HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-05-03, Page 1'M4tilSai ecsa_�.._..—_. Single Cop es Turco Ceuta halm wiNG11't,M, ON t., THURSDAY, MAY 3rd 1917 Subst,riptians: $I"50 per,year. Hear Lieut. Trivett i cture on Y. WL C. A; War Work and see the` 41 ierlis�� g War Pictures in the Town Hall, on Wednesday Night, May 2nd, at 8 o'clock.—Free. (jJ r 0,,,,,,,,",,,,,,......,.....sm....se.....1, ",,,,,,,,,... 'ttlaclter's Cot,ncrjj(; FRITZ GOES FARMING Mine Katrin a, --•So long since 1 write, You Sill tisk 1 am (lead maype, yet If I nefer come back from die fight, Den some oder old feller you get. Volt t tette you do reason, mine frau, Vy already mine lettere vill shtop, Ven Jobn Bull soon find omit I can plow, Den he want me to put iu de crop. In de vorld if dere's not enough neat, For to make all de baeplus some pread, Don de poorvill get nothing to eat, 'Und dey all vill go britty soon dead, So John .Ball servo potatoes vitt sow, Vere dose rabbits and pheasants haf shtayed, Und de Seat, oats and barley vill grow Vere de tinnis and cricket was blay- ed. ''" To pe cudt on de land it seems good, Vere de onions and cabbages grow, Vere de pigs fall abhleep in de mud Und de duckR in de vater vill go; But I vork so hard now efry day, Und I gets so big tired py night, To dose friende dat 1 luf far avay Den I hafn't no e, iya,ge to write. I sboost vdrk, and I °bleep, and I eat, So I hafn't much news for to send; You vonld hear of de Sherman redreat, Vell I hopes die big var vill soon end. Al( mine troubles I hardly can't bear, How is tinge is de old Faderland? If ve lose now or vin.I don't care, So I only get back to mine frau, Yours ever Fritz NIGH SCHOOL NOTps About 40 students of the school have left to engage in work on farms. The cadet corps inspection will be held on Wednesday, May 0, at '3,60 p. m., on the school grounds. The girls have pure?laeed a couple of new tennis nets. • The essays on "How a High School boy may help on the farm" written in competition for the $5, $3 and $2 prizes offered by 'the Organization of Resources Committee of Toronto, for the )pest three, have been read and the order of merit deterwined. First prize goes to Cbeeley McLean, tad to Mary Connell and 3rd to Anna Stuart. These three beat essays have been sent to Toronto where they will be read in competition for the provincial prizes ea $?5, $15 and $10: • .• . Eye sight Tested . At cKibbon's Drug Store EVERYBODY'S COLUMN ALL—Accounts owing to Thos. Fulls, if not t1 settled at once wilt be placed in court, pALVES• p1to OR SALbL. Lout Wingham. UIL7,, Mo is containing 73 acres t dr ltd' well, windmill with float. Applzy to IJOHN aats, 130 Albo' 1 St. London ons, pia R SALE Olt RENT,—Eons and three • aores of land, Opposite fair ground. Ap- ply to ALt+lusD ('.tart nOlt SALE—Tho Canadian Queen Iron Elect • ric Iron and Toaster for $1 each or lho two for $7,50 at T. Ise Ws, Butcher Shop SOUND—Ladies' purse and hand bag contai n - a few centcents Inrynh n a.t Ttrt: Ar>vax.•>; r lr AdtAGE TO RENT—S!ablo with electric u lights, suitable for storing two autontobIles Cent pal location, Apply to ALr x YouNG lN1)IA lteNl 1 ti. DUCK—Eggs for sale, V por do;;ou. Apply to . Lt It re, B Line. hoof money.ct pocket. ri tableorewardawillg1 o paid for its return. EDWIN AI0181-1i0,It Phone 1310 Bolgt;ave. i t.V - Crank for automobile. Finder please • leallo tame at ItonEIrlsoree Getteti:. til,e,i, TelD.—A girl to clerk in Drug Store. ire Apply at the Itr• om., Dnua Sloan, 'ANTED TO WONT—Stable suitable for 101 garage. Preferable if situated near Maple St. dpplYat A ova xci; (Mut•ra runic Nance Notice is hereby given that all premises in the ToWn of Wingharn mast he cleaned up and put in a proper sanitary condition on or before the Mit day of May, 1017, as the "provi- sloas 8f the 'utlic Healat tlh Act will be strict - e. Jotry N. Ortovt;a Seo. 11)4rd of heel h, FLYING OVER I'Ri I Z Wingham Boy's Interesting Experience in the Clouds Tho following is an extract froth a letter reeeivea by Ale. and Ws- Dudley Elottuee from their son l'ut;ht-Lieut. D, 1+', 1•loluies, 25th Squadron, 10th, Wing It. F. 0. France. Ono cannot realize that nen are down in