HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-03-29, Page 7GERMANS PLAN
Big Bodies of Troops Being
Massed Along the
Northern Front.
Gathering of Soldiers Re-
solves to Stand Firm -
Grand Duke Out.
Petrograd, March 25, -From inter-
nal troubles and the problems of
reconstruction the attention of Russia
has suddenly been diverted to a neve
denser which threatens from without
There is now indisputable evidence
tit the Germans are massing great
numbers of troopa along the northerp
front ready for an effort against
Russia's capital.
The country has been apprised 01
the new menace by a series of pro
elamations frora its Ministers.
Minister of War Guchkoff
Issued a proclamation warning the
peopleof the menace of spies seeking
to uncover secrets ot the national de
fence. The concentration of thesi-
epies in Petrograd was pointed to ae
•elle element or danger against whice
eteps were irnmealately aeceesary
while the other menace was named as
the concentration bY the Germans oi
"great quantRes of munitions, sup
plies and men" on the Russian north-
ern front. A conference has been hele
between Geueral Korniloff, the nee
eeminander of the troop in thc
PetrOgrad district, with the council ol
workmen's and soldiers' delegatee,
concerning the German concentration
along this front, and a great meeting
of soldiers was held on the Rige
front, attended by General Dimitriett
and delegatee of the Duma, at which
It was resolved unaniniouely to strait)
every effort for the defence °Murata
'War Minister's Guchkofra statement
that the foe is at the gate is no mere
figure of speech. The slightest relaxa
tion of vigilance and the enemy woulc
be at Petrograd.
The repreeussive action on the
troops of the consciousness that the
army has been the arbiter of Russia's
destiny has manifested itself in de-
mands incompatible witt military
discipline, and already there is uewe
from various fronts of the prevalence
of "second thoughts." But where the
men respect their chiefs and the army
is fortunate in its commanders it is
unlikely that persistence in untutored
claims will be allowed to prejudice
the spring and summer campaigns,
Moreover, reassuring reports have
been received from General Ruszhy
and General JUdealch, who coin•
made the Caucasian army.
The retirement of Grand Duke
Nicholas from his post as the cone
mender -in -chief of the Russian
armies is officially confirmed. Pend-
ing the appointment of a successor,
General M. V. Alexieff, chief of the
general staff, wilt act as comma.ndoe-
The retention of Grand Duke
Nicholas as commander-in-chief was
considered undesirable by the Rus-
sian Minister of War because of the
Grand Duke's connection with the
Romanoff dynasty. •
General Letchitsky, who had tom -
mend of the southern wing of the
Russian armies in General Brussiloff's
offensive last summer, has been placed
in command, of the Russian armies on
the central front, succeeding General
Fioe Believed to Be Still
Hankering for That.
German Defence Planned
On Three Lines.
of the fightang in the open, for the
German attempt to hOld the Crozet
Canal ended with their being hurled
back for several Mile% The vigor a
the anion onslaught apparently MS-
eoneerted the Germans, and it is Man
aline they may take to the concrete -
linea trenclice they have prepared in
the rear of the present poeitiene
Sooner than expected.
There le ream, to believe that the
great military event now developing
will again bring to the forefront
leadere whcee names are already
Sailors Moved From Phila-
delphia to Georgia.
Philadelphia, March 26. -The geven
hundred. members of the crews of the
Germany auxiliary cruietne Kron
Prinz Wilhelm and Prinz Eitel Freid-
rich, interned at the Philadelphia
navy yard last October, etarted to-
day under a heavy guard of marines
for Fort Oglethorpe and Fort McPaer-
son, Georgia, where they will be kept
until funnier ordere item Washing-
ton, Tao firet eection of fourteen cars
left ehortly before 9 o'clock, and an-
other oection of an equal number of
cars departed later.
A large crowd, held back by a cor-
don of marinee and five hundred
Philadelphia policemen, saw the de-
parture of •the sailors. In each car
of the two cectione there was a mar-
ine guard of fourteen men.
Caputain ThierIchsen, of the Prinz
Eitel Froidrich; Captain Thierfeldt,
of the Kron Prinz Wilhelm, and
Limn Berg, who brought the British
steamer Appam into Chesapeake
(tapes a year ago, were among those
removed from the ships.
There were no untoward incidenta
during the transfer, which was car-
ried cut smoothly.
Not Great German Stroke,
French Critic Believes,
Experts Say Foes Cannot
Help Themselves.
