HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2003-12-10, Page 6PAGE 6. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2003.
Lewington new president for NFU youth
By Elyse DeBruyn
Citizen staff
The National Farmers
Union has elected a Brussels-
area farmer as the new
representative for youth across
Dave Lewington. 26. a full-
time hog and sheep farmer in
Brussels, was elected by
members of the NFU as the
newest youth president during
their 34th annual convention
from Nov. 20-22 in Saskatoon,
“I was surprised when I
learned I had won. I'm really
excited to begin working on
projects," said Lewington.
The NFU Youth includes
members of the NFU who
have undertaken and are
undertaking many projects to
create the potential and build
awareness among young
Projects of the NFU Youth
include: Youth Policy Task
Force - summarizing NFU
policy for discussion with
young people; Rural/Urban
placements, participation in
ages 14
NFU news
recreational sports.
“The NFU Youth is
unique because youths
and young farmers have
stronger views than most
organizations." said
Young farmers
between ages 14 - 21 are
and a
25 can become a
b\ paying a
membership Ice
has been a
member ol the
NFU Youth for
youth advisor
for Ontario for
. about one and aDave Lewington, ha|l years
aulomalically members Nt I) youth pres. As president.
under their family's he said he will have to attend
membership, but any youth, one to two board meetings
each year m Saskatoon, take
pari in monthly phone
meetings and tackle issues of
young farmers.
He said a big issue they are
laced with is how to get young
farmers started into supply
He said it was virtually
impossible to get started
unless the family already
farms, so the NFU Youth are
trying to start a farm registry
in the NFU.
The farm registry is for
retired members or semi
retired who offer some of their
land or buildings for lease or
rent to young farmers just
starting out. “Even if this
could get one or two young
people farming, it would be
great,” he said.
Lewington said they are also
trying to develop a model
Farm Transfer program which
is similar to NISA, an income
stabilization for farmers.
To become a member of the
NFU, contact Lewington at
519-887-2681 or check out the
Web site at www.nfu.ca
Letter to the editor
Writer reminds Dee. 10 Human Rights Day
Security still occupies the
front pages of our daily
papers and TV news. In the
name of security we are
prepared to suspend the rule
of law. the foundation of
liberal democracy. For a false
sense of security, we are
Dishing it out
Marie McCutcheon, left, and Doris Fischer served up soup for the folks
attending the Huronlea Auxiliary craft sale and luncheon on Saturday. (Vicky
Bremner photo)
prepared to see our justice
system corrupted and pass
laws denying due process. In
our hind fear we fail to see
there can be no real security
without ihe rule of law, or
without justice and fairness.
And certainly there can be
no real security when we
participate in the plunder of
other countries.
Columbia, with its wealth
of oil, gold, timber, and coal,
is one of the richest countries
in South America. Yet the
majority does not share in this
wealth and any attempt to do
so is immediately smashed. In
2002 172 trade union workers
were murdered by members
of the para-military supported
by Columbia’s army. The
para-military, financed by the
rich families, force peasants
off what little land they have
to make way for mining
enterprises, four of which are
With the privatization of
their telephone system and
subsequent increases in fees,
thousands of poor
Columbians no longer can
afford a telephone while those
to hold
denominational group People
for Peace is holding an event
Wednesday. Dec. 10 in
At 7 p.m. folks are invited to
gather outside Victoria Street
United Church for a short
candlelight vigil. Then the
assembly moves indoors to
warm up with guest speaker,
Janice McKean of Amnesty
International. She will be
exploring how our efforts as a
peaceful society must focus on
the most vulnerable among us
both here and abroad.
After a short pause for
refreshments, people will
breakout into working groups
for a discussion and things
should wrap up by 9:30 p.m.
All are welcome. For more
information call 440-0209.
with the money can enjoy
their new bells and whistles
.profitably provided by
transnational communication
There can be no real
security when we are
complicit in widespread
human rights abuses.
We will never have real
security when we brush aside
as progress the murder and
exiling not only of human
rights workers and trade
unionists but women and
children, when we take their
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land and livelihood, and when
we disenfranchise a
Dec. 10 is Human Rights
Canadians have no reason
to feel smug for when our
false security fails we may
wake up and realize we paid
in more ways than one.
Human rights are not just our
rights; they belong to
Fred Kirby, Amnesty
International South Bruce
Group 97
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