the long blade and white lines in the earth that one sees from the nitu pine, or that the shelh you see bursting eau do any harm. They look like fire -crackers from about 10,0.0 feet and you can't hear anythint. From about 2,000 feet you can hear and feel them too. Everyone that pasties near yotir bus makes it jump up and then fall. It is really very eeldotu that we are below 10,000 feot. The only time being when we are over taking photos that things ate busy I can assure you, Uciwever it is all in the game over here and you really get to like it in the air. When you ga up you have to watch out for Hun machines, wal ch out for "Archie" and as we aro a fight- ing tquadron watch the receutteisance machines or as we call theta "quirks" that they don'( get hurt by aliens sneaking up and -doing them in. You know Me. Bocke is a very cute and wily old bird and is op to all sorts of tricks. Ile played one on u3 the other day that I was very lucky to y.,•. out of. Three of our machines v. ens up en a "Iine patrol" protecting gallica we could see three or four fauns ou the otter tide seven or .eight milea away doing the same but we didn't bother them and they d'dn'o bother us. It was very c1':tt'., and we were down low about 2,5°0 a; with some venturesome ' quiLk," 1 elow us, Three Huns came across bidden in clouds and suddenly dived on the tails of the poor "quirks," we carne tootling up and deove them off, While we were doing so three more came nut of the clouds and dropped un ne. The first warning I had was the machine gun going off in my ear, of coarse I knew what happened and tried to get my pop -gun on him, but be was Egnarely -on my tail and I couldn't -reach hien, my pilot put her nose up but still I couldn't get him, do he took a chance and made a quick lurch so I could get my front gun in action and all this time the Hun was squattin(; there pumping hi bullets, As soon as we turned the Hun tirade .off and I could see four other Hun' on the two other.machinea of our patrol. By this time we weee dropping like fun. Sir. Hun had punctured two out of three of our patrol' tanks and o.: r.<.urse wet went .sailing down, Beata: the pilot could get his third tattle oe, :°ra were so close to the t . relies chat you could see the faces upturned looking at us. We managed tie gat home fiafely and found that bn.idee tba two tanks he put one in the pro- pellor, one j'xst hetye een-the pit t' legs cut a control wire end put sews, 1 in the wiuge, pretty good shiN'tior, I can assure you. You may wan.lsr cva: we .lidu't give chase. Well ow: eosa cin only do 80 mites per hour a•:. .hero little AIbatroet $touts of C11,,i. • .:'stn dofront one hundred and fitte .piles fiying.level to two hundred end eighty utiles diving. I ;night say tenni •.ve were the luckiest of the three th•it went out that day, the other two being brought down, one in f1.amee killing both pilot and obsorvor and the other hurt and knocked up, It is very pretty bo see "Archie', 'bursting as it hurste in absolutely round balls of -melte. Some ere black—l1. E ; and some arta white— hrapnei; some green—gat; and believe me its .,,Ar Archie can shoot some timee. You are fl rating along rl rite peacefully when suddenly "cronk" and several round black balls are floating behind you. A few more "cronks" and there is one just off your wing tip and one just above, Then our hear a whistling and the g b lark nails no longer come up, white ones now, and you begin to get nervous. Your pilot now ,8 doing all sorts of weird things with hie machine, turn- ing, twisting, falling sideways, climb - beg up again and all the time yon sit tight and either swear or pray. The above are a few of the trials that beset us in the air, but there are days when i1 rains or clouds ell over and we du as R. F, 0, •.;ommand• merits state "Remember that then keep holy the "dud" daye neither shalt thou clean Reft wires nor any' manner of wink and so on," Sometime I roust seed you a copy as they are rather good." NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the catate of \villiatu 1iryene late of the Township of hTorri' in the Comity of Huron. f %saner, decoa-ed. Nol.