Paris, March 26.-(NeW -York Sun
cable) -The military commentator of
the Temps expresses the opinion that
the operations developing from Sois-
sons to Arras do not form a part of
the `Genius -inspired inane by which
the Germans expect von Hindenburg
to astound the world. He believes
they are only preliminaries to it.
Hindenburg, is mistaken, he says, if
he believes the destruction he has
Wrought in the abandoned territory
will prevept insuperable obstacles to
the advance of the French with corn--
plete artillery and food supplies.
Lieut. -Col. Rousset gays in the Petit
"The manner in which the Germans
are nbw disputing the ground shows
they are preparing to accept battle,
but why here rather than on the aim -
dotted front, why along the Arras -
St. Quentin -La Fere line, when they
hold a formidable and much better
protected line' at Bapaume-Peronne-
-Col. Rousset finds evidenee that the
Germans' are acting under compulsion.
He dismisses as infantile the theory
that the withdrawal is meant to draw
the French into a trap, or to place
an impassable "glade" before the new
The motives are the same as those
which compelled the abandonment of
the attack on the Sereth in Roumania,
and prevented Mackensen from inter-
vening as he would have liked in
Macedonia, as well as reducing the
Turks to difficulties in Mesopotamia.
Moral and material exhaustion ageord-
ing to this critic, is forcing the aban-
donment of the gigantic plans of the
Many Good Bombing Raids
Against the Huns.
Calais and Dunkirk Bombed
by Enemy.
Parts, March 25. -The latest cornmuniques tend to cohfirm the opinion
prevailing in military circlea that the
German retreat has ended for the
moment. The realetance offered by
the Germane during the last few days
le neetiming gradually the proportions
Of a vast battle, in which the eines
are attacking relentlessly. This le
borne out by the fact that outpost
skirmishes are over and the ca•valry
hae been withdrawn to the rear; ale°,
the forces in both ewes are far .grea-
ter, amounting to several divisions
being. engaged in recent combata,
•" Whether this is the end of trench -
fighting, however, le te moot titration.
tt in generally eonsidered that the.
Only 'alternative to trench warfare is
fighting in the open, but the military
critic of the Palle Mini points out to-
day that there may very well be a
third alternative, consisting on the
. German side of a sentra of defensive
prentions, one serlea commanding an.
other, with ari intervening apace for
inertoeuVring. The writer auggeets
that this may be von Hindenburget
mucti-vanated.• plan -deo-tined to rev,o-
lutioniee warfare, The German plan,
In tins -rase, would bent) establish the
three follenving po,sitione, the plateaus
seuthweet bf Cithelaral defending -the
reads in the valley of the Scheldt, the
plateaine between Le Cathay( end
Guice barring aecfca to the Sainitian
oalley, and the heights Of Saint Go-
bain anti Laon, the fall Of whieli
evouid necessitate the Germane re -
Onetime:. In Champagne 'end allow the
rrenelt te March on elezteree.
The same critic le convineea that
the Germane by no nientie have
ehatidened their original facet, of
marching on Palle, lett that, heVitig
failed to break through the
line of trehehes, von Hindenburg is
Writing on Inaneeuvring In the opal
til i he VAS a elittitee to smash through
the alltee. le Ruppert of this, it can
Le enlei 41the44etetesentor nearest Paris
continues to bo the ccene of LIG
fiercest fighting. So far there is rtn
doubt the French he had the best
41 • •••
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Naval Recruiting Officer, Ontario Area,
103 Bay Street, TORONTO,
or to The Naval Recruiting Secretary,
305 Wellington Ste, Ottawa.
eve\ n
Arrested in London, Tried to
Pull Revolver.
London, Ont., March 25. -An alleged
swindler, when cornered to -night in
a Park avenue rooming -house, at-
tempted to pull an automatic revolver,
but before he could get his ringers on
it, Detectives Egelton and Down cov-
ered him and backed him to the wall.
The revolver, which they took from
him, was loaded and he had a pocket-
ful of cartridges.
The charge upon whieh the arrest
was made was of using the mails to
defraud, the scheme being to get
money from would-be purchasers of
motorcycles. It is not known how
much he has obtained, but since he
left the town or Paris, where he was
operating, the mail that has been
opened contains about a thousand dol-
lars. The prisoner, who gives the
name of Robert Rogers, is supposed
by the police to be a muck wauted
crook of some other name. He is
about thirty years of age.
American Relief Workers
Formally Withdrawn.
