HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1917-03-29, Page 4CiraljektliagblunAbinnict JOHN 40YNT, Proprtet4r A, i,1, $D,ITS, Manager inaennonammetn THURSDAY, MAROH21#:hi0I7 Fouling Their Own. Neff* The plow York Tribune, wbose ettunwledge of Imperial affairs iseguail- ed by few American newspapers, says that L'elnada's achievements during the '' past two years constitute. "ane of the most glorious chapters of the war.' Outstanding Aroceicau statesmen like Elihu Root, Theodore Roosevelt and Williatbt Reward Taft have paid the Dominion equally notable tributes; while great British journsle like the Times, the Westminster Gazette and the Morning Poet never tire of dwell• ing upon what t:.anadiabe have done. Only bene in Canada, by individuals wnose pride in country is submerged by slavery to party, is the Dominion's war effort slurred over, misrepresented and belittled. A Liberal Mixup Laridesboro The vie Social on Friday evening was quite a qucetiee and a large crowd was present, .tyre. Chalk White of Drayton, who bas been vlsitino her brother, .A1r.. Thos, .Miller fora few days, returned to her home on Monday. We ate pleased to see that Mre, Iter.. Abrey is able to be home from Toronto where she bas been very ill for the past two months. Robe, Caldwell spent a few days in Goiertel, last week attending the Spi ing A tsizea as a juror, Mune Gleorgta and Thomas Moon, Will ltoes, and Robert Hamilton attended the wood- bee at John Fair. service, Blyth, over 20 cords were cut. Mrs. James Faireervice is visiting friende In Seaforth at present. A few months ago Hon. George P. Graham sent a grandiloquent cable to Lloyd George informing him that "Canadian Liberalism stands behind you until the war is won." Sir Wilfred Laurier proceeded to carry out the- promise by telling French-Canadians, who have done miserably in the war, that they would n't be compelled to do more, which was bad enough, bub now comes Hon. Charles Murphy calling Lloyd George a "traitor" --which is a sort of danger- ous mood to be in standing behind anybody. Poor Canadian Liberalism I Won- der just where it - does stand ? Cer+ni f- ly it's no easy task to stand beliiud Bir Wilfred Laurier, Hon, Charles Murphy and Lloyd George at one and the same time, If Hon. George don't soon call off Han, Charles, people will get suspic- ious that that cablegram was just a "entrap of paper." TIIE CALL Dott't yo}t bear the bugle pillage flajllug for goad tutu and true, To take up their stand for freedom, That call is meant for you, Some boyhood chum has fallen, And as be etrickeu lies, kis appeals to you to take hie Olsen In the glorious enterprise, Chorus ()orae, come the boye are calling, Calling o'er the main, If you're a eon of Canada, They will not call in vain, Waving nage and singing songs, Will never beat the Suns, So if you are white You will join the fight, And tally, rally round the guns, (Come and enlist boye.) Mrs. Will Sloan of Toronto, attended the funeral of 'her fathe$$in. law, Mr. Andrew $lon,n which took place on Thursday of last week. Mre. Sloam Iolanda visiting with Mr, and Mre. Geo. Moon and other friends in the vicinity for a few weeks. Her husband, Mr. Will Sloan is at the front. Mre. Harry Moon and Mrs, Geo. Mc- Vittie visited the former's brother, Jno. Morrison of Grey township, and also with her sister, Mrs. Robt. Fer. gueon of Walton, last week. Mr, Dennis Robertson bas gone to London where he has a position for a few weeks as ticket agen t. • Well -What Next? It is the intention of the Wingbam Town Council to put a tax on cats, the town being overrun with them at present. Furthermore, after March 15th, all doge without tags will be shot.