-co 1J hereby t:tvr--n pursuant to 11,c 0,1011, Chapter 121, Settiou 5G tl.itt ^11 p��. ho lata evitl ;t any lays pit 1, patina, on diad on or about the 25th day of March A.D. 1917, aro required oh or betoro the seventeenth -day of May A. D. 1017 to file with the undorsignot a statement with full particulars of their claims or of all ecettritteP Held by them, 1f any, and that after the said date, the Executors will p•co"ett to distribute the assets among the pe.rsnna ern• titled, having regard one- to the claims of Which they shatz have notice, Dated itt Wiegitarn this 1&h day of April A, 1). 1017. Dt Dealt Bore! ES tis oleti!1)r.fs;' t u l k.Iie istiAisatt, , TPere mats Mr, Victor Tiaince is home from r ttedeiiitiiy'rnteettieel ttairititetiteatliraitiifieieiVtotatiaitailitaittiii ttilatdneil'Yfa'i't1iWeaiittittatiaienead B o ifalo, Alts. Arkell of Arleen, is visiting with her daughter, Mae Nortrop, Mr. Dave R•,bertson of Toronto, is spending a few days in tbis.vicinity. Mastro R. S. Williams and John Quirk motored to London on Monday, Mre. Cecil 13. Gilbreath of Tor/ante, is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. II. Beemer. Mise Eleanor Cornyu is visiting with friends in Toronto, Hamilton and Niagara Falls, Mr. Adam Schaefer is in Toronto Ibis week attending tbo marriage of bis daughter, Emma.. Mies Maude Plenty spent a few days last week with her sister, Mre. Shackleton, St. Ilelene. Mrs. John Armstrong and son, Joe of Gollerich, are spending a few- days with relativos iu town, Miss Lillian McLean has one to Toronto to visit her brother, Cape. W. J. McLean who ie to go overseas in it few days. Air. and Mre. Percy Patterson and two children have returned to Toron- to after visiting with his .parents, Diagonal Road. Mr, Adana Itbister of Toronto Univ- ere:ity is spending a few days at the home of bis father, Reeve T Neter, Centre St. Mr. Iebibter bat jnet com- pleted his fourth year at the Univers- ity, Aire. Bert Jordan and little daugh- ter. Margaret, arrived from £-lowick, Scotland, last week and are viaiting with the for weed father, Mr. U. Sheik, Victoria St. /They a•e:a at pc'esent spending a few days in Toronto. Mr. Libby has arrived in town and is preparing the Ritchie tC (teems' building for the knitting machines. Carpenters anti mechanics are busy installing the machinery. Mr. Libby is stayiug tai: the Brunswick Iintel. for the present. We welcome hire to our town. . ?k;Messrs, J. F. Groves, 17. 13. Elliott, Orandell, Robt. Allen, Jas. Cum- mings, Fred Groves, Ii, Jobb, Archie Aitcheson, J, W. Dodd, P. Deans, jr. and A. G. Smith attended the I. 0, 0. F. church parade inLocknow on Sun- day, There wen a vary Large turnout of neembere.os 7 ERM FOR 1U0A'41V 't'urnberry Fanner Given Sin Months' in Central Pritton Oto. Creeper, alias W. 11. iJa,n„tai,, of Tuttiberry Township, wl:o 1-ie..tdt.d guilty to a charge of biome. ut foe .fudge t)ieksotl on April 20, t:c tl wee remanded two wecke, wan given a err month; team in central prie,on on Monday manning by the sante jadg'e, Creeper Was Armand on the f.r'ret of Robert; Yoo, watt eP';u ti%;.:ti 16L)F:y° `V'79th hie second wife, whom he tome Led in in Aptil, 1010. Ile muffed his filet wife iu Lindifey wawa bis retyears age. HELP WIN THE WAR By helping the Y. M. C. A. to help the soldiers. If you, are interested in the welfare of the Canadian lads in t France show it by lending enthusiasm to Y. M. C. A. campaign for funds. What comforts would you- deny the man who would give his life for you? •S RAMPMAwM'4ti'ARIWW MASWt1r41MW,FR,tARtMWW119iliA'APrtNRifJ!PAJ4N49M,W41 MAMIVYMNMMriM4 .PATERIOTIC NOTES The Society wishes to express thanks for the following donations of maple Pyrup for our soldiers et the front. J. II. Llnklater, 1 gnlinn; Mrs, Gorge Casernot•e, lx gallon; `tits. Thos. ,Tatnes, e gallon; Wm, ltobinenn, 1 gallon; John R. either, 2 gellone; Win, (1. Sal. ter, 1 gallon; Salle, 'Oros., (5 c the and box for shipping. 'Tt boy., ,. -e etpr- cially fond of anything SO C median as maple syrup and the thotlnl'tfniness of these contributore will be greatly apftreciated. 