Washington, March 24. -American
relief workers in Belgium and Ameri-
can Minister Brand Whitlock have
been formally witlicira,wa from Bel-
gium, Official announcement to this
effect was made at the State Depart-
ment this morning,
• The American Relief Commission-
ers will be replaced as far as possible
by members of a joint neutral com-
mission largely tinder the supervision
of Dutch military officials, Brand
Whitlock will go to Havre, France,
resuming his duties as Minister a:
the temporary Belglaa capital,
Loudon, March 25. -Many _aerial
engagements have marked the pro•
gress of the past two days on the
fronts in France. A British official
to -night says:
"There WEIS considerable activity in
the air yesterday. Two important rail-
way junctions behind the enemy's
lines were bombed by our aeroplanes.
A number of fights occurred. Eight
-hostile machines were artven down
out or control. Four of our machines
are missing."
An official statement of the activity
along French lines is as follows:
"On Setexday our special Gune
brought down a German machine,
which fell in our lines near La Velem.
Saturday afternoon a German hydro -
aeroplane, proceeding , in the direc-
tion df Etretat (north-nOrtheest of
Havre), was captured at sea. The two
a -deters were taken prieoner.
"On March 23 one of our aero•
planes from a low altitude bombard-
ed an aviation ground at Marimbois,
north of ThiancoUrt. A violent fire
broke out in the hangars.
"On Thursday and Friday nighte
our air squadron& dropped 1,100 kilo-
grammes of prOjeetilee on factories at
Thionvillo and the Briey basin, as
" well as on the railway station at Con -
"During the day of Mareh 24 Ad-
jUtant Ortoll brought down his sixth
German Maehine. Another enemy
Machine Was destroyed in an aerial
Combat in the Tagil:tit of 4Both Fon-
"German aviators dropped nuttier
One bombe yesterday on Calais and
• Dutikikk. In Dunkirk there were
neither easualties nor property dam-
age. In Celaie two eivilians were
killed and one civilian was wounded."
Full of Ardor and Loyalty
to the Government.
Country is Likely to Be a
London, March 25. - A Renter de•
spatch from Petrograd says there is
an excellent sign in the'fact that the
despatches which are beginning te ar-
rive from the trenches from the depu-
tations sent there in connection with
the recolutionary movement are full
of military ardor and assurancs- that
the country may rely upon its defend-
ers to eonquer the foreign foe as In-
ternal enemies have already been cm.
Grand Duke Nicholas has asked
permission, to reside at Livadia.
lee eight-hour day is being intro-
duced in all the factories" in Petro-
grad, and a central board of arbitra-
tion has been appointed to settle trade
The Provisional Government of
Russia has issued a peorlamation that
it will meet faithfulty ail the pecttni-
ary engagementsof the late Govern-
ment, notably with regard to interest
and amortization of State debts, the
fulfilment of commercial contracts
and the payment of official salaries.
Direct Customs duties and other taxes
will be levied as in the past uutil
modified in accordance with the new
Berlin, March 25.-Itetween the Sea,
and the MOselle there were numerous
attacks by our airmen torainst hoatilo
aeroplantS and targets on the ground
In aerial engagements the British and
French lost 17 ftereelattel Taint Lion -
Mitten Saxon von Itictithofen brought
down his thirtieth and Lieutenant
VoSte bis eixteentil and seventeenth
Russia will be the "United States of
Russia" -a republic -if the leaders of
the present Provisional Government
prevail in the constituent assemely
soon to be called. Sentimeat in Petro-
grad among the general public sup-
ports this plan -the name as well as 1 is reached, beyond Sedan,
Roisel, • Railway Junction and Important
Point Near Peronne, Captured.
Haig's Forces, Ten Or Eleven Miles Frcni
Cantrail Gain Where Nearest.
Loudon, March 25.-Ro1s0l, seven
tulles east of Peronne and a railway
junction point ou the line between
Marcoing and St, Quentin, was cap-
tured by the British on Saturday. 11:,
Beaumetz-les-Cambrai, near the centre
of the British line on the Somme front,
the Germans attacked and obtained a
temporary footing itt the village, tut
later were ejected. A British advance
southwest and west of St. Ecoust-St.-
Mien, southwest of Arras, on a front
or one and a half miles, also is re-
On Sunday an enemy bombing at-
tack on one of the British posts in the
neighborhood of Beaumetz-les-Cam-
brat was successfully driven off, and
Sir Douglas Haig's troops improved
their position west or Croisilles. The
British forces are still some ten or
eleven Miles from Gambrel, though
they have made progress where they
are nearest to that city. The Ger-
mans are giving ground only foot bY
foot, and defending themselves tenac-
There is still some difference of
opinion in military circiBs here on
the question whether the Prussians in-
tend to make a definite stand on the
Hindenburg line. General Maurice
declares it is by no means certain that
they will attempt to do so. Other
experts say they will halt on that
front and endeavor to delay the ad-
vance of the Allies thrcugh another
period of treneli warfare.