--Teeewater News. Wins donor on Battiefteld The foliowiug clipping from a Tor- onto daily refers to Mr. W. M. Scan- lan, a nephew of Mr. Milton Smith of Bluevale, Lieut. Scanlan was born in BIuevale about twenty-nine years ago. Montreal, March I2 -- W. M. Scan- lan, who a few years ago was a Toron- to newspaperman, and who,• after serving on the Montreal Witness and Herald, went went to the Regina Lead- ar and enlisted with a Saskatoon batt- alion when the war broke out, bas won his commission and the Military Cross. on the battle•fieid. In a letter to a confrere he says; "I have been at the front ever since the Bret Canadian division went to France in February, in 1015, and have been in every scrap the Oanadiane have been in, up to and including the Somme. I have never been wounded, never i11, and have, therefore, perhaps seen more active service in . the line than 1)0 per cent of the Canadians now over here. • K('f_A _O 6. rag,ltied Capital Authorized, $5,000,000. ,�, 00. Capital Paid-up, Surplus, •. • A ; $3,500,000 A `Dollar a Week \'OTrnuch, is it? Bur if you deposit that small sum in the Bank of Hamilton reg- ularly, it will amount to almost $t,000 in ten years. This habit; once formed, is easy to continue. Begin to. -day.. with one dollar: MILTON BRANCH C. H. Stuart, Manager 41-C Don't you mind my lade bow promptly • You. joined in their games of yore, Don't let them call you slacker, In this sterner game of war. And if in nobly strivipg • The brave sacrifice you pay, Your chums will proudly tell the world That you died the British way* Chorus Words by Pte. T. k'ritcbard, 'rPrin. cess Pate," Goderich. WiNGILAM ADVANCE BeIliiore Miss @heed, Toronto, is at the :manse' eisittiig her sista, Mre. 11, N. D. Sine Clair. IViiaq Gallaway, Wingham, spent rel* day with friends here. Mr• J. Hall, who bag been quite ill, le able to be out again. Mr, A. H. Lowry who heti been with the Hydro Electric Co., Niagara Falls, has returned home. Mn and Mre, ,James Barton, Sundayed with Mr, anti .'Ire. W. B. I dwarde. Mr, George Rutherford, accompanied Mr. Aitken to the West last Friday, George will be much misted as he has always takenan active part in the Cbrle- tiau Endeavour and the Literary Societies besides being a member of the church choir. His many friends with hint every successin his new lune. The Rev, Mr. Bradley, Tteswater, preached the preparatory sermon in the Presbyterian church, last Friday. and on Sunday the Communion servicee were held by the pastor, Rev. R. N. D. Sinclair, The members of the Literary Society were entertained atthe home of Rev. and .and Mrs. Sinclair, Tuesday evening. Miss Velma Coutts, Mildmay, was the guest of Mrs. W. Lowry last week, Miss Janet Doubledee is spending a few days in Wingham. Wroxeter The time for making maple syrup has come and a good many around these parts are busy. About tnirty•ntre girl friends met at the home of Mise Maggie Sanderson one evening last week and presented Mies Edith Wearing,,. who is to bo married shortly, with a cabinet of sin ver. Mr. Wm. Leckie of Itderton, is at present visiting his brother, Geo., of town, , Lieut. Stewart McKercher, eldeet son of W. B. McKercher, hap been gazetted a flying officer. Mies Cassie McDougal of Mount Forest spent Sunday in town: Mrs, B. F. Carr and daughter Ildna left last week for their new home near Ethel where Mr. Carr has purchased a farm. Miss'lllda Hazelwood who has been oonfined to the house this last week is improving. Two bales containing the following articles were shipped by fhe Red Cross Society laid week: 35 towels, 20 pillow cases, 25 flannel shirts, 1 pillodve 40 suits of pyjamas add 102 pairs of Books. DISTRICT NEWS. The teas plant.+f, R be t AleIettzie's a� Dungannon exploded caueiug considerable excitcmcut in the village, •'too damage, was done by lite explosion with the ex. mitten of a few windows being smashed in. Though unexpected, none the less Joy fu1. was the arrival home of l'te, James Sudgen, Stratford'.. "baby" soldier. This bravo lad was only 14 years old when b eigned nn with the 13lth Battalion two years ago, and with the courage of youth went with the most nature of them into the battle of. Ypres. Ile was wounded, but it is las lack of years rather than his injuries, that has led to hie return, A happy family reunion was held at his lignte at 82 Inverness, St. • Col. Rorke, cemmaudcr of the 218th Battl,, is having a hot time with anti.re cruitcrs at Neustadt. The three recruit- ing officers he stationed