HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2003-10-29, Page 22PAGE 22. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2003. PEOPLE AROUND WALTON By Jo-Ann McDonald Call 887-6570 The Walton birthday girls gathered to celebrate the October birthday of Viola Kirkby. The six ladies travelled to Bluevale to dine and had a lovely day out. Enjoying their day were Viola, Mary Humphries, Marilyn McDonald, Audrey Hackwell, Marie Coutts and Anne Ryan. Paul and Dianne McCallum and family were the hosts for the celebration of Dianne’s mother Mabel Willis’s 70th birthday. Other members of the Willis family who joined the celebration included Sharon and Kelly Dalton and children Jamie, Jason and Kelly Ann; Donna and Stan McClure and family Tina, Trish and Rob; Paul and Dianne’s children Cindy and husband Chris, Colleen and Kenny. Great-grandchildren Lauren and Alaina were also on hand to help celebrate. Returning home from a vacation to the west are Graeme, Helen and Michael Craig. They drove across Canada and visited many interesting places of the west. They visited the Underground Tunnels in Moose Jaw, Lake Louise and Banff. While in Victoria they enjoyed a visit with Helen’s sister Mary. They visited the Cathedral Grove where they saw the giant redwood and cedar trees believed to be over 800 years old. Graeme reports it was just fantastic to see the salmon spawning ladder and how high the salmon jump. While on their way to visit the falls, a bear alert was announced and Helen made the decision not to continue on. They returned home after a damp visit in B.C., but report a wonderful time. Saturday was a special day for anne and Gerry Ryan who celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary. Around 50 family and close friends gathered at St. Ambrose Catholic Church for a delicious meal catered by Grace Campbell Catering. They gathered at the home of Anne and Gerry later to enjoy a social evening. Earlier on Saturday the immediate family gathered to have family pictures taken. Anne and Gerry’s family includes sons Paul and Cheryl. Matthew and Curtis, Chris and daughter Celeste and Mike and Cathy, Shane, Holly and Mitchell. Man} of the Ryan clan gathered at the Walton Inn for Sunday brunch to conclude a great family weekend get-together. On Saturday evening friends, family and neighbours of Tim and Lisa Fritz gathered at the BM&G Community Centre for a benefit dance. The Fritz family lost their bam and some pigs to fire in early September. A disc jockey provided the music. The Fritz family generously donated half of the proceeds to the Grey Twp. Fire Department. Tim thanked all present for their kindness and .support for their family. " Pat and Floyd Hilts had an enjoyable day Saturday attending the wedding of their daughter Jennifer to Bob Kirkby. The wedding was at the Waterloo Mennonite Brethren Church. The reception was held at the Black Forest Inn at Conestoga. Attending the festivities were some of the other Hilts sisters - Carol, Sally, Betty and Patty. Congrats to the new couple. Visiting with Mary Humphries on the weekend were Bill and Beth Walsh from Hagersville. There was excitement in the Wilbee’s cornfield Saturday night as someone thought off-road driving was a good idea. Brian spotted them and he tried to catch them but they escaped. I can’t imagine touring through a cornfield can be good for a vehicle but who knows. Visiting in Walton on Sunday were Jack and Mary Helen McLaughlin. They took in the dinner at the Walton Hall as well as visiting with daughter Sherry Taylor and family. They also got to celebrate Dan’s birthday and of course see the new grandson Owen and sister Emma. Travelling to Mississauga on Sunday were Marie Coutts and Allan, Karen and Cindy Carter. They were attending the grand opening of the Regency Retirement Centre where Marie’s daughter connie is the administrator. There were tours and entertainment from 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. with the opening ceremonies at 2 p.m. The Walton Hall board and friends put on a roast beef dinner for over 100 hungry diners on Sunday. Ralph and Joyce Triebner, daughter Joanne Neeb and Mary Davidson attended the convocation exercises at the University of Western Ontario for daughter Rosemary Triebner who graduated with her BA in classical studies. They enjoyed lunch together, then Rosemary hosted an open house at her home in London for family and friends. Sunday afternoon was a drop-in celebration at the home of Doug and Marjory Fraser in honour of their 55th wedding anniversary and Doug’s birthday. Family members Carolyn and Jerry Sullivan and sons; Dianne and Phil