But whatever the difference of
opinion regarding the intentions of
the Prussian field marshal, all experts
agree that there will be no repetition
of the long months of inactivity that
followed soon after the Battle of the
Marne, when the Prussians settled
-down into the positions from which
they have just been ousted.
Topographically speaking, the Hin-
denburg line is not as strong as that
from Arras to Soissons, which the
Prussians have left. It rune through
comparatively level ground and has
few heights like those further west,
where numerous hills offered vantage
points for artillery.
It crosses the plain of Gambrel be-
tween the head waters of the Amore
and the Scheldt, which extends above
the Scarpe almost to Lille. Next :tomes
the plain of the Somme between the
bend of that river east of Peronne
and the head waters of the Sanebre,
which runs northeast and emptiee
into the Meuse at Namur. Then follow
the valleys of the Oise, the Serre and
the Aisne, all rather small rivers flolve
ing through a fertile country and fre-
quently inundating the lowlands on
each side.
The atrength of the line lies in its
points of support -the cities of Cam-
brai, St. Quentin, La Fere and Leon,
the latter two having been formid-
able fortresses even before the -war.
All have doubtless been fortified to
the utmost extent of Prussian energy
and foresight, and will certainly offer
a tretnendous obstacle to the Allies'
advance, unless, indeed, Field Marshal
von Hindenburg contemplates merely
a halt here and intends a further re-
tirement to the Belgian frontier,
which follows a range of high hills
and mountains of gradually increasing
elevatioti until the Luxemburg border
the form of government.
Mime committee members are now
on the way to all the provinces of
Russia to spreadto the people the
gospel of the revolutionists; to exoiain
how the Duma seized Control and to
urge the•people to consider what form
of government tliey desire.
Russians Continue Their
Advanee in Persia.
Ldndbn, March 25.--4'he advanee of
Russian troops toward the •Mesopo-
tamian border ,continues and the eap-
ttire of the Persian town of Herind,
forty Miles from the border, WAS an
nouheed Saturday. The announce
meat follow
"In the direction of Hamadan our
troops ott March 17 Oecupied the town
of Inerind, which had been set oa fire
and destroyed by the Turks. The
onorny withdrew to pOsitiOn9 in. the
VicinitY f0 the Village of Khali'. The
pursuit .continues."
"On the remainder of the front ex-
ehanges of fire are under way,"
It is likely that eventually there will
be a general retirement from both
France and Belgium through Luxem-
burg, but the line from Lens to the
North Sea has not yet begun to break,
and all indlcatiolis indicate a vielent
struggle en the Cambrai.Laon front
before the Prussians get ont.
• How the allies will attack Is another
question. AlreatlY the French have
pierced the new lino. They arc on the
oast of the CrOzat Canal, Whielt Ma-
rmots St. Queetie with the Oise near
Tergnier, and they have pushed their
advance tO Seratteottdt•le•Grand, about
five miles from the fernier city. At
some points, today's report says, they
have reached the west banit of the
Oise north of La Pere. 'Pints they
have cut the road between St, Quentin
and La Fere. South of the Oise the
Prussians are iri force around St.
,iobain and the forest of that name-.
The British in turn, coming down
ront Poronne att the northwest, are
within thret mitea of St. Quentin. All
Signs Indieate a tlesperate contest for
OupreIneey In this section, WOO, eatttle,
• West atid melith of St. Queritill.
The isStie will depend to n great ex-
tent on how rapidly the artillery has
1 Sorrie ot the enormously strong p041-.
tions which aro now in Britieh and
Frencli hands. Of Comae these po-
t:Atte-IA !Mantling tbe high bar -eters Of
the heaviest wire, cOttla have been de-
atrOYed by sufficient concentration of
gunfire, as were the positions which
the Germans wore forced to relin-
mash along the Aucre and the Somme,
but the retirement has saved .the At-
tlee countless tons of ammunition.