4 The ladles of I3olmes' S.t,e '' Section held their mouthly tea and sowing b 'e at the home of Meee Biala Wilson. These teas are growing in intert'et, a very plea -ant and profitable afternoon was spent. The collection was $7.05 which our Society ,lr.kt'nwtedgee with I tbaults. The next re '..• •lt 1•<, rola :`.t Mrs. Itobt, Jobnston'a on \Vct;net,day, May 23rd. Word has come from the Canadian Red Cross Society that they do not require any more'first aid pil'owe, but feather pillows aro always nteedecd. We wish to thank alt who have ,aseiet- ed in this cvot•k and would urge that they take up somo other line in the future. The need for pyjetuas and bath -robes woo greatly emphatized, Out out pyjamas and &hitts may be had at the Society's Room in the Field's Block every Tuesday and Saturday afternoon. The regular monthly meeting of the Society will be held in the Council Chamber on Friday, May 4, at 3,30, Everyone welcome. _ Gramophone which the Y. M. 0. A. has sent into the front-line trenches to try and take the soldiers minds oft their terrible surroundings. Do these boys need something to cheer theme Then will you not help the Y. M. C. A, prc- vide such things, 1st of May is Moving 'Tule Mr, L. La•;ris has moved from Mr. Alex. Reid's house to ,tho Anderson house on Victoria 81., recently occup- ied by A, 5, Itess. Mrs. Alex, Young has purchat ed Mr. Reid's house► and has moved into it. Mrs, Boyd has moved into ttie rooms in the McDen 11 block recently vacated by Mrs. Young, and Mrs. Copeland -Heath has moved into the I±;Id,ts house ou Shutter Sr, whish she has purchased vacated by Mrs. Boyd. Mr. John Armour moved to the farm which he purchased Vero Mrs. Copeland -Heath, and the house which he vacated ou Francie St. will be occupied by Mr. Will Currie of Walker Sr Clegg'e 'factory, Mr. Wil- liam Robertson has purchased the house vacated by Mr, Currie, and Mr, i Mate, 5, Rintoul has purebased Mr' Robertson's house. Mr. Gavin Wilson who has purcb,t,sed Mr. Ilintoul'e farm will move to it, and Miss Craig will move into Mr. Wilson's place its L•nver town, Mr, Albert E, Coling rooves into tbo residence on Patrick' St. own- ed by II. T. Thompson. BORN NOP.T111)l' In Wiuglitem (' etuerat Hospital on Monday, April 34th, to Air. and Man. A. I. ittert•op, a slaughter. i\IttA.t:c;itLl:7---Ili rordwteb, r ti tit i -- day, Ain it ;30th, 101'7, JuAlc- Leu,r;hlin, aged 77 yew, 4 months and 0.3 Slave, 1 ietnatin --In II.,wick oat fl t arclay. Apt >2t- , 11)17, Phyllis, ltttte denehtee or Mr, and M.-', Irnt;r rt Wallace, eixth .cone aged 1 year and 1.5 slays, Patriotism and Production The management of the Western 1+'oundry On., is showing the right kind of a patriotic spirit by endeavor- ing to increase prnduction, They have about three acres of land which they aro having fertilized and ploughed, this they will divide in fifteen or six- teen sections and are offering cash prizes to the. empinyee who plantb One of these audha • h' bent gulden in the fall. ' DEED DAw;;oet—At- Auburn, on Monday, April 23, Mary (Nuys', beloved wife of George Devisors, aged 72 yearn and 0 months, tOC1(1i \1LT--At Auburn, on Tuc•sdav, April -24e Mary Aun Taylor, beloved wife of Matthbw Lockhart, in her Olst year. V. M. C, A. WAR WORK Wingham WilERaise $2,000 For this Worthy Cause :rte. Henry Yeigh and Mr, W. Ii, Dewar, representing the National Council of the Y. M. 0. A, met a few of our citizens in the council chamber on Wednesday evening, It was unan- imously decided at this meeting to in- augurate a campaign in Wingham for the purpose of raising $2000 in aid of the Y. M. 0. A. work among the boys at the front. Ofiioets to take charge of the cam- paign were appointed as follows:' Cnairmap,—J. A. Morton. Treasurer, --0- P. Smith, • Secretary,--- A. G. Smith. A provisional committee was ap- pointed from the different churches as follows: -Anglican ohurcb, W. 13', VanStone and 0. P. Smith; Baptist, W. D. Pringle and A. Oosens; Presby- terian, Dr. A. J. ` Irwin and A. G. South; Methodist, G. R. Smith and Dr. R. 0. Redmond; R. 0. Church, A. Al. Scully and J. J. Cunningham; Sal- vation Army, Ensign Clark and Z, Lockman. Mr. Yeigh, who is a brother to Frank Yeigb, the well known lecturer and author of "Five Thousand Facts About Canada,” told of the excellent