HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-04-19, Page 4Wage r cyur C `i�4"l'`fit ���_t %kYi.� � bC11.tc .JOlate do see Proprietor A. Lie Semen, 1 ana et 131:1URSDAY. APRIL 10th 1067 A.. R lduegrove, M. P: P„ for North. nuron, bit the tail on the head in dis.. cuseing the question of school student help op the farm when be expressed doubt of the successful carrying out of the system if it is to be patterned by the MO experience, Tt was in some cases simply an excuse to dodge the departuaeptal examination and the person who signed swat certificates of service rendered was a ' party to the hand, -Brussels Post, • x a Legislature Prorogued The Ontario Legislature was pro- <>rogue4 on .April 12th with the usual ceternoniee, Iu his prorogatiou speech Sir Joker .11encirie, lieuteu nt•f overnor expressed bis eatisfaotien at the ttuaui- edeclarationt h man of the House of be da tet:znivation of the pe eelaa to do their utmost to bring the war to a successful conclusion. Ile emphasized Um importance o>f a widespread 're* sponse to the campaign for increased production. tic welcomed the return. ed eoldlere and declared it was a privilege of the people to show their appreciation in every way. 1Ie mentioned also the settling of the soldiers on the laud and their training for farming. "The extension of the franchise to women is an important feature of the legislation of this session," he said, "'It le felt the women have by their eervices rendered to the state, fully justified the plaolpg of ballots in their hands," "DILL AND TOM" SERVICE Friends of Arthur Newtnan, who wo sfor a titxte t o a THE AIty `!" owe AIS ilr will he glad to re:►d the following letter ftt+nx Idea: eletr\i eo" Merch 15th, 1017, Dear Mrs, Smith: - 'ffuet mitb:-- "5uet received your parcel of sock, i really can't thank you too muoh for your kindnees and will you please put a little item in "The Advanoe", Thadking the Woneen's Institute for the pair of .soaks I received and highly appreciated. We ars out on billets now after a nice long tour of 28 days up the sine so it's about time we were having a test also a good clean up, The night before last the 4th Div. Concert Party put on a concert in the "Y" here and believe me it sure was a treat, They bad an impersonator of a girl ;tad really he couldn't be surpass• ed, she was some Queen. Every' even• ing the !'Y" holds a concert of eowe I`.t E WINGLIAII . ADVANCE description and after every program the Ohaplain holds a little cervica tvl,ich he galls the "Ilia and Tont" ee °v` e t to and be in eine tair wayN aw "I am not trying to ehekc3 .sown' you, but wo are just el here to have a little siren se ng mill to. make" frleeds," Really it is r:urlarir+ing how touch wo enjoy' it and qn+ fr°terldd we make, he introduceit tie all by reek- ing tie nand up and give ou'uame and where from, and in this way we met fellows from pieces around where you come from and sons times the saute town for instance one of our Sige.. was sitting beside a fellow whom he thought he never knew and after the introduction they found out they used to live next door to each other and gp to school together, Gee If it was not for the Y. M. C. A. out here I believe we would all be dead Ecom homesick.. nese, also for writing home etc. The Bands generally play throughout the day to keep us livened up. Suppose you are having lots of snow and, stones now, eve don's see very { Dirs. (Dr.) Stewart a Wingha,m, called eatech of that out here although it toe g on friends in the village ea Sunday. very cold and mud up to •the eyttR, Robert Anderson passed away on Fri. , o ta r♦. 