight, duality b--aV ptcduo. for every purpose. • 4 Paint 1ruiihes ioe rip, { A. J. ROSS ? aYtliyare .'hone 8 Be1grave 'i lie l'ttt'iolie Society have rigida re lu a r v 1, n r t tl the 301 •• 1 1 r.c now tto boys. over 0 ftp t y sea's, by euudiuer r:tcit cue a eared con - paper, suclts, shirt, linidk,ercliiefs, notes paper, candy and soap. The following rue the names of the buys: -Wesley Ratti, Bert 'rasher, Charlie Co illes, Austin ('aulpbell, lean W'ightrnan, Lawrence Armstrong, 1Vm• F,. Scott, llarry Prim - den, Harry l)ye, Harold Broaden, Wm. Tonicius, Geo Reid, Norman Geddes. Alf Price, Jinn McCallum, Rich Fay, Jack Andersen, Ab, Borne, Fred Ribbons, Chas, Searles,. ;Nilson Geddes,. %';Ilia Forbes, Fred Swiudiehurst, Dr. Guilfoyle Jas. Cuultos, Jack Tasker. The Society chipped this lecelc to Ny- man Hall, 8 shirts, and 41 pr. .1 Socks, The Society wishes to` acknpwl;dge with thanks a donation of $0 from the C, O. F, air, Kirkby of Walton, visited his son, Doctor l<ii"kby, on Saturday,. Geo. Jordan and sister, Sirs. Wheeler, started for the west last week: Quite auumber from here accompanied 1110 remains of Mr, Sproat to Seaforthi for but;ial. Air. and Mrs. J. A, Geddes visited the inttet's;nether, lair,, Fraser, near Bluevale on Sunday. Rev. Paruaby took tire services 00 Lite Blyth circuit on Sunday afternoon. The many friends of Laura McCrae will be sorry to hear of her illness, Mrs. Robt, Anderson is having a sale of stock and implements on Friday, May ith, J, L. Bridge has rented Robt, Ander- son's farm for this season, Percy Scandrett is sporting a new Ford car, Mrs Nene Grigg * r ;• . has given her cottage a coal of paint whieh improves 11 very much, AIr. Charles McGuire and daughter, Aggie of Edmonton, are visiting the former's son, Robert McGuire, third line Morris, . air. and Mrs. Sproat of Woodstock, spent a few days. with their daughter, Mrs, D, McCallum. Mr, and Mrs, Halliday spent a week with their daughter, Mrs. Stewart.of Bay- field, Mrs, Anderson, Sr. has gone to reside with her daughter, Mrs. Burkehoider in Ohio. Mr, Dan Geddes of Londesboro, attend- ed afr. Sproat's funeral last week. It is like old times to get a noon ,, a vn and atteruoon mail again. John and Walter Anderson have return- ed home; the former to Detroit and the latter to Chicago. Airs. Burkholder returned to Cleveland accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Thos. Anderson. who will make her home with her daughter. Mrs. Anderson is an old resident and will be greatly missed in this locality. Geo. Proctor, 4th line. has purchased the properly of Joe Stonehouse in the village and" purposes moving to it at a later date, Wm. Hopper has purchased a new Pond. • The two trains which were removed some weeks ago are in the service again. Mrs. Boyle Mrs Taylor, Mrs. W, H Perguson and Misses Jean Geddes and Margaret Wightman attended the Pres- byterial meeting at Brussels last Thurs- day. The Woman's Institute packed twenty boxes of eats for the boys from this dis- trict. Each box contained sox and towel. There passed away to his long rest on Tuesday night the 24th inst. at his home here, all that was mortal of the late David Sproat, He had been fit, for over a year and had undergone five operations in that time, four in the Wingham Hos pital where he spent several months. The last one was successful, but pneu- monia set in and the patient only lived a few clays. Ile was a member of the Presbyterian church , and a liberal 111 politics. He was born in Scotland over 81 year's ago and settled its Tuckersrnitli township when a lad of ten years. Inter- ment took place in Egmondville cemetery on Thursday morning, Rev - Mr, I-Iibpert of Wingham, will preach in the Methodist church ,here on Sunday night. A service of song and prayer will