The Charges that havo oecurred
within a few days in the territory ra•
candy occupied by the Germans are
almostientwo ntd
Ruined ivaisiliaageds
within tbe zone or deadly desolation
had military traffic poltcemen on duty
all their main streete to -day. Advan-
ced hospitals have been established
and divisional anit brigade headquar-
ters talon up, while in the corners of
the shattered villages blacksmith
shops were riligIng with the sound of
hammer upon anvil and soup kitckens
were sending out their savory odors,
leveryvvhere v..ere visible the activities
oe a great army moving forward.
Major -generals and brigadier -gen-
erals who a few days ago were °ceu.
pying eomfortable houses behind the
old fixed positions were directing oper-
ations to -day from huts and dug-
outs and thoroughly enjoying the
change. Motoring over pontoon
bridges hastily thrown across streams
to replace the permanent structures
blown up by the Goemans was one of
the many novelties offered by the
present situation. Another has been to
see Indian Silkbs, klialci-clad, and with
immense khaki turbans on their heads,
moving forward as patrols
been concentrated by the opposing
armies. In their retreat from the re-
gions further west the 'Prussians have
endeavored to make pursuit as difficult
as possible for the allies by destroying
eveeything of military value. They
have blowa up all bridges, made a
mine crater at every cross roads and
wrecked every tall tower or spire that
would aid observation,
But the British and the French
have repaired the roads as they fon
lowoa aad have laid new bridges. They
have brought up their machine guns
and field pieces and the, heavy artil
lery has started after them.
The Prussians ,boast that their big
guns are in positien to annihilate any
force advancing over theeunprotected
ground, but there is no evidence yet
that they have been used, and the
assertion may be merely a bluff. On
the other hand, they may contemplate
a sally from tbe Hindenburg line and
a conflict in the open, though that is
less likely. ,
In either case the outcome of the
battle, which probably will be fought
within the next few days, will bo the
most important on this front since the
Marne and will have tar reaching con-
sequences. There is this differnehe,
however, in the outlook. If the Prue
stens should win, it will only delay
their inevitable doom; whereas, if the
allies gain a decisive victory, it may
bring Prussia to her knees and tuiate.n
the ending of the war.
Tremendous possibilities, therefore,
fhnatnugre.on the result in the immediate
London, March 25. - Saturday
night's report read:
"Our troops have occupied Roisel„
seven miles east at Peronne.
"Thie morning strong hostile •de-
tacliments again attacked our posi-
tions in Beaumetz•les-Cambrai and
obtained a temporary footing in the
village. They were immediately coun-
ter -attacked and driven out, leaving a
few prisoners in our hands.
"We have made progress during
the day on a front of one and a half
miles to the southwest and west of
Ecoust-St. Mein (southeast of Croi-
stiles. Enemy attaces on our posts in
this, neighborhood and north of Boil's,-
Becquerelle were repulsed."
Sunday neght's report said: e
"North •of the Bapaume•Cambral
road an enemy bombing attack on
one of our posts in the neighleorhood
of Baumetz-les•Cambrai last •night
was successfully driven off. We im-
proved opr position west of Croisillea.
With the British Armies in Franee,
March 24. -The open fighting of the
past ten days during the German; re•
treat has presented war pictures fas-
cinatingly spectacular and closely ap-
proximatine the older ideale of Mod-
ern martial splerniors. The roads, or
more exactly, the remnants or roads,
in some of the stricken districts of
France have been fairly choked with
troops on the move. From an emi-
nence on a recently -evacuated Ger-
Man stronghold could be seen today
a seemingly endleee column of cav-
alry coming over a distant hill, (Up-
ping down into a beautiful valley and
rising again by a winding road to a
bread, open .1 ield, wbere camp Was
pitched for the night. At times the
brown -hued horses and brown -clad
men were almost invisible against the
brown ° winter landsettpe. At points
further forward infantry detach
Mentes • cotrid be seen disappearing irk
the distance, Skirneishing, dodging,
one unit covering another, until it
scented alnlost as if the deys Of In
dial). fighting had returned.
This open movement ie a striking
change from the deadly staleness, the
depression, Of need treneh-fighting.
On the other hand, it is Wonderful
how the Men long inured to treneh life
have conte to love holes itt the ground.
During the -rest period on long March-
es Many of them can be seen sitting in
deep shell craters in preference to the
paved roadside. There is warmth be-
low the 'surface and a protection from
ttlote jpiinedel‘awhich "Tommy" has learned
Follewing the German wake it is
difficult to understand why the ran'.
Ing army gives Up without fight
Berlin Issues Official Story
of the Retirement.