'r.tt 3, l bs a 4 it day sussing after several weeks' ilirless orti tvitrt=•ut that,••rhe funeral will be hold ou 'Tuesday' to H1.11"1°I. Fell n ws iu eearee so will � the Brandon cemetery The bereaved !rive to elite° tUU time. With beet ; family have the sympathy of'the commun. iire Bards to 'lir, Retitle .. ,d , ortro ulre.cmly, ity �vtlt+r Newlxaa Belgrave Fordyce Mina Annie Wililameon of Winghatn. spent Baster at joeeph Charnney'e. lte.v Austin Budge of Hamilton, spent Mr. and Mre, Geo. McRoberts. visited few days hi the village last week, with Mrs. Robt. Haines over Sunday, Mrs, Sutton is v;sitin Mrs, Steward McBurney has returned g her daughter, home after spending a few days with her Mrs. Yuill. . mother, Mr$. W. 8. King of Turnberry. Mrs. Burney of Exeter, is visiting Merl Mr. and Mrs. sandy Havens :spent sister, Mrs. H Hopper. Beater with Wm Champion. Miss Jessie Budge has returned to her Service at Bethel at B p.m. and fellow. home in the village after spending the ship meeting, the first Sunday in every winter in Hamilton. month. Tom Stewart of Blyth, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Stewart. Mrs. joeeph Kertz and Mise Nellie Boyle of Guelph, spent Easter with their mother, Mrs. Jas. Boyle. �i l (I(Jc1Etibbon's The Pian You pay t h e regular price for One Article and then we give you- , another of t h e Same Article for .One Cent Drug. Store tibc"llkibbon's e4tic-et r:.,.=A,,,.: Drug Store WED., THURS., FRIDAY:. and' SAT., .ARRIL 25th, 26th, 27th and 28th. example Buy, one tube Rexall Antiseptic Tooth Paste at the regular price of 25c. and we will give you another Tube for One Cent. or 2for.26 This ONE CENT SALE Plan was originated by the United Drug Company for the Rexall Drug Stores. They are the largest manufacturers and buyers of Toilets, Remedies, and Drug Sundries in the world, and this is an- advertising plan pure and simple, of which they bear most of the expense. Instead of spending money in the regular way, such as Free Samples, etc., it is their desire that we place full sized packages, or articles, in your hands, giving you an opportunity to judge the real value of these goods, the cost of which they charge to advertising. We will only be permitted to run this sale occasionally. So take advantage of this opportunity. EXTRA SPECIAL (200 clips of Tea for 1 cent) 50c pkg, 2 for 51 Breen's British Blend Tea 25c box of Toilet Soap (3 cakes) 10c Pierpont Cigars e2.25 box Pierpont Cigar.......................:n 2,n� (25 in box) �s for 2s 2f°r 26 ._2 for 11 Perfumes and . Toilet Waters 25c. bot. Intense 2 for •26 Perfumes • . 50c. bot. Intense ++)� Perfumes Le for •51 $1.50 oz. of Valle 2f,°r 15I de Fleurs Perf. • $1.50 oz. of Para- 2 1 El for dis Perfume .. 1 d $150oz. of Pesci- .q *tette Perfume for 1.51 75c. os. of Opt 2 76 ;Perf. any odor. for •. 75e. ` bottle of •q Toilet 'Vater.. 4for 76.: Rubber Goods Red Rambler Hot Water Bottle 2 qt. size arid guaranteed perfect E gtllar $2.00 2for2.01 each 4.. .. ... 2.50 Red Rambler Fountain Syringe, 2 qt. 2 fey 44.11° 1 size .....,.,. 2.50 Roxbury Ladies' Bulb Syringe..,.,. 2for2.51 13.00 American II e a it t y Ladies' . S,y'riisgtl ..2/03.01 Mkt, pi', Sunshine2 51 Rubber 'Gloves • 5c. Rubber Tissue 2 for 6 Finger Cots .... 50.t Baby N�y7}nr j ipples1..,..4. 2 V e 10e. ';r'rsneparent vig f, „I Nipples .,..., sir,.,,+ Ey° fo: Miscellaneous Specials 50cShCocoanutampoo Oil 2 for , 51 50c Boxtes Choco- 2 for 51 la 25c Synol Soap.. 2 for 26 25c Whisks 2 for 26: 25c Rexall Tooth Powder 2 for 20e a lb) Mint' - Candy „ for lOs Bottle of . 