there were threat cned with a coat of tar and feathers it they did not cease operations. Reeve Weber asked $600 rent for the village hall for a rei:ruiting meetingas he feared dam- ages to the ball from the mob. Evidently the raising of a second battalion in Grey is not being popularly received in and around Neustadt, Mrs. E. Jackson of Teeewater, was a visitor at Mr, Wm, Irwin's iast week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Kiuslcy have returned to their home in Sask after spending the winter months with friends here. Mr. and Mrs John Irwin were visitors at Mr. R. Grainger s, MoleavVorth, last week. Quite a number 'from these parts were at Wingham on Dollar Day. The Irish concert -given here hn March Silt was a debided success; $37.50 "being the proceeds. . Miss B. West, Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. Sinclair at the manse. The box social in the Methodist church Wednesday evening was a success, $22.50 being taken .at the door. The program was as follows: Chorus by 12 girls. Red White and Blue; reading, Henry Johann; duet by F. Batlagh and L. Metcalf; solo, "Mother Machree" by Miss.May Ballagh; recitation by Leonard Merkley; chorus by 12 boys, "Men of the North,•'' solo. Miss Blanche Irwin; reading. • Miss Myrtle Gallaway; solo by Miss West of Toronto; solo, "Just before the battle mother;" by George Rutherford; address by Rev. Sinclair; solo, "My Little Irish Girl" by Mr. F. Ballagh; chorus, "0 Canada"; National Anthem. Help Wanted at Harriston Mayor R. J. Barton of Harriston was in town on Thursday last endeav- oring to secure male and female help for the Wm. Davies to., of Harriston, who have a contract to. supply one million cane of pork and beano per week to the army. The company are paying good wages and. will make it• as pleasant as possible for their help. A large hotel has been purchased, whish will be in charge of a matron, and girls will be given board at 54.50 per week. The company does not want to interfere with the help of other manufacturers, but there may be some girls whose circumstances do not necessitate them working, but who through patriotism may be willing to:.do their hit this wa'y: Food is as important as munitions, and those working at this line of work are doing just as effective 'work as are those in munition factories. Mr. Barton some years ago taught school in Lower Wingham. xxx3otxxxxxxxmoxxxwxxxxx.,Axxx.xxxxmhtxxxxx Men . and Women Wanted We have . employment for 1 To work on WAR ORDERS in our N Bean Plant. Here is your chance to come and help us feed the brave lads;, ' in France. G ooWaes Stead _ We pay women , from $7.50 per week up. 51 Come direct to Harriston we can assure you ,I,, a job and will arra;ge board for ,you, Or! In Harriston lOOWornen and 50 Men. The inductioq of Rev. Louis Perrin, B. A , into Chalmers Presbyterian Church in Kincardine toweship, ook°place last week. Rev. Malcolm McArthur of Kin- cardine, presided. Rev. D. A. McLean, of Ripley, preached; the sermon; Rev. George Gilmore of Ripley, addressed the minister, and Rev, D. B. McRae, Former minister. addressed the people. Mr Perrin is welcomed back to the Presbytery having been a member for eight yearn previous to 1912; when .he was called to Moorefield, in the Presbytery of Saugeen LETTER FROM FRANCE .. France, Feb, 1.8, 1C► 13onara l2'riende; YOU can ec,t�-.rely itgaalne with wh ht I timer the tsar, to dis- cover had vuwe froth borne. Am out one parcel after another and he kind tboughtfutnees whichlh them, it surely brought a are of gladness to the recipient, somehow though so many nil we seemed c1osF, in thought Many, many thanks for tb appreciated token of retire ce and the message of Xmas to luta, Ido think this -tide was as happy as one con d away front their own dear once. you could have taken a peep at tune eve—our but was qn:te tri ed, with all. its attractive decora- tions, many green arches of holly numerous sells colored feetoo Xmas sella and Sags, In the centre stood our Xmas trot, a blaze w th its many small candlee, with parcels the of whish bad been rent by