service that this Y, M. 0. A. was doing among the soldiers and how its work was endorsed by national leaders in civic and military circles, "Whatever Sir Sam's faults may have been, be was always a friend to the Y. M. C. A.," said Mr. Yeigb, who told of what the organization was ac- complishing in the way of furnishing flee whiting material, hot drinks. nptt'atii g canteens, furnishing ath• retie supplies, providing'` for free en- tertainments, attending to the relig- ious needs of the men, and a score of other tbings, the tendency of which is to keep up the moral and the fight- ina spirts of the Canadian forces, "Leet year," he stated, "it took $100,000 to do the work, and 1 his year '-'e will require three quarters of a million. ! Mr. Yeigh was favorably impressed with the attitude of the business men !with whom he came in contact and predicted a aicceseful campaign. On Wednesday evening, May pod, a lecture, and entertainment will he held in the town hall and will be ad-• dressed by Lieut, Trivett, ,a returned soldier and graduate of Wycliffe Col- lege, who will give bis thrilling sleety of life in the trenches. 1118 lecture will be illustrated by moving pictures which were taken right at the firing line. These pictures will be well worth seeing. Lieut. Trivett enlisted as a private and served ten months in the firing line, he also served three months in a Y. M. C. A. dugout, and purposes returning to the front. A male chorus will render several selec- tions. Band ill attendance. At a meeting bald in the Council Chamber on Monday night the follow. Ing captains were chosen to organize iu the different wards of the town:— Ward No, 1—A, L, Lloyd. " 2—W, F. Vanetone, 'r 3--A. Tipling, 4—A. Ii, WIlford. u`—John F. Groves. The above named captains to act as on executive committee in conjunction with the president, treasurer and see- retary, pVy,\lW M'V...M.Jylu'VW.A.,..•4✓V,.A Zocal Items Assessor Cowan's roll show° the Population of Blyth to be 0115. Wo are sorry to report that Mr. Duncan McPherson, Minnie St. is very low., Canvas shoes with rubber soles Read about them in our ad on last page.—W. H. Willis, The Daily Globe owing to increased cost of publication has advanced its subscription price from $3 to $i ,por year, Geo. Walker of the B line, had the misfortune to Ione a valuable steer on Wednesday morning. °It died from i ndigestiou. April went out like a lion alright;--• the wind blew so hard that tlae' price of flour advanced 35 cents per cwt during the night. The monthly meeting of the Ladies Hospital Auxiliary will be held on Monday afternoon, May 5th at 4,15 in the Council Chamber. T. Fells shipped a carload of hogs in Bluevale on Saturday. Fields ,36 Mitchell shipped a ear of cattle frcm Wingham on the same day. Willie, has given over $100,000 for war purposes since Angus% 1011•. $0000 of this was given to Y. M. C. A. work in their recent campaign. 'The last dollar will wiu the war' it is said, and quite a few dollars seem to be waiting around to do their bit by putjting up that particular dollar. Mrs. R. Coutts, Scott St., received word on Monday that her son, Will, had his leg broken in two places while working in a munition factory in Toronto. Mr. N. J. Anthony, accountant in the Band of Commerce here, has been transferred to the at, Catborinee branch and left on Tuesday for his new field. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Duno. Anderson, who underwent an operation in the Wingham Hospital has so far recovered as to be able to return home. In order to assi: in the production campaign and in some emelt way help the farmer to secure more help, Tiii ADVANCI; will daring the month of May advertise for help for any farmer, free of charge. Mrs. W. G. Tooke of Allendale, who has been visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Helps for the past couple of weeks, underwent a serious operation in the General Hospital here on Saturday and we are glad to say is progressing favorably. Mr. J. G. Stewart, real estate agent, fiastthie week disposed of the Jos. Un- derwood property on Francis St. to Mr. Harry 1'. McGee of East Wawa- -nosh, and three lots on Catherine St, owned by William