'Vanilla 2 for 10e 'cake of soap 2 `for 10e package o Sulphur....,... 2 for 10c pkg Turkish Dyes .......,.., for 26 21 11.. 11 11 .1t 100 Shaving 2 Soap dor ' 5o pkgtG4aSp11t 2ear- for 06 min Household Needs' 75c, bot, Beefe/6 Wine and Iron 2 for . 25e. of Figt. Syrup Z Figs °Or :26 g 25e. bot. White2e Pine and Tar2 for • 75e. bot. of Syrup 2 °r /5 •• of'H'ypophosphitesG • 26e. bottle Linseed, %ico1'iee. and Turpentine- 2' for •26 25c. bot.Eztract of 2 h Wild Strawberry + 25o. bot. R1kay's. Cleaning Fluid 2 f°r •20 25e. Tube Eikay,'e It a t and Roach Paste,foe~ •2 ., .... x , 2 250. Glass Nasgl ; 26 Dotlelro .. , 2 /0,), • snosLaxative .. for •5 ui3t. l�llsyii pis. 2. temper Curl .. ,5 " wajr.s.14 • Rexall Beef, Wine 'and Iron Is a favorite Tonic and General' Sys- tem Builder. Rog. $1.00 per bottle. 2 for 1.01 25So1Rexall Corn fes, .26 2 • 50e. Rexall Kidney Pills will relieve your B 2 for • 5 1 Backache .. , 25c. Rexall • Oox,dial Diarrhea 25c. Rexall for Aches Pains • Bla=ckberry for 2for.26 White Liniment c) And 2 for .26 50c.eWhite Lini- q 51. G for •.7 50e. Rexall Digestive Tonic will . tone up 2 fey, C 1 your system •a 1.00. Rexall • Di-. 2 I 0 I gestive Tonin, f°r • '25p. Rexall Little Liver Fills.... 2101' • +1J 25c. Carbolised Zinc Ointment .aneed household' 2 f° r •26 25o.� Rexall Tl e lash 4....r.. Zf°r •26 • 5Oc. Analgesic '2 far 5I Balm ........ • 50e. Speeial 25 i a0ihtment .... , .for . 2140. Rexall Foot 2 26 Powder fo RezaIl Violet-. Talcum Powder is a Velvet, Smooth, Absorb-. ing Powder with a delightful, re- freshing odor , and suitable for either toilet or nursery. 2for.26 25e. Wilson's Rose 26 Talcum powder. 2 for • caved". st Recall Cherry Bark Cough Syrup is a most pleas- ant and effect- ive remedy for Coughs, Colds, and all Bron- chialirritations 25c. Bottles ..... 2 for' 26 50c. Bottles .. 2 for .51 $1.00 Bottles... 2 f6 l•01 . 25ceoal.'Rexall letChsar.- 2, •26 ,Tab $1.00 Rexall Syrup of Hypo - phosphites, a ._Tongoodic general 2/A.01 I.01 25c. Rexall Heal -2 q 2.6 ing Salve for • 25e. Roxzall Stomach e Pi1Is Liver et f0, *26 50c. Rexall Nerveir Tablets ,make . you 4).3. ur 51 sleep better $1.00 Rexall Tasteless God'' Liver Oil Com- pound 2for /1.01 50c.. Rexall Blood Tablets put" fed' blood it 2fQ7' ,5I ,your veins . 25c. Rexall Car- bolic Salve.... '2 Pr.26 50c, Gastric) Tablets relieves 2 for 51 distress ... 50e. Rexall Les perine Antiseptic Powder 2 f or .5I 'Stationary 60c box 'Angara h ,.. i � .,.., f'oi- 050 Balmoral g ft Linen........,,'. for S6 250°r .26 .• fads i z f'or Ui 15o Writing, 'Pads.... LI fol~ U [� `100 . Writing crop 1 50 king Linen A 16 I{�nvsilop0g..... 'f°r 100 pkg Linens • or Rnvelopes..... a . 11 •f jti W. McKIBBON ',EYE SPECIALIST WONT. AK • ,• O �.ay T. EXTRA SPECIAL 50c lb Opeko Coffee..... 2 lbs for 51; 2.pc nkg Aspirin Tablets (1 dozen) 2 for` '26 10c Bachelor Cigars 2 (Box of 25 for $1.32) for ; 11 Drugs 25c. bot. Peroxide • of Hydrogen .. 2 for .2fi 40o. bot. Peroxide of. HyBland drogenLaxa..- 2 f iSOoor *:-11 51 five Tablets. , .' 2'1°r • 25c. Bland Laxa-. tive Tablets... 2 Pr .26 6Mang. ' and ;017,, eseTabs.!••2•25c25c.botBlandAromatic9 226'Cascara 2 for .26 2f°r.26 1.0e. Styptic Pen -oils 2 for11 2 for .I 1 2for .11 2 for .11 2 for .11 25c. box Cold ::Tablets ...... 25e. bot. Wilson's White Liniment 10c. Pk. 'Epsom. Salts ......... 10e, Pk. Sod a Bicarb..,,.,., 10c. Pk. Powdered Borax 10c. Pk. Powdered Boracic Acid , Toilet Preparations 25c. Harmony Rose Talcum Powd. Flesh or 2 for •26 'White G 25e. Rexall Tooth 2 Paste for .26 50e. jar Rexall Cold cream... 