Mende, with the elft grow of colored electric lights reflections on all, made indeed a but not unnoticed were bright faces of all our boys sitting r beds waiting expectantly a to appear, for who could guess our own Dr. in a true Santa which added greatly to our Then came the unwrapping of par little hurtle of appreciation, t waking one fancy they in childhood's dreamland Mere. Laterite fire evening a posed of our two chaplains, men of our pereonnel,.?ri all ab ty, sang carols thrriughout hospital, the same old tunes at home, but this year they b two -fold meaning. Next .day h•ptanned•for Xmas dinner be desired. We eat long the ward, as the majority of with some assistance, to be up. Sister Bradyand .m with the assistance .of orderlies, served all, and ah happy dinner party they seemed, r merry jotter, Glancing round table one quickly espied represent- atives of Canada (occupying the honor) Australia, Scotland, Ireland, New Zealand, England, also a sprink- ling of 'Blacks" from Jamaica, for the time being, the spending their Xmas so far own homeland. Altogether t yule tide in France will not forgotten, it had meant much all, the patients who were able so wttiingiy, but surely mere than amply repaid to happy boys, who' will, I am carry away with them pleasant mem- ories of Xmas at No. 2, Can. Hospital. • And now there is something el should like to tell you. In the Be which I receive regularly, read notices regarding your Cross Society, telling me you• are working, busy doing your bit at h truly as we who are out here. possibly know what your an to our lads out here, all the we have for our patients from home. As I look ward seeing evidences everywhere our home workers, I can only have they not done their share which we would be b sped. • In this New Year upon which have just entered, accept my ltd wishes for even greatest success your splendid work. Again thankfng'you one and a kindly remembrance .which sant much to tea. Believe rue yours most sincerely, Elizabeth Aitken. Mies Aitken is a niece of Mise enfound and her parents re's eeton. She left, from Hamilton. Whitechurch Mr. Prod Clubs has returned to friends in St. Mary's. Mise Lily Patterson is the Guild r next Sutideiy. April 1. • The last meeting of the Literary y will be held on Pridiy evening, .< A good program in being Mr. J. G. Gillespie spent a few last weekin Hamilton. - No. 2, Oen. at. Hu epttal, 17 My Dear Yo at delis s- cover le took felt t as sent full meas t, and ales apart at least,is much w - hraacheer It broughttis Yuleid open If us on Xtram- formed, and ivy, ns, of the ward of light and greater parthome frienour prettilycasting happy scene,the` brig on thea for Santest ie was garb,fun, cele with al. most were hackonce mor choir, corn sisters and out tbir the entirewe sangear a t the mus was all to tables downour patients,were abley- self, our two at a hap with thea and the seat of ink - lin for- gettingreason forfrom theirour fire soon be work for had helpedwe weresee oursure, ca etn- oriStat. so I eh eton World, I oftenRed. Cr all owe aeCan youlabours mecom- forts;are sentaround our ofsay, ha nobly withouthandl- capped. we. haheartiest go in 11 for yourbas mto be ever T. A. preside in B 'A peculiar accident happened to Mr. .Vin. Sproul at the Western Canada Flour Mills, .Goderich, on Tuesday. One of the men in the packing room lost his neddle and called to Sprout on the floor below to look for it. Mr. Sproul got up on the chute to do so and a bag of flour coming down fhe chute at the same time took him off his feet and sent him headlong. He lauded on his left shouider and the bone was broken in three places. He is doing as 'well as can be expected, but rt :1 be off work for some time, • DISTINGUISHED SINGER Some time ago it was learned that an endeavor was being made in this district to arrange for a New Edison Tone -Test, the musical and sctentilic demonstration that leas bean attract- ing so much attention in the musksl centres of the United States and Can- ada in recent °eoliths. Itis now an- nounced that, through the courtesy of Mr. Edison, the