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The Citizen, 2003-12-24, Page 8
-./fie. . - 4—1HE WREP1O PAGE 8. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2003. Bantam Dogs win 2 of 3 The Blyth Bantam Bulldogs have won two of the last three games. With a 6-4 win over Brussels on Dec. 8. the Bulldogs were off to a good start. Goals were scored by John Bokhout, Derek Youngbiut, Trevor McArter. Johnalhon McDowell and Thomas LeComte scored two. Bokhout, McDowell. LeComte and Curtis Robertson each got one assist while McArter and one Youngbiut got two. Brussels goals were scored by by CRA/G MCHOLSON The unwritten rules By Craig Nicholson (©2003 by Craig Nicholson. All rights reserved.) Before I started snowmobiling, I learned the “rules of the road”. It wasn’t until much later that I realized another whole set of rules exists that only experience can teach. These principles aren’t written down anywhere, but they’re as immutable as running out of gas if you don't fill up: 1. No matter how smooth the trail has been, it will suddenly become bumpy after lunch. I won’t have any Rolaids. 2. If there have been any signs for gas, there won’t be one marking that last critical turn-off to the station. Inevitably, I will be very low on fuel when I drive by. 3. If 1 do find the gas station, the surface around the pumps will be plowed down to the asphalt. Then I’ll have to get off my sled to move the air hose that signals a car’s arrival. 4. While gassing up. a car will park in front of me so 1 have to physically move my sled to leave. 5. If I backtrack on a long, unmarked stretch of trail because 1 haven’t seen any marker for miles and am unsure if it is the right trail, the proper sign will inevitably be just around the next corner from where I turned. I will discover it only after riding all the way back to the last intersection, turning around again and coming all the way back. Now 1 will really need gas. 6. I won’t see any other riders all day, but at a sharp corner. I’ll suddenly meet a parade of oncoming sleds. They will mostly be taking their half of the trail from the middle. 7. After a long, hard day when 1 most need it, the hot tub will be broken that right. It is the reason 1 booked this hotel in the first place. 8. On cold days, when I’m especially looking forward to hot soup for lunch, the soup of the day will be a kind I don’t like. Or it will be lukewarm. 9. Whenever I finally decide to ask someone else where I am, that person won’t have a clue about the local trails. That will make two of us. 10. Even on the calmest day, if I need to consult my trail map, a high wind will start to blow. 11. 1 won’t need to use the facilities unless there aren’t any. 12. It will rain the one day that I’m not wearing my Goretex™ snowmobile suit. 13. I’ll arrive in town by snowmobile immediately after the street I must follow has been ploughed. 14. If I don’t spread my gear to dry each night. I’ll be cold and sorry the next day. 15. When coming to a point where the trail ahead is plowed bare, there will never be a sign saying how far the snowless section extends. Similarly, if the trail detours onto a paved road, a sign will rarely be in place that says how far I have to ride on pavement to pick it up again. 16. If there is a logging truck anywhere nearby, I will meet it, usually at the most inconvenient place. Ditto for groomers. 17. If I have to ride along the shoulder of a deserted road or highway, a large tractor trailer will appear to spray me with slush. 18. When I arrive in a town, I will be chased by a barking dog. Or the whole pack. The trail will usually go by the dump. 19. I will know when a small town isn't snowmobile-friendly, if folks in the restaurant look at me as if I'm an alien. Or maybe it’s my helmet head. 20. The guys with the hottest sleds will ride bumper to bumper at high speed. 21. On each ride, I will see one hole too late, bottoming out to com press my spine like an accordion. 22. When riding with a smoker, it will take at least ten minutes to get going again any time I hesitate at a corner or otherwise appear to be slowing down. Until next time remember that snowmobilers care about the environment too. For the Tour Planner and Trail Condition Reports check out www.ofsc.on.ca and look under Trails. Craig Nicholson is a regular contributor to Snow Goer, Canada's Snowmobiling Magazine. The Intrepid Snowmobiler also appears on radio and on Snowmobiler Television. The opinions expressed are solely those of the author. Atom Bulldogs deliver 4-1 victory over BCH On Thursday, Dec. 18 the Atom Bulldogs stared down the BCH team (Bayfield, Clinton, Hensail) and delivered a 4-1 victory. The goalscorers of the night were Dana Teed and Jeff Plaetzer with two each. An important contribution came from Adam Cronin with awesome goaltending. They played in Wingham Saturday, Dec. 20 and after pulling out to a strong lead with goals by Matt Clark (his first of the season), Caleb Brohm, Jamie Plaetzer and Teed, Wingham turned it on to lie it 5-5. Tyler Deitncr and Wade Stephenson, each with one and Chris Jutzi with two. Assisting the goals were Deitner, Jamie Cochrane, Chase Chapman, Nathan Prior, Jordan Campbell. On Dec. 13 Blyth lost 5-3 in an exciting match against Mitchell. John Bokhout assisted all three goals, two scored by LeComte and Youngbiut. A victory celebration was called for after a 2-1 win against Elma Logan on Dec. 15. Roman Sturzenegger scored the first goal assisted by Youngbiut and Blake Hesselwood scored the second goal assisted by Bokhout. Brussels, Blyth faceoff The Brussels Tykes played a great game against Blyth on Saturday, winning 5-2.Brock McLean scored all five goals, but not without the help of his teammates. Mitchell Kellington and Hayden Ten Pas each assisted two of McLean’s goals. Anthony Vader assisted on McLean’s last goal. navidad’^^e N 3 Q) Q) O (2a* jVet^Oaa*a Wishing you peace, love and joy this holiday season and all year through. it's been a privilege and a pleasure seiwing you. Murray’s Barber Shop Brussels Closed Dec. 25, 26 & Jan. 1 Service to most makes of small engines Automotive farm and tire service ARCTIC CAT What Snowmobiling s All About.™ 519-345-2248 Fax: 519-345-2790 Jim Bauer email: bktire@bellnet.ca Mike Kells. z 0 rti H-K • 0 (X 0 5• 1 1 liuon natale- 2 ✓ Ring in the joy ... ring in the cheer For Christmastime is almost here And when at last, the bells are through A Happy New Year to all of you! With best wishes for a happy and healthy season. Brian, Brenda and all the staff CARPET ONE TenPas Decor Carpet One 122 Main St. E. Listowel, Ontario N4W 2B6 519-291-4440