Caslick to Chas. 3, Rintoul. Rev, E. G. Dymond will preach bis farewell sermons next, Sunday in St. Paul's Church. Holy Communion at 11 s. m. Mr. Dymond has been appointed rector of the Anglican church in Durham and will move to that town next week. An editorial on page 1 "Appeal for Increased Production," refers to an appeal from the Organization of Re- sources Committee, appearing on another page of this issue, The reason for its not appearing is due to the fact that it did not arrive at. time for publication. TInI ADVANCE was compelled to raise its subscription price to $1.50 al. most a year ago. Our mailing list has not been affected by the change as we have gained more than we have lost, It might be well however to remind a few that the $1.50 is if paid in advance, and $2 when not so paid, Regular services will be held in the Methodist church next Sunday at 11 a, m, and 7 p. m. In the morning the pastor, Rev. J, W. Ilibbert will preach subject, "The Crisis and our Relation to it." In the eveniug the Rev, 11. 13. Parnaby of Belgrave, will preach. (food music, You are invited. Tni ADVANCE is in receipt of a let- ter from Mr. 11. A. Thornton, Saska- toon, in which he states that although he bas not resided here for some eight years and many changes have taken place, still Tim ADVANCE is a welcome weekly visitor to his home. Their many friends will be sorry toi learn that Mes.Tborntdn bas not'enjoy- ed the beet of health lately and enter - the hos vital there on Monday last, where she will undergo a critical op. oration, DISTRICT CASUALTIES One Boy from 161st Killed. ()there Seriously Wounded. ' Wednesday's casualty lists report Lieut, Stewart Mcliercber of Wrox- eter among the wounded. Word has been received by Mr, and Alts, NeIeon Hayden of Tamostown, that their son, John, of the 101st, has been seriously wounded in the recent battle in Prance. We trust 'he will soon recover from hie) wounds and be spared to come home again, eitt-Mrs. R. Coutts, Scott Street, receiv. ed a cablegram on Thursday, April 20th, that her youngest son, harry, had been severely wounded in the left arm from gunshot. His poor mother has the deepest sympathy from the friends iu town and we all hope for his reeoveryhoe Mr. and Mre. Atex. Forsythe receiv- ed eceived the sad news on Friday last that their son, Pte, Ross I'rederickllbrsyt hP, had been seriously wounded in the recent fighting and was in the militar y hospital at Ltaples, suffering front a gunshot wound in the thigh. Ross .was an employee of the upholstering factory before ho enlisted with the 101et and was well liked by all hie aseociatue. Proceeds for Patrioties tT ". J Homer, proprietor of the Greek Restaurant, has donated A gen- erone percentage of his ealea of Saturday, Iliny ash, to the Woman'e P'atrintie League. Mr. Iloxn4 e' sttp- 1 pliers all provisions eold, the ladies providing the \vaitresees and taking charge; of the times. They are yery Igrateful to Mr Homer for hie grneroue donation and trust that the pr.' -.71:e will gt:Y's -;--tile} patronage u^_4 that O1t1l i mutat de Soldier Ladd entering a Y. M. (t. A. hut, their cbly bright spot, after fight. Mr.,11oer is the proprietor' of the ing our battlue iu mud acid lain, le their net a fte(ud ot yenta to thus t,rt)tlpr',I4attldy l±tmitchell at'4'4i11gllaut, it J. W. McKibbon DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN 1lie Stopes 1.nNAPA't ., r One Cent Sale AN EXPLANATION For the last four days of last week we have put our store at the disposal of the United Drug Co. of Toronto, to work their merchan• dieing methods, This proved a most phenomenal 8ucce5if, as WC served many hundreds of custom. ers. , p AN APOLOGY We feel is due to many of our old and valued customers who may have been inconvenienced during the rush. We trust the "Public Weal" will be enough excuse to our regular customers. Phone 53. C. P. R. Tickets W6 ARE- A Quartette of Beauties f PTE, 1{0551+"mRS'YTI13i Our townspeople will be glad to hear that Harry M. Bradley, who was reported wounded in. last week's casu- alties has been moved`t;o a hospital in England and is doing nicely. His father, Mr. Wm. Bradley received a letter from him on Monday. Several of the weekly papers in this district reported him killed, This would be a cruel blow to any friends who were not otherwise informed. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Renwick of Howick, have received the sad tidings that their son Frank, who enlisted in the 101st (Huron) Battalion has paid the supreme sacrifice, Their very many friends .join in expressions of sincerest sympathy for the beree.ved family in this hour of great sorrow. A. memorial service will he held in Maclntosh Presbyterian Church next Sunday morning in honour of the Wien hero who it is said was recom- mended for the D. S. M. for rescuing a comrade who had been buried by a shell, DROWNING AT KINCARDINE A most distressing drowning accid- ent occurred in the harbour at Kin- cardine on Tuesday about noon, the wife of Rev. Dr, Minefie, who was there working in the interests of the Belgian Relief work, being the victim. AIr, Minefle came very nearly losing his life Also in an effort to save his wife, The two had gene to the outer end of the pier to fish, and she is thought to have taken a dizzy spell and fell over the edge into the water. Her husband, who was near by, jumped in to help her, and succeeded in holding her above water until they both were taken out, A than, who was fishing from the dock, says that he saw Mrs. Minefle endeavoring to adjust her veil which the wind had blown loose, and a mom- ent later on looking in the same direst - ion, was surprised to see nobody on the dock. He at once went to invest- igate and found D. Minefle clinging to a ledge of the crib -work with one hand, and holding the unconscious form of his wife with the other. The two were soots taken from the water and tnedidal Md summoned. Mrs, Mlnolie 1s raid to have been still alive when token out, bub, being in rather poor health, the shock and chill proved too much, and she died Boon after. Dr. Minefle became 'uncon- seione and Was taken to the hospital. Dr. (Capt,) 111Inetie was for a time chaplain of a British btlttAlion at the front, but throughout' last winter. worked in Western Oatario in the int tereste of the Belgian Relief, lie has visited a number of towns in Bruce and neighboring counties, and the past week had worked in Kincardine. lie was to have addreese t a meeting' at Ripley on Tuesday it ening, Special Cavitation We will test crew n and 1.41lt np to 0 y0 Saturday night. (:et the valves of each Cow's milk, 451 for butter fat t.r•day. You are invited to be here. A, 11. NVIUoivo These shoes are designed for particular women. Note the perfect lines, then with the knowledge that your feet will be entirely comfortable. This is assured with every pair .of "Empress". We' areagents for this high-grade shoe which is made in Canada by Canpdian artizans. SET,, OUR LINES' OF TENNIS SHOES W. J. Greer Boots and Shoes 1/4=1a6 -,o To the antral Public The Common Law is the tuost ea- pensive picture that has eyer been shown in Wingham; the admission is 25c at the Picture House Wednesday and Thursday evenings, May 2nd and 3rd. 'Enlisted at Blenheim Edward 0, 3, McCraekin, eon of Rev. J. C. McOrackin, rector of Blen .heiw, and grandson of Mrs. John Mc. Orackin of this town has enlisted in the British Royal Naval Flying Corps and is leaving for overseas this week for England where he will receive bio training, having received a commission in the service, Before his departure from Blenheitnt sonic friends gathered at the 1teetot'y and presented him with d five dollar gold piece, a hall dozen khaki silk handkerchiefs, several pairs of books and a wriet watch also a military cut• tory case, accompanied with a nleeely worded address expressive of the noble sacrifice he was :making, ire ire eighteen years of age and previous to his enlistment he watt in the eniptoy- inent ief the Bank of Toronto but hearing the call of hie king and country he considered it hie duty to go. releettie nossouswaisaimass terarluate »ft)anadianEirubaiinelre Aeaeciattou We carry a large and first. clasp stook ot lltINERAA.ir I1.ESC1UI SJf .'ir 1 • Alarge stock of cvt4thing found itt a modem f.vnicurt atore tiSotora 'Ihone 51; flesidancr. It4- 410011101111110 Waft