"All • Possible Considera-
tion" for Natives.
Berlin, March 24. -The "net,v situa-
tion created on the western front" by
the German retirement began as far
back as Feb. 4, according to a detailed
review of the military strategy of the
enterprise, issued to -day by the official
Government Preis Agency.
"By the German operation,s on the
west front," the statement said,
"troops were disengaged from posi-
tions in Pheardy, which they had held
for two years and a half in the war
of positions. Cavalry of both sides en-
tered into teuch, thus a completely new
situation has been created.
"The eeglaning of the German oper-
ations dates back as far as the evacua-
tion of Grandcourt, Feb. 4.
"Further disengagement was than
carried out systematically at dates
fixed exactly beforehand. The next
was that the German position on both
sides of the Ancre were withdrawn on
the evening of Feb. 22.
"Great changes during March oc-
curred an the night of tho 12th. A
salient,near Grevilliers, the first dis-
trict next to Bapaume, was abandoned
without notice by the enemy.
•"A German position between the
Avre and the Oise during the progress
of French preparations for attack was
held by uniateruptedly decreasing
forces until 22nd of February, when
only a few outposts remained. How-
ever, these sufficed t� repulse sanguin-
ary French reconnoitring advances. -
"Only on the 16th of telarch did the
French succeed in occupying German
positions, after violent engagements
with our rearguards and outposts.
"Sitauitaneously positions further
north were abandoned, and on the 14th
Peronne was evacuated. The English
did not occupy the burning city until
the evening of the 17th.
"During this time the French en-
tered Noyon. The inhabitants were not
dragged away -as has been the prac-
tice of our enemies -a -,-but all possible
consideration was taken, and a major-
ity of them were left behind."
Number of the Foe Killed,
Their Dugouts Bombed.
Enemy Reached Our Lines,
but Were Dispersed.
Great Britain Will Inaugur-
ate Daylight Saving
On April 8,
Batocki Says German Food
Supply Will Last Till
China bas taken steps leading to a
rupture with Austria-Hungary,
Princess Patricia has practically re-
covered from an attack of measles,
Tis declared to be la an insolvent con-
dition. Torouto Teachers' Peneion Fund
Fares on Toronto civic cars lines
may be increased to meet the deficit in
Four brigades will be formed in the
ToronfteoreMilitary District for the de-
fence Arnold McDonald, of Sarnia, was in-
stantly killed when an electric lamp
was handed hire inside a boiler he was
Typhoid fever is epidemic in and
about Farnham, Que, a hundred, and
sixty, cases having been reported in the
town alone.
Walter Moore was fatally injured by
the explosion of a fire extinguisher at
the Algoma Steel Corporation plant at
Sault Ste. •Marie, Ont.
Revised official lists of the victims
of the storm which swept over New Al-
bany, Ind, on Friday show the number
of dead to be 31, and placed the injured
at approximately 100,
All clocks he the United Kingdom, it
is announced, will be moved forward
•one hour at 2 o'clock in the morning
of April 8. The clocks will be moved
back again on Sept. 17.
R. M. Effrick claims he has the larg-
est egg ever laid in the Niagara dis-
trict. It is 81/4 by eee inches in size
and weighs five ounces, and a black
Minorca hen is responsible.
Preaching the Bacale,ureate sermon
to the graduating class of Victoria Col-
lege, Rev. Dr. Endicott said he was
pained at revelations eontained itt
thousands of letters from the front.
Mr. W. F. Maclean, M, P. for South
York, was condemned by his constitu-
ents for his stand on the nickel ques-
tion and also his advocacy of a coali-
tion Government for Canada.
Struck by an automobile while run-
ning across Queen street, in front of
the City Hall, Edgar Jackson, aged 12
years, of Toronto, was so badly injur-
ed that he died in. St. Michael's hos-
H. B. Bulbit, a C. P. R. trainman,
who is at present confined in the
ago. Hospital, was Presented with
a umane Society medal for bravery
displayed in rescuing a child from
the C. P. It. track near Lonsdale, some
• Adolf von Batocki, president of the
German Food Regulation Board, ad-
dressing a deputation on the food ques-
tion, expressed confidence that the
supply was sufficient until the next
harvest, according to o. Berlin de-
spatch to Reuter's.
The ice bridge at Niagara Falls has
gone until another winter, but the
river is full of floating ice, indicating
that the ice movement on the lakes
has well begun. The ice on the Wel-
land Canal has broken up considerably
during the past few days.
