HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-04-19, Page 5Thursday April Ick, i5.I7 TITA WINCE Ai AlYSTANC,F4 Page Five . rr_._.- BARD'S arsesnraerseasellontemensisersee Spring House -Cleaning Time. is Here And to brighten up the hotly you will need Carpets Oilcloei• Linoleutrts, Rugs, Curta' .1 Blinds,. Brass Rods, Window Poles, Madras and Scrim Draperies. 11/1/4/10.1.14111,4 New patterns in floor oilcloths all wid- ths 4x4, 5x4, 6x4, 8x4. LI.NOLEUMJ--ln hest quality, two to four yards wide, New color- ings in black and floral deelgna. NEW'CHIJVA MATTING 'RUGS—In all sizes. Makes a serviceable and inexpensive covering for Bed Room floors • , See them. COJYGOLEUM 'RtIGS—In New patterns "cheaper than. Linol• eutne” will wear well. Are giving good satisfaction. -IRE/GS—Wilton, Velvets, Brussels, Tapestry, Wool and Union Rugs. All sizes in stock. Mostly bought at old prices. So we can give you big value in all lines, - DLIJVDS--Large range of Window Blinds in the best wearing linen - Plain or laced trimmed. ( See our Special at 50c. WIJNDOW TOLES AND DRASS EXTE.N. lO.N 'RODS—All sizes. Special at 15c each 2 for 25c. WINDOW DRAPERIES—Great variety of English and Scotch Madras, Scrim and Marquesette curtain goods. Also now patterns in ehadow coloring for over curtains and side drapery, our prices will interest you. 'TAKE A LOOK' • Our Stock and Values are large H. E. Isard. & Co. • Women's Wear and Men's Wear Stores ' SCHOOL REPORT The following is the report of 8, S, No. 8 East Wawanosh giving the re- sult of the promotion examinations held the last of March. pc Entrance: Claes—Irene McDowell .(honors.). Sr. 1V.—Agnes Gibbons. Mary Bolt, (equal, honors) Alberta Stapleton, Myrtle Henry. Mr. Geo. Yeoof m eswater, at:nouncee the marriage of his daughter Aima E, to Victor N Squires of Septra, Sash. the wedding t eking place at the hone of her sister, Mrs W N Crooker, of Brandon Man , cin April Srd Re . Mr Morrow officiating A couple of boy scouts walked from Clinton to Blyth where they had dinner and proceeded on to Bru. sets, arriving there about •130 on Thursday afternoon. They hiked it back to Clinton early Fri- day morning where they gnjoyed a hearty dinner at home. A number of juveniles were up before Magistrate Kelly on charges of carrying rifles, smoking cigarettes and truancy. The cases were laid over for further in- vestigation sin the part oi'the police. who will find out where the ammunition and cigarettes were obtained. and it is expect• ed that some of the local merchants will will be up on the carpet, • The second edition of ''Canada in Flanders",•by Lord Beaverdale, (Sir Max Atkin) is just off the press, being publish- ed by Hodder & Stoughton, Toronto. !The narrative is a continuance of eur brave Canadians at the front and will no doubt b8 iarg'ely read by all who have been following the events of the war. The accounts are all founded on official reports of commanders in the field, Jr. IV.—Lewis Bone (honors), Alex Menzies, Aleatba McIntosh. Sr. III—Evelyn Gibbons, (honors). Beatrice Leishman, Roth Menzies. Jr. IL —Jessie Menzies, (honors) Alex McBurney. Gwendolyn McDow- ell (equal) Angela Gibbons; , Primer. --Blanche Ononingham, Myrtle Leishman, Laurette McBurney Zora Bolt, Bar vey Stapleton. Laura Currie (Teacher.) �uderfu 1 Attractive Display Of New Domestic and Wash Goods, Sug- gesting Many'Deautitul Fabrics for Spring and Summer .Dresses • A display characteristic of this stores desire to al - .ways present to the ladies of this vicinity an exhaust- ive and comprehensive showing of the most favoure:l materials as created by the latest fabric designers of this and other countries. Printed fabrics are much in demand and many dainty designs in suitings, voiles and crepes afford a most pleasing selection from which to choose right now while the goods are for new stock, so that we are trying to steer a medium course between the high and low prices, and thereby forming a price basis very advantageous to the early buyer in these limes. As the season advances