be he'd at Mrs. Wray's on Tuesday night. Quarterly seryice at Brick church next Sunday. oilemletnummommitexamo Bluth• A meeting will be held to Dr, Milne's Bail on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, tate object is to form a boy scout move- lnent. Jos, Stalker of Ingersol, attended the funeral of her sister, Mrs, Lockhart of :luburu, on Sunday. Lawyer Vanstone of Wingham, was in teem on business, Monday. Mr, Neil Taylor disposed of a Gray Dort car to Mr. stiller of g Win ham. , The Epworth League held its annual meeting on Tuesday evening. The for- ward movement fund was found• to be a tittle below last Year, a committee was appointed to try and bring it up to the standard :set a year ago. The elections were as follows,— Pres —*Rev. R. J. McCerntick President. --•- Mrs. II. 3, Marshall Let Vice.... Mr. E. Bender. 2nd Vico --- Miss Sarah Emitter. 3:d -lwie:e; •-•- Mt, herb Marshall and AIr, John Germs, 4th 'Vice, Pres. or the Brotherhood. Oceretaiy.• -Mice 1', Sanderson 1 teasurer,--.•Nii,'s A. Giliespie Pianist.' -1\1iet Pearl Gidley Attit YOU GOING WEST THIS SPRING? It so, lase In wand that thetetnadiatt tSaeltle were c tattht Korai rain tteivlre, 'avith the finestlessibi, errtil,uteet,inelnllnfC ttandard an4 Tontlst elet'pt g;'ars and Dining Cats to i • rt one of o ns t r d ti arlt,7t t ct. ti the *oat Winnietee and r„'tluf r 10 route:115 the World. t l If a trip i>a.cnnfnntpiaLefi, apply 16 anqC, Y t l,. Awa for Cull t~ ;tient; w Co li+;tit aid, District Passenger Agent, 'toronte, Ont. Thursday,, May 3, 1317 A PARTICI SOLUTION To of RON WHITE CANVASS SHOES WITH RUBBER SOLES ARE BOTH CHEAP ANO COMFORTABLE n our north window we are show ing several different lines of the above shoe They are much cheaper than leather shoes and boys and girls like them better. W. Sole Agent For The H,, ILLIS " ,! FOR sf/a,E,LADIES Bluevale Mr. Reuben Garniss has exchanged his driving outfit for a new Ford tour- ing car. , Mr, Parker .Smeltzer of Guelph, spent a few days this week with his parents here. Miss Davey of Listowel epent the week-eud, with her grandmother Mrs, Gannett. t. Mr. Stan Hail of Harriston, wire home for over Sunday. Mr. A. Ilolmes received a Ietter this week from hie son Harold who was severely wounded in France on the let of April, He is now in a Hospital in Liverpool getting along nicely. ,Mr. Wm, Thornton has purchased a new rubber tire buggy. Mr. Harold Thomson bas engaged with Mr. Geo, Haney for the summer. Mr. Robs. Aitchison resumed work on the G. T. R. Tuesday morning. Mr. Joe. McKinney has purchased a new Ford, so farmers will be sure to get their mail on time, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hewitt of Guelph spent a few days this week with rela- tives here and have shipped their fur- niture to Guelph where Mr. Win. has secured a good situation. Mrs, Rebt, Shaw returned home from the West Monday night. Mr. John Brooks has gone to Greene, Sask„ where he intends to spend the summer with his son, Win. The Women's Institute will hold their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs, Archie Campbell, let line of Morris, on Thursday May 10.h. We would like to see a good attend- ance, election of officers and other matters to be discussed, Tho Willing Workers meet at the home of Mrs. R. Musgrove on Thurs- day of Last week also prayer meeting the same evening, Joseph Robb has purchased a new car. The creast factory has started for another season. Sad was the news Sunday morning of the death of Mise Irene McEwen who died in the Wingham hospital. Much sympathy is extended to the sorrowing ones, Dir, Wm. Robertson is under the doctor's care also some of the family; may they soon all be better. Tonsilitis is quite prevalent in our midst, also the measles, ' Bel more The