Blake; Cheryl and son Garrett were on hand to greet people and serve cake to the guests. Doreen Hackwell is at home recovering from surgery as is Mildred Traviss. We wish them both continued improvement. Birthday babies this past week include Margaret Stevens, Janis McCallum, Brett Lee, Lois McCall, Nancy Holmes, Margaret Lacroix, Tanner Leslie, Teresa Baan, Dan Taylor, Erma Williamson, Doug Wey, Megan Flaxbard, Shannon McGavin, Doug Fraser, John Steffler and Carol Humphries. There were 10 members of the UCW enjoying the Ladies Day out on Saturday. They travelled to GreyOx Meadows studio near Lucknow where they toured the studio and learned to make grapevine Christmas trees. They went to Jag’s Roadhouse to enjoy a roast beef dinner to complete their day out. FROM WALTON W7 members attend convention The 64th area convention of the Guelph Area Women’s Institute was held Thursday, Oct. 23 at Harriston with the theme, Testing the Waters. Three members from Walton Women’s Institute attended, Margaret Mclnroy, Marjorie Humphries and Leona McDonald. President Cindi Rabstein opened with the singing of O Canada, the Institute Ode and the Mary Stewart collect. Business was conducted and the FWIU president Dianne On- spoke on the changes that are going to take place. The afternoon session included a speaker from OFA on testing the water. Reports were given on the Adelaide Hoodless Home and the Erland Lee (museum home). A banquet was held in the evening and the entertainment was the Country Spirits from Harriston singing gospel songs. The guest speaker was Keith Stoltz from Toastmasters. A collection was taken with the proceeds going to the B.C. disaster and the Newfoundland ice storm. Displays and a penny sale were going on during the day. Next year the convention will be in Elora. The match is on Grey Central Public School hosted a soccer tournament for north schools on Oct. 21. The boys and girls teams worked hard trying to score goals despite the cool wet weather. Left Lindsey Stewart passes the ball to Anna Glen. (Eiyse DeBruyn photo) Thank You... WLS prepare for Halloween The Walton Little School’s Acorn class which is senior pre-school and kindergarten age have been busy preparing for Halloween. They have decorated the tree in the playground with paper pumpkins. They have carved pumpkins each day and roasted the seeds. They have made jack-o- lantem crafts, painted with orange paint, sang pumpkin songs and read many great Halloween stories. The Shining Stars or junior pre­ school class had an action-packed week full of fun and learning. They studied the fairy tale stories The Gingerbread Man and The Three Bears. . They learned how to measure and mix ingredients to bake their own gingerbread men. They also used fun fairytale characters to practise their counting and number recognition. They also carved jack- o-lanterns and had roasted pumpkin seeds. The butterfly or toddler class has spent the past month learning all about 300 animals. Some fund learning activities included creating a zoo mural, painting stripes on zebras, and reading their favourite animal books. The children even created their own book based on the story Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Eric Carle. They are going to “cook up” their own Halloween treats. McDonalds greet at Duffs Members of Duff’s United Church were greeted by Jim and Linda McDonald on the Sunday of stewardship, the environment. The children of the Sunday school were given booklets from the Canadian Bible society by Rev. Joan Tuchlinsky and she read the story of creation from it and how God created the world and people and how people must look after the world. The senior choir sang How Great is Thy Faithfulness. The scripture reading was by Linda McDonald. Rev. Joan’s reflection questioned can we destroy God if we destroy the world? Society has created pollution, nuclear weapons, war, clear cutting, destruction of the ozone layer creating global warming. The offering was taken up by Jim McDonald and Heidi McClure. The Sunday school children are selling Rhea Thompson mint smoothies as a fundraiser from now until Christmas. The community turkey supper is next week at BM&G community centre. The Wingham and District Hospital Foundation wishes to express its sincere gratitude and thanks to all individuals, businesses and organizations who have placed memorial gifts in the past in memory of friends and loved ones in support of the Wingham and District Hospital Foundation. This support is very much appreciated. Wingham and District Hospital Foundation 270 Carling Terrace Wingham, Ont. NOG 2W0 Phone (519) 357-3210 lfnproving Our Te^hnolOgy ¥