and more of the newer lines comes on under higher prices. and unless your old stock is available we mu..t ask higher prices. We have a good range of the new things in scrims, nets, cretonnes, furniture covering etc., in all the late• est effect. A few fine patterns are shown in 4 yard wide Lin- oleum and some bright and new while the entire: stock is complete, is the best time to buy for' Spring and summer, then, too, by buying now you do away with the litter rush and hurry that will surely come if you don't propose for the new season now. House Furnishings Nearly everything in house furnishings have taken a decided. advance, Carpets, Rugs, Liiudleums etc. Fortunately we have always carried a goad big range of these lines and to -day we are using our surplus stock in these lines to ease upon the higher prices we have been obliged to pay and some very. effective •patterns in floor oils. . A few nice` small rugs thrown round in the most used places in a room add to the effe ct and save materially on the carpets, we have a choice range • and before • fixing up this Spring you we it to your. self to come and look over Our house furnishing lines. J. A. Mills "1*e House of Quality. Phone $9 R. C. F. Alexander, DI Ottawa, repres entative of the Intercolonial Railway, was in Kincardine the other day inspecting the steel railo lying here, that are looked upon as assets of the defunct Ontario West Shore Railway. The rails are of good weight, 70 pounds, and, it is said, would be quite suitable for use by the1ntercolisn- ial, It is expected that an offer will be made for the „rails by the Government read. A sad affair occurred at the home of Mrs. Young, ninth con., of Howick, on Sunday morning last Mrs. Kerr of Sask- atoon. Sask , had come to visit her grand- mother, rand-mother, Mrs, Young, bringing her four months' old adopted baby with her. At six o'clock on the morning mentioned the mother was awake and the child was sleeping peacefully. On awakening again two hours later she found that the little infant was dead. It is not known for sure .the cause of the child's death, as It had been quite healthy heretofore The fun- eral was held on Tuesday afternoon to the Ferdwich cemetery; Mrs. Kerr s husband is now overseas, having enlisted in the West some time ago. AFTER ORM Vinol Restored Mr. Martin's Strength Wapakoneta, Ohio. --."I am a farmer by occupation, and the Grippe lett me with a bad cough and in a nervous, weak, run-down condition, and I could not seem to get anything to do me any good until I took \Pinot, which built me up, ar1 my cough and aerrousnees ere all gone, and I can truly eyty Vinol ie all that is claimed for It,' — JALCEe Meanie, Vivol is a eonetitutiiinal remedy for all weak, nervous and run-down condi, Owls of men, women and children, and for chronic coughs, colds and bronchitis; 3. Walton Mcgihbon, Ds uggfet, %Ingham, Also the best druggist In all Ontario towns, THE LIFTUP (Patented) BIAS FILLED CORSETS Positively the most effective corset for ladies who require ,abdominal support, 'All the latest styles of corsets to stat any figure. CORSETS MADE TO ORDER. - Write us for cata!nuc and measurement form REPRESENTATIVES WANTED Write to -day for particulars to Department A BIAS CORSETS LIMITED 39 BRITAIN ST. TORONTO Festers Carda NEEDS Thousands of Men for Spring Seeding Steady Employment Good Wages. Low faros in effect. For tickets and information apply to RITCHIE & COBENS, Financial Agents, Wingham. St. Helens ' Spring cleaning is the order of the day Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood of Lucknow, were visitors at the home of their sister. Mrs. jas Barbour, Jr.. on.Sunday. Why did. Wallace look so lonely 'last week? Miss Chris Miller has returned home -after spending the Easter week with friends in Harriston. Mr. John Phillips is busy cutting wood for Mr. W. J. Todd. Mr_ Joseph Donivan made a business trip to Wingham on Monday. Miss Maud Mc uillan spent a few days last week visiting her grandmotber, Mrs. E. Haines. A little baby girl arrived at the