Two men gained admittanee to an
apartment occupied by Mrs. Catherine
I. Skinner, of the Queen's Court, 67e
Jarvis street, Toronto, on Thursday
morning last, and after holding her up
at the point of a revolver, ran;•
sacked her rooms and in leaving took
several valuteble rings from, her
London, March 25. -Sir Douglas
Haig reporte under Saturday's date:
"We carried out another eucceesfuI
raid early thie morning east of Arras.
The euemy'S second line was reached
and casualties were inflicted. We also
entered the enemy's trenches east of
Neuville-St. Yeast. A number of Ger-
mane were killed and occupied dug -
auto were bombed.
"The enemy attempted to reach our
lines this mornIng in the neighbor-
hood of Richbourg-P Avoue (south of
Neuve Chapelle), but were dispersed
by our fire. Another hostile raiding
party etteneded in reaching our
trenches west of Matinee.
"The artillery was active en both
•eides to -day in the neighborhood of
Ypres, Our fire eaueed three explo-
stone in the enemyee positions.
Sunday night's report said:
"We entered the enemy's trenches
during the night northeaat of Loos
and captured several prisoners and
-machine guns.
- "An enemy raiding party entered
our treachee early this morning west
Of Heilluch, but Was ejected with lees,
leaving prisoners in our hands. A
few of our men are thiesing."
The French Official report said:
"West Of the Memo we executed a
surprise attaelt and taptUred elemeete
et enemy trenchee east of the Malan-
court wood. Eact of the illetuto a Gore
Man attack u.pon Ono of Our trenchee
fri the direction of Apremont was re-
pulsed with hand -grenade.
"On the Verdun front our batteries
effectively (alerted the German organ-
izationMirth of Hill 304 and north-
west of Bezonvaux,"
Los Angeles, Cal„ B. Cal-
ladgnesn't0tofelget'rledv.c°1alklid4); aCtireTtlitikabtal,"Callit°-
rag() tte i4t. LOUN Railroad (Big Four),
Nattl elected President of the American
,Association of General 13aggatro Agents
at the etosine hero to -day of the eseocla-
ti jon.2entitticaktmouidttoottownetOil.tioortn.t., tt.
elected secKetaryi-TrertIlli,
pointed by the convention after a dtm.
mission of the+ need of obtaining tml.
formity of the laws throughout tlt
country for btoulliere bergage,
Almost All Recovered by De-
tectives in Vancouver.
Russia is Confident, and th3
Army is Loyal to New
Being Worked to Cause Dis.
affection Among
the Troops.
Vancouver, B. C., March 26. -Early
Sunday detectives recovered more than
$18,000 of the $19.000 said to have been
stolen la Seattle by George LindeeY
Hayden, aged 19, a former online/Yee of
the Firat National Bank, of Seattle,
who wan arrested her after he had en-
listed. Hayden had been iniseing for
two weeks. He theappeared after he
had been entrusted with a quantity of
registered mail, ineluding a number of
letters containing $600 bills, in all
amounting to $19,000, When he was
taken Into custody to had in his pos-
session about $600 in ea,sh, and this
with the money recovered yesterday
accounts for nearly all that was taken.
In B. C. Civil Service, If This
Bill Passes.
Lcra d on, March 26.-Specia1 de.
spatches from Petrograd, dated Fri-
day, emphasize' the seriousness or the
situation arising front the German
concentration on the Riga-Dvinek
front, with the apparently certain in-
tention of attempting to' brealc
through to Petrograd, It is argued
that the shortening of the Germau
front in France is pafrat a overwhelm
overwhelm Russia by a sudden and
tremendoue blow before the country
can recover from the unsettling
fects of the revolution.
According to the accounts of these
eorreapondents, internal conditions in
Russia, notwithstanding the determin-
ation of the Government and respon-
sible leadere to conduct the war with
energy, are disquieting, They say that
time is needed to restore the discipline,
of the army and navy after the recent
upheaval, and they record incidents
which are hindering progress in this
direction. Among these is the move-
ment of extremists to put the final
overthrow of the Romanoffs, tbe bur-
eaucrats and ruling classes generally,
In the forefront of all national effort.
The movement is indicated by the
appearance in the Socialist newspaper
Pravda, of a resolution af the Social
Democrat Party's central commit-
tee, inviting the soldiers to leave the
trenches and ,ec) over to the Germans.