2 f°r .51 25c. Cake Medi- cated Skin Soap 2 f°r •26 25c. jar Nice for qfor, rfc erspiratidn •G V •50c. Violet Dulce 24.51 Face Powder .. • 25e: CakeTar rrggit Shampeo Soap G •for •G6 /5c. Rexall Baby 2 f..26 Talcum V 25e. Violet Dolce 2 f Talcum Powder °r .40 25c. Witch Ifazt l ngg Creiim ... for G6 25c, bot. Almond Crean 2 /01,4.26 The ORDER BLAND Write your order now. Bring it with you when you cone. 00010,01600w...I#0.,ti/010a0. 44.40...,4 .w* i- .4.0 ..4x4.44........4' I . -c0,4..0.-.4004, 4 ...............rr.ir..44.r4*..4.....*4441 a4.ax.-x.tl.4...4....... _..4.. 4„4.44.. ..Y .._...r. .,.i.x... p... .4a.a.4............../.n44, a x ti llot day April 19 1.917. rook . s,�a,�lr.�h.'#.�M► .�11'g1.�tn 'a► . %ecret E !acus N�. 8 -THE SEALED PACKET J.: tuart Iliaokton and Albert E Smith Present "THE SEALED PACKET" The Third Ept,ode of Vitagrapli's Romantic Serial. "THE SECRET KINGDOM" Dy Louts Joseph Vance Directed by Theodore Marston Photographed and Copyrighted by the VItAORAPlt COvIPAI+1Y of America CAST Phillip CHARLES RIOHMAN Mme. Savatz......... DOROTHY HELL' erinee.e Julta Arline Pretty "Iced" Doane Harry Northrup aitnond. Joseph Kilgour Juan.,. William Dunn While Philip Barr mourns at the bier,of bis supposed father, Madame Savatz rifles the private, papers of the dead Peter Barr and finds whist she seeps, a sealed packet containing the proof of Pbilip's right to the throne. Juan, the faithful, surprises her and recovers the papers. The ensuing struggle brings Philip into the room, and he orders Diadems Savatz to leave, A letter left ny Peter Barr Instructs hire to convey "the sealed packet" to Lieutenant Paul Barreto in Paris. Madame Savatz reaches Chicago, and receives instructions from Paris to secure the sealed packet at all coete. To this end she engages the assistance of "Iced" Lazarus, one of Chicago's notorious underworld pow - ere. By reason of an intercepted tele- gram Madame Savrtz learne that Philip has started on his journey to Paris, and plans to visit Princess Julia, who is stopping 'at the Whitestone Hotel, Chine go. Philip is enticed to a den in the ten. derlion of Chicago, but Princess Julia and Juan learn of the plot and hurry to the resort. Princess Julia is trapped; Juan is seized by two negroee, and Philip finds °himself locked in a room. ;Juan finally escapee, Philip breaks through' and rescues Julia,and the three get away by an elevator shaft to the roof and to tem or r p . ,a y safety. This is the story of the third episode of Vitagraph's serial, "The Secret Kingdom" entitled "The Sealed Pack- et" which will be shown at the Lyceum Theatre on Monday and Tuesday evening. . ",EscAr.E 13X ELEVATOR SEAIT The stars in the new Vitagraph se- rial, ''The Secret Kingdom by Louis Joseph Vanee, became blase about the many thrills in the production before their work was over, but a stunt which had to be performed in the third api• code, 'The Sealed Packet." It Is necessary 'in the story, for Charles Richman, Wililam Dunn and Arline Pretty to escape from a house in the underworld, where they are held captivee, by means of an elevator The scene just had to be 1lftxzed and, tboughthe player's, realized ,the flak concerned, they prepared to take ti a scene, ofemir.0, without a rehearsal, as it would have been foolish to peso. form the ticklietl stunt twice. First William Dunn swung Aver the side of tee floor, and, grabbing 11 e dangling cables in the ;enter of the shaft, worked his way up towards the roof. Arhus Pretty was next and, drawing her skirts tightly about her, she followed Atr. Bunn', neevereebts. as neatly as possible. Mr. Richman came up last. liven when this riakystunt