home of Mre Jas. , Baker last Monday, April Oth. Mr. Sam forte* hail the misfortune tes fall the other day and hurt his knee on a nail. A number from around here attended the Patriotic dance in Lucknow on Thursday evening. See the Wingham Creamery adon page 8 .of this issue. CANADIAN NORTHERN FOR SALE A. superior 8 roomed brick house, Well built, Beautiful situation One quarter mere lot. Immediate possession Apply to Ritchie Cosens Insurance and Real Estate Wingham Go West by 0. N. R. the great new scenic route. Tickets and births at our allele. HITCIIIE & COSMO. Belgravc See the Wingham Creamery ed on page of this issue, A lar,;e gathering assembled at the home of W I3, and Mrs. Ferguson. 5th line, last Tuesday night et which was represented some sixty of the friends and n •' hhors of the lora i y who took advan- tege of the occasion to pay their respect ane .w honer to their son Sapper J Gor- don Ferguson D S. who was home on his last leave from Ottawa, where he has been training for some months prior to going overseas. The evening was bright the weather being all that could be desir• ed, permitting all the members of the various families interested to attend. Selections on the Vanaphone were given during the reception and comfortable arrangement of the guest. Mr, Richard proctor, councillor of the Local War Auxiliary, called the gathering to order and hi a few well chosen introductory remarks explained the object Acting on a suggestion he asked Mrs. Taylor to take the chair The first number on the gro- gram was an address well read by Maudie cell as follows:— To Sapper Gordon Ferguson, D. S. ' Dear Gordon:— We your friends and neighbours are gathered here to night with feelings of pride and regret, we have learned of your call to overseas„duty, and as we realize that parting must come to us all, our earnest prayer is that the kindest blessing of the Almighty may rest with you in that tar distant land. We all admire the stand you have taken in enlisting to serve your king and although we are severed for a time remember your friends will not for- get you, and are hoping that the time may soon come when all nations will be at peace As a small token of the esteem in which you are held in the locality we present to you this wrist watch,not for its value, but as a reminder of the kindly. spirit in Which it is given. May you be blessed with good health and spared to return to us again safe and sound is the wish of your friends. Signed on behalf of the friends and neighbors. Richard Proctor. Councillor of War Auxiliary, and W. G. Nicholson, Pres. of local' branch, e The - presentation was made by Mil- dred Russell, The watch Is of handsome design with gold. case. The recipient made a short but suitable reply express- ing his,deep gratitude for the thoughtful- ness which prompted the gift. An impromptu program was then ren- d:red which consisted of an able address by G. W. Nicholson, which was sincere and to the point., He enlarged upon the importance of the occasion. the honor which we bear and the pride that is ours in our young, soldier, and that too much honor cannot be paid to our heroes, with best wishes that they may be able to re- turn again safe and sound with duty well done. Those called on for apeeches were James Anderson, W. H Armstrong, Ed- win Armstrong. Mre, Joseph Clegg, Mrs, Vancamp, James Michie, James Russell, and Samuel McCurdy The first men- tioned entioned having sons at the front wished to be excused. Those responding spoke in sentiments of good wishes. Mr. McCur- dy in strong. clear terms emphasized the thought that there is nothing too good for a soldier. There was music galore, violin selections byJ• T. Bell and Montle, violin and organ instrumentals by Rich- ard Proctor also a song by Nora Van - camp. Victor Young on his harmonica, and songs by James Taylor, Charlie Cole, Misses MIchie, Mary Cole, Violet and Nellie Anderson and Elizabeth Ferguson and a rousing chorus by the pupils of Nei 5 School. Accompanists were Maud Bali. Mrs. Taylor, Miss Eliza