It is asserted that this step would.
immediately revoke a fraternel re-
sponse from Germans and the war
would promptly collapse, enabling the
army and people to co-operate in
overthrowing the ruling classes of
Russia. Some soldiers in Petrograd
are said to have spent days wrangling
over the wonderful promises held
forth by the Socialist propaganda, and
to have stopped thinking about the
war, which they believe to be over.
Petrograd, March 26, via London,
March 26. -The news that Field Mar-
shal von Hindenburg was planning a
campaign against Petrograd was re-
cein ed at the capital with surprisingly
little consternation, evoking rather a
spirit or calra and unshakable coati -
fleece in the loyalty of the troops, and
the ability of the army to protect the
city from the new danger.
If German calculations are based
upon the aupposod demoralization of
the soldiery, or more than a transi-
ent defection of the troops at the
front from their usual discipline and
loyalty to their commander, these cal-
culations are plainly in error.
It is undeniable that during the first
days following the revolution the ex-
treme radical and Socialist element
aimed at taking advantage of the over-
throw of the old authority by sowing
further discontent among the work-
ingmen and soldiers. The 'cloudy
ate or mind of the peasant popula-
tion, which, bewildered by the new.
vista of freedom and equality, and
having had little experience with lib-
erty of any sort, • imagined that it
meant relaxation of every kind ot au-
thority and discipline, made the prop-
aganda of the agitators easy at first.
But the prompt measures taken by the
Government and Duma delegations re-
moved whatever danger lay in that di-
Telegrams -have been received from
every portion of the front affirming
that the army can be relied upon to
do its utmost to defend the country.
M. Rodzianko, President of the Duna,
received a delegation from the army,
which declared:
"All officers and soldiers will defend
the Durna to tae last drop of blood.
They will faithfully obey the Prolate-
ional Government, and will strike the
'Germane to the last man."
Fredom from the censorship has al-
ready had a military effect in permit-
ting the truth to be published abeut
the new danger from a German attaelt
without the usual accompaniment a
extravagant rumors, which in the peat
made news more alarming than the
trait itself. The result is that, withe
out minimiziag the danger to the
Country, the press lies aceepten the
declaretibn of the Minister of War
quietly and without edam. The Reel}
says editorially:
"It is the people who are fighting
the enemy, and not the Government.
Therefore, hiding nothing from oar
readers, we pay elearly and netinitely
that danger is threatening our aortle-
ern frone. Tho enemy is prtpering'eo
crush our valiant army, whtel or tete,
years has defended the roads tanPetree
grad. The Russian soldiere under-
stands better than ever before the im-
portance be still resisting."
The Russkia Volta sae's:
"Russia is on trial. Von Hinden-
burg will try to realize his old dream
of a move upon Petrograd. The army
and people are facing a test which wilt
become historical. Results can only
come from an honest desire in the
hearth of the Russian people for Vic -
Victoria, B. Ce March 26. -If the
Legislature aceepts an amendment to
the Clvii Service Bill offered by Capt.
Hayward, the independent soldier
member for owichan, the proposed
new civil serviee of the Provitme will
not be open to any, nersou of military
age and able for overseas eerviee who
hag been appointed to rt. Government
position since the outbreak of the War,
or Who might otherwise be appointed,
in tho future, up to a point six naonths
after the deelaration Of peace. In other
words, the captain primoses that all
the present employeeof the Govern-
ment eligible for active service who
have been appointed since Aug. 4, 1914,
must be discharged, and no new ap-
pointments of men eligible for over-
seas duty may be Made Up to the end
ora neriod aix Months after the elose
of the war.
Muggins-Some of these rich people
make mo tired. What's the nee ot
having Money if yott don't know how
10 enjoy It? Iluggins*Well, what's
the use Of knowing how to ert103' It if
yOu Won't any':
Smuggled in Auto Tires Into
the States.
.New York, March 26. -:--Tho Ilse of
habit-forming drugs has increafied to
such an extent in this city, reports
Justice Cornelius F. Collins, of the
Court of Special Sessioas, chairman of
the committee on the drug evil, that
at least ten per cent, of the business
of that tribunal is made up Of eases
of addicts. Large quantities ef a etre
tain drug exported to Canada, Mexico
and Cuba from this country are smug-
gled back across the borders and into
Florida. It has been established, the
report says, that sante of it coMee froln
Canada in the Urea of antonlobiles .
There ws,§ a timid knotk at the
door. "If you plente, kind lady," the
beggar eel& "I've !Mit my right log
"WO, It ain't here," retorted
the lady of the ltotee, and elanlined
the 400r1---C1iicag0 Herald.