music•lovers of Wing - ham and vicinity will be given the opportunity to hear one of these unique tests and that Mise Ida Gard- ner the renowned contralto, will be the artist sent here by him to take the principal part in the demonstration. Mies Gardner is one of the best known concert contraltos in the Unit ed States, despite the fact that • she is comparatively new to the concert platform in this country. Born he America and receiving her early musi- cal education there, she spent a num- ber of years in France studying with Lloyd D'Aubigne, the noted vocal in- structor who maintains' his studio in Paris. Under him she not only be- came proficient as a concert singer, but went through, all the preparation essential to success in the operatic field. When the European war broke• out she was considering an offer from theImperial Opera in Vienna, but the conditions in,Europe necessitated her return to thie continent. Hare she has made repeated appearancee, in cities from coast. to Coast, and every where she was met with reoeltione that only are .accorded to,, artiste of rare merits: . • ` • A moat distinguished audience will greet thie . charming young singer when she makes her appearance in• Lucknow, according to the interest manifest in •the coming. affair. Tickets for concert :on sale at D. Bella Music Store, Wingham, • The Wm. Davies Co. 1.arriston. Brussels ' MY SOLDIER BOY When night comes on, when morning • breaks, they rise— Those earnest prayers by faithful 'lips oft said, And pierce the blue which shrouds the inner skies, "God guard my boy; God grant he is not dead," "My soldier boy—where is he camped to -night?" "Clod guard him waking, sleeping, or in fight, ' Far far away, where tropia suns cast down Their scorching rays, where sultry damp airs rise And haunting breath of sickness holds its own, A homesick boy, suffering, lies; "Mothers Mother:" is his ceaseless cry, "Come, mother, come, and see me ere I dip!" Where is war's glory? Ask the trum- pet'p blare— The marching columns tun to bitter strife.-. Ask ofa the raw recruit who known ae yet Naught of•-.1te horrors, naught of its lois of ]Ifs.;' ' Ask not the mother, weeping, or her , eon, She knows the 'heartache following victories won, oimitiwatayAmummi sore, wounded All diseases' treated by Osteopathy -- the moat complete system of drugless healing in existence. Best results with feweet treatments. Dr. Parker, Osteo- path. Office over Christie's store. Bluevale _`: Much sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mira. David Johnston and' other relatives in the loss of a dear.little•boy, (Eddie) Lieut. Stuart Scott arrived home on Wednesday night from England. He went overseas last October, but owing to itt health he found it necessary to return to Canada. It is said that-Wtn. Maley, of Toronto, formerly of Brussels, bas purchased 'tire David Sotnervitle farm on the_fith line of Morris from the administratrix of ttie state. The farm •cpnsists of 200 acres; la, Machan has purchased the 100 -acre farm of H. A. Henry, conteesion ' 11, Grey, adjoining his awn farm and has an ready disposed tf it to his neighbour. James Cummings, 'Mr. Henry is moving to Motniegton having bought a farm en the tenth cattceesiotr. • ' Drutaele Red ernes Society:presented Mre; D' Moore with a life tncbibefeltip certificate of the Society and an'emblesn• title pin, aclompanied by an address on the occasion of her 71st birthday. The gift was in token of the+etppreciatiott. of the society for the valuable aebietance rep.drtrtd by the recipient' et tl:e. Weekly teas. The fire brigade was called brit owing to ail incipient blaze sit the home of 0, A. Sarnia, caused by the `Overheating of the furnace pipes*. The fiooringburned above the furnace We* the only damage dontt. George 7Vluldoon it awity this week with a Car of firstochtt.*t berate tet Wer,' nlptg. ��iC�tMitri�lK�t7i�!�Atipitit�C�Clff�nl+C�tSCltityCi�llm This lovely bud 'so young and fair, . Plucked hence by early doom; Just came to show how sweet a flower, In Paradise wilt bloom. Mrs. H, Cdwan and daughter, Mrs. W. Baupc have been.visitore for the last week at the home of the former's brother.