Proctor, and Miss Spiers A bounteous lunch pre- pared by the guests with specially pre pared coffee was dispensed with to the pleasure of all. A variety of games and social chat was indulged in by old ar young. Old friendships were renewed and exchanzed which will not soon be fcrgotten In spite of the gloom which enshrouds such occasions on account of the uncertainty of the life of those going out, a pleasant time was spent which was due largely to the good will and genial nature which prevailed among those present. Council adjourned to meet May 20th at 10 a, m, as it court of revision for Assess- ment Roll and for general business. W. A. Wilson, Clerk. BORN MOrrrre—In Wroxeter on Anr'1 7th. to Mr. and Mrs. A, I3. Moffitt, a daughter, 131I�G —In Howick, on Sunday, April S b, 1017, to Mr, and Mrs. Augceb W. Kiel, fourth con., a eon, .0„assss► Real Travel Comfort Spring is here, and patrons of the Canadian Northern will 'find renewed pleasure in the Compartment•Lihrary- Obsir'eMton carts On all its Transom,. tfnental trains, which not only alio* the patfsenger to gain the full benefit bf the Wonderful sceflerY along the route, but also to take advantage of the many new comfort features which have Created so many' favorable oom- tbents among motto country travellers, A. magazine aud library bureau which contains the latest and most popular literature; writing desks wltb attractivte etationerq; a't'Trravaltere' Stop" with a took of articles, the traveller la likely to forget et overibok in paolring up for the trip, Oda as oollar buttons, shoe laces, etc., are a few instances, while tasty teas, and light aref reshatientd may be obtained at a very small coat. ••••••••••••••"0.1%."..A.06.••••••••••••611.".....".1%* ONTARIO'S BEST BUSINESS COLLEGE fiajOld, STRATFORD. ONT,. 8tndet40 maay enter our classes aloe tame. Commence your (nuree uowTand be qualified for anns1tion by btiesummer. Durnng J111y aad Aa rust. of last year wo received collator over 200 ot800 assistants we could not supply. Our graduates are ) in demand. Write at once for our free catalogue, ( D. A. troLACHLAN - Primsfpal CHIROPRACTIC Chiropractic accurately locates and removes the cause of disease, allowing nature to restore health. J. A. FOX D.G., D.Q. Drugless Physician. Consultation and examinations ben. Phone 191. Member Drugleee Physicians Qesociea tion of Canada. I WANTED! Highest Cash Prices paid tor AO Kinds of Live PJULTKY. HIDES. WOOL and JUNK. Phone 204 H. Brown Plan. Your Summer Vacation NOW Arrange 'tovisit eome of the following points --Ali beauty spots--•Ckieo to nature, Muskoka Lakes Georgian Bay 'temagatni .Mgon4uin Park Labe of bays Kewartba Lakes �'ullinfottnation and t ea„tIpt ive lir eratnre rosy be secured on application to C. E. Horning, 0.P: A. Toronto, bs*t. R. B ltiiiott, town Agent, Poone �PViltgbat t, Ont, • West Wawanosh Council Municipal Council of West Wawsnosh met on above date as per adjourment. Members all prevent,' •Reeve 7. A. Mal - lough presiding. Minutes of last meeting read and passed on motion by Messrs Watson and Aitcheson. Financial statement read by `treasurer showing a balance on hand of $291.66, this report filed. Clerk read a copy of all available re- cords as between the Tp. of W. Wawa - nosh and D. D. P. Assn re Court room' accom*dation These records show that this matter has not been satisfactory to former Councils The annual rent viz.. 52.0.00 is considered to high especially as the Hall is not available for all courts. Motion by Idesers Purdon and Watson that rept due be paid and that this matter be laid on the table for further consider- ation.—Carried. Motion by Messrs Aitcltesen and John• ston that Wm McQuitiip be appointed Township Representative to the Insti. tute's Branch of Agriculture --Carried. A petition asking the Federal Ciovern- ment to enact Dotriinipu wide prohibition was accepted and signed by Reeve on. Motion by Messrs Watson and Aitcheson. Messrs Culbert and McCann waited on Council pressing their claims for a con- tinuance of the Young's Creek 'Drain Work through tbir.respective properties. Motion by Wat5bti. and Purdon that no' action be taken In the meantime or until further advice had peen secured. Motion by Messrs 1 ttrdort and Aitcheson that Dy law Ho 21917 be read a third time and passed Confirming the appointments of pathtnststers. poundkeepere and fence viewers.