Rev. Mr. Kerr of Gine ie, administ- ered the Sacrament in the Methodist church Sunday morning. The C. L. Society purchased maple p ru sY and made it into cakes of sugar, to send to the boys froth' the village and vic- inity who are serving over -seas. We are sure this "sweet rememberauce" will be relished and appreciated by the boys in their far off camps. Mai, Sinclair, Miss Fleming and Mrs Elliott motored to Brussels to attend the Missionary Confercne, Mrs N. 1VIcNai1:. with Cecil and Mamie, visited fricods in Teeswater last week, Dir. Wnt. Lowry, Elmwood Home, delivered four young cattle, in Mildmay on Saturday. Mrs Austin Lamonby, Toronto, called on friends Isere last Thursday. Mr. and Mts, W B. Ftlward e and four SOLIS, ;lfr and Mrs. Adam bailing, .iud Mr, atnil Mfrs, James Barton attended the wedding of Miss Sane Edwards, ninth can, of llowiek, to Mr. Ross A, Doig on the 2uth hist, Mrs Doles malty friends wish her and Me. Wig every happiness and prositot• i` t y, Mr. 'Thos, •Baker wears a broad smile their; clave; it3 a Ohl. Those that attended the W. M. S. al Brussels on Thursday as delegates from here were Mrs Sinclair,. Mrs. Fleming, Mrs, Doig and Mrs. Renwick. Word was received here on Thursday that Private Frank Renwick had fallen for his country o April u A 18th, Son where in 8 -Somewhere prance, and was a member of the 161 Batt!, The family hayc the sympathy of the community. The S S of the Methodiss church has organized with the renewing teachers and ollicers, for the coming year:—Superin- tendent, Mr, Wm, Edwards; Assislanl Superintendent, Mt'. Wm. Lowry; See. Treasurer, Blanche Irwin; Organist, Mar- garet Metcalf; teachers, Mr. Love, Mr, Lowry, Mr. Abram, Mrs. I-Nali and Miss Bax, Sunday School will start on May 6th at ten o'clock, Messrs Geo, Dot,bledee, \G`111 Irwin, and Dave Fortune have purchased new 1917 Model, Ford cars. Don't forget the Women's institute nex t Saturday in the hail. All the ladies aro - ree;uested to be present, r4 (ion ie James Walker is visiting his son at Coldwater. Lorne Walker of Harriston, spent Sun- day at home here. Mr. Stinson who has been working on night work with the Win. Davies Co, at Harriston, Sundayed with his mother and other relatives in Gorrie, T. H. McLaughlin is still suffering severely with facial neuritis, we hope soon to see him improve. Rev. Mn• Nichol of Amherst, occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian church on Sunday last. Rev. Mr. McMullin of itfacDonald's Corners, .is announced for next Sunday. ';'hese risen are proba- tiori'S. AIrer. Nichol, one of • our prosperous merchants has purchased the John hard• ing residence and will move there shortly. It is race property and well located. Mr, John Gardhouse of Weston was in Gerrie over Sunday. He was inspecting for the Stallion Enrolment Board. Standing Field Crop Coulpctition Turnberry Agricultural Soci- ety offers $75 00 dividend as fol. lows :—$20, $15, $12, $10. $8, Bib, and $4 for the best field 01 White Oats and similar amounts for mangolds. The e Orttarfo Department of ' Agriculture will furnish the Judges, Nature of Competition—Field entered for competition must consist of not less than five urea and not utero than twenty, To ccmpetitore-•-Compet.itlon will be limited to members of Turnberry Agricultural Society. Competitors tsar only enter in one Society and but one entry can be made by each competitor. Any individual r•t.0 snake entry for r hie connpr' titan by brcom4 ing t1 member of t ate floriety and p.storm* an entrar=c-, fee of in. All uunipetitos•s moat be with- ita 15 melee of Woeeham. Appli- cations must bo in by the 10,11 day of May, Hntry forms and 4arthee par tienlars /tray be had by applying to u S C, . J itRlai Pie% ! t A. 0. ;SSttl'rr1, Sec'y, 4444+.441,4+0444+11 1