• Jos. Breckenridge.. Mr, and Mrs. Allen and family have settled • iti their new home on Robt. Messers'farm on the boundry, We are sorry to report that Jatnes Orr is seriously ill and we hope he may soon be all better. The ice broke up on Sunday causing quite a flood. Syrup shaking is the order of the day, O maim 1 hltreday 4iilYSII 29 1917 Springy Goods Ladies' Wear ""' Separate Coats, Crepe Waits, Voile Waists, Fancy Collars, Gloves and Hosiery, 01111.00 Oarme Mame emmes Men's Wear Spring Coats Spring Suits,. • - Arrow Shirts, Borsalino Hats Made-to•measure Clothing House Furnishings tg Printed and Inlaid Linoleums Auxminster, Wilton, Brussels Rugs; Scrim, Voile and Not. tingham Curtains; Brass E Rods and Win dow Shades. SEEDS, HEST No* I GOVERNMENT STANDARD SEEDS '• PHONE 71 KI 1N G B Ro S,PRO•DUCE IYW1TYlr1t"151Tr ��11yV ARRMA YWul�iV �W MM +..ser Grey Mrs. Hugh Cunningham has been under lite doctor's Care, Mrs. Fraser of the 14th con , who has been sick le better Ivo arepleased to state. • Mrs. P. S. McEwen of Turuberry,, is visiting relative* and' friends in this locality,_ Township Council wilt meet Monday, April 2d'd. A resident from near Cranbrook had torte t2$$ pounds of home grown pork borrowed from his wood shed recently After nightfall. - :,faple syrup and bad roads are the Order of the -day. Mir. and Mre. Maxwell Abram Who t»oved from Morris are getting nicely settled in their new home at Moncritif, We with there eucccse, Mr. sae. Mann of the 16th con.. has retted his far to his eon Alex and itt- tends 'having 'tatt, from a visit leader -fo SoCi• etMarch 30 prepared. Clays of la NEVER HAD SUCH SUCCESS BEFOUL W. A. YACKELL, Ingersoll, Ontario, says: ' "In the spring I purohased 3i tore of fertilizer from the Homestead agent. I never had eueli large yields or as good grain since I ha'pe been farming. At Intervale through the field, where the fertilizer was not sown, I could see a vast difference in both quantity and quality of the grain. Ant intending to nee more this season and certainly recommend Homestead goods to in- tending purchasers as I believe they are the beet on the Market." WELL PAID JAHN• KIRBY, Stratford, Ontario+ sayttt "I used 500 pounds of Honseitead Bone Black £'ertilllixer' ottt my root Crop and bad .the best crop of toots Over grown on my farm, J watt cer- tainly well paid for the money 1 in Vested in this fertilizer," A CREAT DIFFERENCE. ANGUS ARMOUR, Dorchester, One tarso. says: 4'1 used the Homestead Bone'Black; Fertilizer on my Data last Spring, and ani well•eatisfled with it, 1 purchaced a ten from the local agent. which Bow- ed 'abotltt 10 acre* of the IS -acre field, and I t ottld see a great difference on what *a* fertilized from What wag hot. 1 have no hetitatiott in recent - mending it for oats or wheat, as 1 *owed it with Wheat Melt Fall." Write Michigan Carbon Werke, De- troit, for free book and partiouiare about their Iiomeeteted Senn Dlaolt ll'ertili;err, i solommiammumtesig Use More Fertilizr if Will Pay With the markets calling fo? your products and offering you the highest prices known for years, you are justified this year in Speeding up Rrodue. tion a little, and you can do this by using a little more fertilizer to the acre, JUST TRY IT AND SEE. Harab- a�e� PERTILI�ZERS are high grade' and . dependable Made in Canada by Ontario Fertilizers Limited, West Toronto. Available Ammonia Pkosphorie Potash Acid S L. 12 3 ▪ 7 • -- 10 2 — t3 2 10 1 -- 12 2 g --- 0 . . Vegetables 2 and trunk steel -••- 0 Corn -- 2 Sugar Beet* -- 0 Oat*, Barley, ate. -- I • Turnips • 3 ' Special -for Potatoes Per tett deliv.red to your Station '5% Discount for cash. Get Bulletin telling proper applica- tion per acre for you soi1 and crop from the undersigned. 101' sari by -43 75 33 25 4050 26 75 31 25 44 75 THOMAS FELLS Wingham, — Ontario Ilmotweenereinimsaursisinewreirmassm edawn o - "Mere bread and better breed" arrived the day the sun first shone on R 1111 MORE FLO BROAD and a,s,a to 10 ears cf better home- merle, bred. a