-' Carried Motion by .Messrs Johnson and Watson that a refund of one dollar be paid Mrs, Rollinson for Statute Labour In 1916, Mr, Rollinson having en. listed for overseas should have been exempt Mrs Miller's account for Ited Cro8e supplies of $90 00 was paid and charged to County grant. Motion by Messrs. Johnson and Vat. bon that Clerk prepare a letter of condol once to be sent to Mrs 8 Thompson and family,—Carried. Motion by Reeve Mal- lough that this Tp. purchase two road drags, tbia matter was considered at some length and no action taken, Motto» by Mesatls Watson and 10urdon that Agricultural Sootetiee at Dungannon end Lucltnow be granted $15.00 each for i91.7.—Carried, - Motion by Johnston and Purdon that gave secure a naw blade for ,greder. - Carried. Motion by Pardon and Altche• Oft that Clerk write Tp. Colbour,te re adjustment of Y. C, 1), matter. Aceta antountittg to $17.52 wars >wraaab and • Stylish, comfortable - We have in stock a C/C a 't. 14 Gr&ce Corset to suit every typo •of figure. Come and see them. Spring Goods Crepe Blouses, Kid Gloves, Northway Garments, Silk Hosiery, etc. balanced Greatness FoBigur $1190 LiiXght $138th S Prices Effective April 1st Light Fours $97 Touring Roadster • . Soso Country Club $tszo Big Fours Touring .' . Sligo Roadster . . $inn CouSedan . edn . $ao3o Light SIxca Touring . . $738o Roadster . . St36d Coupe . • . $rp4o Sedatl . . . $2220. tVillys•Six Touring . . $t000 tV i1lys.Knights Four Touring $Ipso Four Coupe . Savo. Four Sedan . $2730 Four Limousine $2739 Eight Touring $2739 • Advance is vice, Big Four and Light Six mod- als. May 1st next --de. ferred until that date ac- count too late to correct advertisements appearing in magazines circulating throughout the month of 11Pri(. All prices f.o.b. Doran' Weed fo changewiNuxdE make The Overland Big, Four—again improved and refined—is the car that built Overland. This car for nine years has un- dergone steady development and refinement with the help and advice of an army of owners which now totals over three hundred thousand. The unprecedented accumulated experience in building this, type of car has taught us true balance as nothing. else could --the value of right weight— the true tire, gasoline and oil • economy—the utmost attain-• able riding comfort—the lines that truly express refinement and beauty. The price is $1190 until May lst —thereafter $1250. The Light Six is the sank; model with changes conforming to approved six -cylinder con- struction and is likewise an excess value car at the price, $1380 until May lst—there- after $1435. These cars represent a safe pur% chase at a very considerable saving on a basis of com- parative values. Out. April deliveries are limited. WINaUA14 OVERLAND SALES L. Kennedy Willys-Overland, Limited Flead Office and Works, West Toronto, Canada, ' An advertisement by The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada to improve PART'Y•LINE SERVICE r.. 'Xr 0 Co • operattot : Each subscriber 'should cooperate to better the service on Itis line. The practices (suggested below have been found to greatly improve partyaline service 1. Before calling, find out whether the Zine \sin use. If it is, hang up your receiver promptly. 2. Emergencies will arise. If a party -line subscriber desires to make an emergency call, the persons using it should give up the line temporarily. 3• Do not allow children or others to listen or 1nt,rrupt your neighbor's conversation when the line is in use. 4, Make your calls as brief as possible. Short talks will keep the line open and make the service of most value to every- one, la. Answer promptly when you htar your ring* The Ben Teleplhoiie Co. of Canada "Good s i . * * ' our Mitts Itltetit." i