had been accomplished they were not through by any means, for the story thende. mended that they climb down the side of the building and attract the atten. tion of a policeman. When Mise Pretty was questioned about her feat, after ebe had reached the sidewalk in eafety, she smiled ae ehe eaid: "I wish that all the thou- sands of movie star aspirants, who should be working contentedly at their different positions, might have seen the risks which I have taken since arising this morning. Surely they would loose all desire for a motion, picturo career." OUTDOOR STUDIO USED FOR F'IRS SCENE The players, Charles Riobman, Ar. line Pretty and Wm Dunn, have been held captives in this den of the under. world by Dorothy Kelly, who playa a foreign spy, and by tier accomplice. When they make their escape and in- form a policeman of their late ezper. ience, a raid is made upon the house, and when the leader of the gang rune up the stairway he throws a lighted lamp which he carries in bis band to the bottom in order that the officers may not fallow him without suffering injury. Of course it was. inapoesiblp to film ,thie scene in the studios, as the door hae to burn with great dames, and the fired apartmentwould, not permit seek a risk Co buildings where Estate are deo. eloped and stored, Nevertheless, realism le never merle faced in the Vitagraph studios over which Commodore J. Stusrt Blaokton preeidee, and the "set" was actually erected in the outdoorstudio and then burned to the very ground in order that the desired effect might be secur- ed. EL.LIOTT Elliott Business College. Youngand Charles Ste.. Toronto. has had thirty tmes as many positions to SMI as we had graduates during twelve months. Oren all slimmer, Enter any time. Handsome catelogtte tree. W. J, Mir I:IOTT, Prinoipal.. If you cannot carry rifle,, you can serve your country on the farm. "The plow is our hope," declared Right Hon: David Lloyd George, the Prune Minister of Great Britain. The tremendous significance of these words in the face of a world shortage of food must be a matter of concern to all. It points out the path of duty to men and boys 'unable to enlist in the army but capable of helping to increase production. sih Help the farmer increase production At this supreme hour when ample food production is one of ,tete indispensable means of victory, the cotuttry' faces a serious shortage of men and boys on the farms. the Department of Agriculture emphasizes the urgency of every man and boy taking to heart this splendid opportunity for patriotic service. Decide stow to help in the war. If you ere between the 0 5 ages of 14 and 18, and have good term record, you eft secure promotion at school by enlisting for fora eervit any tires between April 20th and May . Oth. Parents are urged to encourage their boys to enlist for fent service. The physical rand Moral welfare of your bay will ,bel advanced by a summer spent close to Mature; an interest will bb awakened in Irn lin; ortatit industry of the country that raid be * help to him hi his whole future. the Department appeals to retired femme, to iced following no occupation (retired), to business mem whet can spare at least a portion of • their titne, to all men Whet eau arrange their affairs so as to help soma farmer. Itvery mail 1$ invited to collet for fs."n» r,ot`vick. Confer with your District Arpresetttati e of the Department of Agriculture, or write or visit Ontario l overtiment tinployment Burrell, 15 Qttecrt's Park, '°ornate. ItY Ontario Department. of Agriculture w. 11, Hearst, Mlnlster of Agriculture Ptlarl3antent uld1rtro Taroato •